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S05.E12: Drama Queens

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I'm going to call BS on Kyle being upset with Brandi. I think Kyle enjoys being on the show, showcasing her lifestyle, her friends, her trips, her parties. After 4 decades, I'm sure she is over Kim's drama. I don't think Kyle minds too much that Brandi gets the bad girl edit because Kyle gets by pretty much unscathed. Plus, she probably secretly relieved that Kim has a second go to "care-taker in Brandi. If there's no Brandi, the focus would be more on Kyle to bring the drama with her other friends/co-stars and I think she would rather not; and leave the drama to Brandi.

  • Love 6

I'm going to call BS on Kyle being upset with Brandi. I think Kyle enjoys being on the show, showcasing her lifestyle, her friends, her trips, her parties. After 4 decades, I'm sure she is over Kim's drama. I don't think Kyle minds too much that Brandi gets the bad girl edit because Kyle gets by pretty much unscathed. Plus, she probably secretly relieved that Kim has a second go to "care-taker in Brandi. If there's no Brandi, the focus would be more on Kyle to bring the drama with her other friends/co-stars and I think she would rather not; and leave the drama to Brandi.

Love you post SuperW and I believe at this season's reunion Andy will ask the sisters to hug and Brandi will be collateral damage to the Kyle and Kim story arc.



Edited by RealityTVSmack1
  • Love 3

It brought a tear to my eye when Lisa said that on Max's birthday he asked if someone, somewhere was sad. Although the entire storyline maybe recreated for the show I can tell you as an adoptive mother that statement was real. I have had the same one many times. :( I know its counter intuitive but hearing that yes, someone is very sad today is actually a more healthy response because it acknowledges that there is loss there. I'm so excited that my daughters birthday is coming up next month and for the first time in 14 years we can celebrate with her bio mother ( well internet celebrate) . A dream come true for all three of us:)

Thank you for bringing this up...I almost forgot that Max had asked him mom about that.  I have a feeling after he finds out about ethnicity he might wish to go further. Though that scene showed both Ken and Lisa teary eyed about the subject...I'm sure they'll support their son's inquires.

Edited by RealityTVSmack1
  • Love 7

Lest we forget about the half naked tweet about Kim in PR. The Wonder Twins Brandi and Kim need a one way to Betty Ford. I'm not even kidding about that.

Also, lets not forget that Brandi was the first person on the show to call Kim out as an addict on game night. Back when Brandi was being viewed sympathetically as the poor scorned woman being picked on by the BH rich bitches. Yet she came to one party and sized up Kim as, if I recall correctly, doing drugs in the bathroom


Yet Brandi is now trying to pretend that Kims problems are all health related. No Brandi, she is an admitted alcoholic and I, for one, have never believed alcohol was her only issue. She may have stopped drinking for a while, but I don't believe she ever stopped all substances. Now she appears to be falling at least as deep into the rabbit hole she was in during Season 1, but Brandi wants to deny it.

The same Brandi that seemed to have spotted and called it in the first fifteen minutes she was around her.


Just another example of her lies and her complete disregard for anyone. Kyle is over dramatic and dumber than dirt, but she does love her sister. She doesn't always handle it well, IMO, but she loves her and will be devastated if something happens to her. I cannot beleive anyone that has ever watched this show would dispute that fact. 


Brandi loves Brandi. And  booze. Maybe her kids, even though she is a crappy mother. That's all I got for that bitch. If something happens to Kim she'll play it up for sympathy but she won't give a flying fig.

I've taken a few days to process this ep and the comments, but PC shit be damned, I'm gonna comment on "my gays".  If the guys at the party were okay with that term, so be it for them.  I have a gay godfather and a lesbian godmother.  I was born in the early 70s, and they have been part of my life since I was 1 day old.  I'd never, in 100 million years, reference them as "my gays".  I was pissed off at Kathy Griffin for perpetuating that term, as it is dehumanizing.  I've been lucky enough to grow up with a lot of people who love me, and some of them fall in love with partner with same gender, some of them fell in love with the other gender, and no one batted an eyelash.  It genuinely makes me sick that this is an issue in 1992.  Oh, wait, it's 2015.  The whole cast should be ashamed at marginalizing a population.  Even if the participants are just a bunch of camera ready fame whores, as they come in all sizes.


Andy can just STFU.  But that's for another thread.

Is there a STFU Andy thread? Oh goody, I am so there. 

  • Love 9

Why all the Kim hate?


Kim is my favorite one of the real housewives. Yes, she fucked up in the previous episode. So what. 


At the party she was 100% in the right to tell Kyle that she was disappointed in her. Kyle was just trying to use Kim to drum up drama for herself, as usual. Kim doesn't particiate in the fake fights. When she does fight they are real and they are heart breaking to watch. She brings some much needed actual reality to this show. She is the only one on this show who is actually a respectable human being. Yes, she is an addict, get over it. When she is sober she has more character and integrity then all of these other women put together.


Kyle was just mad because Kim has a friend. That women needs counseling. How she tries to constantly try to get between Kim and the other women, and then come in a "defend her sister" is not healthy. She wants to isolate Kim, when Kim is in a place where she is in desperate need of a community. She is fucking with her sister's sobriety for a little bit more camera time and it is gross. 


Kyle should have just been an adult and ignored Brandi. She just wanted attention and used her sister to get it. She can't stand that Kim has her own life right now so is trying to take her down.

