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"The View": Week of 03/09/15


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The Republican headquarters puts out their talking points every morning. I'm sure Geddie was on their e-mail list and got them as of course did/does Fox. It's why you hear the same thing from all the Republicans regardless of where they're speechifying. The senators making speeches on the floor of the congress will use the same code words as Nicolle does on The View, as do the people on Fox or any Republican operative giving an interview to CNN or any other media outlet including print media. It's a system they worked out years ago and it has been extremely successful for them in winning the messaging wars.


The famous Ailes daily Talking Points fax.  If you're not a fan of FauxSnooze and have never seen the documentary OutFoxed, you  owe it to yourself to check it out.


Shame that Nicolle is deteriorating into Bitsy - I honestly didn't think she had it in her.  Guess I was dead wrong.  Oh well, at least I'm not witnessing it, ha!  I did peek into Monday's show to see what the Whoopster would say about the OU SAE incident and made it through most of it, enjoyed the RuPaul interview.


eta: Ha!  See Nicolle @2:25 in OutFoxed 10 Years Later!

Edited by NextIteration
  • Love 8

You go, Rosie. I only wish Rosie O  were there to support you in your argument with Nicolle about the 47 Republicans who issued their traitorous letter to Iran. Nicolle's ridiculous defense of them was so awful. Yes, blame Iran for the development of ISIS, instead of our invasion of Iraq and the resulting bad treatment of Sunni Muslims which has led to the development of ISIS. I can't believe that idiot woman was director of communications with the Bush administration, even though I abhor Bush. Oh, and you don't know who Dr. Phil is, so why pipe up in the discussion of him? I cannot stand this woman. I'm really going to have to stop watching so that I can control my blood pressure. 

  • Love 13

Thanks for the link Nextiteration. Although I'm sure Nicolle would deny she ever said that. Ha-ha

I watched the first half of this train wreck today. Nicolle has never heard of Dr. Phil. (yeah right). She asks if he is even a doctor and Whoopi shrugs and says I don't know. I'm not  a fan of his but really, Whoopi, just doesn't seem to know much these days.

Rosie P was on the right track talking about the letter to Iran and Nicolle had to shut her down and say that Iran is evil. Nicolle then turned the Hillary email issue into an argument between Bill Clinton and Hillary about what constitutes an email. According to Cackling Nicolle they are arguing that it depends on what is an email. She is trying to conflate it with President Clinton's line "It depends on what the meaning of is is".

This show is turning into the faux view!


Looks like Kenz and I were on the same wavelength!

Edited by Dissy
  • Love 9

I initially liked Nicolle, but, boy has that changed. First, she over talks Rosie so much that Whoopie steps in and says no one listening could understand anything. Then Rosie asks her to allow her to finish her statement without interrupting, but, then the ultimate when they have a guest come in to speak about a serious subject, I believe the fraternity in Oklahoma (I was on the phone/half watching), and Nicolle interrupts to say how great the woman's arms look. OMG! STFU!!!

  • Love 14

Nicolle:    I'm sorry, Stephen Hawking (insert cackles here), I can't listen to anything you say (giggle, giggle) because you sound like a machine.  Also, your posture is demoralizing.


Nicolle is extremely rude and it appears that she's Whoopi's little puppy dog.  Rosie's left out to dry.   Is SHE the arbiter of all things political?  Does she know better than anyone else because she "spent eight years in the White House"?  If she's so valuable, why didn't some other Republican give her a big time job?


She finally did it for me today.  Buh-bye, Blondie!   


Before Phil McGraw, PhD sold out to crap-TV, he was a respected psychologist.  He has good degrees and good experience, Nicolle!  Yes, he is a REAL doctor.  Of course, he'll never go back to an ethical practice of his art.

Edited by Former Nun
  • Love 8

Yes, Fisher King, she did something like that. She's so eloquent. Can you believe her husband was the US Ambassador to the UN during the Bush administration and he is currently the head of "United Against Nuclear Iran" organization, in addition to a being a financier? It would seem that negotiating with Iran to limit nuclear capability would be a priority in her household, but maybe that's only if we can start a war with them as her old employer, "Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Iran", McCain, is always eager to do. Don't get me started on how the defense contractors are involved in all of this too.

