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S26.E11: Bye Bye, Love

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Fuck you, Johnny. Seriously. Sarah is trying to play the game like you, and she's a "Judas"? Seriously?!? And fuck you, Nany, for piling on along with Nia.




Johnny is such a hypocrite too.  Him saying he would NEVER do that to Sarah because they were playing this game together.  Sorry....bull to the shit on that one.  All we have to do is call Paula and ask what it is like to play a game with Johnny all the way up to the end and then see him send you packing.  I saw Johnny tweet that this situation was totally different than the Paula situation.  Nope, it wasn't.  Actually...yes, it was.  That situation was you doing Paula dirty.  This situation was Sarah doing you dirty.  She played your game Johnny...and beat you. Bu-bye.  

  • Love 6

I'd also argue that the situation with Paula was different because she and Johhny were actually friends and had been roommates on the same Real World season. As Sarah pointed out on the After Show, she and Johnny are friendly Challenge acquaintances. If anything, Johnny owed Paula more loyalty back on the Island than Sarah owed Johnny here.

  • Love 10

I'd also argue that the situation with Paula was different because she and Johhny were actually friends and had been roommates on the same Real World season. As Sarah pointed out on the After Show, she and Johnny are friendly Challenge acquaintances. If anything, Johnny owed Paula more loyalty back on the Island than Sarah owed Johnny here.


Johnny is going to see it differently because he did not put her in an elimination round, he did help her get a key, and she was able to compete in the final (and Teej gave Paula first pick so she did get to use the better boat).


Much as I dislike Johnny, I don't blame him for the Island fiasco. Johnny was not in a position to make a lot of demands at that point, since Evelyn had all the leverage. The deal negotiated between him, Kenny, and Evelyn allowed for the three of them to be put on one boat. That left one spot for either Derrick or Paula. As far as what kind of discussion went on as to who would get the 4th spot, I don't think we were shown that. However, as both Derrick and Paula had been in the alliance, either way, one person was getting the short end of the stick. I will point out that Derrick had done far more work on both boats than Paula, and Paula had also done her fair share to alienate Ev that season. Ev's conditions for picking Dunbar's key over Johnny's may have included Derrick getting the last spot over Paula. I don't actually fault Johnny for the way things shook out, but I do think he could have shown a little more remorse to Paula who was obviously extremely hurt.


All that said, Bananas whining about Sarah was ridiculous. I would give him a slight pass about being pissed at the actual moment (not that he had a right to be pissed, but you can't help how you feel), however, I'd say after 24 hours he needs to suck it up. His constant bullying of Sarah was way out of line, and if Bananas had truly changed, I would expect him to be a little more reasonable on the After show, which was filmed much later, right?


There just are no words for Nia. I do think though it was what she was saying vs the actual physical contact that got her tossed, since during the commercial break there was a PSA about bullying someone over sexual orientation. Regardless, I hope she is not invited back again. Sadly though, I suspect the only BMPer with a lifetime ban is Tonya (my suspicions only, not based on anything I've heard). And Leroy is not much better for riling her up.


Despite all the interviews about the confusion as to why Nia left, I think they were all pretty certain she got kicked off for the Jordan incident and would not be in the elimination. I wonder if Nany got drunk thinking that Leroy would be disqualified and she and Bananas would get an automatic advance to the final. I'm annoyed with both Leroy and Theresa but think they are the lesser of the evils between them and Banany, or whatever they call themselves. Also strongly suspect that for stupid Nany, the added opportunity to bone Bananas without cameras present was probably worth more to her than any prize money.


Love Jay and Jenna. They are just too normal for this show though.

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I think it was definitely the touching that got her kicked off. There's precedence for it, with Vinny getting booted for pulling down Mandy's shirt. Either way, I think they knew that she would only escalate from there, so they just came and got her instead of letting it get even worse.

I'm not a fan of Leroy. He's no better than the rest of them really, he's a follower and he joins in on the pile-ons like the rest of em. He's just more subtle about it. I think the show really wanted him to win, because in any other challenge, he would have been sent home with Nia, not given a better partner. Just ask Sarah.

I'd love to see Jordan and Sarah win. I like their relationship, and I see a bit of a winner's edit in how they've been portrayed. I'd be okay with Jay and Jenna as well- them pulling off a huge upset would be an amazing ending.

  • Love 5

So much to love about this episode!


