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There is no reason to believe Rachel will ever bomb in her professional life.  She has gone from win to win and RM flat out said Rachel is a Super Nova and will always come out on top.  I still say she will wildly succeed in Hollywood but find it all hollow and returns to Lima either for a sabbatical or permanently while she reassesses the choices she made in her life.  


There is no reason to believe Rachel will ever bomb in her professional life.  She has gone from win to win and RM flat out said Rachel is a Super Nova and will always come out on top.  I still say she will wildly succeed in Hollywood but find it all hollow and returns to Lima either for a sabbatical or permanently while she reassesses the choices she made in her life.  

urg.   A short Sabbatical just to regroup I could live with.  But it would again be against all of what Rachel was set up for her not to be performing at a high level.


Her staying in Lima and finding peace in helping the kids is just a repeat of Mr Shue's story.

Edited by tom87

I am one who doesn't think they have changed a heck of a lot when it comes to Rachel's story so I think we still get some form of the Lima ending.  If I were to guess I think this was "roughly" the original plan before Cory passed

  • Rachel gets Funny Girl and dates either her director or co-star
  • Meanwhile Finn dates Penny
  • The Will tribute was always slated to be 512 with graduation probably in 511 versus 513.  To me the Will tribute being the 100 was probably the one fixed point  RM and team insisted on. Remember, before Cory passed, Matt was going to be let out of his contract in season 5. My guess is when they agreed to that, in Spring 2013, they also made the decision that the 100 was going to be a Will tribute episode to write him off.  An episode like that would make the most sense at the end of a school year so they used the excuse of "this how we want to write Will off" to extend the 2012-2013 school year all they way into winter 2014.
  • 514-520 would have been concurrent summer 2013 arcs in Lima & New York.  That would have allowed them to keep Artie, Tina, and possibly Sam in Lima through the end of season 5 while Blaine moved to NY
  • 521/522 would have been Rachel's FG debut culminating in a cliffhanger of Rachel, high on the success of her debut, asking Finn to move to New York
  • 601 would have started with a year time jump  (getting us to fall 2014 i.e. real time) where either we found out Finn said no to moving to NY (If RM was allowed to keep Lima) or he said yes (if Lima was shut down for cost cutting purposes)
  • 601 would also have had Rachel feeling restless in her FG role.  That would have made a lot more sense after a year versus after a month.  
  • 602+.  She ends her contract and gets caught up in the show biz world of NY.  For Finn, either he still is in Lima or eventually returns there feeling like he and Rachel just aren't meant to work out anymore
  • Last few episodes of season 6, Rachel finds all of her success hollow and she ends up back in Lima to return home to Finn


If my "rough" outline is right it seems like the only changes were

  • Getting rid of Lima in 514 instead of possibly at the end of the year
  • Delaying her Broadway FG debut in Glee time  for 8 months because they did the time jump in 514 versus between seasons 5 and 6
  • Related to the debut delay, then speeding up her restlessness so they can get to her having wild success only to find it hollow so she returns to Lima but the last episode of season 6
Edited by camussie

So much about season 5 should be characterized as missed opportunities. Pretty much no one got a decent story arc and it's not a surprise that everything felt flat in the end.


Rachel - Goes from being a conservatory student to starring in her (at that point) dream role Broadway to getting an offer to film a tv pilot around her in a single season. She veered wildly from being a raging diva who trampled over everyone around her to being everyone's bestest friend. There was no logic to her storyline, so real struggles and in the end, no real payoff. Now we end the season with her deciding that everything that she's dreamed about and worked for since we met her wasn't really her dream after all and she's off to LA. It was pointless and empty and seemed only to complete the tranformation from Rachel to Lea.


Santana - Her storyline had absolutely no direction of its own and she seemed to exist only to be a confidante/foil for Rachel. And then with the BTS drama and Naya being removed from the show for several episodes, we lost even more focus on her character. The few tidbits that we were allowed, like her relationship with Dani, were quickly forgotten as soon as Heather was available for filming and we were back to the Brittana boredom.


Blaine - No real emotional growth for most of the season and then a small trace at the very end. Was forgiven for his infidelity by Kurt because.... and then in one episode they went from just agreeing to renew their relationship to being engaged. Then he shows up in NY, stuggles at NYADA for a single episode and then his place in the universe was quickly righted with being taken under the socialite's wing. At least he stood up (in some small way) for his relationship with Kurt, but for the most part he seemed more focused on undermining his fiance.


