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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,
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I have to go in there tomorrow to drop off some paperwork. It will be hard not to laugh. Good thinking on your great solution, Creative Team; it's as efficient as it is sensible! Maybe to save even more dollars, the company could have the accounts payable department double as the maintenance crew!

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@PradaKitty Happy birthday and happy retirement!

So I live in a LGBT-majority city. Last night, they had their annual Halloween block party. The main street in town is shut down for three blocks  The profits from the party are dedicated to AIDs research. I live 3 blocks from the drive so I heard the party carry on all night. (Due to my anxiety issues, attending a party with masked,drunken idiots at night is not my idea of fun). Anyway,so this morning, at 6am, the city started doing underground pipe work right across the street from my building. Why the fuck would they pick today of all days to start the work?  If you're going to start it in the middle of the week, why not wait till Nov. 2, so everyone can recoup from the party? Even though I didn't attend or and don't drink, I had trouble getting to sleep because of the music. I really didn't appreciate waking up that early to the sound of clanging pipes and running construction machines. I'm sure those who are hungover aren't all that appreciative of it either.  Also, they have their machines all parked on the side of my lawn and in front of my street so I have to go a longer way to leave for work. So annoying.

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1 hour ago, AgentRXS said:

So I live in a LGBT-majority city. Last night, they had their annual Halloween block party. The main street in town is shut down for three blocks  The profits from the party are dedicated to AIDs research. I live 3 blocks from the drive so I heard the party carry on all night. (Due to my anxiety issues, attending a party with masked,drunken idiots at night is not my idea of fun). Anyway,so this morning, at 6am, the city started doing underground pipe work right across the street from my building. Why the fuck would they pick today of all days to start the work?  If you're going to start it in the middle of the week, why not wait till Nov. 2, so everyone can recoup from the party? Even though I didn't attend or and don't drink, I had trouble getting to sleep because of the music. I really didn't appreciate waking up that early to the sound of clanging pipes and running construction machines. I'm sure those who are hungover aren't all that appreciative of it either.  Also, they have their machines all parked on the side of my lawn and in front of my street so I have to go a longer way to leave for work. So annoying.

Those things are deviously planned by the same people who have a street paved and then dig it up 2 weeks later because they forgot a water main or electrical conduit.

Curious that the block party wasn't held last weekend or held over until this weekend. Don't people on the block work?

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45 minutes ago, Random Noise said:

Curious that the block party wasn't held last weekend or held over until this weekend. Don't people on the block work?

In my experience, Halloween events are always held on Halloween, no matter what day of the week it falls on.  The "Carnaval" in West Hollywood draws a huge crowd (several hundred thousand is not unusual) every year, even on a weeknight.

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On 10/24/2017 at 4:30 PM, GHScorpiosRule said:

I tried, I tried, I really, really, really tried. But I can't! I have to VENT or my head will explode!

It's Of COURSE, not of coarse. What are you trying to say? That a yes/agreement is a rough brillo pad?

It's sometimeS, not some time.

It's outweigh, (one WORD) NOT out way when talking about whether one matter has more weight than the other. Like, the pros of purchasing an anti-virus/anti-malaware, etc., outweigh the cons (price) because it reduces the risk of me being hacked, or a worm destroying my computer. NOT out way. And what does that even mean???

And it's ROLE when one is talking about a position in a company, or an actor's character, or fucking role playing. NOT ROLL.

And again, it's should HAVE, could HAVE, would HAVE, not should of, could of, would of. I don't CARE that it SOUNDS like "of," that's not the way it's fucking spelled! Or use the contraction version: should've, could've, would've. DAMMIT.

Ohhhh! I want to play!

It's also "of course" and not "off course".

The "should of" comes from the contraction "should've" because people are stupid and can't learn that "should have" contracts to "should've" and that when saying the latter it only sometimes sounds like there's an extra syllable between "should" and "ve".

Hmmm. I can't think of more right now. I know there are more that annoy me. I'll have to play again later.

