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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

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When I was growing up, our phone number was one digit off from a local pizza place.  We got calls for them all the time and just said they were one digit off and most of the people were nice about it.  Once in a while they were assy, we'd hang up and they would call right back.  We'd take their order and make up a total.

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(I posted this earlier by mistake in a different thread thinking I was here; sorry if it's repetitive to people in both.)

While I get the gut-feeling reflexive ire about something you love getting a modern update, I do not get when people spout off about "So-and-so ruined it!" Rob Zombie did not "ruin" Halloween, no one at whatever award show that was "ruined" a Prince song, Puff Daddy did not "ruin" "Every Breath You Take," the author of Scarlett did not "ruin" Gone With the Wind, etc...

It's all still there for you to experience and enjoy! OK, do I think it would be a good idea to remake Jaws? No--no, I personally do not. But if that's your thing, then have at it. 

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1 hour ago, TattleTeeny said:

Rob Zombie did not "ruin" Halloween, no one at whatever award show that was "ruined" a Prince song, Puff Daddy did not "ruin" "Every Breath You Take," the author of Scarlett did not "ruin" Gone With the Wind, etc...

I've never wanted anything to be a mega-hit the way I did the remake of Ghostbusters, solely as a middle finger to all the people who lost their fucking shit over it.

(Regrettably, my convictions weren't such that I actually went to the theater and watched it myself.)

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I hate when they do remakes of movies but I've never thought the remakes ruin the original. The original Vacation is one of my all time favorite movies, I hated the remake but I don't think it ruined the original.  You're right, that is annoying. 

I have the best idea for a new Vacation movie,  a Griswold family reunion movie would be awesome.  All of the people who played Audrey and Rusty could come as cousins or something and Clark could go over board and mess everything up.  

It's like people are acting like a second version of something causes the first to somehow completely disappear! Now, I would understand the outrage if, say, Thomas Kincaid (Painter of Light!) covered the Sistine Chapel ceiling or something but not for movies--not even George Lucas's updates to Star Wars! And, as far as Dawn of the Dead goes, that remake was good stuff! (However, in the same-ish vein and yet another peeve, Microsoft may indeed have ruined Excel--ugh, the latest version is buggy as fuck and I cannot deal with it!)

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If George Lucas made updates available alongside the originals, I'd be OK with it. But Han shot first, and that's the version I want my son to see. I also prefer the Return of the Jedi version that doesn't have Hayden Christensen with Yoda and Obi Wan Kenobi in the fire at the end -- mostly because I prefer to ignore that Episodes 1-3 exist and because I found Anakin unbearably whiny and Hayden Christensen just looks whiny to me now. (Rewatching Star Wars now, I find Luke pretty whiny too, but people occasionally told him no, and he didn't always get his way so it's bearable.)

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There are some movies (most of them in my opinion) that should never be remade.  @Bastet, I agree with The Thin Man and I'll add The Birds to the list.  I would probably be pissed if they tried to remake that movie. The Birds was my favorite movie when I was a kid. 

1 hour ago, auntlada said:

If George Lucas made updates available alongside the originals, I'd be OK with it. But Han shot first, and that's the version I want my son to see. I also prefer the Return of the Jedi version that doesn't have Hayden Christensen with Yoda and Obi Wan Kenobi in the fire at the end -- mostly because I prefer to ignore that Episodes 1-3 exist and because I found Anakin unbearably whiny and Hayden Christensen just looks whiny to me now. (Rewatching Star Wars now, I find Luke pretty whiny too, but people occasionally told him no, and he didn't always get his way so it's bearable.)

This may as well be written in Chinese for as much as I understand it.  Never seen any Star Wars movie and never had the desire.  I tried the first one and that was enough for me. 

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If George Lucas made updates available alongside the originals, I'd be OK with it. But Han shot first, and that's the version I want my son to see. I also prefer the Return of the Jedi version that doesn't have Hayden Christensen with Yoda and Obi Wan Kenobi in the fire at the end -- mostly because I prefer to ignore that Episodes 1-3 exist and because I found Anakin unbearably whiny and Hayden Christensen just looks whiny to me now. (Rewatching Star Wars now, I find Luke pretty whiny too, but people occasionally told him no, and he didn't always get his way so it's bearable.)

