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She's Superman's Cousin!: And Other Supergirl Spoilers

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EW Spoiler Room:


When will Kara find out about James being Guardian on Supergirl? — Terri

I’d put good money on Kara finding out in the winter finale, but everyone will uncover the truth slowly but surely over the coming episodes. “It’s a little bit like when Chandler and Monica started dating [on Friends], every episode somebody else found out and they had a surprising reaction,” EP Andrew Kreisberg tells me. “Not everybody is going to find out at once. Some people are going to be supportive; who’s supportive is going to be surprising. Some people are going to be incredibly unsupportive thinking James and Winn have lost their minds; their identities will be interesting.”

So, if I can guess whose reactions will be surprising: Kara should be understandably pissed. I could see Alex maybe being supportive because it would be totally surprising. J'onn might be on Kara's side in being pissed. Maybe Mon-El will be pissed because it infringes on his budding bromance with Winn? 

Yeah, I agree that Kara's going to be furious and Alex is going to be more supportive than you'd think. Alex of all people understands the "I just can't sit by while the people close to me risk their lives" impulse...though she is a lot smarter about how she handles it.

I'm wondering if J'onn is going to be somewhat supportive, on the theory that the Guardian can handle street-level crime and that frees up Supergirl and the DEO to really focus on aliens. That would be kinda surprising, but I guess I could see it happening. J'onn might also tend toward Winn's "if we don't help him, the idiot will get himself killed, so we might as well help" view.

Mon-El will probably be like "Rao, not ANOTHER human who will now nag me about being a ~hero, ugh."

Edited by stealinghome
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12 hours ago, stealinghome said:

Mon-El will probably be like "Rao, not ANOTHER human who will now nag me about being a ~hero, ugh."

Complete with eyeroll.

On the other hand, I think it can't have been lost on him that his instinctive reaction upon seeing innocent people being attacked was to use his powers to save them.  I mean, he tried to help at Lena's party (even though he got his ass kicked), and he zoomed in and caught the car that had been about to crush the little girl it had been thrown at.  Kara is right to tell him that he has it in him to be a hero, and deep down, he knows she's right, even if she hasn't gone about the best way of encouraging him to use his powers for good. 

Edited by legaleagle53
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Interview with Chris Wood (empireonline.com). Roughly about little more than half way down the article, the interview gets into the discussion of Supergirl and his role as Mon-El.

The article I think is only moderately spoilery (e.g., Chris doesn't flat out say Mon-El is the prince of Daxam, but come on, I think we'll all be more surprised if he isn't.) Here's that bit from the interview:


He's got a lot of stuff from his background, and he's new to this planet. The rules are different. When he was there, it seemed like he was just living his life for himself, based on what he's told her so far. He hasn't been completely honest about everything. I can give you that. He has left some details out that she'll find out soon that will obviously change their dynamic. He was a bit of a dude back home. He's now here, and we’re starting to see him respond to someone who's trying to actually help him and make him better.

Another interesting bit further into the article is that it sounds like Mon-El will be suiting up as his superhero comic book self sooner rather than later. Sounds like we may be seeing Mon-El in his comic book supersuit regalia, sidekicking it with Kara before the season ends.

I  know I'm probably alone on this, but I like how Chris Wood has been playing Mon-El and really like his dynamic with Melissa/Kara, so this article made me optimistic about Mon-El's story trajectory with regards to his part on the show. Since the show hasn't been dropping any spoilers or shown any indication of there being an individualized story arc for Kara (where is it, Show?!?), Mon-El is basically the only other story I currently have an ongoing interest in after the big crossover (which looks like tremendous fun. :D I'm very much looking forward to Kara mixing it up with Barry, Oliver, and the rest of the Flarrowverse ). At least Kara has a part to play in Mon-El's story line. 

OT - I know Hank Henshaw is Cyborg Superman in the comics (one of the comic iterations at any rate), but him being Cyborg Superman on this show feels "meh" to me. Hank Henshaw before he "died" really hated aliens, but now as Cyborg Superman he's super strong and.... really, really still hates aliens. I feel like there needs to be more to this. Right now my reaction is "And? So...???". That said, I really am waiting to see how it plays out on the show ( it's just that at first blush this doesn't sound like the most dramatic choice they could've gone with for this show).