Edited by Kenz
  • Love 6

Nicolle:    I'm sorry, Stephen Hawking (insert cackles here), I can't listen to anything you say (giggle, giggle) because you sound like a machine.  Also, your posture is demoralizing.

Seriously, did she really say that? 



Nicolle has never heard of Dr. Phil. (yeah right). She asks if he is even a doctor and Whoopi shrugs and says I don't know.


Wait, what?  I wonder if she's ever heard of Oprah?   While I've never seen more than 10 minutes of Shrill Phil's show I was a pretty faithful Oprah watcher back in the day.  In fact I've always held her responsible for unleashing Phil on the American public - unforgivable, lol.    I'm guessing she's never seen any of the endless promos for his show either then.   As far as Whoopi not knowing if he's a doctor or not - I believe that even though he has appeared on this show more than once over the years - because Whoopi was mostly baked and rarely paid attention to anything. 


This Nicolle has become unrecognizable from the smart, qualified, fresh new addition I thought she was last fall.  More than one person on this forum familiar with NW predicted that as time went on we would see what they see.  Those posters can take their victory laps now!

  • Love 8

Uhhhhh...Cosmocrush.  I must confess to a bit of hyperbole and imagination.

LOL Former Nun!  That's what I get for skipping the show.  But somehow I'm thinking you aren't that far off after watching the clip with the guest attorney.  Good grief, how embarrassing.  


And speaking of embarrassing, check out Whoopi's shoes and Wicked Witch of the West striped socks with flowered leggings (tights?)  Ugh. 

Edited by Cosmocrush
  • Love 2

Lets see here...


NW was born in Orange County, went to UC Berkeley and then as an on air reporter, later in Calif state politics. But doesn't know where Malibu is.


She then worked for Jeb Bush as his press secretary and the, surprise, on Florida's election recount in 2000. 


Magically she then worked for GW in.....the White House as Communications Director. Then for McCain/Palin 2008.


Which leads me to a Salon article today about, oh I don't know......the WH lost 5 million emails in 2007. Many, including Bush were using servers of the RNC, Karl Rove lost 4 years of emails.


Have to say I dislike NW even more than EH.....EH just spouted the daily RNC rhetoric that was handed to her via Getty, Hannity, etc. As Communications Director in the WH NW probably, imo, was involved in the email scandal that lasted a scant day or two.....and now has her fingers in her ears singing lalalalalalla. When she is knowingly misleading us daily. 

  • Love 9

Once again I received a phone call this am from a friend who watches the View intermittently - and mistakenly believes I still watch at all - at any rate...


She waxed poetic (and profane) about NW's interruption of a serious discussion of a serious topic to gush about the guest's biceps.


This did not happen in a vacuum.  This is what the producers wanted, and my guess is that they instructed her to behave as she did thru her earpiece.


The only people to blame for this are TPTB/producers.  We are watching a product that they put together.  We all know that Whoopi, NW and Rosie are smarter than the roles they are playing - altho' I think they are letting RP be herself since she is uncomfortable expressing her opinion when confronted with aggression, and by that I mean the constant interrupting and overtalking, aka as bullying.


Why they have turned NW into a twit is beyond me.  She keeps announcing that she is a repub and a mom and then presents herself as a nitwit - dumber than my 5 yr old niece for cripes sake!  How this dual personality makes her credible is beyond me.  She could not possibly have succeeded and ascended to the highest levels of politics and be as stupid as the character the producers have created for her.  This cannot help her to succeed in the media, unless she has a promise of a job at Fox comedy cable channel when she is done here.


Rant over, but in my wildest imagination I cannot believe there is anyone who is enjoying this show.


WTF is ABC thinking??????????????????????????????????????????

