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Sherri Shepherd: "Is the Earth flat?"


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Sherri has dropped "Sal's wife" from her Twitter description and added "a Victorious Survivor":


Author of Plan D: How to Lose Weight & Beat Diabetes ... Jesus Groupie, Jeffrey's Mom, Actress, Co-Host of The View and a Victorious Survivor

New York, NY   ·  SherriShepherd.com


Did everyone know that Sherri is home ALL the time with her son? See/hear it here:



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I think it would take a "real comic" to make the onion statement - for to me that is not Sherri. Especially in a children's  book - that would be included in of trials of raising a kid book aimed at adults or stand up routine.


And her new header - Author of Plan D (title)....Jesus Groupie, Jeffrey's Mom, Actress, Co-host of The View, and a Victorious Survivor. So Jeffrey comes in 3rd, and while she says in the clip she is a stand up comic - that is not even mentioned.


I can barely go there on the always being home bit - Jeff  Sr and Sal's attorneys probably already  have documented hard copies of her tweets and facebook accounts at the ready concerning her whereabouts and when.

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I remember that clip, ginger90 !! Interesting to see after "what has gone down!!"


"Jesus Groupie" ... I get that the phrase is supposed to show great devotion, but it makes my stomach lurch a bit to hear it. And coming outta "Sherri Sally's" mouth? Double ugh and just ... gross. More of Mrs. Sally wanting to mix sex into everything she possibly can.


"It's so funny" to think of the two exes banding together against her. Not to worry, as she is a "Victorious Survivor." I often forget that the truly dim folks seem to skip blithely through life, causing a wake of destruction in their paths, always blind to the root causes of their troubles, and never quite grasping that THEY are the problem. Then they smile, shrug, laugh and move on to stir up more drama.


"Jesus Take the Wheel" of this train wreck!!

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Interesting, we get lots of links here to internet stories about Sherri's marital/custody woes but today, while shopping I looked at the glut of magazines/tabloids displayed and did not see one reference to Sherri. Anyone watching me would have wondered at the happy look on my face, I was so happy, Sherri is not the "Glam Queen Celeb she envisions herself!!


Now my study (!!) was far from scientific but I was still pleased not to see her shit eating grin on magazines displayed where I live :) :)

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She's worn that bun now for what, a week? That's very unusual for her. Is that supposed to be the librarian look for court?

And meanwhile in California:


Sal @SalfromtheD     ·   2h   

Tomorrow starts my 1 week of being on a vegetarian diet.  No meat, chicken or fish!  Check in with me for words of encouragement.  Thanks!

Sal @SalfromtheD     ·   24h   

Eating chicken nachos, watching Casablanca, and drinking wine at @professu1 and @ThatWriterGurl house.  Love it!!!!

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The clip that GInger90 posted from the View is so interesting, especially how the co-hosts' reacted. Bitsy was a typical idiot self crowing how wonderful Sal is, and Babs, for all her annoying qualities, asked *very* prescient questions, i.e. how is this slob going to take care of Sherri.


I wish Joy had been there that day, it would have been very interesting to see what her reaction would have been.


I am a stranger to Sherri and Sal's relationship and I don't know what happened, but if he exploited her devotion to her son as part of some "long con" to get a meal ticket from her....heaven help him, that's truly despicable.

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and Babs, for all her annoying qualities, asked *very* prescient questions, i.e. how is this slob going to take care of Sherri.


Now we know the answer. Sal will take care of Sherri with Sherri's money.


I imagine Sal probably funded an off shore bank account over the past 3 years. What is a couple extra hundred from the ATM when he is getting cash? I'm sure that all added up. He knew is payout was $60k.

Repeat with Diane Keaton asking Sherri if she is married- to a man.


When shown on camera soon after, Barbara is looking at the ground and then Whoopi has a strange look on her face)


Knowing what we do now- the reactions are interesting


Yes, and I thought at the time that  Diane keaton was actually intending to poke Sherri about her views on gays.  Diane is like that - she plays the role of "space cadet", kind of flighty and absent-minded, but she knows exactly what she's doing.  Now, i wonder if she had heard something about Sherri and sal, and was needling her about it. 

ginger90:  I have been a vegetarian for 6 yrs. It was very easy for me because I have never been much of a meat eater. Couldn't get pass that animals had to be murdered. When I was a kid, my mother and I would have all out wars at dinner because I had no problem eating the veggies but mostly wouldn't eat the meat.


