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She's Superman's Cousin!: And Other Supergirl Spoilers

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From TV Line:

Do you have any intel on new Supergirl casting? –Surf El-Danvers

As hinted at New York Comic-Con, the CBS series is casting Winslow Schott Sr. aka the deranged and violent Toyman. Freshly escaped from prison, Toyman seeks revenge on the man who cost him his job – after seeking some much-needed quality time up with son Winn aka Kara’s CatCo colleague. Toyman debuts in Episode 10, which is also casting Saffron Belle, the FBI agent hot on Toyman’s trail.

And the description for episode 2:

"Stronger Together" - When Kara's attempts to help National City don't go according to plan, she must put aside the doubts that she - and the city's media - has about her abilities in order to capture an escapee from the Kryptonian prison, Fort Rozz. Also, Cat pressures James to use his connection to Superman to get her an interview with Supergirl, ...

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A video showing off what to expect going forward


The biggest shocker in the entire thing is that they actually refer to Superman by name. 

Why's that so surprisingly when they did in the pilot, like 3 different times? Admittedly people noticed the times they DIDN'T, but it's like that instantly made them forget/unhear the times it did.

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Why's that so surprisingly when they did in the pilot, like 3 different times? Admittedly people noticed the times they DIDN'T, but it's like that instantly made them forget/unhear the times it did.

The pilot went through some verbal gymnastics to ensure they used a name other than Superman a bunch of other times, even when it would have been far more natural to say it.  The second episode was far, far better about it and was natural. 


Speaking of Supes, the canadian promo actually shows him.  It's edited to make it look like he's protecting a downed Kara but it's almost certainly a flashback to when he fought the villain of the week, possibly while rescuing James since the signal watch shows up.  That watch should still work with Kara so maybe James will be keeping it with him. 

CBS has released photos from Episode 5 ("Livewire").  I notice that there's no spot set at the Thanksgiving table for Dean Cain's character; my theory is that he has passed away since the flashback era, and that the "three people in my life" who know are Alex, Alex's mom, and Superman.  The fact that Kara talked in Episode 2 about Kal-El's Clark identity (glasses and a well-placed slouch) implies to me that she knows him well enough.

CBS has released photos from Episode 5 ("Livewire").  I notice that there's no spot set at the Thanksgiving table for Dean Cain's character; my theory is that he has passed away since the flashback era, and that the "three people in my life" who know are Alex, Alex's mom, and Superman.  The fact that Kara talked in Episode 2 about Kal-El's Clark identity (glasses and a well-placed slouch) implies to me that she knows him well enough.

We could conclude him not being there implies that, but I could also see this just being misleading. I mean Winn being there means Kara invited her friends there, but Jimmy/James is missing. 


I gotta say, because Melissa is no natural blond, I never realized that they managed to peg such a good physical resemblance between two characters (Mama Danvers and Kara) who have, by design, zero genetic relationship. I mean Melissa looks more like Helen Slater than she does Laura Benanti.



Speaking of those photos, I wonder if Calista Flockhart hates this scene, because it shows that her backside is actually microscopically bigger in comparison to her (bizarrely skinny) waist?



At a guess, Livewire has invaded Cat's office as well as her television sets. I bet Cat is really pissed off because she doesn't like other people playing with her toys.


Mama Danvers could be making a lone visit to see her girls for Thanksgiving and Papa Danvers just stayed at home for some reason.  It's strange that Dean Cain didn't get any lines in the pilot episode.


So Wynn is invited and James isn't?  Boo.  Given how much they're teasing Kara/James in ep 3, does this mean it's over already?

Edited by statsgirl

James may well have family to go to on the holiday.  It came out in the casting announcement for Winn Schott Sr., aka the Toyman, that our Winn is estranged from his (evil) father; I don't know anything about his mother but this episode might help set up the Toyman storyline by establishing that Winn doesn't have anyone to celebrate Thanksgiving with, hence Kara inviting him to join them.

