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S05.E16: Conquer

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I think at this point in the Zombie Apocalypse the zombies are getting even mouldier/softer, hence able to dispatch a little easier.



Ordinarily I would agree; however, it appears the Wolfington Manor boys keep the surprise-trailer-attack crew pretty well stocked with fresh bodies.

Yep. We have to assume that the zombies are going to be varying degrees of rotten, depending on when they turned. I'd wager most of them are of the, ahem, seasoned variety, since the greatest number of deaths happened early in the event horizon.

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The jacket on Daryl may have been for practical reasons---NR said on Talking Dead that it was really cold and uncomfortable when they were filming that car scene with all the zombies.

I feel like I remember seeing Aaron's breath when they were looking through the fence, so it must have been pretty chilly. Loved their scenes this episode and I like the dynamic between the two of them. I really like the Aaron character so far.


I don't think any ambiguity was intended.  I think the absence of seeing the gore of Pete's death was because there was no way to film it without destroying the intent of the scene.


Pete was inconsequential.  He was a tool that Rick and Carol wound up and set loose so Rick could eliminate a threat to prove to the rest that they had to change so he could save them.  Carol literally whispered "not now" to stop Rick from taking Pete down before he hurt someone.  Then Rick waited.  He made Deanna order the kill because he needed her on board to get everyone else on board.


That then worked out nicely for Morgan's return.  Because Morgan literally sees Rick kill on command.  No hesitation or speechifying.  He gets an order and puts one bullet in the head of a man who is on the ground and subdued.  Rick is back in his pre-ASZ look covered in gore reminiscent of when he tore out Joe's throat and that is what is supposed to be horrifying.  No Pete gore needed. 


And when Rick looks, up we realize we are seeing everything from Morgan's perspective now.  And Morgan's perspective isn't about the man on the ground.  Its about Rick Grimes who he has been searching for because the world needs men like Rick Grimes and when Morgan was cray cray, Rick had found his family and was mostly sane despite Lori's death.  Rick likely sparked Morgan's turnaround and gave him hope.  Except that Rick is gone.

I love your post. The way Rick just turned with zero hesitation and shot Pete really struck me. I believe that Rick has instinctively been wanting to kill Pete since he met him, but he didn't because he isn't completely crazy or stupid. But in that scene Rick looked to me like a hired gun. He was just so mechanical and matter of fact when he did it. He he didn't give one of his patented Rick Grimes meaningful 'I see you've come around', or 'finally, you get it' looks at Deanna before shooting. It was almost as though he was the gun and Deanna pulled the trigger.


  I am trying to figure out if the gate didn't close only because Father Gabriel was careless, or if there was something jamming the mechanism.  That would still be the fault of Gabriel for not paying attention, but it also suggests someone deliberately tampered with the gate.  

I thought Gabriel had the look and carriage of someone who was righteously PISSED and did not give a flip throughout his interaction with Spencer all the way through to his scene with Sasha. I wasn't sure why. I understand he was upset with himself for being too weak to put himself through what he put his congregation through. But it would've seemed more consistent for the character to continue crying about it. I wonder if we're now starting to see some of what kept him alive  all alone (allegedly) in that church for 18 months. But, I thought it odd that he would not give a shit about closing the gate. If it was just him inside, sure. But he had to have realized that not making sure he closed the gate properly to ensure the safety of all the ASZhats and ASZ made him no better than what he was accusing CDB of, and it would basically be a repeat of what he did at the church. 


That being said, I still hate him, but I liked that Maggie ended up helping him in the end. I thought this was a great episode for Maggie. I'm so glad Sasha finally asked for help, as well, and that Maggie was there for her. I really hope Sasha will be all right and we'll see her more like her old self next season. I loved Rosita and Tara's short but sweet scene. I really enjoyed all of the women and their scenes in this episode, actually. I adored Michonne's scene with Rick when she was telling him she was on him side no matter what. They don't have to agree for her to back him up and he really should know that by now. I loved that she didn't take the gun back from him and still trusted him enough to keep it, even though she must have known he could do something stupid again. I think she knew he needed that gesture. "Something's going to happen, just don't make it happen". I loved her for saying that. 


I am surprised that there is so much debate over whether Rick killed Reg or Pete.  Deanna is clearly grieving over Reg when she looks at Rick and in a hardened ice cold voice says "do it".  Rick had been looking at her, he then turns his body, draws his gun, and fires.  It's very clear to me that he killed Pete.  The context is clear that Deanna is asking him to kill Pete, she is raging and grieving over Pete killing Reg.  Also, he turns his head/body over to where Pete is on the floor.

I agree. I understand that the way they frame and film the shots can sometimes leave things vague, but for me, this wasn't one of those times. Unfortunately, every interaction Rick has had with Pete since the Porchdick scene has been leading up to this, in my opinion. I think Rick killing Pete has been telegraphed since that first encounter.


