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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,
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16 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

And the incredibly obnoxious $7.5 pricing.  Just put that fucking zero on there and be normal.

I hate that too!


16 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

So what is the deal with having sign language interpreters doing their thing during official announcements?

It always reminds me of Garrett Morris on SNL...

Edited by Moose135
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23 hours ago, AgentRXS said:

Blueberries. I just brought blueberries from Trader Joe's and the whole container was sour. I hate that they are so hit or miss. This is the first sour batch I've purchased in awhile.

I just threw away a container of blueberries because every time I ate some, about 1 in 5 had that icky soft texture that made me want to puke. They had no signs of being rotten, they must have been exposed to extreme temperatures  or something.

I remember when fresh blueberries  were sweetened and juicy.

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23 minutes ago, backformore said:

I just threw away a container of blueberries because every time I ate some, about 1 in 5 had that icky soft texture that made me want to puke. They had no signs of being rotten, they must have been exposed to extreme temperatures  or something.

I remember when fresh blueberries  were sweetened and juicy.

Blueberries acting as rude and fickle as avocados! 

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53 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

Also, I am scared that during his sleepwalking (which is fairly rare, at least), he will open the door to our balcony and our cats will go out there.

That's scary! Can you put a magnetic alarm or an additional lock on the door?

Re: blueberries (and other berries) - I agree, it sucks that they are so hit and miss. It is a serious peeve when I buy what seems to be the perfect container only to find a moldy clump in the center. I posted elsewhere about the Rubbermaid Freshworks containers - they are amazing at keeping produce fresh (if you follow the instructions and don't wash it first).

2 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

Blueberries acting as rude and fickle as avocados! 

I guess I never posted from my head to the board - I never have that issue with avocados but my bananas go from nearly perfect (yellow but firm) to 'haha you took a shower and now we're brown & mushy' on a regular basis so I quit buying them.

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1 minute ago, theredhead77 said:

That's scary! Can you put a magnetic alarm or an additional lock on the door?


I may have to! I'd just do a chain or something but the fact that he responsibly replaced the doorstop on the laundry closet's folding doors (because cats) tells me he'd navigate a chain as well!

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1 hour ago, TattleTeeny said:

OK, ETA: I did actually just laugh out loud because I just though, "What if he'd actually started vacuuming?"

Ha ha!! I'm fascinated by sleepwalking. Does he have his eyes open or shut? Can you talk to him or try to guide him back to bed? Although, I suppose, 4am is not ideal for studying. Sleepwalking is probably way more interesting when you don't live with someone who does it! :)

Speaking of change and cashier peeves - I guess it's proper or normal to do this, but I hate it when cashiers hand me back my receipt on top of my bills and then dump change in my hand. Now I have to put the change in change pocket, bills in the billfold and the receipt somewhere else because I don't want it with my bills. This really shouldn't be so hard, but I'm a disorganized mess and rarely without at least three things to keep track of (purse, water bottle, ipod: minimum). Add an open wallet to that AND the pressure of people behind me ready to mow me down with their carts or trying to shove their way to my spot? Not pretty. And sometimes, I'm a right arsehole about taking my time to get myself together. goddess help me when the time comes and I need to keep track of a cane or walker, too. 

 Please just ask whether I want the receipt with me or in the bag - like when I pay with a credit card? Why is it automatic to hand a receipt over with a stack of bills and not after you've signed for a credit card authorization? Give us left-brained screw ups a break once in a while, k? 

Attention, people boarding a train. I know, trains are still pretty new here, but you should know better than, when a train is clearly crowded, to get on and then stand right smack in front of the door because, duh, you've got your spot. Squish and push your way in a bit, please. I know, it sucks. I'm a touch claustrophobic myself and I almost vomited the other morning when the person next to me held her egg salad sandwich right under my nose and started licking it up like cat. But ya gotta everyone on the d*mn train. 