Sam - The one thing they had going for him was the Samcedes relationship because the rest of his story was a snooze. He quickly became a working model, then dropped it all to inexplicably return to Lima (completeing his evolution into Finn 2.0).


Mercedes - Like Rachel, she gets boosted professionally far in excess of what would happen in the real world (like having her record label happy to pay for her to live and record in NY when she's a completely unproven artist). Samcedes had some moments with the two of them trying to balance their different places and worldviews about life, but then the plug gets pulled at the end for no good reason.


Artie - As usual, gets forgotten except for one or two episodes where his storylines get quickly resolved. Except for being in film school, there's no real arc for him and he exists basically to fill out the group.


Kurt - Had some real successes and struggles, but a lack of screen time in favor of Blaine and Rachel shortchanges them. Showed some real emotional growth (like being willing to stand up to his fiance & friends when he's not happy at how he's being treated) and is making strides as a performer at NYADA, but we keep getting yanked back with the "Kurt is too gay" in compared to Blaine bullshit. Still, he's the one character who's storyline made (for the most part) sense and had a toe in the real world.


What's especially frustrating is that no sooner does the show finally allow the NY location to solidify with a core group and give space to actually tell their stories than the showrunners show their usual poor sense and toss the whole thing out the window and split the focus yet again. As if this show has had real success with handling split focuses.

Edited by Hana Chan

I dunno this talk of another location just seems to me to contradict Ryan being "disengaged". Maintaining NY as the primary location would spell out that he basically lost buck naked the battle for McKinley narrative, so his going back to Lima would seem as much an ego thing for Ryan at this point to prove he has a vision/plan for the show until the bitter end.

Edited by caracas1914

I don't recall this being a recurring theme this year. But maybe that was in the same imaginary S5 where "for the most part [blaine] seemed more focused on undermining his fiance".

When Kurt was audtiioning Elliot he was worried about the band being too flamboyant.   He and Rachel had a discussion about him having to find his niche.


Kurt also had to make his own opportunites with Petter Pan which were undermined more by Santana but Rachel of course got the brunt of it.

So, assuming Glee does get some kind of run for a Season 6 - what does everyone want to see?  


As a Brittana fan, I'm happy with where they left those two, but I wouldn't mind seeing scenes of their life together.  Plus, I'm pretty bitter we didn't get the Troubletones reunion originally promised in the Season 5 finale, so I'd love to see at least one Troubletones number in Season 6.  And if we're doing wishlists, at least one more Naya/Amber duet - I really love their voices together.  


More generally - I wouldn't mind a 'look where they end up' approach to Season 6, with time jumps to show the characters later in life.  ...  Of course, I don't know why I think I'd like what the writers did with the characters, so maybe I should just hope they decide that Season 5 was enough and kill Season 6 altogether.


I want to see Kurt have some career success.


Rachel to decide NY is her home and gets that Tony plus to see her open to loving someone again.


Santana to have her career path that is not link to someone else.


Of course success and happiness for the others but I do not need to go in depth with them.  The show choose not focus on them long ago so updates to where they are is fine even in a short flashbacks/forward.   But no  whole episode like they do with Quinn everytime she comes back.


If they want Will can get his glee club back but I do not need much from the Lima side.


**Not to much time wasted on the Klaine wedding or the wedding prep.

Edited by tom87

I want Rachel to realize she went insane re: her LA and TV dreams, and return to Broadway, perhaps not without some difficulty. The finale will have her winning a Tony and the season should be leading up towards a reconciliation (actual or implied) with Jesse St. James. (I really just want Lea and Groff on screen together.) If they want to throw in a few Faberry scenes, because they've just been so generous with those over the years (*eyeroll*), I'd like that too. 


The rest I really don't give a damn about.

  • Love 4

When Kurt was audtiioning Elliot he was worried about the band being too flamboyant.   He and Rachel had a discussion about him having to find his niche.


Kurt also had to make his own opportunites with Petter Pan which were undermined more by Santana but Rachel of course got the brunt of it.


