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Season 5 Reunion Spoilers, Previews, Gossip, Etc.

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How in the world has Andy not talked about Brandi talking about Kim all around town? That was a major part of the show and he doesn't address it and show all of the clips? Huh? Maybe it is coming, but I'm doubtful. Why wouldn't he ask about that? Why is he not asking Kim or Brandi any tough questions? If he is personally biased then someone else should host.

Edited by Brooke0707
  • Love 12


Seriously, this is the weirdest wrap up for a season I've ever watched.  It's certainly the weirdest reunion I've ever watched.  Surely, Andy understands that viewers actively loathe Kim at this point, right?  She has far surpassed Brandi hate and is way up in the stratosphere of loathing, for me, anyhow.

I loathe Kim but it does not surpass my loathing for BG. I have a big heart, there's room for both.

  • Love 19

Why did Bravo subtitle Brandi's comment to Kim (saying LisaR is crazy)?

Why does Brandi still have so many fans?

Why do people feel sorry for Kim and/or still like her? I've seen people defend her in article comments and twitter (I don't go there much).

Why hasn't Andy asked Kim about Brandi talking to a bunch of people about Kim's relapse/addictions, pain patches, implied suicide threats?

Why hasn't Andy shut down Brandi's threats of physical violence and called out her acts of aggression?

I can see how they would think that all these questions/interests make Kim & Brandi desirable as story lines BUT don't they realize the backlash will outweigh the interest and result in lower rating next season? If Carlton was on this season, I would not have watched it. If this toxic combination of Brandi/Kim doesn't come to resolution now then they shot themselves in the foot by just looking at short term ratings. One, preferably both, of them need to their contract not to be renewed.


My own (perhaps biased) belief is that the ratings were through the Bravo roof with this reunion because people had been waiting to see and wanted to see Kim and/or Brandi get their comeuppance rather than the majority of the ratings bonanza being due to actual Brandi/Kim "fans," so speak.


I see people on FB who just think Brandi is the most "real" chick who ever "real-ed" and I find it seriously cringeworthy.


How anybody can think a grown-assed, essentially middle-aged, tacky, unkempt, drunken, foul-mouthed, lying twat is so "real" just stupefies me.


And I say this as a chick married to a considerably younger man I initially picked up as a one-night stand, who has been benzo- and opiate- and booze-friendly in my past, and who swears like that proverbial drunken sailor.


Yet I've never embarrassed anyone in public, am always a lady in public situations, have never EVER gotten so falling-down drunk that I've show my feminine hygiene product of choice to the world, never tossed wine in anyone's face, and never managed to wreak havoc in a sibling relationship.


There's just nothing "real" to me about Brandi or her choices to be as obnoxious as possible.


I think Brandi still fancies herself to be an early Paris Hilton when, in actuality, she's more contemporary to a middle-aged Kathy Hilton.  


It's definitely not a good look for a grown woman, Brandi.  Get over yourself and grow the fuck up already.  Ugh.

Edited by Persnickety1
  • Love 21

My own (perhaps biased) belief is that the ratings were through the Bravo roof with this reunion because people had been waiting to see and wanted to see Kim and/or Brandi get their comeuppance rather than the majority of the ratings bonanza being due to actual Brandi/Kim "fans," so speak.

I see people on FB who just think Brandi is the most "real" chick who ever "real-ed" and I find it seriously cringeworthy.

How anybody can think a grown-assed, essentially middle-aged, tacky, unkempt, drunken, foul-mouthed, lying twat is so "real" just stupefies me.

And I say this as a chick married to a considerably younger man I initially picked up as a one-night stand, who has been benzo- and opiate- and booze-friendly in my past, and who swears like that proverbial drunken sailor.

Yet I've never embarrassed anyone in public, am always a lady in public situations, have never EVER gotten so falling-down drunk that I've show my feminine hygiene product of choice to the world, never tossed wine in anyone's face, and never managed to wreak havoc in a sibling relationship.

There's just nothing "real" to me about Brandi or her choices to be as obnoxious as possible.