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Ha ha!! I'm fascinated by sleepwalking. Does he have his eyes open or shut? Can you talk to him or try to guide him back to bed? Although, I suppose, 4am is not ideal for studying. Sleepwalking is probably way more interesting when you don't live with someone who does it! :)

I think they're open, but I didn't see. The fact that he got up at all isn't too weird; sometimes he does to get water or go to the bathroom, but he's awake. No idea what made him go get the vacuum, which I didn't see either; I woke up when he started making a ruckus (but not a mess) in the kitchen.

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Recent language quirks that bug me: 

1) "I just can't with him"   I guess it means something, I'm never sure what it means you "can't"  do.  Sometimes it means - "I don't like that person."   So SAY THAT. 

2) " I am meh about that"   I get "meh"  as an expression of boredom, apathy, whatever. More of an exclamation than an actual feeling.   But to say "I am meh"  about something, always makes me ask the person to repeat, because I think I missed a word.  I get it when it's written, but in spoken language  it is confusing.  

3)  "I'm like  (insert vague facial expression here)"   The conversation is on the order of Q: "wow, what did you think when that happened?"  A:  I was like (shrug, look scared/angry/bored)"    The English language is a wonderful thing.  using a word for your feelings or thoughts communicates much more precisely.   When someone prattles on and on using this, It drives me batty - "so she said blah blah, and I was Like (facial expression)  and then she was like (different facial expression, combined with a WHA?)"  

Yeah, I'm an old fart who often talks to young people. 

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1) "I just can't with him"   I guess it means something, I'm never sure what it means you "can't"  do.  Sometimes it means - "I don't like that person."   So SAY THAT. 

Guilty! And it makes me laugh when others do it. Granted, it's become so prevalent, but I respect it as an "I don't even know how to articulate right now how much I'm bugged by this person" (or "nothing I say will be nice, polite, or nonprofane"!).

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1 hour ago, potatoradio said:

Attention, people boarding a train. I know, trains are still pretty new here, but you should know better than, when a train is clearly crowded, to get on and then stand right smack in front of the door because, duh, you've got your spot. Squish and push your way in a bit, please.

As chaotic as New York City can be, one place that most everyone knows how to act is in the subway.  When you're waiting on a busy platform, the crowd knows about where the doors will be on the arriving train, and gather on either side, allowing a path for passengers leaving the train.  Once most everyone leaving is off, people board, and will generally move in to fill up the car, although occasionally you'll have to give someone a gentle reminder.  You can always tell the people who rarely ride the subway.

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4 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

Peeve: my BF sleepwalks sometimes. Last night, he got up and went upstairs, took the vacuum (a somewhat heavy older Dyson that I'd really like not to take a tumble, or take him with it if it does) of the closet, and brought it back downstairs. Then he made some ruckus in the kitchen. All of this at 3:48 a.m. I know because I saw the clock in the living room, where I was sleeping because I knew he'd be snoring and restless as he has been for days and days. And 3:48 was the end of sleeping for me. It's so nice to have no sleep followed by a 90-minute commute to a job at which you are responsible for tedious fact-checking and error-finding while staring at two monitors all day. He needs to start understanding that he does not settle down if he smokes weed; he becomes a worse sleeper and it affects others. Also, I am scared that during his sleepwalking (which is fairly rare, at least), he will open the door to our balcony and our cats will go out there. I'm so tired and I hate venting about a person I do love.

OK, ETA: I did actually just laugh out loud because I just though, "What if he'd actually started vacuuming?"


Hey, if he's going to wake you up, the least he can do is clean while he's at it. 

A related pet peeve - one of my cats has been yodeling at the top of her lungs in the middle of the night every night this week. She's managed to find the acoustical sweet spot in the house that magnifies her sound to stadium-concert levels. It starts at 2, and ends at 4:45 when I get up because she won't stop. Then she gets into bed and takes the warm spot. Tonight if she makes one sound, she's going to the basement (where there is a couch and blankets and cat beds. I'm not a monster).

@TattleTeeny, I feel your banana pain. I bought a single banana last night so I could have it for breakfast this morning.  

Edited by MargeGunderson
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2 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

Guilty! And it makes me laugh when others do it. Granted, it's become so prevalent, but I respect it as an "I don't even know how to articulate right now how much I'm bugged by this person" (or "nothing I say will be nice, polite, or nonprofane"!).

