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S02.E06: Look Out Sydney

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Tempest was appropriately named. Hot damn. That was kinda messed up for Gamble to let her sister go on and on at Janet without stopping it. Glad she apologized.


As much as I'm loathe to agree with Janet, Gina has talked up some rumors herself. Does it make a difference that Gina mentioned the hearsay about Lydia and Andrew separating to Lydia and told Janet directly that she thought J was flirting with Rick? I can't remember offhand if Gina mentioned it to anyone else but I would say the subjects of the rumor and whoever they're telling it to are doing most of the spreading.


Yeesh, some of those Sydney "socialites" at the art gallery look rather 'hit' in the face. I wonder if they're putting out feelers for a Real Housewives of Sydney? As for Melbourne, I think the dark haired lady, Lisa, was Lydia's friend from last season.


Pettifleur has pulled Gamble's card on more than one occasion now. I think P keeps up a good armor but I could tell that the overtalking and other comments made were bothering her even though I imagine she's used to hearing remarks about her "accent" for a long time. Gina wasn't cool for that.


As for Janet, as much as the ventriloquist and the legal advisor are linked up she has angled to get Petti on her side. She's still not-so-silently reeling that Chyka "got away with it" as evidenced by that Slither Barbie remark.


In my mind the Atlanta Housewives crossed paths with the Melbourne ladies while in the Philippines, shine shine shined and twirled all around Manila.

Edited by quetzal

Yeesh just be honest Janet and admit you're jealous of the younger, prettier Gamble. Be happy that you're smarter and move on for goodness sake. Gamble shouldn't dish it if she can't take it. P pulled her card without breaking a sweat. I had to stop watching as the bickering is just getting to be a bit much. If Janet doesn't want to be called on her shit then she shouldn't sling any.

Wow- I never thought I'd say this but Gina really is the Andrea of this season.


It makes sense when you think about it. Gina and Andrea were both perfectly matched last season- you couldn't have found a more balanced rivalry. Even with 4 other women coming after her, Gina was able to hold her own easily. Now that their ringleader is gone and the remnants (Janet, Lydia) are on the defensive, she's filled the power vacuum. Pettifleur may be ornery but the dig at her accent was definitely very below the belt.


It's actually kind of eery how much Gina's actions are mirroring Andrea's from last season. The bitchy phone call, the fuelling other people's drama, the subtle patronising of her enemy's allies. It would be really interesting if one of the housewives called her on it at some point.


I'm not that disappointed in Gina since she made it clear at the reunion that she's willing to go to off-colour places (the comments about bogans and trophy wives) when she's backed into a corner. Still a shame though since I was rooting for her.

Edited by GuyAwks

Tempest needs to lay off the booze, she looked and acted like a sloppy drunk. You don't do that in public. What a co dependent witch. I'm sure Gamble is grown enough to speak for herself.

And Tempest is ten years older than Gamble, so that makes her what, seventy? Maybe the woman was senile, because she kept saying the same shit over and over again.

Edited by Neurochick
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"...resulting in an embarrassing scene in front of some bystanders who weren't expecting a show with their pizza and Foster's."

OK, just for the record. No Australian drinks Fosters. We export that swill to a poor unsuspecting world, but no longer touch the stuff ourselves. Boags, Cascade, James Squires, Fat Yak, sure. Fosters? Hell no.

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Call my crazy (or stupid), but if I'm upset that someone is spreading rumors about me I'm not going to repeatedly bring them up in public while filming a television show.  It seems like that would keep them going, as they'd have to be discussed as part of conversations about all the scenes being created.  And, y'know, it's a television show which means there's a larger audience.  


I didn't watch all of the first season. It seems, though, that Gina is falling into the same trap other reality show people fall into when they have fan support coming into a new year- they act like they're immune and implode as a result.  


Last thought: is it wrong that I want to make a drinking game out of Gamble excusing her behavior by saying she'd had a few too many drinks?  

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I had to stop watching as the bickering is just getting to be a bit much.

For the lovagod, can we get away from the endless Strippergate sniping? What a bore. For every "I'm moving on" there was someone bringing it up all over again.


I'm intrigued (and not in a good way) by a family that gives us drunken Gamble and fishwife Tempest. There's a story there...


Tempest needs to spend some of her cosmetic surgery fund on a new hairdresser. And drag Gamble along, because Gamble's weird flat square bump on the top of her head is distracting. And nobody over 25 should wear sausage curls. Gamble looked very pretty with her hair styled straight.


Pettifleur is utterly lost with this gang. Her timing is off, her demeanor is off...I mean that boating outfit looked like a cross between Halloween and a broke down Playboy mansion costume. And she is insanely defensive.

Edited by pasdetrois
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And she is insanely defensive.

I might just go with Pettifleur is insane. Or just really weird.


Add completely full of herself. Apparently when Pettifleur speaks, all others are to be silent. She also an expert at everything. Gamble is a PITA, but I got a kick out her massive eyeroll when Petti proclaimed herself a diamond expert.  


Gina is the smartest one in the group by a mile. And she knows it. I see Petti and Gina headed for a showdown.

