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S10.E14: The Executioner's Song

Tara Ariano
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Soooo, I was reading comments elsewhere and someone made an observation that Dean could have stabbed himself in the leg instead of stabbing Cain with the FB...which is why we heard that squishy sound. The evidence was that Dean had blood on his leg when he walked down the stairs that wasn't there at all during the fight.  If you look at his legs right before he moves to stab Cain his pants are basically clean.  But when he rounds the corner on the stairs you can see a spot on his jeans that might be a shadow or could be a blood stain.   Or maybe it's blood from Jared's leg where Jensen accidentally stabbed him when he fell into his arms and they maybe shot that scene again.  I don't know but it's a great theory.

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Someone posted this closeup of Dean after he touches the First Blade again....and I just . Jensen. How are you real?


He looks sad and happy and relieved and frightened and trying to reassure himself and Sam that he's okay.  tumblr_nl6jkxnHpo1t3mjj1o2_r1_500.gif

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I can't believe I missed it the first go-round, but rewatching tonight, I heard the Dean Family theme at the end when Sam said "Dean's in trouble." That song always activates my FEELS.


And yes, catrox14, you are right about that look on Dean's face.  It's very telling and exceptionally well done. 

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Man, I finally got to watch this on my HDTV...and dear gods....Jensen's face KILLS me. So much he says with a shift in his eyes. Gods.....what an episode.  I can't decide if this or Inside Man or Riechenbach are my favorites so far this season.  But then I'd have to include the Dean/Sam stuff in Soul Survivor too..



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I've been watching our boys in HD for several years and I've got to say, it is really a treat to see all the details all the time. :) Regarding your post, I agree completely, and I'm really loving seeing all this fantastic Ackting from our guy. He's always been fantastic, but with a meaty storyline, he's just GOLD!

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Yeah I normally watch on HDTV but I was out of town for a few months after my mom had a stroke.  She doesn't have an HDTV so I could still watch live but not with the detail of HDTV.  And man...I am never deleting this episode. 

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This was a great one.  The opening at the prison didn't even feel like a Supernatural episode, it was like watching a prison drama.  And that final confrontation between Dean and Cain was just money.  The only downside is I guess I won't be seeing Cain again, he was a terrific character and superbly acted.

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  • The opening with Cain walking down the prison hall was immensely suspenseful and creepy.  He had some mad powers. Agree with @Dobian that Cain was a great character.  Timothy Ormundson was great in the role.  Too bad they killed him off so soon.
  • Normally I either don't pay attention to the music or just ignore it, but for some reason in this ep, it was really noticeable at times.  And annoying.  
  • Liked that Dean gave the First Blade to Cas not Crowley.
  • Thought for sure that Crowley was going to go against his mom's machinations and let the crossroads demon live.  Rather disappointed he didn't. 
  • Did I miss something at the end though, with Sam's "Dean's in trouble"?  He's BEEN in trouble, dude.  What rock have you been hiding under?
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10 minutes ago, RulerofallIsurvey said:

Did I miss something at the end though, with Sam's "Dean's in trouble"?  He's BEEN in trouble, dude.  What rock have you been hiding under?

The one that keeps smashing him on the head and giving him brain damage. ;)

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Timothy Omundson is far too attractive with that hair. Wasn't this attractive on anything else, but here's Cain with his flowing, God-like gray locks and suddenly, hot damn. They need to use the illusion spells more often. They're clever, pretty and purple. We could use more of all three. Dean also looks far too sexy stepping into the Devil's Trap holding the First Blade. Great acting when Dean's telling Cain he won't kill Sam. God, how tired do you think Dean is of people telling him that's how their story ends? The score is really good in this episode, a little too noticeable in the Crowley/Rowena scenes though. 

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Huh, here I thought it might have been possible for Dean to transfer the MoC back to Cain, or maybe it could get removed by actually killing Cain.  I will miss the character of Cain and I loved Timothy Omundson.

