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Spoilers & Speculation: Running Hot & Cold

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I never really warmed to Rip, so I'm okay with him not being on the show anymore. AD obviously didn't want to commit to this show. However this is a time travel show I'm sure if they needed him for an episode or 2 they could get Rip from a different time or say that time bomb he created sent him somewhere else. 

Maisie can probably play a granddaughter or great granddaughter of Mari or Kuasa. That way they won't have to worry about a destiny. I also think they should have growing up in England so she can use her real accent and have another difference from Amaya. 

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I'm curious to see who Maisie will play next season. A part of me thinks it might be Mari to keep with the Vixen storyline though Kuasa now has some of that too. Either way, while we've lost Amaya, I'm glad we haven't lost MRS.

Rip will probably pop up in flashbacks when they inevitably delve into the origins of Ava's clones storyline.

Betting Kuasa and Nora do show up again and I'd be on board for Gary/Constantine as well.

5 minutes ago, darkestboy said:

I'm curious to see who Maisie will play next season. A part of me thinks it might be Mari to keep with the Vixen storyline though Kuasa now has some of that too. Either way, while we've lost Amaya, I'm glad we haven't lost MRS.

I thought it could be her replacing Mari since Amaya has altered the timeline again by not erasing her own memories. We also know Kuasa and Mari are sharing the Vixen name, so they can bring either Mari or Kuasa on as a rotating team member. They mention Mari far too much for me to believe that the show is fine with not being able to use Mari at all. 

It also depends on what else they're planning to do besides the hunting demons story. I also thought briefly that Maisie would be playing more of a villain this time around. It's tough to say what they're planning to do right now until it gets closer to summer. I am hesitant on MRS' new role, since some articles have said that they won't be filling Amaya's role on the Waverider right away, which means MRS' new character won't be part of the Legends, so I can't picture what new role she'll take on, especially still as a series regular. 

11 hours ago, Proteus said:

"I will say that our love for Arthur Darvill exceeds our need for his character," series executive producer Phil Klemmer told ComicBook.com this week. 

I wish showrunners came to this conclusion more often concerning characters on an ensemble show. Recognize a character's story is finished and when your story can no longer accommodate certain characters. Too many shows keep characters around long past their usefulness because of their affinity for the actor playing them. Whether it's the case here or not, I appreciate showrunners thinking about such things.

1 hour ago, darkestboy said:

I'm curious to see who Maisie will play next season. A part of me thinks it might be Mari to keep with the Vixen storyline though Kuasa now has some of that too. Either way, while we've lost Amaya, I'm glad we haven't lost MRS.

Rip will probably pop up in flashbacks when they inevitably delve into the origins of Ava's clones storyline.

Betting Kuasa and Nora do show up again and I'd be on board for Gary/Constantine as well.


1 hour ago, Lady Calypso said:

I thought it could be her replacing Mari since Amaya has altered the timeline again by not erasing her own memories. We also know Kuasa and Mari are sharing the Vixen name, so they can bring either Mari or Kuasa on as a rotating team member. They mention Mari far too much for me to believe that the show is fine with not being able to use Mari at all. 

It also depends on what else they're planning to do besides the hunting demons story. I also thought briefly that Maisie would be playing more of a villain this time around. It's tough to say what they're planning to do right now until it gets closer to summer. I am hesitant on MRS' new role, since some articles have said that they won't be filling Amaya's role on the Waverider right away, which means MRS' new character won't be part of the Legends, so I can't picture what new role she'll take on, especially still as a series regular. 

Zambesi, totems, and Vixen has run its course for me. As others have said, I can hardly even remember the original Vixen and even though I know Amaya has recounted what happened to Mari, I still can't fully recall the backstory. I wasn't really thrilled with the whole Kuasa thing either so hopefully the writers can come up with something else for MRS to do.

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3 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

It also depends on what else they're planning to do besides the hunting demons story. I also thought briefly that Maisie would be playing more of a villain this time around. It's tough to say what they're planning to do right now until it gets closer to summer. I am hesitant on MRS' new role, since some articles have said that they won't be filling Amaya's role on the Waverider right away, which means MRS' new character won't be part of the Legends, so I can't picture what new role she'll take on, especially still as a series regular. 

