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Season 5 Reunion Spoilers, Previews, Gossip, Etc.

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March 05, 2015 

Kyle Richards Responds to ‘RHOBH’ Fight Between Sister Kim and Lisa Rinna



Reports now say in the season’s upcoming reunion show, it will be revealed that Kim was lying about having a secret about Hamlin just to get under Lisa’s skin.


“Extra” caught up with Kim’s sister and co-star Kyle Richards on Thursday, and Kyle set the record straight, saying, “[Kim] did not say that she was making anything up.”


rgery, but she's better now. Her hand is better, she's good."




The fact that Kyle claims that Kim did NOT say she was making anything up [regarding Harry] is the most interesting part of that interview.


Found this preview description for episode 19, "The Party's Over":

"The women attend an over‑the‑top party thrown by friend Adrienne Maloof; Lisa Vanderpump confronts Brandi about the slap delivered in Amsterdam; Kyle gets angry with Lisa Rinna for not corroborating that Brandi is worried about Kim's sobriety."

Juicy! Once again, Kyle left in the lurch. This woman is the Charlie Brown of Real Housewives.

Interesting. Thanks for the find moog.

Episode 18 description:

Lisa Vanderpump refuses to accept Brandi's apology; the women return home after a final dinner in Amsterdam; Brandi gets bad news about her father's health; Kyle angrily reveals to Kim what Brandi has been saying behind her back.

And I predict Kim will still say Kyle doesn't defend or have her back even with all this! Kim won't believe Brandi is making a ding ding of her for storyline.

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 3
"It was really devastating to a lot of us. We were so upset, so emotional. I know that myself, along with quite a few of the other girls, didn’t leave the house for a couple days after. It was so emotionally draining."


Fucking drama queens.  Okay besides Kyle, who didn't leave their house?  Brandi said she pissed everyone off.  I know she has anxiety, so maybe her, but she and Kyle don't like each other, so Kyle wouldn't know.


After the tearful couch scene in Kyle's hotel room in Amsterdam, I'm going to go with Eileen Davidson for $200 Alex.  She was really putting on a show there.  "Oh the cruelty...sniff, sniff...."  


Well, I guess I have to edit and say Yolanda because de Lyme.

  • Love 7

Some comments from Brandi about the reunion.


  • Very Intense, never seen crazy like it
  • She screamed a lot
  • Claws were out
  • we will all find out how crazy an unnamed woman is and will be in awe
  • Brandi had post-traumatic reunion syndrome and didn't get out of bed for two days
Edited by quinn
  • Love 3


Some comments from Brandi about the reunion.


  • Very Intense, never seen crazy like it
  • She screamed a lot
  • Claws were out
  • we will all find out how crazy an unnamed woman is and will be in awe
  • Brandi had post-traumatic reunion syndrome and didn't get out of bed for two days

So not only Kyle but Brandi shared the same illness "Post Reunion Itis".

I assume also the crazy woman shes talking about is Eileen. She might have good reason to go off.

  • Love 1

Found this preview description for episode 19, "The Party's Over":

"The women attend an over‑the‑top party thrown by friend Adrienne Maloof; Lisa Vanderpump confronts Brandi about the slap delivered in Amsterdam; Kyle gets angry with Lisa Rinna for not corroborating that Brandi is worried about Kim's sobriety."

Juicy! Once again, Kyle left in the lurch. This woman is the Charlie Brown of Real Housewives.

Now that is good scoop. This is what I have been waiting for. To see if Lisar did or did not ever come clean to Kim about what Brandi had been saying. I have noticed that Lisar and Kyle aren't active with each other on Twitter for the last month or so.  Lisar sends lots of love over to Lisa V and to Eileen, but none to Kyle. I had been wondering if something went down between the two of them.  I think they will be on the same side against Brandi at the reunion (Brandi has been hammering away at Lisar hard in her blogs, so no way they ended this thing in a good place), but that doesn't mean they aren't having issues with each other. Kyle said on Twitter that Lisar was wrong for throwing the glass, and I wonder if that pissed Lisar off. 

  • Love 3

Now that is good scoop. This is what I have been waiting for. To see if Lisar did or did not ever come clean to Kim about what Brandi had been saying. I have noticed that Lisar and Kyle aren't active with each other on Twitter for the last month or so.  Lisar sends lots of love over to Lisa V and to Eileen, but none to Kyle. I had been wondering if something went down between the two of them.  I think they will be on the same side against Brandi at the reunion (Brandi has been hammering away at Lisar hard in her blogs, so no way they ended this thing in a good place), but that doesn't mean they aren't having issues with each other. Kyle said on Twitter that Lisar was wrong for throwing the glass, and I wonder if that pissed Lisar off. 

