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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,
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Burnt popcorn smell is the worst, and it lingers for days.


I kind of like the taste of a few slightly scorched kernels. Once my husband wanted to surprise me by baking a birthday cake and in order to conceal the smell when I got home, deliberately burned some popcorn. Worked!


Not to restate the obvious peeve or anything, but daylight saving time can bite me.

Edited by lordonia
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Today's peeve: Me.  Specifically, my recurring forgetfulness.  Almost every time I come home from kitty-sitting at my parents' house, I discover I've left something behind.  This time, it was my iPod.  No big deal; my mom will drop it off at my house tomorrow while she's out running errands.  But I do this pretty much every time!  I've left my watch there, medicine, hair clips, a book, a jacket, etc.  I never forget to pack something when coming home from anyplace else, so I think the fact it's my old home and it's close by - and thus I won't lose or even be without for any length of time anything I leave behind - makes me sloppy in double-checking I've got everything.  But it was sitting right on top of the built-in entertainment center (which has nothing on its wall-to-wall length other than the center speaker and some decorative items at each end, so it should have jumped out at me). 


My good memory used to be legendary.  Now ... it's still good for the important stuff <knock on wood>, but I've got old-age brain in middle age.  And I just love walking into a room and thinking, "Wait, what did I come in here to get?" 

Edited by Bastet
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Today's peeve: cedar fever. Oh my gosh, y'all, even my skin hurts.

Forumfish, you're in Austin? I am in San Antonio and experiencing the same thing. It sucks. I had two rounds of eye surgery in the past couple of weeks, and now my eyes itch and burn, and I can't tell if it's the cedar fever or they're irritated from the surgery. Or both. Damn those juniper trees/bushes.

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Super-aggressive air conditioning! I swear, I am going to have a meltdown (as if melting is remotely possible). My desk is in the direct path of two opposite-facing AC vents and there is nowhere to turn. Not only do I blow my nose nonstop, but my eyes and lips get dried out all day and a cup of coffee will stay hot for maybe 10 minutes at most; on the upside, I can keep a frozen lunch on my desk all morning and not run the risk of someone stealing my food if I put it in the common-area freezer. As I type, I am wearing an oversized hooded sweater, a scarf, and fingerless gloves. I also have a space heater on. Considering its only about 45 degrees outside today, I am not sure why we're being blasted, but it will only get worse as the weather warms.


And...I have an appointment with my derm tomorrow because the skin below my nose is prone to dermatitis, which is usually under control and dormant. But not now--AC is often a cause of a flare-up; white flakes are falling off my red and (sorry!) oozing skin that is painful and itchy. It looks horrible, and nothing helps it. 


I have asked the building manager about this and (without even making a short walk over to this area--seriously, I can see his desk from here), he tells me nothing can be done. I find it hard to believe that we have a completely autonomous robot for our climate-control system that simply cannot be bent to mankind's will! I'm wondering if the robot could be conquered if a company VIP were freezing...

Edited by TattleTeeny
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I have asked the building manager about this and (without even making a short walk over to this area--seriously, I can see his desk from here), he tells me nothing can be done. I find it hard to believe that we have a completely autonomous robot for our climate-control system that simply cannot be bent to mankind's will! I'm wondering if the robot could be conquered if a company VIP were freezing...

Is there someone you can go over his head to talk to about this? I know he's the building manager, but can you complain to HR or your boss (or a higher boss) about the intolerable working conditions? Or can your office (or desk) be moved? I agree that saying "nothing can be done" is bullshit. He wouldn't tell Oprah or Bill Gates or Warren Buffet that nothing can be done. 



Today's peeve: Me.  Specifically, my recurring forgetfulness.  Almost every time I come home from kitty-sitting at my parents' house, I discover I've left something behind.  This time, it was my iPod.  No big deal; my mom will drop it off at my house tomorrow while she's out running errands.  But I do this pretty much every time!  I've left my watch there, medicine, hair clips, a book, a jacket, etc.  I never forget to pack something when coming home from anyplace else, so I think the fact it's my old home and it's close by - and thus I won't lose or even be without for any length of time anything I leave behind - makes me sloppy in double-checking I've got everything.  But it was sitting right on top of the built-in entertainment center (which has nothing on its wall-to-wall length other than the center speaker and some decorative items at each end, so it should have jumped out at me). 