I think Brandi still fancies herself to be an early Paris Hilton when, in actuality, she's more contemporary to a middle-aged Kathy Hilton.

It's definitely not a good look for a grown woman, Brandi. Get over yourself and grow the fuck up already. Ugh.

I get it (not perfect here and never have been but still kept my shit together more than BG) and agree that Brandi CHOOSES to be a manipulative obnoxious twat. I think that is why I dislike BG more than I detest Kim. I think rum raisin is actually a horrible malicious person who is more tolerable when in a drunken stupor than she is when sober. BG is fake and I think choosing to be fake "in your face" (and behind your back) is worse since it fools some into thinking you are "cool" and "real" (whatever the fuck all this means, lol). The best I can explain it is that Kim is 98% "evil" and the real BG is 90% "evil". The fact that BG is fake, makes her 99% evil imo. I'm making up the numbers.

Could all the positive comments about Brandi come from paid followers? Maybe they are from her social media team (can she afford this) with multiple Facebook accounts. I'm avoiding FB since I will become more disillusioned with society. How the hell can Brandi still have a fan much less numerous fans. Idiocracy is coming true!

edit: typo

Edited by Vicky8675309
  • Love 11

I like how The Lisas, Kyle and Eileen all support each other. The instinctual touching of Kyle's arm by LisaV, Eileen arm around LisaR, and more were sweet. Lisa verbally supporting Kyle when she first started talking about the dog bite, Eileen's shutting down of BG when BG was jumping in on the tweets, and more was also refreshing. I like the interactions of that group (team anti-bg) and it feels organic.

Andy playing into BG's hands by saying his age and "relating" to her was nauseating. Bravo can save a lot of money by firing Andy and BG.

  • Love 18

There was so much talk and over-talk during the text messages "reveal," but I'm pretty sure I remember Brandi calling them "dangerous." I think Brandi thought they'd have a much bigger impact. She dislikes LisaR so much that, as quinn wrote, she probably feels vindicated simply by these texts revealing a darker side of Lisa. It fits into Brandi's whole theme of how everyone's a hypocrite, that she's not the only "unstable" one, yadda, yadda, yadda....

I agree. Brandi said something like "she's fucked up, she's fucked up and she's fucked up", so in Brandi's mind whatever Brandi's done she feels like she's in good company and the playing field has leveled out. Vindicated indeed. Once again Brandi has an exaggerated sense of lack of responsibility.

  • Love 5

Other than the "fuck you up" text was LisaR wrong in the rest of them texts?? I see how Kim (and Brandi with her "That's dangerous" comment) only focused on the first skip the rest. Didnt bother to talk about that one.

Im not gonna lie when Kim asked if LisaR had been arrested for batter I bet Brandi was thinking "Dont worry Kim. If Brandi comes back next season she will be paying 9.99 to find out."



C'mon now.  You know Brandi already paid to get ALL of LisaR's information prior to the start of the season. That is how she got her round-up on Eileen. Bitch had to go back over 12 years to get the scoop on Eileen. Big whoop-di-do.  What was it Brandi had on Joyce? Oh yes. Joyce had naturally, long, beautiful hair. Oh, and she and her husband are happily married. I bet Brandi stayed up many nights (in between watching Eddie and LeAnn's show on repeat) Googling everything she could.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 7

Andy doesn't seem to like Eileen and it seemed like he was trying to get LisaR to say Eileen was a prude. LisaR defending Eileen (not that she needs defending since she comes across as fabulous) was great as was many of her self-depricating comments.

LisaR comes across as strong, fearless, empathic and articulate so I had high expectations that she would own those texts and was disappointed that she folded. However, after re-watching the previews I think LisaR did what she had to do to protect herself.

