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Killian Jones/Captain Hook: One Handed Pirate With A Drinking Problem

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I finally watched some of the band videos, and I have to say that's a pretty impressive tenor. He gets some power in the upper register. We could use about half a dozen of him in my choir. Let's get the cloning machine going.


Do the clones have to be used only for singing? 


Yet another fan report. (BTW, check out her artwork, too -- it's amazing!)

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Do the clones have to be used only for singing?

The cooking thing would also be good. :-)


I had a bizarro mental rabbit trail last night when rewatching "Unforgiven" and found myself thinking that if that restored hand had really brought Hook back to being the person he was when he had that hand, then he might have lectured David about his drinking early in the episode (after Snow's dream) and poured out his bottle. And that made me think once more about how silly the whole hand plot was and how it showed that they really aren't paying attention to their own characters when they write this stuff.


If you created a drinking game just for Hook-centric episodes, then someone calling him a "selfish pirate" would have to be on the list. And yet I'm not sure that he really was, even at his worst, more selfish than average. I suppose evil and revenge are inherently selfish because they put one person's desires ahead of everything else, but from what we saw in the Ursula flashback, it wasn't as though pure selfishness was a way of life for Hook. It looked like he really was going to help Ursula out of sympathy for her, without expecting anything in return, if Poseidon hadn't inserted himself into the situation. That's not the act of a selfish person. Rather than selfishness, I'd say that Hook's problem is that he impulsively lashes out in rage when he feels he's been wronged, and then he's too stubborn to rethink what he did impulsively. Just about every time we've seen him screw up in the past or even in the missing year, that's been what happened. He felt like he'd been cheated or betrayed and did something rash in retaliation.


Meanwhile, most of the really bad stuff we've seen him do was without the hand. That's when his heart really went dark, when he was consumed with the need for revenge. If anything, it's the hook that's evil. With the hand, he was at least able to fall deeply in love and he had a crew that seemed to honestly like and respect him. Yeah, he was a jerk to Rumple, but it's not like that's particularly rare in men in their early 20s. There's a reason why that age bracket for men has very high car insurance rates. So would Rumple's mind games have really worked on him about the hand making him go dark again? At his worst, he was Captain Hook. When he had the hand, he was a military officer, he had a brother, and then that was when he loved Milah. You'd think he'd want to find his way back to that person. Not to mention that it was rather silly for a right-handed person who hasn't had a left hand in centuries to suddenly start using that hand instinctively when he wanted to hit something. So was it mind games or was it really magic?


It would have been far more likely, and a lot funnier, if the hand had actually brought him back to his Lt. Jones persona and instead of hitting Will, he started lecturing him on the evils of drunkenness, and then he got shy and awkward with Emma.


And then, of course, the big fail was that it ended up not mattering at all. Remove that whole incident, and it wouldn't have changed the main plot in the slightest. Rumple would have taken out his heart even without all this, and I suspect that Hook still would have been suspicious of any offer Rumple made to remove Emma's magic, so he still would have found the map. And Emma never heard the voice mail, so the blackmail didn't matter. It's a shame they wasted the getting the hand back plot because there are so many ways that could have happened that would have been interesting and that would have mattered, and I doubt they'll go there again unless they decide to get the hand back for good for ease in wardrobe and logistics.

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A new video of Colin's entire "Listen to the Music" performance with the Enemies. Some really nice closeups! Too bad whoever took it didn't realize they shouldn't keep changing their phone's orientation while taking a video, LOL.


And a totally new song.


Jumping Colin!

Edited by Souris
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This has more to do with the poll itself, but Colin's in the sweet sixteen for an E! Poll (yeah, I know, no one involved with that last poll probably wants to participate in one ever again), but I feel like E! Upped the ante for weeding out bots. You click the check box that literally says something akin to "I am not a bot" and I only had to do a word capture once (which actually turned out to be a number capture), so I don't know if my other 4 votes counted...anyways my point is that after less than five minutes of having a box checked without clicking the actual "vote" button, I had to match sushi images to make sure I was still there and suddenly not a bot.

That didn't happen last time did it? 'Cause, I'm kinda impressed.

