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Sweet Fellowship: Duggars and Friends (aka the Bates Family and Other Featured Families Thread)

Message added by Scarlett45

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his old attempts to sell are just as embarrassing. things being "not quite right" seems to apply to many things in the rod world. These are from last fall.

Edited by crazy8s
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18 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

Facebook Marketplace is sometimes entertaining. Using Jill’s Facebook account, Timothy has this ad:

Hello, I am Tim with Heavenly Lawn Care I am the current owner, and founder of this business. I started this business to help save money to continue my flight training to help pay for expenses. The business has been very successful, and I currently have about 20 weekly lawn customers, along with extra side jobs every week. Currently with my lawn customers I make about $3,500 a month then with extra side jobs about an extra $1,500 a month. So, my average monthly income this season has been $5,000. I wasn’t quite sure how to list this business for sale but it appears business owners suggest to sell it at the price my equipment is worth plus one month of my average salary which equals about $12,000. But I am open to offers! 

These are some of the biggest items that are being sold with the business; 
6x12 Heavy Duty Home Made Trailer 
5 Weed Eaters 
1 Edger
2 Blowers 
1 Wright Stander X 52in With About 2,200 hours (Runs Like a Beast) 
1 Chainsaw 

Well that is most of the stuff I can think of off the top of my head. But all the power equipment runs amazing (I don’t keep things that don’t run or give me trouble). It is basically an entire 10x20 storage unit full of stuff that goes with the business. All you need is a truck or something to pull about 3,000lbs, and your good to go (oh yes and some cash, lol) then you would have a small business. Also like I said before I am open to offers, but am not interested in separating the equipment at this time. Thanks! Also the only reason for selling is because I have saved enough money to continue my education to fulfill my goal to be a missionary pilot.

One of a few pictures he used:


I'm amazed he made $5000.00 a month.  How much of that did BME get from him? She is more than despicable and so is her less than hunk jerk of a husband. GRRRR!

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8 minutes ago, Gweilo said:

Why he is selling the business? Why wouldn't he just pass on the business to his brothers? Think of all the presents they could buy Jill with a monthly income of 5K.

He’s going back to flight school. 

Timmy would be better if just keeping the business if he’s really pulling in $5k a month (but yeah what happens in the winter) 

I think MeMe Jill needs some cash. (But not until November?) This is weird. 

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6 minutes ago, Trillium said:

He’s going back to flight school. 

So, Tim, have you been studying hard so that you will actually succeed this time around at flight school?  Think it's going to be any easier?

Mama Jill must not want a lawn mowing son--she insists on missionary sons!

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The one I posted, was posted by him within the last 24 hours.

38 minutes ago, Trillium said:

I think MeMe Jill needs some cash. (But not until November?) This is weird. 

That was from last year, so I assume it was to be done at the end of the season.

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yes, the ones I posted were old but obviously not successful in selling the mower and other items.

Does anyone remember the post by tim of working 100 hours a week to save money? I can't recall if it was in winter. but it seems we speculated about wasn't mowing season when he would make the majority of his money. 

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2 hours ago, Gweilo said:

Why he is selling the business? Why wouldn't he just pass on the business to his brothers? Think of all the presents they could buy Jill with a monthly income of 5K.

He’s making more monthly than the GFM has thus far. Allegedly. Maybe he should keep working to help his grandparents?

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2 hours ago, crazy8s said:



his old attempts to sell are just as embarrassing. things being "not quite right" seems to apply to many things in the rod world. These are from last fall.

Make the unnecessary apostrophes stop!

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1 minute ago, Salacious Kitty said:

Because he's an idiot who can't plan ahead?

Poor kid has never gotten any decent guidance. He could also hire an employee or two to work for him. 

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12 minutes ago, Cinnabon said:

Right. Why not work part time instead of quitting altogether ?

Maybe Tim is going back to Wisconsin to finish that flight training?  I doubt Mama would let him go, of course.  I think we all suspect she dragged him back to Ohio after seeing photos of him standing a little too close to a female coworker.

Even if he is not going to be in town, why not hire one or both of his brothers to do the work when he can't?  Keep the ball rolling businesswise and the money flowing. Since the Bible college Philip is supposed to attend is pretty close to their home, why not bring him in to work nights and weekends and let him benefit from the proceeds too?

i think it's pretty likely that Tim, like his mother, has only passing acquaintance with the truth and the $5000 a month is more than he actually ever earned in his best month and that, for 4-6 months a year (November through March at least), there is no reliable source of income.

Edited by Notabug
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Wasn't he the one who got quite indignant because people commented that the only reviews on his job site were from family? And he felt it was ok to do so? Or am I misremembering? 

Point being, he exaggerates and outright lies and has no problem doing so or family doing so.

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26 minutes ago, beckie said:

Wasn't he the one who got quite indignant because people commented that the only reviews on his job site were from family? And he felt it was ok to do so? Or am I misremembering? 

No, your memory is just fine.  That's what happened.