I'm kind of disappointed Deanna didn't grab Rick's gun and do it herself. I wanted anyone other than Rick to do it. I like Rick a lot, but I didn't want him to be so very right this time. We all know he was right, but it was too convenient that Rick told Deanna you can choose who to kill or have the choice made for you and then the very person she didn't want to kill ends up killing her Reg. I'm looking forward to moving on from this.


People have mentioned the fireside chat scene reminding them of the one at the end of season 2. Back then Carol tells Daryl that he's Rick's henchman. The roles got flipped a bit these past few episodes where it looked like Carol was using Rick as her henchman, letting him do the dirty work in getting Pete away from Jessie and the kids, fighting with Pete, letting Rick take the fall for stealing the guns. Rick was also acting as Deanna's henchman to an extent by waiting for (first Carol's and then) Deanna's say so before taking Pete out.


Rick said he wondered how many of them he'd have to kill to save them, apparently the answer was two. Albeit, Reg was indirectly. It looked like Carol knew that, as well. She made Rick wait until Pete hurt/killed someone so that eliminating Pete would be justified. Sucks to be you, Reg. That was cold on Carol's part. She couldn't possibly have known who would get hurt.


When Deanna told Spencer to "go" after he explained that he asked Gabriel to close the gate, I thought she meant for him to 'go find Gabriel'. It makes more sense that he went back to the gate to be able to let Aaron and the others back in. 


I like the idea that Carol manipulated Pete as a weapon. I had thought she was just trying to ensure that Pete stayed away from his family. I kind of think Pete seeing Rick leaving his (Pete's original) house was the biggest trigger. Pete isn't allowed to go back to his own house but Rick is. He isn't allowed near his family but Rick is. And his 'this isn't my house'. Others have pointed out his frustration and loss of control, and now that he's away from his family he has no outlet. 


I will not lie, I adore Eugene despite all of his uselessness. That may be because I find the actor kind of adorable in interviews, but nevertheless. I loved the makeup scene. The cut from Eugene's sleeping face to Rosita oopsing the bowl off the counter, back to Eugene's dead pan stare at Abraham truly made me laugh out loud. Abraham is really growing on me, too. 


I think a lot of signs are pointing to a time jump, but I can't help but want to pick up right where we left off so we can see the immediate reunion of Rick and Morgan. 

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I've been searching for the explanation to 'someone's not who we think they are,' and the statement seems to go back to an interview Norman Reedus gave when they first arrived at Alexandria, where he says: "The whole back half of our season is so good. There's something that's going to happen -- and I can't tell you what it is -- but somebody turns out to be not who you think they are, and it's an interesting turn of events." I'm thinking he is talking about Pete the town doctor turning out to be a wife beater (which we all guessed from the beginning, but maybe they didn't think we would).

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I've been searching for the explanation to 'someone's not who we think they are,' and the statement seems to go back to an interview Norman Reedus gave when they first arrived at Alexandria, where he says: "The whole back half of our season is so good. There's something that's going to happen -- and I can't tell you what it is -- but somebody turns out to be not who you think they are, and it's an interesting turn of events." I'm thinking he is talking about Pete the town doctor turning out to be a wife beater (which we all guessed from the beginning, but maybe they didn't think we would).


Maybe it was Eugene?  Everyone thought he was a coward who would only look out for/save himself, but then gets Tara to safety and then lures the walkers off to help out Glenn/Noah/Dickless.


But if I had to put my 'money' on someone, it'd be Aaron.  When he's first introduced, you couldn't help but think "oh man, this guy is really bad news! AND he knows Rick's name!?"; then there was the whole 'shifty-ness' when they questioned him in the car on the way to ASZ.  But then he turns out to be the best of all of ASZ. 


JMO, and YMMV.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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But in that scene Rick looked to me like a hired gun. He was just so mechanical and matter of fact when he did it. He he didn't give one of his patented Rick Grimes meaningful 'I see you've come around', or 'finally, you get it' looks at Deanna before shooting.

If the episode had spent less time with crying, whining FPP, we could have seen Rick quote Ezekiel 25:17 before pulling the trigger.

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I'm also trying to figure out the wolves. I just rewatched the opening scene, and this is what I got:


Morgan: "What's the W for?"

Shaggy W Guy: "You know the first settlers here? They put bounties on wolves' heads, brought the natives into it, made them hunt them. Didn't take them too long to kill them all". (Points to his W). "They're back now". 

Morgan: "Everything gets a return". 

Shaggy a bit later: "Some of the tribes around here, they thought the first people were wolves transformed into men. And now, well, you know. Everything gets a return, right?"


The only thing I can make of this is they think they are the reincarnated first settlers who were wolves transformed into men.

Maybe it was Eugene?  Everyone thought he was a coward who would only look out for/save himself, but then gets Tara to safety and then lures the walkers off to help out Glenn/Noah/Dickless.


