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Out Magazine:




When they’re looking to bulk up their numbers of the Glee club, Kurt comes calling, and while he does try to play up his brief football playing stint as a point of bonding, Spencer points out that just because they’re both gay doesn’t mean they have anything in common. When Kurt points out he owes glee club for the level of acceptance he gets to enjoy at McKinley, Spencer scoffs, “Please, I owe Modern Family.”



Blaine is back in Ohio acting as coach, and he makes a very awkward assumption that all his Warblers are gay. They’re not. The Warblers are straight. All of them.


"Let it go"

Yes, I know it's the upteenth empowerment ballad by Rachel and of a song bludgeoned to death already and bled out with a thousand covers in the known universe.


However when I watch it again it amazes me how Glee lucked out in having Lea Michele play Rachel.   There is nothing forced about Rachel singing in a scene, visually Lea just seamlessly inhabits that strange musical world of Glee.  Yes I know there are better technical singers and better actors than Lea.  Per Glee  Some of the other  actors , even the vets, I feel are performing whereas Rachel is just being Rachel in that ridiculous over the top way of the character.


As Lea has a said... Rachel lives her life as if she is on a stage. 


I get what you are saying  and it is not knock to the others but becasue of how the character of  Rachel is and who Rachel is it feels right that in her mind she would be singing this song and world around her would just disappear. 

Edited by tom87
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how Rachel is and who Rachel is it feels right that in her mind she would be singing this song and world around her would just disappear.




She inhabits this Glee world in her head so seamlessly.  It's not even about the lyrics fitting or even friggin  "empowerment" per se but that Rachel's dramatization of her life has to be a musical number.  It just fits.

Edited by caracas1914
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Per Glee  Some of the other  actors , even the vets, I feel are performing whereas Rachel is just being Rachel in that ridiculous over the top way of the character.


It's why I really grew to appreciate the Rachel character on rewatch.   Everything from the monumental to the miniscule is believable in terms of her character because Rachel Berry is OTT.   I'll probably flip a coin in terms of adding it to my playlist since I'm not overly fond of the song, PERIOD (I don't care who's singing it) but I'll definitely get her "Uninvited".  


Whatever Lea's plans are Post-Glee if she does TV, I hope she is open to comedies.   She really has a flaire for it.

As far as the Rachel performance of Let It Go, I'm going to have to see how this work in context of the episode as a whole because it seems to be trying to communicate contradictory messages.


On one hand, Rachel is putting away the childish trappings of her ambitions. Not necessarily a bad thing because she had a very overinflated sense of her "destiny" as a performer and has been very rudely brought back to reality. So some positive movement there.


But on the other hand, that shot of Sue being frozen kind of gives the impression that she still sees her biggest obstacles as other people and not her own poor decisions and unbridled ambition. Sue is an immediate challenge (as in getting ND off the ground again), but the big picture of repairing her professional reputation and finding her way back to Broadway (or whatever stage will take her)... Sue shouldn't even be a ping on her radar.


And then we have her on stage singing to an empty theater in her special snowflake dress and we're back to imagining that there are no critics or naysayers in Rachel's world. I hope that this might mean that she's going to finally discover a love of performing and not wildly chasing after applause, but I don't think that the writers are going to allow her to really mature that much. Her demeanor doesn't strike me as someone who is shaking off a brutal emotional battering and finding strength - it seemed pretty typical of Rachel's usual melodramatic solos. Once they got to the restaging of Idina's Academy Awards performance, the emotional resonance pretty much vanished. Instead of shrugging off the hurts that she has suffered, maybe she should be spending a lot of time really examining what really brought her down instead. Instead of letting it go, she needs to actually learn something for a change.


Again, context will mean everything.

I don't think the song lyrics  means "anything" as this point in Glee.  Context left Glee a long time ago.


However, like I said before,  I think Lea does great with the number.   Singing in a classroom, a corridor or an empty stage works because  this  character singing out all her drama is so  Rachel Berry.



Sue Scene:

Edited by caracas1914
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I don't think the song lyrics  means "anything" as this point in Glee.  Context left Glee a long time ago.


However, like I said before,  I think Lea does great with the number.   Singing in a classroom, a corridor or an empty stage works because  this  character singing out all her drama is so  Rachel Berry.

I concur with you and tom87, I just wish it (singing alone envelopped in her own drama) wasn't done to death for the character. 

Edited by fakeempress



Here Jane says that 2009 might still be the last episode.    So all that stuff she said before was not about Sue redemption.


Okie dokie than.




It would be like the show to focus the last episodes filmed on the Noobs while ostensibly returning Glee to it's "roots" with the finale.  IOW, piss off as many different sub fan groups as they can.