I suspect that Kim and bg are more vicious in person which is a surprise since they already seem horrible vicious on tv. I think LisaR got worked up thinking about being "shushed" (repressed verbally) as a child. She went to an emotional place and couldn't come back to neutral with Kim and Brandi goading and taunting her. She gets emotional, like Kyle, and then shuts down/backs off. She said a few more truths but team evil/rr (rum raisin) kept talking over her and not letting her get heard (about not being heard) then they gaslighted her by laughing then saying don't laugh, she is crazy. Then she folded like she did in Amsterdam. Maybe she gives in because she knows herself and knows that if she keeps arguing and getting work up then she will get to "glass throwing" stage. We all have our limits and no one is perfect. I think LisaR doesn't want to allow herself to be pushed past her limits again, so she folds. That's ok! Sure, I wished she stayed strong and didn't back down but if she fears that will push her into "evil" territory then I'm glad she has the self-awareness to not go there.

Kim gets off on inflicting pain (emotional pain) on others. It's like crack to her. She was gleeful about LisaR crying and thought it was fake crying like her own fake crying (because that thing called Kim wouldn't recognize genuine emotions/crying if it smacked her in the face). Finally Andy did his job and pointed out Kim's lack of empathy and then she did a total turn around (fake) and did a fake acceptance of an apology (she collects undeserved apologies like the nasty troll she is).

I don't think LisaR is more crazy than the average person (not bg or rum raisin crazy, well technically they have personality disorders imo). She has a family, job, friends, etc…her emotional "lability" isn't interfering with work/family/social/etc… I like LisaR's wacky style and don't mind that she can be emotional since she can also be analytical/logical. At least her affect and mood match.

  • Love 17

I watched the First Look again just to see if it was as disappointing as I initially thought.  Sadly, it was.


I'm convinced that LisaR did her whole "I'm human" speech from memory.  She's an actress and it seemed rehearsed to me.  Of course I could be wrong but that's not what my gut is telling me.  Unfortunately, we'll probably see more of that coming from LisaR next season.   


ETA:  If the smoking gun was the text messages, it was an epic fail.   I'm hoping for once, Brandi was actually telling the truth when she said the smoking gun would come at the very end of Reunion Part III.

Edited by AnnA
  • Love 3

24 hours after watching the dog bite clip, I'm still trying to wrap my head around Kim's response to this issue; particularly in light of the fact that there is an open court case regarding this dog.

My husband loves dogs and grew up with golden retrievers....probably the sweetest dogs ever. Unfortunately a boy that lived next door thought it would be funny to lift his golden's ear up and scream into it and in the first recorded golden retriever attack, the dog bit the kid. My in-laws had to give the dog away. The chances of that dog ever attacking a human again were about as likely as getting struck by lightening, but to be safe, my in-laws gave the dog away (my husband has never gotten over it). There was no lawsuit....just a shitty situation.

I cannot believe that Alexia did anything other than be in the wrong place at the wrong time. We have seen this dog attack, completely unprovoked, right on camera. For Kim to try to place the blame of what happened on a young girl is just so terrifying. The blame belongs squarely on Kim.

  • Love 18

When my husband comes in and says "is that on AGAIN?", I'm beginning to think he has a point.  Did anybody else notice that during the reunion Part1 Kim's hair was parted on the right, combed smooth on top.   When they got to the part talking about LisaR doing the Depends commercial, and all the other reality shows, discussion about her impression of Justin Bieber, etc., then Andy says "Beth from Kansas City Missouri says wow Lisa you never have trouble speaking your mind". . . and a quick shot over to Kim, and now her hair is parted on the left - poofed up on top.     


Ok, time to take a break from the reruns ;-)

  • Love 5

Andy doesn't seem to like Eileen and it seemed like he was trying to get LisaR to say Eileen was a prude. LisaR defending Eileen (not that she needs defending since she comes across as fabulous) was great as was many of her self-depricating comments.

I dunno about this one. I think Andy likes Eileen just fine. Now he probably wants her to spice/jazz up her personality a tad bit (for 750K hes paying) and stop acting like shes so shocked/appalled that HWs can be an insane asylum most the time. Eileen did say on the clips on Bravo's website she has watched OC before but basically only watched as a gulity pleasure. I will be interested to see how Lisa R and Eileen play their cards in their sophomore campaign if both return especially if Andy cuts one of the drugheads and bring on say Denise Richards who seems very close LisaR. I wonder would LisaR break away from the Fab4 and create her own alliance of sort.

