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Hart Of Dixie - General Discussion

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I agree that Lemon/Lavon don't seem to work out anymore. I think they should have stuck with AB/Lavon and George/Lemon. At least those two couples happened recently, but Lemon and Lavon have barely even been friends since S1. Back then, I was intrigued by their affair and their feelings. Since then, each of them has had more chemistry or been with other people. It feels contrived.


George and AB have chemistry because the actors are charming, but my goodness was AB orange in this episode.


Zoe was adorable this episode. I also loved how Lavon, Wade, and Zoe will still be one big happy family with the baby. I love that house and the pastries too! Zoe/Wade make me smile whenever they are on screen together. I love their PDA such as whenever Wilson kisses Zoe on the forehead.


I'd like a BBQ pork butt burrito too.

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Am I the only one that is glad we are not playing hide the belly anymore?  I too am on board with AB and George, again because the actors are great and really sell it. I Love AB and I love George so I am cool.  I do, in my evil little heart, want Lemon and Lavon to end up alone for what they have done to AB but I will get over it.  

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SO MUCH ORANGE. I thought it was just a glowy overly warm lighting choice, but then in a few scenes, I noticed that Wade was a completely normal color while the people right next to him were Cheese Flavie orange. So it isn't hitting everyone equally.


AB and George were cute together, mostly because both actors are great and they were selling the hell out of it, but it still seems odd.

Why didn't AB tell George she wanted to sell the houseboat and give him first dibs on buying it? Can he not afford it? He seems to do okay.


If I had access to Lavon's house and pastry-filled kitchen I would never leave. I loved Zoe's marveling about the magic kitchen. "Where do they come from?" I've been wondering that all along! Either Lavon gets up early every day to hit the grocery and bakery, or he has a really excellent housekeeper or delivery service. Or maybe it's just magic!

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Why didn't AB tell George she wanted to sell the houseboat and give him first dibs on buying it? Can he not afford it? He seems to do okay.


I was wondering that myself.  It seemed like the natural thing to discuss. Has George been paying her rent?  It seems like that would be enough extra cash for school, since you don't need to pay all your tuition in advance.  Unless he doesn't pay what the boat is worth, in which case she has every right to sell it.

If I had access to Lavon's house and pastry-filled kitchen I would never leave. I loved Zoe's marveling about the magic kitchen. "Where do they come from?" I've been wondering that all along! Either Lavon gets up early every day to hit the grocery and bakery, or he has a really excellent housekeeper or delivery service. Or maybe it's just magic!

I laughed right out loud when Zoe said something like "We'll never find our own pastry elf!"    lol. Total shout out to the Fuggirls who adore the kitchen pastry.

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I am happy that Zoe and Wade are....what?  Staying in their respective cottages on Lavon's property as they have been up until now?  What about the concept that there was no room for baby + baby stuff in the cottages, much less two people + baby and baby stuff?  Isn't that why the whole thing about moving came up in the first place?  They decided it didn't matter?  Or is Lavon actually moving them into the big house?


I don't want the three of them and their pastries to break up, but I have no idea how it was resolved.

Yes, the carriage house is Zoe's. It'll be cramped, but I think it was implied that Lavon would help out with babysitting in the big house. His schedule seems a bit more flexible than Wade's and Zoe's.


Honestly, if I lived near Lavon, his kitchen and his food/pastries, I'd never want to leave either.


Right??? I'd be like, OK, let's apply for some permits and put an expansion on the carriage house and we'll all live together and never leave Lavon or his pastries or his lake or his beautiful house.

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I'd be like, OK, let's apply for some permits and put an expansion on the carriage house and we'll all live together and never leave Lavon or his pastries or his lake or his beautiful house.

I was actually hoping for this.  Lavon to be all, "I don't want you to leave, you don't want to leave.  Lets just build you something so you don't have to"

I didn't understand why they thought there was no room in either of their places. Zoe's room is not huge, but could be made to work with some rearranging. Plus you can tell from the exterior that there is more space inside the carriage house that could be used (which is what they are now planning to do, although I thought there was more space on the lower level as well. Maybe it is actually a garage or something?). And the building Wade lives in seems pretty roomy. It's a studio, not separate bedrooms, but there is plenty of space for a crib and another dresser with a changing pad on top. Either of their porches could hold a stroller. I don't know how much space they think a baby needs. Not to mention, their places are pretty close to each other, so they wouldn't even have to choose. They could use one as living space and the other for sleeping. But I love renovation and redecorating so I'm excited to see the attic.