So did Rowena just want to undermind Crowley to his "court"?  One should never disagree with the king in public.  So far, what seemed like an interesting premise at first, isn't really going anywhere.   I guess what I thought was a warehouse is some sort of old castle.

I like that Dean gave the FB to Cas to hide, rather than Crowley.

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7 minutes ago, Hanahope said:

I guess what I thought was a warehouse is some sort of old castle.

While not a warehouse, not a castle either. I believe it's an old asylum of some sort that Crowley's keeping court in. Why? I have no idea, before this season I thought Crowley being "King" was a metaphor. Whatever!

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28 minutes ago, DittyDotDot said:

I believe it's an old asylum of some sort that Crowley's keeping court in.

It looked like "gothic" arches and such, so I presumed castle, but I suppose those could be built in just about anything.

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1 minute ago, Hanahope said:

It looked like "gothic" arches and such, so I presumed castle, but I suppose those could be built in just about anything.

The only reason I know it's not a castle is because we were playing Supernatural Trivial Pursuit a couple months back and one of the questions was where is Crowley's base of operation on earth. I don't know which episode it was established in, but apparently it was an old abandoned asylum...I can't even remember what state it was supposed to be in now. For some reason, I was thinking Maine, but that could just be because Maine is where all the weird shit is on TV. ;)

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23 minutes ago, Hanahope said:

Haha, that's great.  Supernatural Trivial Pursuit.

Oh yeah, and you can pick it up at the Hot Topical...maybe you'll see Cass there? ;)

Oh, and while you're at it, might as well get Supernatural Clue and Supernatural Monopoly, as well. You just never know when you'll need a Supernatural party game to play!!! ;)

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1 hour ago, DittyDotDot said:

Oh, and while you're at it, might as well get Supernatural Clue and Supernatural Monopoly, as well. You just never know when you'll need a Supernatural party game to play!!! ;)

I should have expected those too. :)  I'll definitely have to check out the monopoly to see all the properties.

Oh, monsters, of course.  and "Pie"  hahahah

Edited by Hanahope
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On 5 March 2015 at 8:30 PM, supposebly said:

You are a lot more optimistic than I am at this point. I'm very pessimistic that they remember that Sam is probably the one who knows Lucifer best. They barely remembered that Meg possessed Sam when they had him confide in her about the Amelia business. Apparently, it's no big deal any more that Crowley killed Sarah if you can let him go after they Dean killed Abbadon.

But Robbie Thompson did remember the possession of Sam by Meg? In that scene there was a direct reference to it, something along the lines of "I've been inside you, seen all your delicate thoughts and feelings?". They probably could have better played the emotional trauma of that, but they definitely remember that it happened! 

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On 2/17/2015 at 9:27 PM, Pete Martell said:


I didn't like the opening scene where Rowena was talking about how the guy had to be killed as a symbol (it went on too long), but I thought some of the later scenes, especially the last one with her, worked. She is a textbook abuser. We have rarely been able to see this as she's just running around with a funny accent, ha ha. Tonight they showed just what she was to Crowley when he was a child, and what she will be again now that he has finally realized he has absolutely no one.

I know everyone hates Rowena, but I am actually really enjoying her creepy, abusive machinations. Hmm, maybe that came out wrong. I think it is interesting to see her openly manipulating a character known for his manipulation. I think she absolutely is supposed to feel like a classic abuser, down to isolating Crowley so that he is dependent upon her. And I think it works, in part, because of their shared history. 

On 2/17/2015 at 9:43 PM, rue721 said:

It didn't bother me earlier and it doesn't bother me now that Crowley knows what she's doing but it's still working on him. Imo that's how parents work, they made all the buttons they're trying to press. So obviously they're going to be fucking amazing at pressing them. :P


I agree. My mother and I have a good relationship, and she can still make me doubt myself with a few words.


On 2/17/2015 at 11:07 PM, rue721 said:

The whole idea of researching true crime being a hobby to someone whose profession involves researching monsters through newspaper/crime reports makes no sense. What's the difference between that hobby and his actual job?