The small number of these examples hardly qualifies as "keep getting yanked back" and certainly does not make that a recurring theme for the season. But more crucially, in substance it is not equivalent to Kurt being constantly told he is too gay; as a matter of fact, it is a valid questioning for any performer to determine which roles or personas he is best suited for. Not everyone is leading man material as Zero Mostel must have discovered early, but on the other hand many people can't play comedy, just as many actors failed utterly at playing cowboys. Cary Grant for example kept far away from the Stetson hats because Westerns would not have suited him (except perhaps as the comical British tenderfoot). Whereas contemporary dramas and comedies (and some historicals) were right up his alley. For all of his spunk, a performer like Kurt cannot realistically expect to play every kind of role.


So it is quite relevant for Kurt to have questions about what his niches might be, where he is most likely to encounter some form of success. It had nothing to do in the show with him allegedly getting rejected repeatedly for being too gay as initially proposed.

The Kurt is "too gay" was subtly brought up through Kurt lamenting his fate as the gay sidekick, his "specific" appeal, the questioning of the flamboyance of Elliot per the look/image he wanted in the band, and in the indirect way with June's dismissive " the world doesn't need to see that" remark in reference to Kurt, as well as her acceptance of Kurt with " my third husband was gay too". No shit woman, and what is Blaine? This is all season 6.

The show has not minced words that Kurt is talented and special, but even when it establishes he's a leading light at NYADA, it has to somehow lead back to his "gayness" in couched terms as perhaps limiting him. Sort of the same way the show can't escape reminding us of Blaine's neediness and subservience to Kurt , Santana's bitchiness, and Sam's dimwitted ness , as well as everyone acknowledging Rachel's super nova stardom.

These character or storyline traits are not resolved; which is OK, but leads me to wonder if the conclusion of the series, as in a two hour movie or a (take your pick) number of episodes will simply circle around those questions as not significant or relevant in the wake of a 'happy' ending.

My guess; Most likely a five minute resolution with some deus ex machina device that will be the equivalent of the slightly senile June having an epiphany when hit across the head with a figurative two by four.


Season Sux spoilers from mjsbigblog (blogger has press credentials and, IIRC, show sources)


Glee star Jane Lynch took part in the FOX event, Girls Night Out, with other distaff FOX stars, including, Mindy Kaling and Yeardley Smith. During the event, she revealed that the Glee story line for Season 6 will bring the cast back to Lima.

Jane confirms what I have heard from a source. Lea Michele told David Letterman during a recent appearance that she’d be “doing something very different than [she'd] ever done on the show before.” When Dave pressed her for details she said that Rachel was “going to have a different role. She’s going to be in a location you’ve seen her in before, but doing something different.”


What I heard is that Rachel will return to McKinley to put the Glee club back together. In effect, she’d be the new Mr. Schue.


An idea that’s also being considered is to have the Rachel-led New Directions go head to head once again with their old nemesis, Vocal Adrenaline. Only this time, Mr. Schue (Matthew Morrison) would be at the helm, with Blaine (Darren Criss)–or maybe another ND alum–working as his assistant.


I hear that out of the newbies, only Alex Newell, has been asked to return, for a few episodes. He plays the transgender character, Unique.


Edited by heyerchick

Great, Unique. Out of all the newbies, he's the worst actor. Ugh. I can't stand Unique's lame "sassy" remarks and facial reactions (while not the actor's fault they kept giving him the lines and cutting to him, other actors have handled the material better). They should (only) bring Kitty back out of the new cast, IMO.

While I can see them going back to McKinley at some point in S6, it's hopefully not for most of it...unless we're talking about very few episodes being produced.

Edited by indeed

I have a feeling that with Glee going into it's last season, FOX has just given up on salvaging anything of this show so RM has free reign to do whatever he wants. It's not going to be any loss to the network at this point since they're just running out the clock.


Very little of this storyline makes any kind of sense. You're going to take Rachel, the girl who has been shown time and time again that she will allow nothing (and no one) to stand in the way of her goals of stardom. If she has any professional opportunities available, she will steamroll over anything to make it happen. So either they're going to give Rachel a total personality transplant and have her basically throw away any upcoming prospects in order to rebuild ND. Or she's at loose ends at the moment - maybe the pilot tanked and since she burned her bridges at NYADA and the Broadway theater world there aren't any current prospects for her and this is part of her effort to reinvent herself (since Rachel nearly never does anything for someone else unless she benefits in some way). Obviously the second option would make more sense given how they've completely mangled Rachel's storyline the past two seasons but I'm betting they're going to have hugely successful Rachel come swanning in (in between projects) to save the day at McKinley.