My good memory used to be legendary.  Now ... it's still good for the important stuff <knock on wood>, but I've got old-age brain in middle age.  And I just love walking into a room and thinking, "Wait, what did I come in here to get?" 

How busy is your life these days? That could also be playing a role. And there's an old saying that you repeatedly leave your possessions at another person's house, it's because you long to return there. Are the cats that great? Or maybe your parents are. 

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Heh; well, the cats are great, and since I am currently cat-less I love staying there when my parents are on vacation and getting my kitty fix.  And I love - and like - my parents, too, but I'd live in my car before I'd live with them again, so, no, no desire to return. 

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Is there someone you can go over his head to talk to about this? I know he's the building manager, but can you complain to HR or your boss (or a higher boss) about the intolerable working conditions? Or can your office (or desk) be moved? I agree that saying "nothing can be done" is bullshit. He wouldn't tell Oprah or Bill Gates or Warren Buffet that nothing can be done.


Thank you--just that little bit of concern from a total stranger actually makes me want to cry! I'm just so done

I've tried various avenues and, while changing desks is an option, there is only one up for grabs, right in the biggest foot-traffic area we've got (and next to the photocopier; if you've worked in an office, you probably know that that spot makes everyone suddenly assume that you are the Xerox Q&A Specialist, haha!). I'm a copy editor and currently have a corner in which I'm next to just one non-annoying person and where I can get through a lot of reading fairly uninterrupted (though with many breaks to flex my frozen fingers). I'm weighing the location pros and cons but it's coming up a draw here.


Also, the new space would not be immune to the gum-snapper! There is also a gum-snapper! Oy vey.


Another peeve: that about 3 of the last 50 calls to my cell phone have been from people I know. In fact, the same number calls me every day multiple times on my landline too. They're all scams. And I am already on the Do Not Call List with both numbers.

Edited by TattleTeeny
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We've got a fritz box that's hooked to our home phone system, and I can block any number that annoys me. We also can send all callers with a blocked ID directly to the spam voicemail box (we have different inboxes), and the very best, any blocked numbers that call the phone number we have listed (aka people we do not know personally)? Those folks just get a ringing phone sound, while ours doesn't ring at all. They can keep calling till they're blue in the face, and I have my peace and quiet. Love that box. Um... topic: yeah, those callers annoy no end, and I really hate the ones that keep calling and never leave a message.

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TattleTeeny, is it possible to erect a transparent barrier, like the plexiglass in hockey rinks but not permanent? 4 dowels and some plastic wrap? It wouldn't totally block the drat but might deflect it enough to spare you the worst, and if it's moved by the draft you have a nice visual showing the airflow.


Maybe getting a thermometer and casually dropping OSHA into conversations near the asshat's area?

Edited by ABay
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TattleTeeny, is it possible to erect a transparent barrier, like the plexiglass in hockey rinks but not permanent? 4 dowels and some plastic wrap? It wouldn't totally block the drat but might deflect it enough to spare you the worst, and if it's moved by the draft you have a nice visual showing the airflow.


Maybe getting a thermometer and casually dropping OSHA into conversations near the asshat's area?


I did the thermometer thing for the opposite reason - stifling heat in the work place year-round at my former job.  I wore my summer wardrobe all winter, had a desktop fan, and still dripped sweat non-stop.  It wasn't pretty.  And I got about as much sympathy/response as Tattle Teeny did. The OSHA position on climate control in the office is more like a suggestion of keeping it between 68-76, but there's no hard and fast rule about it (even OSHA knows it's a touchy subject!).  



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Super-aggressive air conditioning!



And...I have an appointment with my derm tomorrow because the skin below my nose is prone to dermatitis, which is usually under control and dormant. But not now--AC is often a cause of a flare-up; white flakes are falling off my red and (sorry!) oozing skin that is painful and itchy. It looks horrible, and nothing helps it. 


