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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,
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Maharincess - Back when I was in college I got my mother a small mortar & pestle for spice-grinding. You can get them from Amazon.com, scientific supply catalogs, hobby shops, and so on. The cheap porcelain ones start at about $7.

Sure it is. It's a Boojum. Now what that is, I don't know.

It's probably a lot like a grampus, but more cromulent.
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Thank you all so much for the rosemary suggestions.

After everything I've done for the past few days, I'm wiped out and need a full day in bed tomorrow so I'm doing the recipe on Thursday. I'll let you know how it turns out.

The grandkids are gone, my husband is back on the road and my house is peaceful again. I love when the grandkids come but I must say that I also enjoy when they go home.

I'm so used to my peace and quiet. I always forget how much kids that age talk! They talk more than their mama did at that age and I didn't think that was possible.

When she was young my daughter talked non stop. If she was telling you about a movie she saw, her retelling would take longer than the actual movie. And my granddaughter talks even more than that.

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When I need to grind or pulverize herbs and spices I use a mortar and pestle also.  But I did not suggest it because some people can't physically do the pounding or they can't deal with the noise.


What do you use ground rosemary for, by the way?  I grow rosemary along with other herbs in pots on my porch and I also use dried rosemary.  But I can't think of any recipe I'd use ground rosemary in - is this for baking? (I'm not much of a baker, more of a cook.)

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Maharincess - Back when I was in college I got my mother a small mortar & pestle for spice-grinding. You can get them from Amazon.com, scientific supply catalogs, hobby shops, and so on. The cheap porcelain ones start at about $7.

It's probably a lot like a grampus, but more cromulent.


A grampus is a dolphin. It's a lot of other things, too, but they are things named that (like ships). (I mentioned this conversation to my husband, and he immediately said, "A grampus is a dolphin." I had to look it up.)

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Maharincess, I was thinking it might also be for a poultry recipe since one of the only things I ever use ground garlic for is poultry (so it doesn't burn when you roast it).  Makes sense.  Can you share the recipe with us?

Edited by ratgirlagogo
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I want to strangle whoever came up with the phrase "quiet as a mouse." For the last two days I've had a couple of mice galumphing around my bedroom at three in the morning, and it's like a couple of frickin' elephants. Luckily the mousetraps caught one last night. And another thing: The cat is no help at all. He just lays on my bed watching the mice. Do your job, you purring twit.

How are you so calm, Sandman87????  I wouldn't call mice a pet peeve. But they freak me the fuck out. I could not be in my room at night when they're running around.

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My mom never understood her friends who were counting down the days until school started again, since she didn't feel that way, and then she realized she had one child and they had two (or, in one case, three) and figured she'd be good and ready to have the kids gone for 7-8 hours a day if she had to deal with the sounds and activity of multiple kids, too.


My parents always took their own trips - the two of them together, plus each of them separately on occasion - in addition to our family vacations.  We ate dinner together most every night (pretty much everyone in middle class families did back then; kids weren't scheduled within an inch of their lives and parents weren't expected to work all hours, so most evenings everyone was home), took the motorhome out one or two weekends per month, etc. -- we spent plenty of time together, but we also all enjoyed a break.  They got to spend some time away, I got to stay at my grandparents' house (or, when I got older, at a friend's house and then, the best, home alone) ... win, win.  And little things, too - we went out to dinner as a family every Friday night, but they went out to breakfast just the two of them every Sunday.


It was the perfect mix for us, but different strokes and all that jazz. 


I don't use social media, and most of my close friends opted not to have kids, so there may very well be a lot more parental complaining going on than I hear.  But I also think we're finally, slowly, slightly lifting the stigma against mothers who don't find every second of motherhood to be sunshine and rainbows so that women with kids feel more comfortable now than before admitting they want a break. 

Edited by Bastet
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Your family sounds great Bastet. I would have killed for a normal, happy family like yours growing up.


Oh, mind you, there was plenty of arguing and yelling during those dinners and camping trips.  Some stomping off, some slamming doors.  There is no one on this earth who can drive me crazier,  quicker, than my mother.  There is also no one I love more.  (Which is not to say I love my father less than her.)  Since this is a TV site:  We talk to each other - and yell at each other - the way the Conners do, not the way the Huxtables do.  So, yeah, a normal, happy family ... one variety among many.