As for Blaine, I can see them having him strugglng somewhat in his professional career to justify him working as Schu's assistant with VA. It would be refreshing for the show to actually look at what happens when you have someone who is talented (at least in the Glee universe) and doesn't immediately find stardom (and not using Kurt to do so). As for Kurt... the only smart way to justify why he isn't in Lima glued to his greasy little fiance's side (because Chris had the good sense to sign onto a film) is because he has found some kind of success and is currently working (and can conveniently return to Lima to help when his run is finished or he's completed production on his film). What a novelty it would be to show that of the two of them that Kurt is the one getting the initial success after graduating NYADA.


As for Schu... I feel so sorry for Matt that he's got to deal with this kind of crap. Just when it looks like he's managed to escape this mess, they drag him back in to play ND's adversary. The only way that they can make this at all tolerable for me is for Schu to temper the unwavering "win at all costs" mentality at VA and have them perform just because they love to do so. But it completely sucks that they're taking the character who was originally intended to be the show's main protagonist and turn him into the "villian" for the season.


There is a part of me that is taking a lot of malicious glee (no pun intended) at seeing what an utter disaster the final season is shaping up to be and the other part is cringing because I know that I'll be watching this bullshit.


That sounds about right that FOX would want to wrap up the train wreck that is Glee by December. So 10-12 episodes with Chris gone for at least 4 of those episodes. I can live with that. Thank goodness for the "Noel" movie because Kurt back in homophobic small minded Lima to be mocked /marginalized again, ugh, no thank you. Let him be successful off screen somewhere else at this point. They are just running out the clock which means 10 filler episodes as opposed to 22 if they had a whole season.

If this was another show Rachel returning to Lima to spearhead the revival of Glee choir would be cracky black comic fun, with Rachel more interested in her own career interests then actually helping New Directions. It would be the reality show of Rachel trying to be self sacrificing and failing spectacularly. Rachel would sing in the choir room all the numbers, etc. but alas knowing RIB they will play Rachel's role as the savior of Glee "straight".

Blaine and Sam back in the HS glee choir setting makes more sense because of how "dumbed down" they maintained those characters. It's just Blam adventures in a high school again and Ryan can think of new ways for Sam to appear shirtless. RIB simply can not make them work in an adult setting with adult dynamics so back to the infantilized shtick of running down high school corridors in super hero underoo outfits.

Plus as it stands it just seems a lazy way to keep Matt and Jane tied to the last season of Glee. Coach Sylvester really doesn't work anywhere except at Lima/Mckinley. She's a broad caricature that needs McKinley to highlight her comic venom and I don't doubt FOX insisted she be returned to a regular featured role for the last season.

Poor Matt is doomed to be the bouncing board for a new set of faceless students, and of course it will all climax in, wait for it, a nationals performance.

However since none of the current cast can actually sing again in HS choir it will be behind the scenes productions which will make the drama even more contrived and forced.

Maybe they will pull a HIMYM and have the whole season occur in the week of the Nationals competition with all the graduated ND kids returning and rallying to help out Rachel win and save performing arts in a last blaze PSA.

This means most likely more Becky and Coach Roz in Season 6.

More Becky. Fuck.

Doubt that Mercedes and Artie will figure much in this McKinley world either.

Edited by caracas1914
  • Love 1

What I heard is that Rachel will return to McKinley to put the Glee club back together. In effect, she’d be the new Mr. Schue.


An idea that’s also being considered is to have the Rachel-led New Directions go head to head once again with their old nemesis, Vocal Adrenaline. Only this time, Mr. Schue (Matthew Morrison) would be at the helm, with Blaine (Darren Criss)–or maybe another ND alum–working as his assistant.


If I had to think up what I least want to happen, the above would be it. In a way, I'm almost impressed that RM is actually going there and shoveling this shit with aplomb. This show's awfulness has spiraled so out of control that the only thing left to do is marvel that it is actually happening, that there are people out there who think it is a good idea, and that this is where the snarky show of early season 1 has ended up.




Spoiler Chat: Scoop on Glee

    Veronica: I’m still trying to come to terms with Glee ending next season. There are so many guest stars I want back so we can say a proper goodbye. What do you know?