I have asked the building manager about this and (without even making a short walk over to this area--seriously, I can see his desk from here), he tells me nothing can be done. I find it hard to believe that we have a completely autonomous robot for our climate-control system that simply cannot be bent to mankind's will! I'm wondering if the robot could be conquered if a company VIP were freezing...

Would something like this work? Submit a requisition for it.

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Haha, the person next to me and I were joking around about huge beach umbrellas or a jaunty outdoor-party tent! I don't know if that specific thing you posted would work, as our cube walls are low. 


Miracle of miracles, our maintenance guy is coming in tomorrow and will be taking a look (mind you, not for this specifically; TPTB oh-so-generously waited until he was scheduled for something else). I can't get excited yet because he will be going up in a cherry-picker (we have super-high ceilings) to "see if something can be done" (the skeptic in me thinks this translates to "try to shut me up"). 


Is is crazy that the fact that I can see paper and stuff at my desk blowing around makes me even madder than just feeling the cold does? I have a cardboard postcard of Joey Ramone tacked to the wall and it is flapping away, and never mind the regular old printer paper!

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Ugh, you guys are giving me nightmares from when I was office manager of a large floor of offices.  One side of the building was constantly freezing and the other side was sizzling hot.  Both sides held me responsible and no, there was nothing I could do!


krimimimi, can you tell me more about this "fritz box"?  It sounds fantastic.

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Haha, the person next to me and I were joking around about huge beach umbrellas or a jaunty outdoor-party tent! I don't know if that specific thing you posted would work, as our cube walls are low. 




Is is crazy that the fact that I can see paper and stuff at my desk blowing around makes me even madder than just feeling the cold does? I have a cardboard postcard of Joey Ramone tacked to the wall and it is flapping away, and never mind the regular old printer paper!

Ha!  That was my first thought to build an enclosure canopy.  I'd opt for an igloo.


Joey Ramone?  Awwww...way to brighten up a workplace.

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krimimimi, can you tell me more about this "fritz box"?  It sounds fantastic.

Here's a link to the Wikipedia page. The company that makes them is AVM, and the thing is super amazing. I'm not usually an asshole, or at least I try not to be, but it tickles me greatly to think about those horrible cold callers dialing my number and wasting their time just listening to it ring while I am completely undisturbed. (And now I feel guilty for saying that, because they're just trying to make a living, too...)

Our local telecom company put out a router that was essentially a hobbled fritz!box in a custom color, so we were able to get it (used) *very* cheaply and then flash it back to full functionality. *swoon* It was definitely worth doing a bit of research there.

I always assumed "Do Not Call" lists were just a way to voluntarily put your name on a higher value call list that (at the least) some underpaid employee would sell for a profit, if not the company itself. (My inner cynic is thriving.)

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Turns out, I have what the derm thinks is a bacterial infection resulting from the nasty nose-skin cracks, which the AC can certainly cause (because right in the face, man!). Now, after $80, I'm on antibiotics and a topical. Hooray! Let the stomach distress begin (antibiotics and I are not usually friends)! The AC man is coming in tomorrow and I assume the building manager guy and one of the execs will be showing him to the area. I plan on mentioning my fancy new skin disorder.


Also, I was home to get a call from this one number that has been on my call ID about six times a day for weeks. I pressed 0 and got a rude lady who said she will not take me off the list, and that I most certainly have a claim against me. Ooooh, I'm scared (I have exactly three outstanding debts: a car payment, a mortgage, and maybe about $2000, if that, on a CC). She hung up on me (ironic, considering they finally had me on the phone, which is what they seem to have really, really, reeeaaaaallly wanted, no?) after squawking something about arbitration. So, I called back, got a (not rude) guy who asked, "are the last four digits of your SS# [1234]?" I said, "You don't even have one number right...not that this is even a real thing you're doing." He claims they won't be calling again. We'll see.


​Both sides held me responsible and no, there was nothing I could do!