Leroy telling Nia to quit squawking because her bad performance landed them in the final.
Nia eliminating herself with said squawking.
Jay telling Johnny to stuff it because he played a better game.
Theresa returning to keep Leroy from going home.
Nany’s face.
Johnny getting eliminated, again, by the “friend/ally” he himself through under the bus just last week. Forget the Island, last week! Sarah did what now? Hypocrite.


Three teams in the final that I actually kind of like! It will be weird not hate-watching a finale.

  • Love 2

Isn't Nia also a rape survivor? I recall this detail coming up while MTV was promoting her Portland season. If so, this makes her ongoing pattern of bizarre sexual aggression toward Jordan even more disturbing. I'm going to play armchair psychiatrist for a second and wonder if he resembles her attacker in some way, or if she's repeating traumatic patterns in an attempt to gain some control. Either way she freaks me out and I'm glad her gross behavior, her internalized misogyny and her many "issues" are off my screen. Ugh.

Also does anyone feel like this franchise has been attracting more and more messed-up people in recent years? Witnessing so much abusive, aggressive and addictive behavior isn't all that entertaining to me.

  • Love 3

Johnny Bananas- you were 'ok' all season now I officially hate you again. YOU are the biggest hypocrite there is and a sore sore loser. (times 2 because you , in the first time in challenge history, were eliminated TWICE. He would have done a lot of good had he been like : you got me , i lost, good game: 

I officially am done and never want to see him on the challenges again that petty dbag


Leroy- check your attitude: I like you now but I think your leaning into entitled douche territory like Bananas, Nany ect

Nany go away. You were cute drunk but that's about it


ALSO- did anyone think Nany was about to kiss Johnny when they hugged after the elimination? Or was it just me when they hugged> I think they hooked up in the exile


I have no words for Nia. Shes disgusting and please MTV never bring her back, Her trashy ass belongs in jail. 


Jordan and Sarah- I think they handled that incredibly toxic situation with class. Good work not engaging with those assholes. I loved them beasting this game all season and the rest of the cast needs to shut their mouths, Jordan and Sarah were solid competitors all season and for SURE earned their right to the final. 


Jay Jenna- I love you and hope you win some money and come back next season. I loved how Jay called Johnny out on his BS. He was calm, rational and didn't stoop to his level. Them, Sarah and Jordan are really the only two likeable teams this entire season. 


I hope Jordan and Sarah win, with Jay Jenna second and Lerory Theresa third.

Edited by yogi2014L
  • Love 1

Also does anyone feel like this franchise has been attracting more and more messed-up people in recent years? Witnessing so much abusive, aggressive and addictive behavior isn't all that entertaining to me.

ITA. Watching NIa attack everyone doesn't entertain me, its gross and uncomfortable. What I do like are having 'good guys' and underdogs to root for and mayybbee some mild conflict/drama/ rival alliances. 

The game would be so much better without Nia/ Nany/Johnny bullying and slut shaming. I said it before but NIa brings it to Bad Girls club/cops level of trashiness and there is a reason I don't watch those show. I really don't enjoy personal character attacks and overall nastiness. 


I like the behind the scene game related manipulation and alliance backstabbing. Like the good old days!!!


Edit: I promise I can spell and make coherent sentences. 

Edited by yogi2014L
  • Love 3

I would love to see Jay and Jenna win the whole thing. They seem like the most normal people on the show, and for me anyway the most likeable at this point.


I can't stand Nia, I'll always root against her and anyone she may be paired with. I'm still kind of unclear if it was what she said or what she physically did that got her kicked off (considering that on the latest versions of The Real World they can damn near kill each other and not get kicked off), but I don't care that much - just glad she was eliminated from this season permanently, and I hope she's eliminated from any future seasons.

  • Love 1

Sarah herself was royally screwed on the last Battle of the Exes when Vinny lifted up Mandi's shirt at the club.

Leroy seemed to think it was okay when it happened to Sarah.

Sarah has had it happen to her twice. Trashelle quit during Rivals II and that meant Sarah was out too.


I think I like Sarah. I want her to win now. I don't understand why they keep saying Teresa is such a beast. Admittedly I don't remember the challenges at all, but I don't remember her being exceptionally athletic or tough.

Sarah has had it happen to her twice. Trashelle quit during Rivals II and that meant Sarah was out too.


I think I like Sarah. I want her to win now. I don't understand why they keep saying Teresa is such a beast. Admittedly I don't remember the challenges at all, but I don't remember her being exceptionally athletic or tough.


