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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

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I had an endometrial ablation a few years ago, and the nurse at the surgery center wanted me to take a pregnancy test. I assured her there was no reason for it, as there was literally no way I could be pregnant since the way to become pregnant hadn't happened in...a while...AND my gyno had tied my tubes at my request when I was 29. The nurse kept insisting. I told my gyno and she informed the nurse, "She doesn't need a pregnancy test! *I* tied her tubes!"

  • Love 6
58 minutes ago, forumfish said:

Several years ago I went to the ER and told them "I think I have a ruptured ovarian cyst," They asked if I still had my appendix, and I replied yes, but I don't think that's the problem. Fast forward past all the tests, and lo and behold, it was a ruptured ovarian cyst.

A few years after that, I went to the ER and said, "I think I have appendicitis." They said it might be a UTI. Fast forward past all the tests and surprise! -- appendicitis.

To quote Raven-Symone from her childhood Cosby Show days -- "I know my body!"

Again, to be fair, they do need to know for sure what's wrong before they start cutting into you.  If you came in and said you had appendicitis and they took you at your word and removed your appendix, and it turned out all you had was a UTI, well that wouldn't be good for anybody.

  • Love 2
10 minutes ago, forumfish said:

Well, yeah. I just think it's nice when medical professionals acknowledge that sometimes their patients are clued in on what's happening to their own bodies. In both of my cases, I was all but told that I was wrong, until the tests confirmed I was right.

One time I was visiting my sister and I got sick, so she took me to her doctor.  I said "I have strep."  He looked it my mouth and said, "Yep, you have strep."  Gave me a prescription for antibiotics and we all got on with our lives.  But, I'm still kind of annoyed that I was charged over $100 just to have him look in my mouth and say "yep."  If I knew a black market source for antibiotics, I could have saved me some money.  Even spending more for the drugs.

  • Love 3

Peeve:  Being made to look foolish.  I went to doctor's office due to pelvic issues, cramping, bloating, etc. They decided to do exam and PAP test.  She said nurse would come in to get me ready.  Nurse told me to take everything off and gave me drape for bottom and a little mini paper jacket for top.  So, there I sat when the doctor came in and did pelvic and PAP, but, never addressed my top.  So....????  lol  I wonder if this nurse was new or something.  The good news is the urine sample was good and PAP was negative.  Ultrasound next. Who knew a primary didn't have those things in their office?

  • Love 1
55 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

She said nurse would come in to get me ready.  Nurse told me to take everything off and gave me drape for bottom and a little mini paper jacket for top.  So, there I sat when the doctor came in and did pelvic and PAP, but, never addressed my top. 

Maybe she was on auto-pilot for a well-woman exam?

My current peeve is not just tailgaters but tailgaters in the rain. And speeders. Just slow down and leave space people. Let's all get there alive!

  • Love 5

After a multitude of tests over three days, the hospitalist told me I had sarcoidosis. I blurted out, "Oh! That was the top result from the online symptoms checker!"

Considering the weary look she gave me, I don't think physicians necessarily appreciate that from patients.

Circling back to a peeve, just because there are specialists doesn't mean my primary care doctor needs to refer me to one for every little thing. Cheerleader voice: "You do it!"

  • Love 4
9 minutes ago, 2727 said:

Circling back to a peeve, just because there are specialists doesn't mean my primary care doctor needs to refer me to one for every little thing. Cheerleader voice: "You do it!"

I have a PPO, yet the group I use requires referrals. I had to find a random doctor to get a referral to a rheumatologist and now they want to list her as my PCP. Nope, I really didn't care for her and won't be going back. I have a GYN and I hit up Minute Clinic and TeleDoc when needed. So annoying.

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, theredhead77 said:

Maybe she was on auto-pilot for a well-woman exam?

My current peeve is not just tailgaters but tailgaters in the rain. And speeders. Just slow down and leave space people. Let's all get there alive!

You’re in Atlanta aren’t you?  

Cause Atlanta driving is nuts everyday.

  • Love 1
On 11/9/2018 at 2:31 PM, forumfish said:

Several years ago I went to the ER and told them "I think I have a ruptured ovarian cyst," They asked if I still had my appendix, and I replied yes, but I don't think that's the problem. Fast forward past all the tests, and lo and behold, it was a ruptured ovarian cyst.

A few years after that, I went to the ER and said, "I think I have appendicitis." They said it might be a UTI. Fast forward past all the tests and surprise! -- appendicitis.

To quote Raven-Symone from her childhood Cosby Show days -- "I know my body!"

