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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

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Here's a peeve:  Why do people seem surprised when you don't have the same interests that they do?  And when you don't, why are they insistent about trying to 'convert' you or try to make you feel somehow inferior because you like different things?  (Not that I feel inferior, I just feel like they think I am.)  I like to read, but I don't look down on people who don't like to read or who read different types of books than I do.  I also watch different TV shows, and I get tired of people saying 'I can't stand that show.  Why do you watch it?  You should be watching this one.'  I love it when I have conversations with people who like different things than I do, and we have a nice talk about each other's interests and why we like those things.  Sometimes we even have a friendly 'argument' over books, movies, etc.  But you can't have this type of conversation with people who seem to think that their interests are somehow 'better' or 'more correct' than others.  

This is why, for example, I do not judge my sister-in-law Michelle for liking Friends (albeit it is not my cup of tea and never has been); I know how much she enjoys it, and if I tried to convert her otherwise, I might get a fair bit of resistance. Nor do I judge my brothers Mike and Marc for enjoying Little House on the Prairie (again, not my cup of tea, but it's a hit with them). 

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I live in on the gulf coast, which is big seafood country.  I love shrimp and crab any way you want to cook it (I never get enough of those) and most fish.  I'll also eat calamari, as long as you bread the rings and fry them lightly so that they taste much like shrimp (and you call them calamari instead of squid).  However, I don't like oysters, mussels, or clams.  I've tried them--once (I don't like to say I dislike a food unless I've tried it at least once).  If I had a quarter for every time someone looked at me like I grew a second head when I say I don't eat oysters, etc. I would have a nice pile of coins. The usual response is 'you just haven't had them cooked the right way' (or--in the case of oysters--'you probably tried them cooked.  You have to eat them raw for the best flavor').  They just don't understand.  (The funny thing is that these are usually the same people who make gagging noises when I say I love Brussels sprouts.  I don't try to force those on them.) 

Edited by BooksRule
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Here's a peeve:  Why do people seem surprised when you don't have the same interests that they do?  And when you don't, why are they insistent about trying to 'convert' you or try to make you feel somehow inferior because you like different things?  (Not that I feel inferior, I just feel like they think I am.)  I like to read, but I don't look down on people who don't like to read or who read different types of books than I do.  I also watch different TV shows, and I get tired of people saying 'I can't stand that show.  Why do you watch it?  You should be watching this one.'  I love it when I have conversations with people who like different things than I do, and we have a nice talk about each other's interests and why we like those things.  Sometimes we even have a friendly 'argument' over books, movies, etc.  But you can't have this type of conversation with people who seem to think that their interests are somehow 'better' or 'more correct' than others.  

That type of fruitless conversation with someone hellbent on converting you to his/her viewpoint seems to represent this mindset:


If I like something (activity, genre, food, etc.) and other people do not, they are obviously incapable of making correct choices and I must guide them to better choices.

OTOH, if others like something I dislike or in which I have no interest, they are just weird and need to shut the hell up about it.

  • Love 4

Like, "We're going to get you to eat meat!"-my coworker and pseudo-boss. Um, no, you aren't. At least 20 years hasn't swayed me, so your being threatened that I have different values surely won't.

I get the same thing about god. So many times I've been told that I really do believe, that when I'm on my deathbed, I'll believe and if I would just spend a little time with this pastor or at that church I will believe.

No. I won't. I don't tell these people to not believe and I hate it when they tell me to believe.

I get it with food too, I get the "how can you not like it, you'll love it how I make it". Again, no I won't.

  • Love 7

I don't tell these people to not believe and I hate it when they tell me to believe.

That's what is the big bugaboo to me about this so-called "Christian persecution"-- sure, there are those who really are persecuted for the faith, but to act like you are being kept from being as religious as you want to be because some people aren't as religious as you are is incredibly absurd. 

  • Love 4

Here's a peeve:  Why do people seem surprised when you don't have the same interests that they do?  And when you don't, why are they insistent about trying to 'convert' you or try to make you feel somehow inferior because you like different things?  (Not that I feel inferior, I just feel like they think I am.)  I like to read, but I don't look down on people who don't like to read or who read different types of books than I do.  I also watch different TV shows, and I get tired of people saying 'I can't stand that show.  Why do you watch it?  You should be watching this one.'  I love it when I have conversations with people who like different things than I do, and we have a nice talk about each other's interests and why we like those things.  Sometimes we even have a friendly 'argument' over books, movies, etc.  But you can't have this type of conversation with people who seem to think that their interests are somehow 'better' or 'more correct' than others.  