  • Love 5

Why all the Kim hate?


Kim is my favorite one of the real housewives. Yes, she fucked up in the previous episode. So what. 


At the party she was 100% in the right to tell Kyle that she was disappointed in her. Kyle was just trying to use Kim to drum up drama for herself, as usual. Kim doesn't particiate in the fake fights. When she does fight they are real and they are heart breaking to watch. She brings some much needed actual reality to this show. She is the only one on this show who is actually a respectable human being. Yes, she is an addict, get over it. When she is sober she has more character and integrity then all of these other women put together.


Kyle was just mad because Kim has a friend. That women needs counseling. How she tries to constantly try to get between Kim and the other women, and then come in a "defend her sister" is not healthy. She wants to isolate Kim, when Kim is in a place where she is in desperate need of a community. She is fucking with her sister's sobriety for a little bit more camera time and it is gross. 


Kyle should have just been an adult and ignored Brandi. She just wanted attention and used her sister to get it. She can't stand that Kim has her own life right now so is trying to take her down.

Welcome to the forum Katdam.  Nice to hear your point of view about Kim.  Hopefully once this season is over things will settle down between the sisters.  I agree it looks bad now, but they say blood is thicker than water and the children love their aunts.


Another old song title comes to mind, "You Always Hurt the One you love."   The pain seems deeper and betrayal hurts harder, but hopefully in time they'll bury the hatchet...just not in each others backs, lol.

  • Love 3

Why all the Kim hate?


Because she's the most un self-aware, moronic, baby who finds herself incapable of taking responsibility for her own bullshit and consistently blames family members or others around her for not understanding the plight of a woman who by all accounts has had a much easier life than anyone else yet still cannot knock her shit off because then what on EARTH would she be good for?


Kim, without the drugs, pills and alcohol, has no personality and is boring.  Big sister Kathy was the big sister who married into one of the richest family's in the US and is considered a big deal (why, I have no idea) and little sister Kyle has a stable family life with fantastic children and a husband who seems to love her very much.  What does Kim bring to the table?  She's the middle child who's acting career went into the toilet and she has no man loving her, something I think their mother probably instilled into them at a young age.  Find a man, quickly, preferably rich and make sure he stays happy and satisfied and if you don't do that?  You're a failure.


Do I feel bad Kim had to deal with that?  Yes.

Does she get a pass for turning to drugs and alcohol to cope with her perceived failure?  Nope.

She's an adult.  No one's parents were perfect.  Figure your shit out and handle it.  Don't expect the world to give you any sympathy because you found life too hard to handle so you drowned yourself in substances.  No one had a storybook childhood, we all had shit to overcome, some of us chose not to do it with pills.

  • Love 22


Is Andy the PC police? Real Housewives are reality shows, and there are a lot of ignorant or racist or homophobic or just plain idiotic people in the world, and sometimes that seeps into the shows. Is he supposed to scrub them all clean? Is he supposed to call each and every transgression out? He's gay, so he's sensitive to homophobia and sometimes calls that shit out. He's also jewish, and I heard him once address something anti-Semitic that Patty Stranger once said. How is that odd?


It's not odd so much as it's standard Andy Cohen bullshit. 


IMO, someone who laughs about people joyfully throwing around "child molester" doesn't get the fucking right to get offended about people throwing around "my gays." 

  • Love 11

She is the only one on this show who is actually a respectable human being. Yes, she is an addict, get over it. When she is sober she has more character and integrity then all of these other women put together.


I'm sorry to say that I've rarely, if ever, seen Kim sober, and I certainly don't recall seeing any signs of her character or integrity.

  • Love 22

Dammit, I keep seeing this incident mentioned and I don't recall having seen it.


Does anyone know offhand which season (and maybe episode) this was in?


I'd love to find it on Hulu and watch it.


Was the passed out naked in a hotel hallway mentioned in an episode or just in one of Brandi's vile tweets?


Thanks to anyone who can help a gal out on tracking this episode down!  

Season 3  was the Paris trip and Brandi made the comment during the Reunion.   


The passed out without pants on was a blind gossip item until Brandi put a name to it.

  • Love 6
At the party she was 100% in the right to tell Kyle that she was disappointed in her. Kyle was just trying to use Kim to drum up drama for herself, as usual. Kim doesn't particiate in the fake fights. When she does fight they are real and they are heart breaking to watch. She brings some much needed actual reality to this show. She is the only one on this show who is actually a respectable human being. Yes, she is an addict, get over it. When she is sober she has more character and integrity then all of these other women put together.



I don't see what Kim had to be disappointed in Kyle over Poker Night--that's where her disappointment started. (I mean, *I* was disappointed in the way Kyle handled herself at the Mixer, but *I* wasn't the one who was provoking her like Kim was.) Kyle's crime, as usual, was to not follow along with the script Kim laid out for her. That seems to be rule number one in dealing with Kim. You have to pretend to believe her million lies, come up with reasons that she's sober even when she's obviously not sober, never expect her to do anything for you or rely on her, follow her schedule and always see her as the victim with the most problems in the world.


Yes, Kim's an addict, but she only identifies as such in the ways that make her heroic or give her an excuse why whatever she does can't be held against her.