  • Love 2

That's an announcement, not a smoking gun. (I think we discussed this on another thread). I think Lisa's texts to Kim were it. Talk about a let down!


I hope LisaR's texts weren't "it."   Someone posted that Brandi said the smoking gun would come at the tail end of Part III of the Reunion.  Since her track record with the truth is far less than stellar, I don't know if we should believe it or not.

  • Love 4

I hope LisaR's texts weren't "it."   Someone posted that Brandi said the smoking gun would come at the tail end of Part III of the Reunion.  Since her track record with the truth is far less than stellar, I don't know if we should believe it or not.

Exactly. It's hard to believe anything she says. I'm reminded, however, of Lisa's blog this week, which was the most interesting. She said something about the fact that there are more revelations to come and that they involve a 3rd party trying to get in between the sisters. In the preview to come we see Lisa asking Brandi why she wanted to get in between K&K. Brandi had said at one time that she had a recording or Kyle ignoring her plea for help with Kim. I wonder if Brandi is going to talk about that or play a recording? Still doesn't really fit because Brandi said the smoking gun had nothing to do with her. I wonder who the 3rd party would be if not Brandi? Maybe Kathy is going to shimmy onto the stage?

  • Love 5

Is anyone else surprised to hear that the dog bite will be discussed at length since Evolution Media is named in the lawsuit against Kim? I had feared they would be afraid to say much because the footage might be used against them. Any Legal Eagles on insights as to how this might impact the case?

Edited by motorcitymom65
  • Love 4

24 hours after watching the dog bite clip, I'm still trying to wrap my head around Kim's response to this issue; particularly in light of the fact that there is an open court case regarding this dog.

I cannot believe that Alexia did anything other than be in the wrong place at the wrong time. We have seen this dog attack, completely unprovoked, right on camera. For Kim to try to place the blame of what happened on a young girl is just so terrifying. The blame belongs squarely on Kim.

The court case is intriguing. Since the reunion has been pretty unsatisfying in holding Kim accountable for anything, I hope the judicial system proves otherwise. It feels so similar to RHONJ, where everyone tip-toed around Teresa and Joe's crimes and treated them as victims. Fans like me who were outraged at what they did had to follow the court cases to hear a judge say to them what the show wouldn't. If Andy won't ask Kim the right questions, I'm again hoping a judge will.

  • Love 8

I wonder if Lisa R is getting an edit similar to BrandI in her first season. In other words, she's coming across pretty well and even as a sympathetic character but there have been a few instances that show that there might be a crazy bitch hiding just below the surface. If she comes back next season I predict she gets a nastier, more unstable, less likable edit. I wonder if the smoking gun is that she does have an assault record. I wonder if this causes her to quit or get fired for next season. I hope not. I'd like to see where her story takes her. Plus, to me she is more 'BH' (with her actor husband and her own career) than Brandi and Kim can ever hope to be.

Having said that, I agree with everyone here who said that Lisa being a bitch, sending threatening emails, etc. does not make BrandI and Kim even the tiniest bit less vile human beings. BrandI outing Adrienne's surrogacy and Kim's reaction to Alexia being bitten by Kingsley are unforgivable to me, no matter what Lisa R may have done or may do in the future.

  • Love 8

Is anyone else surprised to hear that the dog bite will be discussed at length since Evolution Media is named in the lawsuit against Kim? I had feared they would be afraid to say much because the footage might be used against them. Any Legal Eagles on insights as to how this might impact the case?

That's a great point. Maybe they were confident they'd get dismissed as co-defendants. Or maybe that's what Kim was referencing when she said to Kyle "I'm going to tell the real story, and you're not going to like it!" Some kind of exoneration vis a vis Kingsley. Some kind of...smoking gun.....

  • Love 5

I wonder if Lisa R is getting an edit similar to BrandI in her first season. In other words, she's coming across pretty well and even as a sympathetic character but there have been a few instances that show that there might be a crazy bitch hiding just below the surface. If she comes back next season I predict she gets a nastier, more unstable, less likable edit. I wonder if the smoking gun is that she does have an assault record. I wonder if this causes her to quit or get fired for next season. I hope not. I'd like to see where her story takes her. Plus, to me she is more 'BH' (with her actor husband and her own career) than Brandi and Kim can ever hope to be.

