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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

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Now that it is actually spring here (the snow has finally melted), I'm already in a mood to scream at the teenagers scuffing along in their sandals "Lift your damned feet!"

We have a youngish adult in my office who does this. I grew up being constantly corrected on this, so it bugs me to no end. Plus, it's kind of a sign to wear grown up shoes in a place of business.


My pet peeve is people who ask slightly personal questions and then turn them into extremely personal questions by not accepting my answer.


"Are you married? No? What about kids? No? Really? No?"


Do they want an explanation? Do you think I'm lying? Soon, I'm going to start reply, "Oh, yeah. Sorry. I forgot. I am married, and I've got triplets too."

Edited by JinNashville
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I loathe the naming of winter storms. As far as I have been able to tell, they are bad winter storms but not unusually bad (unlike when you name a hurricane). Maybe I am wrong about that since I don't live in a place with winter storms, but my friends and relatives who do are like "same old same old" when I have asked them.



Naming winter storms is stupid, I think. I'll go along with it when the National Weather Service does it, but until then, I'm not calling winter storms by name.


As one who gets a lot of winter weather, I find this practice useless also.  Speaking strictly for my circle of friends, family and co-workers, we never say "Hey, remember Storm Bertha?"  We refer to this stuff as the blizzard of '78, or "that time a couple years ago when we got 40 inches."  "When they shut the state down" is also a marker that's often used.  Hurricanes have names, but the winter storm names don't stick for some reason.

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I think my peeve about weather and tragedies, like the marathon, the Amtrak train, etc, is that news people do not know how to do news anymore. Yes we want to stay informed when things happen. But if there is nothing happening, there are not any updates to be reported then just show the regular show. Have updates at the top or bottom of the hour when you get new information. But to just take up the whole day with "we don't know what happened, we don't know what is happening" or the dreaded "let's discuss all possible senarios that will never happen", is wrong from a news point. Getting people gathered, experts to drone on endlessly, is NOT NEWS!

My thoughts exactly! I always thought that "news" meant the reporting of actual events, not constant chatter about what the reporters think those events mean, which, again, ties in to my extreme dislike of FOX "News," and why I agree with you immensely as to everything you just said. 

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Dear big, strong, manly man:


Please do not ask me if I could use a hand after I have carried my kayak from the water to the parking lot and hurled it onto the roof of my car.  You're not fooling anybody.





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Oh boy. I am a woman of many peeves, but I'll start with an edited list:



- People who apparently believe the rules of spelling and grammar don't apply to electronic communications

- Using redundant acronyms such as "ATM machine" or "PIN number"


I meant to respond to this earlier when I discovered this thread, because These two are HUGE peeves of mine.  Especially the first.  What gets me about people who post to boards and yes, even in emails at work, is that they think it's perfectly acceptable to type as if they're texting, or to use Twitter handles. It drives me nuts.  Or when they know they've been misspelling a word, but don't care, and admit they don't care, and continue to misspell; be it a name of someone, or the "your" when it should be "you're."


Here are a few that drive me to pull my hair:  "Could of" when clearly it's "Could have."

                                                                        "Should of" (please see above).

                                                                        "I hope Her and (character) will be happy." Argh. Remove "and" along with the character's name, and the sentence is wrong. I mean, does anyone say "I hope her will be happy with the decision she's made..."? Or even Him? It should be She or He. Unless the rules of grammar have changed.  I see this SO much.    


Or not spelling out words; like "legit' when one means legitimately. "spec", "probs", etc. Just smacks of laziness to me as does the naming of two people into one word; I believe it's referred to as portmanteau? Whatever. It's lazy, and I spend more time trying to figure who the hell  is being discussed since different people have different portmanteaus for couples.  Or hiding behind characters.  Using $&*% when you mean "shit" or "fuck." Just own it and spell out the words or use golly, gee and darned, if cussing makes you  uncomfortable.


And then there's the whole using ACRONYMS instead of words--MOB (Mother of the Bride); FOB (Father of the Bride), MOH (Maid or Matron of Honor), in books. Drives me batty.


Now granted, I make up spelling of certain words because I'm super excited or enraged, or pretend to "talk" with an "accent" but that's not the same thing. I try to make sure I spell correctly and when I type, that it's gramatically correct. Okay, is grammatically a real word? I'm getting the red squiggle that tells me it's wrong.  And when I'm corrected, I go and fix it.


Yes, I'm anal retentive.  To the point where when I'm reading, if the author changes eye or hair color of a character in a series, or hell, even in the same damn book, it annoys me, and makes me wonder if the copy editor actually read the book or just skimmed.                                    

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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We've had a fair amount of rain this spring, especially in the last 10 days. 


Good because we've had drought conditions the past couple of summers. 


Bad because millipedes are invading our homes in search of drier conditions.  Google Fu tells me they normally like mulch/leaf piles that are damp and moist, but if things get too soggy they start creeping around looking for more hospitable environments.  Like your house or basement.