See, I get that. But I do feel like "there's nothing I can do" is definitely not the same as "there's nothing that can be done." The truth is that the latter, which is what I was told, is false (said like Dwight Schrute, haha!) and what he meant is, "There is nothing anyone here is willing to look into and/or pay for...despite the fact that pieces of your now-hideous nose are falling right into your just-poured-five-minutes-ago-but-already-cold coffee!"

I'm resigned to the idea that the temp will never be to my liking; I'm always a little cold in this kind of setting. I'm not unique in this way; I'm used to it and I always have a sweater, even in the summer. But this wind is truly excessive and miserable. I really don't think it's too much to ask to not put on a hooded sweater over one's regular "outfit" sweater, plus a space heater, gloves, and a scarf. We look ridiculous in that corner!

ARGH! All of my avocados went from solid rocks to gross mush in the course of one day!

Edited by TattleTeeny
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I am on the Do Not Call registry, and maybe because my cell number used to be my home number (I got rid of a landline years ago), I guess that somehow grandfathers it out of the "telemarketers are never to call cell phones" rule, as if that's a real thing anyway. It seems like there's a cycle to the calls, like new lists go out or something, because I'll start getting several new garbage calls every month or so within a couple days of one another. Thankfully, my current phone has a block feature; my previous one did not.

Also, I was home to get a call from this one number that has been on my call ID about six times a day for weeks. I pressed 0 and got a rude lady who said she will not take me off the list, and that I most certainly have a claim against me. Ooooh, I'm scared (I have exactly three outstanding debts: a car payment, a mortgage, and maybe about $2000, if that, on a CC). She hung up on me (ironic, considering they finally had me on the phone, which is what they seem to have really, really, reeeaaaaallly wanted, no?) after squawking something about arbitration. So, I called back, got a (not rude) guy who asked, "are the last four digits of your SS# [1234]?" I said, "You don't even have one number right...not that this is even a real thing you're doing." He claims they won't be calling again. We'll see.

They are required to remove you if you ask. If they don't, report them to the FCC. I have done that before.
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Have you tried taking probiotics when you are on antibiotics? Or eat yogurt, but it has to be the right kind of yogurt. It is supposed to help your stomach.

Probiotics seem like they would counteract the antibiotics so that the biotics would just go on bothering you. I am tired, and the weirdest things amuse me right now.

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I used to eat yogurt with antibiotics, but that was in my pre-vegan days. I don't remember if it helped, but I do know that not all antibiotics caused...we'll just say "issues" for decorum's sake (all I'll reveal is that I did lose 4 pounds in one night once, and leave you to figure out how). I will Google to see if there's something similar I can eat as a preemptive strike though, so thanks for reminding me of the yogurt trick!

And thanks for the suggestions and concern; it actually makes me feel better, especially considering that people I work with every day are being so casually jerky about it! I don't mean to sound like a crazed diva but it really was a bit more than just feeling chilly, man.

Edited by TattleTeeny
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Peeved (read: pissed) at myself, I guess. I retired in December and was going to continue my dental coverage* through COBRA until I'm eligible to buy a Medicare plan in September. But I got 3 different answers from the insurance people about what the monthly premium would be and I finally gave up rather than go one more round with their stupid automated phone system and unhelpful staff. How much do I go to the dentist, anyway, I figured. I'm on annual cleanings and that could be put off. Otherwise I haven't needed any fillings or crowns for probably a decade.


Dammit! Huge toothache started this weekend and I can't even touch the tooth without jumping out of my skin. The good news is that I haven't eaten since Sunday. Enforced weight loss is still loss! I haven't called my dentist in case it was a transient flare-up, but this looks like it's sticking around and I'm oh so happy about paying every nickel for a root canal, x-rays, exam, and whatever else. I mean, insurance would only cover half anyway, but for a bill that could be in the thousands, that's still significant.




*Got a sweet Obamacare health plan that's a ton better than the insurance I had through work, plus the premium is $32 a month vs $195. Peeve-free on that front!

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Oh my gosh, lordonia, where do you live? $32 a month? For health insurance, or just the dental? I'm just asking because I am self employed, therefore self insured and I'm paying waaaaaay more than $32/month on a Marketplace (Obamacare) plan.


Good luck with your dental worries!