Lisar and Kyle have been photographed together at an event.  I don't think they are unfriendly I think it is more of a matter of discretion.  With Lisar and Kim being in combat mode it would not bode well for Kyle and Lisar to be exchanging sweet tweets.  They had plenty of sweet tweets after filming and hanging out so it would seem they are living the story line. I would think now with Monty's updated prognosis and Chad's hospitalization that the last thing Kyle would do to Kim is be buddy, buddy with Lisar on social media. Of course Kim doesn't give a rip about Kyle and doesn't mind be buddy, buddy girl crush crazy with Brandi.  Dumb bitch.


Here is an on the street interview with Kyle, she looks good.   http://www.tmz.com/2015/03/14/kyle-richards-real-houseives-of-beverly-hills-wine-glass-fight-kim-richards-lisa-rinna/ 

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 4

The article says 'another' vicious physical fight.  That's misleading.  I wouldn't call what happened in Amsterdam a vicious 'physical' fight.  It's implying that Lisa and Kim were involved some bodily brawl with one another.  Keeping that in mind, what may have happened at the reunion is probably no where near what the author is sensationalizing it to be.

  • Love 4

Radar Online published a story where it looked to me like they were reporting on what happened at the Amsterdam dinner but stated it happened at the wrap event which was hosted by Adrienne Maloof.  I can believe that Lisa R and Kim have another dust up but I can't see it being as intense as the Amsterdam dinner, time will tell.

Edited by quinn
  • Love 3

The article says 'another' vicious physical fight.  That's misleading.  I wouldn't call what happened in Amsterdam a vicious 'physical' fight.  It's implying that Lisa and Kim were involved some bodily brawl with one another.  Keeping that in mind, what may have happened at the reunion is probably no where near what the author is sensationalizing it to be.


I think Radar claimed months ago some shit went down at Adrienne's party.  Here's another link a month after they posted too

  • Love 1

I don't know now, I found this article and this does NOT seem like ROL is conflating what happened in Amsterdam with what happened at Adrienne's event.

Another ‘RHOBH’ Fight! Lisa Rinna ‘Made Threats’ Against Kim Richards During ‘RHOBH’ Taping: ‘It Was Totally Crazy!’
Posted on Oct 30, 2014 @ 11:08AM

The drama unfolded during Adrienne Maloof‘s party to promote Never Hungover, at Supperclub in L.A. on October 22.
According to a guest, “All of a sudden out of nowhere, Lisa Rinna starts yelling and screaming at Kim…Lisa was furious with Kim about some perceived slight, and it quickly got physical.”
“Lisa attempted to push Kim, and the women had to be physically separated!” the source claims. “Lisa even made threats against Kim. It was totally crazy.”

Here is the article where it looks like things got conflated.  This article came out a week after the above article.  I have seen ROL do this before, if they get a new tip / new information they try to tie it other recent articles.  They tend to do it more as an editing exercise rather than digging deeper to tell the full story.

Edited by quinn

I'm not sure how Kim would have any information about Harry Hamlin unless it came from Kyle at some point.  My sense was that Kim barely knew Lisa Rinna before the show and met Harry once or twice once filming started. 


On the other hand, Kyle and Lisa have been friends. But they don't seem particularly close (like confidants, it seems more social to me).  If the rumors are true (and that's a BIG IF - I don't want to cast asperions on Hamlin at all), it really doesn't seem like something Lisa R. would share with social friends.  She seems very protective of her husband and her family.


And the other thing...let's pretend he was unfaithful once.  Maybe, it happens.  And maybe Lisa and he worked past it because their marriage and family life was worth saving.  My point is, even if the rumors are or were true, Kim has no business, no business at all bringing them up when cameras are rolling. 


For someone who is supposedly all about not hurting her children, what about Rinna's children?


If she does spout them out while the cameras are rolling, it will be interesting to see if Bravo airs them or just leaves it to our imagination as they have sometimes done in the past. 

Edited by mwell345
  • Love 6

When IS Brandi on her best behavior? I see flashes of good in this woman and I want to defend her at times (I know, I know...there was an incident with a tampon...I still don't think she's all bad). Then she opens her mouth, says something insane, justifies it with "temper", "they came at me", "I'm not perfect", "but the children", "I was joking", "I own it", etc...and I just can't with that. It doesn't work anymore, time to learn and adjust accordingly!

