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Landon Clements: She's like, the Valley Girl from like, Georgia

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Woman here, and I like Landon. She seems so dim and harmless--even her 'machinations' are tame--that I can't bring myself to feel much of any strong emotion for her whatever. I normally detest posts where people are all 'I don't get the hate for [whomever]!!!' but in this case I really don't. Oh well, it takes all kinds! 

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On 12/10/2016 at 6:44 AM, zenme said:

That's the thing, Mr. Smith! It seems men are attracted to the little minx, but women see through it! I guess you have to be played by her, like Shep was, in order to break the spell.

Maybe, but there's just something about her that attracts me (other than her looks). I didn't feel like she really played Shep. Maybe there's something that women see that men don't. But it seemed like she didn't figure out until too late that she really was attracted to him. And that makes me wonder why people turn other people down from the outset like that. Isn't the point of dating to get to know someone and let your feelings develop over time? Jesus, I sound old-fashioned. I'm only 45. Honest! But I also don't understand having sex with someone you're dating so quickly after you start dating them. Sex just confuses and clouds everything.

Changing the topic slightly, I don't understand why she didn't just keep living on her boat. Seems like that was a place she could afford and, to my mind, that'd be kind of fun for at least a while. Get a house when she gets a man and needs more room for kids, or when she's increased her own income to the point where having a house isn't a burden.

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48 minutes ago, MrSmith said:


Changing the topic slightly, I don't understand why she didn't just keep living on her boat. Seems like that was a place she could afford and, to my mind, that'd be kind of fun for at least a while. Get a house when she gets a man and needs more room for kids, or when she's increased her own income to the point where having a house isn't a burden.

Landon is actually renting her house, or at least the house she was in this past season. I don't doubt that it's a high rent thanks to its location((right in the historic district near T-Rav's millions+ place)), but it looks to be cute and comfy for her now---plus, she obviously likes to entertain and have a place to work on her, ehhh, art(?), so I could see where living on a boat would have to be a rather temporary situation for a gal like her, especially one in her 30's who's looking to restart her life post-divorce.

I do think she's a bit more well-off than she portrays being on the show and she either got a nice divorce settlement and/or she has a nice family trust that allows her to travel and live as freely as she does. Landon doesn't bother me all that much and I was always rooting for her when she and Kukoo Katherine would get into it, but she does have that slight bitchy streak and likely has her elitist side, same as all these other folks. The only thing that bugs me about her is the constant giggling and dolphin voice. And the idea that Kathryn actually thinks she and T-Rav had sex...just seems ridiculous---those two have about as much chemistry as a dirty dishrag.

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2 hours ago, Sun-Bun said:

Landon is actually renting her house, or at least the house she was in this past season. I don't doubt that it's a high rent thanks to its location((right in the historic district near T-Rav's millions+ place)), but it looks to be cute and comfy for her now---plus, she obviously likes to entertain and have a place to work on her, ehhh, art(?), so I could see where living on a boat would have to be a rather temporary situation for a gal like her, especially one in her 30's who's looking to restart her life post-divorce.

I do think she's a bit more well-off than she portrays being on the show and she either got a nice divorce settlement and/or she has a nice family trust that allows her to travel and live as freely as she does. Landon doesn't bother me all that much and I was always rooting for her when she and Kukoo Katherine would get into it, but she does have that slight bitchy streak and likely has her elitist side, same as all these other folks. The only thing that bugs me about her is the constant giggling and dolphin voice. And the idea that Kathryn actually thinks she and T-Rav had sex...just seems ridiculous---those two have about as much chemistry as a dirty dishrag.

True. She's renting and I knew that. To me, it just seemed a lot of money spent for little purpose. I suppose if she's actually using the space, then it's not such a bad investment.

I have a hard time gauging how much money any of these people on this show really have. I thought she'd said she walked away from the marriage with nothing, but I may not be remembering that correctly. And then, of course, there is the question of what is the definition of "nothing"? My definition of "nothing" is "nothing more than she came into the marriage with or brought into the marriage herself". Her definition of "nothing" may be considerably larger than mine, and yet still far less than she could legally have fought for had she chosen to do so. I do think her parents have probably helped her out some, but based on her father's conversations with her, it seems like they're only willing to go so far in order to avoid becoming enablers.

I like her giggle. But then I like her smile and her eyes when she's smiling. So, there's a lot of payoff for me in her giggle. I can't wrap my head around the idea that she's had sex with Thomas. I mean, it is possible, but it's also possible the sun will go red giant tomorrow - and I consider both possibilities equally unlikely. I'm keen to learn more about what Shep's date thinks she knows (the one that said she wonders if Landon will ever admit to having sex with Thomas). I expect it to turn out that she's on Crackhead Kathryn's side and believes what that woman with the oddly shaped head has been running around saying.

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It looks like Landon has moved to CA. At least maybe for the meantime? It's not like SC is a slam-dunk show to be renewed, so it's not like there's work waiting for her for the show 6 months from now or so.

