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Small Talk: The Impala

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Hey Guys. I'm asking for prayers and good wishes if you would. Mick's having hip replacement surgery tomorrow, and I'm kind of worried. He had his left hip replaced in November, and had some blot clotting issues. He and his doctors decided to go ahead and do the right hip anyway. Like I said, I'm concerned, but if all goes well he should be in great shape in a week or two, and back on the Harley!

Thanks guys, I truly appreciate each and everyone of you!

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3 minutes ago, Mick Lady said:

Hey Guys. I'm asking for prayers and good wishes if you would. Mick's having hip replacement surgery tomorrow, and I'm kind of worried. He had his left hip replaced in November, and had some blot clotting issues. He and his doctors decided to go ahead and do the right hip anyway. Like I said, I'm concerned, but if all goes well he should be in great shape in a week or two, and back on the Harley!

Thanks guys, I truly appreciate each and everyone of you!

Mick will be in my prayers, please update us when you can.  Good wishes to you both.  Don't forget to take care of yourself too.

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22 minutes ago, Mick Lady said:

Hey Guys. I'm asking for prayers and good wishes if you would. Mick's having hip replacement surgery tomorrow, and I'm kind of worried. He had his left hip replaced in November, and had some blot clotting issues. He and his doctors decided to go ahead and do the right hip anyway. Like I said, I'm concerned, but if all goes well he should be in great shape in a week or two, and back on the Harley!

Thanks guys, I truly appreciate each and everyone of you!

All luck and prayers to you both!

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Thanks Diane and ahrtee! I'm worried sick, but will update, I promise. Thank Chuck for Supernatural and this site. It takes my mind off the bad stuff.

Edited by Mick Lady
can't spell when I'm upset!
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41 minutes ago, Mick Lady said:

Hey Guys. I'm asking for prayers and good wishes if you would. Mick's having hip replacement surgery tomorrow, and I'm kind of worried. He had his left hip replaced in November, and had some blot clotting issues. He and his doctors decided to go ahead and do the right hip anyway. Like I said, I'm concerned, but if all goes well he should be in great shape in a week or two, and back on the Harley!

Thanks guys, I truly appreciate each and everyone of you!

Awww. I'm sending lots of kick ass good wishes Mick's way!!

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I will keep Mick in my thoughts, Mick lady.

And when all goes well, yes, I'm sure he'll feel better for it. The good news is that the doctors are aware of the potential problems from last time and can prepare to avoid them this time. I'm a big believer in knowledge is power, so I'm gonna have faith in that. Take a deep breath, Mick Lady: we've got your back.

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1 hour ago, Mick Lady said:

Hey Guys. I'm asking for prayers and good wishes if you would. Mick's having hip replacement surgery tomorrow, and I'm kind of worried. He had his left hip replaced in November, and had some blot clotting issues. He and his doctors decided to go ahead and do the right hip anyway. Like I said, I'm concerned, but if all goes well he should be in great shape in a week or two, and back on the Harley!

Thanks guys, I truly appreciate each and everyone of you!

Sending good thoughts to you and Mick.

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2 hours ago, Mick Lady said:

Hey Guys. I'm asking for prayers and good wishes if you would. Mick's having hip replacement surgery tomorrow, and I'm kind of worried. He had his left hip replaced in November, and had some blot clotting issues. He and his doctors decided to go ahead and do the right hip anyway. Like I said, I'm concerned, but if all goes well he should be in great shape in a week or two, and back on the Harley!

Thanks guys, I truly appreciate each and everyone of you!

On it!  I'll break out the beads and everything.  

5 hours ago, Diane said:

Sue, do you know what it is?

Something call The Chi on Showtime?

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Oh guys! Awesomo, catrox, Sue, rue, and auntvi, you all rock! I believe all these good thoughts will help Mick get through this!

I believe this. I can't tell you how much the support here has meant to me, I honestly can't!

I'm signing off for the night. The hospital wants Mick to check in at 4:15 am! I'll be moving into the hospital for two days, and I don't think the Wi-Fi is too great there. But I will update as soon as I can!

Ahem. Awesomo, if you want to really make me feel better, you could start writing again! Just sayin'...

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Last chance look at wedding pics... previous page... I figure that's long enough for everyone to see ....removing all but venue tomorrow....

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@Mick Lady

I hope everything went well for your husband today. If I remember correctly, he's big into motorcycles -- so I thought of him when I heard this song today. Hope he's back on the road soon:

Edited by rue721
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Hey Rue! Yup, Mick's Harley is his life! (He's my avatar!) We both love Springsteen!

