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Robert had cut her off financially. She lived a very high end life style with him, but he was fighting tooth and nail to avoid giving her any kind of settlement. Bruce has always said he went to Robert and told him that he would assume responsibility and I think Kris walked out of that marriage with not much more than child support ( not even sure if he paid that) Kourtney had said Kris was the garage sale queen when they were kids, I wonder if she sold off household excess when Robert cut off her credit cards?

Could be why she's obsessive about all that crap in storage.

Bruce may not have been rolling in cash when they met, but Kris saw his earnings potential and I think she was scheduling him for talks and speeches as often as she could. I don't see Bruce as overly ambitious. I'm sure Kris had to use the whip on him. But she created the beginnings of an empire.

Kris had remarried, so it makes sense alimony would be off the table.  But there is no indication what so ever that Robert Sr did not provide for his 4 kids, who have always spoken highly of him.  Rob even lived with him for a time.


Kris and Robert Sr. lived a comfortable Southern Ca life, but I would call it a very high end lifestyle.  Certainly no where compared to the Kardashian empire Kris has built.

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Kim would love to get into the nitty gritty of the surgery. I bet she's all over the web researching it. This family is way too inappropriate with each orher. Khloe will be offering him a pubic hair mayonnaise mask or a vagina smell off between Kourt Kim and Bruce.

The Kardashian side of the family has no boundaries, which is common in families where narcissists run the show. But, to be fair, it's their inappropriate behavior that makes them most entertaining.

Edited by nexxie
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The Kardashian side of the family has no boundaries, which is common in families where narcissists run the show. But, to be fair, it's their inappropriate behavior that makes them most entertaining.

That goes without saying!!! Would a normal person even though hunk of embarrassing themself with some of the behaviors they exhibit?

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Kris had remarried, so it makes sense alimony would be off the table. But there is no indication what so ever that Robert Sr did not provide for his 4 kids, who have always spoken highly of him. Rob even lived with him for a time.

Kris and Robert Sr. lived a comfortable Southern Ca life, but I would call it a very high end lifestyle. Certainly no where compared to the Kardashian empire Kris has built.

I read some of the papers Kris supplied to the court, she was used to a pretty top notch lifestyle, entertaining , clothing, travel, all kinds of activities for the kids. If all Sr. paid was child support, he got off cheap, the real money would have been the alimony and the settlement which Was zero. I'm sure his kids loved him, but if you listen to them, it was Bruce who did the heavy lifting of parenting, not even Kris did as much. He carpooled,he took them to sporting events. Robert came for Sunday dinner. He was out being single guy with OJ and that group. The kids lived with him when they became older teens. Rob was fighting with Kris and that's why he was with dad. He was much tougher on them than Kris was. One of those dads who cut you off emotionally and money wise when pissed.

Kris certainly has made more money than Robert ever did. But she didn't want for anything when married to him.

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I read some of the papers Kris supplied to the court, she was used to a pretty top notch lifestyle, entertaining , clothing, travel, all kinds of activities for the kids. If all Sr. paid was child support, he got off cheap, the real money would have been the alimony and the settlement which Was zero. I'm sure his kids loved him, but if you listen to them, it was Bruce who did the heavy lifting of parenting, not even Kris did as much. He carpooled,he took them to sporting events. Robert came for Sunday dinner. He was out being single guy with OJ and that group. The kids lived with him when they became older teens. Rob was fighting with Kris and that's why he was with dad. He was much tougher on them than Kris was. One of those dads who cut you off emotionally and money wise when pissed.

Kris certainly has made more money than Robert ever did. But she didn't want for anything when married to him.

Robert Sr. came from a self-made wealthy family. He was very rich. He and Kris threw lavish parties with celebs, ski trips, vacations to Hawaii etc. The K-kids went to school with Paris Hilton and Michael Jackson's nephews. They even had parties at Neverland Ranch. Rob Sr. also owned his own music publishing firm. I read in the divorce papers that Kris was upset because she had to take a job at a department store when they divorced. He had all the money and power. She had nothing until she met Bruce.