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On 9/16/2016 at 7:29 PM, glowlights said:

When the hell is Roam launching? September 16 and not a peep even though I signed up for their newsletter. I was really looking forward to some, like, art and travel and, like, art and stuff.

Apparently never because it looks like she let ownership of the domain lapse.

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My family owns a home in St. Simons Island, where Landon is actually from. She's not from Jekyll, although St. Simons is just as nice IMO. Her father Mike developed the land where our home is back in the '80s. I'm pretty sure he lives in Roswell, Georgia now, but he's not well liked in St. Simons. He tried to develop some land on the island in 2003 and people were up in arms. There isn't a whole lot of land left that hasn't been developed, and the actual residents want to save what little natural beauty is still there. He tried again in 2006 to develop some land by the water into condos and restaurants but idk if that went through or not. Idk Landon personally, but I've heard of her. Definitely heard terrible things about her father. So when I found out she was gonna be on the show, I had to watch. And I cannot stand her. From her whiny voice and annoying laugh, to her inability and procrastination getting a job, she just makes me gag. One would believe by just watching the show that she comes from an old, wealthy southern family. She lays it on pretty thick. If she really came from old money, her father wouldn't be so desperate to develop what is left of St. Simons into condominiums. That's where he's from, so why would he willingly piss off so many people unless he needed the money. I'm not against land developers, but this guy is a real low life. Don't believe everything you read online, I've seen several websites that claim Landon's family is filthy rich, and she alludes to that in her confessionals. Of course I don't have access to her father's bank account, so idk how much he is worth. However, I do know that he is disliked by many many people in St. Simons. And I do NOT believe that they are rolling in dough. Probably somewhat wealthy, but nothing special.

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I don't think he's THAT wealthy if he didn't want to bankroll her, and I don't think it's because he offering tough love.  Yeah, I'd imagine they have some money, but not as much as Landon would have us believe.

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Developers at akin to professional gamblers in that they usually roll the dice that the project will work out. Many of them piss their money away on projects that  go wrong. He's prolly got his money tied up all the time even if he did want to give it to Landon,  The Village Idiot.

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9 hours ago, Hopper Hall said:

One would believe by just watching the show that she comes from an old, wealthy southern family.

Interesting I have never ever thought that was the image that Landon was trying to project.

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So I'm just now watching season 2 and Landon...oh you are a mess. A hot mess. She may not have the temper Katherine does, but that's about the only difference. I'm only 3 episodes in so maybe things change, but Landon is depersite to become Thomas' next kept woman. She's creepy.

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Landon knows the way to increase her reality TV show fame is to find a husband.  Look how many Real Housewives have gotten wedding and family spin-off shows!  She was angling for Shep for a long time and finally gave up and has moved on to T-Rav.  A relationship with Landon would help him rehabilitate his image, and it would be the perfect storyline to ensure their continued participation on "Southern Charm, " or even better, their own show. 

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Am I the only one who thinks Landon does NOT want a relationship with Thomas? He's telegraphing pretty hard that HE wants a relationship with HER, but she's all *crickets, crickets* staring blankly at him or laughing at his "joke" at best. He offered her his "cock" (pause for 5 seconds) "tail napkin" and she was just standing there blinking during the whole awkward pause. I think she just likes him "as a friend" and T-Rav is the one who's going to be mortified after laying his feelings on the table, just like Landon was when she squawked at Shep, "Maaaaybeeee iiii lurve youuuuuuuuu." This show only has a half dozen storylines. Mix and match players as they see fit. I mean, they even got a "new Shep," Austen, who's exactly like the old Shep!

Edited by JenE4
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1 hour ago, Nancybeth said:

Landon knows the way to increase her reality TV show fame is to find a husband.  Look how many Real Housewives have gotten wedding and family spin-off shows!  She was angling for Shep for a long time and finally gave up and has moved on to T-Rav.  A relationship with Landon would help him rehabilitate his image, and it would be the perfect storyline to ensure their continued participation on "Southern Charm, " or even better, their own show. 

I buy all of that but I'm not sure I buy a relationship with her helps him.  She's another young idiot.  If he wants to rehabilitate his image, it will need to be with someone age appropriate who has something on the ball.  

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I think Landon is an idiot who's looking for the next rich man in her life to support her dreams of the easy life. She acts like she has a 9th grade educamation. The simpering, the grinning, the squinty eyes, the squealing when she sees someone reminds me of my middle school years. How old is this woman and when is she finally going to grow the hell up? I love Cameron as always although her role this year is negligible but have lost interest in the show. I haven't watched this season and won't in the future. I'll just read y'all's snark. This show could have been so good. They're all too old to be acting like this now which has ruined it for me. 

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1 hour ago, sasha206 said:

I buy all of that but I'm not sure I buy a relationship with her helps him.  She's another young idiot.  If he wants to rehabilitate his image, it will need to be with someone age appropriate who has something on the ball.  

