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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

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17 hours ago, AgentRXS said:

I don't. I was too young to remember his original run. I didn't fall in love with him until they brought him back in 2006, and then I watched all the old clips on You Tube. I wish I was around for his original run, because his adventures with Luke in the '80s seemed like fun television.

Okay, it's been driving me nutso that I can't recall the name of Robert's theme song when he's in Commissioner/Spy Mode! I've Googled and You Tubed and finally hit pay dirt. BUT, it's not the whole song, and I don't know the name of it, but you can hear the beginning of it at around the 24:25 mark.

Well shit. It won't embed properly and says the video isn't available. Just youtube "GH 4/29/1985 and it should be available for viewing.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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9 minutes ago, Qoass said:

Well, I just did that and the music sounds like a rip-off of the Axel F theme from Beverly Hills  Cop to me...


YES! That's what it was! Thank you!!!! It was KILLING me, not remembering where I'd heard it before. But it so fit the character.

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3 hours ago, Qoass said:

1. I haven't watched this episode yet, but...

2., I don't have time to read everyone else's comments yet but here's my opinion...

3. Just me? (after expressing a point that's been made five times in the last six posts)

I don't always hate the first one, as there are aspects of the discussion that don't require one to have seen the episode, but it annoys me under circumstances that don't fall into that category.  And the other two always annoy me, especially the last one!

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Once again, on a rainy day, I've found myself cursing current day umbrellas--the kind that pop open when you press a button.  That's all fine and good when you're getting out of your car.  But when you get back into the car, it's a whole different matter trying to close the da*n thing.  Are there any small Totes/other brand umbrellas that open and close w/o the button popper?  The interior of my car gets all wet as do my clothes.  So, I voted today so that was good, and rain is good to have.  But I just need a small, easy to close umbrella ;>(

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6 hours ago, annzeepark914 said:

Once again, on a rainy day, I've found myself cursing current day umbrellas--the kind that pop open when you press a button.  That's all fine and good when you're getting out of your car.  But when you get back into the car, it's a whole different matter trying to close the da*n thing.  Are there any small Totes/other brand umbrellas that open and close w/o the button popper?  The interior of my car gets all wet as do my clothes.  So, I voted today so that was good, and rain is good to have.  But I just need a small, easy to close umbrella ;>(

I'm confused why you don't like auto open/closed umbrellas.    Do you just have an auto-open?   I live in NYC and I couldn't exist without an auto open-close.    I accidentally ordered one from Macy's once that was just auto-open because it was listed wrong on their website and had to return it, I can't stand at the subway entrance in the pouring rain for five minutes trying to close an umbrella with a whole line of people behind me.

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Well, I just did that and the music sounds like a rip-off of the Axel F theme from Beverly Hills  Cop to me.

According to the wikipedia entry on composer Harold Faltermeyer, the 'Axel F' theme was used on an episode of 'General Hospital' in 1986. 

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7 hours ago, annzeepark914 said:

Once again, on a rainy day, I've found myself cursing current day umbrellas--the kind that pop open when you press a button.  That's all fine and good when you're getting out of your car.  But when you get back into the car, it's a whole different matter trying to close the da*n thing.  Are there any small Totes/other brand umbrellas that open and close w/o the button popper?  The interior of my car gets all wet as do my clothes.  So, I voted today so that was good, and rain is good to have.  But I just need a small, easy to close umbrella ;>(

Last year, my sister bought me a Suprella umbrella for my birthday and I FLOVE it! It opens and closes inside out, so when you get into the car, it closes up and away from you with all the water on the inside. Getting out of the car, you can stick it out and it opens to cover you as you get out. And it has a round handle that hooks over your wrist. It also stands up by itself, so it can drip-dry on the entrance rug in a smallish circle.


Edited by riley702
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It seems like we can't go a week without someone (usually a girl) posting a picture of what she was wearing when being kicked out of school for wearing. They then also post the rules, proving that the broke the rules, but somehow seem to be sure that they are going to spark great outrage.  OK, just for fun, we'll pretend that I feel great outrage on the part of this poor child who is not allowed to show her midriff, wear short shorts, spaghetti straps, or leggings. What am I supposed to do about it.  Your local school dress code is not national policy that I can/should/want to weigh in on.

