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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,
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It's been raised before, but this morning my pet peeve is hate posting. Hate watching is done in private; it doesn't impinge on my enjoyment--and it's all about me. But if you have nothing positive or funny to say about a show, please start a hate thread instead of ruining an "all episode" thread.


Thank you!  There are several threads that I don't even bother to read anymore because they've been taken over by a few people who do nothing but complain about how horrible the show is, or how they hate a specific actress or writer.


Look, I don't like or watch reality shows, but I don't go on those threads and bitch and moan about how horrible they are.   I'll occasionally go on and complain about a specific episode of a show that disappointed me, but only when it's a show that I normally enjoy watching.   Why the compulsion for some people to destroy everyone else's show? I don't understand it.   

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Highly ineffective marketing. Now if a dentist was giving out toothbrushes with name and phone number on Halloween I would find that funny. The dentist I had in So Cal was great - most importantly, he was a fantastic dentist, but he had a candy buyback program after Halloween.

Something like the toothbrush wouldn't be so bad, I don't think so anyway. One of the business cards my grandkids got was stapled to a treat bag with candy in it, the other 2 were just dropped in their bags.

I think it's tacky as hell.

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I sense another Pet Peeve some others {not just Me} might have is NOT Being Able To 'BLOCK' Certain Other Members when on some other Sites.....

Oh, well..... -_-

I <3 People That I Do NOT Usually Have To Explain-In-Detail This/That/The Other To Because *usually* {even before I am done with my statement, with Some Of Those Folks} They Are Already Nodding Furiously In Agreement/Understanding Even Before I Am Done Halfway, heh.....

But as for their Polar Opposite Denser CounterParts..... -_-


Edited by RodLu
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The ignore feature is one of my favorite features here, as opposed to TWoP (RIP). I'm not on other sites so I don't know if it's common but it must be a blessing for those with stalkers. Right now, I have 3 ignores just to spare myself some blood pressure spikes and sprained eyeballs. 

Edited by ABay
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I find Ignore/Block depressing since I immediately assume that all the posters I like are ignoring and blocking me.  


People who ignore us are missing out on thoughtful, smart, and sometimes hilarious insight.  It's their loss ratgirlagogo.

Did you know this is National Cat Day?  Started in 2005 apparently.   Where was I?


If I were to ask every cat I've owned over the years, I'm pretty sure they would be unimpressed.  Every day should be National Cat Day to a cat.

Edited by JTMacc99
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this reminds me of how years ago, advice columnists would frequently caution women about the perils of living with a man without being married to him, pointing out that supposedly in the majority of those situations, the couple did not end up getting married. And duh? Wouldn’t living together and realizing you’re not actually compatible be preferable to marrying that same person and then having to go through the legal and financial hassle of a divorce?


Not the same actually.  It goes back to the old axiom of "Why buy the cow when you're getting the milk for free?".  Living together (without a ring and a definite wedding date) almost never leads to marriage (assuming that's the goal of at least one of the parties involved), but not necessarily because the two weren't compatible.  It's because the guy (it's almost always the guy) want his options open and doesn't want to risk a true commitment.    If anything, one can tell if one is compatible with a potential mate is to date them long enough to find out.  Trouble is some people don't want to take the time and trouble to do that - or worse, the person (usually the woman) overlooks numerous warning signs just for the sake of the relationship. 



I know each couple is different and if living together works for them, then that's that.  Marriage is however, a risk - emotionally, financially, and legally.

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I would have preferred a dentist handing out toothbrushes to what we got on Halloween: a guy going door to door amidst the trick or treaters fundraising for an alleged charity to help find missing children, complete with flyers showing the faces of a bunch of missing kids. There's a time and place, asshole. Time and a place.


To make things worse, I went online and can find almost no mention of this "charity" except that it was a private corporate entity now dissolved, NEVER a non-profit. Scam. :(


(Hate posting in the Y&R forum? Guilty as charged. Sorry.)