Brandi, if you're reading this than take a moment to learn how to preface a comment that is not meant to be taken at face value: while I of course do not advocate prescription drug abuse, perhaps Brandi needs to find a combination of antidepressants and sedatives that leaves her somewhere comfortably between coma and and angry hockey player after sucking a helium balloon before she attends these events.

PS: no, I'm not fucking kidding you! Stop saying that!

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
  • Love 10

Let's call a spade a spade. Brandi slapped Lisa because she was drunk. Drinking turns off the part of your brain that says no. She can make all the excuses she wants (playing love boat, being in a playful mood with Lisa) but she did it because it seemed, in her drunk mind, like a good idea. After the tampon incident and the dui, most people would realize that drinking that much is causing some real consequences. Brandi just seems incapable of learning a lesson.

Let's call a spade a spade. Brandi slapped Lisa because she was drunk. Drinking turn s off the part of your brain that says no. She can make all the excuses she wants (playing love boat, being in a playful mood with Lisa) but she did it because it seemed, in her drunk mind, like a good idea. After the tampon incident and the dui, most people would realize that drinking that much is causing some real consequences. Brandi just seems incapable of learning a lesson.

Eta: I just realized this is in the wrong thread but I'm not sure how to move it.

Edited by nc socialworker
  • Love 7

Let's call a spade a spade. Brandi slapped Lisa because she was drunk. Drinking turns off the part of your brain that says no. She can make all the excuses she wants (playing love boat, being in a playful mood with Lisa) but she did it because it seemed, in her drunk mind, like a good idea. After the tampon incident and the dui, most people would realize that drinking that much is causing some real consequences. Brandi just seems incapable of learning a lesson.



I am not sure she was drunk , but she sure was on something                                                                         


During the dinner table she seemed okay, I mean as okay as Brandi can be but after her trip to the bathroom it changed. I noticed that when she was leaving the bathroom she was also rubbing her nose.


Unless they were at the dinner table for a couple of hours and Bravo didn't air that and move forward to the ladies leaving the boat. I don't get how you get in that state in a matter of minutes. The rest of the ladies seemed perfectly fine, Kim included, so Brandi's change was even more evident, with that combo with Lisa she was slurring her words, acting silly and with no self control at all. It truly looked like she was drunk but I wonder if it was something else.

  • Love 9

Drunk or not, Brandi seems to always gloss over her bad girl behavior as a "joke." She knows her actions are wrong that's why shes quick to say "Just kidding" when she makes the claim all the husbands on here cheat. Or when she gets into physical altercations or out the other ladies personal business they might not want disclosed or could hurt them in the future. Im tired of the excuse "She was drunk" because all a drunk lush like Brandi does is use it as an excuse to keep abusing others and never changes. These women tend to drink all the time on this show but other than yell and throw juvenile insults at each other they have never gotten physical until Brandi entered the picture.

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 7


Then she opens her mouth, says something insane, justifies it with "temper", "they came at me", "I'm not perfect", "but the children", "I was joking", "I own it", etc...and I just can't with that. It doesn't work anymore, time to learn and adjust accordingly

It worked for her for so long because people allowed her to get away with it. No one can get away with behavior unless people allow themselves to be door mats. I think some people feel Brandi may have a screw loose and rather than really lay it into her, they give her excuses. I think she has several screws loose, as well as an addiction problem that includes alcohol, pills (prescribed and not), and possibly a substance issue. Her constantly mentioning her children and her financial woes, people fall for her pity party.  Kyle mentioned in her blog how she felt a bit of sympathy for Brandi when she wouldn't play along with her own game, not wanting to receive any compliments. Kyle mentioned in another previous blog about the sympathy she felt for Brandi as she was sitting in a limo with the other ladies. LisaV had those moments too.  Those moments of sympathy that Brandi gets from anyone, is enough to get a grasp on them again and gives her time to put on her facade again.

  • Love 7

A surprise ending would be if Brandi admitted to having a boyfriend that she involves in her kids' lives (JR) that for the most part she enjoys 5 days on and 5 days off of custody of her children.  She is working on an idea for a third book and will soon begin her promotional tour for her new wine.  In other words her life is pretty routine until she decides to drink and act up on camera.  It is her strategizing that is her undoing.


Instead what we will see again, is victim Brandi,  Brandi who feels that she is picked on because of her behavior and Brandi telling her truths about those she dislikes.  Watch out Kyle, Lisar and Eileen. 

  • Love 3

I'm not sure how Kim would have any information about Harry Hamlin unless it came from Kyle at some point.  My sense was that Kim barely knew Lisa Rinna before the show and met Harry once or twice once filming started. 