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39 minutes ago, beckie said:

Wasn't he the one who got quite indignant because people commented that the only reviews on his job site were from family? And he felt it was ok to do so? Or am I misremembering? 

Point being, he exaggerates and outright lies and has no problem doing so or family doing so.

As I said before, Timbits is a moron. And delusional. 

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.Jill’s most recent post:

This picture was taken over the 4th of July weekend and now.... my Mom lies broken and helpless in a hospital bed.  😢😭😩  Thank You for your continued prayers.  My sweet Daddy did not get good results back from his doctor concerning his health and he is not able to share that burden with my Mom.  It breaks our hearts to watch as he "braves" life alone.  Although, I can hear him say, "I am not alone.  I have Jesus walking by my side every step of the way!"  My Daddy has such a strong faith!  Ma continues to make small improvements, for which we are glad and thankful!  She has still not walked or gotten out of bed yet, and we are unsure of the extent of damage done to her brain.  But, we continue to pray for a miraculous, FULL recovery.  With God, ALL things are possible.  

At this point, I will only update you on major improvements 😁 OR major set backs.  🤔 Your continued prayers are coveted though.  THANK YOU, dear friends, for walking this journey with us, and for feeling with us our sorrow, grief, pain, and joys of watching God's miracles happen.  You all have proven to be the TRUEST of friends and we cannot imagine walking this journey without you!  Love you all!  

Thank you A MILLION TIMES OVER to everyone who gave to help my parents at this difficult time.  You all know who you are and may God richly bless you for your generosity!  ❤️ 😉🥰😊

We'll Work Til Jesus Comes and Praise His Name Through the Good and the Bad,

THE Rodrigues Family and extended family......especially my Daddy - Timothy Noyes

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1 hour ago, ginger90 said:



.Jill’s most recent post:

This picture was taken over the 4th of July weekend and now.... my Mom lies broken and helpless in a hospital bed.  😢😭😩  Thank You for your continued prayers.  My sweet Daddy did not get good results back from his doctor concerning his health and he is not able to share that burden with my Mom.  It breaks our hearts to watch as he "braves" life alone.  Although, I can hear him say, "I am not alone.  I have Jesus walking by my side every step of the way!"  My Daddy has such a strong faith!  Ma continues to make small improvements, for which we are glad and thankful!  She has still not walked or gotten out of bed yet, and we are unsure of the extent of damage done to her brain.  But, we continue to pray for a miraculous, FULL recovery.  With God, ALL things are possible.  

At this point, I will only update you on major improvements 😁 OR major set backs.  🤔 Your continued prayers are coveted though.  THANK YOU, dear friends, for walking this journey with us, and for feeling with us our sorrow, grief, pain, and joys of watching God's miracles happen.  You all have proven to be the TRUEST of friends and we cannot imagine walking this journey without you!  Love you all!  

Thank you A MILLION TIMES OVER to everyone who gave to help my parents at this difficult time.  You all know who you are and may God richly bless you for your generosity!  ❤️ 😉🥰😊

We'll Work Til Jesus Comes and Praise His Name Through the Good and the Bad,

THE Rodrigues Family and extended family......especially my Daddy - Timothy Noyes

Someone must have told her to stop making the details of her parents private health information public.  I don’t believe for a second she’ll stop asking for money, though. 

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Tim is selling his "great" lawn business because he only needs 12K for flight school?   Yeah I don't think 12K is enough to finish.   Then there is the whole living expenses other than paying for flights.    this family really does not plan for the future well does it?

And honestly if you have a go fund me to help pay for family bills, selling what is allegedly a lucrative business to go off to flight school seems more than bit foolish.    but that's this family.   Why work when you can grift?

As for Jilly's latest post, she probably realized that bragging about new jewelry for her mom and doing her hair was not helping the go fund me, so she is trying another tactic.   Instead of, I don't know, figuring out how she and the fat slob can actually earn money (not grift it) to help the family out.   But you notice now Pa Noyes has health issues, so stop with "but he can work to help pay the bills" comments.    

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Jill will keep begging for money. That's considered work in the Rodrigues family.

She may hold back on the hospital photos until the blowback subsides, but will continue talk about her "broken and helpless" mother and her father's "bad results" from his doctor. The grift needs fuel, and dramatic stories--accurate or not--are what keeps it going. Jill needs attention too, and she has no problem using her family to get it. 

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Jill never even states that X amount of bills will not be paid by insurance and she certainly doesn't say who will get the money and how it will be used. The goal amount for the GFM was picked out of thin air. She's a lying grifter. 

Edited by BetyBee
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Hasn’t it been noted in the past that Jill doesn’t mention her mom on Mother’s Day? Or if done it’s in passing. They are now just ways to make money so they get attention. 

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1 hour ago, farmgal4 said:

Speaking of Jill’s need for attention…

In her Facebook story, she has actually taken a selfie of herself crying and posted it.  I don’t even have words to describe her level of her narcissism.