Edited by caracas1914

I agree Lea completely inhabits the OTTness of Rachel Berry - a girl who sees her life as a stage.  I  have no issue with Rachel singing an OTT power ballad the first episode, given that her life is in shambles, but I still feel "Let it Go" is the wrong power ballad given the wider context of why Rachel is at McKinley Within a narrow context , that Sue is trying to beat down the arts including kids like the person Rachel used to be, it could work but in the wider context it seems like Rachel simply does not get that she alone is the reason she is in this mess.


Really I just wish context still mattered with the songs because once that started to go (starting in season 2) the whole structure of Glee started falling apart.  Sure season 1 wasn't the best writing ever on TV but I still say it was some dang fine writing precisely because of the way they wove songs fairly seemlessly in and out of the narrative.  


On another note - has Glee filmed at all this week?  With Jane saying 2009 (episode 609) might be the final episode, if it hasn't, I am seriously wondering if they are waiting for ratings to come in from tonight before they film the final  4 i.e. if they built an off ramp for the show in "2009" in case they wanted to just shut it down.  I would be very very surprised given that it would only be 4 more episodes but it is either that or 2009 is 612 or 613 and, to me, that makes little sense given that neither Sam or especially Blaine is in the episode.  Then again if 2009 is the final episode they won't be in that either and it seems Rachel's professional future may not be resolved.  It is all very very strange.

Edited by camussie

I would not be surprised at all if the network wants to postpone filming the final episodes ordered until they see what the ratings are for the premiere. If it's worse than the season five finale (which is probable given the trend of the past few seasons) then the odds are that even this abbreviated season will be cut even shorter. It's very possible that most of the major storylines will be wrapped by episode 9 (with the exception of Rachel restoring her career prospects, it seems). I would not be at all shocked if the producers are hedging their bets just so they have some kind of conclusion in case the network pulls the plug earlier than planned.

They stopped filming before Christmas, in an expected holiday break. But I would expect that FOX would want everything in the can as soon as possible to keep costs down. Not to mention that at least some in the cast (especially Chris) do have projects to start on after Glee so they can't afford too long a delay. And with no airing breaks, FOX is going to burn through the episodes currently completed in a very short period of time. They simply don't have the time to waste on a few weeks of extra break.


FOX ordering filming to be postponed until they get a sense of just how dismal the ratings are going to be is the only thing that makes any sense.

Most shows finished up before the holidays December 19 for a two week break but most started back this past Monday so it is indeed a bit off that Glee didn't start back too, especially since I would think they would want to wrap this thing up.  It makes sense to me that they are going to take stock of the ratings but it could be something else as well.  I guess we will know one way or another soon enough.

Edited by camussie

They haven't done anything to promote the show. It seems pointless now to wait and see before committing to the last few episodes of a series. Nothing has really changed to make them wonder now whether anyone will be watching.

I can't believe how little is on social media from the cast. I mean I don't follow everyone but I've barely seen a thing.

I would not be surprised at all if the network wants to postpone filming the final episodes ordered until they see what the ratings are for the premiere. If it's worse than the season five finale (which is probable given the trend of the past few seasons) then the odds are that even this abbreviated season will be cut even shorter. It's very possible that most of the major storylines will be wrapped by episode 9 (with the exception of Rachel restoring her career prospects, it seems). I would not be at all shocked if the producers are hedging their bets just so they have some kind of conclusion in case the network pulls the plug earlier than planned.


Nah they've given them a 13 order and they will stick to it. The show is on Fridays so Fox is not expecting any significant ratings. Shows on fridays are there for a reason. They're gonna let it run it's course.

It would explain Jane saying the flashback episode could be the season finale.

They're suggesting the air date order not the production. They let Fringe run it's entire final season with just as bad ratings as Glee, nothing is gonna change. Glee will run it's season to completion. Fox has absolutely nothing to air on Fridays anyways and why would they, Fridays is where shows go to die.

"Fringe " finished off 13 episodes on Friday night with a finale series rating of 1.0.

My guess is Fox will probably finish filming the last 3 Glee episodes but may not decide to air them all if the ratings implode even more than last year's season finale. Even FOX has its limits.

Edited by caracas1914

"Fringe " finished off 13 episodes on Friday night with a finale series rating of 1.0.

My guess is Fox will probably finish filming the last 3 Glee episodes but may not decide to air them all if the ratings implode even more than last year's season finale. Even FOX has its limits.


The point is Fox puts shows on Friday nights to die, they don't care about ratings that night. They're just gonna let Glee run it's course and move on.

Wow, what the hell with '2009' possibly being the final episode?  Either Jane has heard rumors that they're only going to film and air the episodes through episode 9 (2009) OR episode 2009 somehow can be transplanted to the end of the season without disturbing the narrative flow, which, frankly, sounds weird as fuck.  How would that even happen?  UNLESS it's the equivalent of a clip show - the featured people just sitting around reminiscing so it can pulled out of order?  