Having said that, I agree with everyone here who said that Lisa being a bitch, sending threatening emails, etc. does not make BrandI and Kim even the tiniest bit less vile human beings. BrandI outing Adrienne's surrogacy and Kim's reaction to Alexia being bitten by Kingsley are unforgivable to me, no matter what Lisa R may have done or may do in the future.

A big part of me is hoping that LisaR is Brandi's replacement! That because she is willing "to go there" on camera Brandi is no longer required/needed on the show at all. I am also hoping that because of the Kim/Kingsley lawsuit, Kim is let go as well and they bring back Eileen.

  • Love 9

I'm with you there. However, I understand how it happens to her because I do the same thing. If I get really angry or frustrated - tears. I cannot tell you irritated it makes me, but I can't seem to stop it. Overall, I think Kyle has held it together pretty well. She's working hard for that control but overall she's managing. Thankfully, Lisa V says something every now and again to make her laugh.



This is the thing that bugs me the most and is one of the biggest tricks in the Narcissist handbook.  I know it's "better" to be in control of your emotions 100% of time but that's not human nature and not how most people work.  Especially people who are in abusive or dysfunctional relationships.  It's not healthy to be on either end of an extreme -- either emotionally out of control or lacking in all emotions -- but normal people have and show emotions, particularly during emotionally intense situations.  Manipulative people will always try and use other's emotions against them, often by gaslighting them into thinking that their emotions are 1) uncalled for, 2) unreasonable/overly dramatic, 3) a sign of weakness.  It's the Narcissist's stone cold demeanor, in the face of someone they "love" breaking down, that is not normal.  And the only time a Narcissist cares about emotion is when it's their own which they only display in order to manipulate other people's emotions.  I get so tired of seeing people, in general, being made to feel guilty/weak/stupid for displaying normal human emotions because they care.  It's all ass backwards.  


Should Kyle learn how to deal with her Narcissistic sister, which means learning how to not play into RumRaisin's manipulations -- definitely.  Does that mean she should feel bad about being an emotional person or for caring or for becoming upset when hearing her sister lie, demean, and blame -- no.  Kyle needs to learn that her emotions are normal and then to find healthy outlets for them, which isn't directing them towards Kim because Kim doesn't care about them or Kyle as a person.  But she's not the one who is mentally and emotionally sick -- Kim is.  I think once someone is able to learn that, then their self-esteem rises and they are better able to disengage from the Narcissists in their life because they can finally see that they aren't stupid or weak or wrong for having feelings about being treated like shit.


I see people on FB who just think Brandi is the most "real" chick who ever "real-ed" and I find it seriously cringeworthy.


How anybody can think a grown-assed, essentially middle-aged, tacky, unkempt, drunken, foul-mouthed, lying twat is so "real" just stupefies me.


And I say this as a chick married to a considerably younger man I initially picked up as a one-night stand, who has been benzo- and opiate- and booze-friendly in my past, and who swears like that proverbial drunken sailor.


I want to know who these people are.  I want names.  Because I want to be aware, when they speak, that I can just go ahead and disregard their opinions as being as delusional as Brandi's.  


As to the second paragraph -- we're like swearing drunken sailor soulmates, you and I, Persnickety.  I have an otherwise soft, girly voice which just makes it all the funnier to hear, too.  lol  



I like how The Lisas, Kyle and Eileen all support each other. The instinctual touching of Kyle's arm by LisaV, Eileen arm around LisaR, and more were sweet. Lisa verbally supporting Kyle when she first started talking about the dog bite, Eileen's shutting down of BG when BG was jumping in on the tweets, and more was also refreshing. I like the interactions of that group (team anti-bg) and it feels organic. Andy playing into BG's hands by saying his age and "relating" to her was nauseating. Bravo can save a lot of money by firing Andy and BG.