That's my impression as well. Theresa is fit and lean but if I recall correctly, she's always lacked endurance. At the end of the day, I don't consider her noteworthy and I don't think any of the contestants has ever seen her as a real competitor. She's always the one that coasts to the end and then gets thrown in two eliminations before the final.

It's funny that all through the show I kept thinking "I have to see the boards" because I knew there'd be celebrating at each step of the way.  It's very weird for me, never liked Jordan, never liked Sarah, never liked Jay, and while I didn't dislike Jenna, had her pegged as 100% doormat during their RW time.  In the span of one show, I'm rooting for all 4 of them.  I wish they hadn't shown that preview bit that sounds like Jordan is going back into Zach mode, but at least there's hope I'll still have someone to root against.


I'll have to hunt down the aftershow.  Is there any news of Banana's gf having an opinion on how cozy Nany was when they were re-eliminated?

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Interview with Theresa:  




What do you find to be your strengths in the challenges?


I’m an athlete. I’ve played sports my entire life- mainly basketball I was a 5’9” point guard & well, my pops was a professional bball player in Puerto Rico- so I have the competitive/athletic genes. Also, I have 3 brothers who raised me like a tom-boy, sooo I find myself to be an eager competitor, not one who is not confident in their own athletic ability and someone who gets a rush under pressure.

It's funny that all through the show I kept thinking "I have to see the boards" because I knew there'd be celebrating at each step of the way.  It's very weird for me, never liked Jordan, never liked Sarah, never liked Jay, and while I didn't dislike Jenna, had her pegged as 100% doormat during their RW time.  In the span of one show, I'm rooting for all 4 of them.  I wish they hadn't shown that preview bit that sounds like Jordan is going back into Zach mode, but at least there's hope I'll still have someone to root against.


I'll have to hunt down the aftershow.  Is there any news of Banana's gf having an opinion on how cozy Nany was when they were re-eliminated?


Johnny's gf is probably not watching the show anymore maybe johnny told her that it wasn't worth it since he got eliminated  or something like that, guaranteed I don't think his gf would have been quiet if she indeed had watched how nany and johnny acted, she did call nany a hoe on twitter after that episode where nany was starting to have feelings for johnny again.


Johnny passed for keeping her distance with nany and trying to cover the hook up to acting all nice, and cozy with each other. Maybe one day we will hear what went down on that exile.

Edited by fredj


Nia is one of the most disgusting people I've ever witnessed, period. It was so cool how she was dismissed. T.J. just told her to pack her bags and no one understood why she was leaving. If they would've told her in the hotel room, she would've gone batshit crazy with some more "hurricane" Nia nonsense.


Word? This "Hurricane Nia" moniker is complete bullshit.  I find it totally ridiculous to be intimidated by someone who should be in the Guinness Book of World Records as the human having The Longest Oral Obsession ever.  Please. The bitch curls up in the fetal position and sucks on her nasty thumb on the regular.  I would taunt her mercilessly if given the opportunity TO HER FACE.  Not in talking head interviews.

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I know it won't happen, but I really, really want the next Challenge to have Sarah and Johnny on it and Johnny tries to get everyone to mercilessly bully her for her "betrayal", but everyone is on her side because they're ALL sick of Johnny's shit and she just did what they all wish they could have and everyone turns against him and he has no friends or allies. Thus ending his lustrous challenge career on a sad, pathetic note.  That would make me happy.

  • Love 4

I know it won't happen, but I really, really want the next Challenge to have Sarah and Johnny on it and Johnny tries to get everyone to mercilessly bully her for her "betrayal", but everyone is on her side because they're ALL sick of Johnny's shit and she just did what they all wish they could have and everyone turns against him and he has no friends or allies. Thus ending his lustrous challenge career on a sad, pathetic note.  That would make me happy.


Am I the only one who got the impression that Sarah was done after this one was done? Getting married, job as an art teacher, etc. I thought that was why she did what she did ... it was her last chance.

  • Love 6

Am I the only one who got the impression that Sarah was done after this one was done? Getting married, job as an art teacher, etc. I thought that was why she did what she did ... it was her last chance.

Yeah, I kind of did get that idea on the after show - although I think if she loses she may keep trying until she wins. If she wins, I definitely think she's done. 

  • Love 2

Am I the only one who got the impression that Sarah was done after this one was done? Getting married, job as an art teacher, etc. I thought that was why she did what she did ... it was her last chance.

