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S08.E15: The Live Playoffs, Part 2

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I had been thinking about "ad libs" or whatever that diva stuff is...mellisima?  Anyway, it's so easily overdone. Just because you can do something doesn't mean that you should.  That's what I had been thinking. Then India sang...apparently that thought doesn't apply to her.

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As I watch:


Team Adam

Tonya: Good vocals, okay song choice, but she did fight with the band and backup singers to be heard at a couple of points.  I wish she'd had a bit more energy.  Oh, and way to continue the stereotypes, Adam.  Might need to rely on Adam's vote unless she charts high on iTunes.

Joshua: The vocals were very nice, and the song choice was good for his basic genre, though a bit more energy might've helped him.  Yet I still find him so damn ordinary!  But as the type usually worshipped by the teenage girls and twenty-somethings (and being a family man with a wife and kids doesn't hurt), he'll make the vote and won't need Adam's save.  I just wonder how much farther he'll make it beyond that once it's realized how plain he is?  The tongue bath he got from the judges made no sense to me.

Brian: Another person with a good voice, but who was lacking in energy.  Emotion was there, though.  If one of Adam's WGWGs get through, I'd honestly rather see him do so than Joshua.  At least I feel something with him.

Nathan: Was flat at the beginning, but pulled it together.  Fine vocals, very fine, but not wholly wonderful.  And he got overshadowed by the band at least once.  Might need Adam's save.  At this, being the sole Asian male is his only distinctive feature.

Deanna: Another good vocal performance, but again, not overly exciting.  If she's not one of the ones voted in, then she'd better hope that Adam saves her.


Team Christina

Sonic: Yet another song that could've used a touch more energy, but her vocals were amazingly strong.  Thought she may have gone flat a few times, but like Adam and Pharrell said, she recovered beautifully each time.  I think she's got the vote to stay in.

Kimberly: Slow song, but huge vocals to make up for it!  She ran the gamut from throwing it all out there to showing restraint, and I loved it all!  I think she's got the vote, if you go by the extended crowd reaction, but if she needs the save, I see Christina giving it to her.

Lexi: Went sharp at one point, but other than that, a beautiful voice and a nice, clear tone.  Fought with the band at one point, but I think she won.  She'll need Christina's save, though.  Being montaged through the Battles might've lowered her chance of audience connection.

India: Big, powerful performance.  Absolutely beautiful voice.  She did Christina's song justice.  Her opera background probably helped out.  She could either win the vote, or she'll be saved by Christina.  Either way, I don't think she'll let her go so easily.

Rob: Fabulous vocals.  I was engaged the whole way.  Impressed that he didn't rely on his high register till right near the end.  I think he'll need Christina's save, though.  Sonic, India, and Kimberly all seem way more popular with the fans than he does.


Predictions: Team Adam I maintain is the weakest, if not for vocal acuity, then for pure capability of drawing in the votes on memorability.  But I'm betting Brian and Joshua get the votes since they're the bland type of artists Adam gets on his team and the fangirls worship.  But they'll likely start splitting the votes after they do.  Could be anyone Adam lets go, but I imagine he saves either Tonya or Deanna and lets Nathan go, for sure.  Team Christina is tougher for me, though.  I think any two of Sonic, India, and Kimberly will get voted in by America, and Christina saves the one of the three who isn't.  Lexi's too new for Christina to hold onto, and Rob is great, but would Christina really save him?  That has yet to be seen.


I think I might've liked last night's performances better, though I at least appreciated the ones from Christina's team tonight.

Edited by Donny Ketchum
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Two Nick Jonas songs in as many nights? No. I reject that. I liked the guy who sang Chains before tonight but the song did nothing for him.


Deanna's song was kind of boring. (**ducks**) Just not my thing musically. I don't mind singers choosing religious songs, although I didn't think think that one was a good choice.


I feel like I'm supposed to like India more than I do. I think she's the least interesting vocalist on Team Christina. Kimberly won me over big time. She killed that performance. 


Definitely a stronger night for Team Christina than Team Adam. Yay! As much as I love Blake's digs at Adam I did feel a little bit bad for Adam's team after Blake's comments.