Anyways, that's all. And thank you for posting all those wonderful videos Souris!

I'm thinking the only reason E would institute a new captcha system is because they saw something hinky with the last big poll. I've barely heard a peep about this poll on tumblr, but now that Colin made the top 8, it'll probably get more attention. I'm hoping he can win, just because he deserves to win everything. :)

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I feel the same way, and yet there I was last night ignoring my family to get an extra 10 votes in for Colin. Now that's he's one of the eight and beat Misha, I think I may be in for some more voting trouble. Why do I do this? Why?


(because he's our sweet Irish pirate who sings and cooks and has pretty blue eyes and yea, that's why)

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E!'s top 8 males poll is up, but there's some kerfuffle about mobile votes not being counted, or not working. I seem to be able to vote fine on my tablet, but if it's not being counted, that sucks! I take back what I said before about thinking the polls were fixed due to the new captcha system.


Edited by pezgirl7

^ you mean my measly 10 votes haven't counted? Aw snap! That's interesting how she says mobile doesn't work. I've got a 4th generation ipod and the "not a bot" checkbox shows up along with the captcha, so it seems like it's working. That's odd in itself though, because with the couples poll the captcha stuff wouldn't even show up on my ipod, and that's how I knew the poll didn't work for my device.

Oh well, maybe I'll manage to toss Colin a vote o sunday from my computer. Got a busy weekend, but go Colin!

Someone has been uploading videos of Colin in the TV show The Clinic, which include a kissing scene, and a shirtless scene!



For some reason, no one bothered to check out this show before to notice these scenes! And for some reason I always thought he didn't have a lot of screen kisses before Once, but he seems to manage this one just fine. :)

Edited by pezgirl7
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They can say the F word on Irish TV?! Is this a cable show? Other than that, what a cutie.

I stayed up late last night watching The Clinic videos, but it looks like a bunch more were added. They inspired me to make my first Colin gif set!


And then I had the TV on, and stumbled on to Storage 24, which I had never seen. He's gorgeous in it, I'm surprised there haven't been more gifs made from it. Suffice it to say, last night was a Colin night. You'd think I would have dreamt about him, but no such luck.

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Storage 24 is such a terrible movie, but I was game for the Colin screen time, so I stuck with it.  It's amazing what I'll watch, so long as there's he's in it - ha!  I went out and bought The Rite, stone cold without having seen it before.  I was a little nervous because I cannot handle horror at all.  Much to my overjoyed surprise, I didn't find it to be remotely scary.  In fact, I really enjoyed the heck out of it.  I thought it was a very thoughtful and well done movie.  Plus, priest!Colin seemed to be a very genuine role for him. I really want to get my hands on The Euthanizer, because I've seen gifs from it.  Baby Colin + automatic weapon = yes, please!




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The Euthanizer is hilario​us!! It's a short movie, and bby Colin is adorable in it. Here's the link. Enjoy! 


I'd watched The Rite before I knew who Colin was. I liked him in that role, but I don't remember thinking he was hot or anything. Little did I know...


I need to watch Storage 24 sometime.

Edited by Rumsy4
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I've been watching the clips from The Clinic and I love baby Colin! Whenever I see something like this, it just makes me wish that Once used Colin/Hook as a real character, not just a supporting player in someone else's storyline. He's such a great actor and his character is actually interesting and (potentially) fun. I'm happy that he's found a steady job working on Once, but part of me wishes it would end so he could move on to something better that really took advantage of his talents.

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Whenever I see something like this, it just makes me wish that Once used Colin/Hook as a real character, not just a supporting player in someone else's storyline. He's such a great actor and his character is actually interesting and (potentially) fun.