Edited by regularlyleaded
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44 minutes ago, regularlyleaded said:

Interview with Chris Wood (empireonline.com). Roughly about little more than half way down the article, the interview gets into the discussion of Supergirl and his role as Mon-El.

The article I think is only moderately spoilery (e.g., Chris doesn't flat out say Mon-El is the prince of Daxam, but come on, I think we'll all be more surprised if he isn't.) Here's that bit from the interview:

Another interesting bit further into the article is that it sounds like Mon-El will be suiting up as his superhero comic book self sooner rather than later. Sounds like we may be seeing Mon-El in his comic book supersuit regalia, sidekicking it with Kara before the season ends.

I  know I'm probably alone on this, but I like how Chris Wood has been playing Mon-El and really like his dynamic with Melissa/Kara, so this article made me optimistic about Mon-El's story trajectory with regards to his part on the show. Since the show hasn't been dropping any spoilers or shown any indication of there being an individualized story arc for Kara (where is it, Show?!?), Mon-El is basically the only other story I currently have an ongoing interest in after the big crossover (which looks like tremendous fun. :D I'm very much looking forward to Kara mixing it up with Barry, Oliver, and the rest of the Flarrowverse ). At least Kara has a part to play in Mon-El's story line. 

That was a great interview.  It sounds as though Chris is having a lot of fun with this role.  I like the way he points out that with Mon-El, we're basically getting Clark Kent/Superman's journey as it might have been told before Kara arrived on Earth.

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1 hour ago, StarBrand said:

She seems a bit peeved at Kara. I guess Kara thought it would be best for Maggie not to be at this dinner...

I don't think that's it. I'm guessing that James thinks Kara knows that he is Guardian because Alex was supposed to tell her, but she didn't, so that's what Alex is trying to convey to James.

Also I thought any reference to the crossover would only be at the end of the episode, surprised they are interrupting the middle with Cisco's portal.

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I don't think Maggie and Alex are at the stage of bringing each other to family dinners. They barely made up last episode. I think it was more that Alex didn't tell Kara about James being Guardian. That's why she was getting him to shut up about it. But way to steal the dinner for yourself James and Mon-El. I would say it's meta but I really don't think the show writers care or notice that the men are taking over. 

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Alex is clearly at least a little tipsy. The slurring, the unsteadiness, the angry way she snaps at James. I think it make sense though. She had to steel her resolve to tell Kara. Given how judgemental I get the feeling her mom has always been toward her, a little liquid courage is certainly called for.

As for the portal, I think Starfish35 is right. That's probably Cisco trying to dial in on Kara, probably through Barry's memory of her or something, which explains why the portal starts to open in Kara's apartment and not, say, where Barry came through the last time (on the street near CatCo). Though it would be amusing if Barry and Cisco appeared at CatCo instead.

  • Love 1

I don't think the men are taking over at all. At worst you could make a case for Mon-El (although he's only here to give Kara her own arc), but James (even with Guardian) and Winn have been sidelined this season, IMO.

The worst thing to be on this show is a human male.  Winn has been nothing more than snarky tech support, James is an excuse to keep some non-superpowered fighting in the show, and Snapper is pointless with the shift away from Catco.  Pretty much every important storyline is being pushed by a woman (Alex, Lillian) or an alien male (J'onn).  The ironic thing is that Kara isn't the one doing the pushing. 

I wonder if Kara will recognize the portal (she did see Barry leave).  While I don't expect Barry and Cisco to show up until the very end maybe she can shout/toss a message through, like stop interrupting my meals.

  • Love 1

I know over in the Flash forum people were wondering if Barry told his friends/team about his crossover adventure and Supergirl (there's been no indication that he has), but I wonder if Kara has talked to Alex and J'onn about Barry/Flash at all? (Since they were absent when he came last time.) I assume maybe J'onn could find out through whatever files or reports that were made by the DEO officers, but I'd think Kara would want to tell Alex personally. From promo pics, it doesn't look like Barry and Cisco meet anyone other than Kara this time; so Alex is missing out again!

35 minutes ago, MarkHB said:

According to Andrew Kreisberg at a screening in LA, the Dominators will be returning to Supergirl later this season!

