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S04.E14: Unforgiven

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I finally caught up with this episode after I had to miss it live Sunday night. And all I can say is...


Holy guacamole is this show boring right now. I don't think there's a single plot line so far that I'm interested in. I don't care about Charming and Snow's secret because it's bound to be a huge retcon. I don't care about what the Queens of Darkness did in the past because they're going to be off the show anyways by the end of the season. I hate this stupid author storyline because it makes no sense, it's a boring waste of time watching people look at a book over and over, and the fact that the writers even pointed out many of Regina's past sins in this episode makes it even harder to root for her to get her happy ending.


The writers aren't even trying to be clever about this book investigation. It's literally just Henry or Regina looking at the book with a magnifying glass and saying, "Oh, woe is me. We've hit another dead end. We'll never find The Author. Why can't I get my happy ending?" That's not entertaining. Take a page from National Treasure and have them discover some secret invisible ink that leads them to a map that leads them to a key (etc.) Something. Yeah, we finally got a clue with the page about that door at the end of the episode, but they should have discovered that in 4A. At this point, it's just ridiculous that it took them this long in the season to get to this point. If you put together a montage of every single stupid storybook scene in Season 4 so far, they'd all pretty much be the same. (Actually, that would be kind of hilarious to watch every single author scene back-to-back-to-back. And by hilarious, I mean sad.)


Couldn't they have just said the tree only accepted two people, and Emma made it three?


That's exactly what I thought it was when Maleficent first said Snow was pregnant. It would have made logical sense: Foiled by math! The tree rejected them because they're technically three people, not two! And then the writers had to go and screw it over by making up some ridiculously convoluted reason that Emma has a great potential for darkness because she's born of True Love, even though she also has a great potential for goodness. So if that's the case, shouldn't all True Love couples avoid having children? And also, doesn't every single person in the world have a great potential for darkness? It's just a combination of nature, nurture, and life experiences that shapes people into what they become. (Although, sometimes genetics do play a bit of a role and people are just born sociopaths.) I could see Snow and Charming freaking out if there was some kind of prophecy that proclaimed Emma would be a destroyer of worlds and the most evil-ist person ever and has a bad genetic trait, but Mal was so vague that it was like...who cares?


This is why the show really needs to stop doing Fairy Tale Flashbacks. They don't add any substance to the overall storyline anymore and just end up becoming huge retcons. 


If it weren't for the Emma/Charming sheriff bonding scenes and Hook and Emma's refreshingly realistic relationship talks this episode, I'd have fallen asleep.

Edited by Curio
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IIRC, in Ariel's episode, she prays to Ursula and Regina pretends to be her, thinking she can get away with it because no one has seen Ursula for so long. The ep ended with the real Ursula appearing in a mirror and warning Regina - and Regina seemed genuinely worried, since a goddess is so powerful.


I'm going to chalk this up to (yet more) bad writing because it serves no purpose to introduce the idea of a Goddess into this already convoluted storyline, not to mention the fact that elevating Ursula to Goddess status makes her look pretty damn lame right now. Perhaps people believed her to be a Goddess but we are seeing no evidence of it now, and since the character is clearly taken from the animated Disney film it doesn't jive with anything ever having to do with The Little Mermaid's story.

I believe it humanized Maleficent, but it didn't justify her actions or make her any less "evil". Rather, it just gave her believable motivation for doing wrong things. She got more sympathy in one scene than Regina ever did with her lasagna. I don't think it made her any better morally, though. 


The road to hell is paved with good intentions, after all.

Edited by KingOfHearts
  • Love 5

Am I the only one that interpreted the tree rejecting them because Snow was pregnant as the tree rejecting them not because Emma was a little blank slate of possible, but because Emma-in-progress hadn't done any heroic deeds? Maybe I missed dialogue, but I didn take it as a condemnation of Emma's future evil, but as Emma being a person, and one that hadn't filled out the club paperwork, yet.

It's a fine line, but it is slightly different and less gross than it deciding she was predestined to be bad.

  • Love 4
Am I the only one that interpreted the tree rejecting them because Snow was pregnant as the tree rejecting them not because Emma was a little blank slate of possible, but because Emma-in-progress hadn't done any heroic deeds?


Good point.  There were so many different explanations, and it makes no sense for Snow and Charming to only believe Maleficent's interpretation.


but if it turns out that Emma is only a hero because Snow and Charming made some deal I don't think I'll be watching S5.