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I don't understand health insurance at all. We pay out of pocket for our health insurance as my husband is self employed. We had a $3,000'deductible which I have to pay to my dr for delivery of this baby. Sine the baby is due in March do I have to meet an all new deductible next year for the hospital bills? Open enrollment yes. I went on to the site to see if we could get a discount like we did this year but since I am pregnant they want me to go on Medicaid while the rest of my family can still get the discount through Blue Cross. Number one, my OBGYN doesn't take Medicaid. Number two, I don't want Medicaid. Why can't I get the same deal as the rest of my family? I already can barely afford insurance as it is and now the monthly cost for the same plan is going to be $250.00 more a month than what I currently pay. Blergh!


Deductibles usually "reset" from the beginning of the plan date, which is usually January 1. For instance, I've met my rx deductible for 2015 but will go back to 0 as of January 1 2016 and will have to start with the co-pays again until I've bought enough meds (hopefully I won't need them!) to get past the deductible.


I don't know about the discount, but they shouldn't be pushing you to Medicaid if you don't want it - that's a tactic that Kaiser Permanente likes to pull. Furthermore, they can't increase your premium just because you're pregnant:




The sytem is byzantine and weird. Hopefully you can get your plan sorted out. And congrats on the pregnancy!


ETA: I'm not an insurance expert (obviously, lol), just went through open enrollment last month and read about more than I cared to on this topic.

Edited by glowlights
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Not the same actually.  It goes back to the old axiom of "Why buy the cow when you're getting the milk for free?".  Living together (without a ring and a definite wedding date) almost never leads to marriage (assuming that's the goal of at least one of the parties involved), but not necessarily because the two weren't compatible.

Lots of people spout the statistic that people who do live together before marriage are more likely to divorce than those who don't, like there is some causal relationship. In fact, the reason is that people who are (morally, culturally) open to living together are also more open to divorce.  It doesn't mean they cut and run at the first sign of trouble, or that they don't take marriage vows seriously, just that the recognize they don't need to stay in a situation that makes them miserable and that being divorced is not a character flaw.  Many who stay married do so because divorce just isn't an option in their culture/family/religion.  It doesn't mean they are happilly married.  Yeah, I'm talking to you Anna Duggar. 

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I don't know about the discount, but they shouldn't be pushing you to Medicaid if you don't want it - that's a tactic that Kaiser Permanente likes to pull. Furthermore, they can't increase your premium just because you're pregnant:



Holy shi!t ! I literally just got off the phone with someone from the Co that received my application for medicaid.I never applied for medicaid! I was duped into it! I've also never had someone be so rude when I am declining the governments help! "Not even for your children" she said to me! Bitch, please. GTFO! So, I just had to spend 20 minutes composing an email to her about why I am declining medicaid and I had to include everything she said to me on the phone about my options and if it's not up to her standards she will be contacting me again for me to re compose the email. WTF? Sorry. I hate this healtcare  BS. I had medicaid for 3 months a few years ago while I was in between health insurance plans and I will never, ever do it again. The level of care was sub par. I went from a respected patient at my practice to a second class citizen (I left the practice) and morally I believe in paying my way in this world and don't want the government more in my business than it already is. I'm so pissed right now!


ETA: the plan didn't increase because I was pregnant. It increased just because. I will go from paying $480.00 a month to $702.00 for the exact same plan. So, if I calculate how much I paid a month for my insurance and two $3,000.00 deductibles this baby will have cost me $11,722.00. I add in the monthly payments because I'm the only one in the family that has even used the insurance in the past year. Funny, my best friend had a baby with no insurance and it cost her $0.00 the state covered the whole damn thing. This is what you get for trying to "do the right thing". 


I don't mean to get this thread off on a health insurance tangent. Somebody, Anybody feel free to change the subject :)

Edited by Mountainair
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I don't know about the discount, but they shouldn't be pushing you to Medicaid if you don't want it - that's a tactic that Kaiser Permanente likes to pull. Furthermore, they can't increase your premium just because you're pregnant


I think the way that the insurance companies get around this is by offering "discounts"  to some people.   So they're not actually RAISING the rate, they're just choosing not to offer you the discount.  


Medicaid is a good plan for those who can't afford insurance.  But yes, the care can be sub-par because medicaid doesn't pay the healthcare providers as much as private insurance, so health care providers can decline to see medicaid patients.   Others have one day a week for Medicaid, and have a 'first come first serve"  policy.   

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Holy shi!t ! I literally just got off the phone with someone from the Co that received my application for medicaid.I never applied for medicaid! I was duped into it! I've also never had someone be so rude when I am declining the governments help! "Not even for your children" she said to me!


