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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

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"No, Lady, I want you to pull your phone out of your ear and pay attention to your surroundings!  Stop blocking people who are trying to get into the customer entrance when there are plenty of other places you could stand and make your call ! "

She needs to pull her head out of her ass sounds like.



That describes the plot of every Real Housewives, except exchange "write a note in class" for "go to brunch/lunch/dinner and drink and talk shit about the women who aren't at dinner". Repeat.

As all fired important I was in my self-delusional HS world, I doubt if I thought the various issues that were so important to me and my little friends had larger relevance.  At least I hope I was not that delusional! 

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Sorry, you were wrong.  Using your logic, any person could front up with 20 items, and do 4 separate transactions and still "technically" be following the rules.   If your mom had been there, others could see there were 2 people, and therefore 2 transactions, when deciding whether to get in your line.  It would have been less egregious to do one transaction, since it wouldn't take as much time.

Edited by Quof
  • Love 5

I agree. The guy was kinda rude but anybody could say they are shopping for 2 people.

I have a pet peeve that I know is stupid but I need to whine about it anyway.

I hate, hate, hate my new hardwood floors. I miss my soft, squishy carpet. My carpet was only 3 years old and still in great shape. Hardwood floors are so cold. Its a lot easier to navigate my wheelchair now which is why we had them put in, but I don't like them. Its so echoey in here now. Carpet is so much cozier.

My stair lift is awesome though. My cat has decided its now her favorite place to sleep now so I fight her for it, but I love it. It's so nice being able to go upstairs any time I want.

Edit: I realize this is more of a whine than a peeve. Sorry.

Edited by Maharincess
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In keeping with the "express check out" pet peeve, the other day I was in my favourite, tiny speciality bakery. The woman in front of me was choosing 24 cupcakes, one a time, all the while texting with someone to confirm her choices.   I waited patiently, only because I really wanted a cupcake.  I know she was there before me, and had every right to take as much time as necessary to complete her transaction, but if you can see the line growing behind, FFS perhaps this is not the time to be texting your friend and saying to the server "How may red velvets do I have?   Two?  Make it three.  No, just a second (type type type ), just one." 

  • Love 3

My first real job was at Donutland.  I was fairly new and there was a sale on doughnuts.  This was 1982.  I remember the line getting long and I was thinking, "Oh shit".  I went in the back to call for back-up but that would take too long. 


What I learned is people will wait for doughnuts if they are on sale.  When the next worker came in there were few left.


I got to bring home a dozen a week.  Very soon my family was like, we really don't want anymore doughnuts.

  • Love 3

My in-laws have hardwood floors. They got them because they have dogs, and carpet kept too much hair in it, which was starting to cause allergy issues for my mother-in-law. They are nice, but very uncomfortable to sit on to play with the kids.

Exactly! Any time my husband and I watch a movie or something, somehow we always end up lying on the floor. That's why we got the plush carpet in the first place.

I was a vacuum fanatic before my accident, I'm weird and I loved to vacuum, usually did it twice a day. so I never worried about the pet hair. I think the hair is much worse and much harder to clean on the wood floor.

Edited by Maharincess

My first real job was at Donutland. 


Sounds like Heaven!


When I was young - like 5yo, pretty young - my mother used to hand me a couple items and some money so I could go through the express checkout behind her in order to avoid the regular checkout.*   As a reformed participant in order splitting -- and even at that age, I was embarrassed -- I feel that too many items is too many items, no matter how you posit it.  


I also think the "five, five" guy was rude, though. Plenty of times the person ahead of me in the express checkout is way over the limit; but I figure (and hope) that they have some good reason for breaking that particular social contract.  Maybe something's going on at home that they have to get back ASAP, or maybe there's some issue in play (other than pure self-entitlement).


At the store where we shop regularly, sometimes the express cashier will call us over if we're in a long line and nobody is in his/her line because I bag and we're generally pretty friendly. Inevitably, though, as soon as our order is in progress, someone shows up in line behind us; and I feel like saying "(The cashier) told us to come over here.  Honest."   



*She also - but only once or twice - made me get out of the car in the parking lot and go stand in a space she wanted in order to hold it until she got there with the car.  (I was #4 of 4, and apparently the bloom is off the rose by the time you have that many kids and you feel like you can spare one.)

Edited by harrie
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The minute that 20 items or less cashier calls you over there, they will come and you can only stand there and maybe shrug.   I try not to call for that trick-of course they are trying to be helpful.  Also, I like to see the register at some stores because there are pricing mistakes.


I say"no,you go ahead" I look like I am being magnanimous.  