You gotta love how Ausiello answers the question he has the scoop for, not the one asked:


Question: Longtime reader of your work and finally asking my first question! Considering the musical chops of several of the cast of Supergirl (Melissa Benoist, Jeremy Jordan and Laura Benanti!), can we expect someday be treated to a musical episode of Supergirl? —Rae

Ausiello: Really? You’re going to make that your first Ask Ausiello question? A Supergirl musical episode? Love you like the sister I never had, Rae, but you need to seriously up your AA game if you want to be taken seriously here. I’ll cut you a little slack since it is your first time though. In fact, I’ll even lob a S’girl scoop your way: Episode 11 will mark the introduction of a new recurring character named Matthew, a hunky, well-built heartthrob with abandonment issues and — drumroll, please — a potential love interest for Kara.

Already with the plot contrivances?

EW Spoiler room


Any spoilers you can tell us about Supergirl? — Rocky
Kara won’t just use her powers to keep aliens in line. “In episode 3, Reactron, who’s a Superman villain, shows up in town, and Kara says to the DEO, ‘How are we going to get him?’ ” executive producer Andrew Kreisberg says. “They say, ‘Well, we’re not. We find aliens. We’re not going to expose this covert government agency for a human villain. Let the police handle it, or call Superman.’ By the end of that episode, Kara has turned the DEO around. They have all of these amazing resources and they could be doing more with it.”

This is a relatively big spoiler, so be warned.  From the official description of Episode 6,


Personal and professional stress get the better of Kara when she goes too far during a training exercise against Red Tornado, a military cyborg commissioned by Lucy Lane’s father, General Sam Lane. Also, Cat’s tough exterior is shaken by a visit from her judgmental mother, Katherine, and Alex enlists Winn to look into her father’s mysterious death, on SUPERGIRL, Monday, Nov. 30 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET) on the CBS Television Network. Guest stars include Iddo Goldberg as Red Tornado and its creator, Dr. Morrow; Joan Juliet Buck as Katherine Grant, Cat’s mother; and Glenn Morshower as General Sam Lane, Lucy’s father.


Emphasis added. So, Jeremiah Danvers (Dean Cain) is apparently dead (or at least comics-dead) in the present?

I'm hoping it's overhype, like Oliver's flashback love interest on Arrow or other characters who have been touted as love interests and it didn't really pan out.


At this point, I'd rather see a love interest for Cat than yet another one for Kara.  And maybe one for Alex towards the end of the season.

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Bleeding Cool is reporting that we may see a Flash crossover for May sweeps.


Original story:

Bleeding Cool has been told by a reliable source to expect Supergirl to meet the Flash and the STAR Labs crew from her fellow show by May’s sweeps week, if CBS orders the last episodes of Supergirl.


Comissioned [sic] for 13 episodes, CBS has an option for a “back nine” to bring the season up to 22.


CBS believes Supergirl may need the ratings boost…


This morning's follow-up:

...Indeed, we’ve heard this morning that it may be a requirement to do a crossover if it gets those extra episodes.


And it may all be part of an arc that takes on the storyline from the Supergirl comics about New Krypton – that comic saw 100,000 Kryptonians come to Earth after Brainiac freed them from the Bottle City of Kandor, with a new planet being built for them. It also mirrors a plotline currently running in Dark Knight III: The Master Race. But how much of that could be done on a TV budget means we may get a very different way of telling that story.


I'm quoting such large chunks because the story also includes potential Legends of Tomorrow spoilers, so if you don't want to read those, BEWARE THE LINKS!  :)

Also, is there anyone else who hears "Queen of All Media" and thinks of the self-described "King of All Media," Howard Stern?


CBS believes Supergirl may need the ratings boost…

Does that really work when Supergirl (so far) is getting better ratings (even in the 18-49 demo) that The Flash?


Admittedly it should be getting MUCH better ratings rather than marginally better ones (and it IS in the absolute numbers vs. the demo), but it's not like there are untapped legions of Flash fans out there just waiting for an excuse to watch SG.


What dimwit thinks Italia Ricci isnt going to be acted off the screen by Melissa Benoist and Calista Flockhart?

Jings, does the Amell family have blackmail material on the casting people on these shows?


Seriously, it makes you wonder what Stephen Amell has got on Berlanti and crew.  First his brother, now his brother's fiance, what's next ?  Is his mom going to show up on Legends of Tomorrow ?

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Wasn't Robbie Amell on a Berlanti show first?


Berlanti seems to hold a lot of loyalty to his former actors, which I think is a good thing. Tom Amanades (sp?) from Everwood is going to be on Arrow soon, and Gregory Smith has directed.


