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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

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On ‎7‎/‎20‎/‎2017 at 1:07 PM, MrSmith said:

@StatisticalOutlier I'm going to say you put the "outlier" in "statistical outlier" today! I'm 45 and I have had to present my actual social security card for every job I have ever worked, starting at McDonald's in 1988. I don't have a passport and so I don't know if it would be required now. I know it wasn't required for my driver's license, even when I first got it @ 16. I know that utilities like to get your SSN and that they will take whatever number you tell them. I dislike giving them this and force them to use the alternative. (I forget what the alternative is, but there is an alternative. It's been several years since I've had to set up new utility service.)

Edited to add: Why didn't the company you were working for at the time have any bank bags for you to use? All the companies that I've worked for that required me to make deposits had bank bags I was required to use. Those bags locked and prevented anyone other than a bank employee from opening them and removing their contents.

I started working at McDonald's in 1988, too.  What a coincidence.  I don't think I've ever showed my SS card though.  I think the number has always been enough, along with my birth certificate, and state ID.

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1 hour ago, Katy M said:

I started working at McDonald's in 1988, too.  What a coincidence.  I don't think I've ever showed my SS card though.  I think the number has always been enough, along with my birth certificate, and state ID.

I had a tendency at that age to lose my birth certificate. So, if I recall correctly, my parents denied me access to that particular document for a few years. heh

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Plastic Packaging.

I order a lot of things off Amazon, most of it comes in "frustration-free packaging", which is great. But there are some items that come in standard plastic packaging (often called "plastic clamshell casings") where the actual item seems to have been hermetically-sealed into the toughest, sharpest plastic moulding out there!

You can't open it by hand (or at least I certainly can't); ordinary scissors won't cut it either; instead you sometimes need a craft knife or decorator's scissors to do the job (have checked on Google for tips too). And even when you cut through the plastic there's every chance you'll be cutting through the product inlay card that may carry instructions about how to use the product. In addition you have to be very careful not to scratch yourself on the plastic as you cut!

 I do have to wonder why manufacturer's go to these lengths with certain products, especially if there's no easy means of opening the package. And of course if you have arthritis or some other hand/wrist complaint, you're never going to get very far even with the biggest scissors.

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 I am running for Queen of the World

@Quof, I am the reigning Queen oAll She Surveys, so we may have to have a summit if you win.  We can either do one of those handshakes that looks like thumb wrestling or gaze disinterestedly in opposite directions.  Whatever works for you.

I remember reading a charm school manual from the late 50s early 60s (oh how I wish I still had it!) that stated that a woman may initiate a handshake with a man but it was rude for a man to initiate a handshake with a woman.  Don't know why...

(pet peeve: I'm getting the squiggly red line under 50s and 60s because somebody somewhere in computer world doesn't understand that apostrophes indicate omission or possession.)

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3 hours ago, MargeGunderson said:

@Only Zola, have you tried opening them with a can opener? I've heard that works but never tried it myself. Totally agree with the peeve.

No. Not that my can opener would "fit" the job in hand anyway. Instead I borrowed (kept) my dad's decorator's scissors - big unwieldy things; far too big for my puny paws. But I do manage <eventually> to cut through the plastic without injury or loss of digits, lol

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Too funny, with the impenetrable packaging stuff.  My hands don't play well with scissors - just trying with them usually results in pain and tears of frustration.  Imagine my surprise when I unearthed a box of Xmas crap from many years ago, and found a brand new (!!!) I-Pod Shuffle thingy that I remember not being able to crack open way back when.  I did manage to break it free, but now I have no idea how to use the little sucker, since I'm on a donated Chromebook, hopelessly/haplessly techno-challenged, and half blind to instructions.  Perhaps after my cataract surgery I'll give it another go (and by that, I mean throwing myself upon the mercy of the freebie technowizards at my library from 1-3 every Thursday).

Pet peeve?  Body ageing, juvenile mind.

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How about when the plastic clamshell package contains scissors?  Now what?  Am I supposed to use my teeth?  Because if I had scissors with which to open the package, I would not have needed to buy the scissors in the first place.  I wonder how many ER visits are the direct result of someone slicing themselves open to get into one of those infernal packages.

Speaking of which, scissors can go die in a fire, because I am left handed.  Left handed scissors blow, so I use right handed scissors upside down with my left hand.  It is not an ideal solution, and I can't really cut things in a straight line.  Nor can I draw a straight line with a ruler.  