    We know one actress who might be coming back for one last hurrah: NeNe Leakes. The Real Housewives of Atlanta star told us she’s been in talks to pop up once again. “I hope I’m back for Glee's final season as well,” NeNe told us. “We've been talking back and forth, I'm hoping to be back. I've done it for three seasons. I'm happy to go there, I love the cast, I love Ryan Murphy, I'm happy to go back.”


On the plus side, the "too good for this shit" actors won't suffer too much embarrassment since no one will be watching.


My own guess is if the first episode back garners something like a .5 rating (likely IMO)  they will yank the show so quickly off the schedule (even Fridays) and just burn it off in the summer , if at all.


I confess the  possible McKinley  scenarios are fascinating in a rubbernecking horrific scene of a car accident kind of way.  I suspect that characters will revert back to their "high school" shtick, though I wonder how they will have Rachel and company lose their virginity yet again.  Immaculate Conception high.

Edited by caracas1914
  • Love 1

The one good thing out of this that I see, as a Finn fan first and foremost, is that there is no way to scapegoat him for Rachel ending up back in Lima.  If he had lived the original ending, there was room to say well Finn just drags Rachel down and he is the reason she goes back (even though he was one who was always telling her she was going to be a big star to the point where he tap danced on his own heart so she would go to New York).  Nope.  It is obvious that Finn or no Finn, RM intended for Rachel to return to Lima because to him the choir room is the heart of the show.  


I said "always intended" before I edited this post but that is not accurate.  I think his intention to return Rachel to Lima at show's end became set in stone the second his spin-off was nixed.  When that happened Rachel's and Finn's fates as characters were decided, if he was given free reign to write whatever he wanted.  Finn was never to leave Lima and Rachel was to give it all up to return there.  He accomplished the first half of that by having Will say flat out "Finn belongs at McKinley" in the 100 and he will accomplish the second part of that with the series finale.  


As far as how it happens I am still going with the season starts with Rachel achieving enormous success in Hollywood but it becomes obvious fairly quickly it all feels hollow to her.  In the meantime Sam will be trying to reboot New Directions.  Maybe they will even jump ahead a year or so.  A few episodes in, Sam at wit's end calls his old friend Rachel to see if she can make time in her busy schedule to come offer some inspiration to his ragtag group.  That is when Rachel either decides to take a sabbatical to get back to her roots or gives it all up to return home. 


All of this is to say that I don't think everyone is in Lima the full season.  I think there will be split narratives for the first few episodes and then they call come together there.  I also think until they do we won't see Matt, if Will is indeed in charge of VA.  We will see Sue though as she will be Sam's protagonist.  


I also agree that Fox is letting RM and team do whatever the hell the want with 2 conditions - Sue be a part of it and a greatly reduced budget.  

Edited by camussie

Honestly, I think the only plan Ryan and co have ever had for the show is New Directions would win Nationals and Rachel would make it to New York. Anything other than that has always just been filler/them making up crap as they go along so them returning back to the turd that is Lima is just them throwing the characters in a throwaway storyline to get it all over with. I don't think they've been invested in the show since end of season 3.

  • Love 1

It is obvious that Finn or no Finn, RM always intended for Rachel to return to Lima because to him the choir room is the heart of the show.


It's not obvious to me. From my point of view it looks like RM is just piling on random shit that looks "heartwarming", Finn or no Finn. They're not even half-assing it anymore. Quarter-assing? If Finn had been there, the optics would have indeed been terrible (girl breaks out of small town and achieves lifelong dreams and wild success, only to return to her small town for her moronic high school boyfriend whom she dated for a few months before he dumped her). But they're still terrible, Finn or no Finn.


Rachel's arc was set up in the pilot - the girl wants fame on Broadway, success, and (as became clear later on) love and acceptance from her peers. Returning to her podunk hometown to become a teacher was never in the stars, IMO. And sure, people change, but I think it's less organic character growth than it is RIB not giving a shit.

These potential storylines of returning everyone to McKinley seems an acknowledgement they have absolutely no clue how to move beyond their season one outline.

I really wonder if the writers just don't want to get rid of Jane Lynch, and that's the cause of all of this. I can't think of any other reason for returning to the Lima narrative,

It's not obvious to me. From my point of view it looks like RM is just piling on random shit that looks "heartwarming", Finn or no Finn. They're not even half-assing it anymore. Quarter-assing? If Finn had been there, the optics would have indeed been terrible (girl breaks out of small town and achieves lifelong dreams and wild success, only to return to her small town for her moronic high school boyfriend whom she dated for a few months before he dumped her). But they're still terrible, Finn or no Finn.