WOW. That's some heavy-handed tactics. :(  I'm so sorry you're being put in this situation. If it helps to have company, I was once told by an Aetna rep that "patients like me" are a huge burden on insurance plans. Aetna: Satan's Own Insurance Company.

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Okay, I'll sacrifice myself on the health insurance altar: As a woman and feminist, I'll defend another woman's choice to have a child even though that's not my choice. That having been said, though, I believe I shouldn't have to pay as much for my insurance because I voluntarily had my tubes tied at age 29 for a host of reasons. I will never cost an insurance company the thousands of dollars it costs now for pre- and postnatal care, and the ridiculously inflated delivery and hospital stay care. However, because I have a history of "mental illness" (depression and anxiety) and have been medicated for over 20 years, I pay crazy premiums, deductibles, and cannot afford to insure myself if I am out of work (and I tend to find myself in that situation every few years when my symptoms cycle out of medication's control).


My own sister has two children that will be covered by the state until they are 18 and it infuriates me. The first child was an "accident" (this was after an "accident" in high school). Everyone's entitled to accidents, but stop making them at some point, maybe? The second child was planned when she still couldn't afford them, but hey, Medicaid will pay for it all.


I could get only the most basic of assistance for my mental health and other needs when I was out of work for four years and trying to get to a point where I could work again. The reason why? I have no kids.

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My daughter had her tubes tied after having 2 kids so they wouldn't have any accidents. They knew that 2 kids is what they could comfortably afford and still have a nice life with money for extras. They knew that 2 would be what they could afford health insurance wise. They both would have liked to have more kids but they were realistic about it. They didn't want to have to rely on anybody but themselves in raising their kids.

Just to make sure there really were no accidents, my son in law got snipped too.

Bilgistic, shit like that makes me so mad. I've had friends who have been in the same position as you and it sucks. They've been told "well we could help you with this program but you need kids for that one" and different variations. Unless you have kids and go with one of the family plans, you're basically screwed. I'm really sorry that its happening to you.

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Reportedly, Some Don't Mind This, I Have Noticed, Whilst Others {like that guy, and me} Do:




Edited by RodLu
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When This Happens To You Next To You In A Restaurant {be it from Adult Or Baby} While Enjoying Your Deliciously-Succulent Favourite Chinese {or what You prefer} Meal?



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Okay I have a pet peeve this morning... people referring to "good old days" or "the olden days" that never existed. The latest person to offend my delicate sensibilities went off on a tangent blaming her current unemployable situation on the fact that in the "olden days" when she was coming out of high school, young women didn't have the opportunities to further their education by attending college and their only option was to get married and have babies. The time in history she is referencing? 1988. Sorry, but I distinctly remember all kinds of opportunities for young women to go to college. In fact, every single female friend of mine went on to college. Others didn't want to, or couldn't afford to, but that's a different thing. Glass ceilings, wage inequality and chauvinism, sure. No women in college in 1988? GTFO. This is on the heels of waxing rhapsodic about the "good old days" of her youth when all the men were good as gold, everyone was a good Chirstian, music was great, and society was just like a Mayberry episode... her youth in the 70s and 80s. FFS. With all due respect to the men here, there has never been a golden period in history when all men were good, just as it's ludicrous to say that in 2015 no good men exist at all. Gah. This bugs me so much...

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Okay I have a pet peeve this morning... people referring to "good old days" or "the olden days" that never existed. The latest person to offend my delicate sensibilities went off on a tangent blaming her current unemployable situation on the fact that in the "olden days" when she was coming out of high school, young women didn't have the opportunities to further their education by attending college and their only option was to get married and have babies. The time in history she is referencing? 1988. Sorry, but I distinctly remember all kinds of opportunities for young women to go to college. In fact, every single female friend of mine went on to college. Others didn't want to, or couldn't afford to, but that's a different thing. Glass ceilings, wage inequality and chauvinism, sure. No women in college in 1988? GTFO. This is on the heels of waxing rhapsodic about the "good old days" of her youth when all the men were good as gold, everyone was a good Chirstian, music was great, and society was just like a Mayberry episode... her youth in the 70s and 80s. FFS. With all due respect to the men here, there has never been a golden period in history when all men were good, just as it's ludicrous to say that in 2015 no good men exist at all. Gah. This bugs me so much...