I hated that one when I first started hearing/seeing it, but I, too, have come to appreciate the "I can't with this" or "I just cannot with this" idiom.

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I find it especially amusing when it comes from typically articulate people.

41 minutes ago, MargeGunderson said:

Hey, if he's going to wake you up, the least he can do is clean while he's at it. 

A related pet peeve - one of my cats has been yodeling at the top of her lungs in the middle of the night every night this week. She's managed to find the acoustical sweet spot in the house that magnifies her sound to stadium-concert levels. It starts at 2, and ends at 4:45 when I get up because she won't stop. Then she gets into bed and takes the warm spot. Tonight if she makes one sound, she's going to the basement (where there is a couch and blankets and cat beds. I'm not a monster).

@TattleTeeny, I feel your banana pain. I bought a single banana last night so I could have it for breakfast this morning.  

Do you think she needs a vet? Not to be an alarmist, but when two of my previous cats started doing that, there were problems—one neurological and the other physical.

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2 hours ago, MargeGunderson said:

Hey, if he's going to wake you up, the least he can do is clean while he's at it. 

A related pet peeve - one of my cats has been yodeling at the top of her lungs in the middle of the night every night this week. She's managed to find the acoustical sweet spot in the house that magnifies her sound to stadium-concert levels. It starts at 2, and ends at 4:45 when I get up because she won't stop. Then she gets into bed and takes the warm spot. Tonight if she makes one sound, she's going to the basement (where there is a couch and blankets and cat beds. I'm not a monster).

Don't worry, she'll find the sweet spot in there so you still hear her!

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3 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

Do you think she needs a vet? Not to be an alarmist, but when two of my previous cats started doing that, there were problems—one neurological and the other physical.

She has a vet appt. tomorrow. She has high blood pressure, and that could be the issue - apparently some cats will howl when they have a spike. Her medicine might need to be adjusted!

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8 hours ago, backformore said:

"I'm like  (insert vague facial expression here)"  

This makes me want to throat punch people, when they relate a conversation or situation "And I'm like X and then he's like Y".  When what they mean to say is "And I did X and he did Y."

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I don’t like when people tend to use the word “indeed.”

The word just bugs me- not the way the word sounds but the attitude in which the word is said. Unless someone is using it in a research paper in college, I can’t stand hearing or reading it. It makes the person using it sound so completely sure of something that is usually just an opinion rather than fact. To me, it gives off an impression that the person really thinks their opinions are the only right way of thinking. It also makes me think the person wants to be seen as kind of uppity or educated when the use doesn’t make me feel that way at all about them. It’s obnoxious to me. 

I’m probably too bothered by this, but I’ve just never had a good taste in my mouth for this response. 

I have the same dislike for hearing buzzwords, slang, name dropping, bragging, and purposely being vague about events in the news when the people doing it kind of glance around to see if others are “in the know.” 

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33 minutes ago, SaySay24 said:

I don’t like when people tend to use the word “indeed.”

How do they use it?

I tend to use it as a responsive statement, so it is often a single word statement.  It does come in handy because with a little bit of inflection it can infer a lot of different meaning. 

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22 hours ago, Moose135 said:

When you're waiting on a busy platform, the crowd knows about where the doors will be on the arriving train, and gather on either side, allowing a path for passengers leaving the train.

Oh my god, would you and a few more New Yorkers please visit us here in the heartland and 'splain this concept? Not hard, folks. Just like an elevator. It's not a standoff. you aren't knockers at a slaughterhouse. Get.Out.Of.The.Way. 

I can't even. 

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3 hours ago, JTMacc99 said:

Indeed it does.

Aw, I didn’t mean to upset anyone. I didn’t see the unedited comment ;) But I do think people sometimes use it in an obnoxious and obvious way. Sometimes someone frequently uses one word in an overly knowing way as if he or she is the only other one who “gets” it. Does that make any sense? Such as, people who stress certain words and phrases and glance around to see everyone’s reaction with a poor/ judging attitude toward those not in the know. I like humility or just flat out innocent or honesty.

I’m embarrassed.  I didn’t mean anyone here. I like everyone here. Most people here are respectful and now I feel like I’ve hurt some of you. I’m awfully sorry.