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Team Christina is on FIRE this season!! This....makes me really nervous lol. Usually when a team is that strong it has crashed and burned due to crappy song choices so I'm hoping that Christina keeps giving them new and offbeat songs to sing.


Can we talk about Adam basically giving Nathan the good ole "A for effort" speech? Poor kid. I don't know why Adam would ever give him that song except for cannon fodder I suppose. He was one of my favorites on his team though. :/ Still hardcore rooting for Joshua and Brian, although song choice is also going to be key here. They have to be careful that they don't make Brian seem even more old fashioned and Joshua way too laid back. Those eyes though man...Joshua reminds me of Jakob Dylan from The Wallflowers lollll. :)

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I like this Nathan kid on Team Adam. He has a smooth tone but showed some range and is so unassuming and genuine, like Adam pointed out. I hope voters care about him. It's tough to get attention when you're not country/cute/hot/sob storied out. 


India butchered Hurt. Of course I'm comparing this to Christina's performances of it but I've never bought into the hype about her. Christina shouldn't give anyone her songs to sing, except maybe Mia Z. Although, others on her team would have done better with it.


I liked when Christina said to Rob, "D'Angelo this."


Kimberly is actually one of the best vocalists there but I fear for her votes because her styling isn't relatable or aspirational and that's why I agree with a past comment about how America tends to look past singers like her.


It feels like Sonic has been singing the same song over and over.


That last girl who sang the church song is so boring. She's a budget Florence Welch with zero stage presence.


I agree with one of those Kimmel Mean Tweets that Sia sounds like she's singing with a mouth full of shit. I can't stand her schtick.

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I agree with one of those Kimmel Mean Tweets that Sia sounds like she's singing with a mouth full of shit. I can't stand her schtick.

I died laughing because my mom texted me "Who is she?" while Sia was singing. LOL. I love her and her music, but she acts like she never showed her face in public before when she used to. All. the. time. 

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I died laughing because my mom texted me "Who is she?" while Sia was singing. LOL. I love her and her music, but she acts like she never showed her face in public before when she used to. All. the. time.


Why does she never show her face? I don't get it, tbh. I actually like her songs but not showing her face is really odd to me. Is that just her thing or is it for another reason?

Edited by kelnic86
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Why does she never show her face? I don't get it, tbh. I actually like her songs but not showing her face is really odd to me. Is that just her thing or is it for another reason?


She said in some interviews that she doesn't want to be famous, that fame invites people in to critique you and what you look like and that she's happy just writing songs for other musicians. I guess she's still into performing her songs but I doubt she'll show her face again. Which is pretty crazy to me since she's really quite normal looking lol, but I guess she has some self image issues :(

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Let me get this straight. Christina specially contacted Linda Perry to give Kimberly a song no one had ever done (on The Voice or any singing show, I'm not sure). She gave Rob a pretty recent, chart-topping song. India got one of Christina's very own songs.


Lexi gets... "All By Myself." Really?! An oldie and one of the most overused songs in the history of singing competitions? She may as well have given her a song called "Bus," 'cause that's clearly headed her way. I'm so annoyed because I really liked Lexi after "Anything Could Happen," but I can't see any scenario where she'll be safe.


That being said, Kimberly, India and Rob's performances were by far my favorites of the night. I was especially surprised about Rob, because I haven't been a big fan, but that song just fit his voice perfectly. Was his hairstylist trying to channel The Weeknd though? Cracked me up when I saw that.


Adam's team was a big pile of 'meh.' Tonya is a good singer but her performance didn't really make me perk up. Adam should've given Nathan a slower acoustic song to show off that voice and his technique. I don't get how Deanna was picked to go last when the two performances before hers (India and Rob) were so much more interesting, in my opinion. I agree that Joshua has a soothing voice, but his performance bored me. Of everyone in this team, Brian had the best performance in my opinion. He had the right emotion and vocals for it. But Blake is right, Christina's team ran circles around Adam's. It wasn't even close.

Edited by burntheflaws
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My favorite of the night by far was Kimberly.  Really great vocals, really entertaining performance.  


I also enjoyed Tonya's performance quite a bit though it's hard to remember too much of it since she went first.  Deanna was also pretty good, though not great.  


