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S02.E10: Gonna Set Your Flag on Fire

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With Vincent on the loose and hell bent on revenge, Klaus brings Cami to the safe house as he and Hayley return to the compound. Hayley and Jackson devise a plan to bring the vampires and werewolves together to consider a truce, but tensions grow when Vincent places a spell on the compound, trapping the two sides together. Meanwhile, Elijah grows concerned when Rebekah fails to show up at the safe house, prompting Klaus to confront Kaleb for answers. Lastly, after accepting her mother’s offer to jump into a new body, Rebekah turns to former Harvest girl Cassie for help when she finds herself trapped inside an insane asylum.







Pure speculation but I'm rooting for a "sad and tragic" murder of Cami by Elijah. Everybody wins hot emo Elijah and dead Cami. I mean its not like New Orleans isn't full of humans, literally anyone could be the token human.


I've noticed a difference too but I can't put a finger on it. I don' think its weight because he looked the same in his werewolf flash backs.

Edited by pele2102
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Daniel Gilles has chemistry with everyone. I saw more sparks in the Elijah/Cami scenes than every Klaus/Cami scene since S1.

I'm rather enjoying the Rebekah scenes. I really didn't think I'd like the new actress but she was very good. Looking forward to the Freya storyline.

Really loved Finn, the actor is fantastic. Look forward to seeing what his character has planned for everyone.

Not interested in the Wolf stuff but I like the Vamps.

I'm guessing the Cami/Elijah stuff was so Danile Gilles could film Saving Hope?

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Pure speculation but I'm rooting for a "sad and tragic" murder of Cami by Elijah. Everybody wins hot emo Elijah and dead Cami. I mean its not like New Orleans isn't full of humans, literally anyone could be the token human.



Seriously, that would be a Win/Win situation!

What exactly is Cami's schooling/employment situation? Clearly she's not a practicing therapist (although you wouldn't know it by the amount of pointless advice she doles out) is she in graduate school? Have her bachelor's degree? I can't remember and I'm too lazy to go back to season one to find out.


I enjoyed Klaus in all his scenes, but the phone call with Finn reminded me of what I originally loved about the character.

I actually found myself laughing out loud at both him and Elijah.


Am I to assume Klaus's comment to Cami when they headed to the house meant he was going to compel her after she played babysitter for him? 


New Vamp girl is back.... and I'm liking her more than most of ladies on this show.


Surprisingly Phoebe Tonkins scenes/acting didn't grate as much as they usually do.... Maybe she scaled back the "sexy acting" as I like to call her facial expressions 90% of the time.


I LOVED Marcel, Finn, and Elijah.... Danielle Giles delivery gets better and better, I was actually able to tune Cami out and just concentrate on him.


Also, I was pleasantly surprised by the actress playing "Rebekah", between her lines, delivery, and mannerisms I could actually believe this WAS Rebekah.  Thank goodness she didn't jump into Leah Pipes body, that would have been disastrous!

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Gay vampire/werewolf Romeo and Romeo is still my favorite storyline this season.


When the vampires were fretting over not being able to get out in daylight, I kept thinking, hey, just throw a blanket over yourself, it worked for Spike. I mean, that place is enormous, surely it's crammed full of bedspreads.


Only Finn and his endless self righteous bloviating could make Klaus' petulant tantrums seem charming.

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Ok, when Klaus is allowed to be funny and actually like an older brother with the teasing, I actually like him. I know he's a murderous sociopathic hybrid, but these small human moments are what make me like him.


Josh/Aiden! Squee! And we finally get to see Josh's vamp face! I feel like Josh is always the comedic relief with talk about him being a vampire, but we usually never really see it, so it was great to see him being a vampire this episode. Also, I still get the bad feeling that Aiden's going to die and Josh will go all Rambo on people. 


Ooo, Finn as the Big Bad, even more so than his parents? I'm liking it, especially since the actor can pull it off.


Ok, I'm liking the new actress for Rebekah. I was highly skeptical at first but she sold me this episode. And I just knew that witch was Freya the moment we saw her blonde hair. I'm wondering how she got up there and if Kol knew about her being up there. If not who she was, but that he had a witch trapped in a coffin up there. I'm looking forward to it.


The werewolf story is ok and I'm warming to Hayley/Jackson. Now, how nice would it be if they actually fell in love? If only because I'm not liking Haylijah anymore.


Elijah/Cami scenes were decent enough. I just love me some Daniel Gillies. 