I'd be up for a villain character. Whatever is in store,  I hope it's quite the departure from Amaya because I found her character to be the most boring of the LOT characters these past two seasons. Nate had to grow on me and even still I find moments where he annoys me, so together their scenes weren't my fave.

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Maisie wants to play a gay character, that will stop any ideas of pairing her with Nate. 

With bringing in the Supernatural, do you think they are working on crossover with Sam and Dean from Supernatural. That show gets about as crazy as LoT. I mean they just did a Scooby Do episode. Think of the viewers that would bring in. 

Edited by Sakura12
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Possibly two Legends will be breaking bad next season:


According to executive producer Phil Klemmer, these changes were only the beginning. The show will continue to experiment with its rag-tag lineup of heroes next season with some potentially turning to the dark side, and a new face possibly joining the team. "There are more changes coming," he told TV Guide. "We don't want Legends to just remain in stasis. We're gonna have at least a legend, if not two, kind of breaking bad next season. And then, presumably, we'll find another new Legend along the way."

Edited by Proteus
32 minutes ago, Proteus said:

Possibly two Legends will be breaking bad next season:


According to executive producer Phil Klemmer, these changes were only the beginning. The show will continue to experiment with its rag-tag lineup of heroes next season with some potentially turning to the dark side, and a new face possibly joining the team. "There are more changes coming," he told TV Guide. "We don't want Legends to just remain in stasis. We're gonna have at least a legend, if not two, kind of breaking bad next season. And then, presumably, we'll find another new Legend along the way."

Calling it now: Nora's gonna turn Ray to the dark (Dhark?) side, not the other way around. At least temporarily. And it's gonna break Mick's heart.

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Ray, Amaya and Nate are my picks for Legends going dark (in that order). It would be fun for Brandon to explore the totally opposite side of his character. Or they could have him playing his twin brother whatshisname. Time has a way of correcting itself so perhaps Amaya's village gets destroyed after all by one of the demons that escaped. If she gave up everything for nothing that could turn her to the dark side. Nate just being depressed and generally annoying getting into some stupid shit.

Legends likes to pick up rejects from the other shows. I hope and pray it's not someone from the new team Arrow. Elongated Man from Flash has the wackiness that would fit on Legends but I'm not a big fan of his character. They did a great job with Zari so I hope it's someone completely new.

S1 they broke the time masters, S2 they broke time, S3 they broke the door to the demon dimension. What will they break next season? Hopefully the Multiverse so that literally ANYONE can pop up in S5. Black Lightning meet Earth 1?

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So it's Breaking Bad this year?  Last year it was Game of Thrones (lol).   

Either way, I'm actually not that worried anymore.  I might end up being very wrong, but a show that had their season big bad just get hugged to death by a giant plush toy probably isn't going to get that dark.  And though I'm still not thrilled about Constantine being a regular, as long as they keep it more in the realm of myths and monsters rather than demons and demon possession (I've had quite enough of that) I think it'll be all good.  More Librarians than Supernatural, hopefully.  Or Supernatural in its first couple of seasons before they got deeper into the demons/angels thing.

Just now, CloudySky said:

Or they could have him playing his twin brother whatshisname

Stanley? Is that right? That was supposed to happen this season but never did.

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Ray's twin is named Sidney. Yeah he was supposed to show up this year. Maybe next year. 

Do they mean Breaking Bad as in becoming a criminal or villain or selling drugs? Lol I could see Ray being tempted to the dark side by Nora. Mick and Sara are already dark so we wouldn't need to see them do that again. 

I hope we get another new character like Zari and not one of the leftovers from the other shows. 

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1 hour ago, Sakura12 said:

Mick and Sara are already dark so we wouldn't need to see them do that again. 

Mick turning to the dark side again would get repetitive and it would start to get to the point where you wonder why the team would keep him around.  Turning Boy Eagle Scout Ray a little dark for what he might think is a good cause or for the greater good might be interesting.  

I could see Zari going dark too, if she thought she had a good reason.

Edited by Starfish35
  • Love 5
1 hour ago, Sakura12 said:

Do they mean Breaking Bad as in becoming a criminal or villain or selling drugs? Lol I could see Ray being tempted to the dark side by Nora. Mick and Sara are already dark so we wouldn't need to see them do that again. 


