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S30: Mike Holloway

Donny Ketchum
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I don't mind Mike.  Not my favorite, but I'd rank him 3rd on his tribe overall.  I appreciate the fact that he has a strong work ethic, even if he doesn't go about it the right way in getting people to help him.  But nothing new in the game of Survivor, some people are there to work all day, others treat it as the game that it is.  Even without the blow ups with Rodney and Lindsey, I still think he was the second lowest man on the totem pole.  Those incidents just helped him move down below Dan.  Once a tribe shuffle happens, I could actually see him getting along better with some of the other cast offs, especially those that might share his work ethic a little more.  Unless he pulls a Vince and gets all crazy about being the sole provider and getting a pat on the back.  Besides him and Joe, I don't see the others doing a heck of a lot around their camps, so maybe he'll just be back to yelling at whoever he's with for being lazy.


I do wonder if the blue collars will regret not throwing a challenge when the tribe swap happens, especially if Mike suddenly winds up in a better position than some of his tribe mates that were itching to get him voted off.  Could be like the very first tribe swap we ever had in Africa, when Silas got the boot after winding up with the very people he was going to target.

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He's last for me, along with Dan.  Sorry.


I like him better than Rodney, Lindsey, and Dan.  So I guess it's more a case of who annoys least more than actually liking him, but I'd rather he stick around over those 3, at least for now.  Plus Rodney and Lindsey would probably blow their tops if Mike actually survived getting ousted over them.  That often makes for good TV.  Oddly the only 2 people I like on that tribe are the 2 girls that have barely had any screen time.  It's hard to find anyone that likable in that group.  Looking at the entire cast as a whole, Mike is definitely towards the bottom overall.

Edited by LadyChatts
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Not the best showing tonight, but at least wanted to make an alliance with shrewd Kelly and desperately tried to smooth things over with Sierra.  Of the three men, he sounded the least sexist to me, but that's not saying much.  I like him more than Rodney or Dan for sure.

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Not the best showing tonight, but at least wanted to make an alliance with shrewd Kelly and desperately tried to smooth things over with Sierra.  Of the three men, he sounded the least sexist to me, but that's not saying much.  I like him more than Rodney or Dan for sure.

Agreed.  I dislike Mike less after seeing him give Kelly props for her toughness (via confessional, but still . . .) and realize what Dan and Rodney were doing to potentially alienate Sierra, but other than that, he seems to be the least bad of the Blue Collar men.  That is not meant as a ringing endorsement.

Edited by Donny Ketchum
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Mike moved up a lot in my estimation, anyway, this episode.  He at least gets how the game works, which is better than I can say for a lot of people out there.


It was surprising to me that he had the best grasp on it in this ep after he was acting a real fool in the previous one with his whining about work and whatnot. Maybe he actually learned something there.

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I do (begrudgingly) have to agree with him about the ladies not sidestepping that one obstacle, when everyone else was.  That could be on Sierra not directing them around it.  Of course hearing Jeff screech that he doesn't understand why they are going under when everyone else is going around should have tipped them off. However, I also don't care for the contestants sitting out of the challenge that elected to do so criticizing those who did participate (and I'd say that even if they were elected by their tribe to sit out whether they wanted to or not).  You might not have been any better!  At any rate, I feel as though Mike has a very holier-than-thou opinion of himself.  He wins his tribe one challenge, he plays big man by eating a scorpion and a snake, he's the worker bee that can preach about all the wood he's gathered, and he's got his crazed fan Dan following his every word.  I agree he's the more tolerable of the 3 original men on that tribe, but I don't know if that's saying much.  I think he's better at censoring himself.

Edited by LadyChatts
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I agree. Tyler is my main pick for winner right now, but Mike is up there. I feel like there's a pretty good chance the winner is from BC, I've thought that since before the season, and currently Mike seems like the only one with a shot from that tribe.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I think Mike has a shot at this.  He can fit in with the guys, isn't hated by the women, Lindsay seems to think he has a shot.  Not a super threat like Joe, not seen that way as yet anyway. 


I agree. Tyler is my main pick for winner right now, but Mike is up there. I feel like there's a pretty good chance the winner is from BC, I've thought that since before the season, and currently Mike seems like the only one with a shot from that tribe.