Right there with you, auntlada! Luckily, my household has all the versions at hand. Since childhood, you guys, I have thought Luke was whiny (I was 6 when "A New Hope" was released); all my friends thought Luke was dreamy but not this girl! Han was then, and is still now, my main man--I even have the most beautiful blaster tattoo in the American traditional style on my inner left arm, which I got after the last movie--and some of you know why! (I also have a Millennium Falcon, same style, on my left shoulder). Young Anakin was ultra-whiny too (and that hair!), though I have had ranting soliloquies at my SW-fanatic BF about how maybe he had his reasons for it (I am sorry--yes, he was a jerk but he he was also treated horribly!).

Also, when I was little, my friends and I used to yell, "Last one to the swings has to kiss Tarkin!" The geekery started young (as evidenced by our gigantic wall decal at home.)


I agree in theory that getting your dander up that a movie was remade is silly; just don't see it.  But I know myself, and if The Thin Man is ever remade, I'm going to lose my shit.

Understandable. But will you rant all over Facebook about how something that is still around for you to choose instead has be OMGwrecked? I do think a bit of moral outrage at the onset is OK--in fact, it's entertaining in some cases. I might get all huffy and puffy about my beloved Jaws (and I did have a moment of indignation over A Nightmare on Elm Street). But I'd settle down knowing I have it (in more than one format, haha!) at my disposal...and most likely see the new version anyway, haha! 



Edited by TattleTeeny
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11 hours ago, Bastet said:


I agree in theory that getting your dander up that a movie was remade is silly; just don't see it.  But I know myself, and if The Thin Man is ever remade, I'm going to lose my shit.


How interesting! I just had dinner with an old friend on Monday night, and at one point we discussed cover songs and how we both disapprove of bands that don't add their own touch to the song.  My example was Disturbed's version of the Sound of Silence. Everybody seems to really like it, but I told my friend I kept waiting for the part where he starts doing the screaming heavy metal voice, and it never came.  

On the other hand, we agreed that the Lemonheads Mrs. Robinson and Seether's Careless Whisper were excellent.  Nice thing about old friends is that we can agree on such important topics.

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That reminds me--I also don't get all bent out of shape when a song is used in a commercial. So what, who cares? I didn't write it, and it was likely obtained in a legal manner. To be honest, it probably annoys me more that "I Wanna Be Sedated" somehow along the way became a wedding-reception staple.

Edited by TattleTeeny
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5 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

That reminds me--I also don't get all bent out of shape when a song is used in a commercial. So what, who cares? I didn't write it, and it was likely obtained in a legal manner. To be honest, it probably annoys me more that "I Wanna Be Sedated" somehow along the way became a wedding-reception staple.

That's funny, because at this very moment I am listening to Barenaked Ladies song, Box Set, and I just got to the lyric, "Heard my song in an ad for a bathroom cleanser - they say it's greed."  What a funny coincidence. Especially considering I haven't listened to that particular song in ages.  I don't necessarily mind remakes, but it is kind of annoying that there are so many remakes and reboots.   X-Files reboot was worth it for one episode, maybe 2 out of the 6, and I'm ultimately glad they did it, but on the whole I don't think reboots are necessary.  


When I was growing up, our phone number was one digit off from a local pizza place

This reminds me of a story a friend of mine told.  When she was a teenager she worked at a local dry cleaners.  One day a woman can in to drop of dry cleaning and left her phone number.  My friend said "Oh that's interesting, your phone number is one digit off from my home number."  The woman asked what her name was and she told her it was "Skeeter."   "Oh my God," the woman said, "I think you just saved my marriage!"  It turned out the woman's husband was also named "Skeeter" and they'd been getting lots of teenage girls calling and asking for "Skeeter," then hanging up when the woman asked who was calling.   

  • Love 3
14 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

That reminds me--I also don't get all bent out of shape when a song is used in a commercial. So what, who cares? I didn't write it, and it was likely obtained in a legal manner. To be honest, it probably annoys me more that "I Wanna Be Sedated" somehow along the way became a wedding-reception staple.

My peeve at the moment is you @TattleTeeny!  Ever since I read this comment I can't get the damn song out of my head.  All day long "twenty twenty twenty four hours a day....".  

I curse you!! 

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On 9/27/2016 at 10:04 PM, Maharincess said:

This [Star Wars movie discussion] may as well be written in Chinese for as much as I understand it.  Never seen any Star Wars movie and never had the desire.  I tried the first one and that was enough for me. 

