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Furious 7 (2015)

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Cars don't fly.


I was unhappy that Jason Statham was a bad guy, he's supposed to be an anti-hero.  But he always brings energy to a role, and the ridiculousness of the plotting is what you can expect from these movies, and they're so entertaining I love to see every one of them.


The memorial to Brian/Paul was sooo emotional.


ETA: The title is really Furious Seven.

Edited by Rick Kitchen

I prefer Fast 6 over this one. It was pretty good but a bit disjointed at parts. Mostly any scene with Paul Walker. Most of the time he just stood around reacting but not saying anything or doing anything. Which is understandable given that half the time, it's a CGI face. But it kind of messed with the pacing in my opinion. It also made him less respondent and cold in certain scenes. It's not his fault though. The last 15 minutes though with Dom's possible death (yea right) and the tribute and ending to Paul were touching. Overall, not bad. But not the best one like some claim. I feel a lot of fans let their nostalgia for Paul cloud their judgment on the quality of the movie. Lastly, way to freaken long. Some stuff just dragged. I look forward to see how they carry on. Will Mia be a proxy for Paul's character or will she be written out to? Will Cody Walker join the franchise?

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I noticed the same thing with Paul Walker's scenes KoBnR. A lot of the friendship between Dom and Brian was missing (in my opinion) and makes me wonder how different the original script was in portraying their relationship (we were TOLD they had a friendship/connection through narration but we weren't shown it much in this one). There were a few Dom-centric scenes were I felt that Brian would have had more interaction if they were able

(when Dom meets Mr Nobody, I felt like Brian would have been there too and not just be conveniently "rounded up" with the rest of the crew)

. I've been a fan of the series, and Paul, for a very long time so I was going to see this movie regardless and I think they did really well with what they could do, considering the circumstances. That memorial really got to me; the imagery was so perfect and just knowing that it wasn't just Dom talking, but Vin Diesel as well. All the tears!


I too thought that Lucas Black would be involved more in this movie. I had read that they were bringing in his character but was expecting a lot more. I know a lot of people hate Tokyo Drift, and the Sean character, but as a racer already establish in their world, I kind of hope they'll bring him in over just some random person we've never met (seems less contrived that way to me, as we know he races and Dom has met him and trusts him by proxy because of Han, to follow on the family theme).

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I really enjoyed this, the action was entertaining and over the top.  The sets and locations were very pretty and the final tribute to Walker was extremely touching.  The Ronda Roussey fight was so cool!! I want to watch the making of that scene.  I would love to see more fights like that with her instead of her penchant for armbarring her opponents within 30 seconds.


That being said, I find Mia's role in these movies so funny.  After watching Furious 7 I went back and watched the 6th one and she has got to be the most understanding girlfriend/wife to ever live.

Edited by funkopop
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Went this weekend, and while I liked it, I still like Fast 5 and the 6th movie better. I will say that the ending was very well done and my daughter and I cried. However, the last shot where

Dom looks over at Brian, right before they drive down different roads, was SO obviously PW's brother

I find it hard to believe that they couldn't find a real shot for that scene.

Went this weekend, and while I liked it, I still like Fast 5 and the 6th movie better. I will say that the ending was very well done and my daughter and I cried. However, the last shot where

Dom looks over at Brian, right before they drive down different roads, was SO obviously PW's brother

I find it hard to believe that they couldn't find a real shot for that scene.


I've been hearing different stories about when and where they used his brothers to fill in.  I heard that the last car shot was the brothers body and Paul Walker's face CGI'd over it. Also the scene on the beach when they were watching Brian play with his son seem choreographed to keep his face hidden.  With the little boy or an arm or distant camera shot.  I noticed the beach scene but didn't notice the CGI.

It defied logic, science, and the laws of physics and nature-and I loved every moment of it. The fight scenes (male and female) were epic, Jason Statham and Kurt Russell were great and the tribute to Paul Walker was beautiful.