Thanks! I'm in Florida but my age is high enough and retirement income low enough to qualify for a large Marketplace subsidy. Full price would have been around $600/month. I'll actually end up paying more on Medicare, what with Parts A, B, C, D, and whatever.


The COBRA dental premiums ranged from around $25-$65 a month, depending on who I got on the phone.

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Tattle Teeny!!!! I'm so happy to see you here. This is a great place to bitch and vent. I hope you warm up soon.

Good luck lordonia, I hope you're feeling better soon. Toothaches are the worst.

I have full dental coverage as I qualify for the subsidy too but to them "full dental" means extractions only are paid in full. Anything else comes out of my pocket in full. My medical is fantastic, but my dental sucks.

My teeth are in bad shape. When my kids were young we didn't have a lot of money and it was basically their teeth or mine. I made the right choice. They both have beautiful teeth. My daughter has had only 1 cavity in her life.

Edited by Maharincess
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I have an appointment with my derm tomorrow because the skin below my nose is prone to dermatitis, which is usually under control and dormant. But not now--AC is often a cause of a flare-up; white flakes are falling off my red and (sorry!) oozing skin that is painful and itchy. It looks horrible, and nothing helps it.


Sorry to hear about that. Have you tried coconut oil?  That stuff is great for skin - moisturizing and even healing.  It's one of nature's anti-virals.  I use Vita Coco brand  but most any brand will work as long as it's virgin (not processed, and is a white solid until it reaches 76F or higher).  I myself used it on bug bites and the itch disappeared immediately!


Maharincess, Lordonia, I'm sorry about your dental woes.  May I also suggest this book which offers lots of advice on how to protect your teeth (in some cases, they say it's better NOT to see the dentist!) .

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Sorry to hear about that. Have you tried coconut oil?  That stuff is great for skin - moisturizing and even healing.  It's one of nature's anti-virals.  I use Vita Coco brand  but most any brand will work as long as it's virgin (not processed, and is a white solid until it reaches 76F or higher).  I myself used it on bug bites and the itch disappeared immediately!


Or fresh aloe if you have access.  Grew up in South Florida where there are tons of aloe plants and we were constantly going out to slice off some to rub the juice on any skin irritation.  

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My peeve of the day is one-sided conversationists -- you know, the people who always have time to tell you what they are up to, but never have the time to ask how you are.


Funny you say that. I have a reputation for being "private" that is wholly undeserved. Honestly, I'll blab anything. But they have to ask! I have chronic medical conditions but there's nothing more boring to others. I don't bring it up myself but am happy to chat otherwise: "How are you feeling lately?" If people don't ask, it doesn't mean I'm hiding shit; it means they haven't shown any interest.

Edited by lordonia
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Oh, for the love of Mike!  It has been a shit day, and one of my favorite local Chinese restaurants  does good food but GREAT appetizers and has speedy delivery.  So I decide that since it's after 9:00 and I have yet to cook anything - or muster any enthusiasm for doing so - and I hate everyone, I'm going to order a selection of comfort foods, including the best spicy garlic chicken wings in the land.  Turns out, they closed down last weekend.  Grrrr.


I think I'll go on a dim sum binge ...

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So, you're a friend of my sister's?


And a couple of my brothers!

Oh, for the love of Mike!  It has been a shit day, and one of my favorite local Chinese restaurants  does good food but GREAT appetizers and has speedy delivery.  So I decide that since it's after 9:00 and I have yet to cook anything - or muster any enthusiasm for doing so - and I hate everyone, I'm going to order a selection of comfort foods, including the best spicy garlic chicken wings in the land.  Turns out, they closed down last weekend.  Grrrr.


I think I'll go on a dim sum binge ...

That is truly unfortunate...I wish I could go on a dim sum binge.  There's a China Town in Houston, but quite a haul to get there.  I got so spoiled when I lived in So Cal and could had a number of fine choices in the San Gabriel Valley (which was only a 10 - 15 min drive taking surface streets).  Poor poor me.


