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Michelle and JimBob aka J'Chelle and Boob

Message added by cm-soupsipper,

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Just saw the pic of Boob and Mechelle.  She does look like she lost weight.  I read one comment from a leghumper that said it's probably stress from the stupid media making her lose weight.  Hello?  These people LIVE for the media. 


Could be stress from having the world know your son is a perv and you are all a bunch of lying hypocrites.


Or it could be that JimBoob is jumping her more often now, trying to get that special blessing #20.  Because then the media would notice................

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After so many pregnancies there is no way she could get that shape back without surgical intervention.  Kate Gosselin's tummy tuck was quite impressive.  I'm sure Michelle found a doctor who would preform it for free as well.  She could do sit-ups all day, which is possible because she doesn't do a damn thing for her children -- but no amount of sit-ups can repair separated muscles.  Only an abdominoplasty can.

  • Love 4

Pickles has a much better picture of Michelle. No way is her new shape due to exercise

And Area 51 doesn't have enough Spanx material to hold that clown car back. Michelle had abdominoplasty. She's not the first celeb and certainly won't be the last. If it didn't kill Kanye's momma, I'd be inclined to cut away the evidence of my pregnancy as well.
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I never heard that Jill had to stay away from Anna's sister. Not to mention, Suze Keller had her baby in Texas. Jill never applied for trainee licensure anywhere but AR. Not to mention that she was nowhere near being able to deliver what is now about 2 1/2 years ago. I do buy that Suze was persona non-grata at events the Duggars could control and not welcome at the TTH, but I just don't see them denying Jill work with Suze, for the reasons I outlined. It doesn't make sense. I don't think this was ever a thing. 

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Keller rings a bell. Wasn't the unwed mother that Jill wasn't allowed to midwife for a Keller?


Keller, a relative of Anna?

Your guess is as good as mine.

It sounds like JB bought the house initially as an investment to fix up, but in the process allowed Keller to remain living there -- for how long, who knows?

If he bought the house for $10, he had to know it wasn't paid for -- bc the seller couldn't afford to make payments and maintain the upkeep to boot. JB must've thought by taking over the payments that it was still going to be a lucrative investment, unless the seller mortgaged it to death and owed more than it was worth. The $10 sale on the home is intriguing, you don't take possession of a home and not know the financial details that you're responsible for.


If Michelle had a tummy tuck, perhaps she's accepted there will be no more babies.

I'm guessing the Duggars didn't know about liens on the property. ETA: a search on actdatascout.com for the particular address shows 2 warrantee deeds from Ms Keller, as in she may have sold the land twice.

'$10 and other good and valuable' drives me nuts.

Edited by Kokapetl

Waist training/corset training? Joking.

If you look at the next set of photos here on that same day in the big group shot, you'll see it's just the angle Michelle was standing because in the group photo below she's her normal size.

No tummy tuck, folks.


Edited by msblossom

I think Mechelle is stressed like CRAZY over this mess. 

I really don't think Mechelle had a tummy tuck. I think she is very upset, humiliated and devastated. And her weight loss shows it. Jim Bob is more cocky and INSISTS he is right. Michelle might actually be a little smarter and realizes what a disaster this really is and has sense of how this looks ot other people. Michelle knows this is an epic PR diaster.

Her weight loss shows how stressed she is.


I think Mechelle is stressed like CRAZY over this mess.

I really don't think Mechelle had a tummy tuck. I think she is very upset, humiliated and devastated. And her weight loss shows it. Jim Bob is more cocky and INSISTS he is right. Michelle might actually be a little smarter and realizes what a disaster this really is and has sense of how this looks ot other people. Michelle knows this is an epic PR diaster.

Her weight loss shows how stressed she is.

The Real Michelle exists hidden behind a ton of mental barriers and coping mechanisms, she lives in a fantasyland. 'Keep Sweet Michelle' consists mostly of platitudes and the occasional carefully weighed statements from Real Michelle. The Real Michelle doesn't allow life to get to her. She's still safe, warm and secure in her mental cocoon.

