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Spec with Spoilers: Everyone is Both Southern & Charming!

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Producers are in town. I wonder if they will be filming Cam's baby shower this weekend. 

18 hours ago, Major Bigtime said:

He doesn't want the divorce, obviously, but he needs to clean up his act and stop acting like a frat boy.

TT revealed her blind item about a couple of weeks ago:


It is not a secret to anyone on the show that husband cheats, likes to drink in the local bars, and often has a little something extra in his pocket to enhance the evening. He goes missing for days at a time. His behavior has effected not only his marriage but his current business. The streets have been talking for a long time and it is becoming increasing difficult for the husband to get the financing he currently needs to bail out the latest business. 

Well, that didn’t take long, The Gentry Bar and Restaurant that opened on March 31, 2017 is now closed. Another check on the Bravo chalkboard in the divorce column, and hopefully another check for rehab to soon follow.

We wish nothing but the best for the family, all of them to recover from this situation quickly.


Edited by slowpoked
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39 minutes ago, Mountainair said:

From what I could surmise on Instagram it appears that Naomi confirmed she and Craig broke up. Will they both be back next season? 

Awww, I was rooting for them to make it. I'm probably one of a few who thought they make a good couple and that they were good for each other, despite the drama.

Expect Shep to be on the prowl, I guess. 

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I'm actually not surprised in the least that Landon wasn't asked back onto the show---what more of a storyline could she possibly provide? She already did the showmance thing with Shep and T-Rav the past few seasons, she was essentially homeless due to her rental suddenly being put on the market, and her random local job pursuits were a joke. Not to mention it was obvious that the rest of the cast and could barely stand being around her anymore and most viewers don't like her either; plus, she got a horrible edit this past season, which is usually the kiss of death in reality showland. 

I might've thought that *maybe* she and Austen  could've gone for a laughable showmance, but he apparently wasn't asked back either, which actually DOES baffle me. Wonder why he wasn't invited back after the good guy/everyman edit he got? Maybe he just came off way too bland and boring for the producers.

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8 minutes ago, Sun-Bun said:

I might've thought that *maybe* she and Austen  could've gone for a laughable showmance, but he apparently wasn't asked back either, which actually DOES baffle me. Wonder why he wasn't invited back after the good guy/everyman edit he got? Maybe he just came off way too bland and boring for the producers.

I’ve heard he didn’t want to be a part of the show anymore. Didn’t like the way people were edited, not just himself, but mainly the women.

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Thing I don't get is that the show has had stronger ratings the last two seasons than the first two?

So you'd think this cast would be something they want to keep?

Or is it always the Thomas and Katherine show and everyone else is a supporting player?

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8 hours ago, Major Bigtime said:

I’ve heard he didn’t want to be a part of the show anymore. Didn’t like the way people were edited, not just himself, but mainly the women.

Wow! Good for him. He seemed self-aware enough to try to not be a douche on TV.

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19 hours ago, Major Bigtime said:

I’ve heard he didn’t want to be a part of the show anymore. Didn’t like the way people were edited, not just himself, but mainly the women.


10 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

Wow! Good for him. He seemed self-aware enough to try to not be a douche on TV.

I heard otherwise, that he will be back. He also said to one fan who thought he wasn't going to be back to not worry. What else is he going to do? But the one "x-factor" that he had last season (having a job), he doesn't have that anymore, so unless he finds a compelling storyline, most likely he'll be a bum hanging out, drinking at bars picking up women. I guess that would make him the new Shep, except for the jobless part.

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4 minutes ago, slowpoked said:


I heard otherwise, that he will be back. He also said to one fan who thought he wasn't going to be back to not worry. What else is he going to do? But the one "x-factor" that he had last season (having a job), he doesn't have that anymore, so unless he finds a compelling storyline, most likely he'll be a bum hanging out, drinking at bars picking up women. I guess that would make him the new Shep, except for the jobless part.

Because he doesn't have any money,  Austen's more like Craig 1.1.

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55 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

Because he doesn't have any money,  Austen's more like Craig 1.1.

Well, after four seasons of the show, Craig's got a lot more money now, and his real estate investment, and his bar license. Plus Craig is past the frat boy life (well, let's see how he deals with being newly single), while both Austen and Shep still live and act like frat boys, so I thought Shep is the more apt comparison, just without the money.