Davina/Kol still kinda creep me out but it's cute enough for now.

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These storylines are really working.  This is such a fun show, but perhaps one of the greatest things is that this is one of the few shows that is even remotely demographically realistic.  It's almost ridiculous how excited I am to see so many people of color on a network tv show.  


Did I miss it or did the baby disappear?  World's longest nap or is there an off screen nanny we haven't heard about?  I kept expecting Cami and Elijiah to start bonding over bottles and diapers, but baby was completely missing.  So weird.  


I'm really looking forward to the Freya plot.  I'm sure she's not going to mean anything good for the Mikaelson family, but family drama is why we all love this show.  After the vamps and wolves and other supernatural stuff, of course.  

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Also, I was pleasantly surprised by the actress playing "Rebekah", between her lines, delivery, and mannerisms I could actually believe this WAS Rebekah.  Thank goodness she didn't jump into Leah Pipes body, that would have been disastrous!


The actress nailed Rebekah. I was so into it that I kept getting annoyed at her outfit, because it was so not Rebekah. She must've been a lucky find, good thing they recognized that and not burdened us with Leah Pipes in the role. 


Rebekah's storyline was my favorite of the episode. I just knew something wonky was gonna happen in the asylum. Though, I would've expected the aunt over Freya. They're gonna have to explain why Freya is a teen, and in those particular period clothes nothing like Viking dresses.


The show wants me to cheer on Klaus, but I'm firmly on team Kol and team Finn. I would've liked to see a little more of Finn/Mikael, just because I really find the family dynamics endlessly fascinating.


Josh and his hot boyfriend are the only love story I'm interested in. Probably because they're the only ones with really great chemistry--Hayley's romantic dilemma put me to sleep. I liked that we addressed the werewolves' views on homosexuality after all the emphasis on Aiden being a bro.


On a ballsier show, Elijah would've killed Camille. She wouldn't be missed, but that would put on an interesting rift between Klaus/Elijah. And so far, Elijah going dark has been thin. 

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The actress really seems to have worked hard to nail Rebekah's mannerisms and unlike Kol's new actor her accent, I could genuinely believe that it's Rebekah in a different body. Whereas I sometimes struggle to see Kol as Kol rather than a new Mikaelson.


The final test is will if she has inappropriate chemistry with Klaus or not. 


Honestly what did Kol think was going to happen when Rebekah didn't show up at the safe house? I understand why he wants a bit of revenge against the Always&Forever Gang but it was a poorly thought out plan.


Esther is going to seriously regret poisoning Finn against vampires and I love it.  

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What exactly did Finn do with Esther and Mikael?  Are they dead vampires?  They were grey and I thought dead vampires turned grey on this show?  I know the originals go grey when they're daggered but Esther isn't an Original and I must have missed an episode if Mikael was staked with the White Oak Stake.


So, are they dead dead, mostly dead, under a spell?  I was really confused by that part of the episode.

Edited by Morrigan2575

I too am not sure if Mikael agreed to be used as a conduit for Finn to work the magics but it wouldn't be surprising if he did, he hates Klaus that much. What did not surprise me at all was Finn using newly vamp'd Esther. I just realized something I thought Finn said, he looked so I don't know, broken or something mixed in with anger, when he said that their parents should never have had more children after him and Freya.


I am living for and loving the actress portraying Rebekah, she's currently my fave behind DG, YG (I still cannot take my eyes off of Finn when he's onscreen, I don't use the word "magnetic" a lot but I find him totes magnetic as an actor; I gasped when he made that little kiss move with his hand and touched the wall at Klaus' to curse the property) and Sebastian Roche as Mikael. Thank God Leah Pipes was NOT chosen to portray Rebekah, she's just so blah to me. Even baby Hope was like "meh" when Cami walked up to her. As much as I would love for Elijah to kill her it won't happen, LP is on Plec's lurve list.


Can't wait to see Rebekah finally get out of that mansion and how Freya will play a part in all of that. Is she the Freya that Finn remembers or did Dahlia (who HAS to be somewhere, right??) warp her beyond hope? And are those scarred witch bullies in the mansion aware of the coffin? I can't hate on Kol for locking Rebekah away, I just can't. The little scoundrel.


It goes to show how much I am all over the Mikaelson family's SLs that I barely even pay attention to Hayley and the "woofs" other than Josh and Aiden's adorable relationship, an appearance by young vampire Gia, and Marcel continuing to light up every scene he's in.