Landon's dumb but in his circle 35 is age appropriate.

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OK. I went back to her site again today. I actually took the time to email them about their site. So many things wrong with it. I have to admit that it really irritated me to see all the stuff that's wrong with that site. I took the time to detail some of what I saw and suggest fixes. We'll see if either Anna or Landon chooses to reply to the email (probably won't) and, if they do, what they'll say. Landon has done no visible work on their site, at all. There are five articles by Anna, four by someone named James Joiner, and one by someone named Cara Gibbs, but nothing written by Landon. And there are no links to short bios about the people who wrote the articles, either. So, I'm not sure why anyone visiting their site should care about what James Joiner or Cara Gibbs has to say, unless they're well-known travel writers already. (I'll admit that if that is the case, I wouldn't know because I don't frequent travel sites.)

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I also went to the site and I happen to live on the North Shore of Long Island which she covers.

The restaurants that she  suggests are middle of the roads, well established places.

And while I like living there, it really is not a vacation destination, lol.

I wonder how she decided to cover this area of Long Island. SUch a fail!

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The destinations seem to be enclaves of the rich and famous.

You know, because that crowd likes real estate, horses and architecture.


I don't watch any other Bravo show but see the commercials for Below Deck Mediterranean, about crews working on yachts.  Does that show feature the owners of those yachts at all or just the hired help?  You think Bravo is on the TVs in those yachts?  Or are Bravo viewers "aspirational," that is they plan to be ultra rich and buy yachts for themselves?

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10 minutes ago, scrb said:

The destinations seem to be enclaves of the rich and famous.

You know, because that crowd likes real estate, horses and architecture.


I don't watch any other Bravo show but see the commercials for Below Deck Mediterranean, about crews working on yachts.  Does that show feature the owners of those yachts at all or just the hired help?  You think Bravo is on the TVs in those yachts?  Or are Bravo viewers "aspirational," that is they plan to be ultra rich and buy yachts for themselves?

I watch both Below Deck and Below Deck Mediterranean and the owners of those yachts are nowhere to be seen. The closest you get is the owner decides to pay for the crew to go to a resort for a weekend or overnight, and even that is done by way of the captain. I would guess that most Bravo viewers are aspirational. My wife and I just tune in to see what life and the crew are like. Though, I'll admit that I think it would be damn fun to live on-board a boat most of the time, but I would just as soon settle for a houseboat as a yacht. I don't need a crew to wait on me. In fact, if I were to go on one of those yachts, I'd probably be among the lowest maintenance guests they'll ever have. I'm a virtual human garbage scow; I'll try anything at least once (except I don't eat flowers, no matter how much a chef might try to insist that they are edible), I don't have high demands, and I'm not keen on multiple course meals. (My basic attitude is "Make it tasty and pile it high." LOL) The only exception is there are certain foods that cannot touch other foods, though I'm much better about that now, thanks to my wife.

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On 5/4/2017 at 2:04 PM, scrb said:

I don't watch any other Bravo show but see the commercials for Below Deck Mediterranean, about crews working on yachts.  Does that show feature the owners of those yachts at all or just the hired help?  You think Bravo is on the TVs in those yachts?  Or are Bravo viewers "aspirational," that is they plan to be ultra rich and buy yachts for themselves?

Matt Whitfield, who co-founded Watch What Crappens with Ben, refuses to watch Below Deck or as he calls it Maids on a Boat. I think Below Deck, more than any other Bravo show, is really aspirational. Most of the discomfort of watching Below Deck is watching the monied tacky boobs who charter the yacht for a couple of days. The yacht owners are never shown.

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20 hours ago, Major Bigtime said:

I often think the camera people go out of their way to film her looking stupid and foolish. I've seen her look downright beautiful when she's not "on".

They probably can't stand her either. 

The deal is, Dolphin is fine to look at . which is God given, she didn't earn her looks.

It's the horrible personality honking about how she deserves the rewards and respect of the %1 despite her being a completely useless person , and the part where she reeks of desperation and is a phony shell of a woman. . We rag on Dolphin cause she's a Stupid Entitled Hag.

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On 5/16/2017 at 3:00 PM, scrb said:

Why wouldn't some men find her attractive?

From the previews she looked decent in a bikini.

If that's the extent of "some men's" criteria,then by all means...enlist in this Idiot. 20 minutes in, you'll be looking for the Exit sign!

Edited by Nancypants
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On 6/28/2017 at 10:31 AM, Major Bigtime said:

The ROAM concept is a good one, IMO.  The name would have been good too had it not been taken.  Trovare is not a good name, IMO and the site is bland and not super helpful in the way Landon had hoped, i.e. helping travellers to experience the destinations as locals do.  There is potentiaon for sure, though.  "A" for effort.

Perhaps going against the grain, but I do like Landon.  Took me until now to get there but I'm there. 

Edited by Jextella
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