Also, for those who didn't catch it on The Flash tonight, Kara's earth is officially Earth-38.

No wonder it took Barry and Cisco three tries to get to Kara's earth -- that's crossing 37 dimensions just going one-way.  Not exactly a trip across town.


From promo pics, it doesn't look like Barry and Cisco meet anyone other than Kara this time; so Alex is missing out again!

There are already too many characters crammed into the crossover.  Ironically from a real life standpoint James should have headed over because his actor has had a lot of free time to film crossover scenes.  Everyone else has been pretty busy.

Maybe the Dominators will be involved in hunting down Mon-El later this season.

You know what's really interesting?  In the Silver Age comics, it was Myxzptlk who restored Kara's powers after a jealous Kryptonian scientist by the name of Lesla-Lar stole them.  Myxy wanted to embarrass Superman by giving Kryptonian superpowers to an ordinary Earth girl -- and he just happened to pick Linda Danvers, Supergirl's alter ego (which is why in the Silver Age comics at least, Myxy knew Supergirl's secret identity.  He was never able to figure out Superman's, though!).

Normally, the effects of Myxy's magic vanish when he returns to his own world, the one exception being when he uses his magic to restore someone or something to its normal state.  That's why Supergirl's powers remained even after Myxy returned to his homeworld after he restored them; all he really did was undo Lesla-Lar's work and return Supergirl to her normal state.

Edited by legaleagle53
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On the November 16th episode of Fat Man on Batman,(starting at 9:34), Kevin Smith talks a bit about the next Supergirl episode, which he directed. 

1. Had high praise for Mellissa and Chris:  "Oh my God, cast them in everything, they are adorable.  Charm city man".  I have read elsewhere that the storyline this episode will feature Mon-el and Kara pretty strongly. 

2. There will be a line by J'onn that references the red sun of Krypton - and it is important (Somehow). Kevin: he has a line... I can't say cause it could be a spoiler, but he has a line that is so f-ing DV, specifically superworld.. that's like, kinda... you know what, I can talk about it.  he references the red sun of krypton. and so he has this line where he says arturs(?) is a red sun"  I didn't get this transcription quite right.  If someone hears what he says there better might be more informative. But since Kevin thought it would be spoilery theorizing around why this line would come up in dialogue could help speculation.

3.  Big episode with possible space travel or time travel? Kevin:  "we do... we do like...(trying to think how to describe)... like, it's very ambitious.  It's different from a lot of the Supergirl episodes, it's not different in a bad way, but like we... like.... we take a (knowing look) ***journey***"  Mark says: Journey through time and space?  Kevin:  (looks at him with a grin, taps the table) kinda.... it's big."

It helps to watch the actual video, because I feel body language and hesitations gave a certain emphasis to the information than can be conveyed in the words.

The Episode is called "Supergirl Lives".  There is some speculation that there is a time jump between end of the crossover and start of this episode, at that Supergirl Lives has to do with people thinking she was dead during that time.  Supergirl Lives is also an homage to Superman Lives, which has more to do with Superman losing his powers temporarily, and maybe this is the line that the show will go. 

So based on what Kevin said about the episode, this is my wacky theory:  Alien's chasing Mon-el catch up with him and capture him, Kara and J'onn.  They are brought somehow into a solar system that has a red sun in order to depower Kara and Mon-el.  Kara has to be a hero without her powers, which is how it relates to the original Superman Lives storyline. Mon-el's identity comes out.  J'onn not effected by the red sun so still has his powers.... so not so sure about his part; maybe he ends up saving them.  Does he have a space ship?

  • Love 3
11 hours ago, legaleagle53 said:

If he said "Arcturus," then he's got the wrong star.  Arcturus is known for its orange color.  An orange sun would diminish Kara and Mon-El's powers, but it would not remove them entirely.

Wikipedia says that "Arcturus is a type K0 III red giant star", but yes is in the orange spectrum and not red, I guess they figured it was close enough.  The "red giant" business is annoying, I don't know why they don't just call it an "orange giant" instead. 

Edited by Tigris Tv

New sneak peek is up on CW app.  There is someone on twitter who has a copy of it.  Pop-up didn't show up to allow it to be text, so it'll just be embedded tweets.