I've only ever seen parts here and there of the "original" Star Wars. I always fall asleep trying to watch it. I eventually gave up. I usually like sci-fi, but I just couldn't get into Star Wars. I know; @Maharincess and I are the only two people on the planet that haven't watched it all the way through.

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Nope, I'm number three.  I'm decidedly not a sci-fi fan, The X-Files being my major exception, so it's not terribly surprising, but it's such an iconic film for my generation that I've tried several times to get through Star Wars.  Can't do it.  So I've never seen it all the way through.  And I've never even tried a moment of the sequels; do not give a shit.

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I've only ever seen parts here and there of the "original" Star Wars. I always fall asleep trying to watch it. I eventually gave up. I usually like sci-fi, but I just couldn't get into Star Wars. I know; @MAHARINCESS and I are the only two people on the planet that haven't watched it all the way through.

Replace 'Star Wars' with one of several classic films and that's me.  I like the 'Star Wars' movies and can discuss them among fans, but I'm not a fanatic.  But, people look at me crazy when I say that I've only seen 'Casablanca' once and didn't really care for it, and I've never seen 'Citizen Kane', although I know the plot.  Those just aren't my kind of movies.  However, I can talk about my love of '50s science fiction and '60s horror films until the cows come home.

Pet peeve:  People who leave really long, long voice mail messages.  I work with at least three people who do this on a regular basis.  If you are going to be late for work, just call and say 'I'm running late.  I should be in around 9am'.  You don't need to say something like 'It's me, Sue.  I'm going to be late today.  The dog--you know, the one we got last week?--wanted to go out and then he didn't want to come back in.  I also need to run by the store to pick up the supplies for the welcome reception for Bob.  By the way, please remind me to let Bob know that he needs to go by HR to do some paperwork.  I need to go now, because my daughter is waiting for me to take her to school because she missed the bus while she was out chasing the dog.  Bye.'  Sometimes the long message is actually work-related, but I don't need to know those details either.  'Hey, I know you aren't coming in to work until 10am today, but I just wanted to let you know that I'm going to be at the James Building for a meeting for about an hour and I'll go to lunch from there.  Then, I'm meeting with Dr. Whosis to discuss the research we're working on for the conference.  I'll be back sometime around 3pm.'  Even if I'm that person's supervisor, I don't need those details.  That's why we all have online calendars that we're supposed to keep up to date.  I can check anyone's calendar and see that they are out of the office for some work-related reason.  The long messages are bad enough, but sometimes they mumble, so all you hear is a 2 minute mess.  

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My peeve at the moment is you @TATTLETEENY!  Ever since I read this comment I can't get the damn song out of my head.  All day long "twenty twenty twenty four hours a day....".  

I curse you!! 


Haha, but it's the Ramones and is that not better than, say, the Taylor Swift song that got somehow jammed in my head the other day--something very repetitive called "Bad Blood"! And you know you love me! (Also, yet again, I have a discussion-related tattoo, haha! I am not doing it on purpose, I swear!)


My example was Disturbed's version of the Sound of Silence. Everybody seems to really like it, but I told my friend I kept waiting for the part where he starts doing the screaming heavy metal voice, and it never came.  

I feel like that kind of awe comes from not the level of skill doing the song but from people being surprised that a certain type of band can or would do an unexpected song (your example is perfect). I hope that makes sense at all. Sort of like how people raved about how great Eminem was in Eight Mile; he wasn't bad at all--in fact, he was good. But I think some of the extensive praise maybe came from the fact that people were surprised that he was, and not necessarily that he the next Robert DeNiro or something. 

What really gets jammed in my head periodically, often for no apparent reason is "Goodbye Stranger" by Supertramp! Random. Good thing I like it.


Edited by TattleTeeny
  • Love 1
2 hours ago, BooksRule said:

Replace 'Star Wars' with one of several classic films and that's me.  I like the 'Star Wars' movies and can discuss them among fans, but I'm not a fanatic.  But, people look at me crazy when I say that I've only seen 'Casablanca' once and didn't really care for it, and I've never seen 'Citizen Kane', although I know the plot.  Those just aren't my kind of movies.  However, I can talk about my love of '50s science fiction and '60s horror films until the cows come home.