I was unhappy that Jason Statham was a bad guy, he's supposed to be an anti-hero.


  Statham's played villains before, in The One and Cellular-the latter with an American accent. A great actor's a great actor, no matter what they play.

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Enjoyable.There's a reason Fasts 5-7 all have generally positive ratings from critics. They don't make bones about what they're supposed to be anymore. Outlandish stories with over the top set pieces. Wan doesn't have quite the Justin Lin touch for the down scenes, but I still really enjoyed it. Everyone got to play.


How many times did they tip the "This could be where Brian dies," though? And not just with the set up of the "No More Funerals" and his ongoing talks with Mia and Dom about action vs. family. For me there was

the Bus Stunt (though the trailer had spoiled that one); the grenade in the refinery, the predator missile after moving Ramsey, and the team keying in on him as he tries to get to the cell tower.

That and "We really want you to think Mr. Nobody is setting up a double cross here."

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Dom and Brian are one of my favorite duos EVER!!! I don't want it to be their last ride ~sniff~ I'm glad people liked the movie though.


Brian and Dom aren't as cool as Tej and Roman though.  Sorry had to get that in there.

Could Furious 7’s Double-Skyscraper Jump Really Happen? We Asked a Physicist

Well it's certainly more believable than a foreign military aircraft entering US airspace, and there being a massive delay in scrambling a response.  It's also more believable than Michelle Rodriguez beating Ronda Rousey in a fight.  Yeah, all the crazy stunts in these movies, and wrecks that people survive with no problem, and the 3 most unbelievable things in this series for me are Michelle Rodriguez beating Gina Carano in a fight, and Michelle Rodriguez not getting thoroughly trounced by Ronda Rousey, also the foreign military aircraft entering US airspace with no problem.

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This wasn't as good as Fast 5 and Fast & Furious 6 or well as good as these movies can be. It just felt like it was a bunch of crazy action scenes and a tribute to Paul Walker. Which was nice and sad, don't get me wrong. It just felt like the plot got lost during the rewrite. I think the saddest part for me was when they said "promise me no more funerals"


I was too worried about Brian for most of the movie especially with the weird CGI they did for him. Then I figured killing Brian off would be too depressing. 


For me the most unbelievable thing was Jason Statham not being knocked unconscious when the Rock punched him through the window. I know JS is all badass and but with the way the Rock is built, the only way to beat him is to not let him hit you. If he does, you are done. 


I actually thought that in both fights with the MMA fighters they didn't let Letty win. She held her own, but with Gina she escaped on a train and with Rhonda they fell off a balcony together and Roman took her away. 

I've seen all the Fast &Furious movies but I haven't watched them since Paul Walker died :-(

Dom and Brian are one of my favorite duos EVER!!! I don't want it to be their last ride ~sniff~ I'm glad people liked the movie though.


That's the main reason this is my last ride. They were the main reason I watched these silly films. Now that's done, and I have no interest in the sequels. I'm not attached to the other relationships. 

Han and Giselle were an interesting pairing, and fun dynamic, it's too bad both of those characters are now gone. Tej and Roman don't really have any upward mobility to carry the franchise. The issue is going to be who plays off Dom. Frankly I found Elena much more interesting in that space in 5 than Letty ever was.


The funny thing for me is how each of the films has put the Furiverse on something else.

1. Point Break, with cars

2. Buddy (psuedo) Cop film, with cars

3. Fish out of water high school story, with cars

4. Die Hard-ish blurring the thin blue line revenge story, with cars

5. Caper/Grand Heist, with cars

6. "Western" style good guys against evenly matched bad guys, with cars

7. James Bond international pursuit, with cars.


What will kill the franchise is if they lose too much of the core, or they start rehashing plots. That's where the blips from a performance standpoint seemed to come, 3 (seperate from the series, to that point) & 4 (story wasn't much new from 1 &2). But Vin seems commited now a producer in the series. Tyrese and Ludacris don't appear to have any grander acting pursuits or opportunities. Most of the side characters (Hobbs, Elena, Mr. Nobody) can be swapped in and out in limited roles as needed. Michelle Rodriguez seems to be the wild card.