I'm kind of over the relationship merrygoround with all these characters. I wish they had just stuck with Lavon and AB and had Zoe and Wade have a semi healthy relationship without the added burden of an accidental pregnancy thrown in at the last minute. 


Best relationship is always Tom Long and Wanda. Hilarious and cute with their own issues that they usually resolve.


The whole moving out plot line was super contrived and I was annoyed that Zade basically dumped a country singer onto Lavon and abandoned him to cater to her every whim alone.


At the moment I'm only watching because of Tom Long and Lavon's excellent no no no NO's, most of the other characters aggravate me to varying degrees and at various times.


I marathoned the entire show in less than a week. Probably wasn't healthy.

Edited by wayne67

"What kind of fool name is Scooter?"

"Yeah, good point, Chicken."


I need more Zoe/Wade scenes. LOVE them together. All their scenes were great and I wouldn't mind a whole episode of them just figuring out how to decorate the baby's room and deciding what they're going to name it. A little Wade is cute and all but I could swoon at the thought of Wade doing a little girls hair. I guess that's what fanfic is for.

I wish Lemon and Lavon would just happen already. I don't know how many more times I can watch them dance around each other awkwardly while one enters a building and the other exits.

Liked Lavon in a sleeveless top and Zoe and Brick bonding. And Tom Long and that adorable goat.

AB always looks lovely but her 60's outfit didn't look any different than any other outfit she wears.

I'm on board with AB and George.

Cricket reading Ellen's book was a cute touch.

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I like AB and George. Now I wish they'd been together sooner because I know they're just the odd men out in this show and they were just thrown together as spare parts. But I like them.

Can't wait to hear what Alice has to say and Lemon's reaction to seeing her mom and dad just strolling down the street together. I don't know if it's intentional, but wasn't Lemon dealing with her mom issues when she was with or had just broken things off with Lavon before? Interesting parallel to have her going to have a big moment with him and then seeing her mom again.

Rachel Bilson is an adorable pregnant lady. I appreciated Wade's lack of sleeves.

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I was hoping that Wade and Zoe were having a girl. I wanted to see Wade and Earl interacting with a baby girl.

I wanted more Wade and Zoe scenes in this episode.

I wonder what excuse Alice will give for abandoning the girls.

Hopefully now that everyone is paired up and there are no more roadblocks that the storyline can move forward.

I don't know if it's intentional, but wasn't Lemon dealing with her mom issues when she was with or had just broken things off with Lavon before?


Maybe I'm remembering wrong but I thought Lemon had just found out how close her mom lived with her new family and was completely devastated which led to the Lemon/Lavon thing. She was heartbroken and George was in New York so she found herself with Lavon.

Edited by sunshine2288
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AB always looks lovely but her 60's outfit didn't look any different than any other outfit she wears.

I thought that except that her makeup was not as bright, or pretty, and I wondered if that was the washed-out sixties look.  Except for Tansy's dress, no outfit jumped out as iconically sixties.  That could be because all sort of their clothes read sixties anyway so they just looked like they were dressing up in their usual impracticable way.

So much win in this episode: Lavon and Wade's guns, Crickett's Bomb Pop dress, "Were-Racoon," Zoe resuscitating a fish, ALL of AB's amazing necklaces, the '60s party where everyone basically dressed the way they normally do, the Don Todd connection, Brick's anger/sadness/determination talking about how he had to raise his daughters, even Largely Useless Magnolia with a baseball bat.

Just magical. It's so bittersweet, knowing that the writers are wrapping it up for Bluebell.

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I cannot wait to find out what excuse Lemon's and Magnolia's mother has for completely cutting off contact with her daughters for so long. It had better be a whopper. I can't imagine what would be believable...I mean maybe if she'd been shooting heroin in a gutter or locked in a mental institution all this time, you'd be like, "okay, understandable", but she's been living a short distance away, apparently totally functional and happy with her new family. So why couldn't she have told Lemon and Magnolia where she was and had them over for visits? She is the worst, and it will take a major twist to convince me otherwise. Like Brick said, it's one thing if she wanted to leave him, but you do not abandon your children.


I loved how what won the other mayor over was that Lavon knows Don Todd. Also loved Wade recognizing his old self in that oily sleazebag rodeo guy and hating it.

And most especially loved Crickett's rocket pop dress. Zoe's dress was also excellent and comfy-looking.

There is only a 10-year age difference between the actresses playing mother and daughter, and it certainly shows. I could more readily believe that Lemon was Magnolia's mom.

Scott Porter and Kaitlyn Black are certainly giving everything they have to sell the George/AB pairing, aren't they? I have to say they've won me over, and I wish now that AB/Levon had never happened because it just feels so rushed like grabbing all the leftovers out of the fridge for Sunday night supper.

