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She's Superman's Cousin!: And Other Supergirl Spoilers

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10 minutes ago, kariyaki said:

... why not just make Brainiac normal looking ...

Even if the actor didn't hint at that already, that's feels like something they'd definitely do later on, if not within a couple episodes.

I know Brainiac is recurring, but do we have any ideas about how many episodes he's in? If he's only in a few, it might not matter that much about the makeup/etc.; but if he's going to be getting a significant amount of screentime, that would be another reason to make him look like a normal human. The only other recurring character I can think of in the CW/DC shows with a significant appearance change for the actor using makeup/wigs is Killer Frost on Flash (who has only shown up 4 times so far this season). Keeping that 'alien' look might not be in their budget if he's around for a while.

But that's only from a production standpoint. If they are actually going to have be a love interest for Kara, he has to get "hotter" at some point.

17 hours ago, Primal Slayer said:

They've had this outfit ready for over a year and thats the best they can do? Wtf.

I really doubt it's the same suit. 


“The suit is awesome and standing next to Supergirl is going to be a really cool visual… They’re always true to the comic. They at least give a severe hat tip to the comics in terms of design, so you needn’t worry about that. They stay true like they have with Flash and Arrow and Supergirl.”


Edited by Xander

There was a picture I've sometimes used in online articles of Chris Wood in a red Mon-El suit where he is sort of looking down? Was that a manip or from like a costume test or something? I always wondered about that. Because if that was a manip that person can really pat themselves on the back because I think I've seen several websites and youtube channels use that as an illustration. 


54 minutes ago, Xander said:

I believe it's a manip. His head is from Containment. 

True. I remember I always thought it was a manip because the head and the body don't look well proportioned together.  Makes you wonder though how they came up with the look for the suit though. Did whoever made the manip paint it? Or paint over some Superman costume with other colors? I just thought maybe there was a remote chance that it was a mockup the show did during the planning phase maybe.

In other more spoiler-y news, behind the scenes with David Harewood, Chyler is definitely out and about shooting again. 


Edited by tofutan
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She hurt her foot according to what she wrote on Instagramm and some people think that's why there are crutches in the background of the Kara/Alex picture. If Chyler was injured in real life, maybe that explains why Alex is baby sitting Ruby in the next episode/maybe she was originally to also go on the Fort Rozz mission but they had to rewrite that on short notice (which again would fit Pedowitz saying there was a production delay on Supergirl for reasons not related to AK's firing). 

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I’d take some Supergirl spoilers. — Chacy
Here’s a tiny teaser for Monday’s midseason premiere: In addition to seeing Mon-El suit up for the first time, “We’ll also learn more about what Mon-El has been up to in the future,” according to executive producers Jessica Queller and Robert Rovner.


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Wastes no time = it happens early in the episode? Does that mean that James and Lena get to have an actual conversation or will we see them in some sort of physical way? 

I’m still counting on them going all “let’s try to get back to business and pretend it wasn’t meaningful”. 

I wonder if there will be any paralleling to the Kara/Mon-El/Imra situation. I think they once described it that it was like an awkward office situation with all of them working together. And James/Lena might be like that too? 

I'm surprised that this makes it sound like maybe Kara was in a coma for much longer. I kind of assumed episode 10 would take off directly where 9 ended, but maybe she's been healing inside the water tank for weeks? 

On 1/12/2018 at 9:15 PM, Primal Slayer said:

3x11 photos out


Just based on that pic alone I already love this episode.

So this is where the wig budget went! I'm glad her hair looks better every appearance. Psi is supposed to be in this one too, so I wonder why no pics of her.


17 hours ago, tinnefoil said:

Wastes no time = it happens early in the episode? Does that mean that James and Lena get to have an actual conversation or will we see them in some sort of physical way? 

I'm going with 'all of the above' -- yay! ???

You are more optimistic than I am. Wouldn't it be weird though? Maybe I'm overanalzing the quote but "during the holidays" sounds like Kara might have been in a coma for many days and isn't waking up. Considering James and Lena's last scene we saw them in was them witnessing Supergirl's big beatdown at the hands of Reign, wouldn't it be weird if they were frolicking around happily while Supergirl is in a coma and Reign is rampaging through the city? 

Different question, do you think that Reign will start killing off people to stress how dangerous she is? In the promo for 10 we see her in a prison, which most people take to mean she might go after Thomas Coville, the cult leader. Do you think she might also kill somebody from the three women (Livewire, Psi, Saturngirl) in 11?  Or that she might generally get to kill some more noteworthy characters before the season ends? Whether supporting like let's say Lillian Luthor or her mother or regular, like Winn, James or Mon-El? I have to admit, I originally assumed they would bring on some additional, more expendable Legion members so she could kill some of those. 