Good luck! : -)

ginger90:  I have been a vegetarian for 6 yrs. It was very easy for me because I have never been much of a meat eater. Couldn't get pass that animals had to be murdered. When I was a kid, my mother and I would have all out wars at dinner because I had no problem eating the veggies but mostly wouldn't eat the meat.


Good luck! : -)

Thanks but that was a tweet of Sal's regarding no meat etc.

No Twitter mentions or Instagram photos of Sherri's Memorial Day pool party?

Similar to her Scandal party- Announced beforehand then silence


Rather than give her credit for respecting the privacy of others' children by NOT posting their photos, I'd rather think that an attorney has given her some (good) advice.  Do not post pictures of Jeffrey until this divorce/custody business is over.  Over and done 

Edited by CuriousParker
Fixed Quote Issue - I can see why you had a problem.
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Oh, I'm sure Sherri's advisors have put a kibosh on all her tweeting about Jeffrey's "misadventures".  But everything she has tweeted in the past is still there to be used against her.  If I was Jeffrey's father's lawyer I would use the video of Sherri on the View talking about threatening Jeffrey with a wooden spoon in the airport.  I will never forget her talking about that.  Like there was absolutely nothing wrong with a little boy (and this was before she married Sal so Jeffrey was young) being afraid of something that had obviously been used to threaten him before.

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In that clip where Sherri is talking about always being home with her son, she says Jeffrey is 9 so she has 18 more years with him at home.  So does that mean when he is 27 she will finally let him leave the nest?  Or can Sherri just not do simple math?


It's possible that she was aware of the reality of most kids in the current generation not reaching financial independence until their 20's.  Speaking for my own family, we all left home and were independent pretty early.   And we all have kids who go to college, come home, move out, come back, move again, back again.   27 is a lot closer to present day reality than 18.

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Sherri tweeted about the pool party to make a point that it involved 30 kids. You know, it was for Jeffrey then. It is very strange that she didn't even tweet about what a good time he had or anything, so maybe he wasn't even there.


She has also tweeted about a friend camping out at her house and not wanting to leave Sherri. She states this is because this friend is supporting her. Then most recently she has tweeted that she's staying at a friend's house (different friend) they "ate, laughed  got massages", (don't know if the other friend tagged along or finally went home, lol)  None of these have involved Jeffrey, which makes it SEEM as if he's either with his dad (doubt ) or left at home while Sherri gathers support for herself.


And then of course the commercial of the day, and yet another child she helped raise:


Sherri Shepherd @SherriEShepherd     ·   4h   

No place I’d rather be than  @PFChangs w my nephew DeAndre. Helped raised him since he was a baby & so proud of him the man #auntielove


I wonder what Sal's mother feels about all of this!!

Edited by ginger90
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IMO it has always been Jeffrey left out - Sherri's traveling, so much of her marriage spent with Sal, now her grieving over it with her friends/family at her home or away. That little boy needs love and consistency - not an absentee mother when she IS home and not traveling. Especially when his bio-father wants custody.


I don't approve of Jeff Sr's cheating - but that was years ago, and seems he is the most stable parent now for Jefffrey Jr's needs and age. Come on, Jeffrey can't be at dinner with Sherri's nephew?


It is always about Sherri....never about her child (and then SHE is suffering - fund raising, cookies, cold at track, late to church, can't find a parking spot, flight problems of all sorts) she uses Jeffrey for fodder, jokes, and sympathy, seems to me. And the charge made from Jeff Sr about a turnover of unskilled nannies is no excuse at all. For any child, let alone one that needs real help and consistency when parents are away or "not there" when home.

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If you call "gossiping" repeating what comes straight out of the horse's mouth "gossiping," then you have a different definition that most folks. No one needs to make up ONE THING about Sherri - she provides all the ammunition wrapped up with a nice big bow and served up on a silver platter. No one asked her to share all the juicy details. No one asked big greasy Sal his opinion either. They BOTH blabbed and ran their mouths. So now she regrets it? Live and LEARN, Sherri. It's about time she shut her mouth and shut down the "hilarious" ('cause she's a Comic, ya know) social media diarrhea.