I always hope people in the express line are in a hurry and will have everything ready. I do. But then they put the slowest checker (I know which one she is) in that lane.

Actually, the time-consuming part is the part where they have to chat about everything. Sometimes living in a friendly place sucks.

Edited by auntlada
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One thing about Facebook I find weird (and may be the only one who finds weird...): people who have one-on-one conversations with other people in the comments section of a post.


If that discussion contains stuff that might be of interest to others, then I guess it makes sense. But if it's just "Hey Jenna! What were you up to last weekend?" - shouldn't Jenna and her friend use Facebook's messaging function instead? Or text each other? Why do it out in the open for everyone to see? And cause everyone else to get a "notification" for comment follow-ups they don't give a damn about?

  • Love 6

One thing about Facebook I find weird (and may be the only one who finds weird...): people who have one-on-one conversations with other people in the comments section of a post.

If that discussion contains stuff that might be of interest to others, then I guess it makes sense. But if it's just "Hey Jenna! What were you up to last weekend?" - shouldn't Jenna and her friend use Facebook's messaging function instead? Or text each other? Why do it out in the open for everyone to see? And cause everyone else to get a "notification" for comment follow-ups they don't give a damn about?

Oh no, I find that oddly annoying also. With the constant notifications too? I'll literally message someone on my own if they try to engage me in comments like that; it's the polite thing to do.

Which brings me to the group messages in Facebook messenger---I literally groan if I get one, otherwise I'll keep getting pinged nonstop by the random group responses. I try to hit that "leave this conversation" button as quickly as possible.

Speaking of random responses, I just got back from visiting friends in Washington DC this weekend.

What shocked me is how insanely AWFUL their drivers up there are! I had no idea...random lane-changers, slow drivers clogging the left lane, selfish slow drivers holding up entire lanes to search for street parking...I finally gasped in disbelief when this one gal literally STOPPED her car in the middle of the busy goddamned road to put down her convertible top. Like, just stopped with all us cars behind her, and stalled her car to do this in the middle of moving traffic...unbelievable.

I wouldn't be surprised if DC is considered the city with some of the worst drivers in the country, because I saw some particularly rude and downright baffling bad driver displays the entire weekend up there.

Went to Chili's last night for dinner. When I asked for the check, I was told to pay using the mounted tablet thing at the table - it had one of those things you could swipe your credit card through.  It automatically suggested a tip of 20% (that you could increase or decrease), but I'm thinking the wait staff is not even handling the payment and I'm being prompted to tip 20%?  I'm guessing if I wanted to pay cash, I would have had to print out my own receipt from there.


The receipt it printed was on that horrible paper where the print will smudge or fade in a few days. 


I very much was annoyed by the process.  And the food has gone downhill IMO.  I'm thinking that is the last time I go there.


Don't go out much - are other places using this same thing?

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My Pet Peeve is logging onto this board and not finding a thread for some popular TV shows. I don;t understand why the Mods don't just start thread for some shows.  


Shows like "Flex & Shanice" "Living Lozada"  "What Would You Do?"  "POV"   etc.


I know I'll get a response like...... 'feel free to request a new forum'   The problem is, one can't just start a thread for a show, and start talking about it, it has to have  like 17 sub topics


Edited by Taylorh2
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Vaguebooking---that's when you post something passive-aggressively vague like "I'm so upset right now!" or "Feeling so distressed" or "I can't believe what just happened..."

That's just annoying and such a cheap and pathetic ploy for attention. Just spit it out of shutup---if you're that drama queen who thrives on multiple people commenting back "Oh what's wrong?" or "What happened??" I automatically feel like Unfriending your melodramatic ass. Or I give you one last chance and post back a funny meme shaming you on your pitiful Vaguebooking.

My nieces and nephews do this constantly. And when someone (often me, the caring, old-fogey aunt in her 40s) asks what's wrong, I get, "Oh, it's personal." "It's private." "I don't want to talk about it." THEN WHY THE F*** DID YOU POST ABOUT IT ON FACEBOOK?

  • Love 6

We actually went out for steaks the other night (a rarity for us, we usually go out for Mexican-it's quick, cheap and the kids have chips to eat immediately so it keeps them quiet) at a major chain restaurant and did not have one of those pay at the table things. That's actually pretty awesome! We tend to be big tippers anyway. As long as my drink is filled and the service is fast and the server is nice you'll get an awesome tip from us! We like to be in and out.