Oh, I'm loving this, too.  They are actually friends, peers, and neighbors, which I thought was part of the point of these HW franchises.  It started going downhill for me when they decided to bring in all of these (mostly non-married) interlopers, who were friends with no one, just to "create conflict".  I like seeing these women as friends who have fun and snark on each other and maybe once in awhile really get into it.  It's no fun when they start out not knowing or just plain disliking each other.  I hope they ditch Rum Raisin and [Flat] Broke Down Brandi and bring in two or three new women who are real life friends/neighbors/acquaintances with all of the other HW.  


Okay, I don't get this age thing at all and what there is to "relate" to.  Neither Brandi or Andy (Ugh their names rhyme. No wonder I hate them both.)  are twenty years old anymore.  Hell, I'm not even twenty years old anymore but I'm younger than they are and I find both to be immature as fuck.  As fuck.  Brandi, to me, is developmentally stunted and needs some kinda help.  I think that after a certain age, maybe forty or even thirty, relating to those older than you is not as um, difficult (?), as it is when you're in your twenties or younger.  That Brandi views 4 or 5 years as some kind of canyon between herself and the other HW, is just delusional.  Maybe it is because she's so stunted that she's just unable to relate to anyone who is older than twelve.  

Edited by SwordQueen
  • Love 18

When exactly did Brandi state this information?


If she mentioned it before the reunion show started, how would she know what part of the reunion show this info would be aired?


I read it here on the forum yesterday but I don't remember which thread it was in or when she said it.  


I'll poke around for a bit and see if I can find it.

  • Love 1


Is anyone else surprised to hear that the dog bite will be discussed at length since Evolution Media is named in the lawsuit against Kim? I had feared they would be afraid to say much because the footage might be used against them. Any Legal Eagles on insights as to how this might impact the case?

It seems obvious to me, but I could be wrong. Maybe Evolution is hoping Kim will be so doped up that her lips and tongue will start flapping away and saying shit that can be used against her at deposition? Kim is so stuck on the whole "I have been sober for three years" that she will either have to admit she was high and therefore, her words about the dog attack on the reunion cannot be used against her or, she will have to go with the lie that she was sober and she spoke her version of the truth.



I see people on FB who just think Brandi is the most "real" chick who ever "real-ed" and I find it seriously cringeworthy.


How anybody can think a grown-assed, essentially middle-aged, tacky, unkempt, drunken, foul-mouthed, lying twat is so "real" just stupefies me.

Exactly.  LOL 


Let me see...they must really hate Kyle and enjoy anything Brandi does that throws shade to Kyle. Another thought is, they are really fucked up individuals. They are just like Brandi. They drink, get drunk, get high, live on Xanax and wine, and show off their asses in public. They are demented morons just like Brandi.



I want to know who these people are.  I want names.  Because I want to be aware, when they speak, that I can just go ahead and disregard their opinions as being as delusional as Brandi's.

Love this.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 9

It seems obvious to me, but I could be wrong. Maybe Evolution is hoping Kim will be so doped up that her lips and tongue will start flapping away and saying shit that can be used against her at deposition? Kim is so stuck on the whole "I have been sober for three years" that she will either have to admit she was high and therefore, her words about the dog attack on the reunion cannot be used against her or, she will have to go with the lie that she was sober and she spoke her version of the truth.

But Evolution isn't suing her, they're co-defendants. (Or maybe I'm not getting what you mean?)

  • Love 2

Brandi did an interview where she said this about the smoking gun:


 “I can tell you that on the 3rd episode of the reunion, there’s a smoking gun at the end that you are not even prepared for and people are gonna FREAK OUT.”  Snooki asks “who’d you punch!?”  Brandi says “I didn’t touch anyone.  Thank God this one has nothing to do with me.”


I don't think it has anything to do with the texts from Lisar, because they simply weren't that shocking and Bravo has already shown us so much. 





When exactly did Brandi state this information?


If she mentioned it before the reunion show started, how would she know what part of the reunion show this info would be aired?


I found it!  It's quoted at the top of this post.