The rest of the episode kind of bored me.  I thought Rob and India were decent but not really worthy of the coaches' standing ovations.  Joshua and Brian were good, but I felt like their performances lacked a little something. Lexi was kind of forgettable with a song I had no desire to listen to.  Nathan and Sonic were just bad.  

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As much as I love Blake's digs at Adam I did feel a little bit bad for Adam's team after Blake's comments.

I was really surprised that Blake made those comments. That was not cool. Their schtick/bromance/competitiveness is supposed to be fun, and they should really leave the contestants out of it. 

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I've decided I'm only voting for several people from Team Christina but only Brian from Team Adam. I know my little votes won't change anything, but I'm worried because Brian is third from his team on itunes. Adam tends to pick his pals and I could see Brian falling victim to being stolen late. 


For anyone curious, the dude who sang Budapest is in the lead for the night so far. Surprising since I instantly forget about him. Also, Sawyer has so many songs doing well on itunes that Pharrell should start planning songs for the finale for that guy. Just my prediction there.

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I've decided I'm only voting for several people from Team Christina but only Brian from Team Adam. I know my little votes won't change anything, but I'm worried because Brian is third from his team on itunes. Adam tends to pick his pals and I could see Brian falling victim to being stolen late. 


For anyone curious, the dude who sang Budapest is in the lead for the night so far. Surprising since I instantly forget about him. Also, Sawyer has so many songs doing well on itunes that Pharrell should start planning songs for the finale for that guy. Just my prediction there.

What are the numbers so far?  No surprise to me that the fangirls are out in full force for Joshua, though.

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T2 iTunes songs each round for contestants left:

Auditions Sawyer, Deanna

Battles Sawyer, India

Knockouts Sawyer, Joshua

Playoffs Sawyer, Joshua


Well, for now it looks to be Sawyer beating Joshua in the finals.

Sawyer is so far ahead that today on iTunes the T3 songs from the first 3 rounds are Sawyer's audition, Sawyer's battle, and Sawyer's knockout.

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I didn't like much of anything tonight. All of Christina's team I think over sings and over does everything. I hate that. I thought tonight was boring. I only liked the married guy with kids because that's the kind of thing I put on in background when doing stuff and tonight I was cooking while watching so it fit in. I was sort of bored last night too actually except for Hannah and maybe sawyer.

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What are the numbers so far?  No surprise to me that the fangirls are out in full force for Joshua, though.

Joshua is top for the night so far followed by Kimberly. Team Adam's top 3 are: 1) Joshua, 2) Deanna, 3) Brian; Christina's top 3 are: 1) Kimberly, 2) India, 3) Rob

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Joshua is top for the night so far followed by Kimberly. Team Adam's top 3 are: 1) Joshua, 2) Deanna, 3) Brian; Christina's top 3 are: 1) Kimberly, 2) India, 3) Rob

Whoa.  Thought Sonic would be doing better.  Wouldn't be surprised if Christina dumps her now, when I quite thought she might dump Rob.

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I also agree that Christina's team over sings. I like a little bit of runs to enhance the performance and usually for climax of the song. It doesn't make sense to have them throughout the whole damn song. Oh well, just like their coach I guess. I'm not a fan of Christina's over singing too. It jusT becomes noise after a while. I like Kimberly though. She's one of my favorites over all from all the teams.

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Whoa.  Thought Sonic would be doing better.  Wouldn't be surprised if Christina dumps her now, when I quite thought she might dump Rob.

I just checked. Rob is at 191, Lexi is at 287... Sonic is at 1215. If Christina looks at those numbers, she'd be wise to cut Sonic loose.

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I just checked. Rob is at 191, Lexi is at 287... Sonic is at 1215. If Christina looks at those numbers, she'd be wise to cut Sonic loose.

Wow.  That's as . . . dire as Caitlin's ranking last night.  But Rob got the upper 200 in just two hours post-show?  Not a bad showing!

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Overall I thought the styling of the singers was much better tonight - or maybe that's just in comparison to American Idol. Tonya looked beautiful; her eye makeup was perfect, and so was her outfit, at least from the waist up. I'm not a fan of skintight pants on anyone over the age of fourteen.