They still haven't hired Cassandra Jean yet. She's had to limit herself to Mad Men.and Hart of Dixie.

Well, the rumors are that Hank is either a cyborg (as per the comics) or that he is Martian Manhunter. The fact that Jemm, Son of Saturn is in this episode and that the Martians and Saturnians have links in the comics might point to the latter.

Also, there was a story that CBS now wants a Flash crossover for May sweeps, so that may be in play as well.

From TVGuide:

Supergirl: Hank Henshaw's True Identity Revealed - Is the Justice League Close Behind?


Several spoilers for upcoming episodes.

I thought this section was interesting, although not a spoiler. Should we have a thread for Hank?

How soon after getting the part of Hank did you know that he was really the Martian Manhunter?

Harewood: Not until after the pilot. I came back to Hollywood in preparation for the series about two weeks before we started shooting. I didn't know then. I found out about a week into shooting the first episode.

I was delighted. My manager told me that they were changing my character, which I didn't understand. No one told me anything. I did all of Comic-Con without really knowing what was going on.

Edited by Starfish35

From Matt's Inside Line @ TVLine:

Now that Supergirl‘s Hank Henshaw has revealed he is J’onn J’onzz aka the Martian Manhunter, any chance we will see any White Martians? –Vanessa

As a matter of fact, in Episode 11 — aka the third after the break — “We have a visitor from another planet who’s a White Martian,” David Harewood reveals. “There are two Martian species — a Green Martian species and a White Martian species — and the White Martians, in our story, are responsible for the death of the whole of the Green Martians.”


Nature, being extremely clever,rarely makes the fetus too large for the mother to carry and birth* otherwise she would die in the attempt.  For a small mother, the baby is born small and then grows if it had inherited genes to become a large person.


*The exception is head size.  Stephen Jay Gould wrote an essay explaining that because of our large brain size, the human infant is essentially born 11 months early.  Anyone who has had a baby with colic or sleepness problems will appreciate the idea that at 11 months, the baby suddenly develops an ability to be much more independent and self-sufficient. 

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She's 5'5" which is on the upper end of average height for her age so not that short.  Her extreme thinness makes her look tiny.


Also, there are genes that can be a throwback to previous generations, which is how it happens that white couples can be shocked when they birth an ethnic-looing baby.

Episode 1.09:



“Blood Bonds” – With Astra in captivity at the DEO, her husband, Non (Chris Vance), captures Hank, leading to a tense standoff between the two sides. Also, Kara continues to refute Cat’s allegations that she is Supergirl, on SUPERGIRL, Monday, Jan. 4 (8:00-9:00 PM) on the CBS Television Network.

Yes to the Hank story but I'm disappointed if Kara tries to say she's not Supergirl.

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Yeah that disappointed me as well. It leads me to think they're going to try to undo Cat knowing about her, and I didn't want that. :(


Agreed.  It not only makes no sense in light of the fact that Kara already admitted to Cat that she is Supergirl, it also renders that entire scene both superfluous and pointless.

Edited by legaleagle53

I don't want us to jump the gun though.  Read the blurb carefully.



Kara continues to refute Cat’s allegations that she is Supergirl

Nowhere in that does it confirm she succeeds in that (or even that she doesn't do a 180 by the end of the episode).


If that's the way it goes down I'm okay with it. It makes sense she'd try to turn this around first. It will only fall to shit if they come up with some lame shit like lets say.... Hank using his shapechanging to impersonate Supergirl  to put Kara and SG in the same place at the same time.


Okay, now that I type that I know it's likely to happen JUST like that (after Hank's secret is revealed to Kara earlier in the episode--presumably when she rescues him, which is precisely why his being "taken" is a storyline here--to force that reveal).


But I suppose it's short of 100%, so we can hope, right?

Agreed.  It not only makes no sense in light of the fact that Kara already admitted to Cat that she is Supergirl, it also renders that entire scene both superfluous and pointless.

The hook they'll hang this on (if they do it the way I describe above) is that she DIDN'T admit it, she just got flustered and ran away.  Which is kind of what we saw happen--it's just that Cat isn't supposed to be an idiot, so it's going to take Hank impersonating SG to pull this off (and then it becomes a lame comic book cliche in action).

Edited by Kromm
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