I tried my damnedest to create a family like that for my kids. I hope I succeeded.


From how you've described your relationship with them, and their families, as adults, I'd say you did.

Edited by Bastet
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How are you so calm, Sandman87???? I wouldn't call mice a pet peeve. But they freak me the fuck out. I could not be in my room at night when they're running around.

I've had lots of little "visitors" in the house at various points since moving to a rural area:

- Little frogs and lizards show up frequently (there's nothing quite like having a frog unexpectedly jump on your foot when you're watching a horror movie).

- I've had to liberate birds from the wood stove a few times.

- I've had to chase a couple of bats out of the living room.

- I've had my cat wake me up by dropping half of a small grass snake on my chest.

- (My favorite) A possum once climbed up the dryer vent and got in through a hole he ripped in the vent hose.

You get a little jaded after a certain number of unexpected guests. Besides, I know that mice aren't going to do much as long as I put all the food (including cat food) and garbage where they can't get at it.

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Again guys, I'm so sorry for rambling and I hope these made sense. I'm on full dose of my pain medication today so not much is making sense right now. I'll probably delete those when I come out of my haze. Lol.

Thank Dog for autocorrect. This would be even more unreadable than it is.

I'm going to bed. Sorry again.

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I've had lots of little "visitors" in the house at various points since moving to a rural area: - Little frogs and lizards show up frequently (there's nothing quite like having a frog unexpectedly jump on your foot when you're watching a horror movie).

UGH!!! That right there is exactly why I have such a fear of frogs! My husband and two boys give me such a hard time about it but I will literally stop in my tracks and shriek if I see a frog. Nothing else makes me do that. Snakes, mice, lizards, etc I'm fine with but frogs. No way. Not happening. HATE!!!!!!

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I like outdoor frogs and lizards, but get thee away from me snake!


Roaches skitter around here (Charlotte) like they own the joint. The place I live now is far less wooded than around my last condo, so I rarely see one, but it was bad at my last place. They would walk around on the boardwalks like they were in a conga line.

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If it's helpful to know, I need a break from your kids.  And yours.  And everybody's else's!


I'm not afraid of creepy crawlies but I shriek like a little girl when one sneaks up on me.

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Oh, mind you, there was plenty of arguing and yelling during those dinners and camping trips. Some stomping off, some slamming doors. There is no one on this earth who can drive me crazier, quicker, than my mother. There is also no one I love more. (Which is not to say I love my father less than her.) Since this is a TV site: We talk to each other - and yell at each other - the way the Conners do, not the way the Huxtables do. So, yeah, a normal, happy family ... one variety among many.

From how you've described your relationship with them, and their families, as adults, I'd say you did.

Thank you Bastet. That means a lot to me. They say they had a great childhood so I hope I succeeded.

Your family is the one I wanted as a child. I would have been loved the arguing and yelling. It's better than the drunken brawls I grew up with.

I'm sincerely sorry for the rambling nonsense I posted yesterday.

I'm so embarrassed.

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Harrie, I had to tell you that I tried your trick with the produce bags and....magic! They opened! I don't care that people may think I'm strange for holding my fingers under the dripping parsley...no more looking stupider than the packaging for me! You rock, thanks!


So, I read this panicked post on my neighborhood message board that didn't hold back on how freaked out someone was because they had found FROGS in their YARD and had anyone else noticed a frog invasion? She doesn't want them dead, but she wants them gone because she'd previously only found one or two, but she'd found AT LEAST ten of them the other day - white ones and green ones. And I thought...who the heck is freaked out by frogs?? And then, as in all things in life, I found my answer here. Wow, I had no idea frogs could freak people out so badly! Is it the hopping? Or the feel of skin? Sorry, probably making it worse! 


(Although...white frogs? What the heck is she using on her lawn??)


I'm the first to admit, though, that I gave up and had a professional exterminator use poison when I found a mouse nest in my cupcake tins under the stove. Sorry, that sh*t had to stop.


Voicemail pet peeve: when people call and say "Hi, it's so and so. Could you call me?" Um...well, yes I could, but I'm far my likely to if you'd please give me the courtesy of a HINT of what you're calling about. Are you calling to ask me to go to lunch or about a problem or are you just bored and want to chitchat? Don't need a whole life history, just a line or two such as "Just wanted to chat" or "I have a question about X" would do. Because I hate the telephone, being vague just gives me an excuse to assume your call is not important and I can respond with an email any old time. Because, no, I will not "just call you back." 