The writers go on and on about how they are exploring the definitions of hero and villain, when it's pretty obvious.  I guess they'll have Snow and Charming "learn" the same lesson that Regina will learn via the Author plot.  It's not who you *are*, but it's what you *do*.  Now everyone is on the same page of stupidity, so they can all go through this educational journey together.

Edited by Camera One
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Am I the only one that interpreted the tree rejecting them because Snow was pregnant as the tree rejecting them not because Emma was a little blank slate of possible, but because Emma-in-progress hadn't done any heroic deeds? Maybe I missed dialogue, but I didn take it as a condemnation of Emma's future evil, but as Emma being a person, and one that hadn't filled out the club paperwork, yet.


I looked at it was everything except as Emma potentially becoming the darkest dark who ever darked.  But her parents chose to believe someone they didn't even feel they could trust in the first place.


I don't know how that makes sense.  We cannot trust Maleficent, but the second she mentions that the baby could become evil, all bets are off.


I'm more interested in what they did to ensure Emma's "goodness" than whatever Maleficent or a tree told them.  Snowing have been shown to be completely gullible at times.  Maleficent could have just easily lied to them to make sure they would cooperate with her.  Your child could turn out bad, but if you are there to guide her, then the odds will be in her favor, so we have to help each other to stop the curse because we all have something to lose.

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I didn't know what to do with myself over that line.  I get why they used the line but the line probably flew over a lot of heads just because people generally don't care about stuff like this.


Alas, you're probably right.


I kind of like that they're being depicted as actual friends. Cruella may be evil, but she seems to truly care about the others. There was the way she put a comforting arm around Ursula after the encounter with Hook, and her "I've missed her!" about Maleficent sounded genuine. I hope we get some backstory fill-in about how they went from being total strangers to being best friends. And making them all friends does make this contrived Queens of Darkness thing of throwing together three random, unconnected villains seem just a little less random.


I have no faith in this show giving them that kind of backstory.  I'll be glad if they do, but I'm nor holding my breath.

Am I the only one that interpreted the tree rejecting them because Snow was pregnant as the tree rejecting them not because Emma was a little blank slate of possible, but because Emma-in-progress hadn't done any heroic deeds?

We'd still be in the gross zone of a woman being judged not for her own merits or deeds, but for the fetus inside her. It still comes down to Snow not being deemed "worthy" of the tree because she's pregnant, with the fetus counting more than she does.


I sincerely doubt that's the message they intended to send (Hollywood tends to take the opposite view, politically), but it's kind of what they were saying, that a woman was being judged by her fetus. It's as bad as the race being bred for labor in the "did you really mean to say that?" category.

  • Love 5


It's a fine line, but it is slightly different and less gross than it deciding she was predestined to be bad.

"Evil isn't born, it's made"... then why are some people more likely to be evil than others right out of the womb? Come on, writers. I think what they meant by the tree rejecting them was different than what they expressed on screen. They wanted Snow and Charming to find out Emma had potential for evil, so they needed Maleficent to give extra plot exposition. Very clunky.


I would have preferred some retcon on why Emma is a True Love baby in the first place, and why Snow and Charming are special. Like they were descendants of powerful light witches/sorcerers, or something. To me I think it needs to be explained why Snowing is such a more epic romance than other fairy tale couples that their baby is special. This whole "insuring Emma turns out good" is such a jab at free will.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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"Evil isn't born, it's made"... then why are some people more likely to be evil than others right out of the womb? Come on, writers.


You're right.  It completely contradicts what they have been harping.  Unless they're basically having Snow and Charming learn this valuable lesson.  Blech.

Edited by Camera One

We can't trust anything on this show or take anything at face value.  I wouldn't be surprised if we find out in a later flashback that Rumple rigged the Tree and/or got the Queens of Darkness to lead Snow and Charming there.  So Snow and Charming could take the actions that would ensure Emma would become the Savior and break the Curse, so Rumple could find Neal.

  • Love 2


We can't trust anything on this show or take anything at face value.  I wouldn't be surprised if we find out in a later flashback that Rumple rigged the Tree and/or got the Queens of Darkness to lead Snow and Charming there.  So Snow and Charming could take the actions that would ensure Emma would become the Savior and break the Curse, so Rumple could find Neal.

It's obvious Rumple is totally playing the Queens of Darkness just as much as he is with Snow/Charming/Regina to get this curse cast the way he wants it to. He knew the whole "villains getting happy endings" was a load of hogwash, but he harped on it because they were all desperate for what they wanted. Then after Regina traded for the Dark Curse from Maleficent, he insured that Charming broke the sleeping curse so that she'd go get it back and the True Love couple would be confirmed.