... because Kim is getting the info from Brandi!  It seems so obvious to me.  Brandi is feeding Kim the rumors off-camera.  Brandi would absolutely have access to all the Hollywood dirt-- Brandi is a major gossip hub, she knows all the right gossip mongers.  Kim, desperate, indignant, and fueled by Brandi, is now using the gossip about Harry as ammo against LisaR to get her to shut up about her non-sobriety.  Nasty, nasty thing to do.  


I imagine Kim is secretly using again, probably just a little here and there, and is terrified to see her sobriety unravel and is also scared the truth will come out and it will spoil her (imagined) image as a sober person.  And so LisaR is absolutely right, but Kim thinks her non-sobriety isn't that obvious and it's probably not nearly as bad as it was before, so she thinks the only thing keeping her from getting away with using is LisaR's big mouth.  So Kim, incredibly damaged, desperate and effed up, is going there.  And behind the scenes, Brandi, no doubt, is feeding Kim the nasty gossip about Harry, to make Kim feel better, to be Kim's ally, and also because there's nothing Brandi likes better than to claw at the "perfect" images the married housewives portray.  

Edited by OhGromit
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ZM I believe this reunion will be more like RHONJ after season 4's intense reunion.  Bravo will like the fact things are unresolved (especially if the ratings turn out well) so it can give them a reason to bring back everyone.  Brandi has another book in the works and a wine coming out Bravo definitely wants their little percentage of that money while giving her free promotion towards her merchandising.  Plus Bravo will also give us another round of Kim vs Kyle like usual.  I just don't think Bravo will be letting go of their knuckleheads in Kim and Brandi.

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 5

ZM I believe this reunion will be more like RHONJ after season 4's intense reunion.  Bravo will like the fact things are unresolved (especially if the ratings turn out well) so it can give them a reason to bring back everyone.  Brandi has another book in the works and a wine coming out Bravo definitely wants their little percentage of that money while giving her free promotion towards her merchandising.  Plus Bravo will also give us another round of Kim vs Kyle like usual.  I just don't think Bravo will be letting go of their knuckleheads in Kim and Brandi.


Bringing Brandy and Kim back won't bring me back.

  • Love 6

Understandable.  I want them gone myself.  I just can't part ways with the show because there are still 4 other people I do like. 


I like the other 4 too but when every conversation, every event, revolves around them having to deal with the other two it's not fun. K and B and their sorry assed issues and behavior have taken over the show to the detriment of the other cast members. I fast forward through much of the show now. When I do stop to watch the others I tend to mute it if the they are having to interact with those K and B. They are exhausting my interest in the show.


I'll finish out the season but I will be hard pressed to watch another one.

  • Love 4

Season 4 of RHONJ-when Teresa was picked on at the Reunion (not my take) and Bravo insisted on bringing her back was the beginning of the decline in the ratings from RHONJ.  After Season 5 and the indictments the ratings went into the toilet.   Season 6 may be the last.  Bravo just doesn't get it.


If I were predicting who is gone it would be Kim.  At this point with Brandi it would be her salary demands that might shoot her in the foot.  Tonight on WWHL it will be interesting to see what the Season 1 ladies Camille, Adrienne and Taylor, have to say.  Brandi has pretty much bad mouthed each of them this season so we will see who they have been talking with on the present cast.  It will be interested to see how many other Rinna, Davidson type actresses come out of the woodwork after this season.

  • Love 2

Season 4 of RHONJ-when Teresa was picked on at the Reunion (not my take) and Bravo insisted on bringing her back was the beginning of the decline in the ratings from RHONJ.  After Season 5 and the indictments the ratings went into the toilet.   Season 6 may be the last.  Bravo just doesn't get it.


If I were predicting who is gone it would be Kim.  At this point with Brandi it would be her salary demands that might shoot her in the foot.  Tonight on WWHL it will be interesting to see what the Season 1 ladies Camille, Adrienne and Taylor, have to say.  Brandi has pretty much bad mouthed each of them this season so we will see who they have been talking with on the present cast.  It will be interested to see how many other Rinna, Davidson type actresses come out of the woodwork after this season.


I wouldn't say that was Teresa's fault those ratings went down and I do stand by the fact she was treated unfairly on that reunion not by her shady family members, ex friends in Chuckie/Jacass but even Andy himself with his attack dog questions at her and none at the other 4 twits.  The family upheaval storyline just became too tiring and it got too dark for viewers with no resolution.  The season 6 of RHOA was really good because it was balanced out with drama/comedy yet it was well over 29 episodes, including Kandi's wedding and the husbands secrets revealed I was happy it finally was over.  RHOBH is heading in that direction it seems with the excessive drama and not finding a happy medium to keep their viewers happy so they won't tune out all together.   Bravo is quite lucky their key demos for BH is up compared to last season (which I believe those demos fell because the Vanderpump fans tuned out and went over to her show). 