  • Love 12

Sorry I'm posting so much about this topic, but I am fired up today. In regards to your post, kaygeeret, I believe the executive producer of The View is Bill Wolff, who formerly was a producer for the Rachel Maddow Show, and he had been with MSNBC for some time, so I can't help but wonder what he thinks is happening to this show, with Nicolle acting in her strange, ignorant persona, and Whoopi just acting like she doesn't give a crap attitude. Does anyone ever take these two aside and tell them to shape up (not that Whoopie would listen, she makes $5 million a year to be on the show. )That leaves poor Rosie P in a bad situation, and the guest hosts are just trying to go along for the ride. I also wonder if Barbara Walters is watching in sheer horror at what her show has become. 

Edited by Kenz
  • Love 4

Sorry I'm posting so much about this topic, but I am fired up today. In regards to your post, kaygeeret, I believe the executive producer of The View is Bill Wolff, who formerly was a producer for the Rachel Maddow Show, and he had been with MSNBC for some time, so I can't help but wonder what he thinks is happening to this show, with Nicolle acting in her strange, ignorant persona, and Whoopi just acting like she doesn't give a crap attitude. Does anyone ever take these two aside and tell them to shape up (not that Whoopie would listen, she makes $5 million a year to be on the show. )That leaves poor Rosie P in a bad situation, and the guest hosts are just trying to go along for the ride. I also wonder if Barbara Walters is watching in sheer horror at what her show has become.

 Edited by Kenz, 8 minutes ago.



Kenz, I do appreciate your POV.  It beggers the imagination to believe that a smart and successful producer of smart and successful shows would sign off on this garbage.


Nonetheless, I still believe that he is turning out the product that the bigwigs at ABC want.


The conundrum for me is "why do they want a show this stupid"?  And why do they want their 'stars' to behave in such ridiculous ways - not to say absolutely insulting to the invited guests?


If TPTB did not want the behavior on the panel, it would not happen - IMO naturally.


Therefore what do TPTB get out of this?  Ratings?  Maybe, I couldn't find much info on recent ratings e.g. post RO.


What demographic are they appealing to?  Granted the working crowd can DVR and watch later so that could potentially get the 'valued' younger demographic.  But I would guess most viewers are stay at home moms and retired people.  If any of that is true, how does the ignorance on display every day get an audience?  Am I overestimating people?


Was P.T. Barnum 100% correct when he said there is a sucker born every minute?  \


PS not certain that P.T. Barnum said that, and I know the 'quote' is paraphrased, but I hope you all forgive and get the gist of what I meant.

Edited by kaygeeret
  • Love 2

Yes, the derailment of the guest attorney's discussion on Ferguson is what brought me here tonight. I could not believe that Nicole Wallace interrupted her - and interrupted Rosie when she was talking about the 47 Senators. 


Rosie tried to steer the conversation back to her point, but Whoopi not only "moderated" the discussion, she ended it! And went on to something else. 


Right now the hero of the piece is Rosie Perez. She's smart - as smart as Rosie O, but with different life experiences. She's focused, and she's passionate. As long as they keep Nicole Wallace on the show, I hope Rosie can hang on. She's the only one making sense there.


The actress Garcelle Beauvais has also been doing a fine job of speaking calmly and sensibly; she probably would be a good person to have on the panel in the long term, once she feels comfortable asserting herself. Who am I kidding? They never hold onto the best. 


They exalt the worst. 

  • Love 9
And speaking of embarrassing, check out Whoopi's shoes and Wicked Witch of the West striped socks with flowered leggings (tights?)  Ugh.



Okay...I'm fat too and I usually give Whoopi a pass when I read complaints that she doesn't keep her legs together, but today...TODAY!  When she was sitting with the group and interviewing Tony Danza I wondered if she was tring her hardest to spread her flowered tights apart as far as possible.  Anyone else notice?

  • Love 3
She could not possibly have succeeded and ascended to the highest levels of politics and be as stupid as the character the producers have created for her.



