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Spec with Spoilers: Everyone is Both Southern & Charming!

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So I have been stalking Instagram looking for photos from the Southern Charm event last night. I have found absolutely no pics of Kathryn; however, I came across a picture of two young ladies and Cam. This was the caption:

" A wonderful evening with the cast of #Southerncharm. If only Patricia were there. Spoiler alert, Kathryn is pregnant again!"

I wonder if that is why we have hardly seen any pics of her in public since the rumors started?

Kathryn is an idiot if she is bringing yet another child into the world in hopes of snaring Thomas. He may never marry her, and if he does he won't be a faithful husband. Did the fact he was sleeping around while she was pregnant just escape her mind, totally?

Plus, she's living at home with her parents now. That much I know is true from friends down there.

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From the looks of his Facebook page, I assume they are not together at all. I honestly believe that she loves him. I really do. What is sad is that she is truly willing to stay with him despite his cheating ways. The fact that she is an absolutely gorgeous woman with a kick ass body and raises his daughter on her own for the most part won't even hold him down is disgusting but sad because she already knew this.

I just wonder if this is the hold up for season 3?

Well, assuming she is pregnant and Thomas is the father, I don't think it's the worst thing in the world to have another child together. It's easier to schedule the kids' time when they have the same parents. Visitation, vacations, hook ups, break ups, court appearances, etc.

Plus, I'd bet there's a pay-out for a boy (to carry on the names and bloodlines)

Jennifer tweeted that Kathryn attended the fundraiser at Sermet's but was late because she had to put Kensie down. More likely she was late because applying eyelashes, extensions, spray tan, a metric ton of makeup, and donning an expensive yet ill fitting outfit took more time than her cracked out stylist anticipated.

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I was being facetious. I didn't mean to imply it's right or even that it's a good idea. If it's already in motion though? Might as well look for something positive. Chaos is a given in that whole situation. (The relationship part)

I was serious about the money for a boy. Didn't Thomas or his father even say that in an episode or two?


I think what we have going on here is two dysfunctional people, who imbibe way too many substances and who have the maturity of adolescents, grimly determined to play out what they started - merging the Calhoun and Ravenel bloodlines and producing a male heir. Kathryn is essentially a willing brood mare, counting on getting some financial security out of it (which remains to be seen). Maybe a marriage if she pumps out a boy.


ETA: it's the Calhoun bloodline Thomas is interested in. He could care less about the Dennis name.

Edited by pasdetrois
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Despite her dramatic pleas for him to spend more time with her, I don't think Kathryn wants a traditional marriage. I don't even think she wants to live with Thomas, unless it's to be close by so she can try to control his philandering. I think she wants the reflected position that comes from being a Ravenel wife. She probably likes the idea of them occasionally getting together, showing up for functions together...while she spends the bulk of her time shopping, living in a beautiful home, and hanging out with friends. All on the Ravenel dime.

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I could be wrong but I feel like Kathryn does try to fit the mold that Thomas wants. She obviously has toned down her clothing and she doesn't use the nanny nearly as much as Thomas does and wants. She appears to really enjoy spending time with her daughter and she went to those "housewife" classes where she was trying to learn to cook. Maybe I am giving her too much credit.

I believe is one of those girls who wanted a family early in life. I am not ashamed to say I am that person, but the difference between she and I is that my husband and I have similar views on marriage. I feel like Kathryn wanted the typical marriage of hanging out together and having get togethers at their house while raising their daughter. I believe Thomas thought of marriage as the mother raising the child while he went out and did whatever he wanted. He got the family without giving up his lifestyle.

I am very curious what is going to happen with a second child. I don't believe they are together or have been together for a while. It is going to be interesting and slightly depressing.

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Kathryn has been living with her parents, who are probably still caring for Kensie so she can go to town and spend the night partying with friends. Pregnant again, those days are on hold. I hope.


She sounds like one of the MTV Teen Moms.  She really does give people like Whitney and Patricia a lot of reason to regard her the way they do.   I'll never forget the way she talked down to Craig on Season 1.  She acted like he was trash, had zero class, and told him as much.  I think many look upon her differently because of her "scion" status, her family's reputation, etc., but if she were my kid, I'd be embarrassed.

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Maybe Bravo is making them keep the news hidden, so they would have the reveal in season 3.


Or maybe they just wanted to keep some of their privacy.


Seems unlikely though, that Thomas would all of a sudden want privacy since he's taken part in this show and if I'm not mistaken the reunion show afterwards, despite badmouthing Bravo and other members of the cast.

If he took the exam in February, would results be available now? I think we'd have heard something about him passing or failing. I thought Craig intended to take the summer exam in SC, which would have been this past Monday, Tuesday, and yesterday. I wish him well if he did. Results won't come out until October.

There's still been no official word from Bravo about a third season but I'm willing to bet they will make an announcement soon. The TCA's have been holding various network panels with their assorted stars in California this week. Shep and Cameran are both in California now, as are Marissa, Caroline, and Juliett from Ladies of London. It could be just a coincidence but I doubt it.