Just wanted to update everyone, I'm only home to take care of Taarna, than back to the hospital.

Mick did great! He's got some great drugs, but not in a lot of pain so far. He had anterior replacement surgery, and believe it or not, he walked 4 hours after surgery! If he can walk up and down six stairs tomorrow, they're going to release him. I'm so happy, he's in great spirits, and eating like a horse!

Thank you everyone. You got me through cancer, and Mick's two surgeries. I honestly believe your prayers and wishes helped. Thank you so much! I love you guys! This place is just...I don't have the words, I wish I did. Thank you doesn't seem like enough.

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39 minutes ago, Mick Lady said:

Hey Rue! Yup, Mick's Harley is his life! (He's my avatar!) We both love Springsteen!

Just wanted to update everyone, I'm only home to take care of Taarna, than back to the hospital.

Mick did great! He's got some great drugs, but not in a lot of pain so far. He had anterior replacement surgery, and believe it or not, he walked 4 hours after surgery! If he can walk up and down six stairs tomorrow, they're going to release him. I'm so happy, he's in great spirits, and eating like a horse!

Thank you everyone. You got me through cancer, and Mick's two surgeries. I honestly believe your prayers and wishes helped. Thank you so much! I love you guys! This place is just...I don't have the words, I wish I did. Thank you doesn't seem like enough.

That's awesome that Mick is already walking!! Glad to hear everything went well.

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41 minutes ago, Mick Lady said:

Hey Rue! Yup, Mick's Harley is his life! (He's my avatar!) We both love Springsteen!

Just wanted to update everyone, I'm only home to take care of Taarna, than back to the hospital.

Mick did great! He's got some great drugs, but not in a lot of pain so far. He had anterior replacement surgery, and believe it or not, he walked 4 hours after surgery! If he can walk up and down six stairs tomorrow, they're going to release him. I'm so happy, he's in great spirits, and eating like a horse!

Thank you everyone. You got me through cancer, and Mick's two surgeries. I honestly believe your prayers and wishes helped. Thank you so much! I love you guys! This place is just...I don't have the words, I wish I did. Thank you doesn't seem like enough.

Great news!! He will be home in time for the finales!

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1 hour ago, Mick Lady said:

Hey Rue! Yup, Mick's Harley is his life! (He's my avatar!) We both love Springsteen!

Just wanted to update everyone, I'm only home to take care of Taarna, than back to the hospital.

Mick did great! He's got some great drugs, but not in a lot of pain so far. He had anterior replacement surgery, and believe it or not, he walked 4 hours after surgery! If he can walk up and down six stairs tomorrow, they're going to release him. I'm so happy, he's in great spirits, and eating like a horse!

Thank you everyone. You got me through cancer, and Mick's two surgeries. I honestly believe your prayers and wishes helped. Thank you so much! I love you guys! This place is just...I don't have the words, I wish I did. Thank you doesn't seem like enough.

Mick Lady great news, continued prayers for rapid recovery. 

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They figured out (sometime in the last two decades) that MOVING soon after surgery is actually a good thing.  Keep the body functional.  Muscles weaken if left in bed too long.  So, it sounds like Mick's surgery was a success and they are working to get him moving right away.  This is all GOOD NEWS.  

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Yup, they try to get patients moving as soon as possible. My hubby had literal brain surgery about 10 years ago, and they had him walking a bit (down the hall) the next day.

I'm so glad to hear that Mick is doing well.

Edited by AwesomO4000
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12 hours ago, AwesomO4000 said:

Yup, they try to get patients moving as soon as possible. My hubby had literal brain surgery about 10 years ago, and they had him walking a bit (down the hall) the next day.

I'm so glad to hear that Mick is doing well.

When my mom suffered her first stroke, she also fell and broke her femur at the same time. Remarkably, after they completed the surgery and put some pins in her femur, she was literally up and about the next day. At the age of 83. She was a tough old broad  for a tiny woman. LOL

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Boy, I really need to get on this site more often and spend more time reading the threads. So happy that Mick is doing well. I'll say belated prayers that his recovery goes quickly and smoothly. And, Mick Lady, you are a lucky girl indeed to be in such a wonderful and giving relationship!

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Thank you all! Mick's home now, and doing great. He's walking around and his PT is coming tomorrow, the same one he had last time, which is great! They have several friends in common (Bikers, believe it or not, and Brandy is a woman!), and they really bonded. She loved his music.