1 hour ago, walnutqueen said:

Pet peeve?  Body ageing, juvenile mind.

Right there with you.  

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58 minutes ago, Qoass said:

Let's reach out to @walnutqueen and be royal!

You wish.  Unless you are prepared to bend the knee, you are inconsequential, and must die horribly on screen.

Can you tell I'm still riding the high of last night's Game of Thrones episode? And fancy myself as the Mother of Rabid Creatures (raccoons are a vector species), if not fire breathing dragons?

Oh, and I once was the Queen of the nude beach, but never really liked walnuts.  Go figure!  ;-)

I think my gang of juvenile delinquent raccoons could make a mess of White Walkers and all other contenders.

Which, coincidentally, leads me right back to the Pet Peeve topic at hand - 

Much as I love generations of baby raccoons being born, bred and raised in my back yard ... they have wreaked havoc on every structure, cat bed, pond plant, potted plant, and almost empty swimming pool swamp.  They've broken and ruined almost everything I own - outside the house.  If it weren't for their cuteness, I might gain a temper.  If they breach the ramparts, all bets are off.  Grey Gardens West is only a motion away.

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1 hour ago, janestclair said:

How about when the plastic clamshell package contains scissors?  Now what?  Am I supposed to use my teeth?  Because if I had scissors with which to open the package, I would not have needed to buy the scissors in the first place.  I wonder how many ER visits are the direct result of someone slicing themselves open to get into one of those infernal packages.

That's sounds like a "There's a hole in my bucket" situation. 

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1 hour ago, janestclair said:

How about when the plastic clamshell package contains scissors?  Now what?  Am I supposed to use my teeth?  Because if I had scissors with which to open the package, I would not have needed to buy the scissors in the first place.

That's why it amuses the ever-loving hell out of me that there is a product marketed specifically for opening such packaging -- which, you guessed it, comes in the very same packaging.

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19 minutes ago, Qoass said:

I sent the raccoons, walnutqueen. Maybe next time, you'll be nice to me.

Don't flatter yourself.  Raccoons have delighted me for decades.  And I'm not known for making nice.  ;-)

 I do not need to declare a Queendom for it to be so.

My exes wreaked much more destruction on my humble hovel than all the critters combined.

When someone says "I can fix it" - don;t always believe them.

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1 hour ago, janestclair said:

How about when the plastic clamshell package contains scissors?  Now what?  Am I supposed to use my teeth?  Because if I had scissors with which to open the package, I would not have needed to buy the scissors in the first place.  I wonder how many ER visits are the direct result of someone slicing themselves open to get into one of those infernal packages.

Speaking of which, scissors can go die in a fire, because I am left handed.  Left handed scissors blow, so I use right handed scissors upside down with my left hand.  It is not an ideal solution, and I can't really cut things in a straight line.  Nor can I draw a straight line with a ruler.  

Right there with you.  

i share your pain because I'm a "lefty" too! Right-handed scissors, ladles, can openers, milk saucepans, cheque books, computer keyboards et al, are all a right royal PITA.

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I'm left-handed but use right-handed scissors and turn the can opener with my right hand, and which hand I use for a knife depends on what I'm using it for. It is annoying that I have to move the mouse to the correct side of the keyboard every time I used a shared computer and I try to do puzzles from the bottom right of the page to the upper left so I'm not covering the finished bit with my hand (and also getting ink all over me). I've heard that most left-handed people do somethings right-handed, that it's sort of a continuum, but that right-handed is right-handed. And boring. Our brains are more interesting to study. 

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2 minutes ago, ABay said:

I'm left-handed but use right-handed scissors and turn the can opener with my right hand, and which hand I use for a knife depends on what I'm using it for. It is annoying that I have to move the mouse to the correct side of the keyboard every time I used a shared computer and I try to do puzzles from the bottom right of the page to the upper left so I'm not covering the finished bit with my hand (and also getting ink all over me). I've heard that most left-handed people do somethings right-handed, that it's sort of a continuum, but that right-handed is right-handed. And boring. Our brains are more interesting to study. 

I agree with you, and I am ambidextrous in some things - for example playing hockey or the odd game of golf with right handed clubs I don't have a problem with. But try as I might I can't open cans or cut things using right-handed tools. I can barely hold one in my right hand never let alone trying to cut anything.