I brought a couple of aloe plants from my Mom's yard in Florida back to Texas.  They are in pots and I have to bring them inside when the temps dip for too many days.  They are pretty durable because they grow like crazy in literally sand, high heat and lots of rain.  I do need to haul back some sand to add to their soil though - the clay content here makes the soil an unsuitable environment (IMO) and potting soil is only ok for them.

Edited by DeLurker
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Bastet, I hope today will be better for you!


This probably doesn't help, but I live in podunk Florida where there is no Chinese food delivery. Also no good Chinese restaurants, if it comes to that. Most places around here close at 9 pm, anyway.


Another customer service peeve: Why do online chat agents ask me for my information when I'm already logged into my account on their danged website? Here's an example from this morning:


Carter R.: May I please have your full name, delivery and mailing address including zip code, phone number and email address so I can access your account information?

you: I'm currently logged in from my account, which has that information. Is it not available to you?


you: My email is [i'mAnnoyed@irritation.net]. that should be sufficient to locate my account, along with the reference number I gave you.

Carter R.: One moment please...

Carter R.: I have located your account using the email address.

you: Swell

Carter R.: Thank you for waiting. I'll be with you in just a moment.

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Another customer service peeve: Why do online chat agents ask me for my information when I'm already logged into my account on their danged website? Here's an example from this morning:


Carter R.: May I please have your full name, delivery and mailing address including zip code, phone number and email address so I can access your account information?

you: I'm currently logged in from my account, which has that information. Is it not available to you?


you: My email is [i'mAnnoyed@irritation.net]. that should be sufficient to locate my account, along with the reference number I gave you.

Carter R.: One moment please...

Carter R.: I have located your account using the email address.

you: Swell

Carter R.: Thank you for waiting. I'll be with you in just a moment.

YES!   this drives me crazy -   especially when it asks you to use your phone to type in your 10-digit account number, or the event number, or whatever.   Then put you on hold, and when someone takes the call, they want the number again.

THEN -   the person keeps with polite repetitive pleasantries - "Yes, Ms BFM, I understand that you are having a problem with product xxxx, and we are sorry for the inconvenience this has caused you, please be assured that we are committed to making our customers satisfied, blah blah blah". 

by this time, I"ve been on the phone, holding, being transferred, giving info, for over 15 minutes.

JUST listen to the problem, answer the question, and let me get on with my life!

Edited by backformore
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I'm beyond my wit's end with AT&T U-Verse. I have had a bogus modem charge on my account since NOVEMBER. I have chatted, called, smoke signaled, carrier pigeoned and Pony Expressed to try to get this charge removed. Every time: "Oh, yes, bilgistic, it is being removed, you have my word!" My only other option is Time Warner Cable, and they are even more incompetant, if that is even imaginable. How the fuck do people stay in business doing things so incredibly shittily???

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bilgistic, does your state have a consumer protection department? Maybe you can contact them for help?


Directtv has the best customer service I've had from a tv provider and I was very sorry when AT&T bought them because the service is bound to suffer. And I don't even get the benefit of bundling because AT&T sold its internet business in CT to Frontier. From what I've read, Frontier and TW are duking it out for last place in customer satisfaction. 

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ARGH! All of my avocados went from solid rocks to gross mush in the course of one day!


That reminds me of comedian Eddie Izzard's rant about fruit.  He does a bit on pears, where he says that they are either like a rock or totally mush.  They're only ripe for half an hour and you're never there at the time.

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I hate how "boring" has become the last acceptable insult and/or "constructive" criticism. I've had people blithely hint or outright say that I'm boring or no fun, whether it comes to what I do in my free time, what I do or don't do with my hair, or compared with someone else.


Let me state that I have no illusions about myself: I'm not an exciting person. At all. I'm shy, introverted, socially awkward, and reserved. Stupid things excite me, I'm a homebody, and I like being alone. But I won't lie, I'm getting really sick of jabs at my character. All right, so I'm boring, a Bert in a world full of Ernies, and I'm aware that the late, great Elaine Stritch said that "The worst thing you can be is boring".


Far be it from me to question Ms. Stritch, but... really? Being boring is the worst thing you can be? Worse than being abusive? Manipulative? Cruel? Homicidal? Genocidal? Really? The worst?