Edited by poeticlicensed
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Pettifleur's outfit on the yacht was ridiculous. I just about fell off the sofa when she described her sailor suit for a 10 year old as classy. 


I hated myself for being in Janet's corner this ep, but Gamble, Gina and Tempest forced me into it. 


I thought the same thing about Pettifleur's yachting outfit, what was she thinking.  I also noticed there were deck chairs or anywhere for the women to sit on the sundeck, it looked so bare bones.


I really did feel sorry for Janet when Tempest went on about the gossip stuff when there had already been resolve...how to beat a dead horse, huh? I would have left the party too.

I would love to see what Pettifleur would wear on a train trip!

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What on earth does Gamble think she'd doing with those extensions? I get so distracted looking at them I miss whatever is going on. 

I know! She has the worst hair of all of them. Not just the bad extensions, she needs a good cut, conditioner and the color is awful. I thought that look of dark hair underneath and light on top went out a couple of years ago... Then it was ombre, now that's out (Patti Stanger). I can't keep up. 

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Is it wrong that when they showed Janet walking down the street, and Gina and Gamble "running" after her, all I could think of was hookers who were trying to avoid getting caught by the cops??  


I know these ladies love their glitter and sequins, but seeing the all three of them in those outfits was just a little too much!!  


The best part of last night's episode was Chykka's family dinner, imo.  I love their family dynamic, and I love her house.  I think it would be fun to hang out with Chykka...she makes entertaining look effortless, and seems to enjoy most people's company.  


I just can't anymore with Jackie - she grates on my last nerve, especially now that she seems to have become very camera-aware this season.  She's always scrunching her face in what she thinks are interesting looks, but to me, it just looks contrived and trying too hard.

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This group is so over the top tacky!  Out on the yacht with all the sequins, long huge diamond earrings or boat captain outfits--- just too much.  Plus the full heavy makeup in broad daylight...  Reminds me of getting ready during the day before prom night.   Everyone looks silly until it gets dark and everything blends in :)  These ladies seem to think excess=sophistication.  Except Chyka--I just love her (and her house) !!

  • Love 3
I was all ready to start liking Lydia before her whole "How dare you laugh during my beautiful moment" moment this week. Gamble actually seems pretty horrified that Lydia thought she was laughing when she was talking about her miscarriage, but Lydia uses the incident to establish herself as firmly anti-Gamble anyway.

Lydia didn't have a miscarriage; she had a son who was born alive and died shortly thereafter.

That was quite an unfortunate looking group of people at the gallery. Almost everyone there looked pulled, filled, implanted and plastic. Just a bunch of fug in one space.

Isn't the dark haired woman (Linda?) the friend Lydia visited last year?

I'm barely watching this season but every single time I actually pay attention to a scene it's been about the damn rumor. My God, enough already! So unbelievably stupid.

Pettifleur's top teeth annoy me. They're too small or something.

What was that conversation about accents and poor English? My kids were distracting me but it seemed that Gina was being horribly insulting and intolerant, right? Or did I misunderstand the scene?

Edited to ask- is there any other storyline this season, or is it just the rumor? It seems that most of the original Ladies have absolutely nothing going on.

Edited by DeeplyShallow

This season totally went down the tubes...this episode the friends and hanger-ons were entertaining than the wives...


...but...the crimson cowled "Tempest" is what especially or somewhat saved the episode from total snoozefest boredom...


...The artist's wife, she tagged along for the yacht ride right?  I quite liked her...trying to remember her quote on rumors and clouds...I love my eccentric older ladies...cut Pettie or Gamble and relocate to Melbourne next season...if there is a next season...

Edited by CyberJawa1986

This group is so over the top tacky!  Out on the yacht with all the sequins, long huge diamond earrings or boat captain outfits--- just too much.  Plus the full heavy makeup in broad daylight...  Reminds me of getting ready during the day before prom night.   Everyone looks silly until it gets dark and everything blends in :)  These ladies seem to think excess=sophistication.  Except Chyka--I just love her (and her house) !!

Anybody that spends any time boating knows you never, ever wear shoes that can scuff up or make marks on the floors of the boat, not to mention heels and platform shoes. Big, no no and considered kind of disrespectful. That's what boat shoes are made for. I''m not even going to get into the makeup and outfits....I'm surprised they weren't laughed right out of the marina.  Have these people never seen the Kennedy's spending time on their yachts? Now, that's how you should look when yachting!!

Edited by bichonblitz
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Anybody that spends any time boating knows you never, ever wear shoes that can scuff up or make marks on the floors of the boat, not to mention heels and platform shoes. Big, no no and considered kind of disrespectful. That's what boat shoes are made for. I''m not even going to get into the makeup and outfits....I'm surprised they weren't laughed right out of the marina.  Have these people never seen the Kennedy's spending time on their yachts? Now, that's how you should look when yachting!!

I thought the same thing!  Big no no.  And when the ladies were golfing, at least they all but Gina had somewhat appropriate clothes on.  She's decked out for partying at night.  I wonder why she feels the need to hide behind all the makeup and be fully brushed out and dressed to kill?  I like her and wish she could just let her hair down-- and maybe act goofy!

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