Now the bad news. He took back the TV remote! I had it all to myself for two days, and it was heaven! Shit!

We're gearing up for tomorrow. Can't wait for the season final!

Thanks again guys. Can't say it enough!

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Must be time for weddings.  Also been guilty of not reading much on the board.  Should do better once school is out.

Going to nephew's wedding this weekend.  Does that make me old?  lol

Glad Sue B the wedding went well, and glad Mick Lady that Mick is recovering even if you have to share the remote again.  lol.

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Does anyone have an opinion: for the Creation cons is it worthwhile to buy just a Sunday preferred seat? Or the weekend Copper pkg? There's no way I can do gold or silver.

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1 hour ago, auntvi said:

Does anyone have an opinion: for the Creation cons is it worthwhile to buy just a Sunday preferred seat? Or the weekend Copper pkg? There's no way I can do gold or silver.

Depends on the venue.  With the Copper package you get to see all the guests and stretch out the experience.  With Sunday ONLY, it'll be a crammed day (it's already overbooked but to add that to being the ONLY day you are going? IDK... it might be a bit stressful). 

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I'm thinking about the Chicago con this summer. The good thing is that I don't have to travel, except driving to the O'Hare airport area. The traffic will be horrible on Friday because summer weekend. What I'll probably do is weigh options and decide too late to get tickets for this year. ;)

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14 hours ago, auntvi said:

I'm thinking about the Chicago con this summer. The good thing is that I don't have to travel, except driving to the O'Hare airport area. The traffic will be horrible on Friday because summer weekend. What I'll probably do is weigh options and decide too late to get tickets for this year. ;)

This is the first time ChiCon is in the summer. Copper gets you closer in a large hall, but not too much. If you are only interested in the Js, check the Creation site to see what's still available. I saw an ad last night for the Con, so they are not sold out. This will be the first time since they started in Chicago (2009?) that my daughter isn't going. Sort of tells something about this season, doesn't it?

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6 hours ago, AwesomO4000 said:

Hee, in my profession it is. Some poor scientists and professors that end up in that kind of position hardly ever get to do the science at all. They spend most of their time doing the administrative stuff and end up having to hire people to do the actual science.

But I should clarify that in my profession "paperwork" = writing scientific papers* (which only one or two people I know actually enjoy - and they might be crazy ; ) ), keeping track of budgets, and writing up multitudes of progress reports on various government computerized forms (that change ever few years so you have to learn how to do them all over again.) Oh, and I forgot, those in the even higher leadership positions also have to "manage" all of the professors together as a team - with all of their potentially conflicting personalities and egos - in addition to writing the grants/government reports to get money for the department and doing the "paperwork" like writing papers and justifying budgets, deciding who gets what resources or loses their job when the budget gets cut, etc. etc.

So pretty much like many leaders: most of the responsibility and headaches and making choices that are generally going to suck for someone somewhere but have to be made. Just without the life or death circumstances that Sam and Dean have to contend with.**

* And "publish or perish" is very much a real thing for many. Basically your job security depends on it.

** Well mostly. There are the rare occasions where a student decides he/she doesn't like a professor's "leadership" and decides that he/she is justified in shooting said professor instead.

"Justified in shooting said professor"?!

Personally, I really enjoy the budgeting and planning and pitching and all that stuff. This is why I started taking accounting classes for fun and am now an accountant lol. (Well, that, and I also just really like playing with numbers). But at the same time, I don't think that's leadership. Possibly management, but not leadership, I think?

In this one management class I took, there was this thing about line workers v staff workers. Line workers produced the actual work products, and staff workers were the people who made it possible for the line workers to do their jobs (so like, admin and management). The line workers are supposed to be the important ones, because they're actually fulfilling the organization's mission, but it's the staff workers who dictate how the organization functions, so the authority tends to pool with them. I just thought that was interesting. But authority =/= leadership, either, I don't think?

This is all making me doubt that I even know what leadership actually is, though. Probably over-analyzing ;)

I feel like there needs to be an element of inspiration in leadership. Like the leader has to inspire others and/or or needs to be inspired and have vision himself? But maybe that's asking too much.

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After 30 years of doing nothing but "leadership" as my job, my bigger challenge is to NOT lead.  To sit back and let others "do" and to mentor even when they are making rookie errors... THAT is the challenge for me.  Age helps.  