Just tell them that you do not wish to join their cult.  My brother and SIL belong to some hiking club and now they are the Grand Poobahs of it.  After I started calling it the Hiking Cult, their grown kids did too.  They leave us alone about it now.


Nor do I judge my brothers Mike and Marc for enjoying Little House on the Prairie (again, not my cup of tea, but it's a hit with them). 

I judge them for this.  :<)

Edited by DeLurker
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So, we're no longer talking about Pet Peeves and instead are talking about experiences with assholes?  ;-)  Because this just sounds like asshole behavior to me, and not just general people that love something I don't or believe something I don't.   I interact with many people every day that don't love all the same things I do, nor believe (or not believe) in the same things but they're not trying to convince/convert anyone.  That's asshole behavior no matter which direction it goes.

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I really don't like it when a friend or acquaintance attempts to get me to sign up for something that results in a personal gain for them. Don't approach me with your pyramid scheme product you're selling please.

This is OK only when it is something they honestly think I might like -- something I have expressed interest in in the past. If they are selling kids' books, I'm OK with them saying, "Hey, I am selling these books if you want any." I like to read and have a child. If they are selling essential oils, which I hate and have said so, then no. And they can stop telling me how they can cure all sorts of things and how good they are for my son because I am not putting them down his throat based on the company's say-so that it is OK, and I am not putting them on his eczema-prone sensitive skin. That last bit probably falls under the asshole behavior, though.

But if I say no, back off.

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This is why, for example, I do not judge my sister-in-law Michelle for liking Friends (albeit it is not my cup of tea and never has been); I know how much she enjoys it, and if I tried to convert her otherwise, I might get a fair bit of resistance. Nor do I judge my brothers Mike and Marc for enjoying Little House on the Prairie (again, not my cup of tea, but it's a hit with them). 


For reasons your brothers can explain, I'm obligated to *like* this post.  


{{squints}} I see you Delurker

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Why, oh why do people at the checkout in the grocery store wait until all of the groceries are scanned, bagged, their coupons scanned and the cashier tells them how much the total will be before they start rummaging in their wallet for their cash or credit card?  They're like 'oh yeah, I have to give you money now'.  Maybe they're hoping that if they don't do anything the cashier will forget to ask for payment?  I paid cash at the store a few minutes ago because I only got a couple of things, but when I do use a card, I always have it ready to swipe (sometimes I've already swiped it as they are scanning, when that's allowed).  And I even had my store discount card ready for them.  It's a little thing, but it bugs.

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I'm tired of people (especially those who have pretty good jobs) complaining about getting only a tiny raise and insurance premiums going up a higher percentage, as though they are the only people that's happening to. (I'm also tired of people complaining about not having a raise at all in however-many-years because I worked in a job 19 years and could count on one hand the number of raises I got. And the last one was only so they could make me salary so I could work more than 40 hours without getting overtime pay.)


I'm particularly tired of it when they are people in government jobs who have been in those jobs for 20 years or more. They have no idea how good they have it, even if they haven't had a raise in 10 years and their insurance premiums are going up but their benefit allowances aren't. At least they have benefit allowances. There are a lot of people out there who make less money and haven't had a raise in that long, and I don't mean people working in fast food or Walmart. I mean people working in jobs that require or prefer college degrees. And they don't have benefit allowances or retirement plans (unless they set up their own) or sometimes even guaranteed holidays off work.

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I'm not sure if this is a peeve or if it should go in chit-chat. But, since it bugs me, I'll put it here.


I am So.sick.and.tired. of all the PC that comes along with Christmas Songs. Don't get me wrong, I love them, BUT, among my favorites are:


Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer-though during my teen years, when we werren't censor and 'someone will be offended territory', it was usually  played around Thanksgiving.  It's a funny song. I find it hilarious. But no, we can't play that anymore, because it's about DEATH!!! or not very nice.


Me: Boo Freakin' Hoo.


I also love Porky Pig's Blue Christmas (even though it's not Mel Blanc, but some dude impersonating Porky at some Kareoke. He was damn good.) The song makes me laugh. And I much prefer it over Elvis' with his choir of wailing "Bluuuuuuooooohuuuu" which is like nails on a chalkboard for me.


The 12 Pains of Christmas


The Chipmunk Christmas Song.


And the reasons for not airing Porky and the Chipmunks? It might offend those that have speech impediments/the song is making "fun" of those that have speech impediments.


Me: Good Grief.


It's why, and I know by this time, I'm sounding like a broken record, I'm glad I grew up when I did.