Kaygeeret, this may be the persona she continues to develop on her own.  It's easy for a female to succeed in politics if she's cute enough and kisses enough ass. Nicolle has perfected the laughing technique that works best on males. "Oh, you're sooooo funny."  Every dismal male who crawls his way to the upper echelons of politics needs the adoring female attention that Nicolle displays every day.  She has Whoopi snowed too. 

  • Love 6

Kaygeerret, I now have a couple of theories of why the producers may be leading the show to it's present degraded condition:


1.) They are very liberal and trying to diss conservative Republicans and their strange notions via Nicolle and her wacky behavior.


2.) They are trying to improve ratings by increasing hate watching, which is pretty much the reason I watch, as pathetic as that is.

  • Love 3

Really Former Nun.....


imo NW touches/paws everyone. And is so thrilled to meet celebrities when she has no clue who they are....and bashes those that could appear on the show.


WG is snowed by her.....and loves every minute of it.


Seems like this season WG has chosen 1 co-host to adore.....rather than a team. Sigh....that is ever changing in guest co-hosts. 


Seems like WG is a DINO......dem in name only. But - why does she care?

  • Love 4

NW is a bully.   When Rosie P was trying to explain her point of view, about the 47 Republicans, Nicolle several times interrupted, talked over her, one time blew a raspberry, and kept shouting about Hillary Clinton's  emails.  

Then for the rest of the show, nobody could talk without Nicolle shrieking over them.  She certainly derailed the lawyer talking about the shooting in Wisconsin, they moved on without discussing it.  It's like Nicolle is a 10 year old with ADHD.  


Whoopi's outfit -   flowered leggings, and the SHIRT!   I noticed the buttons going the other way, it was a man's shirt.   Like she went to the Big & Tall man's store and got the biggest shirt they had.  It didn't fit her like a tunic should, it was gigantic.  Like a woman putting on her boyfriend's shirt, if her boyfriend is 7 feet tall and 400 pounds.  She dresses worse than anyone I've seen on TV.  

  • Love 7



Once again I received a phone call this am from a friend who watches the View intermittently - and mistakenly believes I still watch at all - at any rate...

She waxed poetic (and profane) about NW's interruption of a serious discussion of a serious topic to gush about the guest's biceps.

This did not happen in a vacuum.  This is what the producers wanted, and my guess is that they instructed her to behave as she did thru her earpiece.


It is possible Nichole was instructed, through her earpiece, to change the topic to move the discussion along.  They did not tell her to comment on her arms, no way!  They have to know how to finesse a change of topic.  


I can often tell when Whoopie gets a message to do this.  She usually says, "moving on", before she switches gears, 

Edited by wings707
  • Love 2

Regarding the Salon article, in case any of you are unfamiliar with IOKIYAR, here is the definition, and it applies as much as the Daily Ailes Talking Points fax (now email I am sure!).  In that clip I linked to, I learned something I did not know or remember from the original OutFoxed, that NewsHounds ("We Watch Fox So You Don't Have To") started from prep work for the documentary.


I think I have to go find yesterday's show, it really sounds like it's beyond, beyond.


I do not understand someone like Bill Wolff destroying his reputation like this, I just can't comprehend it.  I also think it's weird that Rachel Maddow hasn't been on the show this season, I think I remember her saying that she would not be back with Bitsy around, but she's long gone.  Her former EP can't persuade her to visit?  Odd.

Edited by NextIteration
  • Love 4

This Nicolle has become unrecognizable from the smart, qualified, fresh new addition I thought she was last fall.  More than one person on this forum familiar with NW predicted that as time went on we would see what they see.  Those posters can take their victory laps now!

Thank you. I'm jogging around my living room as we speak. :)   The 4th post in the Nicolle thread from back on Sept 14:




purplemouth, on 13 Sept 2014 - 7:51 PM, said:

Granted, I only know her from her appearances on Rachel Maddow's show, but she's never made my blood pressure rise like most other Republicans on TV.