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16 hours ago, riley702 said:

Last year, my sister bought me a Suprella umbrella for my birthday and I FLOVE it! It opens and closes inside out, so when you get into the car, it closes up and away from you with all the water on the inside. Getting out of the car, you can stick it out and it opens to cover you as you get out. And it has a round handle that hooks over your wrist. It also stands up by itself, so it can drip-dry on the entrance rug in a smallish circle.



Thanks riley! I just added it to my cart for my son who travels a lot by bus.

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Pet rescue peeve:

If I see one more "keyboard crusader" (aka the person who begs everyone else on the FB thread to save a dog/cat but won't contribute money or even share the post) refer to all animal shelter workers as "murderers" I am going to seriously lose my shit. I am having a really horrible week in my personal life (you know its bad when I don't even want to share it here LOL) and I'm scrolling through FB to unwind and I see a friend of friend going on a huge rant about how we are all "killers and murderers". Usually, I bypass these posts with an eyeroll,but I'm extremely emotionally vulnerable right now, so it just pissed me all the way off.

Like seriously, how hard is this concept: "Shelter "X" has a mass capacity of say, 300 dogs, and 200 cats.  If Shelter "X" gets 600 dogs, and 400 cats within a two week span, where are the extra animals supposed to be housed? How do you justify holding on to people aggressive/feral dog who shits itself at the sight of a human for that long? How do you justify holding a cage for 1 animal aggressive dog when that cage could house 2-3 animal friendly dogs? How do you justify treating a cat that's lost the will to live and is basically dying in its cage in order to keep your euthanasia rate low?

I just can't with these idiots. I am all for being low-kill, but no open-admission shelter in a metropolitan area  will ever be 100% no kill.Ever.

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Sorry to hear that you've had a really really bad week @AgentRXS. I hope that things improve fast (virtual hug). 

Some people do go off on these things that they know nothing about. They don't contribute and they don't volunteer. Be part of the solution people. Not the town crier of all things wrong. 

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When I was in high school I volunteered at the Humane Society. The vet who had to come in to euthanize the animals would puke every time he had to do it. It just about killed him but he volunteered his time as well. These FB idiots don't have a clue. Fuck 'em.

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@AgentRXS, I totally agree and feel sorry you have to deal with this.

At one time I had 6 cats because I couldn't deal with anything bad happening to them. Quite honestly, 6 is more than a handful and there was no way I could manage having more than that. Just having them spayed and neutered literally killed me while driving to the vet and having them mewing inside their carrier. Fortunately there were no cops around because I exceeded the speed limit by a considerable amount getting them to the clinic so I wouldn't have to listen to their cries.

It always seems the people who like going on these 'killer/murderer' rants are the ones who do the very least to help solve the problem.

Edited by Random Noise
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@AgentRXS - a big Fuck Off is being sent their way from this poster.  I greatly doubt that many of the people who work in or volunteer at a shelter do it for the money or the glamorous work conditions.  I am eternally grateful for those that have the fortitude to do so, especially in the higher volume shelters.  Our local shelter has been the subject of many critical articles and some clear mismanagement at the highest level, but I have no doubt that the people I see when I've gone over to drop off donations are sincerely doing the best job they can in a dysfunctional environment.

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I volunteer at a humane society.  there's a lot of transporting of animals from one facility to another to avoid overcrowding.  We actually took in some animals from Houston and Puerto Rico.  I honestly have no idea how they got the Puerto Rican animals here, but I don't know why they would lie about it.  Everything possible is done not to kill animals.  Yes, if an animal is too diseased or too violent to be adopted out, then, unfortunately, there is no choice.  

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My cat Sasha started out ferile. One day I managed to catch her and brought her to the vet to be spayed. The vet and staff kept her for a few days after the spay and didn't think she could ever be domesticated, so they offered the spay as a freebie if I would continue to give her a home.

It took well over a year, but Sasha lives very comfortably indoors with me and is one of the most affectionate cats I've ever had. She's terrified of other humans though, and will go into hiding if anyone else is around. 

I built a fence around my home with no gate though there is a secret way in that only I know about. Inside the fence is Sasha's sanctuary, no visitors allowed.