Lucas Black probably has enough TV star fame now that he'd be a draw if they can get him back in, and if Shawn can bring a friend back from Japan, it will help keep the diverse cast up. Ramsey doesn't appear to drive, but worked really well with the cast, and is doing more that Mia does at this point.


And why can I talk about this silly franchise for hours???

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Not as good as Fast Five (my personal favorite) or Fast & Furious 6, but I still found it to be an overall better action flick then it ever has a right to be.  I just find it so funny that some franchise crap out at 3 or 4, or sometimes even the 2nd one, but this one not only keeps trucking along, but more successful from a financial standpoint.  I do think a lot of it goes to that I care more for these characters then the norm, even if the actors aren't the greatest.


I could tell that Paul Walker's death had an impact, and there were a few moments where I felt it would have flown better if Brian was there.  I'm pretty sure we would have gotten more stuff with Brian and Mia, and Brian and Dom, but I suspect his death made them have to cut some stuff out.  The tribute at the end was nice, even though I could tell there was some CGI going on there.  But, I could really tell that Vin Diesel was feeling it.  It's still sad what happened.


This franchise has never been about realism, but at this point, Hobbs really is just a superhero, right?  I mean he gets blasted out by an explosion, falls several stories, and only gets a fractured arm.  And, then that is all healed up by the time for the big finale, which he freaking FLEXS! out of the arm cast, drives an ambulance into a drone, and still busts out and is able to just grab the drone's gatling gun, and goes to town on the helicopter.  Amazing!


The fights were pretty fun.  The Rock vs. Staham was the highlight.  Letty gets another awesome fight, even if I had to pretend Ronda Rousey wouldn't down her with one punch.  I mean, granted, Michelle Rodriguez is no wallflower, but Rousey can even make Gina Carano look like a warm-up.  Similarly, I'm sure in real life, Paul Walker would not be able to handle Tony Jaa.


The regular pretty much did their thing, so I won't talk about them too much.  As for the newbies, Jason Staham was a good bad guy, Kurt Russell seemed to be having fun, Jaa and Rousey kicked ass while not saying much (probably a good thing: sorry, Rousey, but that was some stiff delivery), and Nathalie Emmanuel spouted technobabble, while looking hot.  Biggest surprise was Djimon Hounsou popping up. I love him, but why can't the poor guy get bigger roles?  I mean, I'm sure it helps being in big blockbusters like this and Guardians of the Galaxy, but he capable of much, much more.


James Wan was solid behind the helm, but I still think Justin Lin is the best one.  There were a few moments I felt like they were rougher then normal, and I think Lin would have been smoother.  Another thing is that, while this franchise has never been shy about eye-candy, Wan seems to really be about the ass.  Probably could start a drinking game over how many times he shoved the camera as close as he could to a hot extra's derriere.  And, then, of course, that scene with Ramsay/Nathalie Emmanuel.  Almost felt like a Bond film.


Fun seeing the Tokyo Drift guys for a second, but I wished Elena had more to do.  She's just as badass!  Plus, she's Chris Hemsworth's wife in real life!  Let her in the action!


Still, good show.  That said, I really do question continuing this franchise.  Just don't know if will be the same without Brian.  But, if they do, I wonder if Owen Shaw/Luke Evans only being injured means they're setting it up to a miraculous recovery, and we'll get the Shaw Bros teaming up.  Plus, Helen Mirren of all people did say she wanted to appear in the franchise, and we could always use a Mama Shaw...

Edited by thuganomics85
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Mama and Baby Brother Shaw break Deckard out of SuperMax isolation will make for a great opening sequence. I'd be interested to see where they take the story from there. Vin tipped on Kimmel that the original plan was for Kurt to appear only to set up the next film set to take place in New York. I don't know how well New York sets up for this Series, given the streets are perceived as being gridlocked with Yellow Cabs.