Kim isolates herself whenever she wants to, never does anything she doesn't want to do or see anyone she doesn't want to see. Weirdly Brandi spent the whole two episodes explicitly trying to isolate Kim from Kyle and saying she was isolating Kim from Kyle, so why is Kyle the one who's isolating Kim? Kyle hasn't stopped any of the relationships Kim's gone after (either Brandi or Ken)--though she's often been honest about not liking them. She didn't encourage Kim's self-pity and resentment at the world for her own ends.


I don't hate Kim. I hope she finds a way to get healthy. But in all the years she's been on the show she's shown herself to be amazingly selfish and self-centered. That's the reason she's so isolated.

  • Love 15


 She wants to isolate Kim, when Kim is in a place where she is in desperate need of a community. She is fucking with her sister's sobriety for a little bit more camera time and it is gross. 

Kim is not sober, she is still getting high. Kim's "community" should not include any active addicts/alcoholics, like Brandi, because they enable each others addictions, not encourage sobriety. IMO, Brandi is using Kim for camera time, not Kyle.

  • Love 15

Kyle was just mad because Kim has a friend. That women needs counseling. How she tries to constantly try to get between Kim and the other women, and then come in a "defend her sister" is not healthy. She wants to isolate Kim, when Kim is in a place where she is in desperate need of a community. She is fucking with her sister's sobriety for a little bit more camera time and it is gross. 


I didn't really watch the first two seasons so I can't speak for what Kyle did then. But, I think Kim's friendship with Brandi is far more toxic than a friendship with no one. Nothing will endanger Kim's sobriety more than Brandi, Xanax's personal spokesperson, making excuses for Kim taking her ex's cancer meds because her life is really hard right now.


If anyone is fucking with Kim's sobriety, it's that pill pusher Brandi "of course I'm drinking" Glanville

Edited by rho
  • Love 9

I'm sorry to say that I've rarely, if ever, seen Kim sober, and I certainly don't recall seeing any signs of her character or integrity.

No one has ever accused Kim of being very interesting.   Without a script Kim flounders.  I think she gets so worked up over being on camera and not having a script she repeatedly makes a fool out of herself.  If it is not about Kim and her acting days she has nothing intelligent to add to the conversation.  Right off the bat at Eileen's she said to Vince, "fuck you," no one laughed not even Brandi.  Attacking her sister seemed like a good idea once Brandi started it.  If Brandi had such an issue with Kyle about the way she treated her sister why not say something on the limo ride to Eileen's or was it the fact the Brandi realized Kim and Kyle had just had lunch and were talking about Kim's issues (of course-otherwise Kim would have dozed off)  and perhaps her perceptions of Kyle not being there for Kim were wrong?  Of this I am certain if Brandi would have just whisked Kim off without any sort of goodbye, Brandi would have come down on Kyle like a ton of bricks for Kyle not being there for Kim.  I think it is safe to say no one wanted Brandi around with or without Kim after the poker party.

  • Love 8

I'm going to call BS on Kyle being upset with Brandi. I think Kyle enjoys being on the show, showcasing her lifestyle, her friends, her trips, her parties. After 4 decades, I'm sure she is over Kim's drama. I don't think Kyle minds too much that Brandi gets the bad girl edit because Kyle gets by pretty much unscathed. Plus, she probably secretly relieved that Kim has a second go to "care-taker in Brandi. If there's no Brandi, the focus would be more on Kyle to bring the drama with her other friends/co-stars and I think she would rather not; and leave the drama to Brandi.

I think you could pretty much insert the name of any HW for Kyle in enjoying being on the show, showcasing their lifestyle, their friends, their trips and their parties. This ain't no humanitarian mission for any of these gals. 

  • Love 10

I'm going to call BS on Kyle being upset with Brandi. I think Kyle enjoys being on the show, showcasing her lifestyle, her friends, her trips, her parties. After 4 decades, I'm sure she is over Kim's drama. I don't think Kyle minds too much that Brandi gets the bad girl edit because Kyle gets by pretty much unscathed. Plus, she probably secretly relieved that Kim has a second go to "care-taker in Brandi. If there's no Brandi, the focus would be more on Kyle to bring the drama with her other friends/co-stars and I think she would rather not; and leave the drama to Brandi.


I couldn't possibly disagree more.


Speaking from personal experience with one of my own siblings, the drama an addict brings into one's life is not something that one merely gets "over."


Kim knows this.  IMO, it's why she continues to provoke Kyle, as she did on poker night.


I'd almost bet not a night has gone by in the last 40 years that Kyle wasn't worried about Kim, wondering if she were sober or not.  


Just because she might not run to Kim's every beck and call does not equate to her not loving Kim and worrying about her and wanting the best for her.


I'm not a Kyle fan but, in this instance with an addict sibling, I can't let my own personal dislike of her cloud my judgment about what she's going through with her self-destructive sister.


Kyle won't be "over" Kim's drama until one of them is 6 feet under.


Sad but true.  

  • Love 17

Damn, Eileen just can’t catch a break!  LOL  Her house is psychotic, she only serves stacks of flapjacks to her guests (who aren't even children, btw!!!), she doesn’t lock her kid in the closet on poker nights, she doesn't enjoy a free wine facial, her shoes are flat, she fidgets with her pearls too often, and she’s a rude hostess.


I know...right...the bitch! ;D


Persnickety1: You are so right on your post above!