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11 minutes ago, SaySay24 said:

I’m embarrassed.  I didn’t mean anyone here. I like everyone here. Most people here are respectful and now I feel like I’ve hurt some of you. I’m awfully sorry.

Speaking for myself, I don't think you were being hurtful in any way nor taking a jab at anyone in particular.  Besides, we're in Pet Peeves, so things don't necessarily have to have a justification that will stand up in court.

Speaking for @JTMacc99, I'm 1,000% sure he couldn't resist himself in his response.

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22 minutes ago, DeLurker said:

Speaking for @JTMacc99, I'm 1,000% sure he couldn't resist himself in his response.

You may speak for me any time @DeLurker, because you know me well enough to know that there was NO WAY I could help myself. 

39 minutes ago, SaySay24 said:

But I do think people sometimes use it in an obnoxious and obvious way.

I definitely got the peeve and agree with you. It can easily be deployed in a pretentious way that would be an immediate turn off. 

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"Indeed" as a stand alone response always makes me think of Tealc from SG:1, as someone mentioned upthread, and Kaientai, a Japanese wrestling tag team that performed in the WWF (as was) back in the '00s. It was part of their catch phrase. I think I have a T shirt...it has EVIL on the front and INDEED on the back.

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4 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

Reminds me of when someone wants your parking space and "claims" it by getting so close to it that you can now not get out!

Yesterday, I pulled into a small parkade to find that it was full.  That meant backing out to get to a place where I could turn around to exit, and I waved to cars coming in behind me that it was full so they didn't head down the pointless path to the end of the parkade.  In the meantime, a guy walked from the building to his car.   The driver who was closest to that spot put on his signal light to "claim" that spot, and just stayed put while the rest of us headed for the exit.   A**hole proceeded to stand beside his car and checked his messages, sent some texts....  When some one claims my parking spot just because it's a good one, I may purposely take my time while they glare at me rather than just pulling into another empty spot.   But when the lot is full, you move your ass out.  

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6 hours ago, ABay said:

"Indeed" as a stand alone response always makes me think of Tealc from SG:1, as someone mentioned upthread, and Kaientai, a Japanese wrestling tag team that performed in the WWF (as was) back in the '00s. It was part of their catch phrase. I think I have a T shirt...it has EVIL on the front and INDEED on the back.

It makes me think of those twins on Project Runway.

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11 hours ago, Nordly Beaumont said:

I'll add "perfect" to the list - specifically when waiters and baristas chirp "Perfect!" when I order. 

When did this start?  It seems to be everywhere in the past several months. 

Me: "I'll have the salmon" 

Server:  "Perfect!" 

Me:   (it better be, you're charging $28 for it) 

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14 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

I feel like that about "phenomenal."

For some reason my mind automatically kicks in the chorus from the Muppet Shows Mahna Mahnam after this word...

So if someone says "I had this phenomenal ropa  vieja last night at a new Cuban place" , in my head I hear "I had this phenomenal <Do doo be-do-do> ropa  vieja last night at a new Cuban place".

It is entirely possible that if I use the word myself I sing-say or hum softly Do doo be-do-do after it.

Edited by DeLurker
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On 9/14/2018 at 11:31 AM, potatoradio said:

Oh my god, would you and a few more New Yorkers please visit us here in the heartland and 'splain this concept? Not hard, folks. Just like an elevator. It's not a standoff. you aren't knockers at a slaughterhouse. Get.Out.Of.The.Way. 

I can't even. 

Incorrect elevator etiquette drives me up the wall.  We don't have trains here but it sounds like the same concept.

I do the Muppet thing with "phenomenon".

Edited by Merrilin
Read some more stuff I wanted to respond to
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On 9/13/2018 at 8:56 PM, ABay said:

@bilgistic, is Florence going to hit where you live? And there's another Carolina poster here, too, right? In addition to @Mindthinkr. One of the guys? We need to set up a signal so the rest of us know our people are ok.