  • Love 4

But Evolution isn't suing her, they're co-defendants. (Or maybe I'm not getting what you mean?)

I think I am lost too. I am so tired. lol 


Evolution is part of Bravo, correct? If Kim is found to be "not sober" as she claims, I am guessing Evolution can use that against Kim as far as her status as an employee is concerned. Just my wishful thinking. I am not clear on the whole legal matter, but is Kim throwing Evolution under the bus in any way? Is she trying to put any sort of blame on them or calling them out in any negative manner?


The attack on Alexia will without a doubt be part of this legal case. The attorneys for the plaintiffs will want to show that Kingsley was a danger to people.


We know the Alexia dog attack will be brought up on the show next week.  If Kim says things on the show that don't match up with what she may say in a deposition, this will be brought to her lawyer's attention should the plaintiff's lawyers review her comments on the reunion. If Kim is feeling cornered because her reunion comments don't match what she has claimed thus far and eventually in a deposition, she may have to resort to giving a reason as to why her story doesn't match.  She might say she was not feeling well the day of the taping of the reunion. She may say she was going through so much anxiety because of the taping, and she took some medication that "didn't agree with her". Basically, she will have to admit she wasn't coherent. So, either way it wouldn't look good for Kim because she will have to admit to not being sober or she will have to say she was sober and she is lying on the reunion about her comments concerning the dog attack on Alexia.


If this doesn't make sense, then feel free to ignore. lol



I found it!  It's quoted at the top of this post.

Great! Thanks so much.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 2

When exactly did Brandi state this information?

If she mentioned it before the reunion show started, how would she know what part of the reunion show this info would be aired?

Here you go. It's at the very end of the article.


Edited by motorcitymom65
  • Love 1

This is a quote from Brandi's comments to Snooki in that interview she recently gave on Snooki's podcast (really? She has a podcast too?). She is referring to YoFo. Check out the bolded part of her statement:



“I was just at her house two days ago visiting her and she’s really sick right now, but she is so awesome.  She has daughters who aren’t perfect and she’s used to people not being perfect

Low blow there, Brandi.



Here you go. It's at the very end of the article.

Thanks motorcitymom!  AnnA just posted it too. :-)

  • Love 6

I dont get this speculation going about that Brandi has something on Kyle about Kim. We've already seen them talk about Kim a bit back in the House of Cards episode on Kim's addiction and how Big Kathy treated Kim's addiction like it was the family embarrassment.

Not to mention Kyle would be bloody stupid to tell Brandi anything about her family issues as it relates to Kim beyond what we know or have figured out after shes been saying in all her THs particularly in the gay mixer how Brandi turns on people on dime and how she refreshed the audience memory talking about Adrienne/LVP and then her.

Plus if it were something huge Brandi would had been said it since she and Kyle's fallout either on camera or hinted on her podcast. Im not buying Kyle would say damning about Kim to the one person who cant keep their mouth shut, Im struggling a bit. She even tweeted just a few days ago there is nothing "unspeakable" she has done to Kim. And LVP even said in her blog that things will come out of sorts but I think she was referring to Kingsley/LisaR's texts/Brandi trying to ruin her friendship with Kyle.

  • Love 3

GreatKazu - I don't know, but I just don't think Kim's state of mind or sobriety will be at issue in this case. Even if Alexia is brought into the case, and regardless of what she says at the reunion or in a deposition, as Kingsley's owner, she's ultimately responsible for the dog, drunk or sober.

Evolution/Bravo is currently trying to get themselves dismissed from the suit. Whether or not they're successful, I'm pretty sure the case will be settled. Kim, as we know, doesn't like her dirty laundry getting aired, so I can't see this as ever reaching trial, or even the discovery phase.

  • Love 7

She even tweeted just a few days ago there is nothing "unspeakable" she has done to Kim.

Reading the link to Brandi's interview and podcast, MCM theorized that the HW's watched the reunion episodes in advance because Brandi said that something explosive happens at the end of the third installment. However, if that's true, then Kyle would have already watched it, too, so then why would she say that she didn't do anything "unspeakable," and has no idea what Brandi is talking about? If she is indeed part of this smoking gun revelation, I would think she'd be engaging in some pre-part 3 damage control.