Yeah.  I have a cyst in my pituitary, which is likely causing issues with my cycle.  Endo thinks it's because I "over-exercise" and don't eat enough.  Endo wants me to gain 10 lb (my weight was EXACTLY the same before my cycle issues) because that's more "within range" for my height (even though I've told her over and over that many women on my mom's side are super-light for their height.  My mom is 5'5" and hovered around 100 lb until she got pregnant with me and my maternal grandmother, who was, at her full height, the same as me (5'2" ish) weighed 90-something unless she was pregnant.  I'm a little bit firmer than the two, but my weight has consistently been in the mid 90s since I was 22 (and stopped drinking packaged juice on a daily basis.  Also stopped adding sugar to coffee).  I probably weighed 100-ish in high school and undergrad.  Cycle issues started about five years ago.  Shortly after that, I found out I had that cyst.  

Damn you, The Children's Place website! I spent three hours doing online shopping for my niece and nephew. The website was janky (I kept getting an Oops...Error! message) so that took twice as long.

I check out, enter two gift cards and pay the remainder with my credit card. 

Today, I get an ORDER CANCELED email. 

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, Stenbeck said:

Damn you, The Children's Place website! I spent three hours doing online shopping for my niece and nephew. The website was janky (I kept getting an Oops...Error! message) so that took twice as long.

I check out, enter two gift cards and pay the remainder with my credit card. 

Today, I get an ORDER CANCELED email. 

UberEats does that to me sometimes.  I'll order something, wait like 20 minutes to get a confirmation, but instead of a confirmation, I get an order cancelled.  WTF??!!  I'm starving and you're telling me that my order was CANCELLED??!!!  

  • Love 1

I was thinking about a couple of interviews I had earlier in my life that really annoyed me.  In both cases, at the end of the interview, I was told I wasn't getting the job and why.  OK, that's great. They didn't keep me hanging.  But, both issues were things they clearly could see from my resume.   the first, she said she wasn't going to hire me because I was overqualified.  Well, I didn't get any more qualified between sending in my resume and the interview.  What made it more annoying was, I had to drive 60 miles to get there, and then she was over a half hour late, and I had to sit outside waiting.  At least it was summer.

The next interview, she said she wasn't hiring me because I lived too far away. Which she knew because my address was on my resume. I told her if I got the job, I intended to move closer.  She said the job really didn't pay enough for that to make sense.  Well, then why are you bothering me?  You made me drive an hour each way, sit through a half hour interview and then you tell me I live too far away. 

These people are lucky I didn't hit them. It's stressful enough when you're unemployed without people doing stuff like that to you.

  • Love 8

Are we still on medical peeves, because I have one. My cholesterol levels have gone up so I'm getting blood drawn next week. In an effort to educate myself, I went looking for info on what "normal" numbers are and at what number I should expect imminent death. Gah!  Can't we all just settle on a range? After looking at numerous doctor sites, I decided to believe the Cleveland Clinic's guidelines because it's the Cleveland Clinic and more reliable than random Drs. Doom & Gloom.

Back to oatmeal and oranges and trying to find some exercise that won't make my leg worse.

This getting old business sucks.

  • Love 6

@ABay This might make you feel better: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation-now/2018/11/12/new-cholesterol-guidelines-suggest-lifespan-approach-treatment/1974753002/  New Guidelines Suggest a Lifespan Approach to Battle High Cholesterol  


Doctors should look beyond typical risk factors for high cholesterol, creating detailed personal plans for individuals to examine risks early, suggest new guidelines published Saturday.



"The truth about clinical medicine is there is no black and white. It's all gray," said Dr. Donald Lloyd-Jones, a writing committee member and chair of the department of preventive medicine at Northwestern University in Chicago, in a statement.


My cholesterol is high. I just (last week) got back a result of 203. It was 197 at last check. I know that it's generally high (200 is the big scary number!), but this is way down from the 220s when I was still eating dairy (and not correlating the nausea and diarrhea after eating dairy to lactose intolerance). So I still consider this an overall maintenance win.

I don't eat any meat, no eggs, no fried foods, very little dairy and little junky food especially now that I work in the bakery department of a grocery store. I just don't want cookies after boxing them all day long (where I'm on my feet for eight hours a day, so I'm getting exercise now, doc).

My mom also has high cholesterol, and there is a genetic component to it. I am not pooh-poohing "high cholesterol" as a medical issue that needs to be addressed (I added flaxseed oil capsules to my daily regimen of all the pills in the world, per doc's suggestion), but to just look at the number and not take into account the whole person is a fallacy.