Pet peeve:  People who leave really long, long voice mail messages.  I work with at least three people who do this on a regular basis.  If you are going to be late for work, just call and say 'I'm running late.  I should be in around 9am'.  You don't need to say something like 'It's me, Sue.  I'm going to be late today.  The dog--you know, the one we got last week?--wanted to go out and then he didn't want to come back in.  I also need to run by the store to pick up the supplies for the welcome reception for Bob.  By the way, please remind me to let Bob know that he needs to go by HR to do some paperwork.  I need to go now, because my daughter is waiting for me to take her to school because she missed the bus while she was out chasing the dog.  Bye.'  Sometimes the long message is actually work-related, but I don't need to know those details either.  'Hey, I know you aren't coming in to work until 10am today, but I just wanted to let you know that I'm going to be at the James Building for a meeting for about an hour and I'll go to lunch from there.  Then, I'm meeting with Dr. Whosis to discuss the research we're working on for the conference.  I'll be back sometime around 3pm.'  Even if I'm that person's supervisor, I don't need those details.  That's why we all have online calendars that we're supposed to keep up to date.  I can check anyone's calendar and see that they are out of the office for some work-related reason.  The long messages are bad enough, but sometimes they mumble, so all you hear is a 2 minute mess.  

BooksRule, your voicemail messages were hilarious and entertaining! Are a you a writer, by any chance? You could write a book about crazy VM messages, and I'd be the first in line to buy it. 

Today's pet peeve: backhanded compliments. I hate being insulted by someone who tries to disguise their criticism with a joke or a minor compliment. I work in a medical clinic, and yesterday I was sitting at my desk with a medical student while we discussed the patient we'd just seen. I do that several times during the day, but the clinic is friggin' busy, so I'm running around all day. Anyway, we share office space with a physical therapy clinic, and someone walked by my office door doing something therapeutic, and she goes, "Gee, I want to have your job. You sit around all day." I should have laughed it off or ignored her. I could have said, "I want that job, too!" But I was having a bad, bad day, so I said, "No, I don't sit around all day." Sounds benign, but I might've sounded a little nasty. I guess I take it too personally when people patronize me even though they don't know what the hell they're talking about.

It's like when my cousin-in-law came over, and when we were sitting in the kitchen, she told me that I have precisely 24 cabinets. Then she bemoaned the fact that she only has 6 cabinets in her kitchen. Mind you, my house is old, it's falling apart in places, and it's not especially big. I don't live in a McMansion. So I couldn't figure out if she was telling me I had too many cabinets, admiring my cabinets, or she was simply showing off that she could count to 24. I didn't know her well enough to have her clarify what she meant. Maybe that's my problem. I don't ask people to clarify their weird statements, so I always, always treat them as insults. 

Edited by topanga
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I'm not sure whether this goes under Pet Peeves or Work Gripes, but here it is anyway.  Every year we're required to report the demographic data we collect from our patient pool, but the patients are not required to provide any demographic data.  So we end up reporting things like "16,000 total patients, 10,000 did not respond, 4,000 checked 'prefer not to answer'; here's the data on the 2,000 who answered at least part of some of the questions."  What earthly use is that? 

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Last night, one of the networks was showing footage on the national news of a guy who was proposing marriage to his girlfriend at the ballpark while it was shown on the Jumbotron.  It was newsworthy because he dropped the ring mid-proposal.  Whyyyyyyyyyyy do guys do gimmicky public propsals?  Is there a woman in the world who would prefer to share such an intimate moment with thousands of strangers?  Someone please explain this to me.

  • Love 4

BooksRule, your voicemail messages were hilarious and entertaining! Are a you a writer, by any chance? You could write a book about crazy VM messages, and I'd be the first in line to buy it. 

Ha, thanks!  No, I'm not a writer, but now I'm considering saving all of the ridiculous voice mails I get at work and keeping a record of them.  They're much better than anything I could make up.  I know way too much about my co-workers' personal lives, all from their voice mails.

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5 hours ago, topanga said:

It's like when my cousin-in-law came over, and when we were sitting in the kitchen, she told me that I have precisely 24 cabinets. Then she bemoaned the fact that she only has 6 cabinets in her kitchen. Mind you, my house is old, it's falling apart in places, and it's not especially big. I don't live in a McMansion. So I couldn't figure out if she was telling me I had too many cabinets, admiring my cabinets, or she was simply showing off that she could count to 24. I didn't know her well enough to have her clarify what she meant. Maybe that's my problem. I don't ask people to clarify their weird statements, so I always, always treat them as insults. 