I don't see Craig: http://m.sccourts.org/bar/BarExamResultsJuly2015.pdfis he from Delaware? Don't see him here either: http://courts.state.de.us/bbe/docs/2015Pass.pdf

I get the sense he doesn't really want to be a lawyer anymore. He's talked about how the show is his income so he doesn't really need a job. FWIW, I thought Delaware was a harder exam than NY, but...I don't think Craig would pass even the easiest of exams with his studying and work ethic.

So any guesses why the Bravo overlords waited until just a month before the show airs to officially announce that the show is coming back? Season two was announced just a few months after season one had ended. Guesses?

See, I HATE how Bravo treats this series like some red-headed stepchild and barely gives it any love whatsoever. It never gets any of those fancy specially-filmed promos, it barely gets any mentions on the Bravo website, Bravo hasn't yet changed the cast promo pics in 3 seasons...

And isn't this one of the *only* shows on their network that never gets its own location for its reunions? That in itself makes no sense to me given that such an Old Southern historic location is considered the actual "star" of this show.

I just don't get how a tacky cheesefest like "Shahs of Sunset" gets all the undeserved love((who even watches that anymore?)) while this show is just a blip on the Bravo radar.

Perhaps it's because it's an all-white cast...perhaps they're too educated/civilized and not drunkenly melodramatic messes enough for the network((Kathryn excluded, of course))...perhaps Bravo wanted to wait and see if enough viewers were asking about it and wanted to judge any "buzz" on the show before they aired another season...maybe they were even waiting to see just how messy the Thomas/Kathryn affair would get.

At any rate, I'm glad it's definitely back on, but the lack of barely any fanfare or publicity for it is as annoying as it is foreboding---hopefully this season isn't a total dud that the network just wanted to dump in a conveniently empty time slot.

Then again, at least it's airing in the Spring versus the Summer; that's where the typical "one n'done" trash seems to get regularly dumped.

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I think Bravo feels there isn't enough "drama" in this show, despite the Thomas & Kathryn stuff. They don't get that many viewers despise the Real Housewives wig-pulling and table-flipping (let's not even mention the medical bullshit) and prefer witty ripostes and fun glimpses into the lives of these charming Charlestonians.

Edited by RedHawk
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Watched Katheryn on WWHL tonight.  Ohhhh, she was really pouring the tea tonight (errr, sweet tea).  Doesn't sound at all like she and Thomas are together at present.  Andy read some scathing tweets that T and K exchanged and Thomas accused Kathryn of doing drugs while she was 6 months pregnant.  Yikes.  Then they played the clip back from tonight's opening episode where Whitney and his mom were gossiping about what the gender/ethnicity of Kathryn's unborn baby was.  Whitney gave a really odd look.  Katheryn says she and Whitney had sexual hook-up that lasted about two weeks and that she stayed overnight at Patricia's house and eating breakfast with Patricia.


I am not sure if the hook-up Kathryn was referencing was back in the day before she slept with T-Rav for the first time or around the time Kathryn got pregnant with her second child.  Patricia tweeted into WWHL twice saying that Kathryn was a liar.

Edited by beesknees
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Oh my evil heart wishes that Kathryn's son would turn out to be Whitney's child! But not in real life, because then an actual innocent baby would be involved. Remember those dolls that were out about 10 years ago that looked shockingly like real babies? When I watch this show, I pretend Kathryn's children are actually very realistic little robots, otherwise it's all to horrible to contemplate. 

Watched Katheryn on WWHL tonight. ...

I am not sure if the hook-up Kathryn was referencing was back in the day before she slept with T-Rav for the first time or around the time Kathryn got pregnant with her second child. Patricia tweeted into WWHL twice saying that Kathryn was a liar.

That was the best WWHL I've seen! Most people try to be coy, but not Kathryn! This was her big opportunity to lay down the truth as she sees it. I believe the Whitney relationship was the one we knew of from season 1. Kathryn and T-Rav dated for a week or so, he broke up with her because she was so young, she then hooked up with Whitney, and then she and T-Rav started dating again a week or two later. Remember the big reveal that K & W slept together and Kathryn was sobbing, "What did you expect?! You LEFT ME!" I don't think there's ANY chance that Whitney and Kathryn would ever have hooked up again post season 1; they really can't stand each other because they're both jealous of each other over T-Rav's attention with both of them trying to turn T-Rav against the other.

Anyway, I also just posted about the K&W relationship in the episode thread before I saw this post. Can you tell I'm loving this juicy reveal?

Oh my evil heart wishes that Kathryn's son would turn out to be Whitney's child! But not in real life, because then an actual innocent baby would be involved. Remember those dolls that were out about 10 years ago that looked shockingly like real babies? When I watch this show, I pretend Kathryn's children are actually very realistic little robots, otherwise it's all to horrible to contemplate. 


I just keep telling myself that Kensie will be shipped off to boarding school when she's 12, and have a lot of zany adventures resembling the Facts of Life complete with a Mrs. Garrett-like mother figure.


Saint is screwed, though. I can't see anyway in which he isn't.

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