I wouldn't be surprised if the tree was rigged. Someone had to put a bug in Maleficent's ear for her to make her resolution about the baby so fast.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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I wouldn't be surprised if the tree was rigged.


Rumple manipulated the situation to convince Regina that her best option was to cast the curse. He has also been shown doing the same to Snowing. Perhaps this is more of him just setting up his chess pieces. Sure, the QoD should know better than to work with him, but they are doing it now, so who knows how many time those dimbulbs have trusted him. Or maybe they don't even know and are hapless dupes.


It is always hard to tell if it is bad writing or a clue when something happens, but it is mighty suspicious that Mal roasted those guards at the bridge where in the exact same episode she is shown putting an entire kingdom to sleep and flicking her hands to disarm Snowing. If it turns out that the Tree of Wisdom was a long con to put Snowing in a desperate situation ("The tree says our daughter might be evil!", "Only a knight killing dragon wants to work with us!") so that they are convinced that the only thing they can do is put their daughter into a magical wardrobe. (I am at the point where I would even believe that Rumple hid Gepetto's tools and that is why it took him so long to make the wardrobe (seriously dude, stop putting gingerbread all over it and just get the stupid thing done. It doesn't have to be your best work, it just has to have a door)).


Maybe Rumple is the closest thing to an Author there really is.  He certainly manipulates enough people to do his bidding. I honestly don't know what the QoD's currently think the plan is because its pretty opaque at this point. How is what they are doing supposed to help them find the Author. Shouldn't they be stealing the book and staring at it for clues too?


So bad writing or a clue. IDK. These days, I'm leaning towards bad writing as my goto reason.

Edited by kili
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I forgot to add the one thing that really made me chuckle and showed just how much the writers are lacking in self-awareness:


Regina says she'd rather not have her former crimes raised in front of her son and then it cuts to him, with her blessing and encouragement, reading the book - an historically-accurate account of all her former crimes. I LOLd. Seriously, guys? Think this shit through.

  • Love 8

The episode did not stand up to a rewatch. I didn't think it was this bad the first time--maybe I was too distracted by the pretty. The dialogues was so heavy-handed and cheesy. Who talks like that?? The generous scattering of the words "heroes" and "villains", Snow and Charming being morons, Regina going postal on Pinocchio--it was all so so bad. The few good things about the episode were Emma and Hook's conversation at the Sheriff's station. Gepetto laying into Regina, and Maleficent shaking the baby rattle. They've destroyed Snow's character so much, I don't think I'm ever going to even like her again. The blocking was horrible in some of the scenes (like Rumple standing around without cloaking himself). All in all, it was torture to watch it again.



It's literally just Henry or Regina looking at the book with a magnifying glass and saying, "Oh, woe is me. We've hit another dead end. We'll never find The Author. Why can't I get my happy ending?"


In 4A we had Rumple repeating the same two threats to Hook over and over and over again. As far as Regina is concerned she's been staring at that stupid book and whining about her Happy Ending all through Season 4. I want to grab it from her hands and heat it up to Fahrenheit 451--so godawfully boring!

Edited by Rumsy4
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The more I think about it, the more I think Rumple thinks the author hunt is totally crap. It would explain his dramatic use of phrases like "villains", "heroes", and "happy endings". Its just the magical version of political buzzwords. Its what people want to hear. He has another plan. Really, I cant believe the Queens buy anything that he`s selling. I assume they are just going with his plans just because they don't have anything. BUT they seem to actually be buying into the "we can get a happy ending because of magic author" thing. Its weird.  Whenever Rumple talks, people should just put head phones in. For their own personal health. 

  • Love 1
like Rumple standing around without cloaking himself


To be fair, we don't know that he didn't cloak himself.  We the audience have to see him to know he's there creeping around the shop and looking at Belle.  I guess they could add some special effect.


What I find funny is that Emma and Hook do pass near the shop, it's behind them when they're walking, but I guess they're way too happy to notice anything.  Emma is learning to live in the moment, it seems which makes me so sad for her.  


I care so very little about Snowing and even less about Snow.  I just want Emma to be left alone and I want her to be happy and I'm someone who is totally okay with her turning dark.  