But if I had to put my 'money' on someone, it'd be Aaron.  When he's first introduced, you couldn't help but think "oh man, this guy is really bad news! AND he knows Rick's name!?"; then there was the whole 'shifty-ness' when they questioned him in the car on the way to ASZ.  But then he turns out to be the best of all of ASZ. 


JMO, and YMMV.

Or FPP, who suddenly up and told Deanna the people who saved him were evil incarnate?

Edited by TexasChic
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Hey, c'mon now.

Don't hold back.

Tell us how you REALLY feel.


Hey, we all need a scapegoat or a whipping boy, don't we?  It's healthy! It's a lot more fun if it's someone you love to hate, but sometimes it's someone you hate, period. For awhile it was Glenn. Tried Abe.  Couldn't get a real hate-on going for him but now...


Father Pee, you're it!




No hesitation or speechifying.  He gets an order and puts one bullet in the head of a man who is on the ground and subdued.  Rick is back in his pre-ASZ look covered in gore reminiscent of when he tore out Joe's throat and that is what is supposed to be horrifying.


He turned and shot Pete so fast I'm pretty sure he would have done it even if Deanna hadn't sanctioned it but waiting for her sayso absolves him from murder in a way. "Just following orders" has always been a great excuse for just about anything. What bugged me is that Rick isn't even thinking of his children or he never would nearly killed Pete in the street or waved a gun around. Jessie must have something magical that makes him forget about everything else.  

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Yeah, so I'll just quickly refer to the "wolves" and move on in the hopes that more information will be forthcoming because right now? I so do not get their game plan. They tie some people to trees for walkers to eat; they kill some people and cut them into pieces and dump the parts in separate places; they kidnap some people and take them to a booby-trapped location...I just...what???


I will however call bullshit on oh-so-capable Daryl choosing to jump into a car instead of running past the few walkers who were between him and freedom. I have trouble believing that he is not strong/agile enough to break through them.


Talk about balls: When Rick left "confinement" and walked outside and immediately ran into those 3 men. He said hello to at least one of them by name, and I think one of them called him Rick.  He held his head high (even with all the little teeny-tiny bandaids on it).


Even more ballsy - unless my eyes deceived me - he was clearly carrying the gun that Carol gave him and those guys didn't so much as raise an eyebrow. Didn't anyone wonder where he got it? Am I supposed to believe that they believed Rick was put in a time-out but he was allowed to keep his gun?


So the Wolf trap, that was interesting! I will admit to you all, the shot of Daryl and Aaron walking towards the food trucks, I was amazed to see our boy Daryl wearing SKINNY JEANS!!!!


I was more surprised to see that, in the long shot of them walking towards the cannery, it looked like he was wearing LOAFERS, not boots. Merle must have turned over in his grave.


I know Jessie isn't the favorite character of many out there, but I did like that she "spoke up" to Deanna.  Actually, of everything said, her comment was pretty ballsy. She was inferring that maybe Deanna was lying (without actually saying it).


I didn't get the sense that she was calling Deanna a liar, but rather pointing out that Deanna is just spreading/sharing hearsay. Also, if CDB can't be trusted, why is Deanna trusting Gabriel's word? He's technically part of their group.


Sigh.  Just when I was ready to forgive and forget with Carol she becomes unlikable again.  It is scenes like that with Pete that sometimes make me want to smack the writers for not having had a V8.  It's supposed to showcase badass Carol, right?  And make Pete look weak because a 2 ft, 98lb woman with a blade threatens him?  This is the same, very large man, who held his own with RICK in a fight to the death.  He wasn't scared of Rick, or his knife, or his gun. 


Well, this was the next day...shouldn't Pete have been sober by then? I've been under the impression that he's only abusive when drunk. If that is the case, I don't see him attacking Carol while sober. On a slightly related note though, how tall is that actor? Dude positively TOWERED over MMB. Kudos to the director for that shot. Also, I want the name of that dish's manufacturer. It looked like glass to me, Pete threw it on the ground none too gently and it almost BOUNCED, rather than shattered.


Speaking of unlikely saves, I figured Glenn wouldn't die because I didn't believe for a millisecond that an original CDB member would be killed off-screen.


I am equally frustrated and impressed with Glenn and Maggie's capacity for forgiveness. I find the two of them together dull as dishwater, but bless their big hearts.


Might Carol's actions have further agitated Pete? For sure. Did she intend to send him into a rage? I doubt it. Not because I think she's so pure-hearted or anything, but because she has an uneven record with getting results.