I misspoke when I said always.  The "always" I am referring to his fixation on the choir room being the heart of the show every since his spin-off was deep-sixed.  From that moment on I think, Finn or no Finn, Rachel, the show's female lead, was set to return to Lima.  As a companion to that the show's male lead, Finn, was going to be trapped there if RM was given free reign to write the show he wanted to. In other words, since the end of season 3 BOTH Rachel's and Finn's stories have been, and it seems will continue to be, secondary to keeping that damn choir room the heart of the show.    He accomplished the first half of that by having Will say flat out "Finn belongs at McKinley" in the 100 and he will accomplish the second part of that with the series finale.


Also Finn/Rachel dated a few months the first time but they dated a year the second time.  We also disagree that Finn was moronic.   Still my point is that Rachel returning to Lima in season 6 proves that this dumb ass end to her story is not a function of her relationship with Finn but rather a function of RM's choir room fixation.  


I really wonder if the writers just don't want to get rid of Jane Lynch, and that's the cause of all of this. I can't think of any other reason for returning to the Lima narrative,



I can.  RM has made it abundantly clear he considers the choir room the heart of the show.  Not Rachel.  Not Kurt.  That room.  Fox has now written the show off and is letting him do whatever the heck he wants, albeit with a drastically reduced budget is my guess.  Fox also wants Jane Lynch involved in some form, probably one of the few demands they have made on RM and team in season 6 so a return to Lima helps with that.  

Edited by camussie

I like Jane but I do not get it.  She certainly ins't helping rating either.   They have had even less of clue on what to do with Sue since season 1 then the kids.


They could make it about FInn if Rachel returns to reinstate Finn's legacy or something.


If Rachel ends up a teacher at Mck at the end of the show it will go down as  the worse character assinations in tv history imo.


If she help and hands the club back over to Mr Shue and jets off to NY then  it will only be one of the worse.

Edited by tom87

If Rachel goes back saying it is to honor Finn's legacy then that is on her and her alone.  Not him.  After all he put her on a train to New York to make sure she wouldn't give up on her dreams despite her wanting to defer a year.  Their very last on screen conversation was him giving her some advice on what type of song to sing for her FG audition.  In that same conversation he talked about what a unique talent she was and asked her to save a ticket for him on opening night.


There is nothing in  Finn's interactions with Rachel that tells me that he would want her to give it all up and return to McKinley, which is one of many reasons the "I'm Home" ending was stupid.  Still since he isn't there to accept her giving it all up for him (which would have just added to how awful that ending was for him) then all I can go by is his actions in show cannon and those actions showed someone who wanted Rachel's star to burn brightly.  I refuse to let RM scapegoat Finn for his choir room obsession by accepting Rachel saying she is doing this for him. 

Edited by camussie

Um where exactly did I say Finn would want that? 


I only said the writers could say that was a reason Rachel wanted to  be back in Lima.   So indirectly it would be about Finn.  


I think it is awful ending and I do think the best thing to "honor" FInnis to be a star.  FInn's so called sacrifice was letting her go so she could be all she could be.   


I would have hoped the real last scene  in keeping  with Ryans was that Rachel went to the choir room only to fine out that FInn flew to NY to be home with Rachel.    Rachel finally gets backto FInn in NY and Finn hits his head and says man we are dumb I could have bene teaching in NY all this time and giving back.   

Edited by tom87

I think the original ending for Rachel (before that crap ending of Rachel coming back to Finn was pulled out of Ryan's cap after Cory died) was to be on Broadway, either showing her on Opening Night or winning a Tony.


But Ryan shot his wad too early, giving Rachel Fanny as soon as in season 4 (or at least already setting it up in that season), and he did that either:

1) because he didn't know how (or didn't want) to write Rachel (and Kurt) struggling and finding a life in a more realistic way in New York, being too busy with his new shiny toys and Blam at McKinley,

2) because Ryan got the rights for 'Funny Girl' and like a too excited child just couldn't keep his mouth shut nor resist promoting it via Glee and pushing his vision of a revival version with Lea in everyone's face, when he would have been better off with waiting a little bit and slowly building up to it after his current projects were done (much like he diarrhea-mouthed about the spin-off before he was supposed to and it all went to hell from there on),

3) a combination of 1 and 2.

