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S10.E12: About A Boy

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I loved that actor being teen Dean.  He clearly studied Jensen.  I loved many of his readings of very Dean lines "Yatzee!".


WTF Mrs. Patmore?!  Does Mr. Carson know?!  The casting was too much.  I didn't get many of the lines b/c I spent too much time laughing.


I loved Sam's many reactions to wee Dean.  Heh. 


Even with all the fun, I was glad to see the seriousness of not having the Mark and Dean getting a moment of not dealing with that.

Edited by TrininisaScorp
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Well, Dean has always had a weakness for cheesy music. The ending with Shake It Off was awesome. 


Loved Mrs. Patmore as the witch!


And the kid did a really nice job as Dean. Is that the same boy from Bad Boys? It seemed like it must be given the "Then" scenes. I can't believe it I'm going to say it, but I didn't even miss Jensen Ackles?  *ducks* I just mean the kid was so legitimately Dean, I didn't miss "Dean." I'll always miss you, Jensen!

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I'm not a big fan of not-Jensen-Dean or not-Jared-Sam episodes. I spaced out a bit, but developed laser focus with Evil Mrs Patmore showing up.  I guess I learned how to...



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That, apparently, wasn't the only thing going up and down. (rimshot)


My goodness.  The words coming out of Young Dean's mouth -- no grass in the infield! TMI Dean TMI. And then actually bopping along at the end with Taylor Swift.  I'm pretty sure I shrieked.


Standing Ovation to Dylan Everett. He has Dean down to perfection.  His voice inflection and mannerisms were perfect.  And Jared -- I swear I thought he nearly lost it a couple of times.  I can't wait to see outtakes.


In general, I really enjoyed this episode.  It had a couple of jaw dropping moments.  First, Dean is acknowledging he a functional alcoholic.  I just can't get over this completely OPEN Dean.  It's like he's just ....willing to say whatever the hell he's feeling.  Blows my mind. I was hoping for a rehymenated joke but I'll take the "virgin liver"?  Was that what he said? Second jaw dropper (for me) was that Sam wanted Dean back with the Mark (although he did a little flip flopping there).  I thought Sam would be the one to suggest just staying that way.  


Speaking of Sam, I really liked Jared's performance tonight.  The physical comedy with the knees was good but he wins the "reaction shot" award tonight.  The LOOK on his face at Dean being mistaken for his son! And shutting Dean up when he had verbal diarrhea.  


Finally ... either Jenny Klein is secretly channeling an inner 12 year old boy or Bob Singer got his hands on the script.  I think there were more penis jokes per minute than any other episode (including S7's Dick jokes).  Sam with the window --- but he had a good comeback.  The dialog was just very snappy tonight IMO (even with the penis jokes).


Looking forward to a rewatch.   

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Overall I enjoyed this. It was a bit of a throwaway in one sense, yet also very important to Dean's character in another.


What I liked: 


- There's been a lot of talk lately about how the show is saying Dean is evil, Dean is terrible, Dean is worthless and can only survive if other people save him. Well, throughout this episode, we saw Dean always making the choice that would try to help other people. From repeatedly trying to save Tina, to not wanting to leave Tina, to staying 14 in order to keep the Mark away, to going back to his adult age, with the Mark, in order to save Sam and Tina. Dean truly was a hero throughout.


- Dylan as young-in-body-not-in-mind Dean, I thought he did a great job with a tough role. I'll let Jensen say it:


Dylan Everett playing Young Dean, he knocked it out of the park. Here’s a kid who’s played a young version of Dean before, but it was Young Dean, and here and now he was challenged to play Present Dean in a younger body, and to come onto a set and to take on a character that’s been portrayed by another actor for years, and to put in the performance that he did, I as an audience member and as a huge fan of the show and as someone who is highly protective of this character that I have been playing for the past ten years, I was very impressed, and I was very pleased.


- Young-ish Dean and Sam joking around like the old days. It was just a lot of fun.


- Sam clearly being bewildered and a little bemused by Dean, but not mocking him over it.


- Tina. Dean got to bond with a woman without it being treated as something trashy or desperate. Both "old" and young Tina were played by great actresses. While I was very unsure as to why they had her go off on her own instead of contacting Jody (this seems to be a pattern this season...), I thought the idea of her wanting to start her life over was interesting. I hope we see her again. 


- Dean in a hoodie and different clothes! I was way more pleased about this than I thought I would be, and I hope it happens again. Jensen looked good.


It's nothing new for Dean to acknowledge or listen to pop music, but the moment of Dean openly acknowledging he was listening to the Taylor Swift song because he enjoyed it, nothing disdainful or ironic in his reaction to Sam, was a great one. It's showing he is becoming more accepting of himself. 


What I wasn't all that into:


- The Hansel & Gretel stuff. The actors did their best but it just all kind of felt thrown together, although connecting them to Rowena was a nice touch.


- While I'm glad they eased off on the idea that Dean drinking = Dean giving in to darkness, it sent out a very mixed message (as always with SPN) to have Dean getting half-cut and nothing really being done with it.


- I wish they wouldn't have Sam leave Dean alone every time Dean needs to, for plot purposes, get into trouble. 

Finally ... either Jenny Klein is secretly channeling an inner 12 year old boy or Bob Singer got his hands on the script.  I think there were more penis jokes per minute than any other episode (including S7's Dick jokes).  Sam with the window --- but he had a good comeback.  The dialog was just very snappy tonight IMO (even with the penis jokes).