Dear medical professionals who are unsure of the nature of a relationship between a patient and someone accompanying her. It's a really bad idea to assume what the relationship is. A really bad one. There is no shortage of "diversity/sensitivity" training out there that will show you how to politely ask and determine the relationship. I have a pretty thick skin, but I'm already keyed up from being in a hospital and very apprehensive. My blood pressure is not helped when you say, "your friend can wait in the lobby." 


She's not my friend. She's my WIFE. And you've just pissed us both off. So, yes, please I'd LOVE a catheter inserted now. 


Moreover, when we correct you and say that we're married, it's not on us how confused and uncomfortable this makes you. You really, really need to get over it and get your game face on and go be upset in private.



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I'm sincerely sorry for the rambling nonsense I posted yesterday.

I'm so embarrassed.

I don't even remember what it was, so it couldn't have been that exciting! ;) Be gentle with youself, she says, not taking her own advice.

I might be taking a pain pill tonight myself. I went to the foot doc today and got a "soft cast" that I have to wear two weeks and a boot I must wear four weeks. It's been...unpleasant!

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Harrie, I had to tell you that I tried your trick with the produce bags and....magic! They opened! I don't care that people may think I'm strange for holding my fingers under the dripping parsley...no more looking stupider than the packaging for me! You rock, thanks!



Yay - glad it worked for you, potatoradio.  Maybe you'll start a trend and there will be a line of people catching drips in the produce aisle. 



So, I read this panicked post on my neighborhood message board that didn't hold back on how freaked out someone was because they had found FROGS in their YARD and had anyone else noticed a frog invasion? She doesn't want them dead, but she wants them gone because she'd previously only found one or two, but she'd found AT LEAST ten of them the other day - white ones and green ones. And I thought...who the heck is freaked out by frogs?? And then, as in all things in life, I found my answer here. Wow, I had no idea frogs could freak people out so badly! Is it the hopping? Or the feel of skin? Sorry, probably making it worse!



Willow Rosenberg is the only person I can think of.  It could be geography, but I think a toad is more likely to hang out in a lawn, at least around where I live. Either way, frogs and toads eat bugs, so I'd welcome them.  In fact, we had a toad in the garden for a couple of years, but he moved over to the plot next door this year.  I hope we can entice him to come back. 


Edited by harrie
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Dear medical professionals who are unsure of the nature of a relationship between a patient and someone accompanying her. It's a really bad idea to assume what the relationship is. A really bad one. There is no shortage of "diversity/sensitivity" training out there that will show you how to politely ask and determine the relationship.

Nope, the default assumption, regardless of the gender, is that the person is a non-relative until the patient says otherwise.  It's up to the patient to say "this person is my "X" and you can speak about my health in front of them". 

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For me my fear of frogs is the hopping. They sit there all nice and quiet until BAM, they hop in your face and gouge your eyes out! I mean, that's a bit extreme but it's just the unpredictable nature of what their next move might be. That and they blend in so well that I almost always accidentally reach for one and...... Gross! It's really an irrational fear (of all the critters to be afraid of I pick the frog).

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Nope, the default assumption, regardless of the gender, is that the person is a non-relative until the patient says otherwise.  It's up to the patient to say "this person is my "X" and you can speak about my health in front of them".


Thanks, Quof, I didn't realize this. Our quarterly diversity/sensitivity seminars stress being aware of seemingly innocuous comments that may inadvertently insult someone and I'm in an area that supports health care, so I'm always somewhat "on alert." I'll remember this next time.


Mountainair - I admit I'm still laughing, but I can see how unexpected movement would give someone the willies!

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Pet-peeve du'jour: women who constantly talk about their children. They literally just drone on and on about their children and their children's new schedules and schools and awards and current likes/dislikes, etc....it's like these creepy moms have given up their entire identities to live in their children's worlds.

Listen, I get it that motherhood is pretty all-encompassing and that most moms are beyond proud of their offspring and just want to share this pride, and that's cool and all.