Earlier I heard some noise outside and saw two men walking around the fence. One was trying to climb over but wasn't having much success.
I stepped out the door and said, "The fence is there for a reason. I don't accept any visitors!"
"Not even Mormon missionaries?"
"Nope. That's a missionary-proof fence. Thanks for stopping by," then I went back inside.

The two men stood there talking for a moment, then turned and started walking away.

I guess I'm going to hell.

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On persnickety grammarians--I was reading a blog about health insurance for a specific subset of people, written by someone who people consider a great resource.  Pretty good information, but I had some better information and posted a big comment explaining the clarifications that should be made.  The blogger took my suggestions and changed what she wrote about some of the substantive ins-and-outs of the health insurance choices.  So that's good--just trying to help. 

At the end of my comment, I said, "I hate to do this, but it's 'For Paul and me'" and not "For Paul and I."  It was littered throughout the post because she's looking for insurance for her and her husband.  Her reply?  "I’m still leaving it as “Paul and I” however coz that’s just too picky."

Sigh.  Why would someone push back on that?  So I replied, "Aah, but just a few keystrokes could help stop this growing assault on grammar." 

I just don't understand someone being okay with presenting something that's just wrong.  The best case scenario is that it doesn't bug people, but if you just did it right, you wouldn't even need a best case scenario.   If I had an error like that in something I wrote that a lot of people were going to be reading, I'd be eternally grateful to someone who tipped me off. 

And now I'm mad at myself for taking the time to help her write a clearer explanation. 


On 11/6/2017 at 5:46 PM, ParadoxLost said:

Ever since I got my new computer, Windows has been reading my email.   I keep getting calendar reminders to do stuff that I've written something about in email.   I don't like it and I don't know how to turn it off. 

This is insane!  Hell, I'm pissed off by Windows wanting to do automatic updates, and who knows what other shit behind my back.  And now this?


On 11/6/2017 at 6:27 PM, TattleTeeny said:

Also, there's a whole thing lately about Facebook "listening" to people's literal verbal conversations if the app is open on a nearby phone, and adjusting the ads you see according to what it "hears." I believe it; I was telling my BF after we left a garage sale a few weekends ago that I meant to buy a necklace I saw there. Later when I looked at FB, what do you know? An eBay ad for the same thing I had been talking about.

And don't get me started on Facebook. 

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3 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

Her reply?  "I’m still leaving it as “Paul and I” however coz that’s just too picky."

I don't understand learning one has made an error, especially in something for public consumption, and opting to leave it.  (Of course, I also don't understand "coz" for "because.")  I'd be grateful it was pointed out, hopeful not too many people had noticed, and eager to correct it for future readers.

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11 hours ago, Bastet said:

I don't understand learning one has made an error, especially in something for public consumption, and opting to leave it.  (Of course, I also don't understand "coz" for "because.")  I'd be grateful it was pointed out, hopeful not too many people had noticed, and eager to correct it for future readers.

Yep.  Why would someone choose to present material in a way that can't possibly improve how people perceive it?  The best case scenario is that people won't notice, but that also means that people who do notice might have their opinion of you affected by the bad grammar.  And in this case, it would take just a few seconds to fix it--far less time than it took me to read her write-up and fashion a post that helped her improve it.  So why not throw this dog a bone?

Never mind setting an example--it seems to me if you have a lot of readers, you have an obligation to use proper grammar as an example.  Why be a party to people's ignorance when you don't have to?

Oh, and "coz"?  There's a PTV poster who uses "cuz" constantly and it drives me crazy.  I don't block him because I don't block anybody, but I do skip all his posts. 

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On 11/6/2017 at 4:09 PM, bilgistic said:

We do, in fact, rule.

-A Scorpio


On 11/6/2017 at 11:53 PM, Random Noise said:

We Cancer's are too laid back to argue

Whereas we Pisces are conflicted about whether the topic rises to the level that requires our input.

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On 11/7/2017 at 0:05 AM, Random Noise said:

I watched to the end of season 6 and stopped. The violence quite frankly nauseates me and it got to the point that I didn't even care to see any more of it.