11 hours ago, legaleagle53 said:

Nice bit of meta casting there!

I think it is very unfortunate that all the various priestesses haven't even been given names. At this point, it almost makes seems like they are the real main villains of season 3, because Reign barely seems to have a will of her own at this point. Maybe they will make a big show out of Reign killing some of them or destorying them to truly act on her own, but so far it seems like she is taking orders from them. So they are the minds behind it, the ones Kara should be finding and confronting. 

2 hours ago, Primal Slayer said:

Pictures are taken on certain days so im guessing the photographer wasnt there when Psi was on set.

Looking at the trailer we see Psi on the Legion ship and we see all 4 walking through the DEO. I think it would be pretty sad if it turned out that maybe Psi and Imra actually don't go to Fort Rozz. To be honest, the pictures of presumably Fort Rozz look a bit boring. After reading the episode summary I was kind of picturing this big adventure that lasts all episode (kind of like the Martian episode), where they have to fight their way from room to room or where it's like a spooky abandoned space station horror house. What we have seen so far makes it look close to yet another warehouse. If that's not how it is, I wish they would have chosen something else to promote the episode that looks cooler. 

On 10/16/2017 at 9:56 PM, tofutan said:

I didn't like Snapper as a character, but I think he added some much needed pushback. 

I read all this articles about the great friendships that Kara, Lena, Sam and Alex will have and while I'm glad for female relationships and all that, the writers seem to not get that any friendships are more interesting if there's actually contrasts and debate. If everybody sits around and agrees how awesome they are while sipping wine, that doesn't make for interesting television. 

Even a lot of completely non stormy tv friendships live off having at least a contrast of personality, like the serious hero and the bubbly sidekick. 

Well the Producers were obviously trying to steer the show to focus primarily on Alex and Maggie. For a time in season 2 it was hard to distinguish whether it was still the Supergirl show or not. As the title role "recovered" she had to have "sister time" with someone else now that Alex was all but married off. Enter Lena. And I gather Sam was slated to be on the show before Floriana Lima decided to leave. So the third wheel, Sam, would become the Big Bad for season 3. And now I imagine Alex's role (like James, Hank, and Winn) will be pushed back into the deep background as well.

So in the meantime, poor little sad, mixed up Kara (the way the Producers have made her which is so sad) will mend and Brainiac 5 will be her new heart throb.

In other posts here I explained why I believe only Les Moonves wanted the show to succeed after season 1... everyone and everything (despite my every effort to give them the benefit of the doubt) appears to be hellbent on crashing the show like it was some sort of dud. The magic of season 1 (with a massive audience) would have sailed into at least 5 seasons with as many as 7 spin-offs and 3 feature films. And my attempts to get them to reboot to that first season format (say in a mirror universe) fell on deaf ears and blind eyes.

Season 2 opens with Kara being flaky with James after nearly forcing herself on him in season 1. Right after Lucy was out of the picture. "I don't know about 'us' anymore..." If James had called it off before it got serious the fans would forgive him and be all the more endeared to Kara. Then the Mon-El set up... and just when fans buy into it (check out the Karamel shippers for yourself). They rip the rug out from under that one AND in season 3 marry him off to Saturn girl.

It's like every step the Producers take is a deliberate attempt to lose fans.

The massive audience mentioned above could have been achieved if CBS had hung in there for a 2nd season. I tried to convince them they had a blockbuster on their hands. But the number crunchers and money boys tend to win out over art. As I pointed out repeatedly on the CBS feedback site "Remember the Boardroom Executive decision at NBC in 1968 and 1969 to cancel STAR TREK!

Conflicting and confusing past versions of Supergirl created a general indifference towards the character. And that box office bomb in 1984 really put people off.

I know. I was one of them. Until I actually tried watching the show in February 2016. So if CBS had renewed Supergirl even for 13 episodes in 2016, and really pushed in marketing for folks to just try the show... I believe the show could have even soared to the top 5 shows on prime time network TV!

I recall in hearing about the expensive budget in early 2016 and I was curious enough to try to watch the show. I fully did not expect to sit through a single episode... but I was BLOWN AWAY !  And I binge watched until the wee hours of the morning. 

If they would have rebooted the show... but, I fear, so much audience-alienating stuff has happened it may be too late...


I'm seeing now that there will be a Fort Rozz episode in just over a week. 

I have been suggesting to #supergirlprod #supergirl staff for over a year now that the reboot (to season 1 finale) be of Fort Rozz going into low orbit around the sun dislodging the Kryptonian pod that was trapped there (which crashed on Earth in the final scene of the finale).

I also suggested an arc where the omegahedrons on Fort Rozz are needed so Kara and Clark go in their pods to Fort Rozz to retrieve them.