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The moron is screaming that she doesn't have her seatbelt on. In the time it takes to say it she could have put it on.  

That whole scene looked so fake.. Kim can't act for shit.

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Bruce prepares to transition into a woman and receives support from his kids upon their return from Montana; at the same time, Kris travels with Kendall to Paris; and Kim pursues one last hope of getting pregnant.

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Did anyone notice in the episode during one of the home videos they blurred out what looks like OJ and Nicole Simpson? It's 49 minutes in and Khloe is sitting on Bruce's shoulders and it looks like OJ is next to Bruce and Nicole is behind him. It also looks like their two little kids are with them. Kind of a sad reminder

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For example, Chaz Bono. He was born female and transitioned into a male. But Chaz Bono was definitely homosexual, preferring sex with females. Conversely, Bruce feels female but has always preferred sex with women. This is something that is pretty difficult to understand, but the fact remains it's real and it happens.


Sorry to arrive late here; I watched the show but haven't looked here in a while.  I have been very curious about this whole thing because it's not something I can understand.  And I am sure I am very "un-PC" here, but here goes:  Chastity Bono was a homosexual, preferring sex with females.  If "he" liked sex with females, that would make him straight.  Conversely, if Bruce is a "she" and always liked sex with women, then he would be the homosexual, right?

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Bruce prepares to transition into a woman and receives support from his kids upon their return from Montana; at the same time, Kris travels with Kendall to Paris; and Kim pursues one last hope of getting pregnant.

Kim just needs to stop

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Kim just needs to stop

She's covering all her bases, milking the fertility story and then she " has no choice" but a surrogate to give her the "sibling" she so desperately wants for North. And she gets to keep her great body and continue to do artsy things and be nude. Along with any manufactured drama they spin out of the surrogate story. Maybe she'll be a nutcase who tries to keep the baby or get all stalkery with Kim and Kanye. So many possibilities!!!!

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I don't think it's that black and white. I think it's more complicated than that.

Let's be honest here to what it all comes down to.....  $

There's many things complicated about being transgender, there's no doubt at all that it's not simply black and white. I never thought that. Bruce Jenner was riding a once-in-a-lifetime wave of success and money. Who in their right mind would abandon those opportunities when they're 27 years old? And now, at age 65 and being comfortably wealthy, why not make the choice to transition?

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Let's be honest here to what it all comes down to.....  $

There's many things complicated about being transgender, there's no doubt at all that it's not simply black and white. I never thought that. Bruce Jenner was riding a once-in-a-lifetime wave of success and money. Who in their right mind would abandon those opportunities when they're 27 years old? And now, at age 65 and being comfortably wealthy, why not make the choice to transition?


I can't chalk it all up to being about money. That's an element to it. I think there is more to it than preserving financial stability. I'm not from Bruce's generation, but the fear of being 'different', and fighting hard against what he was feeling, lead to some questionable decision making on his part. Now, he's hopefully living his authentic life, which in turn might allow for positive changes in his relationships with family, friends, and his personal life in general.

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So, the car is skidding and Kins concern is that SHE isn't wearing a seatbelt... no mention of concern for North who is next to her. Maybe try to shield her? Of course not. We're talking about Kim here.

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"All of my kids seem to be doing great" so Rob is ex-communicated from the family??

John Edwards as a fertility consultant? Ok.

Kanye seems so uninvolved in the pregnancy process. Did he go to any appointments?

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She never expressed a bit of concern for North..not during the skid or after, all her blubbering, I assume Kanye was on the phone and no mention of the baby.

So the previews have her saying she's pregnant. Why am I suspicious?

Maybe while Bruce is whale watching he'll get a glimpse of Kim in her Orca outfit

"All of my kids seem to be doing great" so Rob is ex-communicated from the family??

John Edwards as a fertility consultant? Ok.

Kanye seems so uninvolved in the pregnancy process. Did he go to any appointments?

Did he even fuck her? I thought she was doing a shake and bake deal?

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So the previews have her saying she's pregnant. Why am I suspicious?

It's all over the press and is trending on Twitter.