Those lame text messages from LisaR to Kim was the smoking gun, and I'm really hitching my ride to this wagon!!

  • Love 4


Even if Alexia is brought into the case, and regardless of what she says at the reunion or in a deposition, as Kingsley's owner, she's ultimately responsible for the dog, drunk or sober.

IA. I don't see Kim squirming her way out of this one. I had always wondered if Kim would be caught with a DUI, like Brandi. It ends up being a dog attack that may be Kim's downfall as far as her pocketbook is concerned. I am hoping it will be her being removed from this show as well.

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Whatever the smoking gun is and I think the texts are a pretty good smoking gun-it happened after they stopped filming.  Brandi "clutching her pearls" about how unhinged and dangerous Lisar is just silly.  Brandi keeps bringing up that Lisar breaking the glass isn't talked about enough.  For one thing it happened pretty late in filming.  IIRC there was really only the remainder on Amsterdam and the finale.  If Brandi and Kim wanted to bring it up they were more than welcome to-except no one else was speaking to them.  Brandi could have brought it up to Lisar face when they were shopping but instead chose to go after Kyle delivering some supposed three year old statements to Lisa V.  I think her disappointment  was in Lisa V, Eileen and Kyle not dwelling on Lisar's glass smash.  She doesn't get that Kim's words were far more hurtful to the group collectively than the smashed glass.   I can only assume Lisar was probably the type of person to apologize to Yolanda.




If Brandi in fact had a recording of Kyle blowing off Kim's problem the reason they may not air is two fold-one if it was a phone conversation and not a message you have to have the other party's permission to record the call.  If you don't it is a misdemeanor in California.  Second possibility is the gist of the conversation may involve a third party and if it is someone like say the mentally ill adult child, production may be hesitant to "go there".  I have another theory about the Kyle/Brandi situation and that is Kyle may not have wanted to have a conversation regarding Kim and her problems with Brandi because Kim is so fiercely protective of her privacy or Kim had previously involved Kyle and Kim did not like Kyle's input into the situation.  Here is my hypothetical- "Chad is becoming increasingly anxious and I fear I am in harm's way."  Kyle may have said you need to get him his own place so you are safe or he needs to go to Texas and live with his father.  Again this is a hypothetical. 

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Reading the link to Brandi's interview and podcast, MCM theorized that the HW's watched the reunion episodes in advance because Brandi said that something explosive happens at the end of the third installment. However, if that's true, then Kyle would have already watched it, too, so then why would she say that she didn't do anything "unspeakable," and has no idea what Brandi is talking about? If she is indeed part of this smoking gun revelation, I would think she'd be engaging in some pre-part 3 damage control.

Those lame text messages from LisaR to Kim was the smoking gun, and I'm really hitching my ride to this wagon!!

It seems like you had an excellent track record of being right on the NJ thread, so I am going to concede right now. I think you are right about the text messages. The funny thing to me is that this is what Brandi would consider a thing to "freak" people out. Why? As others have said, Brandi has threatened Kyle right to her face on more than one occasion. She has wished Ebola on her. I would hardly think Brandi would be concerned or shocked by anything that Lisar said in those texts. 

  • Love 8

Either Brandi is trying to bias the viewers or its her personality disorder at work screwing her perceptions. She also said this was the season we would all see how awful Kyle was....viewing past reunions you could really see how miserable Brandi was at this reunion. not one genuine smile or laugh , we will see what part 3 brings.

  • Love 13

Is anyone else surprised to hear that the dog bite will be discussed at length since Evolution Media is named in the lawsuit against Kim? I had feared they would be afraid to say much because the footage might be used against them. Any Legal Eagles on insights as to how this might impact the case?



I have no legal background but logic tells me that Evolution will not be held responsible.  You own a dog, the dog bites someone, you are responsible for their medical expenses.  My guess is that Kay named the Bravo production company because they have money.  Sounds like a trumped up suit, to me.  And, they were not even filming at the time.  

Edited by wings707
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