And as well there is a short interview with Melissa and Chris where they give some spoilers.  Namely: Things are gonna get interplanetary! Intergalactic!

Edited by Tigris Tv
6 minutes ago, Tigris Tv said:

[Edit:  how do you paste just the link to the tweet?  When I try, it turns into an embedded tweet. ]

When you paste it, it should give you a box that says, "Link automatically embedded; click here to make it a plain link" or some such.  Or, alternatively, you can use the regular link tool (the chain icon in the toolbar) and link via some plaintext.

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54 minutes ago, stealinghome said:

The harder they try to push Kara/Mon-El, the more I roll my eyes.

Is that Maggie Kara is hurrying off to talk to?

Yes, the consensus I have seen is that is Maggie.  I assume to talk about the missing girl.

I like seeing Chris and Melissa play off each other, so I'm on board for more scenes of them together.

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, Tigris Tv said:

I like seeing Chris and Melissa play off each other, so I'm on board for more scenes of them together.

Chris has great chemistry with Melissa on this show -- way more than what Chris had with his costar Kristen Gutoskie on 'Containment' (especially their creepy shower curtain sex scene).

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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Just now, ottoDbusdriver said:

creepy shower curtain sex scene

That sounds like a horror movie thing! 

This show was my first introduction to Chris Wood.   I have since learned he studied musical theatre, so I'm very curious what part he'll play in the musical cross over episode.  The interview up above is the first time I've seen Melissa out of her Supergirl character and she is super charming! 

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Jeremy Jordan sitting in a PFT(?) on set.

This looks like it is in the DEO set.  The machine is a "plethysmography machine".  From Wikipedia:  A plethysmograph is an instrument for measuring changes in volume within an organ or whole body (usually resulting from fluctuations in the amount of blood or air it contains).  This looks like a whole body one - so most likely measuring the amount of air. 

Maybe it will be used with Winn, but the actor may just be sitting in it for fun.  If it is Winn, does he get injured in some way?  If not, I had a theory that maybe it is used with Supergirl to get her ready for space travel (deep breaths and measuring how much oxygen she has in her blood) - that may be stretching.

Speaking of Winn, I understand he is supposed to have a big part (or at least bigger than normal) in the next episode according to a twitter comment he made.   A fan stated after the mid-season finale "the show was good.  You just need bigger parts.  Need more of Mr Jordan" and Jordan replied: "next episode I promise!  Great stuff"

[Edit:  Yay!  I made the text link work!  Proud of myself]

Edited by Tigris Tv

A couple villains are returning:


Livewire (played by Brit Morgan) and Metallo (Frederick Schmidt) are among the villains returning to the CW drama in 2017, TVLine has learned exclusively....

Executive producer Ali Adler tells TVLine that other “fan-favorite” villains will reappear this season, but it’s too early to make any additional announcements.

I was just thinking the other day that I'd like to see some previous bad guys return! Which ones are considered "fan favorites", though?

I'd like to see Max Lord come back.

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From TVLine's Winter Preview spoilers article:



“A lot of secrets have been brewing this season,” executive producer Ali Adler acknowledges, promising that “we’ll get definitive answers” in the back half. For starters, we’ll find out what Mon-El is hiding, and why he claims not to remember “that almost unsatisfying kiss” he shared with Kara. “We’ll explore more of that relationship,” Adler says. “Kara still has to figure out how she feels about him.”

Meanwhile, Alex and Maggie face a new crop of “complications”; Winn will learn “what it means to be a hero” (and will “get a little taste of love” for himself); Lena and Kara grow “closer,” leading to a possible shift in the Luthor/Super dynamic; and an army of enemies will emerge, including legendary DC Comics prankster Mr. Mxyzptlk. (“He’s a really funny character, and we’re going to get a lot of that humor.”)

They must have cast Mxyzptlk by now right? I just wonder if they have the budget to get someone semi-famous.

And no news on James or Snapper ... bye Catco....

Edited by Trini

Please let the kiss have been unsatisfying because Mon-El (at least as he is now) and Kara just don't work. Please, writers. Also, PLEASE GIVE KARA A STORYLINE THAT ISN'T ALL ABOUT MON-EL, thanks.

I hope Alex and Maggie's complications have to do with Kara's secret identity. That shit should write itself.

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