My mom is notorious for what I call, "hi-jacking my Facebook posts" I'll post a pic of my kid, someone will comment on it and then my mom will start a conversation with the person that commented on my post about something completely off the wall/unrelated. Private message the person or take it to their page directly. Get off my post with this nonsense!

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The problem is, one can't just start a thread for a show, and start talking about it, it has to have  like 17 sub topics


You need three, one of which will always be the Small Talk topic, and one of which will be either an All Episodes Talk thread or a specific episode thread (depending on the show).  So you just have to come up with one more (from among characters, hosts, media coverage, quotes, favorites/least favorites, etc.).


Re: express lanes -

I think the number of items is a suggestion but what "express" really means is, "If you know you're going to be fast." Multiple transaction people and check-writing people should probably find another line, but it's up to you to decide.

I agree that the multiples should probably choose another line (unless the store is almost empty). And can we find a way to ding women who wait until the cashier tells them the grocery total before they reach for their purses, pull out their wallets, and search for their money or debit cards? I understand on some level--I like to watch the register to make sure the sale prices come up, the BOGOF offers, etc. But I make a point to have my wallet out and debit card ready to swipe.

  • Love 3

Oh god, like back in the day when pretty much everyone wrote a check at the grocery store and the people who would wait until the end to start writing made me want to scream.  Have everything but the total filled in!  These are the same people who would then continue to stand there while noting the transaction in their check register.  Just because you didn't want to pay extra for duplicate checks does not mean I need to wait for you.  Ugh, flashbacks.

  • Love 5

You need three, one of which will always be the Small Talk topic, and one of which will be either an All Episodes Talk thread or a specific episode thread (depending on the show). So you just have to come up with one more (from among characters, hosts, media coverage, quotes, favorites/least favorites, etc.).

My problem is that you cant just start them. You have to come up with "clever" titles for them. I've tried to start a couple just straight forward threads in the past but the told me I needed the cutsey titles for them.

I gave up.

Edited by Maharincess
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Here's my pet peeve  - about this website. 

I get, on the bottom of the page, something called 'Promoted Stories".  I'm not sure if everyone gets the same thing. 

 I tend to ignore them.  But once in a while, i will see a title like "celebrities who you wont believe  committed horrendous crimes"  or "Celebrity feuds you never knew about", and the photo will draw me in - oh my god - what did he do?  Why won't those two work together?  

As i click through the "NEXT"  button (a feat in itself, as they disguise ads as "next"  buttons)  I keep searching for the story about the person in the photo that drew me in, but THAT story never appears!  The stories I do see are about stuff I either already knew, or don't care about.  Never the advertised story. 


How many times do I have to be fooled before i learn? 

  • Love 5

Oh god, like back in the day when pretty much everyone wrote a check at the grocery store and the people who would wait until the end to start writing made me want to scream.  Have everything but the total filled in!  These are the same people who would then continue to stand there while noting the transaction in their check register.  Just because you didn't want to pay extra for duplicate checks does not mean I need to wait for you.  Ugh, flashbacks.

Yes! Yes! A thousand times yes!. I go to the grocery store every Saturday. I know that i'll be writing a check, so I fill it out before I get to the store. 

  • Love 4

In keeping with the "express check out" pet peeve, the other day I was in my favourite, tiny speciality bakery. The woman in front of me was choosing 24 cupcakes, one a time, all the while texting with someone to confirm her choices.   I waited patiently, only because I really wanted a cupcake.  I know she was there before me, and had every right to take as much time as necessary to complete her transaction, but if you can see the line growing behind, FFS perhaps this is not the time to be texting your friend and saying to the server "How may red velvets do I have?   Two?  Make it three.  No, just a second (type type type ), just one." 

Oy vey. I would be so upset with myself if I were the one holding up the line getting cupcakes, but can see a situation where that person might have been better off confirming the choices and annoying the customers in the bakery than she was coming home with the wrong ones.


Re: express lanes -

I think the number of items is a suggestion but what "express" really means is, "If you know you're going to be fast." Multiple transaction people and check-writing people should probably find another line, but it's up to you to decide.

It's interesting that this is a topic here right now.  I was stopping in to express my continued annoyance at the WAY over the suggested amount people.  Last night I realized that I needed some stuff for camp lunches today, so I made a quick run to the grocery store.  I had 11 items (yes, I count) and was faced with a strategic decision:


On the about 10 items line was a person paying, a person about to be rung up, and a guy who just got there in front of me with a basket that was PACKED so full that he also had a couple items under his arms. He was clearly operating under the "If it fits all in one of these little baskets, it qualifies for the express lane" theory.