This made me laugh!  Does she have autism? Not making fun, just that it sounds exactly like something my nephew with autism would say.   "You have 19 windows in your house.  we have 25.  We have 6 more windows than you do."   Or "there are 13 steps to go upstairs in your house, our house has only 11, you have two more stairs than we do.  Your old house had no stairs."   He used to re-count stairs and windows each time he came over, somehow it made him feel comfortable and less anxious.   Stairs and windows are so much easier to understand than people.

He would also say stuff like " you painted this room green.  it used to be tan.  I like tan better."  It was just his way of starting a conversation.

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4 minutes ago, backformore said:

This made me laugh!  Does she have autism? Not making fun, just that it sounds exactly like something my nephew with autism would say.   "You have 19 windows in your house.  we have 25.  We have 6 more windows than you do."   Or "there are 13 steps to go upstairs in your house, our house has only 11, you have two more stairs than we do.  Your old house had no stairs."   He used to re-count stairs and windows each time he came over, somehow it made him feel comfortable and less anxious.   Stairs and windows are so much easier to understand than people.

He would also say stuff like " you painted this room green.  it used to be tan.  I like tan better."  It was just his way of starting a conversation.

She's not autistic at all. Just weird.  And she loves to make comparisons. e.g. she loves to ask me how much I paid for something (a food item or ceramic bowls, for example), and then she'll tell me how much she paid for the same item. And it's always less. So this is her tongue-in-cheek way of telling me I don't know how to shop for bargains or get good deals. Uh, just because I don't get my meat from the dollar store...

11 minutes ago, topanga said:

And she loves to make comparisons. e.g. she loves to ask me how much I paid for something (a food item or ceramic bowls, for example), and then she'll tell me how much she paid for the same item. And it's always less. So this is her tongue-in-cheek way of telling me I don't know how to shop for bargains or get good deals. Uh, just because I don't get my meat from the dollar store...

Meat from the dollar store? Seriously? Forgive my snobbishness, but I hope you're joking, 'cause...ew. I love bargains, I love the Dollar Tree, but not that much. 

I hate it when random people comment on my acne, theorize what's causing it, then offer solutions. Look, I don't like my acne (I had flawless skin until I was 21, and then it all went to Hell), I do the best I can, but I've tried everything (yes, I've tried both ProActive and Acne Free, so please don't suggest them), and you know what I discovered? It's not carbs, dairy, soap, oil, or dryness that's causing my acne. You know what causes my acne?


Quite frankly, if acne is the biggest cross I have to bear, then I'm pretty damned fortunate. I'm not a total eyesore, I have yet to make children scream and cry at the sight of me, so it isn't that bad. Why do people feel the need to offer unsolicited advice and try to make me feel like John "the Elephant Man" Merrick just because of a few measly pimples?

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3 hours ago, DeLurker said:

But you raised your heart rate and possibly broke inertia's hold.  And this from someone who stood her ground on the railroad tracks.

We're tough that way.

Thank you @DeLurker. You are right, I most definitely raised my heart rate, and more importantly broke inertia's hold. 

Let's hope that those of us who ran at the red flags can keep up that head of steam and find some equally pretty green flags next time. Because, ouch. That pointy shit behind the red flags.  Jeez. 

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3 hours ago, Wiendish Fitch said:

I hate it when random people comment on my acne, theorize what's causing it, then offer solutions. Look, I don't like my acne (I had flawless skin until I was 21, and then it all went to Hell), I do the best I can, but I've tried everything (yes, I've tried both ProActive and Acne Free, so please don't suggest them), and you know what I discovered? It's not carbs, dairy, soap, oil, or dryness that's causing my acne. You know what causes my acne?


Quite frankly, if acne is the biggest cross I have to bear, then I'm pretty damned fortunate. I'm not a total eyesore, I have yet to make children scream and cry at the sight of me, so it isn't that bad. Why do people feel the need to offer unsolicited advice and try to make me feel like John "the Elephant Man" Merrick just because of a few measly pimples?

I'm 41, and my skin has been so much worse in adulthood than it ever was as a teenager. I used Proactiv for a few years after spending $50 every month on whatever the dermatologist prescribed. I used Boscia. I used Murad. I've used a beauty superstore full of products, like you, @Wiendish Fitch.

I use Paula's Choice now. I still have breakouts and get honking cystic zits under the skin--the huge kind that never come to a head but hurt like the devil. Paula's Choice tends to keep things mostly under control. But woe be to me if I skip the treatment lotion a couple nights, or don't keep my face clean all the damn time! Exhausting.

And you are right, cutting out dairy hasn't changed a thing.