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2 hours ago, ABay said:

IIt is annoying that I have to move the mouse to the correct side of the keyboard every time I used a shared computer and I try to do puzzles from the bottom right of the page to the upper left so I'm not covering the finished bit with my hand (and also getting ink all over me). I've heard that most left-handed people do somethings right-handed, that it's sort of a continuum, but that right-handed is right-handed. And boring. Our brains are more interesting to study. 

I've always used the mouse on the right hand side of the keyboard.  Putting it on the left was never a thought that entered my mind until I recently saw another lefty doing it that way.  I had a mouse epiphany...it was quite funny actually.  It's turned out to be a benefit, because I can use the mouse and write stuff down at the same time if need be, like if I am grading papers and entering grades into my gradebook. Huge time saver.

I use only one brand of pen to do crossword puzzles - Pentel Energel.  Quick drying ink.  No smears on the paper or my hand.  I prefer purple.  Awesome pens.

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Well, being w/o a pet peeve didn't last long.  I'm sure we've discussed this irritation a year ago but I decided to vent one more time.  I called VISA yesterday to let them know I'm going overseas tomorrow & which countries I'll visit. Daggone it, I got one of those young chirpers and I could not understand most of what she said.  When I said I'd also be in Estonia, she started spelling Astoria!  Never heard of Estonia, she said, and where is this place called Estonia?  When the heck are they going to start teaching geography again in our schools?  

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15 hours ago, Only Zola said:

Plastic Packaging.

I order a lot of things off Amazon, most of it comes in "frustration-free packaging", which is great. But there are some items that come in standard plastic packaging (often called "plastic clamshell casings") where the actual item seems to have been hermetically-sealed into the toughest, sharpest plastic moulding out there!

You can't open it by hand (or at least I certainly can't); ordinary scissors won't cut it either; instead you sometimes need a craft knife or decorator's scissors to do the job (have checked on Google for tips too). And even when you cut through the plastic there's every chance you'll be cutting through the product inlay card that may carry instructions about how to use the product. In addition you have to be very careful not to scratch yourself on the plastic as you cut!

 I do have to wonder why manufacturer's go to these lengths with certain products, especially if there's no easy means of opening the package. And of course if you have arthritis or some other hand/wrist complaint, you're never going to get very far even with the biggest scissors.

Try a can opener. I saw it on a show called Hack My Life -- which actually leads me to a peeve (which I may have mentioned here before): lists of "hacks" that are not really hacks, i.e., they take no less time/money/energy than the "normal" way to do something would -- and sometimes even requires more of those things! For instance, with this can-opener thing, it was set up as a scenario in which one needs to open one of these packages you mention but has no scissors (I have actually never had an issue opening that weirdo plastic with scissors). My issue is where in the hell do the hack-show hosts think I am that I have no access to scissors but do have a can opener readily available to me?! Their "hack" about cooking lasagne in a dishwasher was equally silly.

As for Amazon, my order of eyelash-curler replacements (three of those curved rubber pieces) arrived to me in a package larger than a shoebox. WTF, Amazon?

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51 minutes ago, annzeepark914 said:

Well, being w/o a pet peeve didn't last long.  I'm sure we've discussed this irritation a year ago but I decided to vent one more time.  I called VISA yesterday to let them know I'm going overseas tomorrow & which countries I'll visit. Daggone it, I got one of those young chirpers and I could not understand most of what she said.  When I said I'd also be in Estonia, she started spelling Astoria!  Never heard of Estonia, she said, and where is this place called Estonia?  When the heck are they going to start teaching geography again in our schools?  

And if you say it was a former Soviet Republic, the young chirper will ask you what a Soviet was.

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I'm sort of ambidextrous. I think I was meant to be a lefty, because Mom said I did most things left-handed, but my first-grade teacher was notorious for not tolerating left-handedness in her class. Fifty years ago, things were very different. So I learned to write with my right hand and still do, but throwing, catching, etc. is left-handed. Watch feels weird on my left hand, so I wear it on the right. I've always been able to use scissors with both hands, although I will turn them upside down if using my left. That works if the scissors are sharp, but not if they aren't.

Edited by riley702
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I'm right-handed. When I was little, my dad made me use little green-handled lefty scissors because I was abusing my grownup-scissor privileges by cutting everything -- the mesh sides of my sister's playpen, the wind chimes, my sister's hair...