  • Love 5


Otherwise known as "people," "except," and "because." If you're already typing out words that are longer than 6 letters here in the sentence, why do you then need to use "ppl" there? And as for the other two, at least use the initial apostrophe.

And it's been said before but bears repeating: grown women who crack their gum...in an office setting!

Sorry! I think I might just be feeling a bit salty today, partially because I just did a bunch of investigation in order to undo an error made by someone else, and the person who needed this stuff done proceeded to thank (via group e-mail) the person who made the mistake for helping to correct it. What is worse is that (A) the mistake was not just of the "shit happens" variety; it was laziness, and (B) it could have been a complete nonissue if I had been allowed to take care of this weeks ago when I suggested this kind of thing could happen. 

Edited by TattleTeeny
  • Love 3

Thanks, @theredhead77 and @ALenore. After staring at the numbers and Cleveland Clinic numbers, it seems to be just the triglyceride level that's high and raising the total number, because HDL and LDL are in the "optimal" and "near optimal" range, and the triglyceride level is in "borderline high".

So here is a peeve related to that: WTF kind of scale is that? Optimal, near optimal, borderline high, high, very high. It's like going beautiful, ok in dim light, ugly, hideous, terrifies children.  It seems a little tilted toward a bad outcome.

  • Love 9
5 minutes ago, DeLurker said:

For reasons I don't understand, Thanksgiving is actually next week and not in two weeks like I was sure of.

You were almost seriously late for dinner. Doubt any pie would have been saved for a whole week:)

Trivia: Thanksgiving used to always be the last Thursday, but they moved it forward to the 4th Thursday in 1941, so that stores could start promoting Christmas.  Because it was considered "ungentlemanly" to begin Christmas sales before Thanksgiving.  Can we go back to those good old days?  Please.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Katy M said:

Thanksgiving used to always be the last Thursday, but they moved it forward to the 4th Thursday in 1941

And with November 1 being a Thursday this year, it gives us Thanksgiving on the 22nd, the earliest in the month it can be - like @DeLurker, it caught me by surprise as well when I realized it's next week.

  • Love 7

I live in a world where a grocery store changed their "15 items or fewer" signs to "about 15 items".

What kind of nonsense is happening that they felt the need to change those signs?

Why don't they just put this up

Customer 1 - can you at least keep it below a full cart?

Customer 2 -the cashier has been trained not confront the rule breaker.  Please keep your trap shut if its not a full cart.  if it is a full cart then take it outside.

10 hours ago, bilgistic said:

15!? It's 10, people! Ten items or less (fewer)! Just eliminate the express lanes if you're raising the limit to 15  items! Fifteen items make up half a cart unless you're buying packs of gum.

It's 14 at the store I shop at.  I'm fine with that, but what bugs me, is last night there were 3 express lanes open and one regular.   It's the week before Thanksgiving and a storm is coming.  Not the time for multi-express lanes.

  • Love 5

My Costco has six self-service registers (with an employee staffed to help out). It's fantastic! But I have two peeves:

1) The line is one line, period. It's not one line for the right side and one for the left. Get in line, when you get to the front go to the next open register.

2) While you're standing in line, pull out your Costco card and your debit card. Stick them in a pocket or make them otherwise accessible. Don't start digging around in your wallet for your shit when you get to the register. You had to have your card out to get in the store!

  • Love 12

One of my supermarkets has both a 10 items and a 15 items lane. I don't remember if it says "about" or "fewer than", but it doesn't matter because the hard number means nothing.  The lower number means "if you've only got a few things and might not have even needed a basket" and the 15 items line is for "more than a couple things, but not like the guy on lane 8 right now who has 40 things. I tend to make the judgement call when I look at my little basket and realize that I have 20 items, but 10 of them are cans of cat food. They scan so quickly, and I bag so quickly that I have no guilt going on the 15 item line.

It also doesn't matter because like any situation where people are left on their own to make decisions, there is some small group who don't give a shit about anybody but themselves.

Oh, and I kind of like the 10 and 15 setup. I've seen a 6 or 8 lane and then a 15 lane as well in some stores. By having the 15 lane, it pushes most of the people who have 12-20 items out of the 10 lane, speeding it up for the people who really only have two or three things.

Edited by JTMacc99
  • Love 6
On 11/15/2018 at 8:42 AM, JTMacc99 said:

They scan so quickly, and I bag so quickly

I do a lot of my own bagging as well. The other employees will just look at the cashier (with me and my big order) and just walk on by. They just can’t be bothered. I especially love it when a few of them are watching the cashier struggle (and there’s a long line behind me) because they are having a gossip session and don’t want to either bag or open up a new register line. 