Sia looked like Cousin It. After I stopped laughing, I quickly became bored. She's an object lesson in how much stage presence enhances a song. If she really wants to be the definition of "stage absence" I'd prefer she left her songs to be sung by people who are OK with making eye contact with their audience.

As long as Tonya, Kimberly, Mia and Hannah stick around (hey, one for each coach!) I don't care what happens to the others.

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I didn't like much of anything tonight. All of Christina's team I think over sings and over does everything. I hate that. I thought tonight was boring. I only liked the married guy with kids because that's the kind of thing I put on in background when doing stuff and tonight I was cooking while watching so it fit in. I was sort of bored last night too actually except for Hannah and maybe sawyer.

Couldn't agree more. I think it's her coaching style which is why I always hope singers I like who already have that tendency will choose Blake instead since he really reins it in.  I really don't think her mentoring is doing India any favors. 


I was very disappointed in Blake. Maybe he was drinking a little too much of "Starbucks Special Formula" tonight. I noticed Carson completely skipped him quite a few times tonight. And after hearing him repeatedly and inexcusably keep dissing Adam's team, not just Adam himself or even his coaching, I was happy not to hear from him again at all.


I didn't much like some of Pharrell's tepid feedback and "not impressed" facial expressions. I didn't, for example, think Nathan was bad at all (much better than some of the horrible oversinging from Xtina's team). So I thought he deserved better than being told from Pharrell, "You must be enjoying being up there" and, from Adam, "It's a success that you're overcoming fear and performing on a real stage in front of an audience. So...you've got that at least." (paraphrased). I think once a singer's made it to the lives, they're kind of beyond that--or at least beyond that being the focus of the comments.


Of course, if that's the best you can say, I guess that's it. But I thought there were other -positive- comments that could have been made about Nathan's singing.


I liked Rob and Brian (who's probably going home). I like Lexi but why all the vocal histrionics on "All By Myself"? At the end it almost sounded like a celebration it was so overly ornamental. Those lyrics deserve a more subtle delivery, imo. I'm sorry to say, I think she'll be gone tomorrow, along with Sonic.

Edited by Padma
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It's a YMMV situation for sure, but to me, Kimberly has an unpleasant tone or edge to her voice....especially when she tries to "rock" as hard as she does. There's no denying the passion and the effort she puts into every performance, but there's also no way I could listen to an entire cd w/out some sort of reprieve every now and then.


Generally I'm not a fan of falsetto heavy male voices, which is why I've been pretty cool towards Rob (plus the fact that his aesthetic seemed very old fashioned) but tonight I was reasonably impressed and for the first time I actually kind of see where he might fit in the musical landscape post-Voice.


Lexi absolutely got bused as someone upthread mentioned. She kills a Ellie Goulding song a week ago to deserve the steal, and Xtina rewards her by giving her All By Myself?? That was a waste. Methinks Xtina is uber committed to the trio of India, Kimberly and Rob and didn't want anything to possibly upset the apple cart and force her to have to choose between a pair of them for the save. Sonic was/is toast regardless, but when you can't even live up to the gymnast girl's blind audition from Team Usher a few seasons ago on I'm Going Down.....that's not a good look.


As for Team Adam, I think Tonya is going to suffer from going first and the fact that she was dealing w/ a not as well known Elton John song. On cumulative merit she should move forward, but I don't see her getting the fan vote and I don't necessarily see Adam saving her. Deanna finally fought her nerves to a draw....and Adam is right she does have one of the most unique tones left in the competition. I'll be surprised if she's not one of the two voted through.


I'm a Joshua fan, but that Budapest song didn't impress me much. Adam can babble all he wants about the deep meaning behind it....but the song the way Ezra sings it and the way Joshua delivered it just sits on the surface level and doesn't really go anywhere. I don't think Joshua has anything to worry about, but I do hope the song choice for him is much better next week. Brian was really solid this week.....I pretty much had ruled him out as fodder, but now there's a legitimate shot that he could get Adam's save over Tonya. Nathan is out I think unless Adam decides (sort of like Blake did w/ Xenia all those season ago) that it really doesn't matter amongst the three (Tonya/Brian/Nathan) in the sense that they are most likely gone next week anyway....so Nathan would be the rawest, who might "grow" the most if given one more week. I'd definitely raise an eyebrow if that ends up happening though...