Adam Glass wrote this. It was interesting because when he wrote the actual teen Dean (last season), he mostly kept away from the innuendo. I guess with adult Dean as teen Dean, he couldn't resist.


I was surprised at the fit through the window joke though. It made me laugh. And it's how Dean used to talk to Sam, a long time ago.

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I'm not a fan of Not-Jensen Dean either but I did enjoy this episode. 


Dylan Everett did a great job getting Dean's mannerisms and speech patterns down.  He looks exactly *nothing* like Dean but he does a really good job.


Sam's looking at Teen Dean faces were hilarious - he kept cracking me up! 


The one-liners were awesome tonight - including all the dick jokes, IMO.  Of course, my opinion is apparently one of a 12 year old boys but whatta ya gonna do? At least they refrained from the "Shake it Off" dick joke! (teehee)


Best part of the episode for me was that it ended with Dean smiling.  When was the last time we saw Dean smiling at the end of an episode?

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but the moment of Dean openly acknowledging he was listening to the Taylor Swift song because he enjoyed it, nothing disdainful or ironic in his reaction to Sam, was a great one. It's showing he is becoming more accepting of himself.



And thanks for the correction regarding writers.  I knew that. Somehow I had a complete mindfart and forgot it for a moment.  Still, I don't recall Adam's inner 12 year old shinning before.  I'll need to go look at other episodes. 


Forgot to mention:  I like that the Winchesters have something on Rowena.  Looks like the Grand Coven is chasing her down.  No wonder she needs Crowley's help. 

Edited by SueB
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I thought Sam was an idiot for saying Dean needed to get back into the game.  Here Dean has actually put himself into a place where he can't hurt anybody, and Sam doesn't think that's a good idea?   I didn't like the reference to Sam believing in the Easter Bunny at 11 1/2 - that's not believable unless it was an evil version of the bunny, which they didn't imply.  I also hated Sam getting knocked down and taken out of the fight (again) so that Dean could save the day.  Honestly, that's getting old.


Other than all that negative stuff, I thought it was a decent episode, and that Dylan Everett did a great job of channeling adult Dean.  I liked the attention they gave to research in the beginning, and like several others, I'm also enjoying Dean's new willingness to share his thoughts and concerns.  It's good to see characters evolve.

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- I wish they wouldn't have Sam leave Dean alone every time Dean needs to, for plot purposes, get into trouble.


Or have him turn into a huge Samsel in distress every time the plot says they have to have a Sam-shaped lump for someone to save and sacrifice for.


For the most part, I enjoyed the episode, but I didn't like that plot contrivance. This is the second or third episode in a row now.


And I'm also afraid that all of Sam's faith in Dean is going to be false hope (or he's going to screw it up somehow) and so somehow Sam's going to get the blame for causing Dean to have to give up the safety of staying a teen and look somewhat selfish for being glad he had regular Dean back. I'm hoping that I'm just being paranoid on that, but the Carver years have not been kind to me in terms of Sam, so I'm still a bit gun shy.


And I agree with Wynne88 about Sam and the Easter Bunny. What are they trying to tell us about Sam's character? I'm afraid it's some foreshadowing to Sam being too naive and trusting or something.


I also hated Sam getting knocked down and taken out of the fight (again) so that Dean could save the day.  Honestly, that's getting old.


So much this.

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I thought Sam was an idiot for saying Dean needed to get back into the game.  Here Dean has actually put himself into a place where he can't hurt anybody, and Sam doesn't think that's a good idea?   I didn't like the reference to Sam believing in the Easter Bunny at 11 1/2 - that's not believable unless it was an evil version of the bunny, which they didn't imply.  I also hated Sam getting knocked down and taken out of the fight (again) so that Dean could save the day.  Honestly, that's getting old.


I agree with most of what you said, but I thought the Easter Bunny bit made sense. Sam only learned that monsters were real when he was about 8 or 9, right around the time most kids are on the verge of losing belief. If Sam knew monsters were real, why wouldn't he also think there could be good monsters (as there occasionally are)?

And I agree with Wynne88 about Sam and the Easter Bunny. What are they trying to tell us about Sam's character? I'm afraid it's some foreshadowing to Sam being too naive and trusting or something.


I think in this case it was just done for banter purposes. 


I agree with you in hoping that Sam isn't just being set up for a fall yet again.

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Finally!! A de-aged Dean episode!

It only took 10 years but we finally get one. It would've been cuter if he was younger.

Just like Dean to start eatng the cake right away.

A Taylor Swift song on Supernatural, NOW I've seen (and heard) it all. It was cute, though.

I don't think they make Underoos in that size.

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I don't think they make Underoos in that size.


Nowadays they even make adult Underoos in a whole bunch of superhero types. For both men and women. I'd put a link, but most of them had annoying pop up things. Google Underoos adult and you'll get the idea.


Edited: Here's sort of a news release type one that's fairly benign: Adult Underoos. If you scroll down, you'll even see the retro packaging. They even have Batman.

Edited by AwesomO4000
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Really fun episode, I loved it.


Another episode without a subplot, isn't that strange? (Though I guess the fretting over the MoC was sort of the B-plot?). I don't know what other show does this anymore, just has one storyline for the full hour. The cast was tiny, too -- there were five speaking parts or something? Well anyway, just an observation -- I thought it actually worked really well.


Tina was surprisingly great! I liked her a lot, sort of wanted her to stick around. I missed the beginning (the first 10 or 15 minutes?) so I basically just saw teen!Tina, but she really sold it. I loved all her reaction shots during the fight with the witch. And for once, at least the characters took her to the freaking bus station and gave her all the money they could, instead of the show leaving off with yet another person completely broke and stranded. Thank you, show.