So now, instead of the radio, I listen to my CDs of Bob Rivers's Twisted Christmas ("The Restroom Door Said Gentlemen" to the tune of Comfort and Joy is beyond hilarious, and The Chipmunks Christmas one. And the Billboard one, which has Brenda Lee's version Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree, and The Drifters's version of White Christmas.


That's not to say I don't enjoy the originals, I do. Like, I love, Bing Crosby's version of Do You Hear What I hear. And I love Josh Groban's album.


But I really do miss the fun and funny songs.


There. I said it.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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I still hear Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer on the radio every year, even though I pretty much avoid Christmas music like the plague; I caught it Sunday night driving home from my parents' house, and it's one of the few I'll stop and listen to.  I don't remember ever hearing the others you listed on the radio.  (I do remember playing my 45 of the Chipmunks one, though.) 

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I still hear Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer on the radio every year, even though I pretty much avoid Christmas music like the plague; I caught it Sunday night driving home from my parents' house, and it's one of the few I'll stop and listen to.  I don't remember ever hearing the others you listed on the radio.  (I do remember playing my 45 of the Chipmunks one, though.) 


Really? I'm bummed. Maybe because the East Coast is so uptight?  The radio last year would only play Porky's version if I requested it; and the 12 Pains when it was first released, because it's a not very nice song. It's all bitching and complaining.  That's the only song from that album that was released.


Just in case you want to hear them, here they are:


12 Pains of Christmas:



The Restroom Said Gentlemen (never played on radio)



Porky Pig's Blue Christmas:



I guess I'm just twisted.

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The chipmunks have speech impediments? I thought they just had high, squeaky voices because, you know, they're chipmunks. Unless someone is saying chipmunks, by definition, have speech impediments and in that case that person is a speciesist bigot.


Yes, no lie. That was the response I got when I asked why they weren't playing that song!

Couldn't they just say, "It makes people's ears bleed and they run their cars off the road trying to change the station"? 


If they were concerned about that, no one would ever play The Christmas Shoes again.


I like Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer because my dad liked it. We all thought it was funny (except my mother -- I think she thought it was rude, which it is maybe but that's what's funny).


I don't like the dogs and cats doing Jingle Bells, but I loved the dogs doing the Star Wars song (might have been the Imperial March).

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God, the Christmas Shoes. Just slit my wrists now.


Add on any sappy Christmas made for tv movie.  My family started playing the Hallmark channel which has some of the sappiest movies ever.  The Dog Named Christmas.  Ok, everyone and their brother and sister and fifth cousins twice removed could see that they were going to keep the dog.  And we had to watch it, I kid you not, 3 times. 

  • Love 1

Add on any sappy Christmas made for tv movie.  My family started playing the Hallmark channel which has some of the sappiest movies ever.  The Dog Named Christmas.  Ok, everyone and their brother and sister and fifth cousins twice removed could see that they were going to keep the dog.  And we had to watch it, I kid you not, 3 times. 

Why did you have to watch it so many times? 

Having spent the morning running errands, Why, oh, Why, do stores have cash registers that don't show the customer prices as items are rung in?  I waited in line several minutes this morning to buy a handful of items at a big box bookstore.  The total was in the ballpark of what I was expecting, so I didn't question it, but as I was leaving I glanced at my receipt and saw one item hadn't scanned at the reduced price. The difference was only a couple of dollars, but that's not the point.  I went back to the cash (skipped to the front of the line) and spent another couple of minutes getting it adjusted.  Annoying.  At least my supermarket has a policy that, if something scans incorrectly, you get it free. When I notice an error after leaving the cash, I'm happy to stand in line for another couple of minutes to get it for free.

OK, here's a retailer pet peeve: salesclerks who gab a storm with other folks but completely oblivious to the lengthy line of customers behind whomever they're gabbing with.

 Once, I'd waited a good amount of time whilst a clerk gabbed away with someone long after the purchase was done re nothing to do with it . I  didn't say anything before I FINALLY got to the cash register when the clerk said 'Were you in a hurry?' to which I replied ' Yes, I was!' then she said that I needed to learn to  not stress about time  so I could enjoy my life more. I didn't reply but I wished I'd told her that if she agreed not to lecture me about how to live my life, I'd agree not to lecture HER re how to do her job  re paying attention to ALL customers' needs (yes, I've worked in customer service).

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The rudeness of humanity with cellphones knows no end. I work in a cubical and am constantly aurally assaulted with the rings and dings of all the phones. Turn them the hell down, people! They're never more than two inches from your grasp, so why do they need to be on volume: sonic boom? And the people walking around carrying on conversations over speaker phone? What?! Were they literally hand-raised inside a bubble where no social mores were gleaned from interactions with other humans?