But as a proudly childfree woman, try to understand that it's best if we both just stick to subjects that interest us both, and not just regard me as an extra set of ears to prattle on and on to about your children.

I really try to befriend and understand females with children too, but more and more I'm realizing why 98% of my girlfriends are also gladly childfree. Miranda from "Sex and the City" was right when she referred to it as "the motherhood cult."

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Mountain air,

  Sorry to hear about your fear of frogs. I always liked them and my father had a HUGE collection of frog knick-knacks, stuffed critters,etc.  Anyway, I myself can't stand squirrels since I think they're rats with cute tails.


 As for another of one of the many pet peeves I could mention [in the to-each-their-own-BUT-I- dislike category]. Here's one- nail polish in colors other than pink or red. Frankly, I think natural nails look best but if one MUST color one's nails, then I think dark red is fairly good followed by pink being tolerable since those colors are close to what nails, skin and blood look like. But seeing folks with green,yellow, blue,etc. Can't dig it.  And bad enough to see it on teen and 20something girls in that  I can somehow excuse them because they're young enough to be whimsical enough re trends and trying to be 'edgy' but even WORSE to see it on women over 40 who are DEFINTELY old enough to know better and look tacky trying to look as though they're in their teens and 20's but completely failing at that. The worst though was seeing some preteen boy with [presumably] his mother in a grocery store wearing green toe nail polish. I didn't know them from Rumpelstilskin but it was all I could do to keep from asking the mother [?] aloud ' Why are you letting him out in public like that? Isn't life tough enough for a kid without letting him draw a target for bullies on his back or  toes?'

    I reiterate that I myself wear no polish on any nails and have no interest in wearing said polish and respect that there are those who choose to wear polish and would never dis them BUT I dislike this different colored polish and won't be sorry to see it go.

Edited by Blergh
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I once had yellow polish.  It was right on that line between weird and cool.  I never bought any more when it ran out, but I liked it.


I only paint my toenails, though, so it's easy to just be sure to wear closed-toe shoes if I'm sporting blue or green polish and have to be in court.  Usually it's some shade of red or brown.  Some purples.  Never pink, I hate just about every shade of the color pink.

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Uhhgg, I would not survive if I had to endure quarterly diversity/sensitivity seminars and then be aware of seemingly innocuous comments.


Heh...well, I'm not always sure how much my mental health or mental faculties have truly survived, but...


Classic case of a well-intentioned idea getting completely dragged through both academic and clinical committees, study, panic, disagreement, politics and empty suit leadership. Rather unfortunate.


Though I'm told it makes you look older, I like maroon nail polish. And orange or coral tones. White kind of freaks me outI recently discovered these top coats that will apply a layer of what looks like confetti. Yeah, I tried it, and stared at my toes way too much...




Edited because punctuation is fun and helpful.

Edited by potatoradio
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I am not understanding if you are serious or not since The Onion is a site that makes up stories and sometimes even real news sites pick them up as real stories.


Potatoradio, I haven't heard about maroon but I do think that horrible mauve should be banned. I know a woman who has worn it ever since she had toes and it makes me want to puke. 


The Onion does satire (and does it very well), meaning while the actual situations in an Onion article will never technically have happened, many of their articles - including this one - are based on things that happen in everyday life, which is why their articles seem to ring true with so many people. So I was actually being serious.


(I swear I don't work for them, though I do like to write satire myself in my spare time)

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Pet-peeve du'jour: women who constantly talk about their children. They literally just drone on and on about their children and their children's new schedules and schools and awards and current likes/dislikes, etc....it's like these creepy moms have given up their entire identities to live in their children's worlds.

Listen, I get it that motherhood is pretty all-encompassing and that most moms are beyond proud of their offspring and just want to share this pride, and that's cool and all.

But as a proudly childfree woman, try to understand that it's best if we both just stick to subjects that interest us both, and not just regard me as an extra set of ears to prattle on and on to about your children.

I really try to befriend and understand females with children too, but more and more I'm realizing why 98% of my girlfriends are also gladly childfree. Miranda from "Sex and the City" was right when she referred to it as "the motherhood cult."