I get it about the forum threads though. There are a few reality shows I enjoy watching though most of them are foreign and have no category on this forum, but I've found it rather bothersome how people can so quickly find a person to dislike or even hate because their voice might sound a bit odd, or their accent is strange, or their skin isn't the right color, or their eyes are too close together, and on and on ...

I used to watch TWD. I think I quit in Season 4. I know I stopped watching before Negan came on the scene. I don't really miss it. I stopped watching in part because it felt like there wasn't any real character development happening. The other reason I quit is because I had had to move to Minneapolis during the week for the new job at the university. This meant I was only home (at the time in Kasson, MN) Friday night through Sunday afternoon, and I have this thing about not being able to sit through 14 episodes of a show at once. And that's about how many episodes had built up due to my keeping on top of other truly must-watch shows like Supernatural, Hell's Kitchen, Hotel Impossible, Restaurant Impossible (R.I.P. most excellent restaurant show!), Bar Rescue, Ink Master and a couple of others. So I just told the wife to watch it and fill me in. When it came back the following season, I just had no interest in picking it up again, even though I had the time.

Side note: When I bought our TiVO, I got the cheaper four-tuner unit rather than the more expensive six-tuner unit. I thought, "Hey, we can record four shows at once. We'll never need to record more than that!" Fast-forward a couple of years and suddenly we really could use that fifth and sixth tuner.... LOL

On 11/7/2017 at 8:02 AM, Qoass said:

Okay, if we're bitching threads on threads, three things fill me with rage:

1. I haven't watched this episode yet, but...

2., I don't have time to read everyone else's comments yet but here's my opinion...

3. Just me? (after expressing a point that's been made five times in the last six posts)

I'm guilty of the first two. As for the first one, I don't get to watch shows the night they first air because of the time I have to wake up in the morning. But it's fun (and practically irresistible) to come on these forums and read what other people are saying. I'll comment if there's something about which to comment and join the discussion. I suppose that's probably less than half the time, though. So maybe I'm not your target demographic there.

As for the second one, I tend to reply to comments as I'm reading through the thread. I do tend to read all the comments in the thread as I have time, but I don't wait to accomplish that before I comment. Although, I never actually use the verbiage in your #2. So maybe I'm not your target demographic there, either. LOL

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23 hours ago, AgentRXS said:

Pet rescue peeve:

If I see one more "keyboard crusader" (aka the person who begs everyone else on the FB thread to save a dog/cat but won't contribute money or even share the post) refer to all animal shelter workers as "murderers" I am going to seriously lose my shit. I am having a really horrible week in my personal life (you know its bad when I don't even want to share it here LOL) and I'm scrolling through FB to unwind and I see a friend of friend going on a huge rant about how we are all "killers and murderers". Usually, I bypass these posts with an eyeroll,but I'm extremely emotionally vulnerable right now, so it just pissed me all the way off.

Like seriously, how hard is this concept: "Shelter "X" has a mass capacity of say, 300 dogs, and 200 cats.  If Shelter "X" gets 600 dogs, and 400 cats within a two week span, where are the extra animals supposed to be housed? How do you justify holding on to people aggressive/feral dog who shits itself at the sight of a human for that long? How do you justify holding a cage for 1 animal aggressive dog when that cage could house 2-3 animal friendly dogs? How do you justify treating a cat that's lost the will to live and is basically dying in its cage in order to keep your euthanasia rate low?

I just can't with these idiots. I am all for being low-kill, but no open-admission shelter in a metropolitan area  will ever be 100% no kill.Ever.

This right here is why I'm glad that my dog that my wife bought me in 1999 died in 2007, which was just a couple of years before we became homeless. She hated all other dogs, except for her housemates. And I know that if I had had to surrender her to a shelter, she would have been killed. It would have been justified, too (she also hated all men except me and most children). I probably would have taken her to a vet to have her euthanized so that I could be there with her when she died, rather than ignominiously dying in a shelter surrounded by strangers because I was foolishly hopeful that she could be rehomed.

You have a hard job, AgentRXS. I don't envy you. People shouldn't get up on their high horses until they've been where you are.

18 hours ago, Random Noise said:

...snip... Just having them spayed and neutered literally killed me while driving to the vet ...snip...