Um, have you seen his edit thus far?  I don't see him winning with this current portrayal.  This, plus the fact that I've seen mostly negative reception from fans, not much positive, makes me think he, Dan, and Rodney are gonna be set up for a huge fall.  I can't see Dan and Rodney going down without Mike going with them.

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I think Mike has a shot at this.  He can fit in with the guys, isn't hated by the women, Lindsay seems to think he has a shot.  Not a super threat like Joe, not seen that way as yet anyway. 


I agree. Tyler is my main pick for winner right now, but Mike is up there. I feel like there's a pretty good chance the winner is from BC, I've thought that since before the season, and currently Mike seems like the only one with a shot from that tribe.

Um, have you seen his edit thus far?  I don't see him winning with this current portrayal.  This, plus the fact that I've seen mostly negative reception from fans, not much positive, makes me think he, Dan, and Rodney are gonna be set up for a huge fall.  I can't see Dan and Rodney going down without Mike going with them.

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I dunno.  If he was preachin' the Word we haven't seen it, but we did see his hurt feelings when Lindsey made fun of him for his faith.  Survivor still likes to pretend hard work around camp means you're playing a great game, and lazy (women) players don't "deserve" to win.  He was shown to be wiser than Dan (no high bar, but still) on the subject of those crazy emotion-fueled women and their needs.  I don't think his edit has been that bad.  He is my only worry, really.

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I don't think his edit has been bad compared to his fellow tribemates.  However, considering it's Rodney and Dan we're talking about, that's not hard to do.  Those two I don't believe have any shot of winning at all.  And I really don't believe we will get a final 3 of those 3, because Probst may need to explain how that equals "best season ever".  But it's still early, and there could be a redemption arc in the works for Mike, especially if it appears he won't be a very favorable winner.  If anything I find him obnoxious and boring at this point.  He still gives me a winner vibe, but I sincerely hope I'm wrong and the BC men go down in style.  I'm waiting for the little nugget that makes it obvious they are about to receive a big blindside.  


I will say he has me worried as well.  If Mike makes the final 3, and his 4 remaining BC tribemates make the jury and vote for him, that might be enough in his favor to give him the win.

Edited by LadyChatts
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So Mike was so desparate to make sure that Kelly was there for him/alliance that he threw a challenge.  So that is an unbreaklable alliance of two.  What I'm trying to figure out is if he is still trying to hang on to the original BC alliance of all of them; Mike, Dan, Sherri(?), Rodney, Kelly? 


Wouldn't this be a good time to go to Tyler and Joe and she what kind of deal he could put together with him, Kelly and Sierra?   Rodney is never going to get over Joaquin and is a loose cannon in all respects with this meglomania.  Sherri hates Dan and I suspect so will Carolyn, Jenn, Hali and Shirin


I think Sierra made a deal with Joe in any respect. 

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So Mike was so desparate to make sure that Kelly was there for him/alliance that he threw a challenge.  So that is an unbreaklable alliance of two.  What I'm trying to figure out is if he is still trying to hang on to the original BC alliance of all of them; Mike, Dan, Sherri(?), Rodney, Kelly? 


Wouldn't this be a good time to go to Tyler and Joe and she what kind of deal he could put together with him, Kelly and Sierra?   Rodney is never going to get over Joaquin and is a loose cannon in all respects with this meglomania.  Sherri hates Dan and I suspect so will Carolyn, Jenn, Hali and Shirin


I think Sierra made a deal with Joe in any respect. 


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I think Mike deserves something just for carrying Kelly and Dan.  And having Dan and his big mouth as an ally can't be easy.  Although since there's no way Dan will win, and I couldn't see Kelly winning if she just follows Mike, I guess he's in a decent spot if they all make the final 3.  I can appreciate that Mike thought throwing the challenge was the worst idea ever, but I still don't care for the guy.  Something about him comes off as fake.  And I think he's got an even bigger ego now that he blindsided Rodney and got rid of Joaquin.  I felt like his little speech at TC about getting the guys off Sierra's case was the start of some sort of redemption edit for him.  I would love nothing more than to see him be the first merge boot, but I'm doubtful that will happen.  


I think one of the reasons I don't like the theme this season (besides the contestants having to go on and on about it), is the creepiness of it.  Something about the BC sticking together, being a family is just a little too weird for me.  It will be interesting to see how Mike handles Rodney's fall out.  I wonder if he believes that they'll all go into the merge as one big happy just to keep their numbers up.  I did like the little wink exchange he and Rodney had before the vote was read: Rodney's wink was 'all according to plan', while Mike's wink was 'you have no idea'.