1 minute ago, Starfish35 said:

Mick turning to the dark side again would get repetitive and it would start to get to the point where you wonder why the team would keep him around.  Turning Boy Eagle Scout Ray a little dark for what he might think is a good cause or for the greater good might be interesting.  

This is what I'm expecting.  Thus far the Legends have pretty much been going up against villains, selfish beings who wants what they want and don't care who it hurts.  You want something scary?  Go up against a hero.  Go up against someone selfless who will do the "right" thing no matter what the cost.  Mick and Sara have seen where that path leads.  Zari has been on the pointed edge of the ends justifying the means.  Nate's seen this kind of shit play out throughout history.  And Wally's a veteran of the Barry Allen school of doing the wrong thing for the right reason.

Ray is and always has been an optimist - an idealist.  He truly wants what's best for everyone.  And he'll act one those desires unilaterally if/when he thinks he's right.  He did it as a kid with Gumball.  He did it when he built the ATOM suit.  I think Ray has been quietly carrying a disquiet in his soul ever since Eobard Thawne needled him about using his dwarfstar technology to build a superhero suit instead of powering a city.  I think that on some level (perhaps one of which he's unconscious) Ray wants to do better things on a bigger scale.

We've already seen that on a smaller scale when he immediately went to save Nora Darkh from the nanite gun.  After he was captured Ray couldn't help but try to get Damien to repair his relationship with his daughter.  Finally, right after he betrayed them in 1992 Zambezie, Ray punched Nate and escaped with Damien in the jumpship, because Ray thought it was the right thing to do an the opinions of others were irrelevant.  Now it all worked out, right?  

Maybe.  Then again, maybe Mallus in charge of Nora wouldn't have been strong enough to call up the Romans, Pirates and Vikings, which means less of them would have had to die far from their homes and time.

Let's not forget that Damien Darkh was once a member in good faith of the League of Assassins.  As such he fought to make the world a better place by removing evildoers from it.  Now, he got very lost along the way, but on some level I think he kept that basic ideal.  He wanted to destroy the universe and recreate in his own image to make it better.  Ray also wants to make the universe a better place for everyone.  He has access to Zari "loophole finder" which could easily be re-purposed to find events, especially small events that could create alterations in history.  Ray knows how cold fusion works now he could provide cheap, limitless energy to anyone he chose.  Nora Darkh has recently lost her father and been freed of Mallus' influence but almost certainly remembers her actions.  She likely has a strong desire to make amends and do good to make up for what she did.  And she has to be grateful to Ray for saving and freeing her.  And she understands magic and has a time stone.  The Time Bureau is going to be swamped by all the anachronisms.  The Legends are going to be really busy dealing with whatever weirdness freeing Mallus has unleashed.  So, there's plenty of chances for Ray to do a few side jobs, some tinkering around the edges to make the universe a better place.  He could he not take an opportunity to fulfill some really good intentions...  

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I love the idea of Ray going dar(h)k. There's no one better for the job. The only issue I see is further separating Ray from the other Legends, but I think they already planted the seeds for that this season, what with Ray always concocting and executing his own plans in secret, and him not being a part of Giant Beebo (Wally easily replacing him) and punching Nate in the face with his big banana hands, and... Whoa. Yeah he's totally going dark and the show practically told us. 

I agree that Zari would also be a good candidate, and that Mick and Sara wouldn't be, because they've been there and done that. Wally and Nate are the new hot bromance in town, so I don't see them turning evil anytime soon (plus, it would be a waste of their dorkiness and their cuteness). Maisie's new character, however? That would be fun. If she's evil. Somehow. I'm so curious about her connection to Amaya. 

But, let's face it, the real best candidate for turning evil is Gary. There would be no limit to his depravity.

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I think Ray going dar(h)k would be interesting as they won't deviate too far from Ray's current personality, but it would also be super interesting to see play out since he IS the last team member I could see turning. Plus, it would give a real proper storyline for Ray, who has kind of been shafted in terms of getting development past being stuck in love stories or getting kidnapped. His rebellion with saving Nora did seem to hint that he could go dark. 