Edited by escape
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I had hopes but if she's tweeting, I guess she survived the accident.


I know she's not liked here, but I don't think wishing death on someone is ok.


She never expressed a bit of concern for North..not during the skid or after, all her blubbering, I assume Kanye was on the phone and no mention of the baby.


I doubt we saw all the footage of that phone conversation or the accident.

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This show is so hard to watch nowadays because I don't believe any of it. I couldn't believe Kim's lack of concern for North during their "accident." What the hell? "I could've died." Yes, I'm being a judgmental mom but Kim just seems to have no concern for her child, I swear. I also don't believe she's pregnant. Maybe she was but she lost the baby (yeah right!)!! I really think they'll go the surrogate route. I just find Kim deplorable. I don't know why I watched tonight when all I do is complain about this woman, lol. 

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I know she's not liked here, but I don't think wishing death on someone is ok.

I doubt we saw all the footage of that phone conversation or the accident.

Not death to the REAL Kim, just the asshole she supposedly pretends to be on the show.

Of course we only heard part of the phone conversation.. The part where she was only concerned about herself. Just like we only saw part of her screaming in the car.. The part where she was worried about her unseat belted self.

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Not death to the REAL Kim, just the asshole she supposedly pretends to be on the show.

Of course we only heard part of the phone conversation.. The part where she was only concerned about herself. Just like we only saw part of her screaming in the car.. The part where she was worried about her unseat belted self.

It's scripted reality TV where situations are staged and they are all playing a role - and being paid to do so.  For example, they likely over dramatized Kim's efforts to have a baby - and made it a bigger struggle than it really was - to have a storyline.

Edited by escape
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I loved Kendall telling Kris to stop following her around, this was her time to be free of them all. LOL 


Bruce has a whole closet which looks like just black and white, there's no way that's not some Kardashian/Kris influence.  I really hope they don't let Kanye anywhere near her closet. 

Edited by Artsda
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So I would never want Kim with me in any type of emergency. Shrieking and crying WHILE the driver is trying to calmly gain control of the vehicle? Jesus. "I don't have a seatbelt on!!!" Maybe if you weren't sitting in the middle seat so you can always be on the car cam you'd have been safer, fucktard. Even Kylie handled it better. Did I hear her tell Khloe "don't coddle her" when she was asking Kim why she was freaking out? Haha. I think she even told Kim not to cry in front of North. Kylie is much easier to watch when she's showing off her athletic prowess boarding down slopes and offering Khloe a high five for br inging the skidding car to a standstill while Kim screamed in the background.

Edited by mywinston
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Kanye seems so uninvolved in the pregnancy process. Did he go to any appointments?

This is what I've been wondering. Even though having your mom with you doing this stuff is probably something good, I think it's more important that the father is there. Is he there, but off camera? Or is he blowing this off? Also, this is a picture of Kim during her book signing on May 6th


Does she look pregnant to anybody? because she sure doesn't look pregnant to me. 


Bruce was wearing lip gloss in his last TH. I'm not sure I understood exactly what surgery he had, did he get sniped?

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"All of my kids seem to be doing great" so Rob is ex-communicated from the family??


Kris is delusional. Rob, Kylie and Khloe are all fucked up. You can add Scott in to the mix as well, even though he's not technically one of her "kids". 

And what the hell is this woman from Calabassas doing in Paris having dinner with all these Parisians? Where does she meet these people? She just didn't fit in with them. 

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When Khloe was thanking Kim via toast for the Montana trip, who was it that added "and your careers?"


That idiot Cheban? 


I heard the comment but couldn't tell who said it.



Kris is delusional. Rob, Kylie and Khloe are all fucked up. You can add Scott in to the mix as well, even though he's not technically one of her "kids".


I couldn't believe she said that with a straight face. Yeah, Kris, Rob's just fine.  No problems there at all.   Unfortunately (for her), I think she is coming to the realization that the girls don't need her that much anymore. She seems off to me this season - could be Bruce, but I think in reality she is a very lonely woman trying to pretend that she is still very involved in her children's lives..