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Something about him comes off as fake.  And I think he's got an even bigger ego now that he blindsided Rodney and got rid of Joaquin.

Yeah, there's something I've sensed that's disingenuous about Mike for a while now.  Hell, I even think the whole spiel he made about how throwing the challenge was killing him didn't come off as completely real.  I think it was just something he said because he figured it's what we wanted to hear.

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Yeah, there's something I've sensed that's disingenuous about Mike for a while now.  Hell, I even think the whole spiel he made about how throwing the challenge was killing him didn't come off as completely real.  I think it was just something he said because he figured it's what we wanted to hear.


That could very well be.  I think my issue with Mike is that he comes across trying to be "the big man"-he kills a scorpion and snake that were both minding their own business on the beach (and acts like a barbarian in doing so), he's got to collect the wood, he's got to build the shelter, he's got to call the shots, he's got to be the hero in the challenges, the girls aren't good enough to handle it themselves, he allies with 2 of the weakest players out there.  Mike seemed really nervous for Kelly, so maybe he was in fact playing that bit up about throwing the challenge.  After all, it was Rodney's idea so he could just place the blame on him even if he thought it was a great idea.  That extra video on CBS where he said his dumbest decision was putting Kelly/Lindsey/Sierra in that calling challenge is what turned my opinion completely negative of him.  And then came the Lindsey boot and those stupid smirks on the guys faces.  Dan and Rodney are chauvinistic enough that he doesn't have to be, and instead can be the father figure in getting them to stop bullying the girls (or Sierra, in this case).  I notice Dan just nods and agrees with everything Mike says.  Still, I like him better than about 3 people out there. 


Also, I noticed this week, we got a confessional from Mike, but then it switched to a voice-over that was obviously Dan, but then it seemed to go back to the Mike confessional.  Were they trying to put Dan's words in Mike's mouth?

Edited by LadyChatts
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I have to say, just because I have tattoos myself and generally don't care about tattoos one way or the other on Survivors - that I really don't like that Psalm 121 tattoo on his back.  Maybe it would look better if I could see close up if the letters are made up of some other images or something but as it stands it's huge, random-looking and ugly.  It's only redeeming factor is that it must have a strong personal religious meaning for him - but dang, it is goddawful looking.

Edited by ratgirlagogo
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I don't watch the exit shows or interviews, so I'll ask those of you who do - did Lindsey say anything in her interviews about her God comment to Mike, and what prompted it?  There was a lot of speculation in the forum about whether or not Mike talked a lot about religion or whether Lindsey just pulled that out of thin air; since Rodney called Mike a bible bumper (heh) it seems to confirm that Mike must have talked about it a great deal.

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Mike is so insufferable there. Also, I am seriously concerned for him. That voice just ain't right!


I thought he was spot on.  My jaw about dropped when I saw them try to go under the rails.  The caller didn't seem to be doing a better job either.  And as Mike predicted, they went on to lose the next IC as well. 


I have no idea about the strategies he talks about in the clip.  But BC was killing it in the challenges; he sat out that one; and it was the first time they lost (and in a pretty moronic-seeming way).


btw, this guy got a terrible 'edit' at first.  Was in a race with Dan to be first sent home from his tribe.  Now he's looking quite a bit more astute.  So much so, some on this board fear he might win.  Maybe the edits kind of reflect what really is going on out there, not just who TPTB supposedly favor. 

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I did agree with Mike that the caller-challenge was a disaster, although I didn't like his attitude that he would have done better.  Once Kelly got injured I feel like it was over for them no matter what.  Why Lindsey and Kelly were going under instead of around the obstacles I don't know.  Considering Jeff was being Jeff and yelling during the challenge that they were the only ones going under, that should have clued them in.  But I'd probably do my best to try and tune Jeff out when it comes to challenges.  But did Mike himself decide to sit out?  Because he thought immunity was more important to compete in?  That's the tone I got from that one video, and I didn't like how it came across that he would have done better than the women.  Somehow I doubt it would have made a difference.  Sierra's been more of a champion in the challenges for them, imo. 


