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7 Little Johnstons - General Discussion

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Trent voiced the rhetorical question,

”Were we too tough?”

No Trent, you and Amber were obviously negligent in informing all the Johnston women if they got pregnant that early prenatal care is imperative to the health of both the mother and baby because of the high risk nature of LP pregnancies.

Liz against her nursing background decided it was worth risking her and the baby’s health because she was afraid of disappointing you two.

Amber is mad she missed out of micromanaging Liz in her first trimester, in reality she means if she knew she could have gotten more TLC episodes and paychecks out of this season.

Happily, baby is healthy.

Yes, the Groucho Marx eyebrows on Amber and Emma were noted.

Liz and Brice on the couch is reminiscent of Will Ferrell in Bob Newhart’s lap in the movie Elf.

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3 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

Amber is mad she missed out of micromanaging Liz in her first trimester, in reality she means if she knew she could have gotten more TLC episodes and paychecks out of this season.

Exactly.   And why were the parents telling Liz what to do with things concerning the baby like Liz is 16 yrs old?   I guess because they'll be the ones pretty much raising and paying for baby.   Yes Amber was so pissed she missed out on 5 whole months of being the know it all and, as it was stated above,  micro managing Liz's whole pregnancy.   Did Liz say anything about why it happened?  Like was it an "oops,  we were using 2 forms of birth control and I magically ended up pregnant"  thing?   And Amber hoping it would be an LP?  That's just weird.     But hey....what do I know?   🤷‍♀️

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For heaven's sake; do people REALLY believe Liz hasn't seen a doctor?  In Amber's world, not doing everything her way as a "we" with head bitch in charge is the literal equivalent of doing nothing.  That's Amber's warped view.  As she said, "WE are going north; not to any doctor around here."  And THEY are going to HER former OB/GYN.  Sometimes I think Amber doesn't just have fuzzy boundaries, but is actually in a symbiotic relationship with all her nearly grown children.

Sick, and to think she's now "qualified" to micromanage non-family members' lives.  SHUDDER.

How many times did Trent have to ask if Brice tried to run away from his responsibilities?  I think he was hankering after a good old-fashioned shotgun wedding -- a first for TLC!

According to Anna's Insta, which is pretty cryptic, she seems to be dating an average-size African-Amercian guy.



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On 5/20/2024 at 5:06 PM, humbleopinion said:

Liz and Brice on the couch is reminiscent of Will Ferrell in Bob Newhart’s lap in the movie Elf.

I don't know if it was the angle, or if her head and body are just so big, and he's like a skinny guy with a pin head?


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2 hours ago, EastCoast4Life said:

I don't know if it was the angle, or if her head and body are just so big, and he's like a skinny guy with a pin head?


It doesn’t help she sits a lot more forward in the couch than he does, it throws off the optics. 

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So, Liz gets  pregnant, in theory not on purpose, and she’s rewarded with a room for her and the baby, and a car? 

Meanwhile Amber is saying we’re having a girl and is going to be disappointed if the baby isn’t a little person. Sure, wish for a potentially serious condition for your granddaughter. Yes the Johnston family hasn’t had the same extreme health conditions others have had, so you’re very lucky, but making it very clear her heart will be broken if the baby is average size is just stupid and cruel. That was certainly a thought that didn’t need to be televised for the world and baby to look back on.

Someone please send this whole family back to elementary school! The way they all managed to make repeated grammatical errors was cringe worthy. 



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Amber goes beyond "controlling."  I think she has actual identity issues or a personality disorder.  I'd love to go back and rewatch the whole series to see when it became evident that she was totally off the chain!  I think it must stem from her father abandoning her and the rest of the family being average sized (although that hasn't seemed to hurt Ashley).  Poor Brice - and his entire family - getting mixed up with this bunch!

As for health issues, I believe Amber, Anna, Liz, Jonah, and Alex have all had surgeries (not sure about Trent and Emma).  Emma seems to have learning differences, along with Zach Roloff.  In fact, Amy Roloff might be the only dwarf on TV who has escaped any serious health problem related to dwarfism.

