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S02.E13: Stay

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Kiara from Girls United reaches out to Callie when she is placed in an unfit foster home. Callie recruits Stef to help, but they soon find that getting Kiara out is not as straightforward as it seems. Mariana is invited to join the STEM team at her school after she tests above her class but chooses to downplay her math scores to her boyfriend, Mat. Meanwhile, Brandon tries to convince his parents to let him join in on an opportunity with the band, and Jesus shares his secret with Hayley.


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I don't know, this one was on the boring side. No, definitely on the zzzz....side.  It might have even been my least favorite of the series.

I didn't care about Mariana's math thing, Mat bores me.  Brendon going on tour thing..meh.  (surprised they flipped on him now going)  

Wyatt stuff, zzzz. 

Glad it wasn't Callie who left that note and was leaving. 

Sucks that Kiara would be put back in that crappy foster home. But instead,she took off. I guess that storyline was the most interesting part.  I didn't know she'd be coming back so it was nice to see her again.

Finally someone else sees Jesus' the stupid Haley tat. Brendon is right, the moms are gonna kill him!


Are we thinking that guy at the center will be a love interest for Callie?  Or too old? (I don't know how old he is supposed to be)

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Are we thinking that guy at the center will be a love interest for Callie?  Or too old? (I don't know how old he is supposed to be)


Yes, of course he is.  Brandon called it quits with her, and she just gave Wyatt his walking papers...stay, but don't do it for me.   And because this show thinks Callie must never, ever spend even one moment without a boyfriend, cue law student at the center.  My guess is he's a law student, so post college, which makes him too old for a 16 year old girl. 

Edited by izabella
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Are we thinking that guy at the center will be a love interest for Callie?  Or too old? (I don't know how old he is supposed to be)


I wasn't sure if I was misreading things or what but I got that vibe, too. I guess if Wyatt leaves (is he leaving?), and Brandon's with someone, then she'd need a new love interest, eh?


I liked all the foster system commentary, and seeing Stef and Mike doing cop stuff. It feel like it's been a while, though it probably hasn't been. I also enjoyed seeing Kiara again but I'm worried that the next time we hear about her, it'll be that she'd been killed. All that, "I'll be OK," stuff... makes me uneasy.


Stef mentioned possibly partnering up with Mike again... I don't remember, why did they split up in the first place? Did their boss do it or did one of them request it?


Brandon and Jesus... I dunno. It was kinda boring. At least someone else knows about the tattoo, so when things get full-blown cray-cray with Hayley, he may be able to help Jesus out. And I guess Mike's not the father of Ana's baby, if Jesus already suspects him.


I felt like it was in character for Marianna to minimize her success around a guy... and Mat does act superior. Glad Lena gave her a pep talk and that Mat didn't end up being a jerk about it.

Edited by omgsowicked
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Loved the scene with Mariana/Kiara/Callie talking about the foster system from their different perspectives.


I like when the siblings hang out, so I liked the Brandon/Jesus bonding moments.


I love Alex Saxon (Wyatt) and his hair. 

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I thought maybe the twist was going to be that Callie sent Kiara off with Wyatt. But sadly, no. 
Why should Wyatt stay there anyway? I couldn't quite make out what Callie said - she thinks he wants to stay because of the school? We've never seen Wyatt be so invested in the place that it makes sense that he'd want to live on his own to be there. And what magic house is he living in, anyway? That shot of him leaving looked like it was in the exact same place it was the last time he left. 


I did like that Brandon and Jesus suddenly realized how messed up they were and got their butts to the group meeting. 


Our local Catholic foster agency runs commercials during this show. Normally I'd say that's a brilliant idea, but it got a bit awkward last night when it cut from a scene of Stef screaming about how the system was corrupt and outsourcing to private agencies who just place kids with unfit foster parents for the money to... a commercial of foster parents saying how "rewarding" it is to foster. Oops.

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Loved the scene with Mariana/Kiara/Callie talking about the foster system from their different perspectives.