I probably talk about my son too much, although I don't want to. Often I want to talk about other things, but no one ever talks to me about other stuff any more. They just ask me about him. It's as though I did cease to exist except as his mommy. I do have a job outside the house, too, so I do have other things to talk about. And I read news (although on the Internet, not in newspapers, but it's usually on newspapers' websites so I get a lot of general news that most people should have heard about). When he was little, though, it often seemed my conversations were like the Arrogant Worms "Baby Poo" song, even when I tried to avoid it.


When I was in high school or maybe early college, I had some bright blue nail polish and used to paint one nail in that color. I haven't done it since and would never consider doing it now. I'm too old. And I'm too lazy to paint my nails at all because I don't want to deal with the upkeep.

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 As for another of one of the many pet peeves I could mention [in the to-each-their-own-BUT-I- dislike category]. Here's one- nail polish in colors other than pink or red. Frankly, I think natural nails look best but if one MUST color one's nails, then I think dark red is fairly good followed by pink being tolerable since those colors are close to what nails, skin and blood look like. But seeing folks with green,yellow, blue,etc. Can't dig it.  And bad enough to see it on teen and 20something girls in that  I can somehow excuse them because they're young enough to be whimsical enough re trends and trying to be 'edgy' but even WORSE to see it on women over 40 who are DEFINTELY old enough to know better and look tacky trying to look as though they're in their teens and 20's but completely failing at that. The worst though was seeing some preteen boy with [presumably] his mother in a grocery store wearing green toe nail polish. I didn't know them from Rumpelstilskin but it was all I could do to keep from asking the mother [?] aloud ' Why are you letting him out in public like that? Isn't life tough enough for a kid without letting him draw a target for bullies on his back or  toes?'


    I reiterate that I myself wear no polish on any nails and have no interest in wearing said polish and respect that there are those who choose to wear polish and would never dis them BUT I dislike this different colored polish and won't be sorry to see it go.


Hmmm, well, I am in my 40's, and the only colors that I like and look good on me, are red, bronzey like brown (OPI Germanique, and "Romeo and Juliet in gel polish) and maroon, because of my skin tone (medium-I look like I have year round tan, as I am of East Indian descent), ) NO shade of pink or coral has EVER looked good or natural on me. But yeah, I'm not a fan of the blue, yellow, gold, black, purple colors, either.


Oh and of course the natural or "pink" of French Manicures!

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Dear medical professionals who are unsure of the nature of a relationship between a patient and someone accompanying her. It's a really bad idea to assume what the relationship is. A really bad one. There is no shortage of "diversity/sensitivity" training out there that will show you how to politely ask and determine the relationship. I have a pretty thick skin, but I'm already keyed up from being in a hospital and very apprehensive. My blood pressure is not helped when you say, "your friend can wait in the lobby."


Nope, the default assumption, regardless of the gender, is that the person is a non-relative until the patient says otherwise.  It's up to the patient to say "this person is my "X" and you can speak about my health in front of them".


I hear you--I work in healthcare, and I've seen the other side. When I walk into an exam room, and someone is in there with the patient, I always ask, "Are you a friend or a relative?" I can't tell you how many times someone will say, "Yes!" in a really hostile tone--but without any follow up. So I repeat my question, "Are you a friend... [dramatic pause] or a relative... ?" Because I'm not going to start talking to my patient about personal medical issues until I know who this strange person is and get the okay from my patient. 


I do make the mistake of assuming that patients who bring children with them to a doctor's visit have brought their own children (which, WTF?--but that's another story). When I ask, it sometimes turns out to me the niece or nephew, grandchildren, or children they're babysitting. Which again, WTF? If you don't have anyone to keep the kids, just call and reschedule! It's not that hard.

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My latest pet peeve is the horrid photos that appear online & then reappear again & again (e.g., the one of the poor animal trying to keep the crocodile's jaw from closing and it's looking at whoever is taking this terrible/frightening photo).  It upsets me so much.  Then there will be photos of snakes (got a phobia re: snakes) and other creepy things.  And then there are the up close photos of psoriasis, toe nail fungus (ugh) or other nasty ailments.  These disgusting photos keep popping up and I never know when they'll appear.  Ugh. Blech.  

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Today I was reminded of a peeve I had forgotten about: When someone does something dangerous and/or stupid, but things somehow turn out ok anyway, they say "no harm, no foul." No! That translates as "I'm too selfish, moronic and inconsiderate to stop doing this until something really bad happens to someone, even though I know there's a risk."