Edited by PhD-Purgatory15
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 13  Sawyer      Trouble
 26 Joshua       Budapest
 36 Kimberly     What's Up
 42 Deanna       Down To The River To Pray
 45 Mia Z          Aint No Sunshine
 72 Koryn         How Great Thou Art
 78 Corey         To Make You Feel My Love

 82 Brian           At This Moment
 95 India           Hurt
110 Meghan     Love Runs Out
133 Sarah         Freebird
140 Hannah      I Feel The Earth Move
153 Rob            Earned It
224 Lexi           All By Myself
249 Brooke      Love Me Like You Do
367 Tonya       Take Me To The Pilot
542 Lowell      Jealous
623 Caitlin      Best Thing I Never Had
828 Nathan     Chains
922 Sonic        I'm Going Down


By the time I posted this, tonight's performers already jumped up two or three positions. Deanna is already at 38.

Edited by yourpointis
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Aww. Nathan got the short end of the Jonas stick. I guess Lowell had the edge because his Jonas song is more popular/familiar.


The two "older" ladies, both had the death slot in their respective night... looks like we'll be saying goodbye to them tomorrow. :(

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Surprised and glad to see Brian already doing so well. Too bad Corey and Koryn look like locks to go on. I'm rooting for several currently at the bottom but hopefully that will change since its many's first night.

From that list alone it would be: 
Pharrell:   Sawyer, Mia Z, Koryn

Adam:  Joshua, Deanna, Brian

Christina:  Kimberly, India, Rob

Blake:  Corey, Meghan, Sarah 

And even though it's still early, that seems a very likely list of Top 12

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Two things:  I have liked Lexi in the past, but I thought she was out of tune (oops, I mean pitchy) for most of All by Myself. Plus, I dislike in general when singers throw an "H" in front of their beginning vowels, such as Lexi's "Hhhhhhall by Myself". 


And the producers need to back off on Sonic's hearing loss.  We got it.

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I didn't remember who Kimberly was - got her and Sonic mixed up because I forgot the real Sonic altogether. 

I am old so I have been singing Take me to the Pilot all night.  Sadly - that will not help Tonya.  She isn't really the type of contestant who wins these things but may get a hand up from her exposure. Hoping so - she seems like a really cool woman.

I really only really liked Rob and India.

Joshua did a good job on Budapest, but I hear that so often on the radio and I didn't like it in the first place so I don't care . Also seems like a nice guy.

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Joshua did a good job on Budapest, but I hear that so often on the radio and I didn't like it in the first place so I don't care . Also seems like a nice guy.

I thought he did better then the one who sings it. It normally annoys me and is over played. But I liked Josh's performance and I'm hoping he goes through.

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If there was ever an example of song sabotage it was Christina giving Lexi All By Myself. And after she made such a big deal about stealing her in the Knockouts too. Surprisingly, Lexi did a lot better than I expected. But I will be very surprised if she moves on to the next round.


I just can't bring myself to care about anyone on Christina's team. I'm generally not a fan of the belters/diva/powerhouse singers and she has an entire team of them. That being said, I thought her team won the night. I think it's very obvious that Kimberly/India/Rob will be moving on. But don't they kind of cancel each other out since they all pretty much occupy the same genre?


Maybe it's just me, but I was reminded of her team in Season 5. Not because of the singers but because of the hype. She came of the gate swinging in the playoffs with her two frontrunners Matthew and Jacquie and there was much hype surrounding them after that. But she couldn't maintain the momentum and began giving them questionable song choices and eventually lost out on the title. Let's see if she does anything different this time around.


I like Joshua and Deanna on Team Adam. So I'm pleased to see them doing well on iTunes. I thought it was really weird that Deanna was the one to close the show. I mean, after India and Rob, her performance felt very sleepy, even though I still enjoyed it. I just thought the show would've wanted to end the night on a bang.

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Kimberly was my favourite of the night and possibly the entire competition from both nights. She has powerful vocals but also brought the emotion and conviction of the song. I believed that she felt every word. The song is quite overdone on these singing competitions and I'm quite tired of it, so I went into the performance not wanting to like it but she managed to completely change my opinion. Go Kim!