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Normally Klaus annoys me with all this poor me whining but this episode showed that when he can take a moment to stop seeing himself as a victim, he is amusing. The conversation he had with Hayley about Elijah was very cute. That's how an older brother is supposed to act, Klaus (you know, as opposed to locking his little sister in a coffin every time he gets mad at her). I totally loved that when Finn was going on and on, Klaus was trying hard not to crack up and then he did the fake phone static noise. Also acceptable brotherly behavior!


Of course, then he had to go and annoy me again when he was ranting at Kol. Wait, let me get this straight, Klaus was lecturing Kol about petty selfish jealousy? For realsies? Almost every interaction Klaus has with his family is rooted in petty selfish jealousy. Kol was right - Klaus thinks it's perfectly okay to dagger him (or their other siblings) for as long as he likes but when Kol does something similar (punish a sibling he is mad at), then suddenly it's this huge betrayal and Klaus is willing to let Kol die for it. Hell, not just die either - get ripped to shreds by starving vampires.


While I'm all for Elijah killing Cami so that we can be rid of her useless character, I liked that he was struggling to keep it together but he never went over the edge.


The actress playing new Rebekah is great. She totally could have gotten away with using a completely different accent (as they did with Kol, Finn, and Esther in their new bodies), but she has original Rebekah's accent down (which is hilarious considering that Claire Holt actually has an Australian accent). She also did a great job with her speech patterns too.


I was kind of dreading Rebekah's trapped in the asylum storyline but I can't wait to see what happens with Freya. I wonder how much Freya knows about her crazy family.


Loved seeing Finn's fanaticism turned against the very ones who taught it to him. Poetic justice has never felt so sweet!


I also loved seeing Josh and Aiden, although I did think it was risky to make out in a compound full of bored/angry wolves and vampires. It was also nice to see the vampire/werewolf conflict played out on such a small, personal level when Aiden tried to explain that the vampires were the bad guys in the past and Josh pointed out that he wasn't even around when all of that stuff happened.

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I think she's getting her Masters or something. I wish they would pair her with a werewolf so I could fast forward in good conscious.

I like this... Maybe Jackson could marry Cami instead!  Uniting all that is boring on this show.



The actress nailed Rebekah. I was so into it that I kept getting annoyed at her outfit, because it was so not Rebekah. She must've been a lucky find, good thing they recognized that and not burdened us with Leah Pipes in the role. 


Me too! I think it was the combat boots I found the most disconcerting. Although that's a true compliment to the actress.... she looks nothing like Claire Holt but her choice of shoes was what I couldn't align with the character of Rebekah!



The actress really seems to have worked hard to nail Rebekah's mannerisms and unlike Kol's new actor her accent, I could genuinely believe that it's Rebekah in a different body. Whereas I sometimes struggle to see Kol as Kol rather than a new Mikaelson.



Honestly what did Kol think was going to happen when Rebekah didn't show up at the safe house? I understand why he wants a bit of revenge against the Always&Forever Gang but it was a poorly thought out plan.


I didn't realize it till you mentioned it and seeing a new actress playing Rebekah so well, but you're right I look at "new Kol" as a new Mikaelson not the brother we met in TVD world.

Agreed, while I understand why Kol wanted revenge it seemed silly he thought it was gonna to fly when his brothers found out.

Or odd he didn't mention a plan once they did discover his prank.



Normally Klaus annoys me with all this poor me whining but this episode showed that when he can take a moment to stop seeing himself as a victim, he is amusing. The conversation he had with Hayley about Elijah was very cute. That's how an older brother is supposed to act, Klaus (you know, as opposed to locking his little sister in a coffin every time he gets mad at her). I totally loved that when Finn was going on and on, Klaus was trying hard not to crack up and then he did the fake phone static noise. Also acceptable brotherly behavior!



While I'm all for Elijah killing Cami so that we can be rid of her useless character, I liked that he was struggling to keep it together but he never went over the edge.

I love when Klaus is being charming, amusing, maybe funny? I think Joseph Morgan really shines in those smaller moments. One of my favorite Klaus moments was in TVD where he comes home and finds Rebekah torturing Damon, his facial expressions were hilarious. The tantrums are a little over the top for me, especially since they happen so often.

Hmmm, maybe Elijah relapses and kills Cami at the end of the season! It would definitely revamp (no pun intended) the show for season 3.