It was Cam's baby shower this weekend. All the ladies, both main and supporting cast were there, except for Landon, Kathryn and Pat. I don't think it was filmed for the show, even though the producers were in Charleston for a week now. I wonder if they're going to have a baby shower for the show. That is, if they get to start filming soon before she pops the kid.

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I'd much rather see Cam's baby shower than another Shep birthday party. 

If Craig and Naomi broke up, does it mean we won't be seeing her again? I really liked her, despite some understandable immaturity. They were a fun couple and I hoped their shomance would continue long enough for us to see them working on their relationship problems in a positive way. Oh well. 

I really don't want to see Kathryn-Thomas-Ashley fireworks. Just NO. And leave the kids out of it unless it's cute little cameos, like at Cam's baby shower or something.

Edited by RedHawk
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He must have hid his behavior pretty well.

Craig wouldn't have bothered joining the Gentry whiskey business and Elizabeth wouldn't have appeared in previous seasons with him, presenting a happy family in front of the cameras.

If the producers sniffed that JD was a mess, they might have featured him more and try to pair him up with his own Katherine.

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17 hours ago, scrb said:

He must have hid his behavior pretty well.

Craig wouldn't have bothered joining the Gentry whiskey business and Elizabeth wouldn't have appeared in previous seasons with him, presenting a happy family in front of the cameras.

If the producers sniffed that JD was a mess, they might have featured him more and try to pair him up with his own Katherine.

JD's Kathryn has always been TRav. Trying to keep up with TRav, the libertine, is JD's Kryptonite. Unfortunately for JD, he doesn't have the money or connections that Thomas does. People seem to excuse a lot of bullshit from Thomas because of his money and family.

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2 hours ago, nexxie said:

Much rather see Elizabeth building her new life than watch her drunken ex sleazing around with TRav.

I agree. It would be nice to see an all around good-hearted, sensible person on the show for once. Then again, being good-hearted and sensible may mean saying NO to this show and focusing on her new life with the kids.

Filming today at Patricia's house. Patricia's hosting a themed party for Cam's baby shower for the show (she had a private baby shower weeks ago). Looks like the entire gang is back, even Naomie (who some said will be out since she's not with Craig anymore). Thomas' new GF is also there. Bring out your popcorn everyone!

Edited by slowpoked
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So Cooper is being all kinds of creepy on his Snapchat lately---he was literally driving around and around Patricia's house shouting out at various cast members and talking about filming. He sits on a doorstep nearby basically bragging about how he's on private property and saying about Patricia "there's not a damned thing she can do about it!" Then he finally parks to chat it up with Thomas and his girlfriend, claiming he's with Entertainment Weekly.

Despite his weird allegiance to Kathryn and my love for Patricia, I'm still a Cooper apologist and really liked the dude when I met him, but those snaps really make him look a bit unhinged. Not a good look for him at all.

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I agree on all points, SunBun. I really liked Cooper at first,too, but his social media had steadily devolved into creepy weirdness. I can't believe that Entertainment Weekly would find him enough of reality tv name to want his "insider " information. His contact with any of the cast is nonexistent, even with KD, at this point. Shit, I could plop my ass down on the sidewalk in front of Patricia's and be just as much as an "insider" as he is. His recent Snapchat was so creepy it was unsettling. I don't think any of the SC cast is above good old fashioned snark, but Cooper crossed the line from snarker to stalker.

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I'm looking for info on Shep's new show.  I saw the previews and Cameron seems to be a regular on it. Anyone know the name of this show.  IT's something about finding Shep a mate.  (Good grief.)  What sad story this going to be. 

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36 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I'm looking for info on Shep's new show.  I saw the previews and Cameron seems to be a regular on it. Anyone know the name of this show.  IT's something about finding Shep a mate.  (Good grief.)  What sad story this going to be. 

It"s Relationshep.. It has its own listing here on PTV.  

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17 minutes ago, slowpoked said:

Chelsea will be getting talking heads this season. So she will be getting a bigger role and/or she will be a full-time cast member. 

Awesome!  I really liked Chelsea.  I'd like to see a lot of the peripheral cast of characters return - at least in some capacity. 

  • Chelsea for sure.  She's an interesting person.
  • Naomi was a good addition and the rest of the cast seemed to like her more than Craig (but I love Craig and if I had to pick, I'd pick Craig).
  • I'd like to see Elizabeth and JD stick around and let us see how they fare post-divorce.  They bring real life stuff that many of can relate to, and they represent an age demographic that could provide a little more depth to the show.