  • Love 1

Definitely not as strong as 4, 5, and 6, but I think it was a combination of James Wan not being as adept with this franchise as Justin Lin and Paul Walker's death. Maybe I noticed it more because I was looking for it, but it definitely felt like there was a shift midway through the movie after which Brian was more isolated and sidelined - we mostly just seeing him in the shadows and running around from behind during the last big action sequence, Letty gets the big emotional scene reacting to Dom's near death, etc. All understandable, and I think they did a really admirable job considering the circumstances, but it did make for a more fractured feel than the previous movies, and also was missing some more of the emotional depth between the characters that I've always loved about these films. I also really found myself missing Han and Gisele, and I have no strong feelings about Mia but they've really sidelined her in the past couple of movies.


That said, the ending was really perfect. Perfect way to send the character off and to memorialize PW. I'll keep watching Fast and the Furious movies as long as they keep making them, but it'll be sad not to have him and have the character anymore. The Brian/Dom friendship really was the heart of the franchise. 

Mama and Baby Brother Shaw break Deckard out of SuperMax isolation will make for a great opening sequence. I'd be interested to see where they take the story from there. Vin tipped on Kimmel that the original plan was for Kurt to appear only to set up the next film set to take place in New York. I don't know how well New York sets up for this Series, given the streets are perceived as being gridlocked with Yellow Cabs.

New York?


I think it's time for Toretto and his family to hang out with Spidey and The Avengers.

One scene I thought had been digitally manipulated was Dom's conversation with Brian on the plane where he told him the bravest thing he ever did was getting together with Mia.  It looked like they had cut old footage together to have Brian react to Dom.

I definitely agree with more Elena. 


I thought the same of the phone call between Brian and Mia when she tells him about their daughter too -- most of Brian's side of the phone call was just generic reactions. I'm thinking the second baby was part of the re-writes as a way to push Brian into "staying home"?

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Here's a comment from someone that worked on the production. He talks about all the scenes where CGI was used:



SPOILERS AHEAD!!!! Mr. Ellwood: I worked on this film for two years of my life, and regardless of either of our opinions on whether or not it is a great piece of cinema, I wanted to clarify one thing: there were a LOT of scenes (four months' worth!) that were filmed after Paul's passing that you didn't spot. The VFX crew did an INCREDIBLE job of blending old footage and CG in a way that neither myself nor my fellow crew members could tell the difference...we were seriously blown away. During the (significant) shooting that occurred after his accident, we were all...trepidatious to say the least about how they'd pull it off. For example: the scene between Mia and Brian in the garage in the Dominican Republic? Filmed after he had passed (!). The scene of the Toretto house exploding (where Brian's face gets slammed into the car window)? Filmed after he had passed. The driving shots downtown, and the entire chase/fight between Brian and Kiet in the building during the finale? Filmed after he had passed. You're right, the beach scene was easily spotted...but it didn't bother me personally because it seemed even more stylized and "angelic" at that point. But overall, the team of VFX folks who pulled off this movie deserve a standing ovation (and yes, even an Academy Award). This movie became a true tribute to Paul and managed to do so without being trite or tasteless. The handling of the tragedy impressed me beyond expectations.



  • Love 2

To me, there were things that felt stilted enough or awkward enough that I figured they were scenes filmed after PW's death, especially knowing how the movie had been finished so knowing to look for them (I'm actually watching Fast & Furious 6 and recognize several of the lines from Brian to Mia over the phone that were reused for Furious 7). But just looking at the shots themselves, I thought the CGI looked excellent. If I saw the film without knowing anything about the filming or about Paul Walker's death, I don't think I would've noticed.

  • Love 1

Ooh, Helen Mirren as a kickass bad guy...  I'm drooling.