Edited by TattleTeeny
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Being a lefty I hold my pen in a very peculiar way, and it's quite difficult to describe by the written word. But imagine a letter "r" to represent the left hand, with the curve of the 'r' being the fingers (in fact the more I think about it the letter "p" might work as well). So anyway, I hold the pen in my fingers but with the end of the pen held away from me, and then "push" my hand to the right as I write; as opposed to how righties hold their pen with the end of the pen close to them, and "dragging" the pen as they write.

From an observer it looks like I am trying hide what I write; and the other downside is that my left fist rubs across what I have written causing smudging (more so if I use a fountain pen)

I can use a right-handed mouse in my right hand no problem at all.

I read somewhere that for every one lefty in the world there's 11 righties - so I guess we're kind of special (and awkward) ;->

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Many, if not most, people who write left-handed do it that way. At least they do if their language is written left to right and they want to see what they're writing.

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On 7/22/2017 at 0:26 PM, StatisticalOutlier said:

Since she's going to be rooting around all over my head, I wouldn't want to put her off by saying I don't like being touched.  She just needs to fix that sorry excuse for a handshake or (preferably) stop offering it.  And I can't picture myself fist bumping; I don't even high-five.

Actually, I've noticed in watching lots of French movies that people shake hands a lot there, even friends who are meeting, as opposed to the hugging that's so prevalent in the U.S.  I'd much prefer shaking hands with pretty much everybody unless there's a special reason for a hug.

Maybe it's the gender disparity bothering this feminist.  On Shark Tank, when a woman contestant gets a deal, the shark hugs her, whether the shark is male or female.  When a man contestant gets a deal, male sharks will shake his hand (and occasionally do the ridiculous shake-hug thing) and female sharks hug him.  It bugs. 

It's not that ridiculous, I don't think. I do this with my brothers-in-law. It just feels a little weird to fully hug them and doing this alternative puts just enough space between us for us to display affection for one another. Though, now that you've brought this up, the next time I see them, I'll probably just go for a full hug. Thanks a lot! /s (kidding! :D )

22 hours ago, Only Zola said:

No. Not that my can opener would "fit" the job in hand anyway. Instead I borrowed (kept) my dad's decorator's scissors - big unwieldy things; far too big for my puny paws. But I do manage <eventually> to cut through the plastic without injury or loss of digits, lol

That is no mean feat, either! That clamshell packaging is dangerous. I've cut myself on it before and it required stitches, as has my wife with the same result. One of those can openers that don't leave a sharp edge just might do the trick on that packaging. I'm going to try it when next I get something in that kind of packaging. I don't know when that'll be, but I'll post back.

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19 hours ago, walnutqueen said:

Much as I love generations of baby raccoons being born, bred and raised in my back yard ... they have wreaked havoc on every structure, cat bed, pond plant, potted plant, and almost empty swimming pool swamp.  They've broken and ruined almost everything I own - outside the house.  If it weren't for their cuteness, I might gain a temper.  If they breach the ramparts, all bets are off.  Grey Gardens West is only a motion away.

Well, then, this is not me admitting that I have shot raccoons within city limits before. I'm also not admitting that I hate raccoons with a passion. I'm also not going to admit that I make every effort to run those little fuckers over with my car at every opportunity. I will admit that I have not and will never poison them. Mainly because something else could eat them and also be poisoned. Chain of custody is important, you know.

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I've always used the mouse on the right hand side of the keyboard.  Putting it on the left was never a thought that entered my mind until I recently saw another lefty doing it that way.  I had a mouse epiphany...it was quite funny actually.  It's turned out to be a benefit, because I can use the mouse and write stuff down at the same time if need be, like if I am grading papers and entering grades into my gradebook. Huge time saver.

Fellow lefties unite! I too am a lefty that's always used the mouse with my right hand with no problem. And it was great for online class to take notes,work out homework assignments, without having to move the mouse out of the way. Otherwise, my right hand is practically useless.



Well, then, this is not me admitting that I have shot raccoons within city limits before. I'm also not admitting that I hate raccoons with a passion. I'm also not going to admit that I make every effort to run those little fuckers over with my car at every opportunity

That's sad. Its not their fault that they are losing their habitat due to development. I'm glad my city has a wildlife center where they can be humanely trapped and brought to.  No offense @MrSmith I just hate the brutal killing of any innocent animal. (Don't get me started on poor Cecil the lion and his son).