I'm ready to chuck it all and move to a lone cabin in Montana.

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I only use my cell phone in public if I'm calling for a ride to pick me up or something like that. If I'm in a waiting room or other places where people are around, I turn my ringer off. If somebody calls me when I'm in public I text them back that I'll call when I get home.

Rude people on cell phones is one of my major pet peeves so I try my damnedest to not be one of those people.

  • Love 7

Quof and Maharincess,


  Thanks for your support. You are absolutely correct that I SHOULD have called her on it and gone to management but, alas, I was so stunned and surprised at the happening that it took me a little while to process that this HAD happened and I DID have to zoom to my next errand so I opted to not spend extra time on this. In any case, she wasn't there much longer  and, in fact, now that I think of it, that was the LAST time I saw her working at that store . So maybe that cashier pulled that bit of trying to guilt trip another customer for daring to not cheer her on for delaying their transaction so she could  waste time with others.

Mark Hamill looks like a troll in that picture--both the doll and the creature under a bridge.

May I add The Affair's craggy-faced Dominic West (born in 1969) playing lover to Ruth Wilson (born in 1982).

Here's an interesting article about Jennifer Lawrence's movies. Her character's paramours are generally much older than her, and she at her young age is playing characters much older, because we now think 40 looks like 25.


Edited by bilgistic
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Mark Hamill looks like a troll in that picture--both the doll and the creature under a bridge.

May I add The Affair's craggy-faced Dominic West (born in 1969) playing lover to Ruth Wilson (born in 1982).

Here's an interesting article about Jennifer Lawrence's movies. Her character's paramours are generally much older than her, and she at her young age is playing characters much older, because we now think 40 looks like 25.


The gross misogyny that Hollywood still openly displays just disgusts me---and I do adore Jennifer Lawrence since she's a great actress with a fun attitude, but she is WAY too young for every single part she's played in those David O'Russell flicks.

But then again, it makes sense that he repeatedly casts her in these roles because she's young and thus able to handle his egotistical bullshit; he's proven time and time again to have problems working with women above age 30 who refuse to put up with his nasty attitude:


But it's hardly a new development that actresses are constantly paired with ridiculously older men in movies. This disgusting casting foul has gone down for decades now, and it doesn't appear to be going anywhere.

It just makes me sad that so many older actresses give in to that pressure and stretch and mold themselves into botoxed cat lady-looking freaks just to look "young"---if only more of them would just learn to age gracefully and quit trying to compete with the younger gals, we'd certainly see more of a power shift.

And then you see these wrinkley prune older actors getting work and it just makes me smh in sadness; Hollywood is such a fucked-up place indeed. It's time for females to rise up and fight that entire outdated mentality in that city already, but sadly, white/Jewish males with Peter Pan Syndrome still run that town and its biggest studios.

  • Love 3

If they were concerned about that, no one would ever play The Christmas Shoes again.

I like Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer because my dad liked it. We all thought it was funny (except my mother -- I think she thought it was rude, which it is maybe but that's what's funny).

I don't like the dogs and cats doing Jingle Bells, but I loved the dogs doing the Star Wars song (might have been the Imperial March).

See, I don't mind the silly Christmas songs, the fun ones that leave you smiling and/or rolling your eyes in a giggly, egg noggy haze. Some of them are so stupidly goofy that they make me stabby((especially any of those kid-sung ones like "Hippopotamus for Christmas", "I'm Getting Nothin for Christmas", "I Saw Momma Kissing Santa Claus", etc)), but I'll take that stupidity any day over the oh-so-serious Christmas songs that are so deliberately solemn and self-aggrandizing in their tone.

Like I just can't with "What Child Is This?"....ugh. Way too serious and reverant, often sung by someone who sounds like they're auditioning for American Idol in their over-earnest, soooo passionate delivery.

But my absolute LEAST favorite Christmas song would have to be "Mary Did You Know". It just makes the bile rise to my throat with a frightening ease with its stupidly melodramatic tone and barf-worthy lyrics. Ugh....but then again, my general Christmas carol rule of thumb is that if carolers would sound lame singing it and it's a total buzzkill, it officially sucks!!

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Edited to add -- women of an age, molded and sculpted and fake.  

Christine Baranski on Good Wife.  


Susan Sullivan on Castle.  


I saw this picture of Katharine Ross, which is kind of what set me off.  I think she looks fantastic.  I'm 51, by the way, doing okay, but not "young" anymore.  


Edited by 33kaitykaity
Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

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