The witch was surprisingly hilarious. Kind of a silly part, but she made it work. I liked that they tied things back to Rowena but didn't make a big "thing" out of that and didn't drag down the episode with Rowena-related shenanigans. Hansel didn't do much for me (did they not read the fairy tale OF COURSE Hansel is duplicitous) but he wasn't terrible or anything, just dull. Speaking of what I didn't like (which isn't a whole lot!) -- the fight scene was choreographed pretty badly. My two main issues were that Sam went down ludicrously early, and that it was weird how Dean shoved the hex bag into the witch's mouth for basically no reason.


I concur with everyone else that Dylan Everett did a fantastic job as Dean. It felt like Dean was in the whole episode, even though Jensen Ackles was only in the beginning and the end -- and considering that JA has had the part since Dylan Everett was in elementary school (!) and certifiably owns it, I have to give major props to DE for pulling that off!


My favorite stuff:  I loved Tyler Swift on the radio at the end, and the ~deep~ confession of de-aged!Dean liking Tyler Swift (not even ironically), and that they were back at a motel instead of in the bunker, and the gag of Dean needing to pull the front seat of the car way up and Sam getting crunched like a soda can beside him. All that little stuff adds a lot imo. I liked the tone of this one a lot -- a laid back pace, hitting a lot of the old "haunts" like the motel and the bar, lots of little jokes and gags, lots of callbacks (not just for the audience, but I mean in terms of how the characters related to each other, too -- they all seemed "at home"), everybody friendly and nice to each other. I always like an episode so much more when everyone *likes* each other, lol.


Props to Adam Glass, because this episode seemed like it was written with care. He obviously really thought about the characters and took his time with the dialogue. Instead of trying to make things more interesting by going "bigger," he went more personal and deeper -- like with the friendly, calm conversation over whether it was a good idea for Dean to stay a teenager without the Mark or not. That was all great. It's also just such a relief when an episode lays off the soapiness.


And I agree with Wynne88 about Sam and the Easter Bunny. What are they trying to tell us about Sam's character? I'm afraid it's some foreshadowing to Sam being too naive and trusting or something.


I think that Sam is maybe too trusting (cough Ruby cough)...but have no issue with him believing in the Easter Bunny for a while longer than most. I mean, the Easter Bunny is a weird legend, but so are all these witches and ghosts and Bloody Mary and what not. Within the world of SPN, it wouldn't be a shocker if the Easter Bunny did exist! Anyway, Dean always scoffs at Sam believing something's real, and then it turns out that it's real. Remember the rainbow-farting unicorn? Or angels?! So maybe this means that they'll be seeing the Easter Bunny before the end of the year, who knows :P

Edited by rue721
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I loved it. There were leaps in logic and contrivances but it was so adorable I didn't care. :D It was such a relief to have a light, fun episode, it's been a long time since we had one of those (extra long for me since I didn't enjoy the 200th ep) where the brothers are not being mean and bitter with each other, and there was *gasp* cute/funny banter. Dylan was awesome as Dean - as somebody else said, I actually didn't miss Jensen - he was legitimately a tiny cute Dean. I hope we get to keep him. 

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Okay much better than I expected. Some pretty funny lines and the Taylor Swift gag was funny too.


I totally called that Dean would make a choice to go back to having the Mark to save Sam. 


Sam telling Dean he pulled a Dean Winchester may or may not have left me verklempt.  I really loved Sam a lot in this episode. But I think he's just trying so hard to have faith in Dean but I just don't think he gets that this is not like his demon blood thing.  Dean can't just stop even if he really wanted to.  I don't think Sam is being stupid here because FINALLY I felt some real passion out of Sam that he desperately wants to Dean to have success here.  Some really nice work from Jared in this episode.  I really like Sam so much this season. 


Sam was all kinds of badass slamming that guy against the bar. He was so passionate about finding Dean. And it was not crazy Sam like in "Black". I loved it. Also,  Jared looks to be putting some needed weight back on. Looking good but the hair....just no J.P. (and I lol'd at that gag). 


But my takeaway: Jensen actually behind the wheel of Baby peeling out, does things to me.....I'll be in my bunk. ( and I know he did that stunt because I watched some BTS clips of it) Fuck that was hot.  I have issues. 




nd I agree with Wynne88 about Sam and the Easter Bunny. What are they trying to tell us about Sam's character? I'm afraid it's some foreshadowing to Sam being too naive and trusting or something.


I think Dean had a lot to do with Sam believing in the Easter Bunny until he was 11. Dean has always said he just wanted Sam to be a kid a little bit longer. Dean didn't want to tell Sam about monsters and I think he probably encouraged Sam to continue that belief even if he mocks him for it now. 

Edited by catrox14
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- Tina. Dean got to bond with a woman without it being treated as something trashy or desperate. Both "old" and young Tina were played by great actresses. 


Yes, to both of these.  I really liked the way he was just hanging out, having drinks with a pretty woman without him hitting on her or vice versa--just a nice, normal conversation and a couple of laughs between two good-looking people in a bar.  And, yeah, I really liked both actresses too.  Between this girl, young Dean, and the girls from the musical episode they've gotten some great teenagers this season.  Claire's the only one I haven't been crazy about and that's probably due to her storyline more than the actor.


Just like Dean to start eatng the cake right away.


I actually expected him to grump about the cake like he did when Sam accidentally brought him cake instead of pie a few seasons ago--I was surprised when he started eating it.