I think that if she wanted to set him off on a violent rampage towards Rick, she would have antagonized Pete in a very different manner. Instead, she tells him to go check on Tara and just insults him (thereby making HERSELF a target for Pete). If she wanted to set Pete on Rick (or even Jessie again) to create the required showdown, I think she would have chosen a far different topic of conversation (i.e. "say, your wife and our Rick certainly seem to be CHUMMY, don't they? Hope they don't develop feelings for each other because that would leave you out in the cold, eh? I'm sure there's nothing to worry about though *cough*")


I did like seeing her defend Rick though. While she was keeping the meek exterior, I think her sentiments were genuine. Hopefully CDB can totally integrate and Carol can drop the act because I'm tired of her playing double agent, and it shouldn't be necessary anymore.


And speaking of Rick, did he spend the rest of the day sweeping the entire neighbourhood without notifying anyone of the immediate danger?? He only found a walker by nightfall? What the fuck had he been doing?Why didn't he yell out warnings? Fucking Carl could have been waltzing outside with Judith, unarmed and unaware. How did he track their splatter trail in the dark? How did no one else encounter them (dog walkers, couples out for a stroll, the old couple constantly on their porch and entertaining people there)? How did he know that the ones he encountered were the only ones who got in? How did he know it was ok to stop and head over to the meeting? Bah.


I am glad that this ep didn't end on a cliffhanger and didn't kill off any major players. Nice to be able to catch one's breath for a change. This hiatus will not be torture...

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So can someone explain this statement to me? (I just rewatched with captions). Carol to Rick: "You said you don't want to take this place. AND you don't want to lie? Aww, sunshine, you can't have both".

Did Rick say he didn't want to take the place? And if so, why would he have to lie to NOT take it?

Edited by TexasChic
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I do think we'll have a time jump like with the prison, and in that case, there probably wouldn't be a conversation, but maybe just a lot of "yes, sir," "right away, sir", etc. from Nicholas to Glenn.


And from Glenn to Nicholas: "Don't forget to wax my, car, two coats Biff!" while Tara (newly awakened from her coma) looks on in amazement at Sasha and Eugene entering her room with their tennis rackets, glowing with the success of their mixed doubles match. That's when Tara hears a crash and a "whoopsie" and sees Rosita knocking Daryl's briefcase over as he straightens his tie. When Daryl says "I always wear a suit to the office", poor Tara passes out again.

I'd eat it all except the Burger King, I'd choke down Carol's tuna casserole, but cry about my life afterwards. Why is canned cream soup so damn nasty?

Do  you know someone who makes tuna casserole with canned cream soup? Or did I misunderstand your post? Because that would be a travesty and would make anyone hate tuna casserole. Made the right way it is good; canned cream soups ruin everything they touch.

I don't eat soup that comes out glop! sploosh! slop!

I won't eat raisins; like Bit O'Honeys they are better used for mortar.

I would eat mushrooms and olives (yum) but only the burger king Rodeo burger. The rest sucks.

Edited by kikismom
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And the coffee.


That's all it would take to keep my comfort-loving ass parked there.  


If I'm inevitably going to die in the ZA, I'd prefer do so with a freshly-brewed cup of java in my caffeine-addicted hands.  

If I had to go a day without my latte fix, I would make Carol look tame.  Or maybe I'd just take out some walkers who were lingering outside the destroyed Starbucks so I could go in and get some VIA packages.  


Does ASZ have VIA packets?  I hope so.  I would send Glenn out to get me some.  Screw the pasta maker. 

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And from Glenn to Nicholas: "Don't forget to wax my, car, two coats Biff!" while Tara (newly awakened from her coma) looks on in amazement at Sasha and Eugene entering her room with their tennis rackets, glowing with the success of their mixed doubles match. That's when Tara hears a crash and a "whoopsie" and sees Rosita knocking Daryl's briefcase over as he straightens his tie. When Daryl says "I always wear a suit to the office", poor Tara passes out again.

Do  you know someone who makes tuna casserole with canned cream soup? Or did I misunderstand your post? Because that would be a travesty and would make anyone hate tuna casserole. Made the right way it is good; canned cream soups ruin everything they touch.

I don't eat soup that comes out glop! sploosh! slop!

I won't eat raisins; like Bit O'Honeys they are better used for mortar.

I would eat mushrooms and olives (yum) but only the burger king Rodeo burger. The rest sucks.

God I love that movie....


Yeah, people really do use that nasty crap.  The first time I ate tuna casserole at a friend's house I thought they were trying to poison me.  Thank God I grew up with 'rents who didn't believe in crap with preservatives.

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Father Pee Pants is Cousin Oliver, Scooby-Dumb, the little red head boy from Different Strokes, Ted McGinley and every annoying kid bought in at the 11th hour they hired to try and save a sitcom because the previous cute kid grew up all rolled into one package. Just die already.

Edited by Boofish
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Father Pee Pants is Cousin Oliver, Scooby-Dumb, the little red head boy from Different Strokes, Ted McGinley and every annoying kid bought in at the 11th hour they hired to try and save a sitcom because the previous cute kid grew up all rolled into one package. Just die already.