Edited by Giselle
  • Love 6

Brandi is definitely the driver of the Hit Rock Bottom in the Express Lane Bus.  Knowing how opportunistic and self-serving she is, I wouldn't put it past her to claim at the Reunion that she did Kim and Kyle a huge service and favor by forcing them to take a break from each other, which is what I'm hoping is taking place.  She'll pat herself on the back for having forced them to recognize that they are gasoline and lit match to each other and that a separation was in order.  I don't think this was Brandi's original intention at all as she started setting out on splitting and grooming Kim, but she's canny enough to take credit and make it sound like altruism. 


If this were to take place, I don't know how Kim would react -- either with as assent or a poor me routine or maybe both -- but I would LOVE to see Kyle acknowledge that she desperately needed to disengage and is better off for it.  There ought to be a way of doing this while also letting the two meanies know they were just that in all this:  really, really mean. I'm not wild about Kyle but once I cool off a bit and get over my frustration at her falling into these traps every single time, I come to see how little Kim has to offer her sister in the way of support and understanding.  It' s Kim's world and we all just live in it, like turtles. 

Edited by copacabana
  • Love 7

No one has ever accused Kim of being very interesting.   Without a script Kim flounders.  I think she gets so worked up over being on camera and not having a script she repeatedly makes a fool out of herself.  If it is not about Kim and her acting days she has nothing intelligent to add to the conversation.  Right off the bat at Eileen's she said to Vince, "fuck you," no one laughed not even Brandi.  Attacking her sister seemed like a good idea once Brandi started it.  If Brandi had such an issue with Kyle about the way she treated her sister why not say something on the limo ride to Eileen's or was it the fact the Brandi realized Kim and Kyle had just had lunch and were talking about Kim's issues (of course-otherwise Kim would have dozed off)  and perhaps her perceptions of Kyle not being there for Kim were wrong?  Of this I am certain if Brandi would have just whisked Kim off without any sort of goodbye, Brandi would have come down on Kyle like a ton of bricks for Kyle not being there for Kim.  I think it is safe to say no one wanted Brandi around with or without Kim after the poker party.


Wait, zoeysmom....


You weren't riveted by that scene a couple of seasons back, with Kim in her laundry room eating Cheetos as she watched the washer and dryer?  


Yeah, Kim is pretty dull and really brings not much to the Bravo table.  


I think if she took on this show as a vehicle to help promote a mainstream career comeback she's effectively killed that possibility.  

Edited by Persnickety1
  • Love 6

Why all the Kim hate?


Kim is my favorite one of the real housewives. Yes, she fucked up in the previous episode. So what. 


At the party she was 100% in the right to tell Kyle that she was disappointed in her. Kyle was just trying to use Kim to drum up drama for herself, as usual. Kim doesn't particiate in the fake fights. When she does fight they are real and they are heart breaking to watch. She brings some much needed actual reality to this show. She is the only one on this show who is actually a respectable human being. Yes, she is an addict, get over it. When she is sober she has more character and integrity then all of these other women put together.


Kyle was just mad because Kim has a friend. That women needs counseling. How she tries to constantly try to get between Kim and the other women, and then come in a "defend her sister" is not healthy. She wants to isolate Kim, when Kim is in a place where she is in desperate need of a community. She is fucking with her sister's sobriety for a little bit more camera time and it is gross. 


Kyle should have just been an adult and ignored Brandi. She just wanted attention and used her sister to get it. She can't stand that Kim has her own life right now so is trying to take her down.

I think there's a lot of Kim love here and that a fair number of people are long term Kim fans. Probably a lot of them are still pulling for her and would happily jump back on the bandwagon if Kim showed any sense of accountability whatsoever. I mean, now we're getting to the point where Kim is reaching back into history to things - such as the season 2 Game Night debacle - that were broadcast for everyone to see, to create brand new grievances against her sister. I think it's gotten to be a bit much maybe even if you still have Escape From Witch Mountain on an old VHS tape somewhere and still secretly wish you had Kim's long, beautiful, blonde hair.

  • Love 5

I couldn't possibly disagree more.


Speaking from personal experience with one of my own siblings, the drama an addict brings into one's life is not something that one merely gets "over."


Kim knows this.  IMO, it's why she continues to provoke Kyle, as she did on poker night.


I'd almost bet not a night has gone by in the last 40 years that Kyle wasn't worried about Kim, wondering if she were sober or not.  


Just because she might not run to Kim's every beck and call does not equate to her not loving Kim and worrying about her and wanting the best for her.


I'm not a Kyle fan but, in this instance with an addict sibling, I can't let my own personal dislike of her cloud my judgment about what she's going through with her self-destructive sister.


Kyle won't be "over" Kim's drama until one of them is 6 feet under.


Sad but true.

Yes! Yes and yes! Im sure Kyle is not only worried about Kim over dosing but also all the other fun things that go along with addiction like seeking out drugs ( think Limo scene with Ken times 10,000)the lack of judgement when under the influence, and of course the innocent people in her self destructive path. She is not over worrying about Kim by a long shot. Has anyone seen the documentary "There's something wrong with Aunt Dianne"? If you want to learn why they call addiction cunning and baffeling take a look at this film. Unfortunately killing yourself with addiction isn't the worst thing that can happen.

I, for one, was riveted by watching Kim mix chicken salad with her hands.

And the nationwide debate that followed as to wether she used mayo or mircle whip. Aww good times.