I don't want to have to root against Dom, Lettie, & Co. in the next movie, so I'd prefer she not be the villain of the piece, even if she would undoubtedly do a fantastic job. Maybe she could be one of Mr. Nobody's contemporaries? What with former Soviet Block nation Azerbaijan likely being at war with the US after conducting an airborne terrorist attack on Los Angeles, there will probably be plenty of reasons for government types to get involved in the next film.


Or hell, just cross over the Fast & Furious and RED franchises and have her play Victoria!

 If I saw the film without knowing anything about the filming or about Paul Walker's death, I don't think I would've noticed.

Totally agree! Without knowing those details, I think the only thing that then comes across as 'something-isn't-right' is Brian having a much smaller role than the previous movies when he has been [one of] the main protagonist. If it were my first Fast movie though, doubt I would have noticed that either.

Edited by JoKe

This franchise has never been about realism, but at this point, Hobbs really is just a superhero, right?  I mean he gets blasted out by an explosion, falls several stories, and only gets a fractured arm.  And, then that is all healed up by the time for the big finale, which he freaking FLEXS! out of the arm cast, drives an ambulance into a drone, and still busts out and is able to just grab the drone's gatling gun, and goes to town on the helicopter.  Amazing!



Yes, yes he is. This series really endeared me to The Rock..


It looked like none of the crew knew they had been married.  It was a private ceremony.

That's what I thought but I was really starting to wonder if I missed a movie since I didn't remember the back-story of Statham's character.

Did I miss a movie where Dom and Letty got married?

The wedding took place between the first and fourth movies offscreen.  Apparently there is a short movie that Vin Diesel shot that bridges the gap between the first and the fourth movies where Dom isn't around, it supposedly shows what Dom and Letty have been up to.  The wedding that we saw in this movie was part of the short film I believe.

Edited by JBC344

The wedding took place between the first and fourth movies offscreen.  Apparently there is a short movie that Vin Diesel shot that bridges the gap between the first and the fourth movies where Dom isn't around, it supposedly shows what Dom and Letty have been up to.  The wedding that we saw in this movie was part of the short film I believe.

Woah. Now I need to rewatch the entire series in it's chronological order. I found this EW article with links to the movie Los Bandoleros as well as the order:


So here’s how the movies break down chronologically, in terms of story: The Fast and the Furious, 2 Fast 2 Furious, Los Bandoleros (Vin Diesel’s short film), Fast & Furious, Fast Five, Fast & Furious 6, The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift, and then Furious 7

Back to the movie... I couldn't tell early on what scenes were CGI and what was Paul Walker. Towards the end it was really obvious and the dialog was very wooden. I know things aren't filmed in order but in my head since Walker died about half way through the filming it was the last half he would be missing from. 


All in all, it was a fun action romp that punched me right in the feels.

The second the beach scene at the end started, I started tearing up. It was a great ending that way with the actors themselves nodding and showing their goodbye to Paul. Vin's monologue was all Vin, you could tell it was him to Paul and nothing to do with the movie characters anymore. The white speeding car going up towards the clouds, perfect and meaningful. 

  • Love 1

The second the beach scene at the end started, I started tearing up. It was a great ending that way with the actors themselves nodding and showing their goodbye to Paul. Vin's monologue was all Vin, you could tell it was him to Paul and nothing to do with the movie characters anymore. The white speeding car going up towards the clouds, perfect and meaningful.

Right!! ~sniff~ they made a thug cry :-(


What will kill the franchise is if they lose too much of the core, or they start rehashing plots. That's where the blips from a performance standpoint seemed to come, 3 (seperate from the series, to that point) & 4 (story wasn't much new from 1 &2). But Vin seems commited now a producer in the series. Tyrese and Ludacris don't appear to have any grander acting pursuits or opportunities. Most of the side characters (Hobbs, Elena, Mr. Nobody) can be swapped in and out in limited roles as needed. Michelle Rodriguez seems to be the wild card.


Lucas Black probably has enough TV star fame now that he'd be a draw if they can get him back in, and if Shawn can bring a friend back from Japan, it will help keep the diverse cast up. Ramsey doesn't appear to drive, but worked really well with the cast, and is doing more that Mia does at this point.