Seriously. Do we even know what Hook's motivation is right now during 4B? They gave him a motivation for exactly two episodes: 1) his mission to release the fairies, which was resolved in one episode, and 2) his mission to give Ursula back her voice, which was also resolved in one episode. Otherwise, he's just kind of floating around in the background ready to pop in and give Emma a pep talk whenever she feels like ditching Regina, and then he goes away again. It's incredibly frustrating because there's so much the writers could be exploring right now with Rumple being back in town and how Hook feels about his girlfriend potentially going dark. Is he nervous that Rumple is out to get his heart again, or is he only focused on Emma? Is he looking over his shoulder every second to see if Rumple is lurking? What the hell does he do all day when Emma is off doing Operation Mongoose stuff? Has he gone back to the Jolly Roger or is he still living in Granny's? Not that we've ever even seen his room in Granny's, we just have to take Colin's word for it. Why does he believe in Operation Mongoose? Especially after giving Ursula her happy ending?


And why isn't he ever allowed to go on adventures with Emma anymore? Chernabog's in town? Off to the library. Ursula and Cruella stole something from Gold's pawn shop and Emma and David need to follow them? He's...somewhere else. Emma needs to follow Regina to make sure something bad doesn't happen (like letting a child get kidnapped), he's...somewhere far away because Rumple easily impersonated him for an entire night without anyone knowing.


I'm happy that he's found a steady job working on Once, but part of me wishes it would end so he could move on to something better that really took advantage of his talents.


I'm always so torn about this. On the one hand, I'd love to see Colin in something that has better writers than Once, but on the other hand, how many chances is he going to get to play a character like Captain Hook in his life? This character will probably end up being one of the best/most fun roles of his entire career, which just makes me even angrier that the writers don't actually utilize him to his fullest potential right now. Especially since there are so many empty holes in his character's story. Just...gah!

Edited by Curio
  • Love 6


Whenever I see something like this, it just makes me wish that Once used Colin/Hook as a real character, not just a supporting player in someone else's storyline. He's such a great actor and his character is actually interesting and (potentially) fun.

Yeah, he is the most interesting character right now, and the most underused. He should be more prominent this half season, with Rumple back in town and Emma going dark. But no, he is totally sidelined in favor of the guest actor of the week. But what can we expect, when something like Rumple taking his heart and controlling him for days was resolved in a scene that lasted 26 seconds. At least, not using him that much means less opportunities to destroy the character.

And I know it's not just Hook (Curio - I saw your post in the Belle thread and couldn't agree more), but is he even allowed to talk to anyone besides Emma? Has he even spoken a word to anyone else this half season without her there besides Belle in the first ep and Ursula and Ariel in Ursula's centric? Has he ever even had a one on one conversation with Snow? When was the last time he and Regina talked alone? What about Charming? I know people like to joke about "Captain Charming", but these two haven't shared a word since the second episode of the season! I don't understand why they don't allow the characters to interact and converse like normal people/friends. Oh well, at least the lack of Hook and Captain Swan scenes has released me from needing to watch this show on Sunday nights and now I can just watch his/their 30 seconds of screen time on You Tube at my leisure... 

  • Love 6

Has he ever even had a one on one conversation with Snow? When was the last time he and Regina talked alone? What about Charming? I know people like to joke about "Captain Charming", but these two haven't shared a word since the second episode of the season! I don't understand why they don't allow the characters to interact and converse like normal people/friends.


The issue is that the writers have absolutely no interest in character development between its own lead characters. Some of the best scenes from 4B have been the conversations between Belle and Hook, just because it's a combination that we don't see often. I don't even know what Snow and Hook would talk about if they were alone. Would she be nosy and ask about his relationship with Emma? In fact, why didn't we get a conversation with Hook and Emma's parents after their egg baby confession? Hook's so protective of Emma, you'd think seeing her so upset about her parents' lie would make him want to talk to Snow and David about it. Or why haven't Snow and David asked Hook about where Emma's head is at? I suppose there's no time for serious character conversations when we're jumping from one plot point to the next at rapid speeds. And I originally thought the writers didn't have Hook and Regina share a conversation in Season 4 because he'd immediately shoot down her Operation Mongoose idea, but that's not the case anymore because apparently he believes in it, too. So what gives?

  • Love 1

Ask and ye shall receive.

Edit: Oops, Rumsy beat me to it!

Thanks Rumys and Curio!  You guys are the best - and you're right.  That was totally funny.  I rather like dark comedies (Bernie comes to mind...).  Mind if I put the link up on Tumblr to share?  I certainly didn't know it was out there and so easily available.