On the about 15 items were also three people, but two of them were old people. One was really old and the other was just kind of old.  Experience told me that one or both of them were going to be digging for change in the bottom of the purse.


So I went with "10" items boy.  As it turns out, it takes a long time to check out 27 items, especially when you don't help in any way.  It would have been just slightly slower to go in the other lane though. It was a lose/lose, but both were faster than the self check lane I thought about. That person was still standing there looking up the code for kale when I left.

Edited by JTMacc99
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Even though I complained above I must say that I love this site. Its so much better than "that other place". I'm very happy about the new ignore button. There are 2 posters in a thread I frequent that make me cringe every time I see their names. I've gotten private messages that let me know I'm not the only one they irritate.

  • Love 2
Does the person you are ignoring get a notification that they are being ignored?


As far as I know, there's no notification.  Ignore is a standard feature of Invision forum software, so most boards using it allow for ignoring -- on TWoP, it was disabled because of the 15/15 rule.  I believe it has always been available here, or at least as long as I've been around.  But I've never used it, so I can't say for sure.

Edited by Bastet

Even though I complained above I must say that I love this site. Its so much better than "that other place". I'm very happy about the new ignore button. There are 2 posters in a thread I frequent that make me cringe every time I see their names. I've gotten private messages that let me know I'm not the only one they irritate.

Is it bad that I want to post this to you and see if you respond, just to be sure I'm not being ignored?    

(paranoid?   nah! not me!) 

  • Love 7

Not you!! Its nobody who comes to this section.

Maharincess, I hear the more stuff you have on the walls, the less the echo. Our house is sparsely furnished/decorated and we have hardwood floors. Everyone can hear everyone. It's kind of a privacy nightmare/eavesdropper dream.

I hate bare walls. I've got stuff everywhere. I meant when somebody walks across it its really echoey. They just make too much noise.

I agree that the multiples should probably choose another line (unless the store is almost empty). And can we find a way to ding women who wait until the cashier tells them the grocery total before they reach for their purses, pull out their wallets, and search for their money or debit cards? I understand on some level--I like to watch the register to make sure the sale prices come up, the BOGOF offers, etc. But I make a point to have my wallet out and debit card ready to swipe.

I like to watch the register, but while I'm waiting on the slowest person in the world, I always have time to get my card out -- even after loading all my stuff on the belt.

Today's pet peeve - my workplace blocked this site! Now what am I supposed to do on my lunch hour? Also blocked, Eonline.com. Jerks.

Do we work together?

  • Love 1

I thought of y'all this evening when I went to urgent care. I was sitting in the general waiting room/lobby (watching ABC "news") and was called back by the nurse after only 10 or 15 minutes. The nurse took my vitals and reason for coming (severe heat rash), and then told me the doctor would be in after about a half hour! There I sat with no magazine, no Wi-fi (the waiting room was close enough to Office Depot next door that I could pick up their signal, but not in the bowels of the building) and nothing to do but stare at the walls.

  • Love 1

Today's pet peeve - my workplace blocked this site! Now what am I supposed to do on my lunch hour? Also blocked, Eonline.com. Jerks.

Reminds me of one place I worked at back when Usenet wasn't an ocean of spam. The admins had set up the company servers to block some groups but not others, and it appeared to be completely random and arbitrary. For example; the groups for PC tech support were blocked, while the equivalent groups for Mac support were not. I had to jump through some hoops with the BOFHs to get the PC groups unblocked. I had to actually make a business case that I, as someone who was doing support, needed the be able to access information about doing support. Grrrr....


I thought of y'all this evening when I went to urgent care. I was sitting in the general waiting room/lobby (watching ABC "news") and was called back by the nurse after only 10 or 15 minutes. The nurse took my vitals and reason for coming (severe heat rash), and then told me the doctor would be in after about a half hour! There I sat with no magazine, no Wi-fi (the waiting room was close enough to Office Depot next door that I could pick up their signal, but not in the bowels of the building) and nothing to do but stare at the walls.

I never ever go anywhere like that without a book or my kindle or something. If nothing else I always have my phone to play a game or something on.

I hope you're feeling better.

The next 4 days are going to be 104, 108 and then 2 days at 103.

My house has no air conditioning and the insulation sucks.

I'm not looking forward to it.

On the plus side, my husband sent me 5 dozen Stargazer lilies from the road for my birthday. I have some downstairs but most of them are upstairs in my room. My room smells so good.

Stargazers are my favorite flower. I have a beautiful one tattooed on my back.