I do wonder if BC regrets maybe not throwing a challenge earlier, because Mike and Dan likely would have been long gone by now had they lost the first couple.  I half wondered if the show was foreshadowing the downfall of Mike's trio of himself, Kelly, and Dan.  When Dan was attempting to give Sierra another half-ass apology this week, I thought I heard Mike say something to the effect of voting her best friend (Lindsey) off, that they were a power couple (I call BS on that line but whatever), and that was the logic in voting for Joaquin and separating him from Rodney.  Could we hopefully be seeing the backs of Mike & co coming up?  I have thought Mike's edit was improving, which does make me worry he's heading towards the path of victory.  Or longevity in the game at least.

Edited by LadyChatts
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Treeofdreams, I only listen to the exit interviews on EW and RHAP, the only thing I remember her saying about it was that she was very frustrated by Mike not acknowledging that the girls were working around the camp, and specifically that they had started and kept the fire going. She said God was just one of the examples she used as an example of who didn't start the fire, she didn't mean it as a condemnation of anyone's faith, and she said she declined to discuss her own religious beliefs. She also said Mike was a very hard worker, but he needed to "worker smarter, not harder." I think that was on RHAP.

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I think I figured out what it is about Mike that I don't like-he reminds me of Lex.  Who is perhaps one of my all time least favorite people, of the 450 or so people, that have ever played this game.  He just expects bygones to be bygones, it's a game, he's going to run the show and expects it to be handed to him on a silver platter.  He's right about it being the game part, and I hate sore losers in this.  But I feel like he'd totally hulk out if he saw his name come out and would go on a massive hunt to find the rat who dared to vote for him.  He's so pompous and arrogant, and I wish he had been sent packing instead of Kelly.  I'm guessing Kelly got it over him because of her Carolyn connection.  Maybe the NC figure Carolyn will come over to their side since she hasn't had time to bond with Mike, and Tyler may not trust him.  I couldn't believe when he got back to the camp and he told everyone to go off and talk since they were going to do it anyway.  I mean, relax buddy.  Seriously.  

Edited by LadyChatts
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I think I figured out what it is about Mike that I don't like-he reminds me of Lex.  Who is perhaps one of my all time least favorite people, of the 450 or so people, that have ever played this game.  He just expects bygones to be bygones, it's a game, he's going to run the show and expects it to be handed to him on a silver platter.  He's right about it being the game part, and I hate sore losers in this.  But I feel like he'd totally hulk out if he saw his name come out and would go on a massive hunt to find the rat who dared to vote for him.  He's so pompous and arrogant, and I wish he had been sent packing instead of Kelly.

While I don't like Mike AT ALL, I don't think he's comparable to Lex.  I definitely think that if he loses, he'll take it well enough, especially compared to Lex.  Though yeah, at the same time, he does act like he expects to run the show the whole way through, and he does feel like the others are going to hand him the win.  But I don't think he'll be overly upset if he doesn't get it.


Again, still don't like him much, though.

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While I don't like Mike AT ALL, I don't think he's comparable to Lex.  I definitely think that if he loses, he'll take it well enough, especially compared to Lex.  Though yeah, at the same time, he does act like he expects to run the show the whole way through, and he does feel like the others are going to hand him the win.  But I don't think he'll be overly upset if he doesn't get it.


Again, still don't like him much, though.


There's just something about his attitude and arrogance that remind me of Lex.  I think at this stage he would probably be a better loser, but I can see the Lex-side of him where if he was on a streak of calling the shots and getting his own way, and suddenly a mystery vote pops up with his name, he'd get overly paranoid.  But it's his arrogance and need for control that I can't stand.  No one has really double crossed Mike yet.  Two votes went his way, and Jenn got saved by an idol.  He hasn't gone into TC yet knowing what it feels like to be completely blindsided by the vote, and not because of an idol save.  So I would be curious to see how he'd react to that.  Besides Rodney's ill fated decisions, who else has really called the shots over at his tribe but him?   I can't believe I'm actually saying I'd rather see Mike go over Rodney, but Rodney's an idiot and he can at least be amusing to watch as he bumbles his way through the game.  He's no threat.  Mike is just there with his arrogant self.  It's funny that both he and Rodney are alike in one way, and that is both wanting to play the leader.  Too bad Rodney is so bad at it.