Of the main characters:

  • I'm on the fence with Austen.  I like him but don't really trust him.  I'd be surprised if he walked away from the show voluntarily.  I always felt he really wants to be on camera.
  • Landon was growing on me (finally) but it seems her friendships with the rest were a little flimsy and not strong enough to make for interesting dynamics
  • All the rest are mainstays I suppose, e.g. TRav, Shep, Cameran
  • Katherine - only if she is sober.  It's too painful to watch otherwise
  • Patricia and Whitney in small doses like last season (Whitney is such a knob but I find him fascinating)
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2 hours ago, Jextella said:

Of the main characters:

  • I'm on the fence with Austen.  I like him but don't really trust him.  I'd be surprised if he walked away from the show voluntarily.  I always felt he really wants to be on camera.

That's why I was LOL'ing at the earlier rumors about Austen voluntarily walking away from the show because he apparently didn't like they way women are portrayed. He may not be as vicious as Shep but he isn't exactly Mr. Feminist either. He's your typical Charleston skirt-chaser. Chelsea had him pegged right early on. Plus, he thinks he's really, really, good looking. Seriously. 

2 hours ago, Jextella said:

Katherine - only if she is sober.  It's too painful to watch otherwise

Kathryn was at Naomie's restaurant's opening along with Thomas and his GF. Maybe miracles do happen and they all get along well this time. 

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3 minutes ago, slowpoked said:

Kathryn was at Naomie's restaurant's opening along with Thomas and his GF. Maybe miracles do happen and they all get along well this time. 

Good to hear.  Naomie started a restaurant??? How does someone so young tackle that?

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40 minutes ago, Jextella said:

Good to hear.  Naomie started a restaurant??? How does someone so young tackle that?

Parents' money?

She was studying for an MBA and opens a restaurant?

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9 minutes ago, scrb said:

Parents' money?

She was studying for an MBA and opens a restaurant?

Naomi has been been very upfront that it's her and her parents and their chef partner that are behind the restaurant.

I have no idea if she got her MBA but she has been doing it for awhile so she should be finished with the program by the start of the summer.

I could have sworn Chelsea had THs last year but I find her boring and often fast forward her scenes.

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Naomi is boring AF. Chelsea should get a bigger role as she brings some personality to the cast. She’s a little spitfire. 

Oddly enough, I remain fascinated Kathryn and would like to see her on the show as long as there is no downward spiral. I want to see her come into her own. 

I would love to see Elizabeth have a Fling with Thomas and have his baby.  I doubt she’d ever roll in the mud with him though. Good Girl!

Austen needs to schlep away. I get so bored when he starts talking.

Landon who?

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I’m going to be in Charleston the first week in December and would like to see some of the locations where Southern Charm is filmed.  I was planning to go to Gentry but it looks like I won’t be able to do so if it is indeed out of business.  What other places do you locals recommend I visit?

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1 hour ago, Mint Julep said:

I’m going to be in Charleston the first week in December and would like to see some of the locations where Southern Charm is filmed.  I was planning to go to Gentry but it looks like I won’t be able to do so if it is indeed out of business.  What other places do you locals recommend I visit?

Definitely hit Republic if you hope to get drunken cast sightings---it's one of their faves! Shep's bars Palace Hotel and The Commodore are also supposedly worth hitting for sightings, ditto The Gin Joint and Home Team BBQ.

They've filmed at all the major restaurants around there like Husk, Poogan's Porch, Hominy Grille, Queen 88, Shrimp Shack, etc...I'd check out Naomi's family's new restaurant NICO too.

They've filmed at several posh rooftop bars around The Battery. If you stop by his pop-up store The Hidden Countship, you just may get the treat of meeting Cooper, who is a delight.

As far as other fun sights, last time I was there I googled T-Rav's two downtown homes featured on the show((both since sold to new owners, of course)) and drove by just to see them for myself---both are GORGEOUS homes....his second downtown house featured on the show is a few blocks down from Patricia's place at the historic Isaac Jenkins Mikell House. She actually loves the fans and often waves down at them if she's upstairs on her landing enjoying her evening medicine. 

Damned shame about Sermet's/Gentry's being closed though; I liked that place a lot, even before the show was filmed there. Great vibe, fun bartenders and fab martinis.

Edited by Sun-Bun
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