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I really liked this episode a lot.  Finn (and the actor) were fantastic.  I loved his reaction to Esther and I think it was very honest to what his character is and all about.  Klaus and his facial features are some of the best.  His smirks are perfectly timed and I love what he says.  I'm finding him a lovable killer if that's possible.  Oh Elijah please, please, please have a set back with Cami.  This character offers nothing to anything to this story.  No chemistry with Finn, Klaus, Marcel, or Elijah (if you don't have it with Daniel then you don't have it).  Bring in another human or forget the human for a while.  We see that Freya is in that casket now and I am guessing is the ghost Rebekah sees (the actress is fantastic too).  What does Cami bring?  Nothing.  I'm hoping Finn finds Cami and does her in.  For me, it would be more of a statement.

Loved the episode, I don't have any glitch (or love really heh) for Cami so her being a sounding board for Elijah is fine with me, and if anyone needs to unbutton his collar and vent his spleen so he doesn't eat people's spleens it's big E. 

New Rebekah continues the trend of replacement Mikaelsons being as good or better than the original actors, including Kol, sorry Nate B fans I liked him fine, but never particularly attached, and I like that to me Sharman's Kol still seems like exactly the same guy, w/o trying to mimic Nate's physicalities/vocalizations in the part. Plus Daniel and Danielle are stupid crazy beautiful together and fantastic chemistry. KOVINA  is my jam!

I actually really like Jackson with Hayley and he makes her less annoying, but eh I'm not sure why I'm supposed to care about the wolves in general I only care about the wolves because of Josh's boyfriend. They more believably sell the potential and the divide.



Though, I would've expected the aunt over Freya. They're gonna have to explain why Freya is a teen, and in those particular period clothes nothing like Viking dresses.


I also was expecting Dahlia first, since Finn/Esther seemed to be wanting to avoid her specifically. I'm wondering about her being in a coffin, and if somehow Esther's spell affected her across space/time? So she's an Original too? And that when she became a vampire Dahlia banished her?

  • Love 1

I like the new Kol, too.  I didn't dislike the old one at all, but as far as replacements go, new Kol is pretty awesome and to me, he's exactly the Kol I remember, just different body.  


I think the only major change is Finn, but it's a huge improvement.  He's nothing at all like TVD Finn, which is great since TVD Finn never would have performed magic with such flair.  As someone else noted, this Finn is so magnetic.  I get drawn further into the scene when he shows up.  It's exciting to watch him rub his fingers together or put his hand to his mouth because his magical displays become this really interesting dance.  This Finn is the only witch on the show who makes magic look cool, even when it's magic being used to murder and torture.  

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I wonder where the show is going with Aidan and Josh, because on the one hand I totally ship it on the other Josh cannot be so blase about the vampire-werewolf history. I mean there conversation was basically:

A: We should be more discreet my people would not approve at all

J: I refuse to be in the closet

A: Um no it's more about the long and plentiful history of werewolf genocide via vampires. Not to mention the particularly oppressive and tyrannical regime of Marcel your BFF.

J: Bae that was like a million years ago let it go

A: Um no the was like a year and half ago maybe.

  • Love 5

I am so. freaking. tired. of seeing witches on both of these shows just waltzing around people that could kill or knock them about 100 times in 10 seconds, saying their piece and then casting their spell to royally screw those people over while those same people just stand around and do nothing the entire time. Have witches like Finn cast some "everybody keels over in pain" spell or something like that first at least.


I'm probably the minority but I like Cami, more or less, I just wish she could get turned into a vampire or something already so she could have an actual use beyond simply amateur psychoanalyzing everybody.

Klaus: Of all the poems written on the subject of unrequited love, there are so few on being the object of that affection. The truth is, Hayley, it's not love on which the strongest foundations are built. It's the decency of merciful lies.


So Klaus is really saying that it was better when everyone thought he was Mikael's son, eh?

  • Love 1

Klaus: Of all the poems written on the subject of unrequited love, there are so few on being the object of that affection. The truth is, Hayley, it's not love on which the strongest foundations are built. It's the decency of merciful lies.


So Klaus is really saying that it was better when everyone thought he was Mikael's son, eh?


Haha, he doesn't mean it though. He's just being a manipulative little bitch, not wanting Hayley's and Jackson's feelings get in the way of his machinations. 

  • Love 1

Wait, *wasn't* it better when everyone thought that he was Mikael's son? It wasn't until Mikael found out that he started slaughtering werewolf packs, and started the apparently endless "war" between the vampires and werewolves, and started going off about how he was going to *murder* Klaus. Plus, that's the point when Esther turned her back on Klaus, too, right? She picked Mikael?