  • Love 8

She is not over worrying about Kim by a long shot. Has anyone seen the documentary "There's something wrong with Aunt Dianne"? If you want to learn why they call addiction cunning and baffeling take a look at this film. Unfortunately killing yourself with addiction isn't the worst thing that can happen..

Yes! I saw that doc - it was the freakiest, most tragic story I ever heard. Those poor kids.

  • Love 5


Was this Brandi in her book? When did he laugh about it?


Last year in her podcast, she made light of molesting kids, saying she was jealous of all the "attention" those kids got, and outed her sister as a victim of their school principal or similar while simultaneously making fun of her.  Huge uproar which seems to be mostly forgotten now. 


When asked about it, Andy's response was "I like her, I think she's funny, sue me." 


And this looks like a Hellman's jar to me...



Edited by Drogo
  • Love 6

I, for one, was riveted by watching Kim mix chicken salad with her hands.

I was amused by Kim taking control of her life and going to the race track to drive a race car.  Sadly and probably thankfully she wasn't behind the wheel just a passenger.  That and watching her watch videos of the vicious dog at camp only to have him returned with a muzzle on. 

  • Love 2

Yes! Yes and yes! Im sure Kyle is not only worried about Kim over dosing but also all the other fun things that go along with addiction like seeking out drugs ( think Limo scene with Ken times 10,000)the lack of judgement when under the influence, and of course the innocent people in her self destructive path. She is not over worrying about Kim by a long shot. Has anyone seen the documentary "There's something wrong with Aunt Dianne"? If you want to learn why they call addiction cunning and baffeling take a look at this film. Unfortunately killing yourself with addiction isn't the worst thing that can happen.

And the nationwide debate that followed as to wether she used mayo or mircle whip. Aww good times.


Probably about 6 times.


Fascinating study about an addict, the devastating results of her addictions, and a family in denial even after irrefutable medical evidence was put literally in front of their noses.  To this day, their denial remains firmly intact.  


Extremely well done and equally disturbing documentary.



I, for one, was riveted by watching Kim mix chicken salad with her hands.


Oh, snap, I forgot about that little gem.


Also, thinking back on Kim's behavior with Kyle, I've just remembered how she sprung Ken onto Kyle, when Kyle came over to Kim's house.


Mr. Persnickety saw that scene and commented that it certainly appeared as though Kim enjoyed putting Kyle on the spot with the cameras rolling in that scene.


In retrospect, I think he hit that proverbial nail on the head.  

  • Love 8

I think there's a lot of Kim love here and that a fair number of people are long term Kim fans. Probably a lot of them are still pulling for her and would happily jump back on the bandwagon if Kim showed any sense of accountability whatsoever. I mean, now we're getting to the point where Kim is reaching back into history to things - such as the season 2 Game Night debacle - that were broadcast for everyone to see, to create brand new grievances against her sister. I think it's gotten to be a bit much maybe even if you still have Escape From Witch Mountain on an old VHS tape somewhere and still secretly wish you had Kim's long, beautiful, blonde hair.


Hard core fans go back to Nanny and the Professor!


I think Nanny would tell Kimmy to get her shit together, stop blaming others for her BS and stop playing the victim card. 

Let's hope she didn't have Cheeto fingers while mixing it.

 Nah, she licked them clean before sticking them in the bowl. You don't let good Cheeto dust go to waste.

  • Love 6

Having a DNA test to learn your "ethnic heritage" does not require a birth parents name, just a DNA sample. Lisa asked Max if he wanted to know/meet his birth parents, I think that is why they were talking about his birth name. IMO, the scene was edited badly for added drama by the producers. 

I thought he was asking for it either because he was confused, or because using his birth name might have made finding matches easier.  I just did one of those online things, and it gives you a list of possible relatives.  You can use a fake name, but it'd be easier to sort things out if names matched, y'know?

And yeah- I agree that scene was edited badly for drama.  They could have just left in a longer TH from Lisa.  I thought her comments on that subject were pretty genuine and interesting.


Though now that I'm thinking about this whole scenario, reading comments about how this is a reality show and whether this should be televised...could Max be manipulating his mother?  She's not going to do anything that would make her look bad on TV, like flat-out refuse to help him with this.  Maybe he's using that in his favor (whether he needs to or not).  


I think I'm going to hold that view for awhile, because it's more fun for me sometimes when the cameras are in play as a weapon and these characters aren't just victims of editing.

  • Love 1

I'm going to call BS on Kyle being upset with Brandi. I think Kyle enjoys being on the show, showcasing her lifestyle, her friends, her trips, her parties. After 4 decades, I'm sure she is over Kim's drama. I don't think Kyle minds too much that Brandi gets the bad girl edit because Kyle gets by pretty much unscathed. Plus, she probably secretly relieved that Kim has a second go to "care-taker in Brandi. If there's no Brandi, the focus would be more on Kyle to bring the drama with her other friends/co-stars and I think she would rather not; and leave the drama to Brandi.


I don't know. I think the only time that Kyle truly went unscathed was during the first season up until the limo incident. Once that finale aired, the following seasons for Kyle weren't so great. The "unscathed" comment also totally ignores Game Night and how much flak Kyle got (even moreso than Kim, oddly enough).

  • Love 2

Probably about 6 times.


Fascinating study about an addict, the devastating results of her addictions, and a family in denial even after irrefutable medical evidence was put literally in front of their noses.  To this day, their denial remains firmly intact.  