Actually, he makes me think of Vicky, Capt.Stubings niece.

I think it's the voice.

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Father Pee Pants is Cousin Oliver, Scooby-Dumb, the little red head boy from Different Strokes, Ted McGinley and every annoying kid bought in at the 11th hour they hired to try and save a sitcom because the previous cute kid grew up all rolled into one package. Just die already.

If they think they can redeem his ass with a little prayer circle, they are so wrong.  He is about my most hated character on TWD, and that's saying a lot!

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Did anyone else find it weirdly hilarious when Pete wanders into the other room after the whole Carol diatribe and says, "This isn't my house!"

Later when it shows him watching Rick talking to Jessie, and he turns back towards the camera, all I could think was he was thinking, "Hey, that's not me talking to my wife!"

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I'm also trying to figure out the wolves. I just rewatched the opening scene, and this is what I got:


Morgan: "What's the W for?"


The only thing I can make of this is they think they are the reincarnated first settlers who were wolves transformed into men.


In other words, self-aggrandizing and batshit crazy.  Sounds about right.


Even more ballsy - unless my eyes deceived me - he was clearly carrying the gun that Carol gave him and those guys didn't so much as raise an eyebrow. Didn't anyone wonder where he got it? Am I supposed to believe that they believed Rick was put in a time-out but he was allowed to keep his gun?


I think that's just a case of petty crap flying out the window in the face of the Walker that's just been dumped at your feet.  (Actually, it's an interesting point.  I didn't even think of that... but really, I expect they're all more than happy that with Walkers about, Rick's got a gun, and they're not going to give him a hard time about it or question it too closely.


So can someone explain this statement to me? (I just rewatched with captions). Carol to Rick: "You said you don't want to take this place. AND you don't want to lie? Aww, sunshine, you can't have both".

Did Rick say he didn't want to take the place? And if so, why would he have to lie to NOT take it?


I think it parses out like this:  Rick (I think) said he didn't *want* to take the place, but obviously believed it was going to be necessary.  Carol thinks he's lying about what he wants and that he really does just want to take it over.  Therefore, if he doesn't want to lie, she thinks he can't keep saying he doesn't WANT to take ASZ because she believes he does.  If he wants to maintain he doesn't *want* to take ASZ, Carol believes he's going to have to come to terms with the fact that he's lying.  


That really couldn't be more convoluted.  Well, I tried.

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Do  you know someone who makes tuna casserole with canned cream soup? Or did I misunderstand your post? Because that would be a travesty and would make anyone hate tuna casserole. Made the right way it is good; canned cream soups ruin everything they touch.


The sad fact is, most published recipes for tuna casserole call for canned soup, some upgrade to jarred "alfredo" (not alfredo at all) type sauces (also yuck). Anything I cook that calls for canned crap gets a substitute of something that doesn't taste like sadness and making do. Carol might be able to get flour but I doubt she'd have access to butter or fresh milk, at best she could get something canned, like evaporated milk, so yeah, I think Carol's casserole would be made with canned soup, unless  she dispensed with the sauce entirely. In conclusion; Too much canned food in the zombie apocalypse! This is why they need a settlement, If only so they have fresh food in season and the leisure to make their own dog jerky and strawberry jam for the rest of the year. Also now that they are further north, how much canned food would still be intact if it could be subjected to a sustained hard freeze? Shall we hand-wave that along with a low local zombie population, the ASZhats also had remarkably light winter conditions?

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I think it parses out like this:  Rick (I think) said he didn't *want* to take the place, but obviously believed it was going to be necessary.  Carol thinks he's lying about what he wants and that he really does just want to take it over.  Therefore, if he doesn't want to lie, she thinks he can't keep saying he doesn't WANT to take ASZ because she believes he does.  If he wants to maintain he doesn't *want* to take ASZ, Carol believes he's going to have to come to terms with the fact that he's lying.  


That really couldn't be more convoluted.  Well, I tried.

Actually, that explains it pretty well! 

On another note, I wonder if FPP's immaculate white shirt (despite the blood and gore flying around him) is supposed to be symbolic?

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On another note, I wonder if FPP's immaculate white shirt (despite the blood and gore flying around him) is supposed to be symbolic?

It symbolizes the magical powers of ASZ, where garage floors are pristine even when motorcycle parts are strewn everywhere, and Rick's tiny bandages stayed on even when drenched in walker blood, and so forth.

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It symbolizes the magical powers of ASZ, where garage floors are pristine even when motorcycle parts are strewn everywhere, and Rick's tiny bandages stayed on even when drenched in walker blood, and so forth.


I feel like Rick's tiny bandages need an ode written to them.  (This is going to be a really long 7 months.)

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I feel like Rick's tiny bandages need an ode written to them.  (This is going to be a really long 7 months.)

Stay on closely, Tiny Bandage,

Count the headlice on my hairline

Tape me down in strips of Curad

I've had an ass-whippin' today...