I'm glad you got better!

Edited by MrSmith
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I don't block him because I don't block anybody

Seriously???  My ignore list grows by the day.  Sometimes all I see is an entire page of "You've chosen to ignore content...." 

I come here for fun.  If I want to be annoyed, I'll talk to my coworkers or relatives.  

: )

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I only have one person set on Ignore here, a poster in an HGTV show thread who has driven me up a wall since TWoP.  I have one person on another forum set on Ignore because their posting style bugs me, and they never say anything of substance; all their posts are of the "Yeah, that's so good/bad/funny" variety, so I am not missing anything by not reading them.  Otherwise, I just ignore posts, rather than posters, and do it the old-fashioned way, by skimming or scrolling past.

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I don't know if I've posted this before, but what's with younger millennial aged women (those under 30) who seem to like walking in tandem downtown MORE than those over 30?  They also seem to ignore you when you walk past them, saying "excuse me," despite NOT wearing headphones or hovering over their devices.  Worse is at stores like Sephora, where they like to take up A LOT of space trying on products.  At least they're NOT taking selfies!  Or am I just getting old at 38?

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1 hour ago, PRgal said:

I don't know if I've posted this before, but what's with younger millennial aged women (those under 30) who seem to like walking in tandem downtown MORE than those over 30?  They also seem to ignore you when you walk past them, saying "excuse me," despite NOT wearing headphones or hovering over their devices.  Worse is at stores like Sephora, where they like to take up A LOT of space trying on products.  At least they're NOT taking selfies!  Or am I just getting old at 38?

I've noticed this behaviour at the university where I work. It's particularly noticeable when traversing the library stairs between the first and second floors. The staircases are wide enough to probably allow five people to walk abreast, yet the college girls will traverse the stairs in pairs and take up all the available space. When this happens, I simply do not move for them and proceed up or down the stairs. I don't say "excuse me" or anything, either. I figure they can see me and they certainly know how much of the available space they're occupying, which puts the onus on them to move. I have had only near-collisions with them, though I'm sure one of them will eventually collide with me and fall down.

For me, that issue is very similar to the one where they're walking and they've got their head buried in their device. I used to try to move to get out of their way, but I've stopped doing that. The reason is that they end up meandering across the sidewalk or the hall, anyway, which puts me back onto a collision course with them. When I see this happening, I just say "Heads up!" loudly; I don't slow my gait in the least, either. I had this happen just last week on the platform at the light rail station. There was a guy walking with his head buried in his device, even though there's a ton of traffic there with the masses of people getting on and off the train. He ended up having to stop his forward momentum and move to his right, and even then he did almost get knocked over. And I know there could be an argument made that I'm rude, but I figure that he wouldn't be in that position if he'd keep his wits about him and respect the fact that there are times when using your device is simply not appropriate.

Edited by MrSmith
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This morning, I would like to vent about the longevity of the ill-advised trend of faux-hawk hairstyles for men of a certain age.  It is especially noticeable in the otherwise nicely groomed men on some real estate shows.  I'm not usually one to bag on looks, but for some reason, that unflattering pointy pouf makes me stabby.

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I love the idea of yelling, "Heads up!" and continue moving. Because these people who move abreast and block the whole damned hall are hella annoying. I once dramatically flung myself up against the wall to make way, but the ones that even noticed just gave me a bemused look as they continued to march abreast. Fuck 'em.

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4 minutes ago, riley702 said:

I love the idea of yelling, "Heads up!" and continue moving. Because these people who move abreast and block the whole damned hall are hella annoying. I once dramatically flung myself up against the wall to make way, but the ones that even noticed just gave me a bemused look as they continued to march abreast. Fuck 'em.

Exactly why I don't stop moving and don't give way. "Fuck 'em" is absolutely right.

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First world problem: While walking from the restaurant to the theatre last night, I stumbled on an uneven sidewalk (no, I won't be suing), twisting my ankle and breaking the heel off my shoe.  Thankfully, the heel held on and didn't truly break until the end of the night.  And I saw Hamilton, so I could have broken my ankle instead and still had a great night.  But I liked those shoes (although they're not worth fixing, as I have plenty of other black heels to take their place), and now I'm going to walk funny for a few days.  I elevated and iced overnight, and this morning there is bruising but no swelling and the pain when I walk is minimal (which is a sharp contrast to the pain I was in as I hobbled into the house), I'm just quite slow and rather stiff.