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I don't care what the "experts" are now saying! I will never stop using WHOM when it's proper to do so. You hear that? And it's been awhile, but I don't think I've ever split an infinitive, though Gus on Psych did mention to Chief that she had "split an infinitive" when she was reaming him and Shawn over something. But the examples this one article provided, were so convoluted, that I think I burned a few working brain cells.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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What??? They're changing "whom"?   What fresh Hell is this? 

I'm always amused when people use whom instead of who, just because they think it sounds smarter, when "who" is actually correct.   

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Halloween pet peeve.

Reese's peanut butter cups. Since when are the fun size cups smaller than a quarter?????   They used to be the same size as those in a 3-pack (bigger than a toonie; you Canadians know what that is).

I had to eat extra just to make up for it.

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51 minutes ago, Quof said:

Halloween pet peeve.

Reese's peanut butter cups. Since when are the fun size cups smaller than a quarter?????   They used to be the same size as those in a 3-pack (bigger than a toonie; you Canadians know what that is).

I had to eat extra just to make up for it.

All the fun size bars have significantly shrank over the years.


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Wish me luck--headed off to an interview in a little bit. The fact that this is real--like, not just a "hey, let's check out what else is out there" interview--paired with an unfamiliar driving route has me kinda nervous.

Edited by TattleTeeny
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11 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

Wish me luck--headed off to an interview in a little bit. The fact that this is real--like, not just a "hey, let's check out what else is out there" interview--paired with an unfamiliar driving route has me kinda nervous.

Good luck!

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@TattleTeeny I wish you the best of luck. Be confident. After you make the unfamiliar drive, put the car in park and take a deep breath. That's half of the hurdle accomplished right there. Remember that the hurdle is only as high as you see it. You will be fine. I have confidence in you. 

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16 hours ago, Quof said:

What??? They're changing "whom"?   What fresh Hell is this? 

I'm always amused when people use whom instead of who, just because they think it sounds smarter, when "who" is actually correct.   

Yeah, something about how we plebians don't need to use the word "whom" anymore, and can just use "who," even if it doesn't sound right. Among other things.

12 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

I don't think the old rules of infinitive-splitting are so stringent anymore; when splitting keeps a sentence from being crazy and awkward, it's fine. Same for ending a sentence with a preposition.

Okay, I KNOW I'm guilty of the last, but I swear, I don't know if I'm guilty of the first! Must go Google for examples of splitting an infinitive!

2 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

Wish me luck--headed off to an interview in a little bit. The fact that this is real--like, not just a "hey, let's check out what else is out there" interview--paired with an unfamiliar driving route has me kinda nervous.


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26 minutes ago, Qoass said:

I think the most notable example of a split infinitive is Star Trek's opening,"...to boldly go where no man where no man has gone before!"

I must need more education. Either that or I'm so used to hearing your example that it never crossed my mind. 

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Thanks, everyone! Interview went well, I think, though my nerves about driving there were not unfounded: Google Maps refused to speak, and insisted I was traveling 400 miles! Then it kept telling me I was in 20 different places at once and rerouting me. It was horrible. Downloading Waze now; fuck Google!

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6 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

Thanks, everyone! Interview went well, I think, though my nerves about driving there were not unfounded: Google Maps refused to speak, and insisted I was traveling 400 miles! Then it kept telling me I was in 20 different places at once and rerouting me. It was horrible. Downloading Waze now; fuck Google!

The like was for the interview, not drunk Google.


Don't forget to send your thank you email and thank you snail-mail! It will set you apart from nearly everyone else!

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6 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

My friend has Mr. T! I myself wish there were a J.K. Simmons or Joe Kenda option. Or Coach McGuirk! Or Carter Pewterschmidt!

I got it when Stephen Colbert was promoting it--for a WHOLE week, I had "Colbert" giving me directions! Too bad the algorithms didn't allow for him to know the street names! I would love to have him back! Or Samuel L. Jackson, dropping "motherfuckas" on me when I decide to ignore the long route or miss my turn!

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Just now, DeLurker said:

Does that really happen?  Cause that is too funny!

One of those gps systems had Samuel L. Jackson doing just that--tomtom, I think? Since he's so famous for dropping those f-bombs, they capitalized on it and marketed it as such.