Extremely well done and equally disturbing documentary.


I've also seen the documentary.  Also a very good example of what happens when everyone around you consistently makes excuses for what you are doing with yourself.

How many times did Diane's sister in-law talk about how Diane was such a fantastic mother and always had the kids clothes ironed and cleaned?  Like that was some sort of excuse for her getting drunk off her ass and killing herself, 4 kids and 3 other people.

That family is heavily in denial, excusing behaviors and blame-shifting.


Reason #8297987124 to get Brandi the hell away from Kim.


ETA:  Grammar, grammar, grammar!

Edited by CaughtOnTape
  • Love 6

Last year in her podcast, she made light of molesting kids, saying she was jealous of all the "attention" those kids got, and outed her sister as a victim of their school principal or similar while simultaneously making fun of her.  Huge uproar which seems to be mostly forgotten now. 


When asked about it, Andy's response was "I like her, I think she's funny, sue me." 


I don't disagree that Brandi is (was?) one of Andy's favorites (although that might be changing after the latest goings-on). But liking her or showing favoritism is different than actually condoning a specific racist or offensive joke or comment, which he didn't do. I've noticed he's really careful about stuff like that.

  • Love 2

So much has already been said, but I wanted to chime in on the "don't get between sisters" debate. You know how when you have a friend who is going through a shitty time with their spouse? You support them, you are there for them, but you don't actually involve yourself in their marriage. Even if its not a marriage and just a romantic relationship. You just know that if you get involved and the two make up, your friend and their SO will always find you suspect and your friendship will never get back to where it was. With Sisters its that times 10000. I have two sisters, if any outsider ever involved themselves in one of our disagreements, we will both or even all three tell that person to back out. Because we know that no matter what happens, we are family and that will always trump everything else. Siblings fight, but they fight because they are secure enough in their relationship to do so. Its odd to me that Brandi has a sister and is not aware of this. 

I don't know. I think the only time that Kyle truly went unscathed was during the first season up until the limo incident. Once that finale aired, the following seasons for Kyle weren't so great. The "unscathed" comment also totally ignores Game Night and how much flak Kyle got (even moreso than Kim, oddly enough).

Yes. I remember the game night flak for Kyle got so bad that one of the producers even wrote a blog post in defense of Kyle, which actually got even more hostile responses from the audience. 

  • Love 8

The DNA test is two fold. First you spit in a cup and send it back. They breakdown your genetic heritage ( only on the mothers side as they are using mitochondrial DNA) and give you a breakdown of possible medical conditions you are at high risk for. They also give some fun facts too like whether you are more likely to be a sprinter or a long distance runner, whether your earwax is likely soft or hard etc. The second part is the community where they link you up , if you wish, with people sharing your DNA. They give you probably degree of relatives . The third part is on going research which you can participate in. its very cool and well worth the 99 dollars 23 and me charges. No where do you have to give a name or it it an advantage to have it.

Eta: just read your post Phoenix and yes it would be an advantage once you were linked to other relatives. They are confusing two different topics, finding your genetic heritage and finding your biological birth parents, and treating them inter changeably.

Edited by nc socialworker
  • Love 5

I've watched this show from the beginning and in recent years, like a fool, I've watched many of the chapters more than once.  My memory is really faulty at best.  I was trying to remember if we've ever had a scene of Kim acknowledging to Kyle all the worry and anxiety she's caused her sister over the years.   I can't recall one but that doesn't mean much.  I know we get to see Kim talking about how grateful she is and strong and how wonderful her life is (really, bitch?) but can't remember any apologies to Kyle.  The constant fear of losing a loved one to the illness is a big, old drag and life-drainer.  I'm not a fan of Kyle's by any stretch of the imagination but I do feel for her there.  Don't wish that kind of perpetual anxiety on anyone. 

  • Love 7

Siblings fight, but they fight because they are secure enough in their relationship to do so. Its odd to me that Brandi has a sister and is not aware of this.

I do believe this is true for many siblings. But I think it's too much of a generalization to say it applies to all. Some siblings don't like each other. Or have jealousy issues. Or are insecure (Brandi - hello!), or are selfish and not the supporting kind, so they enjoy watching the other under duress (Kim). The list goes on. I don't think Big Kathy raised a loving, supportive family. I see the three Richards sisters as competitive and conflicted with each other. I always have, not just recently with this newest drama.

Edited by LotusFlower
  • Love 5

I do believe this is true for many siblings. But I think it's too much of a generalization to say it applies to all. Some siblings don't like eachother. Or have have jealousy issues. Or are insecure (Brandi - hello!), or are selfish and not the supporting kind, so they enjoy watching the other under duress (Kim). The list goes on. I don't think Big Kathy raised a loving, supportive family. I see the three Richards sisters as competitive and conflicted with eachother. I always have, not just recently with this newest drama.

I'm not saying that its all love and roses among siblings. Even if it is a dysfunctional relationship like what is going on with Kyle and Kim, they are always going to default back to each other, because as fucked up as it is, that is how their relationship works. They know that no matter how bad the argument is going to get, they will eventually go back to each other. We have seen that play out over and over again and so has Brandi. So, she knows its a bad idea to involve herself in their relationship. If she wants to be there for Kim, she is more than welcome to. But to try to come between their relationship? Its a plan that she has to know is going to backfire.