I know a ton of lawyers who love true crime documentaries and podcasts and who watch legal-based shows. The fact that Dean didn't know it was weird and out of place, but I can buy him being interested in true crime as a hobby. 

On 2/17/2015 at 11:11 PM, Pete Martell said:


I don't think he's just struggling with it - he was like this with Cas too, in season 6, but I think the human blood addiction made it worse for Crowley. He never got it entirely out of his system. 


I think this is definitely a factor. Even if he isn't feeling things, he has the memory of what it was like to feel. 

On 2/18/2015 at 1:26 PM, oliverwendell said:


I actually like Rowena, to be honest.  The actress is a scenery chewer, but that bit at the end when she laid on the "I'm so proud of my boy who pulled himself up by his boot straps" only to switch to "you're an impotent weakling and the Winchesters' bitch" was pretty damned great, I thought.  It showed in a flash what a cruel mother she must have been to her wee bairn all those years ago.

Agree. It was very effective.

Honestly, the scenery chewing also reminds me of some of the more effective abusers/manipulators. Abusive assholes often come off as charming. That is why they are effective. Having helped a few women out of abusive relationships, I can say that their abusive significant others always tried extra hard to seem amazing. They had this performative nature about them that became clear in retrospect. 

On 3/1/2015 at 10:42 PM, SueB said:

I think I just figured something out.  About WHY Dean was so insistent that Crowley know he lied.  And why he made sure Crowley didn't have the Blade.  He wants Crowley as far away from himself as possible.  Cain said, 'First they'll be Crowley..."  I think Dean believes that if he pushes Crowley away and doesn't see him, he won't go on to kill Cas and Sam.  Because Cain said Crowley would be first.

What better way to avoid killing the ones he loves than to try and make sure he doesn't see Crowley again.  Giving Cas the Blade makes a ton of sense for a variety of reasons, BUT if Crowley doesn't have the Blade, Crowley has no role in Dean's life.  


Dean went out of his way to be an asshole to Crowley, which is par. But the lying bit...that's really important to Crowley and Dean made sure he told Crowley he did it twice.  It's a good plan.  


But if I'm right, this means Dean is acting as if he thinks Cain may be right.  

Oh, this puts it in an entirely new light for me. 

Bittersweet again to see Timothy Omudson. I love him so much as an actor. Not enough to watch This is Us, mind you, but I don't know that anyone could get me to watch that show. He makes such an incredible Cain. I am happy that he has recovered enough to start working again.

I can't really add to the depth of the analysis in this thread, so I will just comment that I think everyone brought their A game to this episode. 

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I kind of forgot Rowena was even part of this episode. It belonged, 100%,  part and parcel, to Jensen and Timothy. I am honestly impressed that it can be reviewed without mentioning Dean. LOL!

Edited by gonzosgirrl
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22 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

I kind of forgot Rowena was even part of this episode. It belonged, 100%,  part and parcel, to Jensen and Timothy. I am honestly impressed that it can be reviewed without mentioning Dean. LOL!

There was stuff in this episode besides Dean and Cain in that barn? Lies. 😜

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31 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

I kind of forgot Rowena was even part of this episode. It belonged, 100%,  part and parcel, to Jensen and Timothy. I am honestly impressed that it can be reviewed without mentioning Dean. LOL!

I honestly forgot that Rowena was in it also. When I think of this episode I think of Dean and Cain, and Dean wearily walking down the stairs after it was all over.

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3 hours ago, gonzosgirrl said:

I kind of forgot Rowena was even part of this episode. It belonged, 100%,  part and parcel, to Jensen and Timothy. I am honestly impressed that it can be reviewed without mentioning Dean. LOL!

Ha! Well Dean and Cain had so thoroughly been discussed that I truly couldn't add to it except to say: remember when this happened? That was awesome/sad/amazing. 😆 

ETA: I actually had quoted like 15 things and realized that was basically going to be my post. A bunch of "this" and "I agree" Lol.

Edited by The Companion
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