I'm staying north of Raleigh and am okay.  Some wind and rain, but, nothing bad.  Just a few quick power surges. I hope it holds.  Flash flooding in Raleigh, but, devastation on our coast.  I'm worried about MINDTHNKR.  She hasn't posted since Florence made landfall.  I'm hoping she's just conserving power on her phone.  There have been quite a few evacuations by National Guard. She could have left or is just holding up.  Maybe, we'll hear from her soon. 

My peeve is the anxiety that you develop when you live in a storm prone state, like NC.  At times, I really consider moving. But, it's home.  You know our professional hockey team is named The Hurricanes, right?  

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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I feel mad, probably disproportionately (and also inexplicably kind of sad).

Two dude-bros at Petco today, where I was doing an adoption event for the shelter where I volunteer, walked past our table of cats and toward the reptile part of the store, just as another volunteer and I were talking about how we're both afraid of snakes. On their way back past, one loudly and pointedly said, "We should adopt a cat and feed it to a snake, a-duh-huh-huh-I'm a dolt" (I added that last part). I didn't throw anything at them, but I did say "fuck you" (not professional, sorry; I don't think they heard anyway in the midst of their marveling at their "cleverness" that was probably NOT AT ALL rehearsed).

But, yeah, FUCK YOU. First of all, if either of them owns a snake at all, I feel for that poor animal. And second, why don't you shut your douche-bag mouths--what are the odds that you do anything beneficial for anyone but yourselves? Also, the era of cats being "girly pets" is good and over now so suck it. AND ALSO don't you dare ever adopt anything. And, yes, I know snakes need to eat too. But this was not about that.


I was today years old* when I learned they were not saying phenomenal.

I admit, the first time I read "today years old," I laughed. Also, someone I know posted a "today years old" meme about how you can peel off the top layer of one of those big gray emery boards to reveal another layer. I looked at all of mine and there is not that!

Edited by TattleTeeny
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33 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

I feel mad, probably disproportionately (and also inexplicably kind of sad).

Two dude-bros at Petco today, where I doing an adoption event for the shelter where I volunteer, walked past our table of cats and toward the reptile part of the store, just as another volunteer and I were talking about how we're both afraid of snakes. On their way back past, one loudly and pointedly said, "We should adopt a cat and feed it to a snake, a-duh-huh-huh-I'm a dolt" (I added that last part). I didn't throw anything at them, but I did say "fuck you" (not professional, sorry; I don't think they heard anyway in the midst of their marveling at their "cleverness" that was probably NOT AT ALL rehearsed).

But, yeah, FUCK YOU. First of all, if either of them owns a snake at all, I feel for that poor animal. And second, why don't you shut your douche-bag mouths--what are the odds that you do anything beneficial for anyone but yourselves? Also, the era of cats being "girly pets" is good and over now so suck it. AND ALSO don't you dare ever adopt anything. And, yes, I know snakes need to eat too. But this was not about that.

I admit, the first time I read "today years old," I laughed. Also, someone I know posted a "today years old" meme about how you can peel off the top layer of one of those big gray emery boards to reveal another layer. I looked at all of mine and there is not that!


OMG.....some things you don't even joke about, imo, and that is one...I'm not sure what I would have done, but, it was good I wasn't there. So, another peeve for me. People who have no judgment as to what might be considered cruel and inappropriate, even if they were just trying to be funny.  I think he was joking......

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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Oh, I assume he was. But something (again, perhaps disproportionately) just really got under my skin about it--the timing and volume/clarity, for one; he enunciated it as he was right smack in front of us. Like it was his goal to belittle. And just...I don't know...why? It's not like they stuck around to see a reaction so why do it at all? And maybe I'm nuts but something also just felt sort of sexist about it. It was almost like that gut feeling of "don't get in the elevator with this guy," but to a much lesser degree, if that makes sense. Maybe I'm being a kook.

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4 hours ago, theredhead77 said:

I was today years old* when I learned they were not saying phenomenal.

*I wasn't a fan of that phrase until right this second.

I'm reminded of The Late Show's take on the "Mahna Mahna" song. It seems that Sean Spicer* said "phenomenal" very often.

*This clip is not "political"; it's Spicer saying "phenomal" in place of "mahna mahna". That's it.

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