Edited by LadyChatts
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What was Mike's deal tonight?  I get not wanting Joe (or anyone else) to find the idol, but good grief, man looked ready to self-combust.  Since when does he feel in so much danger?  He's got the numbers on his side, unless he deems himself a threat and feels a blindside coming on.  But if that's the case, why not try and do something about that now.


I knew he was going to find the idol.  The only ones really showcased in the hunt were Joe, Mike, and Tyler.  So it really was no big deal, not the craziest idol hunt ever, other than Mike's reaction to finding it.  Mike is a very complex character.  I really don't know what to make of him anymore.  I have to say I'm disappointed he found it.  He better hang on to it, because if Rodney gets his way, he'll need it.  I'm still saying he's getting the winners edit, or at least final 3.  As much as Rodney wants to blindside him, I have a feeling he will have missed his chance when he finally gets around to it.

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Editors, the more you pile on the All-American hero baloney, the more I hate the recipient.  Objectively, I am aware that Mike's smart-ish, he's nice, and of course he's not responsible for his edit.  But as a character on TV, as an object of the editors, I can't stand him, and it's making me miserable to see him get such rapturous treatment.

Edited by KimberStormer
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But as a character on TV, as an object of the editors, I can't stand him, and it's making me miserable to see him get such rapturous treatment.


I irrationally despise him and this might be the reason. I'm so fucking pissed that he's totally going to win.

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I despise him in part because of the all-American edit, but also because I cannot forget the gross misogynistic comments he made a few episodes back.


I'm really worried that he does win this season. Probst declaring it's the best season ever would make sense if it comes with a Mike win, since we know there's nothing Jeff loves more than a good ol' Texan boy. This could be the Colby win that Jeff has wanted since season 2.

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One thing I notice is that Mike doesn't seem to take criticism very well.  I mean, it seems like he's just over defensive when anyone knocks his season or the castaways on there.  I heard he went off on some podcast because the people were making fun of Will's wife (or someone in Will's family)-which I kind of agree that family members should be off limits unless they put themselves out there.  He doesn't seem to be a fan of Russell Hantz (but who is), and didn't like being compared to him on twitter.  I don't follow Russell on twitter and have no desire to, but it sounded like Russell was mocking the girls this season.  It seems like when he gets called out on twitter, or anyone says something unfavorable to him, he takes it a little too personal.  Maybe TPTB were too afraid to give him a bad edit in case it sent him over the edge.  I don't know, of those that are left, the exit interviews I am most looking forward to reading.  Mike may end up being the biggest spinner of all.  If he wins, at least that may overshadow some of his bad behavior early on.

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I'm really worried that he does win this season. Probst declaring it's the best season ever would make sense if it comes with a Mike win

Probst said this cast may be the best overall cast ever.  Where has he said it's the best season ever? 


I thought Mike looked overbearing the first few episodes, arguing over work ethics in the BC camp.  Since then he has been rehabilitated.  In the beginning, I wouldn't have believed it possible that Mike could win.  Now he looks like a real contender.   

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I like Mike.  I think he's trying to adapt his game to changing circumstances and that's something I appreciate rather than someone who keeps trying to force others to play like he/she is.  I also like that he's paranoid.  He realizes that he isn't controlling the entire game and that he could be targeted.  I think some of the best players realized that they could go at any time so played proactively in order to survive.

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Mike strikes me as a sort of overcaffeinated labrador retriever type. I wouldn't have a problem with him winning (based on what we've seen so far).

Edited by pennben
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What exactly did Mike said that's misogynistic?


You know, I don't remember what he said back in (Episode two?,) and it may have been part of his 'worker bees must work' diatribe.  (And I'm not going to rewatch to hunt it down,) BUT, and this is probably splitting hairs as far as some are concerned, I think Mike probably said something sexist, rather than misogynistic.  


It's not quite the right thread but, I perceive Rodney's comments to skew more sexist than misogynistic as well; the only player on the island that really comes across as misogynistic - by word and deed - is Dan.

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Mike was telling Dan how to apologize to Sierra and saying it like "women need to hear an unqualified apology because they're women" instead of "people need to hear an unqualified apology because that's what an apology is" and earned the ire of some of us.  I can't remember if he said something similar in confessional.  It might have been him just keying the message to something that Dan might possibly hear (although he didn't) rather than his believing that Women Are Like This.  I didn't think it was thaaat bad (certainly not misogynistic) but certainly annoying.

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