I get that impression as well. I'm not saying the shows are rigged or anything, but she's had a really good underdog story. She made it to the final in her first challenge and then kept getting booted due to her partners fucking up. There have been a couple people that went a LONG time without winning a challenge (Brad and Paula come to mind) and when they finally did, they dropped the show, settled down and it doesn't look like they're coming back.


Given that they edit the show after they have the results, it looks like they're painting her out to be the hero this season. Although, I think the same could be said about Theresa who suddenly has all these TH about how she's come so far and never won a challenge.

She could but if she doesn't make the finals, would she make any money?  They get some kind of fees, which are greater the longer they're on the show.


But compared to a short-term job she could be doing in the summer to supplement her income?


Then again, this is her 8th challenge so she had to be pushing 30.  If she can't win in the finals because of the endurance portion -- she's puked on tasks involving a lot of jogging -- will she ever?  She doesn't seem like the type who would try to become a marathoner.


Then again, they all drink and smoke so maybe she doesn't have to be ultra fit.

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I think Sarah really genuinely has fun doing this stuff, though.  I have zero doubt that she wants to win, but I think she also really just has fun doing this.  I could see her viewing it as a cool summer vacation where she gets to do fun challenges, travel to cool places, and possibly make some money. 

I agree, but I also think Sarah realizes that if she ever comes back and Johnny is there (which he probably will be) then it will NOT be fun anymore. It will be weeks and weeks of mental abuse (like he did to Evelyn on The Island). I agree with the person above who posted that making such a bold decision was maybe due to her not planning on returning. Or she may have honestly thought that Johnny wouldn't have take it that badly. If that's the case, I feel bad for her because I do think she enjoys doing these.

  • Love 1

I agree, but I also think Sarah realizes that if she ever comes back and Johnny is there (which he probably will be) then it will NOT be fun anymore. It will be weeks and weeks of mental abuse (like he did to Evelyn on The Island). I agree with the person above who posted that making such a bold decision was maybe due to her not planning on returning. Or she may have honestly thought that Johnny wouldn't have take it that badly. If that's the case, I feel bad for her because I do think she enjoys doing these.


It's possible she planned on being done after this challenge, but I tend to think it's more the latter theory- that she did not think Bananas would take it this badly. I mean, there are always a few bad sports every season who act like being picked for an elimination round is the most insulting and out of line thing they've ever been subjected to (ahem, Aneesa), but I've never seen anyone harp on it the way Johnny has. Even if Sarah and Johnny were actually best friends- they both came on here to make some money. The difference between 1st and 2nd place financially is massive, and it would be stupid of Sarah to go in against someone who could easily beat her. I mean, if you're going to step aside and let your friend just have the victory, what's the point of even going on this show? You would think after all his challenges Johnny would realize this (and he does, when it suits him) and yet he's still bitching about it.

  • Love 5
The difference between 1st and 2nd place financially is massive, and it would be stupid of Sarah to go in against someone who could easily beat her. I mean, if you're going to step aside and let your friend just have the victory, what's the point of even going on this show? You would think after all his challenges Johnny would realize this (and he does, when it suits him) and yet he's still bitching about it.



On the after show, they played a clip of Johnny from the Island. I only watched that season once so my memory was kind of fuzzy. I decided I wanted to watch the reunion show to see how Johnny defended his actions. First, he took no responsibility for that final decision. He said it was Kenny and Evelyn who'd had that discussion; he wasn't even in the room. That's a terrible defense. He knew what the plan was, Kenny was just the messenger. Secondly, he basically echoed everything Sarah said on the after show. "It's a game. You play to win," etc. I can't even agree with or find merit in his argument that at least he gave Paula a chance to win since she was on the other boat. Sarah didn't send him home either. She sent him to an elimination round in which he had a fair shot of winning. I'd argue that he had a better shot at beating Leroy than Paula did of winning with Jenn, Robin, and Ryan. That's also not factoring in the depth of friendship. I get that Johnny was looking out for himself on the Island, but so was Sarah. Truth be told, they could've taken Paula on their boat and not followed through on their deal with Evelyn. They (Kenny and Johnny) would've come of looking terrible, but it played out that way anyway, because they betrayed a close friend. 


Honestly, I'm not a fan of Paula. I think during her streak of not winning challenges she was arrogant and too dependent on alliances, thinking they were going to carry her to the end. That doesn't mean that Johnny and Kenny's actions weren't shady and underhanded. It's just absolutely laughable that Johnny could criticize anyone's character or morals. The Island was also when he showed his sexist's colors and kept calling all the girls a "dumb bitch." He tried defending that too on the reunion show, blaming the conditions of the show and actual island. If that were the case, why weren't Ryan, Dunbar, Derek, etc. acting that way too? This was the season that really turned me off to Johnny. He was probably at his worst then, but now he has this sense of entitlement and superiority that make him downright unbearable. 