Edited by AgentRXS
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2 hours ago, MrSmith said:

Well, then, this is not me admitting that I have shot raccoons within city limits before. I'm also not admitting that I hate raccoons with a passion. I'm also not going to admit that I make every effort to run those little fuckers over with my car at every opportunity. I will admit that I have not and will never poison them. Mainly because something else could eat them and also be poisoned. Chain of custody is important, you know.

Geezum, MRSMITH.  Karma.  Watch out!

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3 hours ago, SirOsisOfLiver said:


I...just can't let this sexist mess go unchecked. As a female, I wouldn't necessarily consider myself "handy", but I have a tool box filled with real tools that I actually use. I have an electric drill/screwdriver combo that I use and I've replaced toilet innards (pretty easy) and a faulty light switch (not as easy) with no experience. I've replaced every deadbolt lock to every place I've ever lived. As a single woman, I just have to Get Shit Done.

I'm sure my sisters have/can do the same, as can my mother. I'm pretty sure @Bastet can build a house from the ground up.

Edited by bilgistic
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12 minutes ago, bilgistic said:

I...just can't let this sexist mess go unchecked. As a female, I wouldn't necessarily consider myself "handy", but I have a tool box filled with real tools that I actually use. I have an electric drill/screwdriver combo that I use and I've replaced toilet innards (pretty easy) and a faulty light switch (not as easy) with no experience. I've replaced every deadbolt lock to every place I've ever lived. As a single woman, I just have to Get Shit Done.

I'm sure my sisters has/can do the same, as can my mother. I'm pretty sure @Bastet can build a house from the ground up.

You go, girl!!

I too am a single woman with my own home, and more or less do all the DIY jobs that can be done without professional or accredited help. I too have a toolbox, heavy duty tools, a tool belt, goggles and gloves. (YouTube, is  a good assistant sometimes too).

Something quite satisfying about fixing a job yourself.

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News today, posted by CNN:

Barbara Sinatra, philanthropist and wife of the legendary singer Frank Sinatra, died on Tuesday at 90 years old.

John Thoresen, director of the Barbara Sinatra Children's Center, told CNN Sinatra died of natural causes. She was surrounded by family and friends at her home in Rancho Mirage, California.

The former model and Las Vegas showgirl married Sinatra in 1976 and was the last of his four wives. The couple were married for 22 years when the singer died of a heart attack in 1998.

There's was the longest lasting of the singer's marriages.

Barbara Sinatra, philanthropist and wife of the legendary singer Frank Sinatra, died on Tuesday at 90 years old.

John Thoresen, director of the Barbara Sinatra Children's Center, told CNN Sinatra died of natural causes. She was surrounded by family and friends at her home in Rancho Mirage, California.

The former model and Las Vegas showgirl married Sinatra in 1976 and was the last of his four wives. The couple were married for 22 years when the singer died of a heart attack in 1998.

There's was the longest lasting of the singer's marriages.


Proof readers anyone?!?!  OMG!  This kinda shit drives me nucking futz!  (RIP Mrs. Sinatra)

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21 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

As for Amazon, my order of eyelash-curler replacements (three of those curved rubber pieces) arrived to me in a package larger than a shoebox. WTF, Amazon?

I once heard an explanation from someone who works in shipping ... it's way too expensive to buy shipping boxes in assorted sizes. So, they buy boxes in three or four sizes, and make them work for everything. The shipping cost doesn't vary much.

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1 hour ago, Maizie131 said:

There's was the longest lasting of the singer's marriages.

That error is ridiculous. A news organization should have higher standards, but I guess no one cares anymore.

45 minutes ago, ennui said:

I once heard an explanation from someone who works in shipping ... it's way too expensive to buy shipping boxes in assorted sizes. So, they buy boxes in three or four sizes, and make them work for everything. The shipping cost doesn't vary much.

I get that, but there's no rhyme or reason to Amazon's shipping. Bilgisticat's food--flats of cans--is sometimes shipped in a box and other times in a bubble mailer. Even though Amazon's distribution center is only about 30 miles from me, the mailer looks like it's been to hell and back when I get it, because it isn't meant to ship five-plus pounds of cans of cat food!

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49 minutes ago, bilgistic said:

I get that, but there's no rhyme or reason to Amazon's shipping. Bilgisticat's food--flats of cans--is sometimes shipped in a box and other times in a bubble mailer. Even though Amazon's distribution center is only about 30 miles from me, the mailer looks like it's been to hell and back when I get it, because it isn't meant to ship five-plus pounds of cans of cat food!