I think if you had watched Cackles on Morning Joe she would have made your blood pressure spike. She well and truly earned her nickname and she caused an awful lot of people to grab for their remote controls when she got rolling with her right wing talking points.


And a couple of weeks later:



All of you that think Nicole is so good and well informed on The View, I'm just waiting for the day she loses it and behaves like she always does on Morning Joe. I think many of you would change your opinion pdq,


It's not often I get to say I told you so. :P


But enough with the smugness. I haven't watched since Rosie left but I'm not the least bit surprised that Nicolle is annoying many of you. What does surprise me is that she managed to fool people for as long as she did.  I'm almost glad Rosie left when she did because I'm sure she wouldn't have been able to restrain herself from commenting back and I can just imagine how she'd have been ripped apart in the tabloids if she had.

  • Love 16

Except for a minute or two, I haven't watched since RO left.  I do, however, still read this thread and clicked on the link above where Nicole interrupted to complment the guest's arms.  That was completely insane!  It's a good thing RO is gone, because even if Whoopi had changed her attitude towards her, I'm sure Nicole's new bizarre behavior would be spiking her blood pressure.


I too wonder if Barbara is watching her beloved View these days, and if so, if it's breaking her heart.


On another note, The View and Whoopi were mentioned on The Big Bang Theory last night.  So even in the "nerd" world, Whoopi is still a "star".

  • Love 2

Except for a minute or two, I haven't watched since RO left.  I do, however, still read this thread and clicked on the link above where Nicole interrupted to complment the guest's arms.  That was completely insane!  It's a good thing RO is gone, because even if Whoopi had changed her attitude towards her, I'm sure Nicole's new bizarre behavior would be spiking her blood pressure.


I too wonder if Barbara is watching her beloved View these days, and if so, if it's breaking her heart.


On another note, The View and Whoopi were mentioned on The Big Bang Theory last night.  So even in the "nerd" world, Whoopi is still a "star".



Her heart broke when they talked about Jennifer Lopez being named on of the most powerful woman in the US.  She was shocked, shocked, I tell you!  How can a judge on AI be powerful?  Oy.   It had to be explained that things were different now.  Knowing Harry Kissinger no longer impresses anyone.  It is all based on SM, your income, businesses and career.  She didn't know Jlo, had her thumb in so many pies.  I am not sure she knew anything about her.  If you are not a head of state you are not important.  

Edited by wings707
  • Love 2

A poster on the show's fb jogged my memory...the post simply said that most R women know who Dr Phil is. 


But then I remembered (while Nicole Wallace was at the WH  on 9/29/ 2004) Dr Phil and his wife interviewed GW and Laura at the Crawford Ranch). I also remember some huge formal Christmas event they all attended. 


What a communications chief Nicole was....

Edited by maggiemae
  • Love 3

Closing the interview with Patricia Arquette was all kinds of awkward.  The Whoopster says "Welcome to the Club!" & Patricia looked stunned & then there was the hand-kissing between them.  WTF???  (Yes, I'm watching "live".)

Ahhh, Whoopi's club of fellow Oscar winners.  That was so weird (especially the hand kissing)  coming on the heels of all the cool things Arquette is involved in; it's like all Whoopi heard is 'blah blah blah Oscar winner blah blah blah.    I thought Patricia Arquette looked HORRIFIED to be included in any club with Whoopi as a member - or maybe that was just my own projection.  Or she was just shocked and surprised to learn that Whoopi has an 25 year old Oscar - which is perfectly understandable, because now she tells fart jokes on daytime TV and bitches about taxes.     Either way, I liked how Arquette quickly changed the subject by pointing out Whoopi's ridiculous banana shoes and print socks combo. 


My own WTF?!? moment of that interview was one-percenter Whoopi [who makes $5 million just off this very part time gig] shaking her finger at the camera when Arquette reported that Black women make an average of $.64 on the dollar compared to men.    Uh, Whoopi you are not included in that statistic.  Also, you are not doing anything to work on that issue so stfu. 

Edited by Cosmocrush
  • Love 12

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