This is my rendition of Fort Rozz and their pods as they approach:


I mean, as far as anyone would have surmised Fort Rozz would have just continued on out into space once Supergirl ejected it from Earth.

Now, after I suggested this to them they will come up with a visit to Fort Rozz.

Just wow... {sigh}

I don't think that Alex interest in Ruby means the writers intended to push Alex into the background. Even though the audience might not like her, I think the writers genuinely like Ruby and Sam and dedicate quite a bit of undisturbed screentime with long scenes to it. I think with Alex babysitting Ruby in 11 and interacting with Sam in 12 to run medical tests, that will make Alex the first one to start guessing the truth, which will strengthen her position within the show, if she is investigating this mystery and is in possession of this key piece of information. 

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1 hour ago, tinnefoil said:

I don't think that Alex interest in Ruby means the writers intended to push Alex into the background. Even though the audience might not like her, I think the writers genuinely like Ruby and Sam and dedicate quite a bit of undisturbed screentime with long scenes to it. I think with Alex babysitting Ruby in 11 and interacting with Sam in 12 to run medical tests, that will make Alex the first one to start guessing the truth, which will strengthen her position within the show, if she is investigating this mystery and is in possession of this key piece of information. 

Um, I might have been unclear. Sam is the third wheel (in Kara's inner circle) since Maggie left putting Alex back into that circle. This is why Sam is a heavy (Big Bad) and has to die. I see Alex maybe adopting the 1/2 Kryptonian Ruby to raise her. Possibly an exit for her from the show. Didn't think of that until your post. Even if that never happens, without the controversial love between Alex and Maggie, Chyler's part has to get smaller.  Maybe not into the background like you said, but smaller nevertheless..

Edited by johnar
On 1/9/2018 at 2:22 PM, tofutan said:

There was a picture I've sometimes used in online articles of Chris Wood in a red Mon-El suit where he is sort of looking down? Was that a manip or from like a costume test or something? I always wondered about that. Because if that was a manip that person can really pat themselves on the back because I think I've seen several websites and youtube channels use that as an illustration. 


Definitely a photo shop job. Lighting on head doesn't line up with shoulders etc.

This is an altered Tyler Hoechlin Super suit with color replacement and an altered glyph.



Edited by johnar
35 minutes ago, johnar said:

Um, I might have been unclear. Sam is the third wheel (in Kara's inner circle) since Maggie left putting Alex back into that circle. This is why Sam is a heavy (Big Bad) and has to die. I see Alex maybe adopting the 1/2 Kryptonian Ruby to raise her. Possibly an exit for her from the show. Didn't think of that until your post. Even if that never happens, without the controversial love between Alex and Maggie, Chyler's part has to get smaller.  Maybe not into the background like you said, but smaller nevertheless..

I'm pretty sure if Alex adopts Ruby, Ruby will be a regular cast member in season 4. I think there is storylines that could be mined from Ruby being the niece of the person who killed her mother and maybe developing powers like her mother. It might be their attempt to make the show more clearly targetted towards young girls by having a young girl character on the show. I'm not looking forward to it because I don't think that the Ruby actress is that strong, but I can see why it might make sense from a writer or producer point of view. 

I think Alex role was always going to have to change, because her role in season 1 was bound to Kara being inexperienced and needing her help. I don't think it would have sent a good message if the show had never let Kara grow up into her own strong hero, but as Kara grows more independent Alex role has to change. So putting her with a new potential fledging super heroine might make sense to her. 

I don't think that they will leave Alex girlfriendless forever. Even if they can't get Maggie back, I'm sure they will bring on a love interest for Alex eventually. 

I don't see why Alex's role needs to get smaller, especially now that Supergirl is more focused on the DEO, the place where she works and is the second in command, than it was in the first season. Even in the first season Alex still got a good amount of screentime outside of Kara, and that's without having a love interest. 



Well the Producers were obviously trying to steer the show to focus primarily on Alex and Maggie. For a time in season 2 it was hard to distinguish whether it was still the Supergirl show or not.

I didn't get that at all. Alex was prominent enough in the first two seasons that it was natural she would get a love interest of her own at some point, but Maggie rarely seemed to have more than a few minutes or so of screentime an episode and the big episode she did get in season two was more a Maggie/Kara team up episode than anything else. 

I think Ruby could kill Supergirl for me. I have no desire to see this kid stay and become a hero or deal with her powers etc and if Alex, Winn and J'onn end up having less to do then she does then there is no way I'm continuing to watch. 




Edited by Oreo2234
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I don't see why Alex's role needs to get smaller, especially now that Supergirl is more focused on the DEO, the place where she works and is the second in command, than it was in the first season.