I also liked the side eye that Kiara gave Callie when she was complaining about how she has to go spend time with Robert. It reminds me of a scene in Friends where Ross and Susan are arguing over Ben (who hasn't even been born yet) and Phoebe comments how as a child she didn't even have enough scraps of a parent to give her 1 good parent and here this new baby has 2 people fighting over who is going to love it more.


I understand that Callie just wants to have a home with Jude and be settled because being in the system means you have no control over your life. But she has two sets of adults who are fighting over who gets to love her, a lot of kids don't get that.  I wish the show would go down the open adoption route or shared custody route. She's 16. Both adult parties should be able to work this out like the grown ups they are.  

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Why should Wyatt stay there anyway? I couldn't quite make out what Callie said - she thinks he wants to stay because of the school? We've never seen Wyatt be so invested in the place that it makes sense that he'd want to live on his own to be there.


Can't he just finish school in Indiana or wherever his mom lives now?  That line made no sense.  I can't remember if they ever mentioned his dad, but they could have made Wyatt be staying with him and staying for that reason.


I understand that Callie just wants to have a home with Jude and be settled because being in the system means you have no control over your life. But she has two sets of adults who are fighting over who gets to love her, a lot of kids don't get that.


I was surprised Callie made that comment in front of Kiara, I expected her to be a bit more sensitive.  Because really, having to go visit your wealthy father who cares about you is not a bad thing.  It's not the smooth concrete ending she thought she was getting, but it's not bad.

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I wish the show would go down the open adoption route or shared custody route. She's 16. Both adult parties should be able to work this out like the grown ups they are.

Just spec but I suspect that is the route that the show is going to take. It will be a direct contrast to the situation with Ana.


I didn't find anything to dislike and quite a bit to like. Particularly liked the growth shown with Brandon's 3 parents sitting down to discuss the tour issue - as opposed to Episode 2 when Stef and Mike made the punishment decision without consulting Lena. I also liked how Stef sought backup to raid Kiara's foster home -- as opposed to going off on her own when Jesus was in trouble. Shows character growth.


I really liked the Mariana storyline - and loved her talk with Lena. Shades of Lena/Jude in that conversation. I also liked the potential friendship between Smart Girls Emma and Mariana.


Very glad that the show is shedding light on the foster care system - sorely needed. Loved Stef putting her head on Callie's shoulder.


Can't stand Jesus. I'm not sure if it is the actor or the character but he sticks out like a sore thumb.

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Can't stand Jesus. I'm not sure if it is the actor or the character but he sticks out like a sore thumb.

I think it's both. In my opinion, he is the weakest actor on the show. Also, it doesn't seem like the writers know what to do with his character, so they keep throwing girl problems at him. 

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This episode was dull and halted momentum from the previous week. There was no follow-up regarding Sophia. Jude was completely absent. Brandon and Callie had a nothing scene which felt weird since Callie was absolutely crushed when Brandon rejected her. Wyatts exit was odd. I did not care about Mariana ' s math storyline and I skipped Lena ' s school stuff. Oh well. At least the family will all be together in the next ep.

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My take away from this episode? If Wyatt & Callie had kids, they would have the most beautiful heads of hair. During the scene with them on the park bench, that is ALL I could think.

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I didn't think the episode was boring. It wasn't as pressurized and operatic as usual, but I was fine with not being made to weep in the first 3 minutes for a change. And they are still packing a lot into a very small amount of time. We had Mariana working on her self-esteem, Jesus and Brandon finally deciding to face their damage, exposure to the gruesome possibilities of a broken foster system, Lena once again having to face controversy at work. I liked seeing the three parents of Brandon discussing his tour. I liked seeing Jesus's ex and Mariana maybe becoming friends. I think she's exactly the kind of friend Mariana needs.


I did miss Jude.

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I didn't think the episode was boring. It wasn't as pressurized and operatic as usual, but I was fine with not being made to weep in the first 3 minutes for a change. And they are still packing a lot into a very small amount of time. We had Mariana working on her self-esteem, Jesus and Brandon finally deciding to face their damage, exposure to the gruesome possibilities of a broken foster system, Lena once again having to face controversy at work. I liked seeing the three parents of Brandon discussing his tour. I liked seeing Jesus's ex and Mariana maybe becoming friends. I think she's exactly the kind of friend Mariana needs.