I must be the only one in the world underwhelmed by Colin O'Donoghue's vocals. You all know I admire him! Wicked acting skills, and that face, and the body of Adonis, and can cook complicated French recipes, and goofball antics make this planet a better place to live, and has family values, and plays a musical instrument, he is a treasure.


But his singing. Is competent. But his tone quality is just so bland. He has the voice of a Disney prince in the worst way (which, to be sure, is not anywhere in the ballpark of bad.) I actually think the media's oversaturated with tenors, like, that tone quality is a dime a dozen. I'll grant that he's obviously got a good ear, and

...still, I can see why the lead singer is the lead singer.


The sort of fusion Nashville funk style that seems to be the band's thing is just not my thing, either.


At least they're all having fun.

I must be the only one in the world underwhelmed by Colin O'Donoghue's vocals. You all know I admire him! Wicked acting skills, and that face, and the body of Adonis, and can cook complicated French recipes, and goofball antics make this planet a better place to live, and has family values, and plays a musical instrument, he is a treasure.


I don't think anyone was really praising him as the second coming of Freddie Mercury or anything. (Unless I missed a whole bunch of Tumblr fangirling.) I think he has a nice-sounding voice and can carry a tune, but it's not super extraordinary or anything. It gets the job done. But I'm a string instrument musician, so I was paying more attention to his guitar playing than his singing anyways.

Edited by Curio

Colin won his E! matchup, so he'll be in the Final Four tomorrow.

He seems popular. Maybe Once should put him on the show.

LOL! I'm seriously getting tired of him just bookending the episodes with Emma, or just standing in the background looking supportive. I mean, I'll take it of course, but they need to use him more! I love everything about Captain Swan to date. Edited by OnceUponAJen
  • Love 2
I must be the only one in the world underwhelmed by Colin O'Donoghue's vocals.

I will say as a singing snob with perfect pitch that he probably shouldn't quit his day job, but he was far better than I generally hear in the kinds of bands that play that kind of music in bars like that (which is why I don't go to many shows like that). He was on pitch, which is a real issue in bands like that (I swear, there's even some bands that I think actually aim to be about 1/4 step flat), so I wasn't cringing. And he had some decent power in the upper register rather than doing a thin falsetto. It's hard to judge on cell phone video, though, because I doubt the acoustics were right to capture the real sound mix. From what I heard, I'd be curious to hear what he could really do in a quieter environment with a different kind of music, and I think that if he got cast in a musical that required serious singing, he'd do a great job with some vocal coaching. In fact, there was just enough of a hint that there's some decent technique or training there but that he doesn't necessarily use it for singing that kind of music in that kind of environment (I actually kind of envy the ability to turn it off because I can't).


And for the second week in a row, it's more interesting to analyze cell phone video of a bar band than the episode itself, but that one scene was lovely.

  • Love 2
The "I had nothing to live for." line broke my heart.

That's been my head canon for a while, so it was nice to hear it made canon. It wasn't just the loss that sent him down the wrong path. It was the loss plus having nothing left, no one there to pull him back from the brink. It was bad enough when he lost his brother, but then just when he found someone else in Milah he lost her, too, and that was what really pushed him over the edge.


Which is why although these little scenes have been great, I feel like they've wasted the opportunity to use the characters' established backgrounds and show more of him trying to help Emma, more of what he's doing. And we should have had more of the aftereffect of last season, where this time in spite of the trauma he didn't go dark because now he does have someone to live for, and he's got people to hold him accountable. If he got into another situation where he was in danger of going dark, not only would Emma call him out, but I think Belle might, as well, and maybe David. Ariel might pop up from an underwater portal and slap some sense into him, as might Ursula.


If he got into another situation where he was in danger of going dark, not only would Emma call him out, but I think Belle might, as well, and maybe David. Ariel might pop up from an underwater portal and slap some sense into him, as might Ursula.


David was all on the Hook is going evil train a few episodes ago, so I put zero faith in David as far as helping out Hook. Man has this half season screwed over its main characters.

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