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I unabashedly wear pretty much any shade of nail polish I want EXCEPT red and pink. Weirdly, I am wearing pink right now on my toes (I only ever get my toes painted) and it's been on too long but now my foot's messed up, and oh, well!

I'm 40. If I offend anyone with my blue, green or black toenail polish, I don't care. Thick acrylic nails are gross to me, but if that's what you want to rock, go for it.

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That's why I don't care when a thrill seeker bites the dust. Oh well. I might have a shocked Oh no! but then it's Oh well they played the odds and the odds won.

There was a story a couple days ago about a 45-year-old man (so, old enough to know better) having been struck and killed by a roller coaster. The man had jumped the fence into the "restricted area" beneath the coaster to get his cell phone that fell from his pocket when he was on the ride. The law enforcement official's expression when he read the statement was pretty much like "zero fucks to give". If you do something that completely stupid, sorry, pal, but I'm not crying at your funeral. You could've gotten a new cell phone.
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There was a story a couple days ago about a 45-year-old man (so, old enough to know better) having been struck and killed by a roller coaster. The man had jumped the fence into the "restricted area" beneath the coaster to get his cell phone that fell from his pocket when he was on the ride. The law enforcement official's expression when he read the statement was pretty much like "zero fucks to give". If you do something that completely stupid, sorry, pal, but I'm not crying at your funeral. You could've gotten a new cell phone.


Daniel Tosh had a memorable bit about a similar incident:



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There was a story a couple days ago about a 45-year-old man (so, old enough to know better) having been struck and killed by a roller coaster. The man had jumped the fence into the "restricted area" beneath the coaster to get his cell phone that fell from his pocket when he was on the ride. The law enforcement official's expression when he read the statement was pretty much like "zero fucks to give". If you do something that completely stupid, sorry, pal, but I'm not crying at your funeral. You could've gotten a new cell phone.



            Somewhat along those lines are those who do VERY dumb stunts JUST to get on YouTube or otherwise broadcast. I was watching "The Weather Channel" the other day [you know, to try to find out about  that rather trivial topic.. .the weather]- and they had some moron who filmed himself SKIING down three flights of escalators (barely missing one pedestrian who only managed to get out of the way at the very last moment).  Not only was I furious with how this person took a needless risk with his OWN life by doing that moronic stunt but he didn't care enough to even have attempted to make sure ALL WAS CLEAR to keep others from being put in harm's way by his selfishness. And I'm not happy [but, sadly, not surprised] that The Weather Channel put this on because this will only encourage others to do the SAME [and how long before some poor innocent bystander DOES get seriously hurt]?  I'll save my anger towards The Weather Channel and others   who televise these stunts for another thread but it IS a pet peeve of mine re folks who do these things JUST to get broadcast.

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hear you--I work in healthcare, and I've seen the other side. When I walk into an exam room, and someone is in there with the patient, I always ask, "Are you a friend or a relative?" I can't tell you how many times someone will say, "Yes!" in a really hostile tone--but without any follow up. So I repeat my question, "Are you a friend... [dramatic pause] or a relative... ?" Because I'm not going to start talking to my patient about personal medical issues until I know who this strange person is and get the okay from my patient.


I do make the mistake of assuming that patients who bring children with them to a doctor's visit have brought their own children (which, WTF?--but that's another story). When I ask, it sometimes turns out to me the niece or nephew, grandchildren, or children they're babysitting. Which again, WTF? If you don't have anyone to keep the kids, just call and reschedule! It's not that hard.


Well, dang it, had you been running my admit, I wouldn't be peevish about anything. I'm always prepared to answer the question and appreciate its purpose. I think I was taken aback in part because that question never came.


I have seen sort of the flip side of adults bringing kids along to the adult appointments - non-guardians who bring kids to medical appointments and freak out when asked what their relationship is to the child and if they have authority to sign consent. "But...it's just Johnny's routine X and Y! I just brought him here.Why do you care what our relationship is?"


Oh, I don't know, because it's a medical appointment, not a play date, and consent must be documented for legal, clinical and financial reasons.



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I've been reading the thread but afraid to post because it's likely that once I get started I won't be able to stop. So I've waited until I'm under a time constraint and have to limit myself to 2:


"Methinks." No, you think. And apparently, you think you're Shakespeare. You're not. Please trust me on that. What you are is twee.