I really missed JA throughout the episode (because a big reason I watch this show is for the eye candy) but I will admit the kid who played Young Dean was great.  The first younger Young Dean is my favorite but this kid really nailed it.


Was I the only one that flashed back to the Bugs Bunny cartoon with Hansel and Gretel where he just keeps repeating, "Hansel?  Haaansel.  Hansel?" over and over again?  I was?  Okay then...




But my takeaway: Jensen actually behind the wheel of Baby peeling out, does things to me.....I'll be in my bunk. ( and I know he did that stunt because I watched some BTS clips of it) Fuck that was hot.  I have issues.


I was wondering about this because it looked like he was about to take out a couple extras on the side of the road.  I was thinking that if it was a stunt driver he should be more careful but if it was JA then it was awesome.  Apparently it was awesome :)

Edited by cassandle
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- Tina. Dean got to bond with a woman without it being treated as something trashy or desperate. Both "old" and young Tina were played by great actresses.


I was really worried about the start of that scene because I feared it would devolve into the Mark getting all activated because he was drinking and flirting with Tina. I thought it was a great scene that got us back to SexyTimes-adjacent-without-shame!Dean. 


I totally thought the cake thing was a joke about Dean never getting pie, and I too was hoping there would be a quip with Dean saying something like "Why is it always cake? I hate cake".  Missed opportunity on that one. 

Edited by catrox14
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Did anyone else get a "Very Supernatural Christmas" vibe from this episode?  We had folkloric villains, snarky Dean (even in his junior form) and sentimental Sam.  


I didn't get the Very Supernatural Christmas vibe but I can see that. I did get an old skool season 1 creepy vibe which was really nice. I even said out loud to no one "this is like old skool SPN. Love it" 



I was wondering about this because it looked like he was about to take out a couple extras on the side of the road.  I was thinking that if it was a stunt driver he should be more careful but if it was JA then it was awesome.  Apparently it was awesome :)


Gil McKinney aka Grandpa Winchester said Jensen is a really good driver.  He tells a story of when he got in the Impala the first time with Jensen, Jensen peeled out of the parking lot into the street and did a 180 and scared the shit out of Gil. 



ETA: This episode also had some callbacks to Lazarus Rising with a little comedic bent.  Teen Dean saying "Hi Ya Sammy" when Sam opens the door, the cheesy music in Baby when he got back into her and him saying "I'm back....Baby" and lovingly stroking her steering wheel. I totally ship Deanby.  It's wrong but I don't care.


And yes Dylan Everett was fantastic.

Edited by catrox14
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Did anyone else get a "Very Supernatural Christmas" vibe from this episode?  We had folkloric villains, snarky Dean (even in his junior form) and sentimental Sam.  


Now that you mention it, yeah--between Young Dean and the villains eating their victims.  It also reminded me the "The Benders" but I'm not sure why--just the tone and color of the episode I guess.  I was a little disappointed we didn't get a "Friggin' witches!" out of Young Dean because I quote that an awful lot (usually as a random curse when something pisses me off--not because I frequently deal with witches).


Gil McKinney aka Grandpa Winchester said Jensen is a really good driver.  He tells a story of when he got in the Impala the first time with Jensen, Jensen peeled out of the parking lot into the street and did a 180 and scared the shit out of Gil. 


Yup, you just made me love JA a little bit more--a hot guy who really knows how to drive an awesome car?  Yes, please.  If he doesn't have one already I really hope Jensen gets one of the Impalas when the show ends--like John Scheider owning a General Lee--he just has to have one.

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What is with Show kicking underage teenage girls out on the road by themselves? Do they not realize that this is a terrible idea?! It does not turn out well. Just ask every person ever to appear on Jerry Springer. It's like Sam and Dean do not live in a world where underage teenage girls living on the street get raped, murdered, or turned into junkies and prostitutes on an alarmingly regular basis because they have no support system, no money, no place to live, can't get a regular job, and have no ID (in this case). Are the only threats in Showland monsters?


And yes, I'd still have a problem if they sent underage teenage boys on the road by themselves. Children need a support system that's not just a phone call and several states away.

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Some great stuff. I personally think Sam's hair had a moment, tonight. I hardly missed JA, as "Dean" was very present. Mrs. Patmore! On the other hand, directing a side-eye at clothes shenanigans. And another underage girl left to wander the lush rainforests of...wherever this was supposed to be. Also, since when can SPN afford Taylor Swift? Unfortunate timing with the climax of the ep. I'm sure there was debate about it.

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Some great stuff. I personally think Sam's hair had a moment, tonight. I hardly missed JA, as "Dean" was very present. Mrs. Patmore! On the other hand, directing a side-eye at clothes shenanigans. And another underage girl left to wander the lush rainforests of...wherever this was supposed to be. Also, since when can SPN afford Taylor Swift? Unfortunate timing with the climax of the ep. I'm sure there was debate about it.


What was unfortunate? Do you mean the scene didn't work, or is there something going on with Taylor Swift?


They seem to have a bigger music budget this season. There's a lot more music than I remember in recent seasons.

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What is with Show kicking underage teenage girls out on the road by themselves? Do they not realize that this is a terrible idea?! It does not turn out well. Just ask every person ever to appear on Jerry Springer. It's like Sam and Dean do not live in a world where underage teenage girls living on the street get raped, murdered, or turned into junkies and prostitutes on an alarmingly regular basis because they have no support system, no money, no place to live, can't get a regular job, and have no ID (in this case). Are the only threats in Showland monsters?


And yes, I'd still have a problem if they sent underage teenage boys on the road by themselves. Children need a support system that's not just a phone call and several states away.