I think they could turn Nate as well. His story for two seasons has either been about his grandfather or about Amaya. Without either, I don't know what other stories they have for him. Well, I guess now he has some annoying frat bromance with Wally. 

I could see it being Zari and Ray. I'd love it to be those two.

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I think Ray edging dark will be the most impactful. Everybody considers him a boyscout. He's one of the originals. Zari and Nate have a bond with him as well.

Ray's nannite gun will probably be used for deadly purposes with dragons and such around. And he keeps losing friends/family. I can see why things might get to him 

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Early in the season Zari I could've seen going bad, now that she's has all this growth I don't want her to regress. Nate I really don't care about if going bad gets him off the ship then I'm for it. However I think it will be Ray, he's the one where it will matter the most. And if Nora shows up for him I think he will go with her. I also don't mind having former villains on the team we had Mick and Snart and they both changed for the better. If Nora wanted to join them I don't think Sara would turn her away. She was under the influence of a demon most of what she did wasn't her. Sara doesn't always judge your past if you want to do better and help them save the world. Look how often she forgave Rip. 

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I really don't want Nora to be redeemed, only because we already have redeemed people like Mick and Leonard and Sarah and now Damian. Nora, stay bad, dammit! Somebody has to! LOL

Yeah, they've pushed Ray's sunny, innocent nature so much this season - didn't Nate call him a flower at one point? - and they've really emphasized how nobody noticed he was gone when the Dharks took him. The characters take him for granted, in a way - he's always just there, sweet hopeful Ray whom you can count on to do the right thing as he sees it, no matter how boneheaded the rest of them think it is....

Yeah, Ray breaking bad would have the biggest character impact, not just on him but on the others.

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On April 10, 2018 at 12:18 PM, Maelstrom said:

I'm just praying to the Blue God that they don't pair Nate with Maisie's new character. Their pairing didn't do either character any favors IMO. Whoever Maisie comes back as, they need to let her breath and settle into the new role without saddling her with Nate.

IA. I'm hoping they finally do what a lot of fans hoped for and pair Maisies new character with Mick. Let her come back as a bad girl type and polar opposite of Amaya & pair her with Mick.

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On 10/4/2018 at 7:18 PM, Maelstrom said:

I'm just praying to the Blue God that they don't pair Nate with Maisie's new character. Their pairing didn't do either character any favors IMO. Whoever Maisie comes back as, they need to let her breath and settle into the new role without saddling her with Nate.

I agree, but for the opposite reason. I really ended up liking Nate with Amaya, and I think that, if he hooks up with her doppelganger, it will cheapen what they had. At the very most, if Maisie ends up playing an Amaya descendant, I will accept a comedic and weirdly incestuous Back to the Future vibe between her and Nate (because I'm never giving up hope that he is Kuasa and Mari's grandfather). 

Either way, though,I think we can all agree that Maisie's new character needs to stay away from Nate, at least in a romantic sense. They can be buddies. Nate is a good friend. That's what he excels in. Leave the romance to Avalance and Gary/Constantine in Season 4.

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I hope they didn’t keep Nate from being the grandfather because next season they plan to have him hook up with Amaya’s descendant. ?

I really want Maisie’s new character to be a villain. I’d hope that would kill some of the attraction but not necessarily (look at Ray and Nora). It’s be a really interesting season for the Legends if the villains were someone who looks like Amaya (because we all know people in the Arrowverse have a hard time understanding the concept of doppelgängers) and a Ray who breaks bad.

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1 hour ago, BaggythePanther said:

I hope they didn’t keep Nate from being the grandfather because next season they plan to have him hook up with Amaya’s descendant. ?

I really want Maisie’s new character to be a villain. I’d hope that would kill some of the attraction but not necessarily (look at Ray and Nora). It’s be a really interesting season for the Legends if the villains were someone who looks like Amaya (because we all know people in the Arrowverse have a hard time understanding the concept of doppelgängers) and a Ray who breaks bad.

I think Maisies new character will be the opposite of Amaya so I would predict that she'll be a bad girl. But I don't think she will be an all out villain. I'm sure she's the new Legend that will join the team that Klemmer keeps hinting at.