Edited by Maharincess
  • Love 2

In keeping with the "express check out" pet peeve, the other day I was in my favourite, tiny speciality bakery. The woman in front of me was choosing 24 cupcakes, one a time, all the while texting with someone to confirm her choices.   I waited patiently, only because I really wanted a cupcake.  I know she was there before me, and had every right to take as much time as necessary to complete her transaction, but if you can see the line growing behind, FFS perhaps this is not the time to be texting your friend and saying to the server "How may red velvets do I have?   Two?  Make it three.  No, just a second (type type type ), just one." 


This reminds me of one of my major pet-peeve zones: fancy artisan ice-cream places. The ones that let you taste multiple flavors before you order.


I remember one such place in the SF bay area. I was just two or three spots from the front of the line, and then the couple in front of us takes 10 minutes to order. How that's even possible still perplexes me, but the place allows three samples per customer, so of course these two request their full allotment of six samples. And mull over each one very carefully. And then the guy quizzes the counter girl about the origins of the ingredients. Who's your hazelnut supplier? I'm really into Vietnamese cinnamon these days - where do you source your cinnamon? And then mull some more, while the girl keeps changing her mind - oh honey, I'm not sure I'm in a sorbet mood today. All while everyone behind them in line stands around watching.


And finally, it's over and the next person in line gets their audience with their own personal ice-cream concierge.


I realize some of these places have really good ice cream, but man, when did ice cream become the new "wine tasting"?

  • Love 6

On the plus side, my husband sent me 5 dozen Stargazer lilies from the road for my birthday. I have some downstairs but most of them are upstairs in my room. My room smells so good.

Stargazers are my favorite flower. I have a beautiful one tattooed on my back.

Happy Birthday, Maharincess!   Hope you had a good one, and try & keep cool in this summer heat!  I love those lilies, too.

  • Love 3

As far as I know, there's no notification.  Ignore is a standard feature of Invision forum software, so most boards using it allow for ignoring -- on TWoP, it was disabled because of the 15/15 rule.  I believe it has always been available here, or at least as long as I've been around.  But I've never used it, so I can't say for sure.


The ignore function has always been available. And sadly, since this site isn't moderated as...stringently as TWoP, I've found that I've got more than just two people on my ignore list. It's good for my blood pressure.

JTMacc99, that is why my first choice is usually self-checkout.  I figure I am faster ( and smarter !) than all the other customers, and most of the cashiers, even if I have to key in produce codes.  And then my groceries get bagged the way I want. 

1000 times, yes! And don't let a friendly store employee start bagging my groceries. I actually yell (and I'm not a yeller), "I got it! I got it! I brought my own bags. Thank you!!!"



There I sat with no magazine, no Wi-fi (the waiting room was close enough to Office Depot next door that I could pick up their signal, but not in the bowels of the building) and nothing to do but stare at the walls.

I love the description that something is "in the bowels" of a building.  It sounds disgusting and poetic at the same time. That being said, I usually keep something to read in my purse at all times, but the times I forget, I end up like you, bilgistic, stuck in a waiting room with nothing to do.

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I hear you Bilgistic.  The rooms with no clocks get to me.  It seems like forever.  One thing is if you are feeling rotten they will turn the lights down and let you rest.


Hard wood floors have become so popular and they do look nice but they seem to take a lot of care.  I have it in the kitchen and am worried i will get water in the floor and you know.  But they also seem a little colder.

This reminds me of one of my major pet-peeve zones: fancy artisan ice-cream places. The ones that let you taste multiple flavors before you order.


I realize some of these places have really good ice cream, but man, when did ice cream become the new "wine tasting"?

In some places, a scoop of ice cream costs as much as wine by the glass.  I try not to be too impatient with those folks - I was that kid who could never decide what I wanted (hence my parents or brothers usually decided for me in the interest of time).  In fact, I avoid any place that gives me too many choices - doesn't matter if it is ice cream, lamps or shirts.  If I have too many choices, I can no longer tell what I like and what I don't.


Hard wood floors have become so popular and they do look nice but they seem to take a lot of care.  I have it in the kitchen and am worried i will get water in the floor and you know.  But they also seem a little colder.

My parents have tile in the kitchen, dining area and bathrooms and a very low rise (not sure if that is the right term) carpet every where else.  My Dad has to use a wheelchair sometimes, a walker at others and that combination of flooring works out pretty well for him.  About 10 years ago, one of my brothers had to have substantial renovation done after a fire in their home.  One of the things they did was have all the doorways (interior) widened for wheelchair accessiblity.  I did not really appreciate how much of a benefit that would be until seeing my Dad try to use his wheelchair inside.

  • Love 2
Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

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