Time will tell IF she can KEEP it shut. Then "we" won't have anything to "gossip" about.

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I really have my doubts about a 30-kids pool party, so there would not have been a fun time to tweet about.  And what about lifeguards for all those kids?  No way.

Wonder if she had a Mocha Mom event? She had a holiday party for them (remember all the bacon?)


Memorial Day is early (cold) for a pool party- especially this year!

Miss Sherri is definitely on "social media damage control" with her latest tweets. I cannot fault anyone for being just naturally dumb, but she should have had handlers that advised her a little better about her words before all this shit hit the fan. Her sudden transformation to supermom is all too transparent and likely fools no one.She spent her first year on the view trashing her first ex until he sent a cease and desist order. Then she spent a couple more years talking about how great "big sal" was. Jeff Sr. may have cheated on her (who wouldn't??), but that was a long time ago. Of the 3 parties involved, he seems the most stable, which may not be saying much. Sal... well no words can express what a sorry excuse for a huzzbin... 

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@Former Nun there's nothing wrong with you! At the core, I think for most of us, our hearts are with that little boy and the baby boy yet to be. Sherri is an adult and she made her choices, but those kids didn't choose to be in the middle of this sorry mess and public dirty laundry airing. I don't wish Sherri any ill will either, but I also think all of the facts should come into play so the Family Court can determine what's in the best interests of those kids. Unfortunately for the kids, Sherri's chosen profession and her prior public behavior mean that she has opened herself and all involved up to public scrutiny as well. Sherri has no one but herself to blame for what she chose to put out into the public conversation regarding her personal life. It's an ugly mess she's gotten herself into (again), but for all of the adults involved this is a messed up bed of their own making. It's the kids who get my sympathy.

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For example, why did it take legal action and the threat of losing her son for her to stop playing the parenting fool on Twitter?

This is a portion of what bugs me. I'm sure Sherri is a nice enough person, but nice doesn't cut it. Logic and common sense appear to have skipped right by her, in many ways.


I think I posted this tweet of Sherri's already:


Sherri Shepherd ‏@SherriEShepherd  · May 29 

No place I’d rather be than  @PFChangs w my nephew DeAndre. Helped raised him since he was a baby & so proud of him the man #auntielove


No place she'd rather be?



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home alone with Jeffrey,


Shortly after we were aware Sal left, or was kicked out, Sherri posted she was having date night with Jeffrey. That's what she would call her nights out with Sal. I just found it weird, I know she didn't mean it in a weird way though. Any way , that "date night" with Jeffrey was going to see  a movie for the 5th time. I personally don't think movies are much of a "together" time. I really hope Sherri consulted with a reliable professional to get some clue about how to handle all of this with Jeffrey. She comes across as one who would say things in front of, or to Jeffrey that she really shouldn't.

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Yeah, I am sure she has another temporary sponsor in PF Chang's Former Nun.  Altho', it does occur to me to wonder why in god's name any corporation in the US would pay her to tweet about them.


She really seems completely unable to disconnect the twitter thumbs.


How much does this twitter crap pay anyway?  Should we all be looking into this as a sideline?  :)


If I remember, weren't we all speculating that sal the leech (guilty until proven innocent, sorry), was the one writing a lot of the tweets attributed to Sherri?  If so their tone could be part of the 'long con'.  I am on the conspiracy train - he married her for the gravy train and once the surrogate was pregnant with a boy - he was outta' there.  Guaranteed money and he manipulated the twitter account to his advantage when he could.

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It's June 1 (on the East Coast). Whether this board is still functioning today at noon who knows?


   I was kicked off (sort of) for the first time early in 2014 and didn't hit that I apologize button (sorry TWP)

   so I wasn't allowed to use my name anymore.

   All because I made some comment about Babs daughter and her place in Barbara's estate/will.


           Well I went over to the other place and it shut down about 12:15. Somebody got a final post in around 12:05 and by the time I tried to post the ^ above TWP ha gone into convultions.


            Anyway who knows if Sherri is going to survive this Sal/baby fiasco, the changes at The View, or both? We'll probably find out around Sept. 4. for sure but I would guess that ABC will want to give some advance notice about what the show is going to look like post-Babs.

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