IIRC Mikael was a dick to Klaus even before he found out that Klaus wasn't his but he turned up his abusive dickitude to 11 after that. I know it's all relative but I guess at least before the truth came out (when Esther provided the decency of merciful lies), Mikael was just beating Klaus and constantly belittling him as opposed to actively trying to kill him. Ahhh, the good old days!

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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Klaus: Of all the poems written on the subject of unrequited love, there are so few on being the object of that affection. The truth is, Hayley, it's not love on which the strongest foundations are built. It's the decency of merciful lies.


Awesome line! 

And you actually saw in the scene how manipulative Klaus is.  He saw the moment Hayley started feeling guilty and went into "Fix it" mode.

  • Love 2

These storylines are really working.  This is such a fun show, but perhaps one of the greatest things is that this is one of the few shows that is even remotely demographically realistic.  It's almost ridiculous how excited I am to see so many people of color on a network tv show.  



It really is a nice thing to see. And what's more, I hadn't even noticed there were so many people of color until you mentioned it, which means it feels natural. Is it me or does The Originals just have one of the better casts on all of the CW? The guy who plays Finn is certainly compelling (loved when he went beserk on Esther), and the new girl playing Rebekah was also very enjoyable. (I need to learn their names so I can praise them properly, haha.) The main cast is rock solid too. That scene of Cami and Elijah playing board games and drinking... so cute. I know a lot of people dislike Pipes' character, but I get a kick out of her spunk.


Really liked Jackson, he's just a wonderful good guy. Haley would be stupid not to jump for him. 

If Haley doesn't want him, I'll take him.


Did Klaus know that his 'merciful lies' speech would backfire? Maybe he was counting on it?


Also excited for Freya, and with her entrance that means Dahlia is not far behind...?!

I totally didn't see the Freya reveal coming.  Well done, Show!  That's her in the coffin, but is she preserved like Esther was back on TVD and going all poltergeist on the house, or is that just her body in the coffin and her ghost is haunting the house?  Probably just splitting hairs at this point.


Finn is drawing from their power so they aren't technically dead, but rather under a spell. I'm not sure if Mikael agreed to it or not, but Finn did tell him at the start that he could really use Mikael's power to help defeat the siblings.


One of the things I appreciate about the writing on this show is that they are willing to draw on continuity.  Finn was using the same mystical circle on Mikael and Esther that a witch used on Rebekkah last season.  (Papa Tunde I think). 

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I've often wondered how he juggles two jobs (or how either show allows him to do another)!



I'm definitely impressed how he can not only film two shows at the same time, but how he can go back and forth all the time to do so. It was probably easier last season, when he only had to miss the beginning of the season to film the last few episodes of Saving Hope, but this time it seems the scheduling conflicts are definitely tighter. Has there ever been an actor who is a regular on two shows at the same time before? If not, then kudos for Daniel for making it work while (hopefully) still managing to be there for his family.

  • Love 1

I enjoyed Klaus in all his scenes, but the phone call with Finn reminded me of what I originally loved about the character.

I actually found myself laughing out loud at both him and Elijah.



New Vamp girl is back.... and I'm liking her more than most of ladies on this show.


Surprisingly Phoebe Tonkins scenes/acting didn't grate as much as they usually do.... Maybe she scaled back the "sexy acting" as I like to call her facial expressions 90% of the time.


Also, I was pleasantly surprised by the actress playing "Rebekah", between her lines, delivery, and mannerisms I could actually believe this WAS Rebekah.  Thank goodness she didn't jump into Leah Pipes body, that would have been disastrous!


The fake static was hysterical and reminded me of the Klaus I came to love!

New vamp girl is a great addition to the cast!  Would love to see more of her.

Phoebe's acting seemed to improve tons!  I even wondered to myself if they made her take lessons.  She was enjoyable!

Loving the new Rebekah!  I am agreeing with the poster who mentioned the new Kol though.  He does seem like a new Mickaelson.  I follow Nate on Instagram and see he is back in the US.  I wonder if he will be returning!?!?!?!?!  


Ok, when Klaus is allowed to be funny and actually like an older brother with the teasing, I actually like him. I know he's a murderous sociopathic hybrid, but these small human moments are what make me like him.


Josh/Aiden! Squee! And we finally get to see Josh's vamp face! I feel like Josh is always the comedic relief with talk about him being a vampire, but we usually never really see it, so it was great to see him being a vampire this episode. Also, I still get the bad feeling that Aiden's going to die and Josh will go all Rambo on people. 