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1 hour ago, TattleTeeny said:

Thanks, everyone! Interview went well, I think, though my nerves about driving there were not unfounded: Google Maps refused to speak, and insisted I was traveling 400 miles! Then it kept telling me I was in 20 different places at once and rerouting me. It was horrible. Downloading Waze now; fuck Google!

I recently rented a GPS with a rental car. It told me to turn left on such and such a road.  Um, there's no road there.  That's a cement barricade in the center of the road.  So, I keep driving straight, because I don't think the rental company would accept blindly following directions as a good excuse for totaling their car.  A couple of minutes later, turn left on such and such road.  There's still no road there. Still the barricade.  This happens 3 more times.  And I swear the voice kept getting more insistent.  Like I was disobeying her and needed to stop. 

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8 minutes ago, Katy M said:

I recently rented a GPS with a rental car. It told me to turn left on such and such a road.  Um, there's no road there.  That's a cement barricade in the center of the road.  So, I keep driving straight, because I don't think the rental company would accept blindly following directions as a good excuse for totaling their car.  A couple of minutes later, turn left on such and such road.  There's still no road there. Still the barricade.  This happens 3 more times.  And I swear the voice kept getting more insistent.  Like I was disobeying her and needed to stop. 

Reminds me of the time that I listened to a rental car GPS in New Orleans. I had lived there and thought it was wrong, but since it had been a few years since I'd moved that maybe now there was a new route or shortcut. I ended up in a Bayou about 30 miles from where I was supposed to be. In the middle of nowhere, on a dead end, and at night. A few fine drinks later at my destination my nerves were quelled. Love that city. 

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"Time for the Bayou" is my Facebook euphemism to alert friends to talk me off the ledge of walking out of my job...well, former job, haha! I have some romantic notion that I would like to live in the bayou, though my BF thinks that I (and my hair) would not be a good fit.

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9 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

Wish me luck--headed off to an interview in a little bit. The fact that this is real--like, not just a "hey, let's check out what else is out there" interview--paired with an unfamiliar driving route has me kinda nervous.

Good luck!  

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Let us know when you hear back on the job, TattleTeeny! Waze is awesome, I had the guys from The Grand Tour doing the voice for a while and now I have a soothing British lady who pronounces boulevard as "booo-levard", which tickles me.


 A couple of minutes later, turn left on such and such road.  There's still no road there. Still the barricade.  This happens 3 more times.  And I swear the voice kept getting more insistent.  Like I was disobeying her and needed to stop. 

I had a rental car GPS in Los Angeles one time that practically screamed at me when I missed a turn. Seriously, it was like a drill sergeant. My mom was with me at the time and still laughs about it; I ended up yanking it out of the dash (it was hooked up to the cigarette lighter, not a permanent part of the dash) and threw it into the back seat at one point.

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For my old Garmin GPS, I had a little desktop program someone built that let you change some of the standard phrases and upload the new voice file.  I changed "Recalculating" to "Try to pay attention next time!"

I've always thought the GPS should come with a New York mode - after your third wrong turn, it says "Screw it, you're on your own!" and shuts off.

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6 minutes ago, Moose135 said:

I've always thought the GPS should come with a New York mode - after your third wrong turn, it says "Screw it, you're on your own!" and shuts off.

I'd like to see a John Cleese mode (for us Monty Python/Fawlty Towers fans). "That was your turn you stupid twit! They have left hand turns where you come from don't they?"

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I don't know if this is a peeve or just odd, but when I pressed the info button while watching an old episode of Will & Grace on the Cozi channel, its description was "Gay/lesbian, sitcom" while everything else seems to be simply labeled just "sitcom."

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I'm peeved that my car decided to develop an intermittent problem the day before I leave to go on a weekend trip.  I think I know what the problem is, but I don't have time to tinker with it to confirm, let alone fix it.  And I can't take the risk the intermittent problem would opt to become a permanent one while I'm out of town.  Thankfully, my parents can easily get by with one car, so I dropped mine off at my parents' house (where, if I luck out, perhaps my dad will go ahead and do the diagnosing so I don't have to deal with it when I get back) and borrowed my mom's car -- which, as the same make/model but many years newer, is fancier than mine and gets better gas mileage, so, despite the peeve, this all worked out rather well for me.  Plus, my car is 19 years old and I've done very little to it beyond routine maintenance (this is why I'll probably never own anything other than a Honda or Toyota/Lexus; I am all about longevity, and they've come through), so I just shouldn't complain in general.  But, still - the timing irks.