I did miss Jude.


It's funny you say that because I actually did cry in the first three minutes. When that little girl opened the door to Stef with tears running down her face and we saw Kiara huddled in the corner with the other I broke into tears. (In fact I'm crying now as I type this just thinking about it.) So many kids live with that sort of chaos and lack of safety their whole lives and that sort of thing always gets to me. Then to lead into the theme music which is probably my favorite theme on any television show anywhere and I needed to take a moment. LOL!


I think the show is getting better at balance and pacing. We didn't see Jude which was unfortunate but we also didn't see Robert and Sophia or Brandon's girlfriend or the band yet we got acknowledgment that those plots are still moving forward. It was a little preachy with the standardized test stuff but I liked seeing Timothy and Lena on decent terms. I don't remember but did we ever see his reaction to Lena's losing the baby?

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Why should Wyatt stay there anyway? I couldn't quite make out what Callie said - she thinks he wants to stay because of the school? We've never seen Wyatt be so invested in the place that it makes sense that he'd want to live on his own to be there. And what magic house is he living in, anyway? That shot of him leaving looked like it was in the exact same place it was the last time he left.

Yeah, I really don't get what's going on with Wyatt.  He said he came back for Callie, which I believe because we've seen no other reason for him to come back.  But then she claims he wants to be there for school, too?  Why?  There aren't schools where his mom lives?  Is he so attached to Anchor Beach that he only wants to go to school there?  If so, why have we never seen any hint that it's the case?  


I wonder if the writers want the Wyatt/Callie thing to be over but want to keep him around, so they're inventing another reason for him to stay.  Although I'm not even clear on whether he's staying or not.  I don't particularly care either way, but I do like that Callie has someone she can confide in and trust who is separate from the Adams-Fosters and also has an outsider's perspective on the whole foster/adoption situation.  

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I liked seeing Timothy and Lena on decent terms. I don't remember but did we ever see his reaction to Lena's losing the baby?

I don't think we did see his reaction.  Once he signed the papers, I don't think we saw him again until now.


One parallel I thought was interesting though - for all of Lena's coaching of Mariana to be her own person and not "play it small", she certainly seemed to be swayed by whomever she was speaking with in this episode with respect to the curriculum.  She's talking to … the new principal, whose name I cannot remember, and she's 100% on board to bring up the English test scores! She's talking to Timothy and she's … all for a totally independent curriculum! Until she talks to the principal again! Whatever will get her in with whomever she's speaking with at the moment - that's what she thinks! Just like Mariana (who at least has the excuse of being 15 for that kind of behavior).


If she's that wishy-washy, no wonder they didn't want her as principal!

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I was surprised Callie made that comment in front of Kiara, I expected her to be a bit more sensitive.  Because really, having to go visit your wealthy father who cares about you is not a bad thing.  It's not the smooth concrete ending she thought she was getting, but it's not bad.

I found the comment true to life. At 16, most kids are still pretty me-centric. So, while it wasn't the most sensitive comment she could have made, I think it was a fairly real one. As was Kiara's response.


Also, when it comes to troubles in your life, it's all relative. You could argue that all of these problems are first world problems and that all of these characters should be grateful for the blessing of winning the birth lottery that had them born in the US and not a third world country. It's a huge generalization, I know, but the point is that from Callie's perspective, her situation right now is tough. Of course, other people have it harder, but that shouldn't preclude her from being able to share and process what's hard for her. And hey, if Kiara gives her a little side-eye to remind her that things could be a lot worse, that's good too. Even though Callie has had a lot of bad breaks, she's had a pretty good one too. It's easy to forget the good stuff sometimes. It's nice to have friends who can remind you.