What surprised me here is I think (?) Adam Glass has mentioned having a daughter, so I wouldn't have expected him to write a teenage girl out this way. I guess maybe the show is saying being on your own and being free is safer than conforming (especially if these girls are all supposed to be mirrors to Dean), but it does stretch credulity. I wish they would just drop a line that the girls are with Jody. 

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I have a horrible speculation Tina and Claire will be found by Rowena like she found the hookers in Girlz, Girlz, Girlz and she'll take them under her wing and make her own coven. Then they will come after Sam and Dean.

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You know what's going to be really difficult for Tina now? Dating.


Would you guys be tempted to stay in a 14-year-old body and get a second chance at high school and adulthood? If I had to do it all over again, I'd probably do things better -- but it just sounds so exhausting. Oops, that attitude is probably why I could use a second chance in the first place :P


Sam telling Dean he pulled a Dean Winchester may or may not have left me verklempt.  I really loved Sam a lot in this episode. But I think he's just trying so hard to have faith in Dean but I just don't think he gets that this is not like his demon blood thing.  Dean can't just stop even if he really wanted to.  I don't think Sam is being stupid here because FINALLY I felt some real passion out of Sam that he desperately wants to Dean to have success here.  Some really nice work from Jared in this episode.  I really like Sam so much this season.


Yeah, I don't know how to take Sam's attitude toward the Mark. He just seems so oddly laid back about it. Is he pulling a Dean and thinking, "whatever, I just want my brother here, at any cost"? Sort of like what Dean pulled with regard to Soulless Sam back in S6? Hmm I guess MoC!Dean is sort of the new Soulless!Sam altogether.


Well anyway, I just really love that, for pretty much this whole season, Sam and Dean have seemed to genuinely like each other. They seemed like they were enjoying each others' company in this episode. That makes the whole show so much better, imo.


Also, where are they going with this drinking thing? So many times in this episode, Dean said pretty much flat out that he drinks too much. Last episode they made a big deal out of his drinking, too, but I thought it was just some overly literal metaphor. This episode, it didn't even seem like it had any subtext, though -- I didn't think it was a metaphor for anything this time around? Idk, just wondering what the point of that could be.


What surprised me here is I think (?) Adam Glass has mentioned having a daughter, so I wouldn't have expected him to write a teenage girl out this way. I guess maybe the show is saying being on your own and being free is safer than conforming (especially if these girls are all supposed to be mirrors to Dean), but it does stretch credulity. I wish they would just drop a line that the girls are with Jody. 


Tina's not really a teenage girl, though, she's an adult woman in a teenaged body. I mean, she still shouldn't be left completely destitute on the street, I'm really happy they drove her to the bus station and gave her what cash they could (in other words, didn't act like cold-hearted assholes). But dealing with Tina isn't at all like dealing with Claire or even Cas, imo. She's not a kid or a naif.


I think that if they tried to take Tina by the hand, it would be condescending (especially since it would be against her wishes). I'm glad that they asked what she wanted from them rather than dictating things for her, and helped her out as much as she would accept.

Edited by rue721
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My favorite stuff:  I loved Tyler Swift on the radio at the end, and the ~deep~ confession of de-aged!Dean liking Tyler Swift (not even ironically), and that they were back at a motel instead of in the bunker, and the gag of Dean needing to pull the front seat of the car way up and Sam getting crunched like a soda can beside him. All that little stuff adds a lot imo. I liked the tone of this one a lot -- a laid back pace, hitting a lot of the old "haunts" like the motel and the bar, lots of little jokes and gags, lots of callbacks (not just for the audience, but I mean in terms of how the characters related to each other, too -- they all seemed "at home"), everybody friendly and nice to each other. I always like an episode so much more when everyone *likes* each other, lol.


I liked the little bit where a young Dean helped the older woman with her keys. I know it was just to set up the "son" joke, but they could have done it in a more sour way. It was a nice moment that showed some of the other side of being in motels that you don't really see very often on the show, and a reminder that Dean and Sam aren't always just completely alienated and a source of fear for the public at large. 

Tina's not really a teenage girl, though, she's an adult woman in a teenaged body. I mean, she still shouldn't be left completely destitute on the street, I'm really happy they drove her to the bus station and gave her what cash they could (in other words, didn't act like cold-hearted assholes). But dealing with Tina isn't at all like dealing with Claire or even Cas, imo. She's not a naif or a kid.


Imo if they tried to take Tina by the hand, it would be condescending. I'm glad that they asked what she wanted from them rather than dictating things for her, and helped her out as much as she would accept.


That's a good point. I forgot that it probably was her choice to leave the way she did. I guess it's just the thought of a young girl (even just young in body, not mind) being alone that makes me worry for her.

I have a horrible speculation Tina and Claire will be found by Rowena like she found the hookers in Girlz, Girlz, Girlz and she'll take them under her wing and make her own coven. Then they will come after Sam and Dean.


I hadn't thought about that. I guess it would explain why they're on their own. I hope it doesn't happen...

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Yup, you just made me love JA a little bit more--a hot guy who really knows how to drive an awesome car?  Yes, please.  If he doesn't have one already I really hope Jensen gets one of the Impalas when the show ends--like John Scheider owning a General Lee--he just has to have one.


Jensen has made it known to TPTB that he wants one. Have you noticed how much throatier and powerful Baby is this year? That's because Jensen basically told them they had to invest in Baby(s) and give her a bigger engine and better exhaust. He said he was embarrassed when people came onto set and she didn't sound like she did in the show because they used sound effects for that.  But now when you hear her with that wonderful rumble, it's legit Baby and that's all due to Jensen. He loves that car.