Edited by SophiaPehawkins
  • Love 2


The Island was also when he showed his sexist's colors and kept calling all the girls a "dumb bitch." He tried defending that too on the reunion show, blaming the conditions of the show and actual island. If that were the case, why weren't Ryan, Dunbar, Derek, etc. acting that way too? This was the season that really turned me off to Johnny. He was probably at his worst then, but now he has this sense of entitlement and superiority that make him downright unbearable.


I agree with everything you said except one thing- Dunbar was quite the ass on the show as well. I would actually put him in Johnny's league in that regard. I remember one episode where the food was divided up, and Dunbar ate his portion right away, while a number of the girls saved theirs, and the next time there was a food drop, Dunbar lobbied that the guys that ate theirs right away should get all the food, since the girls had their reserves to eat. And when the girls disagreed, Dunbar stomped around the house bitching at all the selfish girls who weren't giving him their rations of food.


I don't think Johnny was a bad person for not bringing Paula into his boat. But he should have had the balls to say at the reunion, there was no way for both me and Paula to be on the same boat and guarantee a win. Evelyn was the only one with sailing experience and although we might have beat her just using brute strength, I wasn't willing to take that chance, nor was I willing to take the chance that Derrick and Ryan (since, you know, only guys count) could pull off a win against me and Kenny and Ev, so we wanted our boat to be absolutely stacked, and Paula was deadweight. And I would respect that.  Paula was not only a huge bitch during the Island, particularly to Ev (Paula really enjoyed being in the in crowd until it bit her in the ass), but did absolutely NOTHING to contribute to the construction of the boats.


And if he had said all that at the reunion, or wherever it was that he basically shrugged off any responsibility, and also, at this latest aftershow, said, I was I pissed to have to go back into the final elimination after finally thinking I was safe, and I reacted poorly, and I understand now why Sarah picked me and Nany, I would agree Bananas has come a long way. But no, it appears that Bananas will pick a stacked win over a friend, but expects his friends to pick him over a stacked win (or, in Sarah's case, an improved chance of winning). Eat shit, Bananas.

  • Love 6

Sayonara Nia. She has to be one of the least likeable people in Challenge history and the competition for that is stiff. What drove me insane was that her constant ranting made no logical sense. How was Sarah to blame? Sarah didn't send her in, she lost the challenge - again. Yes, Sarah was responsible for Nia having tougher competition in the last faceoff, but yelling that Sarah wanted the money and was taking the easy way out or didn't want competition made no sense. Um, Nia, you wanted her to put in J/J so you'd have an easier path to the finals. So, basically her argument was that she was mad at Sarah for doing exactly what Nia wanted to do - take the easiest path in. The logic is dizzying on that one.

  • Love 8

Sarah is in it to win it.   It gets old with the veterans always aligning against the rookies, the cool kids aligning against the outsiders.  Yawn!   It's refreshing to see someone actually make a real power move like that on this show.  


It's not Sarah/Jordan's fault that Bananas lost two elimination rounds.  I hated the "exile" twist and hope they don't do it again.  Bananas acted like a petulant child.  So glad Jay didn't take his crap and Sarah and Jordan didn't give in to his whining.  He is pathetic!


Loved the look on Nany's face when Teresa returned.  LMAO!!  Also I hope to never see Nia again on this show.  What a vile woman she is.

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I've seen most of these challenges & Sarah's the only one who ever gave me the impression that she actually enjoys these challenges & tries to have a good time.


Bananas's moaning seems like a big act to me. I think he's pissed that he's not in the final, but I think a lot of his behavior was just a big act for the cameras. He's getting attention, even if it's negative.

I really couldn't stand Sarah's underdog edit. I think she made the right move in regards to the Bananas, but for someone who claims to have overcame so much she hasn't really been all that understanding or nice to people who struggle with physical tasks on this show. I remember mean to Cara Maria, Devyn and Katelynn. I know people can change, but she has always had this I'm so nice attitude I feel like it's a cover. I remember during Fresh Meat she was made at Katelynn for voting for her because of their friendship. I'm surprised it never came up in regards to sending Bananas in.

Edited by choclatechip45

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