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marceline, we should watch the show together; I think we might balance each other out! After reading your post, I was thinking about why I didn't cry at that scene. It's not that I'm unaffected by the tragedy, but it's like I get kind of stuck and frozen in the pain of it. I think most of the time when I'm crying at this show, it's crying from relief-- that's why the theme song breaks me up, and why things like Lena talking with Jude, or Stef and Callie sitting on the stairs after reading Kiara's note, get to me. The show breaks me down after the crisis, when the family's just being together, or in their fleeting moments of happiness. It's like there's finally something meaningful I can actually relate to, and it's not white washed and glamorized, and these people love each other.


It's not like no one ever loves anyone else on a tv show, but this family and these characters are different for me, somehow. I can actually connect to them in a way that feels more real and personal. They show issues that reflect what people I actually know are talking about. They care about things I and people in my community care about. They solve problems and relate to each other in ways that feel culturally true-- they seem like people who could be in my community. I know the show has focused on the kids a lot, but lesbianizing this show via the moms makes so much of a difference, the show feels completely different to me, culturally, than anything else I've seen on tv, because of that. Sometimes it's subtle things (like body language and eye contact, or the kids using words like "moms"), and other times it's overt (like the marriage or insemination plots). But I find myself losing my cool over the "my people -- plus" aspect of the show, and the "they got that right!" aspects, even more than the "sad things that happen to them" parts.


On any other show, I'd probably be crying over the tragedies, but this show has me all turned around.

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Forgive me if this has been said already, but is it me or are they playing fast and loose with the ages and grades of the kids? I thought when the show started, Brandon was older than Callie, or maybe the same age, but now Callie is supposed to be graduating and Brandon is not even a senior yet? Hasn't it been two years already? I guess the pace of the show is very different than how we get to watch it, especially with this ridiculous splitting the season into two batches, but the age thing is such a pet peeve for me.

Also, so sad about Kiara's situation. I hope they find her because I like that actress and I kept thinking they would find some friend of theirs to take her. I'm glad they didn't because it's much more realistic for foster kids to run away in this situation, so I think it's good that they are trying to be realistic in at least one area. It also made me wonder when we will see more of Daphne and whether she gets her daughter back.

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And they didn't even tell us what happened to the younger kids in that home Kiara was living in....


The Autostraddle recap made me laugh and cry. Her "alternate reality" photo recap alongside her reality-based recap is hilarious.



EW also has a surprisingly serious review:



I think the show is doing a great job at moving people. I hope it's moving some to action, as well.

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Forgive me if this has been said already, but is it me or are they playing fast and loose with the ages and grades of the kids? I thought when the show started, Brandon was older than Callie, or maybe the same age, but now Callie is supposed to be graduating and Brandon is not even a senior yet? Hasn't it been two years already? I guess the pace of the show is very different than how we get to watch it, especially with this ridiculous splitting the season into two batches, but the age thing is such a pet peeve for me.


I was thinking the whole "graduating" thing meant that she wouldn't be able to do so on time with the rest of the kids in her grade, not that she's a senior and older than Brandon.

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I think that Callie has always been older than Brandon, but not by more than a few months.


I was thinking the whole "graduating" thing meant that she wouldn't be able to do so on time with the rest of the kids in her grade, not that she's a senior and older than Brandon.

That's how I read it, she's going to have to go to Summer school to keep up with her class (Juniors) so that she can graduate with them at the end of the next school year.


On another note: I used to have hair not unlike Wyatt's as a teenager (in length and thickness if not luxuriousness) and all I can think when I see him is, "Bro, cut your hair, the back of your neck will feel so much better on hot days."

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On another note: I used to have hair not unlike Wyatt's as a teenager (in length and thickness if not luxuriousness) and all I can think when I see him is, "Bro, cut your hair, the back of your neck will feel so much better on hot days."

Alex Saxon must NEVER cut his hair. Beauty like that must be preserved for all the world to see and enjoy. 

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In my head-canon, Brandon was born in the fall the year before Callie was born, so he's in the same grade as her, but several months older. But the writers have screwed up the timeline so bad it wouldn't surprise me if they retcon everyone's ages so they stay in high school forever and keep churning out the drama. 

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And they didn't even tell us what happened to the younger kids in that home Kiara was living in.

They did indicate that Stef had the home shut "on a technicality" so we at least know that wherever they are it isn't there.

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