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I don't know if it was mentioned here or Reddit, but someone said Elizabeth is always rolling her eyes (it's usually at the end of anything she says).  And once you notice it, you can't unnotice it.  It's fucking annoying. Not sure if she's doing it intentionally or it's just something ingrained in her.  But if it's intentional, Liz:  STOP!

Also, I used to watch all the time but I got rid of cable.  So I just randomly buy individual episodes.  If anyone has any specific super train-wrecky episodes I need to see, please let me know ;).  Just finished the most recent one based on all the comments about how awful Amber is. 

Anyone know what Alex and Emma are doing now that they've graduated high school?

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1 hour ago, woodscommaelle said:

If anyone has any specific super train-wrecky episodes I need to see, please let me know ;). 

Have you seen the one where Amber & Trent body paint each other?  I don't know how much you have to pay to watch but that one's pretty train-wrecky though I wouldn't spend more than a buck to watch it.

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15 minutes ago, Cementhead said:

Have you seen the one where Amber & Trent body paint each other?  I don't know how much you have to pay to watch but that one's pretty train-wrecky though I wouldn't spend more than a buck to watch it.

Each episode is $3.12 with tax. 

Not sure if I can handle those two body-painting each other.  I had to FF through the cookie-making in the most recent episode.  Such strange shit.  I would be embarrassed to see my parents on TV doing this stuff.

But thank you @Cementhead.  I think I'm more interested in the dynamics between the kids and/or Amber and the kids.  When it's just Amber and Trent, I check out.

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On 5/22/2024 at 7:20 PM, Fostersmom said:

The way they all managed to make repeated grammatical errors was cringe worthy. 

Reality tv has made me question my own language skills, and it remains confusing to me. I've always thought when one can't describe something, it's indescribable: if it's time consuming, it's inconvenient. Yet many THs on these shows state something is "UNdescribable", "UNconvenient" as well as worth "conversating" instead of conversing 

Guaranteed - some dictionary will formally adopt these words in a couple of years which will annoy me 

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On 5/20/2024 at 6:56 PM, Dibs said:

For heaven's sake; do people REALLY believe Liz hasn't seen a doctor? 

Great post. I agree that Amber will insert herself and micromanage. It is also sad because she and Trent have raised very responsible children and I'm sure Liz could do this on her own if she had to.

However, Amber has also instilled in her children a need for parents' final approval because she's always made them doubt their own decisions or ability. (Like how she's directing when Jonah can move out and on).

I wonder how much  of Liz's storyline was created for TV as opposed to what was really going on behind the scenes?

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10 hours ago, Chalby said:

However, Amber has also instilled in her children a need for parents' final approval because she's always made them doubt their own decisions or ability. (Like how she's directing when Jonah can move out and on).

That's a really good point.

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Anyone know which season/episode the Delta 8 stuff happens in?  That might be just the train-wreck I'm looking for.

Also, the episode/season when Amber reads the texts between Jonah and Ashley.  Which one is that?


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11 hours ago, woodscommaelle said:

Anyone know which season/episode the Delta 8 stuff happens in?  That might be just the train-wreck I'm looking for.

Also, the episode/season when Amber reads the texts between Jonah and Ashley.  Which one is that?


I keep thinking it was two seasons ago

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13 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

Is Liz baby a little person?

I think I read that Amber was doubly disappointed with a typical-sized granddaughter. But I'm not sure.

Maybe it will mean that Amber will start liking Ashley again to increase the odds of having a little person grandson.

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On 5/25/2024 at 1:10 AM, Jeanne222 said:

Is Liz baby a little person?

I’m putting that in spoilers.  


So, apparently others here have read something different from me, but I read the baby was a little person. I’ll have to look for the link.  If anyone has one, will you post it in spoilers?  


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The baby is definitely NOT a little person; she's verified average height.  And you can tell just by looking at her pictures even if it weren't verified.

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Just watched the Delta 8 episode. Don’t know anything about it, but it just seemed like Jonah got high for the first time and freaked out a little.  Why are they making such a big deal about it? 

Amber made this all about how terrible it was for her. 🤣  




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29 minutes ago, woodscommaelle said:

Amber made this all about how terrible it was for her. 🤣  

They should rename the show "All About Amber."