It doesn't have to be less in screentime, but it's bound to change in nature. A lot of season 1 was dedicated to Alex sweeping in to save Kara's behind or to give her peptalks. But Kara is her own hero now, she even beat Superman in a fight. They could switch Alex to maybe becoming the boss of the DEO or putting more emphasis on her smart and her science side and taking on different responsibilities. But just consider how silly it was when Alex jumped on a motorcycle to drive to the location of a bomb explosion when J'onn, who can fly, was right there. 

Kara is not a little girl anymore and they can't just keep holding her back just so Alex can keep mothering her. After all, the show is called Supergirl and not Alex Danvers and her Incompetent Emotionally Unstable Sister. So giving her somebody she can actually mother without being weird seems like a logical step. Meanwhile Kara has to be allowed to grow into a powerful hero of her own. That doesn't mean that Alex has no importance, but that her role will and should change and shift. That's what's healthy. Especially since the show basically told us that Alex put herself last for Kara, which is not a healthy way to live. 

I for one think they should allow the sisters to one season have a genuine conflict that lasts for a few episodes. Not for them to hate each other, but for them to be in serious disagreement over how to handle something. Their relationships is good, they can take disagreeing over things on occasion. If Kara and Alex represented two sides of an issue that would basically guarantee her a big and meaty role in that season. 

Edited by tinnefoil
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I don't think Alex has been doing that much swooping in and saving Kara for a while. I don't agree with the idea that Alex should stop being a field agent because Kara is stronger and more experienced now. The entire purpose of the DEO is to deal with Alien threats etc. it's not realistic that Kara should deal with and/or investigate everything nearly all herself while Alex and other DEO agents never leave the headquarters.





Edited by Oreo2234
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I guess we find out why Alex is stuck babysitting Ruby for the next episode; she had her leg broken and physically can't be out in the field with the rest of the women. That does make it a little better, I guess. However, I still would have preferred they threw in an Alex/Winn subplot, or an Alex/James/Winn subplot, if they needed something for Alex to do that wasn't babysitting Ruby. I'm still annoyed that they revealed Alex's deep desire to have kids, followed by her getting a plot with a kid. Shows tend to do this far too often, so it's a shame they're already planting possible seeds for Alex to adopt Ruby. 

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1 hour ago, Lady Calypso said:

I guess we find out why Alex is stuck babysitting Ruby for the next episode; she had her leg broken and physically can't be out in the field with the rest of the women. That does make it a little better, I guess. However, I still would have preferred they threw in an Alex/Winn subplot, or an Alex/James/Winn subplot, if they needed something for Alex to do that wasn't babysitting Ruby. I'm still annoyed that they revealed Alex's deep desire to have kids, followed by her getting a plot with a kid. Shows tend to do this far too often, so it's a shame they're already planting possible seeds for Alex to adopt Ruby. 

Sad news flash: the casting call for Ruby said there was an option for renewal to series regular after this year.

21 hours ago, MarkHB said:

Sad news flash: the casting call for Ruby said there was an option for renewal to series regular after this year.

I guess they want a girl in this Supergirl show?


21 minutes ago, Xander said:

Mon-El's real suit is surprisingly similar to the manip. It's revealed in their midseason promo.


So he has two supersuits? ?? Is this the one he only uses in the future?? I guess this is the outfit that they said they had from last season.

Edited by Trini

 I'm still annoyed that they revealed Alex's deep desire to have kids, followed by her getting a plot with a kid. Shows tend to do this far too often, so it's a shame they're already planting possible seeds for Alex to adopt Ruby. 

I love the kids on Stranger Things but generally kids on these types of shows don't work, especially when they aren't present from the beginning. Their rarely anything but a waste of screentime. And Alex is the wrong type of character to give a child. It confuses me how often writers think this is a great plot to give a character. 

Edited by Oreo2234
12 hours ago, Primal Slayer said:

I like it! Can't complain.

Lois Lane is on her way to National City!


I thought Lois and Clark were a happy couple in the Supergirl universe based on Kara praising Clark for being a great boyfriend and maintaining a steady relationship. So shouldn't Lois Lane be known to be in a relationship with Clark Kent rather than being coy about Superman and talking about how she wants him to propose to her? 

Do we know whether that would be a regular role or more of a cameo thing? 

If she was around for longer, that would hopefully finally hopefully do the trick of sprucing up CatCo. Plus, I'm getting really tired of the Kara/Lena dynamic, so I'm all for somebody with some actual personality to come in and breathe some life into that. 


Mon-El's real suit is surprisingly similar to the manip.

Maybe it was a mock up drawn up by the production people from Supergirl after all! 

Edited by tinnefoil
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