Edited by kikismom
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If they think they can redeem his ass with a little prayer circle, they are so wrong.  He is about my most hated character on TWD, and that's saying a lot!


Yeah, I still loathe his pathetic, whining ass. That scene gave me a lot of the Maggie I love, so it still worked for me. To me the show was drawing a direct parallel between Gabriel's actions and those of Nicholas (my most hated), along with the way both men were treated with in response to phenomenally vile behavior.

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I liken those bandages to the curls in Jacqui hair Season 1. I'm glad they went the more realistic route with the ethnic hair. Jacqui curls stayed Easter Sunday fresh

Edited by Boofish
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The apple trees are in the field with the rabbits; just follow the rainbow to the end where you will see a pot of gold and a unicorn

 Are you telling me to think about the rabbits, George?


I don't read the comics, at all, but someone on reddit posted part of the page that corresponds to Rick after the fight. AL's bandages are almost exactly in-line with the comic. That's some insane attention to detail.

Edited by morgankobi
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I don't read the comics, at all, but someone on reddit posted part of the page that corresponds to Rick after the fight. AL's bandages are almost exactly in-line with the comic. That's some insane attention to detail.


Nah, that's just inspiration for the second verse of the song.  

(But seriously?  That's something.)

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The apple trees are in the field with the rabbits; just follow the rainbow to the end where you will see a pot of gold and a unicorn

The gold will be there, but zombies ate the unicorn

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Are you telling me to think about the rabbits, George?

I don't read the comics, at all, but someone on reddit posted part of the page that corresponds to Rick after the fight. AL's bandages are almost exactly in-line with the comic. That's some insane attention to detail.

Yep, lots of little details like that are there. If anyone is interested in page-to-screen comparisons (no future spoilers, just done episode by episode), the Walking Dead by Skybound facebook page has them all. It is kinda cool how they bring it to life.

Eta: for the finale


Also, as always, there may be spoilers in the comments.

Edited by mandolin
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I am equally frustrated and impressed with Glenn and Maggie's capacity for forgiveness. I find the two of them together dull as dishwater, but bless their big hearts.



My people!

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Every time I watch the opener, I`m amazed Morgan never rolled his eyes once. I would have. Its like being murdered by a drunk philosophy major who just read a book about Native American religion, and feels super in touch with nature now. 

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Morgan reminded me of my grandmother when she reached her patience limit with all 200 of her grandkids. She would say "you better get on somewhere far away from my face." We all knew she was 4 , 5 seconds from wilding. There was no Obamacare back in the day so foot from ass removal surgery had to be paid out of pocket

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So to borrow from my favorite thread title ever - I am not a crackpot.  I spent most of my late teens/twenties working my ass off to give myself an awesome advanced education, so I am not stupid either.


The whole Wolves/Early Settlers/Natives story make absolutely no sense to me and I do not understand what they were trying to say.  Is Skeet look-a-like a wolf, a settler, or a native?  At first I thought, oh they mark them with a W for death, which was completely destroyed when they both attacked Morgan.


What are all ya'lls (southern plural comes out in me ever once in awhile) take on that scene, and WTF was he trying to say?

I could not figure this out, either, and thought at first it was because I was so distracted by the fact that Skeet wolf looks so much like Skeet Ulrich!  I'm glad to see that I'm not alone in my confusion and whoever came up with this logic (looking at you Kirkman?) must have been up all night tripping on acid or mushrooms.


And why the hell is Burger King so nasty?

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Did anyone else find it weirdly hilarious when Pete wanders into the other room after the whole Carol diatribe and says, "This isn't my house!"

Later when it shows him watching Rick talking to Jessie, and he turns back towards the camera, all I could think was he was thinking, "Hey, that's not me talking to my wife!"


So, in other words...


This is not his beautiful house.

This is not his beautiful wife.

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Its like being murdered by a drunk philosophy major who just read a book about Native American religion, and feels super in touch with nature now. 

Book schmook. More like somebody who thought "Twilight" was a Native American documentary...

and was confused about why there weren't more Batman villains in it.

Well, Rick, the good news is soon you'll have someone who actually appreciates your Christian Bale voice.

Edited by CletusMusashi
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I think at this point in the Zombie Apocalypse the zombies are getting even mouldier/softer, hence able to dispatch a little easier.

Meat in my refrigerator lasts only so long. I've given up trying to make sense of walker sustainability in the hot Georgia climate.

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Christian Bale voice.



OMG yes. Perfect description. Kind of off-topic, but what do people think of Rick's voice/accent? I've grown almost accustomed to it, but there are moments when it still irks me, like when he said "you mean me?" last week during his diatribe--made me cringe. I never hear other people really complain about his voice/accent, so I'm wondering if people are cool with it and I'm just weird?