Lexi and India are on the opposite end of the spectrum for me. They did a lot of messy runs and was very dramatic in their songs but there wasn't honesty there imo.

Tonya won't win the show but I do enjoy watching her. She's not unique but she's good at what she does.

Nathan was horrid. He might be worse than Lowell. Joshua and Brian are both singers but without the X factor. I can take or leave them.

I'm calling it: Deanna will win this season. She may not be as good as some of the others but her voice is unique and her arc is going to be one of a girl who had 0 chair turn conquering her self doubt to become victorious.

Blake's comments about how superior Christina's team is unnecessary but what surprised me even more is how Adam didn't even make an effort to disagree or shoot him down, which he's usually very quick to do so in other instances.

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I hope my favorite of the season, ROB, makes it through.  Looks like he is on the cusp and the fact that Christina has 2 other black singers may cancel him out although I don't think they are absolutely the same genre.  They all have very different styles to my ear.


India, still don't get.  She can sing though.


Kimberly rocked it.


Whoever sang I'm Going Down ***will always be a Rose Royce song to me*** was awful.  I was laying down and not watching, only listening.  It was a disaster and it hurt my ears.


I sent votes only to Joshua (loved it), Tonja, Rob and Kimberly. 

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Blake's comments about how superior Christina's team is unnecessary but what surprised me even more is how Adam didn't even make an effort to disagree or shoot him down, which he's usually very quick to do so in other instances.


Maybe Adam has finally realized that people LOVE underdogs!  Being deemed as the "weakest" singers means that whenever they do well people want to reward them.  I think Deanna closing out the night be a good example of that.


Last night's show did not engage me personally.  I played Candy Crush while the show provided background music. (I hate that Candy Crush background noise!!)  I only looked up once or twice during the comments.  Monday night the show kept me entertained.  My 8 year old who normally watches with me and has a lot to say fell asleep during the show.


That said- my personal predictions:

Team Adam: America Saves Joshua & Deanna.  Adam Saves Tonya.  I like Brian but I think Adam has more of a connection with Tonya.  It wouldn't complete surprise me if Adam saved Nathan because Adam does like a project- but he already has Deanna for that.


Team Xtina: America Saves: Kimberly & India.  Christina Saves Rob.  This one is a closer call.  Just not my type of music so they all sort of blend together.  I don't care for Sonic at all.  I really like Lexi but I do think she got bussed with song choice.  


I'll be way more invested when it gets to a top 10 and only viewer votes count.  My 

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Itunes as of voting close



17) Joshua Davis – Team Adam – Budapest
23) Kimberly Nichole – Team Christina – What’s Up
30) Deanna Johnson – Team Adam – Down to the River to Pray
58) Brian Johnson – Team Adam – At This Moment
70) India Carney – Team Christina – Hurt
120) Rob Taylor – Team Christina – Earned It
188) Lexi Davila – Team Christina – All By Myself
298) Tonya Boy-Cannon – Team Adam – Take Me to the Pilot
644) Nathan Hermida – Team Adam – Chains
703) Sonic – Team Christina – I’m Going Down

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For all the trash talking Blake did of Adam's team compared to Christina's team,  Adam's top three team members outsold all but one (Kimberly) of Christina's (top four) team. Adam's top three is also beating Blake's top four by a good margin. 

Edited by yourpointis
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I didn't remember who Kimberly was - got her and Sonic mixed up because I forgot the real Sonic altogether.


Is Kimberly the one whose great-grandmother was there?


Joshua did a good job on Budapest, but I hear that so often on the radio and I didn't like it in the first place so I don't care



I'm sick of hearing that song as well - I listen to The Pulse on satellite radio and they played it to death.

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You guys, I totally don't get the Kimberly Nichole love. I think she's got great command of the stage, but she screeches at me. And I like India, but her vibrato bugs me. I really enjoyed Rob & Joshua. Nathan & Lexi are goners as far as I can tell.


When Mr. Keeks saw Tonya he asked if it was Frenchie.

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I like Josh but immediately after he performs I forget he's even a contestant.


He's The Voice's equivelant of Chinese food.

But like Corey from Blake's team, he falls into the genre people, especially women, seem to like, so . . . he's still gonna be here.

Edited by Donny Ketchum
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