If I was like the tacky twits who wear flip flops everywhere around here, including to the Pantages, I'd be good right now.

As for people who walk side by side, I experience that a lot on my local sidewalks when I go for an evening walk; it's often old folks, but if you're able to be out on a walk in the first place, you're able to step to the side in front of/behind your companion when someone is coming from the opposite direction.  I often, especially with young people, play a game of chicken; I just keep walking where I am entitled to walk, forcing the interloper to move.

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OK. Old people are the exception for me. I have absolutely no problem moving aside for them, no matter how much room they're taking up. Why? First, it's easier for me to move out of their way than they out of mine. Second, I don't have the patience to wait for them to move out of my way. Third, no way in hell am I colliding with an old person and potentially causing them to break a bone. Fourth, they're not usually all that steady on their feet, anyway. Fifth, old people are generally paying attention to where they're going.

For me, it's people who are not paying attention to where they're going or what they're doing that are my main targets, and it's people who are egregiously and stupidly oblivious. Usually this is young people and they are usually distracted by a phone or tablet. Old people generally aren't walking around with their faces buried in their phones. Typically, they're paying attention and are willing to negotiate a changing landscape to make room for other people. I also will give sight-seeing or touristy people a break because they're visiting, they don't know their way around, and they may be distracted by things going on around them. For those of you who don't know, Red Wing is a huge tourist destination and the sidewalks are regularly clogged on summer weekends. Drivers have to be especially patient and alert. I have to remind my father to chill out any time they come to visit (because they refuse to ride in our conversion van, even though dis|embarking from|to the van is much easier than their stupid Prius).

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Sorry, folks, these are not residents from an assisted living facility out on a slow-speed excursion, these are people who happen to be seniors but are out getting their daily exercise just like me.  They're rude for the same reason anyone else doing it is rude; if you're too busy talking to your walking companion, or just think you two are entitled to take up the entire sidewalk because you're out together, I don't care whether you're 25 or 70. 

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3 hours ago, MrSmith said:

I've noticed this behaviour at the university where I work. It's particularly noticeable when traversing the library stairs between the first and second floors. The staircases are wide enough to probably allow five people to walk abreast, yet the college girls will traverse the stairs in pairs and take up all the available space. When this happens, I simply do not move for them and proceed up or down the stairs. I don't say "excuse me" or anything, either. I figure they can see me and they certainly know how much of the available space they're occupying, which puts the onus on them to move. I have had only near-collisions with them, though I'm sure one of them will eventually collide with me and fall down.

For me, that issue is very similar to the one where they're walking and they've got their head buried in their device. I used to try to move to get out of their way, but I've stopped doing that. The reason is that they end up meandering across the sidewalk or the hall, anyway, which puts me back onto a collision course with them. When I see this happening, I just say "Heads up!" loudly; I don't slow my gait in the least, either. I had this happen just last week on the platform at the light rail station. There was a guy walking with his head buried in his device, even though there's a ton of traffic there with the masses of people getting on and off the train. He ended up having to stop his forward momentum and move to his right, and even then he did almost get knocked over. And I know there could be an argument made that I'm rude, but I figure that he wouldn't be in that position if he'd keep his wits about him and respect the fact that there are times when using your device is simply not appropriate.

I don't want to say TOO much because they're just going to think I'm an old b!tch.  The worst ones are those who comment on each others' looks/choice of colours at make-up counters/Sephora.... And many take their time with those testers.  Ladies, PLEASE!  You know other people want to try them too, right?

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2 hours ago, walnutqueen said:

This morning, I would like to vent about the longevity of the ill-advised trend of faux-hawk hairstyles for men of a certain age.  It is especially noticeable in the otherwise nicely groomed men on some real estate shows.  I'm not usually one to bag on looks, but for some reason, that unflattering pointy pouf makes me stabby.

Isn't that trend long dead anyway, by, like, 15 years?