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Kind of funny story...

Yesterday, I decided to turn over a new leaf and be relentlessly cheerful and nice. Because why not, right?

So I more-or-less managed it all day, and then I was on my way home from work...and per usual I just kind of pushed my car into the next lane over, because merging is hard on 395-S during rush hour. It's packed and everyone is frustrated. And OK my merge was a little aggressive, but if you're not aggressive at that time and place you're NEVER getting home. So then, remembering my resolution, I look back at the guy who I just shoved myself in front of, to give him a cheery wave -- and see him gesturing all over the place, obviously cussing me out (from the safety of his car). So then of course I give him the cheeriest wave ever.

I kind of think that was even more douche-y than if I hadn't waved thank-you? But somehow being cheery while being a little douche-y was even more fun.

So anyway, now I'm on a roll with this cheerful and nice thing, just saying.

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Hey guys! Haven't been around much, it's planting time in Idaho, but I have a question for the women of Supernatural.

My hair is growing back pretty well since chemo, (except for my legs and underarms, but that's a blessing), but my eyebrows are gone! What should I use to draw them in? I used to order through Sephora when I knew what I wanted, but I'm at a loss here. We're so in the sticks there are no good dept. stores to get advice, so I thought I'd ask the brain trust here. I see a lot of new products on T.V., but I wanted to ask here before I spend a fortune buying hit or miss. Any ideas?

Thanks guys! I'll be on and off all weekend, and will reply asap.

BTW, Mick's doing great! Again I thank you all for the kind posts. I know I over-reacted to his surgery, but by Chuck, I love that man!

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38 minutes ago, Mick Lady said:

Hey guys! Haven't been around much, it's planting time in Idaho, but I have a question for the women of Supernatural.

My hair is growing back pretty well since chemo, (except for my legs and underarms, but that's a blessing), but my eyebrows are gone! What should I use to draw them in? I used to order through Sephora when I knew what I wanted, but I'm at a loss here. We're so in the sticks there are no good dept. stores to get advice, so I thought I'd ask the brain trust here. I see a lot of new products on T.V., but I wanted to ask here before I spend a fortune buying hit or miss. Any ideas?

Thanks guys! I'll be on and off all weekend, and will reply asap.

BTW, Mick's doing great! Again I thank you all for the kind posts. I know I over-reacted to his surgery, but by Chuck, I love that man!

Anastasia and Benefit Brow are good products. I would do Anastasia myself, as they have more natural colors. They sell stencils to help you create a shape you want. I think you can order both from Sephora and from Amazon.  There are probably less expensive products but I can vouch for both of these.

Edited by catrox14
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Yup, I agree with @catrox14. If I had the money to get all the makeup I could, I would get an Anastasia Beverly Hills Brow Whiz pencil.

If you want a stop gap -- I also used to put a little mascara on my eyebrows.

That was during a time when I was waitressing at this place where we had to bake bread rolls in a convection oven, and every time I would open that oven and get the blast of heat, the mascara on my eyebrows would melt. But ordinarily, you don't even feel it ;)


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1 hour ago, Mick Lady said:

My hair is growing back pretty well since chemo, (except for my legs and underarms, but that's a blessing), but my eyebrows are gone! What should I use to draw them in?

Oh, Mick Lady, I wish I could help, but I have no experience at all. I only wear the occasional powder make up (for my nose), and in college I used to wear under eye concealer sometimes (I didn't get much sleep back then). Other than that, in my 50+ years, I can count on two hands the total number of times I've worn make up. And for some reason, I just seem to avoid wearing it unless I have to. In your situation, I'd probably opt for a pretty scarf bandana just to avoid wearing the stuff. (Heh, I was a teen in the 80s, so the Sarah Connor, end of "Terminator" look would be something I'd be comfortable with.)

But if your hair is still short when winter hits, and your head potentially going to be cold, my offer of pretty knitted hats still stands... just let me know. :)

Edited by AwesomO4000
my happy face got its smile decapitated... : (
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This made LOL because it was so sad and funny at that same time.


40 minutes ago, AwesomO4000 said:

Edited 38 minutes ago by AwesomO4000. Reason: my happy face got its smile decapitated... : (

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Hey catrox and rue! Thanks! I checked it out. I have (being generous) about ten hairs in each brow! Hard to shape when you have no guide. Checked Anastasia, and it looks great! I knew you guys would come through!

And thank you Awesomo! You're a true friend!

Edited by Mick Lady
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