Riley is peeved that the unexpected time out of my day meant I didn't finish laundry by the time she wanted to eat dinner, and her bowl is next to her mortal enemy, the washing machine.  (Thus, we have a deal that I do laundry during her day-long nap.)  It was the last wash load (she's okay with the dryer) and delayed her by not even 20 minutes, but it was a scene. 

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2 hours ago, Bastet said:

I'm peeved that my car decided to develop an intermittent problem the day before I leave to go on a weekend trip.  I think I know what the problem is, but I don't have time to tinker with it to confirm, let alone fix it.  And I can't take the risk the intermittent problem would opt to become a permanent one while I'm out of town.  Thankfully, my parents can easily get by with one car, so I dropped mine off at my parents' house (where, if I luck out, perhaps my dad will go ahead and do the diagnosing so I don't have to deal with it when I get back) and borrowed my mom's car -- which, as the same make/model but many years newer, is fancier than mine and gets better gas mileage, so, despite the peeve, this all worked out rather well for me.  Plus, my car is 19 years old and I've done very little to it beyond routine maintenance (this is why I'll probably never own anything other than a Honda or Toyota/Lexus; I am all about longevity, and they've come through), so I just shouldn't complain in general.  But, still - the timing irks.

Riley is peeved that the unexpected time out of my day meant I didn't finish laundry by the time she wanted to eat dinner, and her bowl is next to her mortal enemy, the washing machine.  (Thus, we have a deal that I do laundry during her day-long nap.)  It was the last wash load (she's okay with the dryer) and delayed her by not even 20 minutes, but it was a scene. 

Actually, count your blessings you were still at home.

Once, when I was headed on vacation, my vehicle developed problems after driving a couple hundred miles. As per the tourists law of averages, I probably found the most expensive place to have repairs done in the area. It ended up killing a huge chunk of my vacation money so after the repairs were complete I just turned around and spent my vacation at home.

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Eons ago in my 20s, I broke down in some little burg called Krotz Springs, LA, on one of my epic driving vacations. I had an ancient Chevette with a hole in the floorboard (my dad pushed a metal plate under the rotted carpet to keep puddles from splashing onto my feet). There was an ancient car repair place that I limped into, and I got the distinct impression I was the afternoon's entertainment as about 4 guys crowded in to give their opinion. The guy in the office and I chatted and after finding out I liked the pecans he was lamenting were all over his yard, he went home and came back with a big brown paper grocery sack full of them for me. They ended up replacing the radiator hose (I trotted across the highway to buy radiator fluid at the kwik e mart), and pulled the engine to replace the spark plugs, too. They charged me a grand total of $25. I started crying and got hugs from these rough, scruffy guys. I sent them a bushel of apples after I got home since the office guy had said he'd rather have apples than pecans. 

That is one of my best vacation memories, so thanks for making me think of it.

Edited by riley702
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In June 2016 I drove my 2004 Prius from Texas to Florida to visit my parents.  We got there, I parked the car and did not drive it for a few days as my Mom & I were shuttling back and forth to the hospital & rehab center to see my Dad after one of his strokes.  Probably on the 4th day I went to take the Prius to run to the market. start the car but there is no center display which is a touch panel for the radio, tells you how much gas you have left, ...  I was just thankful it waited until we got to our destination before dying.

It probably cost $800ish to get it replaced, but the car still runs fine.

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I am once again gainfully employed. Take THAT, former-job jerks. Got the news just now--exactly one week, down to the hour, that I found out I was being let go (after driving all the way into my office, mind you, and without collecting my Friday free bagel!).

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Yay, TattleTeeny.  Hope you have a little down time before starting your new gig.   Anytime I have changed jobs, I have gone straight to the next one.  At most, I have taken 3 days off. Damn this work ethic (or sense of pending financial doom if I don't have a pay cheque coming in for a couple of weeks).  

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