And another thing: I don't change my hair as often as others, if at all. Fine, that makes me boring, but fuck you, it's my hair. I'm cheap, I'm lazy, and it's too much trouble. I'm proud of my black hair, and I'm glad I don't look like everyone else. In fact, I happen to think un-highlighted brown/black/red hair is beautiful. Mind you, these are just my stupid opinions; you can do whatever you want with your hair, I don't give a crap, but don't tell me what to do with mine. I think it's wrong how society has conditioned us to think non-blonde hair is ugly (Abercrombie and Fitch used to have a popular shirt that read "I Had a Nightmare That I was a Brunette").

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I'm boring, too, and I don't care what others think. You know what can happen when you sky dive and rock climb? You can die. I like my feet on the ground and my arms around a cat.

I am blonde, but my hair's become dull, dishwater blonde in my advancing age, so I have to pay to keep it bright. I always wanted to be a brunette like my sisters.

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HA!   Boring people unite!

I'm not boring, really, if you want to actually TALK and discuss current events, politics, spirituality, child-rearing, psychology, novels,  or, I don't know, television! 

But if you want to talk about fashion, shoes, the latest restaurant or club, the newest movies, Yeah, I find that stuff kind of boring.  

As to sky-diving and bungee-jumping types of excitement  -  always seemed vaguely suicidal to me.  And since I've had kids, that risky stuff scares the hell out of me, with good reason.  My kids love all that crazy adrenaline-spiking stuff. 


As to hair -   My hair color is in that boring, hard-to-describe shade that's not quite brown and not quite blonde, and turning grey.   Boring?   Yeah, I guess.  But I get the color highlighted and the roots touched up, and it's still a boring shade.   What I find boring is when women decide that their hair needs to be the shade of yellow that reminds me of a yellow crayon.  I prefer a "blonde"  that's kind of the color of wheat, or sand -  yeah, you know, BEIGE.  And my hairstyle is pretty much the same for the past decade (or two).

  My clothes are kind of boring.   Black pants.  I have countless cardigan sweaters from Lands End.  They can be worn in every season, over almost anything, and there are SO many colors. (though I tend to buy every shade of blue).  I like owning clothes that are easy to care for and will last for a long time - mostly because I hate shopping.  I don't wear heels.


So let's find other words for "BORING".  how about classic, timeless, sensible, cautious, thoughtful, insight-oriented, practical,  rational.  any others?

Edited by backformore
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So let's find other words for "BORING".  how about classic, timeless, sensible, cautious, thoughtful, insight-oriented, practical,  rational.  any others?


Content and peaceful.


You know what's worse than "boring?" Rudeness. Cheese, who would say such a thing to another person?


People, trying to be kind, have told me I should get out more and offered activities. Sometimes their faces get squinchy because I'm "all alone." Hello? That's by choice. If I wanted to, there's nothing stopping me from joining 20 different clubs or playing sports or going out to bars or driving down to Disney World every week to see shows.


I went to see Paula Poundstone when she was here. Happy?

Edited by lordonia
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OK, I'm someone who doesn't smoke, drink or do drugs. I also dislike restaurants/ bars where the 'background music' is at least too loud to be able to converse with a  person next to me without raising my voice (and I only go to bars if they have good food to offer since I have no interest in booze ). Lastly, having been warned about how rapidly unpleasant  and even dangerous crowds can become (and not wanting to risk catching any bugs or be in a spot where I'd be a sitting duck for assault or theft) I tend to avoid crowds including political rallies,  sporting venues and rock concerts.  I don't broadcast these quirks of mine to others but it's surprising how often folks feel I'm 'missing out' if I don't partake in these activities. Why are some others insecure I don't share their tastes even though I don't dis theirs? I don't get it.

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You probably would diss theirs if they were a loud mouthed smoker who's hobby was drinking at dive bars and rallies. You probably wouldn't date them or hang out.

There's nothing wrong with being boring but many people do find it more insulting or worse than a sarcastic asshole or weirdo. I prefer those types and extremes. More amusing.

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