Edited by bilgistic
1 hour ago, bilgistic said:

I still have breakouts and get honking cystic zits under the skin--the huge kind that never come to a head but hurt like the devil.

I have those - they always show up right on top of a nerve so you manage to be aware of them all the time even if you can't see them.  Come to think of it, I haven't had any of these nasties (sp?  plural of nasty) in a few years which coincides with my life settling down.  Wonder if they were stress induced?

13 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

Haha, but it's the Ramones and is that not better than, say, the Taylor Swift song that got somehow jammed in my head the other day--something very repetitive called "Bad Blood"! And you know you love me! (Also, yet again, I have a discussion-related tattoo, haha! I am not doing it on purpose, I swear!)

I feel like that kind of awe comes from not the level of skill doing the song but from people being surprised that a certain type of band can or would do an unexpected song (your example is perfect). I hope that makes sense at all. Sort of like how people raved about how great Eminem was in Eight Mile; he wasn't bad at all--in fact, he was good. But I think some of the extensive praise maybe came from the fact that people were surprised that he was, and not necessarily that he the next Robert DeNiro or something. 

What really gets jammed in my head periodically, often for no apparent reason is "Goodbye Stranger" by Supertramp! Random. Good thing I like it.


You have beautiful work. I have 9 tattoos and I have plans for more. The next one I want is a portrait of my Border Collies Kaylee and Harley.  My daughter made me a beautiful split photo of them and that's my next one, it's just hard to find one that will do the picture justice. I'll have to go into San Francisco to get really good work. 

This could be a peeve so I'm in the right place.  I'm a big Ramones fan too, I love all of the music from that era and genre. "My" band was the Pretenders. I saw them when I was 14 and that was it, they were my band. I loved them so much that my daughter's middle name is Christine, after Chrissie Hynde.  They were my favorites into adulthood and I still have the drumstick I caught from their drummer when I was 17.  

Anyway, 15 years ago my friends got us meet and greet tickets to see them for my birthday. I had seen them a bunch of times but I was excited to actually meet her. I brought the big tapestry of the band that I got for my 18th birthday for them to sign. Chrissie Hynde was a complete and total bitch (see you next Tuesday is more appropriate).  When I told her that I named my daughter after her, she sneered and said she hates hearing that rubbish because all she wants to do is make music.  Then she got even worse when she saw that I was wearing a leather jacket. My dad got that jacket for me on my 16th birthday and he had died that year so I decided to wear it to the concert. She called me all kinds of names and said I was the reason animals were being skinned and tortured. 

Moral of the story, don't meet your idols. 

And that ladies (and gentlemen?) is another Maharincess is bored as hell post.  

Edited by Maharincess
  • Love 7

@Maharincess whoa that's a crazy ...and disappointing story.  I'm sorry that happened. 

One of my neighbors is a rock star in a band I actually like a lot. They were v v popular in the nineties. Anyways he lives on my street and i see him maybe 2-3x a week. I think he's sup talented and as a neighbor is ok, sorta friendly. His gf is bitchy...and 22 to his 47 or 48. 

13 minutes ago, Petunia13 said:

@Maharincess whoa that's a crazy ...and disappointing story.  I'm sorry that happened. 

One of my neighbors is a rock star in a band I actually like a lot. They were v v popular in the nineties. Anyways he lives on my street and i see him maybe 2-3x a week. I think he's sup talented and as a neighbor is ok, sorta friendly. His gf is bitchy...and 22 to his 47 or 48. 

I take pain medication and will for a long time.   I want to make sure that I don't end up with an addiction so I got a sponsor and go to Na meetings. We have a concert venue in my city and when a really popular band who started in the 70s and are still popular today would come to town, the singer came to my Na meetings.  The anonymity killed me because I wanted to tell everyone I know that I met this person.  He's been very open about his addiction so I would be outing anyone but still. 

@Petunia13,  I could not agree more about the Legos. You wake up really fast when you step on a Lego piece in the middle of the night.  I'll add Barbie shoes and accessories too but Legos are the worst. 

Edited by Maharincess

Well I mean the reason I shared that story was knowing him it also affected me fandom to be slightly lower, not unlike what you went through. I have to be careful what I play in my car I don't wann blare his songs while driving past him and like I said his gf is kinda snotty when I've spoken to her. The reason I'm not posting who is cuz I don't want this site to know what street I live on lol. 

Edited by Petunia13
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