  • Love 6

So much has already been said, but I wanted to chime in on the "don't get between sisters" debate. You know how when you have a friend who is going through a shitty time with their spouse? You support them, you are there for them, but you don't actually involve yourself in their marriage. Even if its not a marriage and just a romantic relationship. You just know that if you get involved and the two make up, your friend and their SO will always find you suspect and your friendship will never get back to where it was. With Sisters its that times 10000. I have two sisters, if any outsider ever involved themselves in one of our disagreements, we will both or even all three tell that person to back out. Because we know that no matter what happens, we are family and that will always trump everything else. Siblings fight, but they fight because they are secure enough in their relationship to do so. Its odd to me that Brandi has a sister and is not aware of this. 

Yes. I remember the game night flak for Kyle got so bad that one of the producers even wrote a blog post in defense of Kyle, which actually got even more hostile responses from the audience. 


Kyle and Kim Richards have explained the law of hermetically sealed sisterhood...bitches, please.


Granted, I do not have a sister so I do not know this intimate-fighting dyad.  Although, I assume this kind of thing to be in the camp of "Only I get to talk shit about my family," etc. The thing is that it doesn't matter.  So my partner has criticized my father over some personal matter.  At the time, it made my ears bleed.  But, objectively, and looking back, he was right.  This is uncomfortable.  It feels terrible. And, he was STILL right :)  We should be able to love family and argue with them in the realm of the social - that is, outside the family network.  How else am I supposed to individuate (yeah, that's right; I'm still doing it!)?  How else do I learn from the stupid shit my family does, or any of the shit, really.  This autonomous family thing doesn't wash with me.  


So, yeah, Kyle/Kim, it is really uncomfortable.  Brandi aside, these ladies aren't exactly experts at enduring the intolerable unless it is self-induced.

Edited by runforcover
  • Love 2

I'm not saying that its all love and roses among siblings. Even if it is a dysfunctional relationship like what is going on with Kyle and Kim, they are always going to default back to each other, because as fucked up as it is, that is how their relationship works. They know that no matter how bad the argument is going to get, they will eventually go back to each other. We have seen that play out over and over again and so has Brandi. So, she knows its a bad idea to involve herself in their relationship. If she wants to be there for Kim, she is more than welcome to. But to try to come between their relationship? Its a plan that she has to know is going to backfire.

While I definitely agree with you that Brandi will never be the last one standing with Kim, I don't necessarily agree that Kyle will always be there for her. Yes, they have a dysfunctional and somewhat co-dependent relationship, but I think Kyle will eventually get to her breaking point if things don't change. Why? Because it's long overdo, and because they've never had the "ride or die" type of sisterly bond or relationship.

  • Love 4

Have to admit that, much as I love my fambly of origin, and I do, I'm glad that I received input as a young adult from close outsiders who weren't afraid to tell me how massively screwed up we all were in various ways and how we were affecting one another with our respective crazinesses.  Not fun to hear for sure and I pushed back more often than not but, yeah, it was helpful and, for the most part, they were right on and actually trying to help me and us.  Thank goodness none of this was shown on TV.  I love being a total nobody.  Being a complete non-entity is a blessing beyond all measure. 


That said, as I've gotten older, much, I make it habit not to go there with other folks in real life.  Not even when they ask.  Most folks don't ask, by the way, because they really, really don't want to hear it!  I think Kim was probably extremely messed up and lonely when all this sharing with Brandi stuff took place and didn't fully realize, or care, that she was spilling to someone who sucks secrets out of people and then uses those to hit them over the head with a fierce, bloody vengeance.  I fully expect Brandi to totally embarrass both Richards sisters at the Reunion.  She's been waiting since Game NIght to get back at them in a major way, I think, and this will be the season. 


runforcover:  "... the law of hermetically sealed sisterhood ... "  Fantastic.  This show doesn't deserve any of us, that's for sure. 

  • Love 14

I've watched this show from the beginning and in recent years, like a fool, I've watched many of the chapters more than once.  My memory is really faulty at best.  I was trying to remember if we've ever had a scene of Kim acknowledging to Kyle all the worry and anxiety she's caused her sister over the years.   I can't recall one but that doesn't mean much.  I know we get to see Kim talking about how grateful she is and strong and how wonderful her life is (really, bitch?) but can't remember any apologies to Kyle.  The constant fear of losing a loved one to the illness is a big, old drag and life-drainer.  I'm not a fan of Kyle's by any stretch of the imagination but I do feel for her there.  Don't wish that kind of perpetual anxiety on anyone.

Nope. Never. Not once. The closest I have ever really heard her come was in this last episode when Kyle came to visit her. Kim said something like "you have always been there for me, and I have always been there for you". It was no apology, and she was patting her own back, but at least she acknowledged Kyle has been there for her. Too bad she is telling Brandi something different.

  • Love 11

While I definitely agree with you that Brandi will never be the last one standing with Kim, I don't necessarily agree that Kyle will always be there for her. Yes, they have a dysfunctional and somewhat co-dependent relationship, but I think Kyle will eventually get to her breaking point if things don't change. Why? Because it's long overdo, and because they've never had the "ride or die" type of sisterly bond or relationship.