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Also, where are they going with this drinking thing? Dean said pretty much flat out that he drinks too much so many times in this episode. Last episode they made a big deal out of his drinking, too, but I thought it was just some weird overly literal metaphor. This episode it didn't even seem like it had any subtext, though? I didn't think it was a metaphor for anything this time around. Idk, just wondering what the point of that could be?

I took it to mean that he drinks too much. He's a middle-aged man with a crappy diet who spends a whole lot of time in a car, and he's shown drinking more or less constantly when he's not on duty. That can cause loss of impulse control in people who don't have Dean's issues to rage about.

What I'm wondering about, metaphorwise, is if the whole MoC thing is supposed to be some sort of parallel to servicemembers coming back with PTSD. The symptoms kinda track what can happen.

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I took it to mean that he drinks too much. He's a middle-aged man with a crappy diet who spends a whole lot of time in a car, and he's shown drinking more or less constantly when he's not on duty. That can cause loss of impulse control in people who don't have Dean's issues to rage about.


He does drink too much, but why are they making it a ~thing~ right now? He's drunk too much for years but it doesn't seem to have had any consequences for him (because the show is weird like that, but fine. I guess in SPN-verse alcohol works differently *shrug*). I mean forget health problems or being too drunk at an inopportune moment or anything practical like that, even Sam doesn't seem to me to act like someone who has to live with a person who drinks too much (though obviously YMMV).


It seems like they're trying to make the drinking into a story in its own right at this point (?), but I have no idea where they might be going with it considering the lack of consequences so far. I mean, if booze is actually a problem for him, then why isn't it causing any apparent problems for him in his life?

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The drinking talk and all the teen angst and repeated mentions of "second chance" kept taking me back to this:



Why does that scene still get to me.


Tracy Gold will now be cast as Dean and Sam's long lost third cousin who is secretly a wendigo.

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I really enjoyed this episode.  It was fun.  I thought that Sam had some great facial expressions in response to TeenDean and I loved the Taylor Swift at the end.  


Tina's not really a teenage girl, though, she's an adult woman in a teenaged body. I mean, she still shouldn't be left completely destitute on the street, I'm really happy they drove her to the bus station and gave her what cash they could (in other words, didn't act like cold-hearted assholes). But dealing with Tina isn't at all like dealing with Claire or even Cas, imo. She's not a kid or a naif.


I think that if they tried to take Tina by the hand, it would be condescending (especially since it would be against her wishes). I'm glad that they asked what she wanted from them rather than dictating things for her, and helped her out as much as she would accept.


That was my thought.  That letting Tina go off by herself was very different from the situation with Claire.  She's an adult, and she knows what she wants to do, and it was to leave.  Even though she was in her teenaged body, she's not really a teenager.


And I hope this leads to either ending the Rowena story or making it more interesting.  Because until now, she's been a boring character in a dull storyline, which is causing Crowley to be dull this season.

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Really enjoyed this episode, the kid that played Adult/Teen Dean was spot on in getting all of Jensen's mannerisms and facial expressions down for Dean.  Loved the continued play on the MoC storyline, how Dean debated perhaps staying young to avoid the effects of the Mark.  Loved how cold/ruthless he was in dispatching the witch once he was back to full MoC!Dean form. 


Really loved the ending with Dean listening to Taylor Swift and owning it.  My one and only minor disappointment was that I kind of expected an Epic Bitch Face out of Sam when Dean tossed the joke about looking like Bieber....yes it would have broken the 4th wall but it would have been fun.

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Taylor Swift? ::shudders:: ;)


I rather enjoyed this one. Both Sam and Dean felt like Sam and Dean; had that lovely creeper feel to it; and some good whacky and whimsy. And the witch--this is the kind of monster monologue I can get behind. I know I pick on Adam Glass quite a bit at times, so want to make sure to give the compliment it's due...nice job with the dialogue here Adam Glass. And nice job, Serge Ladouceur, with the look of the episode.


I call clothes shenanigans! I had a little whiplash at the beginning of the episode, but was easily soothed as we went along. I was also sighing heavily at Sam insisting Dean should get back out there, but at least Dean realized he shouldn't and Sam was doing it in the most complementary way. There's a great many other things I could call shenanigans on, but I simply don't care about this right now. I don't even care about the shenanigans I did call.


AuntTora, on 04 Feb 2015 - 12:25 AM, said:

Also, since when can SPN afford Taylor Swift?


They've seemed to have a bigger music budget this year, but Taylor Swift may not be all that expensive. Normally they wouldn't have ever considered using Taylor Swift on the show. It's kinda been an unwritten rule--or at least a revolving joke--that they don't use anything recorded after 1983.


Pete Martell, on 04 Feb 2015 - 12:46 AM, said:

What surprised me here is I think (?) Adam Glass has mentioned having a daughter, so I wouldn't have expected him to write a teenage girl out this way. I guess maybe the show is saying being on your own and being free is safer than conforming (especially if these girls are all supposed to be mirrors to Dean), but it does stretch credulity. I wish they would just drop a line that the girls are with Jody. 


But she's only a teenage girl in body, she has her knowledge and experience to help her along, I think she'll be okay. At least they gave her some money to help her on her way. I bet they made her some fake IDs and such too.