I admit that I'm hardly the authority on style in my Old Navy wardrobe and generally same long haircut I've had since high school.

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My pet peeves today: websites that make it damn near impossible to browse without signing up.  I want to LOOK to see if your home delivered meals, or clothing, furniture, or jewelry, is for me. That's why I'm looking at the site. If I decide I like it enough, then I will let you send me emails. Don't make me give you an email address just to look, because it will be a fake one.

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1 hour ago, bilgistic said:

Isn't that trend long dead anyway, by, like, 15 years?

I admit that I'm hardly the authority on style in my Old Navy wardrobe and generally same long haircut I've had since high school.

Yes, but the guys on Million Dollar Listing LA never got the memo, among others.

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The worst ones are those who comment on each others' looks/choice of colours at make-up counters/Sephora.... And many take their time with those testers.  Ladies, PLEASE!  You know other people want to try them too, right?

PRgal, did you go to the Rouge event last weekend?  Mine was packed full of international university students, in clusters, decked out in designer duds and spending Daddy's money.  Giggle giggle, tee hee.  It takes much effort not to say "Little girls, could you move??? Grown ass woman, who has a job and earns the money that pays for my elite status here, coming through."  

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Tonite, my cat Sasha did her usual ritual. She ate, then tried digging to China in her litter box, and finally she headed out her door to sniff out her territory for any strangers that may have been on her turf. When she got back in she headed for the bed. That means I have to lay on the bed while she lays on my chest to have her chin and ears scratched.

She was laying there, her nose about 2 inches from my face when all of a sudden she sneezed. I got snotted up really good.

That's my pet peeve for the night.

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21 hours ago, Quof said:

PRgal, did you go to the Rouge event last weekend?  Mine was packed full of international university students, in clusters, decked out in designer duds and spending Daddy's money.  Giggle giggle, tee hee.  It takes much effort not to say "Little girls, could you move??? Grown ass woman, who has a job and earns the money that pays for my elite status here, coming through."  

Yep.  I walked in, stayed for about five-10 minutes and walked out without buying anything.  Those girls were just...too much for me.  At least they weren't selfie-ing.  Most of the girls were Mandarin-speaking.  I wish I knew how to "waste of space" in Mandarin.  I can say that in Cantonese, though.  I suppose that's just a WEE BIT too mean. :P 

ETA:  Speaking of Mandarin, I SWEAR Mandarin-speaking sales associates at certain luxury stores automatically assume ANY Asian-looking client is Mandarin-speaking.  At least two approached me, addressing me in Mandarin today.  Ummm, lady, how do you even KNOW?  Heck, how do you even KNOW I'm of Chinese heritage?  Most people don't.  And don't assume that because I'm "dark" for Chinese, that I want to lighten my skin.  I like my colouring just fine, lady.  

Edited by PRgal
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On 11/10/2017 at 1:07 PM, riley702 said:

I love the idea of yelling, "Heads up!" and continue moving. Because these people who move abreast and block the whole damned hall are hella annoying. I once dramatically flung myself up against the wall to make way, but the ones that even noticed just gave me a bemused look as they continued to march abreast. Fuck 'em.

My friend used to yell, "HOT LUNCH COMIN' THROUGH!" no matter where he was. I don't even know why he chose that phrase but it was always funny!

Re. kill shelters, I think it's a horrible thing. But I do not say that in judgment of the shelters (barring, of course, the handful of shelters you sometimes read about that have been revealed to have been operating in a shady way). It goes without saying that the problem lies in how that "solution" came to be in the first place. I won't volunteer in a kill shelter--I just can't--but the people who do should be applauded for their generosity and fortitude. Jackson Galaxy's book Cat Daddy illustrates just how heartbreaking it is for the volunteers/employees who do their best to make sure that every animal has someone at its side and giving it love right until the bitter end (oh my god, I am actually making my own eyes tear while typing this). 

Haha, I think there's a poster here who has me on the "ignore" list (maybe many, but just one I am almost certain about). She used to send me PM's demanding that I stop reading her posts and responding to them. Truth be told, I never really took note of this poster's (or anyone's really) name before quoting and responding to her (typically idiotic) comments in the Real Housewives of New Jersey thread, but she hated my ass for it.

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