Probably a little more stressed than usual, but she checked out mentally long ago, so things can only affect her so much.

Edited by Kokapetl
  • Love 4

This might've knocked down her fantasy land. 


That's some pretty bad stuff that's being said and written about her precious family. She might've actually processed that they are in trouble and using the baby voice won't help.


I think she lost weight since we last saw her. I had noticed she was on the heavy side in the last few episodes and pictures. The picture is a good angle but she still lost weight all around her stomach and under her bust.  

This might've knocked down her fantasy land.

That's some pretty bad stuff that's being said and written about her precious family. She might've actually processed that they are in trouble and using the baby voice won't help.

I think she lost weight since we last saw her. I had noticed she was on the heavy side in the last few episodes and pictures. The picture is a good angle but she still lost weight all around her stomach and under her bust.

It was a major thing that happened, and it would have affected her in some way, but if what I suspect she's done in the past is true, anything that causes her distress will just make her maladaptions more entrenched. Josie's early delivery and Jubilee's miscarriage sent her to new levels of voice pitch and infantile babble. In the Megyn interview, her voice was higher, and her words were even less coherent.

Could be, Kokapetl.


Michelle is probably the most complex Duggar to figure out. Jim Bob is just a dope and the kids? Well, we all know about them. Michelle is an odd one...something is way off with her. And it keeps getting worse.  

Wonder how Michelle is really doing, ya know? Did this really penetrate her brain or has she just lost it completely? She might be wandering around the house like a lunatic at this point. Wearing a long bathrobe that covers her knees, of course. 

  • Love 7

Could be, Kokapetl.


Michelle is probably the most complex Duggar to figure out. Jim Bob is just a dope and the kids? Well, we all know about them. Michelle is an odd one...something is way off with her. And it keeps getting worse.  

Wonder how Michelle is really doing, ya know? Did this really penetrate her brain or has she just lost it completely? She might be wandering around the house like a lunatic at this point. Wearing a long bathrobe that covers her knees, of course. 


After all this time, maybe her knees are just blurry.

  • Love 6

Regarding Mechelle,she has all the hallmarks of a classic trauma victim to me.Obviously doped up on uppers,to be honest she has just been a living sex doll for most of her life.Even taking brainwashing into account,its very sad that any woman would allow herself to be reduced to a breeding mare,who should keep her mouth shut.


The question being,is her apperance one big act?Is she really Mommie dearest with a fiery temper?

Unless we get the lid blown off the entire Duggar story we will never know.

  • Love 9

The Golf Course Incident.  I need a code word for when they start stirring up desires that can't be righteously fulfilled, desires that are completely NON sexual in nature rather a desire to throw a rock at the TV.  How can they purpose to defraud me of these desires that can't be righteously fulfilled?  Code word PUKEE!

  • Love 1

I also think JB has to overcompensate his feelings of lust for Mechelle by constantly trying to impregnate her to prove that he's into it and when that fails he's got to "go to the golf course' in front of his daughter and the world dry humping her.  No pregs no proof.  He'd rather be the guy watching her mow the lawn in her bikini hence Mechelles fave story.

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Felon?! Surely you jest. He's another martyr for Christ. They were probably discussing martyrdom all day. That, and exchanging tips on tax fraud.

  • Love 9


I don't know how to post photos but every time I see this one I seethe. It looks to me like a shot of Michelle scolding little Jackson while the rest of the family looks on with smiles. Am I reading it wrong? Is she really holding a newborn and pointing her finger in Jackson's face for some kind of correction?


I don't know how to post photos but every time I see this one I seethe. It looks to me like a shot of Michelle scolding little Jackson while the rest of the family looks on with smiles. Am I reading it wrong? Is she really holding a newborn and pointing her finger in Jackson's face for some kind of correction?


I don't know. I'd call that picture very ambiguous. To me, from the expression I read on her face, it looks like she's gently teasing Jackson, maybe about how as a baby he had something in common with this little one, and is about to playfully tap his nose and say how cute he is or something.