Would you guys be tempted to stay in a 14-year-old body and get a second chance at high school and adulthood? If I had to do it all over again, I'd probably do things better -- but it just sounds so exhausting. Oops, that attitude is probably why I could use a second chance in the first place :P


14 and had to do high school all over again? Blech, no thank you! I wouldn't mind getting another chance at those college years though. I was such an unfocused young adult--eh, who am I kidding, I'm still an unfocused old lady. Probably wouldn't make any difference anyway. It does sound rather exhausting. though.


How old do you guys think Dean was supposed to be de-aged to in this episode? I was thinking somewhere around 16, but wasn't sure if I missed a line that nailed it down.


catrox14, on 04 Feb 2015 - 12:59 AM, said:

Jensen has made it known to TPTB that he wants one. Have you noticed how much throatier and powerful Baby is this year? That's because Jensen basically told them they had to invest in Baby(s) and give her a bigger engine and better exhaust. He said he was embarrassed when people came onto set and she didn't sound like she did in the show because they used sound effects for that.  But now when you hear her with that wonderful rumble, it's legit Baby and that's all due to Jensen. He loves that car.


They rebuilt Baby while she was sidelined in S7, this isn't new this year; she's been rumbling along loudly since the start of S8. Jensen had been complaining about her for years, but I'm not sure it was solely due to Jensen's insistence that they dropped something around 30 grand into her that year. I remember Jensen talking about it quite a bit at cons in S7--fans were asking a lot of questions about Baby's absence--and the start of S8. I imagine they're still using the same old sound effects in the show even though Baby does rumble more in real life now. Especially since they shoot quite a bit of the car scenes on their elaborate poor man's process stage where the souped up Baby isn't. I've noticed they're featuring more fancy car porn shots this season, though--which are AWESOME! The show has felt more like they're on the road this season than they have for a long while.


Lots of fun trivia about Baby here: http://www.supernaturalwiki.com/index.php?title=Impala.

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They rebuilt Baby while she was sidelined in S7, this isn't new this year; she's been rumbling along loudly since the start of S8. Jensen had been complaining about her for years, but I'm not sure it was solely due to Jensen's insistence that they dropped something around 30 grand into her that year. I remember Jensen talking about it quite a bit at cons in S7--fans were asking a lot of questions about Baby's absence--and the start of S8. I imagin


 I'm going by Jensen's story telling at a con prior to s10. Maybe he was referring to season before s10. I'll  look for the clip. Basically they were talking if there were things they wanted to do with their characters or things about the show they could do differently that they can't now because of network or production reasons. Jared talking about the guys being able to swear. Jensen talked about their hairstyles and went on to tell the story about being embarrased about how Baby sounded.


He went to them and said' hey guys let's do something about this. Let's put a proper engine in the car.  They said why would we spend tens of thousands of dollars on this when we didn't need to' and Jensen said, pointing at himself and in no uncertain terms with authority "Because I want you to". He didn't sound like he was joking at all to me about influencing that decision. Either way, I hope he gets one of those because it would be wrong for him to not have one. 

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Yes, I know the story, Jensen has been telling that story for years. Here's him telling the story back between S7 and S8 at Jus In Bello 2012--this is just one of many times he talked about the car throughout S7. But, he clearly states it wasn't just him and my point more was that this happened a couple years back. If you dig through the con videos, you'll find at least one per year where Jensen talks about how the car sounded embarrassing previous to the rebuild in S7.


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Okay I found the clip I was referring to. It was from JIBCON 2014. Make of it what you will, but my impression is that he basically insisted on them souping her up. And it does sound like the changes were before s9. 





All I know is that Jensen seems to love Baby as much as Dean, and I could watch him peel out in the car till the cows come home. And I am desperately waiting for the gif of Dean peeling out in Baby from this episode. 

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I wasn't at all looking forward to this one. Dipping into fanfic tropes is not something I think bodes well. Still, the guy who played Dean and Sam's expressions pretty much saved this one.


I do think the Easter bunny joke was a bit of a retcon. If I remember Supernatural Christmas correctly, Sam was making a joke about the Easter bunny when he was asking whether it was real. Or was it Santa Claus? And I think he was supposed to be younger than 11 then no?


Where did Young Dean get those clothes? Did Haensel redress him?


So, we're done with the healthy food. At least that's what the montage seemed to suggest at the beginning. Although apparently, we are still doing something with the drinking and I still don't get what they are trying to say.


Why did Dean follow Tina out the bar? What made him suspicious?


I didn't get the cake thing. What was the joke? I thought something would come of it because it looked so poisonously pink and Dean tends to get in trouble when he eats with or near bad guys.


Loved the witch!


However, I will stay in denial that Dean likes Taylor Swift. Just. No.

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supposebly, on 04 Feb 2015 - 08:27 AM, said:supposebly, on 04 Feb 2015 - 08:27 AM, said:

I do think the Easter bunny joke was a bit of a retcon. If I remember Supernatural Christmas correctly, Sam was making a joke about the Easter bunny when he was asking whether it was real. Or was it Santa Claus? And I think he was supposed to be younger than 11 then no?


I think it was Santa Claus...Dean says there's no Santa and Sam says something like, "I know, you're the one who told me that." And in the flashbacks Sam asks if Santa is real and Dean tells him no. But, just because I don't remember a Easter Bunny conversation in that episode, doesn't mean it wasn't there. Not willing to go comb through supernaturalwiki.com right now though. I believe Sam was supposed to be 8ish in that episode.


supposebly, on 04 Feb 2015 - 08:27 AM, said:supposebly, on 04 Feb 2015 - 08:27 AM, said:

Why did Dean follow Tina out the bar? What made him suspicious?