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MG on Maise R Sellers & Arthur Darvills status:


“Yes, Maisie will absolutely be back,” executive producer Marc Guggenheim told EW on our SiriusXM radio show Superhero Insider on Friday. “We just felt like we owed it to the character to complete this arc, complete this story loop that we got her in. Once we took her off of her path in 1942, it was always incumbent upon us to return her to that path. That was something that hung over us as writers, and hung over the character… I’m looking forward to a different storyline for Amaya next year. We’ll reveal our plans for Maisie’s character at Comic-Con this year.”

Rip (Arthur Darvill), meanwhile, sacrificed himself to buy the Legends time to escape from Mallus, though Guggenheim says it’s likely we will see the character again. “We love Arthur, we love having Arthur on the show, and I think Arthur enjoys being on the show,” Guggenheim says. “Because it’s a time travel show, and because we never saw a body, anything is possible. I think Arthur is totally willing to come back and play with us if we have a cool idea.”

Edited by Proteus
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On 4/13/2018 at 1:57 PM, Proteus said:

I’m looking forward to a different storyline for Amaya next year. We’ll reveal our plans for Maisie’s character at Comic-Con this year.”

It's interesting that Guggenheim referred to Maise's character as Amaya.  Maybe something happens where Amaya's youth is restored and she returns with a different totem next season.

5 hours ago, johntfs said:

It's interesting that Guggenheim referred to Maise's character as Amaya.  Maybe something happens where Amaya's youth is restored and she returns with a different totem next season.

I don't think so. If she's playing a new character she could be playing an Amaya from another Earth or a descendent named Amaya. That's if MG wasn't just saying Amaya if he doesn't know the new character info was leaked.

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From today's Ask Ausiello column:


Question: Big fan of Legends of Tomorrow Season 3. Anything to share yet about next season? –Leo
Ausiello: If you love the Waverider’s “found family,” brace yourself for some arguments at the proverbial dinner table. “I think we’re ready to maybe have some real betrayal within the ranks of the Legends,” says Phil Klemmer, who next season will serve as sole showrunner. “Things have gotten really tranquil, so next season I do want the Legends to sort of turn against their own. And I don’t want these to be cosmetic plot shifts, I want them to have consequences that will be lasting and that will affect the DNA of the show.”

Edited by Starfish35

Why do writers think fans want to see huge conflict? When has that ever turned out well for any show? Does he not watch Arrow, does he not see how that is hurting the show? 

I liked Legends because they were the put together team that was more like family than a team. I don't mind occasional conflict because that's life. But a huge break up because plot, no thanks. I can only hope he changes his mind before they start writing or it's only for the first few eps like when he said in the beginning of this season that the audience loves seeing the Legends screw up and that idiocy only lasted 2 episodes. 

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What I love about Legends (and their Marvel cousin, Guardians of the Galaxy) is that these oddballs manage to come together and become a family despite their inherent incompatibility. They may not have to get along or even like each other to save the world. They really are more than the sum of their parts. So conflict and betrayal? Not what I'm looking for. I have every other show on TV to do that. Hopefully this spoiler is just PR static more than any actual reflection of the show.

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I hate that every year Klemmer thinks the way to pump up the show in between seasons is to talk about how no one on the team is safe from being written out, there will be a lot of deaths, and now the team will be suffering from backstabbing and betrayal. He seems to think promoting the team being ruined or broken up one way or the other is a way to excite people about watching. Some of the best moments this season have been the team bonding moments. I really hope this is more of Klemmers hyperbole and he's once again making things worse than they sound.

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I've never seen any show do well with the break up the team seasons and it baffles me that almost all of them still do it. That's usually what makes shows start lose viewers because they have to twist the characters into pretzels to have it make sense for the characters to turn on each other. Or the fans start hating the characters on either side and it's hard to come back from that. 

Only movies can get away with that because the conflict is pretty much done after the 2+ hours.  A tv show even one with a shorter season can't drag that out for more than 2 maybe 3 episodes before it starts to piss people off. Arrow is suffering through it now, doesn't PK see that? Lucifer also split up all the characters I liked last season and I hate it, I haven't even watched after the mid season finale because of it. 

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...I'll just say these three things:

1) Legends has a habit of overhyping things re. the team. So I'm not going to panic just yet.