Wait till a drone drops it on your porch and then see how you feel.  :)

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5 hours ago, ennui said:

I once heard an explanation from someone who works in shipping ... it's way too expensive to buy shipping boxes in assorted sizes. So, they buy boxes in three or four sizes, and make them work for everything. The shipping cost doesn't vary much.

Oh, but it's crazy! This was thin cardboard smaller than a postcard, but with a plastic bubble for the curlers, and could have fit into the smallest of padded envelopes with lots of room to spare! 

Edited by TattleTeeny
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2 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

Oh, but it's crazy! This was thin cardboard smaller than a postcard, but with a plastic bubble for the curlers, and could have fit into the smallest of padded envelopes with lots of room to spare! 

Amazon do go way over the top with their delivery packaging sometimes. I ordered a pair of garden secateurs a couple of months back. Not only did they arrive in that horrid plastic clamshell casing I wrote about earlier in this thread; but the cardboard box it came in was almost the same size a of a computer PC. And once opened I had to wade through a million tiny polystyrene chips/balls/flakes to retrieve my item, causing a huge mess over the table and floor!

I fully appreciate the need to protect goods during transit, but I think common sense is needed at times. And why not use bubble-wrap or packing paper to pack certain non-fragile items rather than those horrid polystyrene chips! (I love bubble wrap, purely to get my "popping" fix!) 

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I know this is all in my head, but I feel that no matter what I'm receiving, the package always shows up looking like UPS used it for target practice over lunch.

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Having worked as a UPS driver helper a few Christmas seasons ago, I can tell you that the packages aren't handled especially carefully. There's so much volume, especially over the holidays--hence the hiring of temp help--that the imperative is just to get everything on the truck and get it out as quickly as possible.  Drivers have set amounts of time they are allowed at each stop. Packages are stepped on occasionally, but they are generally the heaviest/sturdiest/biggest parcels that have to lay on the truck floor--rolled-up rugs, for example.

All that having been said, it's one of, if not the most scrupled company I've ever worked for. They have standards that are upheld, and employees are rewarded and allowed to move up in the company. Drivers make $30-$40 an hour.

Moral of the story: always package your shipment very carefully and securely.

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No complaints about UPS in general except that I get nervous that bad people will steal my packages off my front steps. However, sometimes at work, a dozen of us will each get a package from the same company on the same day. I can always tell which one is addressed to me because it's the one with the dented corner, the torn label or the water damage.

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In my UPS training, I was taught to conceal the package if possible. For example, if there's a bush that slightly covers the porch, put the package behind the bush (on the porch).  Not every driver bothers to do that. I live in an apartment complex where packages are sometimes stolen, so delivery drivers usually drop them at the leasing office. Not every leasing office will accept packages. Mine is a little weird about it, and if you work, forget about ever getting there to pick up a package, since the office is open from 8:30 to 5.

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I...just can't let this sexist mess go unchecked. As a female, I wouldn't necessarily consider myself "handy", but I have a tool box filled with real tools that I actually use. I have an electric drill/screwdriver combo that I use and I've replaced toilet innards (pretty easy) and a faulty light switch (not as easy) with no experience. I've replaced every deadbolt lock to every place I've ever lived. As a single woman, I just have to Get Shit Done.

I'm sure my sisters have/can do the same, as can my mother. I'm pretty sure @BASTET can build a house from the ground up.

Thank you thank you thank you!!!! The first time my now boyfriend came to my house, he was amazed not only that I had the tools, but that I knew how to use them. 10 years of living solo after my divorce taught me a lot, other than electrical work and plumbing, I can pretty much fix anything.

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This is one of my own doing I guess, but I rarely proof-read posts or emails before clicking the "submit" button. 

Unless it is a hugely important document/email I just can't be arsed to check for typos. I just want to get the damn thing sent by clicking "Submit". 

But rather illogically, I then go and proof-read the post I have just posted, only to find a bunch of typos, which I then have to go in and edit.

So its a "peeve" of my own making; and I guess I will do the same with this post (I won't check until after the event, d'oh!)

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3 minutes ago, Qoass said:

Same here. My finger just hits ""Submit" before my brain can stop it!

Well I have just checked my last post after-the-event, and for once it looks good! Perhaps I was being far more careful this time round.

I really should make a more determined effort to proof-read first, given my worst, most embarrassing experience of not checking an important email first, that went to a manager I used to work for 14 months ago.

Let's just say I incorrectly spelt "County"

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