(Please don't take this as sympathy for her - I have none, just a comment)

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I laughed when Bruce was talking about buying his house, and said something like -- "Men don't usually get to pick out their house, their wives just go out and purchase it and they show up after it's decorated!" No, Bruce, that's only men who are married to Kris Jenner.

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Kim is absolutely the last person you want in a car when you're about two seconds from a major accident. Khloe gets serious kudos for remaining calm and trying to bring the car under control. I had a similar issue with my car skidding on a snowy road and it was very scary, particularly since it feels like time is standing still while you try desperately to control the car. High five to Khloe.


I assume Kim was freaked out more so about herself because if the car abruptly stopped, she'd go through the windshield headfirst. North, at least, was secured. I think Kim is a lot of things, but I don't doubt she loves her child. We didn't see the entire conversation so it's very possible she mentioned that the baby was okay to whoever she was talking to.

Edited by trimthatfat
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Kim is absolutely the last person you want in a car when you're about two seconds from a major accident. Khloe gets seriously kudos for remaining calm and trying to bring the car under control. I had a similar issue with my car skidding on a snowy road and it was very scary, particularly since it feels like time is standing still while you try desperately to control the car. High five to Khloe.


I assume Kim was freaked out more so about herself because if the car abruptly stopped, she'd go through the windshield headfirst. North, at least, was secured. I think Kim is a lot of things, but I don't doubt she loves her child. We didn't see the entire conversation so it's very possible she mentioned that the baby was okay to whoever she was talking to.

Sorry, but she was busy screaming about no seat belt, most mothers would have been at least commenting on the  safety of their child, if not making some attempt to  shield it from any impact, even if it were secured in a car seat.  She was in such a rush to leave the house, I guess she missed her fertility appointment after all.

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Here's a thought: buckle your damn seat belt before the car leaves "park." Believe it or not, your life is more important than your camera time, or whatever insane excuse you have for not doing so.

I live in another western, snowy state (so the idea of these twits on nearby roads scared ME). It's not 100 percent true, but more so than not: the VAST majority of vehicle accident deaths here are cases where people were unrestrained and ejected.


Edited by RealityCowgirl
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Having no appointment isn't the same as not having the procedure done. Maybe, at that point in time he didn't have a definite date for surgery or it's possible he did, but didn't feel comfortable discussing it with Kim. Having your penis inverted (not removed) is a complicated surgery, and I don't imagine it's a comfortable topic of conversation for Bruce to want to go into depth with Kim about. 

Especially on a KUWTK episode.  They may all know the full story.  The show isn't really their actual discussions, it's just whatever they choose to reenact (or outright fabricate) for us to see.  

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Sorry, but she was busy screaming about no seat belt, most mothers would have been at least commenting on the  safety of their child, if not making some attempt to  shield it from any impact, even if it were secured in a car seat.  She was in such a rush to leave the house, I guess she missed her fertility appointment after all.

She panicked. Was her reaction perfect? No. Do I think she doesn't care about her child? No. I'll agree to disagree.


She absolutely should wear a seat belt. I don't even move my care an inch if a passenger doesn't have a belt on. But in this case, she stupidly wasn't.

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When Khloe was thanking Kim via toast for the Montana trip, who was it that added "and your careers?"


That idiot Cheban? 


I heard the comment but couldn't tell who said it.



I couldn't believe she said that with a straight face. Yeah, Kris, Rob's just fine.  No problems there at all.   Unfortunately (for her), I think she is coming to the realization that the girls don't need her that much anymore. She seems off to me this season - could be Bruce, but I think in reality she is a very lonely woman trying to pretend that she is still very involved in her children's lives..


(Please don't take this as sympathy for her - I have none, just a comment)

The dynamics of the family definitely did shift with the divorce.  But it would have shifted at some point regardless.  Kendall's focus is definitely her own career, away from the family, as it should be.   With 3 kids of her own, Kourtney's priority is always going to be her own family.  The same with Kim, as much as she tries to keep the show afloat.  And black sheep Rob can't hide forever.  There will be a breaking point.

Edited by escape
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