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I love these fun villains so far...,much better then the Frozen Icescapades.  I think its interesting that Emma has the "chance," to go dark, (we know she wont for long at least) and that Malificent seems to have a good backstory on why she wants revenge and a happy ending...I always thought that a better scenario for Regina's anger was that she was preggers with Daniels kid and lost the kid when Cora killed Daniel..but I also wanted Snow to actually tell on Regina in a bit of childish unthoughtful selfishness to keep a stepmother (not that she wanted bad things to happen but kids dont think things out) but realize that would be incredibly dark and adult for this show... but would better explian Regina's years spent seekign revenge.


Also anything that would expose the Two Idiots for what their selfrighteouness....(Line of the episode..."I wish just one of the Charming family would live up to the name." ) Had to laugh, the two dulldards pull out swords and are quickly knocked down..AGAIN. Doesn't anyone figure out those swords are no good and WHY are the Charmings such big heros when they are at the whims of magic like everyone else. No one in this goofy land ever come up with a way to fight magic???


Step in the right direction with Regina and Gepetto..but I would have had a follow up scene where Regina talks to Henry about it.."I know my go to when I come up against the wall is to try and knock it down, and that is not right. I did horrible things and cost many people their lives and the people they love and I know now its not only wrong, but its something I am regretting, and that is because of loving you I can finally see what other's feel." or something to that effect. I also wish Gepetoo had said something about children changing your life and your perspective, etc.  But as someone posted elsewhere, this is an action and adventure soap opera fairy tale not a "Lets grab a cup of hot choclate and talk," show so I take what I can get.


Just please let Ursula and Cruella live to snark and side eye each other for another season. And yes, I just love to see those Two Idiots being tortured!

Edited by Mitch
The writers aren't even trying to be clever about this book investigation. It's literally just Henry or Regina looking at the book with a magnifying glass and saying, "Oh, woe is me. We've hit another dead end. We'll never find The Author. Why can't I get my happy ending?"

Yeah, it's getting to be both boring and ludicrous. What do they think they're going to discover from looking at the same book again, after having already spent months poring over it? They're doing the same thing over and over again and then wondering why they're not making progress. At least let one of them find something that warrants a trip to the library to research a clue, or something that involves more than looking at the same book. And then there's the irony of them paging through what's essentially a list of Regina's crimes to find out why she's not getting a happy ending. There's Regina choosing vengeance over love. And there's Regina murdering a unicorn. There's Regina murdering a gypsy girl. There's Regina tricking the genie into murdering her husband. There's Regina kicking Snow out of the palace and sending the Huntsman to kill her. There's Regina sending children into the witch's lair to die. There's Regina trying to poison Snow White. There's Regina murdering her father to cast the Dark Curse. And while doing this project, Regina is holed up alone in her office with Henry, feeling like her project is more important than helping anyone else, not socializing with anyone else unless they come to her, doing nothing but looking at this book. Regina: "Why, oh why, can't I have a happy ending?" Henry: "It's so unfair. But there may be a clue in the book!"


Here's a thought: Maybe if you quit dwelling on how sad you are, left your office and lived a little, you might be happier.

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Speaking of stupid, I was just thinking back to the scene of Snow and Charming running to the Tree while the Queens of Darkness were sleeping in a single tent (?!!?!!).  


Just what did they think they would accomplish by getting to the Tree first?  Did they think they could hide from the Queens?  Combined with their collective drawing of the swords, it's no wonder they didn't show a scene of Snow and Charming "planning" anything because that conversation would have been ridiculous.  


Did anyone have half a brain cell in this entire episode?

  • Love 2

Snow and Charming both wearing gloves inside for the next few episodes is going to get suspicious fast... or will Emma clue in.  


Emma: Why are you two wearing gloves indoors?

Charming: Uh...

Snow: awkward silence

Charming: We're celebrating...

Snow: Anna and Kristoff's wedding.  It's a tradition in Arendelle.

Charming: Yeah, uh, good luck to wear winter gloves indoors for a month after the nuptials.


Emma had a really thankless role in this episode, with everyone keeping things from her.  The scenes with Emma and Hook were kind of forgettable to me, and most of it was to create the contrived situation at the end with the lie.  


Snow and Charming telling Emma, Hook and Regina that Maleficent is Alive! at the end felt very anticlimatic.  Regina didn't look that surprised, and neither did Hook.  Emma did say that thing about fighting the Dragon, but Hook actually "met" Maleficent AFTER that.  Has Hook and Emma spoken about that?


I wonder how Henry feels about meeting Cruella and Ursula.  Do they scare him?  Or does he believe they have changed too?  Are their stories in the Book?  What determines which stories make the Book and which don't?  I am assuming the Queens of Darkness helping Rumple to get the Dark Curse, and the Queens of Darkness and Snow/Charming going to the Tree didn't make the Cut?