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At least George didn't appear too orange this week. I absolutely love Zoe trying to be the best mama to an Alabama boy. Rachel Bilson is really throwing herself into these final episodes. She's got such great comedic timing - i hope she ends up elsewhere on my TV.


I also liked Brick's heart to heart with Zoe. And her immediate grasp of the situation and its ramifications.


"Between me, and Crazy Earl, and your father - no offense -"  "none taken" "we don't stand a chance!"


Now Jaime King and Scott Porter's wife are both pregnant - what's in the water in Bluebell??

The woman playing Lemon and Magnolia's mom was Meredith Monroe, who played Andi McPhee on Dawson's Creek. It took me a few minutes to place her. I had no idea she was 45! Holy shit.


Especially since I'm pretty sure that Joshua Jackson dated Jamie King right around the same time as or not long after Meredith Monroe was playing his love interest.

Rachel Bilson is an adorable pregnant lady. She looks fantastic, and Wardrobe is hitting out of the park with her maternity clothes.


I don't know why Zoe was so against Wade's flirting. It makes life a lot more pleasant. I flirt with the butcher all the time, and we both enjoy it enormously. I like that the women gave it back to Wade. And his apologies to them all was really nice.


I can't believe there are only three more episodes.

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I wouldn't have had a problem with Wade 'flirting' with those women. If my boyfriend could get me unlimited free pastries I'd be all for it. Plus it's a small town and obviously those women never expected anything to come from it. I loved all of them telling Wade off, though.

I liked AnnaBeth and George but I felt nothing when they kissed.

Shelby is so sweet. How could Magnolia not like her?

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It's been a long while since I loved an episode of this show.  I know the AB and George romance is too "the writers had to do something with them" to be any real source of joy but, at least the writers are doing something with them.  I'd hate for everyone else to get a happy ending while AB rides off into the sunset of Nursing School.  (I'm sure being a nurse is rewarding, but it's not a crying-with-happiness-for-the-character kind of rewarding.)  I enjoyed Lavon knocking the flirt out of Wade. I love that Zoe and Brick are friends now.  It was great to have a fresh new plot containing actual drama instead of the same old manufactured complications. 

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I couldn't help it... I know that the whole AB and George thing is completely manufactured but I think they are both so darn cute that I squealed my way through their scenes... even curmudgeony Mr. Chairman Meow had a ridiculous smile on his face when they were moving in for the kiss.  Sorry, not sorry... I love it!    I'm so gonna miss Bluebell and these crazy people when this is all over. 

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Tonight was a good show. It's too bad we rarely see Lemon vulnerable because she's infinitely more likeable when the Southern Belle façade is down. Even though she's selfish and manipulative so much of the time, episodes like this show underneath she's still a scared little girl who doesn't understand why she wasn't good enough for her mother.

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I'm going to miss this show. This season has been pretty great. I was teary eyed through half the scenes tonight. Lemon was great, love Scarlet, and Lavon was so supportive. He really is the best guy ever!

AB and George are so damn cute. I couldn't stop smiling through all of their scenes. They really are perfect for eachother- both easy going and likable. I also really love how supportive Zoe has been to Brick and Lemon- what a change from the first season. I like the romances but it's all the friendships that make me love this show. Even Lavon following Wade around just to hit him when he's flirting was great.

Magnolia was tolerable as well, and it was nice that she's giving Shelby a chance. Her daughter is so freaking cute.

Only three episodes left? Blah.

Edited by twoods
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Am I being mean or weird for asking but wtf happened to Meredith Monroe? on that note Brick has aged a lot over the past couple seasons.

The styling for Lemon is incorporating Jaime's (nee James) look. I don't care for the bleeding of RL into character I like distinction. That said the actress is beautiful and I enjoyed Lemon's scenes.

Levon looked cuter than heck. Wade is hotter as hell but Levon. He's the total package and just adorable.

I really liked Zoey's top. She looks great pregnant.

AB looks a lot like Natalie Dormer (Game of Thrones, The Tudors). I'm not sure if I buy AB and George whatever give them a happy ending.

Am I being mean or weird for asking but wtf happened to Meredith Monroe?


I believe they're using makeup to age MM up a bit, since she is 45, which is at least ten years too young to play Lemon's mother. Still have no clue why they didn't just cast an older actress, but I'll assume someone on staff is friends with MM? (And basically this means that MM was about 10 years older than the rest of the DC cast when she was playing Andie, but looked super young for her age at that point, and so it's also a bit confusing to see her looking anywhere near her age now.)

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