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I don't mean this as an insult to anyone, but I grew up definitely lower middle-class, and my mom had to use canned soup and canned sauces in general to make up meals after she got home from work.  I've read a few posts about parents who choose all-organic, and frankly, that was a pipe dream to many of us in the late 1970s.


I don't understand what this canned soup discussion has to do with this thread, and yes, I'm happy that my wife and I can afford to make my own kids authentic marinara sauce, fresh pasta, and deli sausage when I follow my Italian roots.  


What's more likely?  Being able to grow or find all of the ingredients for a perfect mushroom sauce to go with fresh tuna and fresh pasta, or having to use close-to-stale mushroom cream soup, processed pasta, and canned tuna for a meal during the ZA?  I can't be the only one who understood what "bring me back a pasta maker" meant to the cook at ASZ, right?

The sad fact is, most published recipes for tuna casserole call for canned soup, some upgrade to jarred "alfredo" (not alfredo at all) type sauces (also yuck). Anything I cook that calls for canned crap gets a substitute of something that doesn't taste like sadness and making do. Carol might be able to get flour but I doubt she'd have access to butter or fresh milk, at best she could get something canned, like evaporated milk, so yeah, I think Carol's casserole would be made with canned soup, unless  she dispensed with the sauce entirely. In conclusion; Too much canned food in the zombie apocalypse! This is why they need a settlement, If only so they have fresh food in season and the leisure to make their own dog jerky and strawberry jam for the rest of the year. Also now that they are further north, how much canned food would still be intact if it could be subjected to a sustained hard freeze? Shall we hand-wave that along with a low local zombie population, the ASZhats also had remarkably light winter conditions?

Edited by ViewerPDX
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OMG yes. Perfect description. Kind of off-topic, but what do people think of Rick's voice/accent? I've grown almost accustomed to it, but there are moments when it still irks me, like when he said "you mean me?" last week during his diatribe--made me cringe. I never hear other people really complain about his voice/accent, so I'm wondering if people are cool with it and I'm just weird?

When he does a normal speaking voice, I'm okay with it. I'm from Ohio, not Georgia, and there are so many subtypes of southern accent that my ear just shrugs it off as "convincingly some sort of southern accent." But in early Season 4 he started doing the Batman voice. Suffice to say that if it was intended to re-instill my waning confidence in Rick's sanity, it failed. I mean, come on. Sasha is crazy too. And she doesn't think she's Catwoman.

I was gonna say something else after that. But for some reason my mind seems to have drifted off to another place. Mmmmm... CatSasha....

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I think Aiden has faced all the death he's gonna.

Aaron, on the other hand.... :D


Bwah! I guess that shows how much of an impact these people have on me. To me, they are still "Deanna's idiot son who died" (as opposed to "Deanna's other idiot son who left the gate open") and "Daryl's new gay BFF"...


Yeah, so I'll just quickly refer to the "wolves" and move on in the hopes that more information will be forthcoming because right now? I so do not get their game plan.


Organizing raves/discos for zombies?


Kind of off-topic, but what do people think of Rick's voice/accent?


Annoying, but not as bad as Maggie's can get sometimes.

Edited by AndySmith
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I don't mean this as an insult to anyone, but I grew up definitely lower middle-class, and my mom had to use canned soup and canned sauces in general to make up meals after she got home from work.  I've read a few posts about parents who choose all-organic, and frankly, that was a pipe dream to many of us in the late 1970s.


I don't understand what this canned soup discussion has to do with this thread, and yes, I'm happy that my wife and I can afford to make my own kids authentic marinara sauce, fresh pasta, and deli sausage when I follow my Italian roots.  


What's more likely?  Being able to grow or find all of the ingredients for a perfect mushroom sauce to go with fresh tuna and fresh pasta, or having to use close-to-stale mushroom cream soup, processed pasta, and canned tuna for a meal during the ZA?  I can't be the only one who understood what "bring me back a pasta maker" meant to the cook at ASZ, right?

Oh, we have had plenty of canned soups and sauces, and we were just being silly; sometimes we do stray off topic here but we find our way back. The mod allows us a  little leeway and then reminds us to stay on topic.

Nothing personal was meant; please don't think we are that serious about Carol's casserole. Stop over at the Small Talk thread if you want to read about the stuff our moms made for us growing up.

We do understand about what would be the likely menu in the ZA, and canned soup would be a lucky find. I know I wasn't alone in thinking Rick should have let Carl eat the canned dog food (we had quite a discussion about that!).

Some of us also grew up "lower middle class" or even lower; if we joke about it now it is because we are able to laugh at ourselves and how we made it just fine anyway.

This forum tries to be a little more lenient about flow of conversation, but speak up if you feel offended.

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Thanks everyone for the clarification about what Rick found on the gate.



"Some of the tribes around here, they thought the first people were wolves transformed into men. And now, well, you know. Everything gets a return, right?"