I  went to a private university in the 70's  on a full academic scholarship.  So she is wrong.   


Women didn't make as much money as men, had fewer chances for promotions, were expected to tolerate (or even appreciate)  sexual harassment in the workplace.   Oh,  and sexual assault was your own fault for being in the wrong place with the wrong people, wearing the wrong clothes.  

Yeah, the good old days! 

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On the flip side, I love when people talk about "now-a-days".   You know, people are just so busy "now-a-days".  Pfft, you're taking care of your house using modern conveniences and you've chosen to be a helicopter parent squiring your children to a multitude of activities in you huge ass SUV, rather than letting them walk/bike there, or make their own entertainment rather than have it organized for them.  You're not Ma Ingalls churning your own butter while Pa hitches up the wagon to ride into town for supplies at the Mercantile. 

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Some of my prescription meds are quite pricey and are either not covered by my insurance or the covered amount is a drop in the bucket.  For one, with my insurance I pay $130 for a bottle.   Ordering refills through their designated online pharmacy was a savings of just a few dollars so not worse than time involved for me.  I just was trying to find cheaper sources online when I came across a site called GoodRX.com* where I got a coupon where the same amount at my same pharmacy would be $80. 


I printed it out and took it in to ask the pharmacy folks if it would work (they are really helpful and with my own refills and 2 kids with strep I have literally been at the pharmacy every day this week).  They had to monkey about with their system so it wasn't being filed through my insurance, but they can take it.


At a couple other national chains they work with, the price is even lower.  I didn't want to change pharmacies to find out it wouldn't work for me, but I may for this one prescription on my next refill.


Don't know of any downside to this, but if anyone has any words of warning I would appreciate hearing them.


* There's a couple of sites that have a similar discount druf program.

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When I was uninsured (read: out of work), Costco was hands-down the cheapest out-of-pocket pharmacy for me. Slews of articles have proven it, too. You don't have to be a member to have prescriptions filled there. Just tell the greeter that you are going to the pharmacy.

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Yeah, I always filled the cats’ prescriptions at Costco because it was always significantly cheaper than any other pharmacy.  A lot of their prescriptions were for human drugs, but Costco carries a lot of veterinary-specific drugs as well.  There was never anything I needed for the cats that Costco didn’t have (I think a couple of times they had to order something, but it was ready within 24 hours). 

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I got really lucky with my insurance. All of my prescriptions are free for me. I have heard stories about what people pay out of pocket for their medications and realize how lucky I am. I used to complain about my coverage but after reading some stories, I'll never complain again.

I used to work for our county animal shelter, having worked for the county I get county coverage for life and just have to pay a small fee every 6 months, everything else is covered. Since I had my accident and no longer have my income, this insurance has saved me. With all of my surgeries, physical therapys, hospital stays and prescriptions, I'd be in deep debt if I didn't have the county insurance.

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In my area using more than one pharmacy is a big red flag. I'm on a pain contract with my Dr and one of the rules is that I can only use one pharmacy. I know this isn't what your friend is doing but usually when people use more than one pharmacy, they're doctor shopping for drugs.

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That Moment When You Enter An Elevator/Public Social Place/Bus, Only For You To Realize That Someone Actually Smarted-Hard In There.......







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My pet peeve today.

I read that some people are pissed at Starbucks, to the point of urging people to boycott.

Starbucks, according to them, is joining the "War on Christmas".

The issue is Starbucks holiday cup. Each year they have a holiday cup to replace the white one. This year's design is an ombre red, dark at the bottom, lighter at the top. But no Christmas design, just red. People thought last year's cup, red with snowflakes, somehow honored the Christian holiday, in way that plain red does not. I don't get the logic. Snowflakes are winter, no matter what religion you are. How do Christians feel validated by snowflakes, and offended by NOT having snowflakes on their takeout cup? Who are these people who have such delicate sensibilities that they actually need to have their holiday celebrated every moment of every day by every person, every company, they have contact with, from early November through new years?