Wow, what the hell with '2009' possibly being the final episode?  Either Jane has heard rumors that they're only going to film and air the episodes through episode 9 (2009) OR episode 2009 somehow can be transplanted to the end of the season without disturbing the narrative flow, which, frankly, sounds weird as fuck.  How would that even happen?  UNLESS it's the equivalent of a clip show - the featured people just sitting around reminiscing so it can pulled out of order?  

I would say on one hand, most episodes the past couple years could be taken out of order and wouldn't really matter. On the other hand, maybe RIB realized they had nothing for a decent ending and figured a throwback clip show would at least maybe garner some nostalgia sympathy.

I would say on one hand, most episodes the past couple years could be taken out of order and wouldn't really matter. On the other hand, maybe RIB realized they had nothing for a decent ending and figured a throwback clip show would at least maybe garner some nostalgia sympathy.

Honestly a throwback clip show is the best suggestion I've heard for this season.

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I probably wouldn't want a clip show, because I'm fairly certain TPTB and I do not agree on the best moments of the show. 


Also, what does it say about what they've got planned for the finale that AT THIS LATE DATE they're thinking about not even making it the finale??  


I just can't even with these people sometimes.  [Who am I kidding.  Sometimes?  All the time...]

Edited by tab19

Someone also asked Falchuk who wrote and direct 6x06. His response? "I don't remember."

These people really don't care anymore.

That really says it all. He's online to promote this and he can't be bothered to open up whatever account would let him have that answer in seconds. Why would he even answer that? Ignore the question or answer the question. The shrug off says no1curr more clearly than the ratings ever could. The only question after that is why was he even trying on twitter? Did somebody tell him he had to? 

I remember being annoyed by the claim that Finn didn't see fireworks with Rachel. Whatever my personal opinion of Finchel, we SAW this shit. We saw Finn turned on but frustrated by Quinn, and we saw him kiss Rachel and see stars to the point he had to bolt for cover. Like, I didn't forget what you SHOWED me.


It's one sort of writing sin to tell people what you won't show them...


It's a whole other sin to show people A but tell them no, sorry, that was actually B.

Edited by heyerchick
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I remember being annoyed by the claim that Finn didn't see fireworks with Rachel. Whatever my personal opinion of Finchel, we SAW this shit. We saw Finn turned on but frustrated by Quinn, and we saw him kiss Rachel and see stars to the point he had to bolt for cover. Like, I didn't forget what you SHOWED me.

It's one sort of writing sin to tell people what you won't show them...

It's a whole other sin to show people A but tell them no, sorry, that was actually B.

I misunderstood that scene til I saw it discussed here. I always thought the point was that there was still Fireworks no matter what Finn said.

With the light of day, and resignation to the fact the characters I find interesting are doomed to a few guest spots swaying in the background, I can say that the only part of spoilerdom that I know will send me over the edge will be the crap leaked for Sue. After last night, I want that bitch (character, not actor, obviously) to die a quick, fire-y death next week. Cartoon status no longer covers what they've done to her, and they seem determined to place her at the center of everything,

Still numb about what's been said to lie ahead for Coach Beiste. How can something like that not suck in the hands of this group of idiots? But for the moment, I can't get worked up over what last night foretold. Whether or not I'll watch, well, that's for me to know and them to find out.

Actually, even I don't know at this point...

Edited by RealityCowgirl
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I remember being annoyed by the claim that Finn didn't see fireworks with Rachel. Whatever my personal opinion of Finchel, we SAW this shit. We saw Finn turned on but frustrated by Quinn, and we saw him kiss Rachel and see stars to the point he had to bolt for cover. Like, I didn't forget what you SHOWED me.


It's one sort of writing sin to tell people what you won't show them...


It's a whole other sin to show people A but tell them no, sorry, that was actually B.

Glee has done that so many times.


The can have people doing something every episode and in one line they can wipe that out with no after thought.


I mean this is a silly example but even last night you have Rachel saying that her friends would never insult her and Brittany saying well not to her face.   Rachel wth? Do you have a brain tumor? When have any of them refrained some insulting you are others in glee club?


And next up the biggest change swipe of the pen to change years of canon  via the Bieste story.

Edited by tom87

Glee has done that so many times.


The can have people doing something every episode and in one line they can wipe that out with no after thought.


I mean this is a silly example but even last night you have Rachel saying that her friends would never insult her and Brittany saying well not to her face.   Rachel wth? Do you have a brain tumor? When have any of them refrained some insulting you are others in glee club?


And next up the biggest change swipe of the pen to change years of canon  via the Bieste story.


If I just heard they were doing that type of episode I would have thought it would have something to do w/ the Leelah Alcorn situation not to mention capitalizing on Laverne Cox's popularity and message.


I honestly think it's just emmy bait for Dot.

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