He saw Hansel following Tina and thought it was suspicious. I was pretty psyched that Dean had some instincts again and then they ruined it by him eating the most pinkly-poisonous cake I've probably ever seen. But whatever, right?

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Dean saw the big creepy guy follow her out of the bar and was concerned.


See I too thought it was weird that Dean ate the cake so readily BUT my fanwank on that was that it was Teen Dean's appetite that spurred him to eat it, kind of like Jimmy spurring Cas to eat hamburgers.


 think they missed a huge opportunity to have that be pie.  Dean would have been 'all PIE at last,' so he might have been tempted to go ahead and eat the pie. But it was cake and Dean only eats cake if pie isn't available. Or it's just a continuation of Dean never getting pie joke.


However, I will stay in denial that Dean likes Taylor Swift. Just. No.




Seen on tumblr..#sorrynotsorry but LOL



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Would you guys be tempted to stay in a 14-year-old body and get a second chance at high school and adulthood? If I had to do it all over again, I'd probably do things better -- but it just sounds so exhausting. Oops, that attitude is probably why I could use a second chance in the first place :P


Hells no.  I'd rather be a danger to everyone around me than go through that again :)



Also, where are they going with this drinking thing? So many times in this episode, Dean said pretty much flat out that he drinks too much. Last episode they made a big deal out of his drinking, too, but I thought it was just some overly literal metaphor. This episode, it didn't even seem like it had any subtext, though -- I didn't think it was a metaphor for anything this time around? Idk, just wondering what the point of that could be.


I'm wondering if it's some sort of network note--like TPTB just now noticed that Dean drinks a little too much and decided, "Won't someone think of the children?"  Otherwise I can't figure out why this is just now being brought up so much.  They joked about when they were fighting the Japanese alcohol demon and Sam asked if Dean could even get drunk anymore and now it seems weirdly--I don't know...preachy for lack of a better word.

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They seem to have a bigger music budget this season. There's a lot more music than I remember in recent seasons.


I've wondered if the use of more music from other sources vs their own scoring is because Christopher Lennertz is writing music for Agent Carter and Galavant.  He might just not be as available. I know they still have Jay Gruska but he could be busy doing other things too.  I will say that I loved the James Gang song at the beginning with Dean's research montage..


which reminds me that there was a lot of smart!Dean in this episode doing research in books which has not happened since like before he went to Hell. He used to hit the books as much as Sam before they decided that Sam should be book smart and Dean be the muscle.  This felt more balanced with Sam doing some muscley things.  And I know Sam was damseled BUT he also did get the drop on the bartender. But both boys get flung into walls left and right by witches, so that one didn't bother me as much. 


One other thing that I've noticed ever since Dean  has gotten the Mark his face somehow changes when he kills or is getting in all "grrr argh" mode and it's a consistent expression, but it's different than when he killed monsters before the MoC and it's a different expression than when he killed as demon!Dean. That is a remarkable thing Jensen does with those kinds of consistent choices. 


ETA: More thoughts:


Hells no.  I'd rather be a danger to everyone around me than go through that again :)


    I'm wondering if it's some sort of network note--like TPTB just now noticed that Dean drinks a little too much and decided, "Won't someone think of the children?"  Otherwise I can't figure out why this is just now being brought up so much.  They joked about when they were fighting the Japanese alcohol demon and Sam asked if Dean could even get drunk anymore and now it seems weirdly--I don't know...preachy for lack of a better word.



It's bugging me what they are doing here. The only other fanwank I have is that maybe since Dean is aging that the drinking isn't funny or cute or what have you. Since they dumped demon!Dean without really giving him anything to do but beat up guys and kill demons, they decided to make the Mark about more than Dean being Killy McStabberson. I dunno. I am glad that they are having Dean go back to what has helped him cope in the past and that it's really not triggering him to be Killy McStabberson.


But that leads me to wonder....IF Demon!Dean is still lurking...could this Dean that is not as worried about what Sam thinks and is more open is a lurking doesn't-give-a-single-fuck-what you think-demon!Dean helping regular!Dean find equilibrium? mean that would be kind of interesting.


ETA: Another thing that bugged me is the previouslies and the framing of the fight with Dean and Charlie. Again. it's barely showing what bad!Charlie did and how much strength she did have but showing only Dean beating the crap out of her and it hurting good!Charlie then ending with Dean apologizing and Charlie forgiving him.  Bah....leading to Dean still beating himself up for hurting Charlie...and Sam saying Charlie forgave you...maybe you should forgive yourself.  Like I get what they are doing but man the context fucks it all up. YMMV

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catrox14, on 04 Feb 2015 - 09:41 AM, said:

I've wondered if the use of more music from other sources vs their own scoring is because Christopher Lennertz is writing music for Agent Carter and Galavant.  He might just not be as available. I know they still have Jay Gruska but he could be busy doing other things too. 


Lennertz and Gruska have always alternated in scoring episodes--although since they went to 23 episodes per season, they've usually teamed up on one here and there like Time After Time After Time and Fan Fiction. Looking at Lennertz's IMDB pager, it appears he's still scored every other episode this season too. It looks like he's always had other projects he's worked on over the years. Last year and the year before he also scored Revolution for Kripke. I think they're just trying really hard to respond to the fans wanting more classic rock on the show again.

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Okay I just have to nitpick one thing about Teen Dean that drives me batty ...is that he has dark brown eyes. LOL. At least with Brock Kelly he had bluish eyes that could pass for green. But it is a credit to Dylan's acting that it doesn't totally take me out of his scenes as Teen Dean whereas with Brock Kelly he took on nothing that seemed like Dean of any age....

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