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Doesn't look like a particularly reliable source.  Just because it's on the Internet doesn't mean it's true!

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52 minutes ago, Dibs said:

Doesn't look like a particularly reliable source.  Just because it's on the Internet doesn't mean it's true!

Totally. I just found it to be so odd. I mean, how many facts can one article get wrong??? And what’s the point anyway?

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If it helps, here is a link to a photo of Josiah Roloff, a baby with the same type of dwarfism as Liz:  https://people.com/parents/tori-roloff-opens-up-about-son-josiah-turned-6-months-old/

Here is a of Leighton at the same age:  https://www.intouchweekly.com/posts/7-little-johnstons-liz-and-brice-boldens-baby-girls-photos/

You can see that Sisi has a larger head, a more prominent forehead and shorter fingers.

I think if Leighton is a dwarf baby that would be called out in social media posts.

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Saw a clip from the show where Liz was told the baby is average sized. And now she had to go tell Amber. 

I bet that conversation happened offscreen and then was done again for the film crew once Amber stopped complaining about having an average sized grand daughter.


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On 5/22/2024 at 10:20 PM, Fostersmom said:

Someone please send this whole family back to elementary school! The way they all managed to make repeated grammatical errors was cringe worthy. 

OMG. If I have to hear Liz say "Brice and I's..." one more time I'm going to lose it.

"Brice's and my..." isn't. that. hard!

Have they stopped teaching in school how to construct a sentence that refers to yourself and another person, and how to quickly and easily determine the right pronouns/name forms to use if you're unsure?

I recall being taught:

First say the sentence to yourself as two separate sentences, to see if the pronouns/name forms you're planning to use are correct.


Brice and I's house.

Brice house.   I's house.

Now simply figure out what form of "Brice" you'd use if the house you were referring to belonged only to Brice, then the same if the house belonged only to you:

Brice's house. ✔️  My house. ✔️

Brice's and my house. ✔️

It's not just Liz that does this, of course. I spend hours a day researching online, and I see people constructing sentences referring to themselves and another person incorrectly dozens of times a day. It's at the point now those who do construct sentences of this type correctly are in the minority.

In regards to Amber's continuing to manage her adult and nearly adult children's lives:

One of the (many) things Amber does that drives me crazy is her using the pronoun "we" when telling one of the kids something they should do or can't do.

After Jonah's Delta 8 B.S., Amber took great pains to tell him (paraphrasing, except for the "we") "We need to concentrate on getting back on track, so we don't need any distractions, like long phone calls, or visits with Ashleigh." 

"We need to look for a job; that's one of our priorities."

During Trent and Amber's sit-down with Liz about the baby, Amber used "we" multiple times.

As for Trent and Amber's  reaction to Jonah and the whole Delta 8 crap? Ridiculous!

I don't believe for a second Jonah's extreme reaction had anything to do with Delta 8. (Full disclosure: my 26-year-old [at the time] daughter and I tried it and had no reaction. Meaning: felt absolutely nothing). Jonah probably had more than one. But even if that were the case, I still wouldn't believe his reaction was from the Delta 8.

My theory is after he took it, he starting thinking about what would happen if his parents found out. The thought they might triggered a full-blown panic attack. (FYI for those who've never had one: you feel like you're actually dying. It can be terrifying).

Of course Trent and Amber's reaction to the incident was completely over the top. They either haven't received — or did receive and subsequently tossed away — the memo that JONAH IS AN ADULT. 

If my daughter had done the same thing at that age, I would have said:

Me: So, it looks like you tried Delta 8 last night. Did you enjoy it?

DD: No.

Me: Going to try it again?

DD: No!

Me: Good plan.

Also Me: Hey — would you rather we cook chicken or a couple of steaks on the grill tonight? 

And THAT would be the end of it.

Question: If someone were to pray all five kids go no-contact with Trent and Amber, would that make them a bad person? 🤔

Asking for a friend. 

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I think in Amber's case it's more than incorrect grammar (although it's also that).  I believe, like a true narcissist, she sees her children as extensions of herself and therefore has genuine blurring of ego boundaries.  Like she actually believes they are ALL ONE PERSON.  She doesn't view them as autonomous beings, much less grown adults.  Hence the "we."