Even better is that Reddit says it's an OLD picture! The bar is getting lower and lower each time she posts. 

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1 hour ago, BetyBee said:

Jill never even states that X amount of bills will not be paid by insurance and she certainly doesn't say who will get the money and how it will be used. The goal amount for the GFM was picked out of thin air. She's a lying grifter. 

Most Go Fund Me's have a place for comments and encouragement.  I suspect Jill disabled that function, otherwise, people would be asking those tough questions like why $20,000?  Where did the number come from, what is it based on?  What are her parents' usual monthly expenses?  How long does he expect to be unable to work?  If her mother is never sufficiently recovered to live independently, are they going to ask for ongoing funding so he can retire?  With 4 adult children and 30+ grandchildren including about a quarter of them adults; what kind of support is the family providing each month to their parents/grandparents?  What kinds of sacrifices have they made?  What have they cut from their budgets to help their parents in their time of need?  When money is donated, where does it go?  Whose bank account?  Who has access?  Is there going to be an accounting of how it is spent?

Of course, we already know the answers and Jill is going to keep glossing over the fact that she expects strangers to support her parents while refusing to spend a dime on them herself.

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JillR is out of her element. She's been doing the shady Fundy grift for years and thought she could go 'legit' because of a true health crisis. The problem is most folks don't donate just because

Why doesn't Jill do a cut-a-thon and donate the proceeds to her parents? Maybe David could advertise a sale on Smilies and donate a percent of sales to his inlaws. Why not have the little girls do a lemonade stand to raise money for their grandparents? Timmy could offer a discount on lawn care and donate the money from any extra sales to his grandparents. The other boys could do a car wash, etc.

Edited by GeeGolly
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5 hours ago, farmgal4 said:

Speaking of Jill’s need for attention…

In her Facebook story, she has actually taken a selfie of herself crying and posted it.  I don’t even have words to describe her level of her narcissism.

She’s reusing pictures. That’s from a video she posted on July 10th with a link to the GoFundMe.

The latest use of the same picture:


Edited by ginger90
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1 hour ago, GeeGolly said:

JillR is out of her element. She's been doing the shady Fundy grift for years and thought she could go 'legit' because of a true health crisis. The problem is most folks don't donate just because.

I agree with this. Jill is used to rolling up in the RV with all those "naturally thin" children. Getting a captive audience to yap at and perform for, and having that basket for love offerings prominently displayed in front of the stage/altar/pulpit.  So people are more compelled to drop some cash.

Gofundme is a completely different game. A first day or second day appeal for $20,000 after a family health issue with no real reason for that amount and the vague "my daddy will probably have to quit his job" don't have the same guilt appeal as sickly looking children dressed in rags, wearing no shoes or shoes too large or too small.

She tapped out her church and friends with the need for Phillip to get money. Then the land hurricane. She tagged daddy's and at least 2 aunts and 1 uncle on fb with her updates/pics/link for cash so their friends could donate.

But everyone Jill is friends with on fb has surely seen the amount of trips and hotel stays for Jill and the Gut in the same time frame, so maybe took a hard pass on this grifting attempt.

she probably will have an extra basket out on this grift trip for "not completely mentally there" ma and bad dr news daddy. Then she will show her and the Gut out on a date night.

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Too bad for Jill that she and the fam were out of town.  There were major severe thunderstorms and possibly tornadoes all over that part of Ohio last night.  She will be so disappointed to have missed another opportunity to grift.

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11 minutes ago, Notabug said:

Too bad for Jill that she and the fam were out of town.  There were major severe thunderstorms and possibly tornadoes all over that part of Ohio last night.  She will be so disappointed to have missed another opportunity to grift.

I had the Weather Channel on as background noise yesterday, and they showed Wooster on their map. They predicted a nasty line of storms going right through there.

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Way back when one of my friends - a struggling single mom - called and asked if I had any "extra" diapers. Anyone who has had kids knows there is no such thing as "extra" diapers, but anyway, I said, sure yea, I'm going out in a bit and will drop some off. I stop by for a visit and to drop off the diapers. As our babies are playing she offers me some macadamia nuts (or maybe pistachios). As we're chatting she lets it slip her mom gave her money for diapers but she bought nuts and some super expensive lotion.

All this to say, I'd be a bit upset if I donated to Pa N's GFM and found out he bought his wife jewelry. Just like I'd be upset if I fed JillR's kids during the aftermath of a storm, them found out she attended a 3 day convention. 

If I thought he younger kids would be okay, I'd be asking the universe to let this latest grift fuck up any future grifts.

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5 minutes ago, BetyBee said:

It's just so frickin' weird how Jill takes pictures of people in church* and posts them all over SM!

*and at the funerals of children she doesn't know!

Not having your eyes closed and praying along with the pastor was a HUGE no-no when I was in the AOG church. They basically made it seem like you weren’t really praying if you were looking around. 

I guess she wasn’t lying about not updating on their condition, but she’s sure going to mention they need prayers money non-stop. 

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