(And I am a person who celebrates Christmas. And I love a caramel brulee latte, in any color cup)

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This is getting ridiculous. Who friggin cares what color the cup is?! Instead of christians saying its a war on Christmas, how about they have the mindset that saying holiday instead of Christmas includes everybody? I'm an atheist but my family celebrates Christmas, I don't care if somebody wishes me a Merry Christmas, a Happy Holidays or Happy Hanukkah, the sentiment is the same.

People are too damn sensitive these days.

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My husband buys Starbucks coffee from Walmart because our Walmarts stopped carrying the Sam's Choice Sumatran coffee, and he really wants Sumatran.


My sister-in-law was asking about good Christmas gifts for her daughters' teachers, and a lot of people suggested Starbucks gift cards. I suggested gift cards to somewhere like Walmart or Target or grocery stores where they can get stuff they really need, like food.


One guy told her not to get gift cards of any kind because teachers get too many gift cards. I didn't know the guy so I didn't say anything, but I thought that was just about the dumbest advice anyone gave her. He suggested school supplies for science experiments and craft projects, but didn't say how she would know what the teachers needed. Wouldn't it be better to give the teacher a card and let him/her buy the supplies he/she wants?

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How "snowflake" equals "Christ" is a mystery that Jesus himself could not solve.  Of course there are many Christian sects that don't celebrate Christmas in the first place because Yule is  a pagan holiday and not in the Bible - the various Adventist churches, the Jehovah's Witnesses, the Church of God people and the other ones( the Garner Ted Armstrong people) and plenty of independent fundamentalist contractors.




Howzabout that former pastor who is trying to start a campaign of people going into Starbucks and insisting their name is Merry Christmas and they want that name written on the cup - oh, forgot to mention he was packing a GUN while he did this!  WWJD?

Edited by ratgirlagogo
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I saw that stupid crap yesterday. This is why I don't do religion. This exact thing. I drink Starbucks often because there's one in my building at work and I'm lazy. I only wish the cups were bigger. I need a trough. It can be baby-poo green for all I care.

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Eh.....I'm not Religious {anymo'}, and while I *did* go through A Surprisingly-Brief Rage Of Sorts {upon gradually realizing that I Had Been Indoctrinatingly-Deceived, as far as I was concerned, which kind of actually makes me sense that maybe so many Church Burnings/Vandalizings/Etc. happen on account of such Grim Realizations, aye}, I finally found my peace with such institutionalized things somewhat.

RedCupgate doesn't bother Me; looks kinda cute actually, methinks, heh {saw it on TV}.....but then again, I personally do not patronize SB.......

Edited by RodLu
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I'm an atheist but my family celebrates Christmas, I don't care if somebody wishes me a Merry Christmas, a Happy Holidays or Happy Hanukkah, the sentiment is the same.

People are too damn sensitive these days.

Yeah, most of My Folks are still Believers, Maharincess, so I just "bite my tongue" a bit more these days when it comes to some things.....

After All, What If I Suddenly Die Tomorrow? >;)

Or In 5 Minutes?!?!?! =:O



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I think people go there now because they ARE on every corner, so you know, there they are.  They have wifi for you to use until somebody complains about you hogging the table and the bigger ones have enough space that you can have a study group or even a business meeting in there.  And of course they're a good public place to go on a first date with some potential soulmate/serial killer you met up with online.


For myself, I sometimes get beans there (yes, auntlada, we like Sumatra too, also Verona) and I love that they have public bathrooms.  Back in the day there were so few places in NYC that did, so I still get a little overly excited by it.:)

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My sister-in-law was asking about good Christmas gifts for her daughters' teachers, and a lot of people suggested Starbucks gift cards. I suggested gift cards to somewhere like Walmart or Target or grocery stores where they can get stuff they really need, like food.

One guy told her not to get gift cards of any kind because teachers get too many gift cards. I didn't know the guy so I didn't say anything, but I thought that was just about the dumbest advice anyone gave her. He suggested school supplies for science experiments and craft projects, but didn't say how she would know what the teachers needed. Wouldn't it be better to give the teacher a card and let him/her buy the supplies he/she wants?

With all due respect to the guy who told your SIL that "teachers get too many gift cards": that guy is either a goddamned moron or a goddamned liar. And he obviously has no idea what teachers are really like and how the professional education system really works.

Because speaking as a teacher of the past 15 years, trust me when I say that teachers fucking LOVE gift cards!!!!