Amber is really one sick puppy.

Oh, and Anna also graduated from college this spring, but Amber failed to mention that high achievement!  Nor did anyone else in the family neither on the show nor on social media.

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On 5/30/2024 at 1:15 PM, applewood said:

I don't know if this was mentioned before but I was reading online that Poppy (Trent's dad) passed in March 2024, just a few months after they had his big party.

Here is his obituary: https://www.cannonclevelandfunerals.com/obituary/walter-pete-johnston

That’s too bad. I didn’t realize there was another daughter. I thought it was just Trent & Heidi. 

they had the celebration of life on St. Patrick’s Day. Isn’t that Trent’s birthday? 

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The improper grammar on all of the "reality" shows is cringe-worthy. Full of improper use of he/him/I/me, (the correct usage so beautifully explained by TwirlyGirly), using whenever and when interchangeably,  which almost works, but not really. These patterns are even cropping up in major network and scripted programs. I don't know if it's part of the dummying down trend, regional speech, or that it is no longer taught, but it leaves me shaking my head.  If you really want to cringe, watch the shows that feature teen couples. From the grandparents right on down, the grammar (that isn't bleeped) is atrocious. 

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5 hours ago, salvame said:

The improper grammar on all of the "reality" shows is cringe-worthy. Full of improper use of he/him/I/me, (the correct usage so beautifully explained by TwirlyGirly), using whenever and when interchangeably,  which almost works, but not really. These patterns are even cropping up in major network and scripted programs. I don't know if it's part of the dummying down trend, regional speech, or that it is no longer taught, but it leaves me shaking my head.  If you really want to cringe, watch the shows that feature teen couples. From the grandparents right on down, the grammar (that isn't bleeped) is atrocious. 

Thank you, Salvame. 😊

I spend several hours a day engaged in research online. There is something I'm seeing more and more frequently, even from professional writers and journalists, and that's the rampant misuse of the word "where." 

"Where" is a locative, meaning it's used only to refer to a physical place. But I see it used to refer to time:

"There comes a point in time where this matters."

Should be:

"There comes a point in time when this matters."

"There was also that scene in Seinfeld where a telemarketer calls Jerry at home."

Should be:

"There was also that scene in Seinfeld when a telemarketer calls Jerry at home."

I also see "where" used in place of "which":

"Do you really think you have a relationship with your son where he feels free to tell you a truth you don’t want to hear?"

Should be:

"Do you really think you have a relationship with your son in which he feels free to tell you a truth you don’t want to hear?"

"Where" used in place of "who" (or used in the middle of a sentence for no reason; it's almost as if "where" is the new "like" for some people):

"We had a next-door neighbor where they had their house remodeled, and they were going to put it on the market."

Should be:

"We had a next-door neighbor who had their house remodeled, and they were going to put it on the market.

"In most bridal stores, the dresses aren't displayed in a way where you can just leaf through them and browse on your own, the way you can in other retail stores."

Should be:

"In most bridal stores, the dresses aren't displayed in a way you can just leaf through them and browse on your own, the way you can in other retail stores."

For anyone who's read this far, chances are you'll now notice every time the word "where" is misused in a sentence.

Once I became aware, my brain began slamming on its brakes every time I was reading and the word "where" appeared in a sentence. It still does today. First I scan the three or four sentences that come before the sentence that uses "where," to see if a place/location was mentioned I skimmed over and don't remember. If there isn't, I can't continue reading until I've corrected the sentence so it makes sense.

I don't correct others except when I'm reading something written by a professional writer who made the same mistake more than once in the article. If someone is getting paid to write, then their writing should be free of most grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors.

For example, just this week I was reading the latest piece written by a major newspaper's advice columnist, and they used "where" incorrectly three times in that one article. I emailed them to bring the errors to their attention. I hope they'll use "where" correctly when writing articles from now on, but there's no guarantee they'll read my email or care to learn what word(s) they should use to take the place of "where" when they're writing. 

To bring this back to the Johnstons; all of them have atrocious grammar. Some of their grammatical mistakes may be excused as acceptable to their regional dialect, but not all. "Brice and I's" is not a regionally accepted sentence construction anywhere, AFAIK.