The only thing I can make of this is they think they are the reincarnated first settlers who were wolves transformed into men.


As I read it,  I think he's saying that now people have become the wolves..

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Junior Bad Example has requested a chicken broccolli casserole for his special birthday dinner in a couple of days.  Cream of chicken soup, processed American cheese, all sorts of other nastiness, and OMG, it is DELICIOUS.  It's kind of comforting to know that if I can find a chicken... or, you know, something... it's a recipe I can have in my back pocket for the ZA.  Who needs a pasta maker?  



OMG yes. Perfect description. Kind of off-topic, but what do people think of Rick's voice/accent? I've grown almost accustomed to it, but there are moments when it still irks me, like when he said "you mean me?" last week during his diatribe--made me cringe. I never hear other people really complain about his voice/accent, so I'm wondering if people are cool with it and I'm just weird?


The gruff grumblies that both Rick and Daryl have layered into their voices are something I occasionally find annoying/distracting, but most of the time I don't care.


As for the accents.... <shrug>.  I've been in Georgia 20 years (and yes, I constantly have to remind myself that a new career stalking the cast/crew/filiming would NOT be cool... plus, you know, I'd be spoiled... anyway...).  I rarely hear anyone with what TV would call a "real" southern accent.  They're pretty much all over the map.  It was only a few weeks ago that I heard a voice that really got my attention:  "He sounds like Gone With the Wind!".  The only thing that bugs me with accents is that when Brits do American they tend to have a very harsh edge and a slightly higher pitch than their normal voices.  At least Andrew Lincoln doesn't have that problem.  

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I agree that Maggie's accent is awful. She almost seems to add a lisp to some words, and I don't get that.

In seasons 1 and especially 2, I found Rick to be a bit growly, like he needed to clear his throat maybe. I'm pretty okay with his accent (other than scien-TIST), but I do notice some funny moments. To Jessie: "I'm sorry I broke...whatever it is I broke," the way he says "broke" is super weird to me. I loved the "you mean me?" for whatever reason. I need to watch again to see how the accent strikes me.

I am from GA, and still live here. As a child I had more of a pronounced accent than I do now, as I try to tamp or down some. Now, if I get angry or am on the phone with my mom or older relative, the words start stretching. I usually find his accent believable, though definitely pronounced. He'd fit right in in the area in which I live now, and sound quite like an old southern gentleman. More Rhett Butler than not. Haha.

Eta: funny that Bad Example and I both mentioned GwtW at the same time.

I've done a self guided tour twice...do it! Sadly I didn't see any actors.

Oh, and of course Hershel's accent was true GA as he's a native.

People commented when Daryl said "Is that a dubya?" I hear that all the time! Hee.

I also have some awesome recipes that call for cream of type soups!

Edited by mandolin
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So can someone explain this statement to me? (I just rewatched with captions). Carol to Rick: "You said you don't want to take this place. AND you don't want to lie? Aww, sunshine, you can't have both".

Did Rick say he didn't want to take the place? And if so, why would he have to lie to NOT take it?


I was confused too but I think Carol is of the opinion that the writing is on the wall with these lucky sheltered idiots. If they, as a whole, want to survive, CDB will have to basically be in control, and in order to do that, Rick will likely have to lie. And/or Rick is lying to himself if he believes that he doesn't want to take ASZ because it is a great location with great amenities.


There was a lot of disdain/condescension from Carol in this ep. Directed towards the ASZ and Pete? Fine. Towards Rick? Mmmm, not so happy with that - though I am glad that she seems to have decided to be completely open and honest with him about things. That's a nice change from their prison relationship.


Every time I watch the opener, I`m amazed Morgan never rolled his eyes once. I would have. Its like being murdered by a drunk philosophy major who just read a book about Native American religion, and feels super in touch with nature now. 


Man, I felt he was able to convey eye rolling while keeping his eyes still. :)  I felt like I could *see* his internal monologue of "of for fuck's sake. Ugh. Whatever, Morgan, just let the idiot blather on and wait for your moment..."  :)


I agree that Maggie's accent is awful. She almost seems to add a lisp to some words, and I don't get that.


For me, it isn't even so much about her accent but her face while she speaks. (God, I'm a terrible person). There were a few words during her discussion with Reg and Deanna where I thought her face was going to split in half because the sides of her mouth were pulled so far off her face when she said certain words. It was really distracting...

I think that's just a case of petty crap flying out the window in the face of the Walker that's just been dumped at your feet.  (Actually, it's an interesting point.  I didn't even think of that... but really, I expect they're all more than happy that with Walkers about, Rick's got a gun, and they're not going to give him a hard time about it or question it too closely.


I meant when Rick left after his confinement. Tobin and three other armed guys appeared to be standing watch outside that house and I thought Rick sauntered out with a gun on his hip. Upon re-watch, it looks like it's just that little pouch thing that cops have on their belts though...

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