And it's probably something different than either you or I is seeing, I expect! Awfully hard to interpret, I think.

  • Love 4


I don't know how to post photos but every time I see this one I seethe. It looks to me like a shot of Michelle scolding little Jackson while the rest of the family looks on with smiles. Am I reading it wrong? Is she really holding a newborn and pointing her finger in Jackson's face for some kind of correction?

Funny, I see a mom ready to gently tap a nose and saying something like, "You are not the baby anymore, you're a big brother now".

  • Love 5

I don't see a playful expression on her face though. Maybe that's causing my reaction.

Half the family are smiling, Jackson clearly hasn't had his spirit broken, and Michelle knows there is a photographer in the room. There were rumours that Michelle's blanket training was whitewashed, and message boards, that she participated in, were erased once they started their TV appearances.


Edited by Kokapetl
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For every rumor I hear that things were "whitewashed" or "Josh went to a strip club" or things like that, I keep in mind that it's pretty hard to remove something entirely from the Internet and I figure pictures will surface if he did. But honestly, does it matter? If you want to despise the Duggars, there are plenty of reasons to do so. If you don't want to, you can find plenty of reasons not to. I doubt at this point any given story is going to make any difference. Its too far gone.

  • Love 2

I'm a liker. I actually like them. But I'm baffled by the conspiracy theories about them, how devious or stupid people think they are, or how popular and influential people think they are. To me, they are sort of like a phase. A C list phase at that. They could be completely gone tomorrow and they would have made no impact on the world at all.

  • Love 3


For every rumor I hear that things were "whitewashed" or "Josh went to a strip club" or things like that, I keep in mind that it's pretty hard to remove something entirely from the Internet and I figure pictures will surface if he did.

Who takes pictures of themselves at a strip club?


Michelle regularly posted at Mothers of Many Young Siblings (MOMYS). MOMY'S forum content from 10-15 years back was blocked from archiving by a robots.txt (or similar) file. The owners of MOMYS were also Duggar sympathizers and did what they could to suppress info and circle the wagons. So, yeah, it's kind of easy to prevent things from being archived, especially from that way back.


MOMYS is where Michelle described what implements she used to hit the kids. I mean correct kids. Don't hit me.

  • Love 9

But they talked about blanket training in their book, didn't they? It's not exactly a secret. That book and the Pearl book are still in print. So it's not as though people can't find out about blanket training and that yes, the Duggars did use it.

However, I've pointed out before, the Pearl system isn't a quick, one time deal. And I don't see the Duggar parents following through on ANYTHING regarding their children from at least The tenth child down. They turned them over to the older children. I think the blanket training has been oversold, and was already gone before the cameras arrived, and was certainly gone once they came in. The younger children have no discipline (let alone training, let alone punishment) at all. Now we complain about that.

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It's Jim Bobs birthday and it looks like they cut Jordyns hair

Looks like a recycled leftover from the Father's Day clips.

I'm a liker. I actually like them. But I'm baffled by the conspiracy theories about them, how devious or stupid people think they are, or how popular and influential people think they are. To me, they are sort of like a phase. A C list phase at that. They could be completely gone tomorrow and they would have made no impact on the world at all.

It was a rumor I've heard. I don't necessarily believe it, I don't think Michelle bothered with much besides incubating.


But they talked about blanket training in their book, didn't they? It's not exactly a secret.

It was whitewashed. MOMYS is where she discussed hitting the baby with a ruler. Once people realized it was crazy sadistic, Michelle later changed her story to just hitting the bed near the baby.


I won't respond to the Pearls stuff, it shifts discussion from the Duggar's natural (and under-reported) ability to whitewash, hide, and lie onto something only related by passing.

  • Love 13

Hitting with a ruler is about the most mild thing I've seen, actually. About the Duggars. Between a Fundy childhood and growing up with the last generation of children educated by nuns, I honestly thought you were going to tell me something shocking. I suppose everyone's idea of "whitewashing" must be different though.

Edited by GEML
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Message added by cm-soupsipper,

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