What I don't understand is how Trent, Amber, Jonah, Liz, and Anna all graduated from college but the grammar mistakes each of them make consistently were never corrected. Regardless of a student's degree program, English courses are a general education requirement.

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Not to cut any of these illiterates slack but, as I explained on the "Outdaughtered" forum in defense of Adam, "whenever" for "when" is a southern colloquialism.  Even otherwise articulate speakers are guilty of this down there.  However,  "Brice and I's" is not.  The sad fact is that no one reads books anymore - at least not the well-written classics - and no one cares about grammar, punctuation, usage, or the English language in general now.  To object is to be considered pedantic, anal, even "mean."  My personal pet peeve is what's known as "prepositional shift," which has occurred just in the last generation for some reason (and, yes, even so-called journalists and newscasters of a certain age do it).  Example: so-and-so was charged FOR instead of charged WITH.  They get the preposition wrong every. single. time.  Drives me crazy!

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2 hours ago, Dibs said:

To object is to be considered pedantic, anal, even "mean." 

"We shall fight in the fields, and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills. We shall never surrender!"

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Is it just me, but is this the longest season of bore there is? How many more episodes until lil miss bossy pants has her baby? So now Amber wants demands Liz move back home, baby in tow to the house, is Amber also planning on breast feeding Leighton? Does she not realize that babies cry, in the middle of the night at all hours? How is Jonah going to get his beauty sleep? 

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Reno of the bedroom vanities will conveniently include an addition to the Mothership for Liz, Brice and Leighton to make shooting easier for the TLC crew.

Brice's family lives down the road from the Johnston's compound so  Amber needs to hold center stage by having  the baby under her roof.

Like the product placement of the $40 Yeti fishing bucket and $30 lid...if it can support a pregnant Liz then I am rushing out to buy that sturdy bucket and top for myself.

Funny how all the qualities that made Brice a boring bf makes him a stellar baby daddy...anyone else surprised with Chatty Brice?

Hope he is getting his TLC checks direct deposit into his account and not through the Johnston trough.

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Why doesn’t she get another dog? I realize that’s a huge responsibility with a new baby, but if it’s going to make her feel safer.


Or, why isn’t Brice (and a new dog) just moving in with Liz?  Why go back with mom and dad?

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On 6/12/2024 at 11:18 PM, woodscommaelle said:

Or, why isn’t Brice (and a new dog) just moving in with Liz?  Why go back with mom and dad?

Because this is what Amber has decided. I'm sure she'll say "we decided that the best place for Leighton was at our house." And by we, she means she made that decision. 

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How many more episodes are left? This is getting as bad as Sister Wives for dragging out the season. Have the baby and be done with it. 

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On 6/12/2024 at 1:02 PM, humbleopinion said:

Hope he is getting his TLC checks direct deposit into his account and not through the Johnston trough.

I agree with every word, but I just had to point out this choice of phrasing!  So perfect for this bunch!😅

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Finally watched a few episodes of this season. Without a doubt, this is the most boring season ever.

There's too much Amber and Trent time. I don't care about Liz's baby. And there no stories for the other kids.

This show has run its course--TLC, please wrap up this sh*t show!

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On 6/12/2024 at 10:02 AM, humbleopinion said:

Funny how all the qualities that made Brice a boring bf makes him a stellar baby daddy...anyone else surprised with Chatty Brice?

I really enjoyed listening to Brice, especially when he was out with his Dad, brothers, and Jonah/Trent. You're right, he's going to be a good dad. Clearly his parents have done a good job parenting. And he's so polite and patient when Liz talks over him or for him. Then Brice's patience will subside once daddy's girl is born.

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Random Notes:

Yes, I saw an interview with Liz and she and Brice live with T & A. They plan to stay there 2 years to save for a house. Once in the house, they hope to have another child.

I read on Reddit that Liz has received her associates degree in nursing, but never passed her boards. That likely means that her earning potential is more limited. She is working as a dialysis tech.

Also, the whole family except Anna went to Puerto Rico. Anna shared in social media that she wasn't invited. Brice, Ashley and Alex's high school girlfriend all went.

Edited by Ms.Lulu
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