Ooo, Finn as the Big Bad, even more so than his parents? I'm liking it, especially since the actor can pull it off.


Davina/Kol still kinda creep me out but it's cute enough for now.


I am loving Josh and Aiden.  Josh's character is awesome so I am always happy to see more of him.




I like Davina and Kol so far.  I wonder if Nate does came back what will happen.  I don't want Daniel Sharman to go, but I want my REAL Kol!


Can't wait to see Rebekah finally get out of that mansion and how Freya will play a part in all of that. Is she the Freya that Finn remembers or did Dahlia (who HAS to be somewhere, right??) warp her beyond hope? And are those scarred witch bullies in the mansion aware of the coffin? I can't hate on Kol for locking Rebekah away, I just can't. The little scoundrel.




I was wondering where they were going to go with the Rebekah storyline and I am pleasantly surprised.  The whole Freya twist was unexpected!


This season is AMAZING.

Edited by TheHappinessHotel
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Josh and Aiden making out on the stairwell... guys, it's a huge compound, I'm sure you could have found an empty room and shirts (at least) could have been removed.  Come on, Show, make with the eye candy already!


I do like their romance, but it's got some serious problems, mainly how easy it woud be for each to unintentionally kill the other.  Even if they figure out the vamp/wolf equivalent of safe sex, there's still the issue of Josh not aging while Aiden is still mortal.  More of a long term problem, but still there.

  • Love 1


I enjoyed Klaus in all his scenes, but the phone call with Finn reminded me of what I originally loved about the character.


The phone-call was fantastic. Finn pontificating about how he wants to bathe in Klaus` blood basically and Klaus doing an adotable little head-bob and sporting a cheerful smile on his face. It was made doubly funny by the fact that he is usually the one giving those speeches.


And while the Finn character got an interesting personality-upgrade from his TVD days, I had to snigger in the end when he basically revealed a major case of older-sibling-jealousy. "Why did you have those monsters after meeeeee". Meanwhile the one thing all his younger siblings could agree on was that he was so dreadfully dull, he belonged in a box for 900 years.  


I was impressed by the new actress for Rebekah. She had the speech patterns and mannerisms down pat. Her grousing about her stupid new mortal body made me laugh. Because the character has wished so long to be human and it seemed she never took the downsides into consideration, it was all romanticized and rose-coloured.  


Oh, and I love Elijah knowing the answer to every stupid question in the game. I imagine playing trivia games with one of the Original siblings or even an older vampire would just suck  

I loved that Camlle wasn't even bothering with the actual game itself anymore and was just shuffling through all the cards to find questions that she thought Elijah might not know the answer to so that she could stump him.

Hah! You're right.  I didn't even notice since I never play the actual game myself and just read questions for the fun of it.  I imagine it is annoying playing trivia with super old creatures who literally know and seem to remember EVERYTHING.  Millennial versus actual Mellenium is not a fair trivia fight.

Edited by RachelKM

Finally caught up last night, just in time for after work viewing of the new episode tonight.


Gosh, I love this show!  I felt like this episode had so many of the things that keep me watching (and by contrast for me, doesn't really work as well on TVD):  Klaus (and Joseph Morgan, who does his best work with scenes like he had here) being funny, sarcastic and caring, a few plot lines weaving in and out at a good pace (Haley/Elijah, Elijah being fragile, Vamps vs. Werewolves, Rebecca's new body and Freya, Michelson dra-ma, etc), Cami being kind of tolerable and not sucking up a ton of screen time, Davina and Kol being interesting (Campbell sparkles with Sharman...it's interesting to watch), Romeo Wolfy & Romeo Vampy, etc, etc. 


Good call on the diversity. I hadn't thought about it until now and while I love seeing such a diverse show, it's fabulous that it isn't something that screams at you.  It's just how it is.  Love.  Wish we saw more of that. 


Once again, I'm struck by the level of good looking (or painfully hot, in some cases), yet still decent to pretty strong actors on this show.  I wouldn't kick any of those lads out of bed for eating crackers.  Gillies consistently brings it home and when they give Joseph Morgan something interesting to do besides throw inappropriate and annoying tantrums, he's quite good.  Claire Holt was really holding down the acting side of things for the women, but her replacement is doing well and the other ladies are doing better IMO.  I think they benefit tremendously from the super fast pacing. 

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