And why can I talk about this silly franchise for hours???

I hadn't considered Lucas Black since he was only used as a cameo linking the third movie this time around. But as the DK his character has the proper weight to join the family. It was nice of them to give Noel Gugliemi's Hector a cameo. And in the 15 years since the original the race based car teams seems to be the distant past.


However at this point Agent Hobbs is not interchangeable "franchise Viagra" himself playing the role and with Hobbs introducing his daughter to the its all about family dynamic with her almost stating that she knew uncle Dom already, his Cavalry to the rescue of Ledtty all leads me to believe that going forward instead of an disgraced ex cop and FBI Agent we will have a DSS Agent as part of the family especially as a liaison to the black operations world they will work for.

I could tell that Paul Walker's death had an impact, and there were a few moments where I felt it would have flown better if Brian was there.  I'm pretty sure we would have gotten more stuff with Brian and Mia, and Brian and Dom, but I suspect his death made them have to cut some stuff out.  The tribute at the end was nice, even though I could tell there was some CGI going on there.  But, I could really tell that Vin Diesel was feeling it.  It's still sad what happened.


This franchise has never been about realism, but at this point, Hobbs really is just a superhero, right?  I mean he gets blasted out by an explosion, falls several stories, and only gets a fractured arm.  And, then that is all healed up by the time for the big finale, which he freaking FLEXS! out of the arm cast, drives an ambulance into a drone, and still busts out and is able to just grab the drone's gatling gun, and goes to town on the helicopter.  Amazing!


As for the newbies, Jason Staham was a good bad guy, Kurt Russell seemed to be having fun, Jaa and Rousey kicked ass while not saying much (probably a good thing: sorry, Rousey, but that was some stiff delivery), and Nathalie Emmanuel spouted technobabble, while looking hot.  Biggest surprise was Djimon Hounsou popping up. I love him, but why can't the poor guy get bigger roles?  I mean, I'm sure it helps being in big blockbusters like this and Guardians of the Galaxy, but he capable of much, much more.

I've seen a few clips of Vin Diesel on the press junket and he has straight-up cried while talking about Paul. He named his most recent child, a daughter, after Paul - her name is Pauline. I think they were truly close. Michelle Rodriguez, too, has gotten teary.


Hobbs fell a bunch of stories and landed on his back/head on top of a car and survives with just a broken arm and ankle. Jason Statham and Dom were both buried under mounds of concrete and just walked away. Also there would be no movie if people would just shoot the enemy on sight, rather than announcing that they're going to shoot them in three, two, one ...


I really enjoy this franchise (except for #3, didn't see that one) for two reasons: the cast is multi-racial and that's not a plot point, and the movies have never pretended to be anything other than what they are: movies where people drive fast and shit blows up. I don't expect realism.



Kurt Russell was great, and I didn't know Djimon Hunsou was in it. He went for it - there was a scene where he was in the chopper just shooting and screaming, which I made me crack up.


Now that Paul is gone, could we get rid of Mia? Nothing against Jordana Brewster - I prefer her to Michelle Rodriguez, who I haven't liked since Girlfight, but since Letty and Dom are married I guess she's here to stay. She could have stayed dead though, IMO - but there's really very little purpose for her character. She didn't even function as "command" like in #6.


Like Ramsey - she's a good addition. And I always love Tej and Roman - Tyrese always seems like he's having a ball. "The TREES!"

Edited by Empress1
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I feel bad for Jordana Brewster.  I don't know what the plan is regarding her in future movies.  The idea is that they are leaving Brian out of any future "adventures" because he is now a dedicated family man, I'm assuming that means that they can't have Mia back because she is in the same boat character wise.  I feel bad in the sense that with each movie they give her progressively less to do. 


I think Jordana is a decent actress, no worse than anyone else in the cast.  They could of found a better way to showcase her in the last few movies.

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