My fellow teachers and I practically jump for joy over gift cards. We literally count them up and proudly show off our loot, gushing about which parents gave us the best ones.

Starbucks cards are 50/50: some of us love them. Some of us don't love coffee, but are delighted to use these cards as stocking stuffers and/or regift to other coffee lovers. Others will trade you their Starbucks cards for other cards. Target and WalMart cards are always a hot commodity and are often traded the most. Fast food cards are often considered tacky.

Grocery store cards are also usually a big hit!

I got a Whole Foods card once and appreciated it so very much. I bought a shitload of fancyassed craft beer and organic kale with it. I also really enjoy BedBath&Beyond and Trader Joe's cards. Starbucks is okay for me, but I'd prefer those cards to the cheesy chain restaurant gift cards. Then again, I'm a restaurant foodie snob and only eat local; some teachers with kids are thrilled to bits to get a Red Lobster or Olive Garden card to lug their family there for a rare night out.

But school supplies? Fuck that shit! If I want goddamned school supplies, I'll get the school secretary to order that shit for me on the school's expense account, like most other teachers do.

So most of my fellow teachers and I would be insulted by such a "gift"---that'd be like giving a fireman a new hose or a plumber a new wrench or giving a dentist toothpaste and floss as a "gift". Comon' now, don't be that daft, folks.

If you aren't going to give teachers gift cards, at least be creative---my two fave parent gifts I got other than gift cards was a seat cover with my name embroidered on it and personalized stationary.

You know what teachers DON'T want anymore of?

Mugs. Mugs filled with candy. Notebooks. Plants. Baked goodies that most of us pitch in disgust. Lotion. Cheap jewelry. Scarves. Scarves of any sort, just please don't go there unless it's a goddamned Hermes scarf. Candy. Fugly Christmas ornaments. Oven mits. Mugs. Crappy candles. Framed photos of your family/child((shudder)). Hot chocolate gift sets. Anything featuring an apple/ruler/pencil on it. Mugs.

Any other questions?

And if you *really* want to make many of us teachers extra happy this holiday gift season?? A giftcard to the local liquor store would be pure awesomeness. Most of us are driven to drinking thanks to our students, after all, so why hide behind false pretenses?

Or get some parent friends to pool together money for a spa certificate for poor achey teach.

Or there's the best gift of all for a teacher: MONEY.

Thank you and class dismissed.

Edited by Sun-Bun
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That post needs to go viral.

Thank you kindly, bilgistic!!

Please pardon my salty language, but I just get so fucking sick and tired of obvious non-teachers claiming that they know exactly what teachers like or deserve: no, no they don't.

Last year I posted a much nicer and more PC version of the above rant as a Facebook post---it was in response to several smug moms I knew on my feed bragging about baking their awesome sugary basic bitch shit for teachers gifts and being so proud of their extreme kindness. I hated to burst their bubbles, but I honestly thought they needed to hear the truth from a teacher's own reality.

I immediately got some really gross and condescending comments from some posters over my polite honesty, but some people((ahem: most sanctimommies)) obviously can't handle the truth. Or, as I sadly learned, you just can't argue with stupid.

But really, think about this seriously, parents---what would YOU want if you were a teacher getting gifts from parents?

Please just step beyond your own short-sighted nose and really try to think hard about this. Do you *really* think teachers would prefer 12-15 different tins/baskets of random baked goods or a variety of useful gift cards? And this doesn't even need to be a pricy thing: $5-10 goes a longggg way.

It just amuses me in a way and shows society's complete lack of respect/understanding for teachers: everyone else thinks they know exactly what teachers want or need, and they obviously haven't got a goddamned remote clue.

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I saw that stupid crap yesterday. This is why I don't do religion. This exact thing. I drink Starbucks often because there's one in my building at work and I'm lazy. I only wish the cups were bigger. I need a trough. It can be baby-poo green for all I care.

In my opinion, so take this for what it is worth, religion is simply the tool people are using to be big fucking complainers who feel like they're making a difference. Religion is a nice one, because you can also feel like you are taking the moral high ground.  I'd give other non-religious examples of groups who do this sort of thing, but I don't want to offend anybody.


Well okay, I'll give one example, but these people probably have a pretty high shared area on the venn diagram of them and Starbucks Cup complainers. 

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