  • Love 2
56 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

I especially love it when a few of them are watching the cashier struggle (and there’s a long line behind me) because they are having a gossip session and don’t want to either bag or open up a new register line. 

I love it when people say don't use the self-checkout, because if the lines get long they will open up other registers and keep people employed.  It's rare that I see them open another register when there are one or two open with half a dozen (or more) people on each line.  About the only time I see it is at the drugs store (CVS, Walgreens, etc.) where one cashier will page another if they have a line.

  • Love 2

Sometimes karma hits at just the right moment. I was on the turnpike during rush hour and there was the usual idiot weaving in and out of lanes and they cut my truck short, leaving me to slam on my brakes. I was in the middle lane. Idiot Lane Weaver goes to the right lane, comes back and cuts me off in the middle again, and goes to the left lane. All of a sudden I hear "Pop!" and looked over to see ILW has hit the back of a police vehicle. I don't usually take pleasure in others misfortune but I couldnt help but laugh this time. Both vehicles appeared to have just minor damage so hopefully ILW learned their lesson.

Edited by AgentRXS
  • Love 19
10 hours ago, AgentRXS said:

looked over to see ILW has hit the back of a police vehicle.


10 hours ago, Nordly Beaumont said:

I literally laughed out loud! (I'm glad no one was hurt, but dang, that's some kind of funny!)

That's some awesome karma! (because no one was hurt, of course). Hopefully ILW was ticketed for reckless driving

  • Love 8

A local radio station started their 24/7 Christmas music on Nov. 9th.  24/7 Christmas music is too early for me if it starts on the day after Thanksgiving, but the 9th is ridiculous!

It is one of my stations that I flip through because they play something I like every once in a while, but once the 24/7 starts I re-program the button to NPR (and then end up with 2 NPR presets).

  • Love 6
3 hours ago, DeLurker said:

A local radio station started their 24/7 Christmas music on Nov. 9th.  24/7 Christmas music is too early for me if it starts on the day after Thanksgiving, but the 9th is ridiculous!

It is one of my stations that I flip through because they play something I like every once in a while, but once the 24/7 starts I re-program the button to NPR (and then end up with 2 NPR presets).

Between my husband's obsession with Hallmark Christmas movies and all the premature advertising, I'm sick of Christmas already.

  • Love 6
2 minutes ago, theredhead77 said:

I hate the holidays. For those with large, [mostly] functional families and groups of friends it's a joyous time. For the rest of us it's a big reminder as to how alone we are.

I'm so sorry. I have lost so many loved ones in the past few years and dealing with my dad who has dementia makes it a sad time for me.

  • Love 8

I have a realistically-functional family and a great group of friends, but Christmas is just one day in late December -- I do not want to see/hear Christmas shit when we haven't even reached our ridiculously-early Thanksgiving yet.  The Christmas "season" gets longer and longer every year, and all that does is make me more bah humbug by the time we actually get to it.

  • Love 12
30 minutes ago, theredhead77 said:

I hate the holidays. For those with large, [mostly] functional families and groups of friends it's a joyous time. For the rest of us it's a big reminder as to how alone we are.

Yup, me too. I hate Christmas the most because it is so invasive-music, movies, ads. Its too much. I've seen restaurants with Christmas decorations going up on Nov. 1. All for one lousy day.

There shouldn't be annual days that people feel socially obligated to spend together. Bah humbug. 

  • Love 10
2 hours ago, AgentRXS said:

Yup, me too. I hate Christmas the most because it is so invasive-music, movies, ads. Its too much. I've seen restaurants with Christmas decorations going up on Nov. 1. All for one lousy day.

There shouldn't be annual days that people feel socially obligated to spend together. Bah humbug. 

Stick to animals. Any day you show up to feed them is Christmas to them. 

  • Love 12
22 hours ago, DeLurker said:

A local radio station started their 24/7 Christmas music on Nov. 9th.  24/7 Christmas music is too early for me if it starts on the day after Thanksgiving, but the 9th is ridiculous!

SiriusXM has something like 18 channels of Christmas music, something for everyone, and many of them have been going since November 1.  Last year, when they started, I went to their web site, found the "Listener Feedback" link and wrote "Dear God, make it stop!!!"

  • Love 8

Pet Peeve: Everything being so loud. I have to wear earplugs to the movies lest I walk out with a headache from the noise. Music in the stores and in people’s homes. They don’t have a stage and it isn’t a rock concert. Someone (who needs hearing aids) told me that it’s my problem. I should have let my hearing go so all the decibels wouldn't bother me. Heck no. 

  • Love 11
Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

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