"But then, I" I can't even explain why this makes my hackles rise but I think (or perhaps methinks) it seems so insufferably smugger-than-thou. For example, everyone's been griping about a character or the weather or the grossness of kale or whatever and someone counters it. Instead of just saying they disagree, they end with "But then I" and a phrase that suggests their special snowflakeness because the subtext is usually "But then I am a morally superior being."

Edited by ABay
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For me my fear of frogs is the hopping. They sit there all nice and quiet until BAM, they hop in your face and gouge your eyes out! I mean, that's a bit extreme but it's just the unpredictable nature of what their next move might be. That and they blend in so well that I almost always accidentally reach for one and...... Gross! It's really an irrational fear (of all the critters to be afraid of I pick the frog).

I'm with you on the frog thing.  I grew up in So. Florida and after the rains there would be some big old ones in the middle of the road.  Driving, you would try to swerve around them if it was possible, because driving over them (straddling, not with your tires) they would get nervous and hop while you were doing it.  You'd hear a thump as they hit the bottom of your car. 


 As for another of one of the many pet peeves I could mention [in the to-each-their-own-BUT-I- dislike category]. Here's one- nail polish in colors other than pink or red. Frankly, I think natural nails look best but if one MUST color one's nails, then I think dark red is fairly good followed by pink being tolerable since those colors are close to what nails, skin and blood look like. But seeing folks with green,yellow, blue,etc. Can't dig it.  And bad enough to see it on teen and 20something girls

It took me a while to get used to crayola colored nails too.  They aren't for me either but I finally got to the acceptance point where it does not bug me. 

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I've been reading the thread but afraid to post because it's likely that once I get started I won't be able to stop. So I've waited until I'm under a time constraint and have to limit myself to 2:


"Methinks." No, you think. And apparently, you think you're Shakespeare. You're not. Please trust me on that. What you are is twee.


"But then, I" I can't even explain why this makes my hackles rise but I think (or perhaps methinks) it seems so insufferably smugger-than-thou. For example, everyone's been griping about a character or the weather or the grossness of kale or whatever and someone counters it. Instead of just saying they disagree, they end with "But then I" and a phrase that suggests their special snowflakeness because the subtext is usually "But then I am a morally superior being."


ABay MeThinks* ye doth protest too much, But then I  am a perverse sort of person. *snerk.*  Not to say that I think I am a morally superior being. Far from it. So very, very far from it.


*But I couldn't resist!

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To the person in front of me at the Dunkin' Donuts Drive-Thru this morning:


Dear Idiot, it's called a drive through. It is not a parking spot. It is not the perfect place to search your backseat for the entrance to the Lost Dutchman's Mine. It is not the time to talk on the phone, since talking on the phone apparently strikes you blind  because why else have you failed to notice that the cars in front of you have MOVED.


Have a little courtesy and pay attention. You don't have to link bumpers with the car ahead of you, but almost a minute is a long time to just sit there unless you've died. It's a workday morning, people are trying to get to work, and the line is backed up onto the street. Move the damn line.

Edited by ABay
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I have a couple of Dear Driver letters, just from this morning:


1. I understand the sign just told you your exit is coming up in 1/4 mile, but so long as you remain in a freeway lane, you may not slow down to off-ramp speeds.  An hour ago, it was rush hour, and 40 mph would have been a great speed.  Now, traffic is flowing nicely, and the cars behind you have to slam on their brakes and dart around you because you’re going 20-30 mph slower than they are.  You've fucked up two lanes of traffic.


2. The green arrow only lasts so long, and we all want to get as many cars through as possible.  If the person at the front of the line is texting or otherwise not paying attention, it is appropriate for the driver immediately behind him to tap on the horn in the universal signal for “Hey, jackass, the light turned – go!”  It is not appropriate for every damn person in the left turn lane to lay on the horn.  This causes every driver in ear shot of the intersection to wonder what the hell is going on to cause such a cacophony, leading to unnecessary distracting, braking, etc.

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A local radio station asked people this morning: "Which is the better 'overcoming adversity' anthem - Rachel Platten's 'Fight Song' or Taylor Swift's 'Shake It Off'?" My pet peeve of the day is everyone who answered "Shake It Off".

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