Edited by Camera One

Update on the word count for heroes & villains this episode. The heroes won with 7 mentions and the villains coming in a close second with 5 mentions. Thus far in 4B, we've tallied 12 mentions for heroes and 11 for the villains.  


For comparison, in 4A, "Monster" was said a total of 48 times (and a few of those references were descriptions of an actual monster) 

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I didn't realize this episode was actually DIRECTED by Adam Horowitz.  I don't know whether to laugh or cry. The episode itself was written by Andrew Chambliss & Kalinda Vazquez.


Reading that horrible monologue in hindsight... it makes even less sense.  It's like really bad poetry.  It's way more WTF than any of the "twists" they threw at us.


Because when you betray the people you love

When you make them see the worst parts of you

What you've done changes everything.
There's no going back.
You've shattered the bonds you worked so hard to forge.
And the stronger those bonds once were

The more difficult they are to put back together

If they can be repaired at all.

Edited by Camera One
  • Love 1

Reading that horrible monologue in hindsight... it makes even less sense. It's like really bad poetry. It's way more WTF than any of the "twists" they threw at us.

Because when you betray the people you love

When you make them see the worst parts of you

What you've done changes everything.

There's no going back.

You've shattered the bonds you worked so hard to forge.

And the stronger those bonds once were

The more difficult they are to put back together

If they can be repaired at all.

It's bad when you betray people. If they find out, there may be no going back. So, we're going to betray Emma by consistently lying to her. She'll never find out. A+ reasoning, Snow!

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I'm not even sure how anything Snow and David did before Emma was born counts as betraying her. They may have done things she'd be disappointed in, but could they have betrayed her? Betrayal assumes some kind of trust existed in the first place, and an unborn child can't have any expectations. The actual betrayal comes now, in their lying to her, because they now do have a relationship and she does trust them.


This is so stupid.

  • Love 6

Way, way late for this episode.


Favorite part was easily Gepetto/Marco putting Regina on blast.  That was so satisfying.  That gall she had trying to compare him to her was stunning.  He is not even in the top fifty of bad acts on this show, and that's including some of the heroes probably.  Yes, he lied and it was selfish of him, but at least it came from the love of his son.  Regina straight up murdered people for kicks.  So, yeah, fuck off, Regina.  At least she did apologize and I'm actually fine with him giving her the bag; if, for nothing else, getting her out of his garage.


Actually got a kick out of the Queens of Darkness this time.  Loved Cruella/Ursula trolling Regina in the diner, and Rumpel, by claiming Belle never mentioned him.  And, Cruella's snark on Charming was highly amusing, considering how he was acting in this particular episode.  And, Kristen Bauer actually was pretty good in Maleficent's final scene.  So, she's back, and it really does seem like she's the head of the trio, which I guess makes sense.  When one doesn't even have powers and the other seems to only have tentacles, being able to turn into a freaking dragon trumps all.


Charming and Snow though?  Christ.  As soon as Maleficent brought up being pregnant, I knew that was going to be what the big secret is about.  And, I'm already dreading the disappointment.  I'm sure it's going to end up being that their part in the kid's death is minor, and all of this is them being over-dramatic for the sake of it.  But them keeping this from Emma is such bullshit.  This is never a good idea.  Why does this show keep doing this?!  Ugh, so disappointed.


Really, between this and Hook being all secretive (again!), I really just feel bad for how Emma is being treated.  It's like now that Grimm quit with the stupid hiding everything from Wu stuff, my Just Tell Wu! has been replaced by Just Tell Emma! for this show.  After everything that happened, i doubt she'll turn on you now.  Especially you, Hook.  Unless Ursula had kids (named Flotsam and Jetsam, of course), and you blasted them out of a cannon or something, she'll forgive whatever went down.  Drop it, Hook.  I don't like it when you are all angsty and mopey.


Belle and Will sure came out of nowhere.  I really wonder if they originally had some other plan for Will, but it fell apart for whatever reason, and now they're like "Well, shit.  We've got Michael Socha already locked up, so we have to do something with him."  I almost wished he never came, and he maintained his happy ending in the Wonderland spin-off.  Now I fear, he is going to have a bad run-in with Emo Rumpel.


Speaking of Rumpel, I wonder what his cell phone provider is.  I can't even get calls or texts in certain stores: this guy can get them way down in a cave.  I wonder who he sacrificed to get that coverage plan?  I do wonder who the leading provider is for bad guys.  I bet business is good!

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