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 4

My theory, based on nothing but my thinking, is that for the last few seasons, we saw Kim when she felt like showing up.  She missed events, was late for events (even cast trips).  IIRC, in one of her rare blogs this season, she said she did not want to go to Eileen's Poker Party. Yet she went, which leads me to think that this season Bravo laid down the law with her - "you will attend".  So Kim, regardless of the shape she's in, now has to show up.  


So, there she is, event after event, trying to act like she's not high as a kite and calling out anyone who says differently.  But the cameras don't lie, and we're seeing the Kim we probably would have seen more frequently if she had shown up at events in previous seasons. (Remember how uncomfortable those scenes were of her and that guy in Hawaii? - creepy doesn't begin to describe it).


I personally think she's toast after this season.  I think that for Bravo, she is probably not worth the time or the energy.  She really brings nothing but her problems with substance abuse.  That's it and I don't think Bravo will want to continue down that road after this season - too risky, and they can be accused of exploitation.


That leaves Brandi.  I think she's done too.  She's been making noises about leaving, but I think she's just covering because she knows she's gone. I suspect Lisa V has some clout and if she hasn't used it yet, I think she will.   And I think the others are over her as well.  


I wish we knew what kind of contracts Davidson and Rinna signed - how long.  Because if it was for one season, you can bet Bravo wants both of them to resign, which may give them some clout as well.


I think Brandi's leaving will be announced as voluntary and they may even give her a little show of her own for a season.  

  • Love 3

Kim is still implying LisaR has an eating disorder "go eat.  go eat."


This is such a sore subject for me personally.  I was super skinny all throughout my childhood and most of my 20s.  I had a very high metabolism and struggled for years to gain weight.  I was very self conscious about my body and hated it for many years.  And I can't even begin to tell you how many times I was asked if I had an eating disorder and told to go eat some bread/pasta/etc.  Trust me, there was no eating disorder going on...I love food and hate throwing up.  My body was just naturally thin...and some might say scary thin.  So I got why people would question it but it still hurt and upset me.  Hearing Kim say this once again to Lisa R. makes my blood boil.  Kim is just downright nasty and vindictive.  I'm debating watching this now.

  • Love 10

Lisa R has had the same haircut for 20 years, similar to most of the other women. I think this is the first time Brandi has done anything to her hair since ever.

However LisaR should never take style advice from someon who dresses like a 20 year old hooker.


Kyle has lots on vein in her forehead, she should try not to yell. Lisa looks over it. Yoland really is a beautiful woman. Her speech about people just throw Brandi out like trash was hilarious because Lisa's face looked to say "well you know... she is"

This is such a sore subject for me personally.  I was super skinny all throughout my childhood and most of my 20s.  I had a very high metabolism and struggled for years to gain weight.  I was very self conscious about my body and hated it for many years.  And I can't even begin to tell you how many times I was asked if I had an eating disorder and told to go eat some bread/pasta/etc.  Trust me, there was no eating disorder going on...I love food and hate throwing up.  My body was just naturally thin...and some might say scary thin.  So I got why people would question it but it still hurt and upset me.  Hearing Kim say this once again to Lisa R. makes my blood boil.  Kim is just downright nasty and vindictive.  I'm debating watching this now.

Kim is vile. If Lisa R did have an eating disorder, it'd be the same as someone yelling to Kim go pop some more pills! or Go drink a beer and calm down. 

  • Love 8

In defense of LisaR's 20 year old hairdo-I am now a fitness professional, but I was a cosmetology teacher and a cosmetologist for many moons prior. LisaR's hair, to me, is on the same level as Farrah Fawcett's and Jennifer Aniston's.  LisaR had that hairstyle specifically tailored to her hair and face shape . It was cut that way at a time long before flippy dos were trendy.

As with Yolanda and her love of teal, jewel tone blues and purples, and silver, with the platinum blonde hair, this is LisaR's signature. LisaR knows it works for her. She has played with longer hair and different color but this is what works for her. While Jennifer Aniston distanced herself from her iconic do, Farrah always had some version of her signature style. She updated it with volume and more curl in the 80's and less volume during the 90's, but the signature style was always hinted at. LisaR's hair was a salon request for years. I would never had known who she was if numerous clients hadn't come in with a picture of Lisa wanting her haircut.

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