4) Personally I doubt that the death of Finn was the reason why Rachel didn't fail getting Fanny on top of losing Finn (her special snowflake status on the show doesn't really allow failures), but it's possible I guess.


Part of me suspects that Ryan wanted to end the New York narrative as soon as possible, at the latest at the beginning of season 5, after Rachel got her Opening Night or Tony, and that's also why he rushed Rachel's career, on top of giving it hardly any exposure, as in as little screentime and songs as possible. He just wasn't interested in Rachel and Kurt anymore after they left his beloved McKinley (lea as Barbra's heir apparent is another matter imo).

My guess is that Ryan was only enduring the forced upon him by the network (after the spin-off was shut down) New York in season 4 till he could fully replace all of the old cast with the newbies and Blam at McKinley, including Rachel, if these new characters had taken off that is (as Ryan was delusional enough to believe that his writing and the McKinley show choir setting was the heart and success of Glee, so in his mind there would be no problem getting rid of the old cast, besides giving them some guest appearances to prop up the noobs).


Ryan already replaced Kurt with Blaine as the new gay character, Unique as the new Mercedes, Ryder (and Sam) as the new Finn, Jake as the new Puck, and Kitty as the new Quinn (and Finn was to replace Mr. Shue). If Marley/Melissa had become the new breakout star of Glee and as popular as Lea Michele was in the beginning Rachel would have been happily replaced too imo.

But we all know that the new Lima was a bust, so Ryan needed to keep Rachel, Kurt and later Santana on the show. But it was very evident he hardly cared anymore about them or New York untill his favorites Blam were about to move there (as Ryan knew the network wanted to pull the plug on Lima).


Ironically enough Cory (and therefore Finn) dying could also be part of the reason why Ryan became interested in Rachel again. That, and of course the free advertising for 'Funny Girl'. But after they gave Rachel her Broadway success too soon Ryan was already bored again (which doesn't bode well for an eventual real Broadway production spearheaded by Ryan) and refused to develop it. So they came up with an even bigger success for miss Berry: her own tv series, when Rachel never wanted to go to L.A.


Tbh, I think Ryan still was so involved trying to salvage his choir room concept at the time that I doubt he had a clue where to go to after ending New Directions in Lima (and he kinda went scorched earth on that when he had to let it go).

He rushed through an entire year in New York in 7 episodes with characterisations and storylines going all over the place and hardly any care from the writers (except for Chris Colfer's episode). Season 5 ended with a set-up of everyone leaving in another direction again, away from them all being in New York, and now the spoilers indicate yet another completely different set-up (I doubt we'll see the characters coming together in New York after 6 months again, like they promised each other in the season 5 finale).

They're just panicking and running in circles at the moment imo, with the ratings being in the drain as they are. And Ryan is possibly cleverly profiting from this mayhem by pushing the narrative neatly back to Lima and his beloved choir room again, characterisation and continuity be damned. Giving the viewers something familiar back again is after all an often succesful strategy to get some viewers back. That these characters, especially Rachel and Kurt (if he's part of this mess at all), wanted to escape and were never supposed to come back to hellhole Lima in the first place, that this was set up in the Pilot even, is being ignored and dismissed.

And then they wonder why noone is watching this crap anymore.

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During the event, she revealed that the Glee story line for Season 6 will bring the cast back to Lima.

So, wait:  after that big, emotional farewell to the choir room:  We're going back to the choir room?  WTF?  I actually thought that was a really nice send off/finale for the choir room, so returning feels really wrong.  No different than the rest of the show, I guess, so...

  • Love 1

So, wait:  after that big, emotional farewell to the choir room:  We're going back to the choir room?  WTF?  I actually thought that was a really nice send off/finale for the choir room, so returning feels really wrong.  No different than the rest of the show, I guess, so...


Also wasn't the choir room going to be turned into a computer lab



You can keep Jake. But Ryder is mine! I miss Blake Jenner. (And his shoulders.)

(I’m shallow, too.)


Season 6 could be saved by shirtless Jake, Mike and Ryder!! 

  • Love 1
Also wasn't the choir room going to be turned into a computer lab?



I'm pretty sure it was. There was a shot of Sam in the finale, when he's walking down the walls of McKinley, looking into a room with a bunch of kids at computers that I always just assumed was the old choir room. I'm guessing the McKinley plot will be Sam and whoever else somehow re-starting the club.

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