2) If any Arrowverse show has a hope of doing "Civil War" correctly, it's Legends because they understand their characters and they understand team dynamics.

3) Fans were hysteric over the addition of Zari last year and how she might ruin the show - no such thing happened. The writers knew what they were doing. Until they prove they don't anymore, I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt.

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I hope the betrayal is because of whoever is going dark/evil (i.e. maybe Ray and Maisie's new character). I could see a season-long arc of some of the Legends becoming the antagonists, as opposed to having a new (old) villain. Like, I don't want betrayal and conflict constantly, between the team, on the Waverider, nor do I want an Arrow-like half-assed split-up, but I wouldn't mind watching most of the team as a united front on the Waverider, trying to fight against Ray, Nora and "Amaya" (as an example) while also attempting to appeal to them as friends.

Does that make sense? I don't want whiny in-fighting, but I'd love to see a fraction of the team going rogue or even evil. As long as the remaining characters are still a family.

And, frankly, just this season we lost Stein (who literally died), maybe Rip (who possibly died) and also Jax and (sort of) Amaya. And, of course, we got Zari (who is amazing), Wally (who is adorable), Ava (whom I adore) and Constantine (whom I'm starting to warm up to)*. So there were a lot of important shifts, afterall. I expect something similar next season. I think we might get one new person anyway, even though it feels we got all the fresh character additions in S3 already.

*and Gary. We can't forget Gary.

Edited by Princess Lucky
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50 minutes ago, Miss Dee said:

...I'll just say these three things:

1) Legends has a habit of overhyping things re. the team. So I'm not going to panic just yet.

2) If any Arrowverse show has a hope of doing "Civil War" correctly, it's Legends because they understand their characters and they understand team dynamics.

3) Fans were hysteric over the addition of Zari last year and how she might ruin the show - no such thing happened. The writers knew what they were doing. Until they prove they don't anymore, I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt.

I never saw any fans in hysterics over Zari to be honest.

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Honestly, I could do with a little tension (not angst), if only because that was totally missing from this season. When Amaya chose to take off and do her own thing at the end, there was little to no discussion after the fact of how screwed up that was and no true self-reflection on the part of Amaya because it 'worked out' apparently. The writers need to be careful to not keep glazing over this stuff just because they wrote it to work out in the end. Ray 'time couriering' to heal Nora on his own without notifying the team (even on the way would have sufficed) was ridiculous and UpSwipze Guy ended up dead. NBD. No discussion after the fact. Amaya stealing the time ship to rewrite history--no discussion and no regrets. If they want to write some tension into the season, they wouldn't need to change much other than add in the fallout from choices and actions that should affect character dynamics and plotting going forward. I like that Legends is fun. I also like when things make a little bit of sense and don't undermine the (loose) world you established. I think you can do both.

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7 hours ago, tarotx said:

There was some fears of Zari causing issues when talk of her clashing with Sara was mentioned. 

And to be honest, there should have been more of a clash, especially after Zari exploited the "loophole" in history that allowed her to send Helen of Troy to Themiscyra instead of Troy -- and with her memories of the Legends and of the future intact.  Granted, it turned out to be an advantage to the Legends when a fully-trained Amazon Warrior Helen came back to help the Legends fight Mallus, but I still think Zari's stunt should have raised a few eyebrows, especially Sara's.

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I`m not enamored with the spoilers, especially not the "changing the DNA of the show" stuff. Because I think in Seasons 2 and 3 Legends has found a real recipe for success. I don`t want that changed. I want this to be the show that brings a smile to my face instead of being various levels of annoyed and bored (hello, Arrow, Flash and Supergirl this Season). 

Also, currently the "civil war" on Arrow is atrocious to watch. Noone likes it, pretty much. It has ruined characters and the writers still plow ahead. I hope PK doesn`t see that and think "great storytelling, I want that". 

That said, Legends has been so good, it deserves some faith on my part so I`ll give them that and hope they can hash it all out in the writer`s room in a way that plays out so much better than PK now makes it sound. 

Reading about the giant Beebo fight beforehand made me very apprehensive that it was gonna be cringey but watching it, it was adorable, fun and badass. Maybe the new conflict will be the same. *fingers crossed*  

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