One thing about Kyle she is always there for her nieces and nephews.  I have never really known Kyle and Kathy to be publicly at odds with one another.  Kathy saying she and Paris could not watch the limo scene was about as close as it comes.  The second thing that Brandi is trying to create is a split between Kathy and Kyle.  Their relationship forever changed when Mauricio opened his own agency.  There was a brief scene between Mauricio and Kyle in Hawaii discussing it.  So after 34 years of being there for her nieces and nephews Kyle is not going to stop being there for Kim or Kathy or their children.


I am not sure what a ride or die relationship is.  Kyle has taken the heat for Kim's behavior on many occasions - especially Game Night.  Kyle would be a fool to say -"oh Kim it is completely okay for Brandi and you to insult me and the rest of the folks at the poker party publicly and repeatedly-because I am your ride or die sister."  She could continue with, "feel free for the two of you to insult my husband, his business and any friends of mine you might not like-because I am your ride or die sister." 

  • Love 7

Have to admit that, much as I love my fambly of origin, and I do, I'm glad that I received input as a young adult from close outsiders who weren't afraid to tell me how massively screwed up we all were in various ways and how we were affecting one another with our respective crazinesses.  Not fun to hear for sure and I pushed back more often than not but, yeah, it was helpful and, for the most part, they were right on and actually trying to help me and us.  Thank goodness none of this was shown on TV.  I love being a total nobody.  Being a complete non-entity is a blessing beyond all measure. 


That said, as I've gotten older, much, I make it habit not to go there with other folks in real life.  Not even when they ask.  Most folks don't ask, by the way, because they really, really don't want to hear it!  I think Kim was probably extremely messed up and lonely when all this sharing with Brandi stuff took place and didn't fully realize, or care, that she was spilling to someone who sucks secrets out of people and then uses those to hit them over the head with a fierce, bloody vengeance.  I fully expect Brandi to totally embarrass both Richards sisters at the Reunion.  She's been waiting since Game NIght to get back at them in a major way, I think, and this will be the season. 


runforcover:  "... the law of hermetically sealed sisterhood ... "  Fantastic.  This show doesn't deserve any of us, that's for sure. 


Seriously.  Talk about fan labour.  I should sooooo be doing something else. Literally, writing.  And, writing about television, no-less. Time-wasting aside, you guys are saving my ass. Copa, your posts are a pleasure to read :)  


I am not sure what a ride or die relationship is.  


It's what thirteen year olds call BFF's, culminating in a real or imagined joint-suicide.


Brandi is defending some tired shit.

  • Love 5

She brings some much needed actual reality to this show. She is the only one on this show who is actually a respectable human being. Yes, she is an addict, get over it. When she is sober she has more character and integrity then all of these other women put together.


Kyle was just mad because Kim has a friend. That women needs counseling. How she tries to constantly try to get between Kim and the other women, and then come in a "defend her sister" is not healthy. She wants to isolate Kim, when Kim is in a place where she is in desperate need of a community. She is fucking with her sister's sobriety for a little bit more camera time and it is gross. 


I would love to see some of this character and integrity that Kim supposedly has. 


Brandi is Kim's "community"? Drunk, destructive, shit-stirring Brandi should be 'sober' Kim's community? C'mon son!


Also, Kim is fucking with her sobriety! When I see Kyle shove a pill into Kim's mouth or hand her a glass of alcohol then I'll go with that but Kim's addiction is her own. This goes for Brandi too. Kim should care enough about her sobriety to know that Brandi can't be good for it OR that caring for her dying ex would be too stressful.


But I forgot, Kyle is the devil and the spreader of all evil in the world of BH.

  • Love 14

Nope. Never. Not once. The closest I have ever really heard her come was in this last episode when Kyle came to visit her. Kim said something like "you have always been there for me, and I have always been there for you". It was no apology, and she was patting her own back, but at least she acknowledged Kyle has been there for her. Too bad she is telling Brandi something different.


One can only hope that such a conversation has taken place and that we've just never seen it but I wouldn't be surprised to find out that it hasn't.  It would be a big step forward for Kim if she were able to spit it out and really mean it and is probably something that Kyle longs to hear for the same reason.  I'd like to think that Bravo would share it with us if it had happened, given all the anxiety they put US through with this nonsense!, but impossible to tell. 


The other impression I've had is that Kim rarely seems to initiate the post-fighting convos.  On camera, it always looks like Kyle is the one to bring up the latest storm and try to make sense of it with Kim.  Another huge tell.  But, again, who knows?  One sees Kim saying whatever she's got to say once the other sister has gotten the ball rolling, quite often with an apology of her own.  This business of the shamed, anxiety-ridden, non-addicted person apologizing to the out and out user in their life as a way of getting some kind of reconciliation going is kind of typical, I suspect.  You can tell the addict is taking those first baby steps in recovery when this pattern gets reversed -- They initiate the dialogue.  They apologize ... (I should say we, really).  But you get the picture.  It becomes a proactive posture, a way of taking responsibility, instead of waiting and hiding and hoping the aggrieved just didn't notice how totally wasted one was the night before.  Or throwing the burden on the poor slob who completely lost it as a result of one's drunken shenanigans. 


I don't think I ever see that in Kim.  It's one the handful of reasons I find it hard to believe she's ever been sober for any length of time. 


Thanks for reinforcing my memory, MCM.  My memory is like a sieve. 


runforcover -- LOL.  Priceless!  Really, really funny.


And just because I'm in a good mood -- Team Mauricio!  Say what you want about the guy,  I cannot even imagine!  

Edited by copacabana
  • Love 5

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