I've raked back the mulch and pine needles galore from the base of my house yesterday.  It has reduced their presence by moving their homes farther away from my home, but has not taken care of the problem 100%.


They are making me very unhappy and irritable.

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I read TX is now out of extreme drought conditions. Yay.

I've noticed a few bugs in my place this past week. They've all been different types. Normally, I don't have any, so I think it's the weather, too.

DeLurker, do you get lizards in your home? When I lived in a house, we'd always have them. It was sort of sad to see dead ones in a spare room - dehydrated to death I guess.

:( Much better surprise than a scorpion.

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Yes, I'm anal retentive

I hate this expression, or the short form "anal". 

It's crass, and I usually have no problem with crass, but this is just tasteless.

Being particular, or attentive to detail, has nothing to do with one's ass. They are admirable qualities.

Edited by Quof
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I hate this expression, or the short form "anal". 

It's crass, and I usually have no problem with crass, but this is just tasteless.

Being particular, or attentive to detail, has nothing to do with one's ass. They are admirable qualities.



Or when it's used as a short form/abbreviation for analysis! In a series I read, it was always spelled out, but in the past few years, maybe the last 6 books, it's devolved to "anal." and the first time I saw it, it took me totally out of the story.

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Using $&*% when you mean "shit" or "fuck." Just own it and spell out the words or use golly, gee and darned, if cussing makes you  uncomfortable.


I feel the same way; if you're uncomfortable using a word - or are concerned others will be uncomfortable reading it - just choose a different one.  Otherwise, type the damn word with all its letters.

Edited by Bastet
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I can't single out Fox News because it happens on every single news show. Local network news, the big three national networks, cable shows. 

I stand corrected! I should have taken all that into account. 

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I loathe the naming of winter storms. As far as I have been able to tell, they are bad winter storms but not unusually bad (unlike when you name a hurricane). Maybe I am wrong about that since I don't live in a place with winter storms, but my friends and relatives who do are like "same old same old" when I have asked them.

The naming of Winter Storms is just the Weather Channel trying to make some more money.  Or as they put it: "Last season we named 26 ferocious winter storms spanning across all regions of the U.S.," said Tom Niziol, winter weather expert for The Weather Channel. "Improving communications is a key part of The Weather Channel team's core mission to keep the public safe and informed in severe weather events."


And that's why It doesn't bother me. I'm perfectly fine with the Weather Channel naming storms for the purposes of getting people to get all excited about the weather and possibly check in with their coverage to see what's going on. 


That's pretty much the point of what they do. They talk about the weather. They make money by selling commercials and cable subscriptions.  The more people who watch them talking about the weather, the better rates they get for their commercials and cable subscriptions.  So if naming the 12th major winter storm of the year Linus makes a few extra people interested enough in the weather to tune into the Weather Channel, then so be it.  It fascinates me to see the business work far more than it does annoy me that a TV network named the stupid storm that blew a bunch of shingles off my roof last December.

Edited by JTMacc99
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Okay, is gramatically a real word? I'm getting the red squiggle that tells me it's wrong. And when I'm corrected, I go and fix it.

Grammatically. It is a word. You just misspelled it.

I hate it when people say "acronym" when they mean "abbreviation." (I don't think you misused it, GHScorpiosRule.) Laser is an acronym. CBS is an abbreviation. An acronym is a word formed from the first letter or letters of a series of words. If you can't pronounce, it's not an acronym. (And, no, I would not pronounce CBS as "subs." It is C-B-S.)

Edited by auntlada
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Grammatically. It is a word. You just misspelled it.

I hate it when people say "acronym" when they mean "abbreviation." (I don't think you misused it, GHScorpiosRule.) Laser is an acronym. CBS is an abbreviation. An acronym is a word formed from the first letter or letters of a series of words. If you can't pronounce, it's not an acronym. (And, no, I would not pronounce CBS as "subs." It is C-B-S.)



Thank you! And I went back to fix it! 


And I learned something new today. Thank you.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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I'm guilty of using acronym for any abbreviation made up of the initial letters, rather than using it only to refer to those that get pronounced as words.  I know the distinction between acronyms and initialisms, I just don't follow it.  I don't know why, and I'm generally a stickler.

Edited by Bastet
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I read TX is now out of extreme drought conditions. Yay.

I've noticed a few bugs in my place this past week. They've all been different types. Normally, I don't have any, so I think it's the weather, too.

DeLurker, do you get lizards in your home? When I lived in a house, we'd always have them. It was sort of sad to see dead ones in a spare room - dehydrated to death I guess.

:( Much better surprise than a scorpion.

We have some outside but I hae yet to see any inside.  I grew up in South Florida where the lizard population is exponentially larger than what I encounter here, so it is a manageable situation for me.  Not crazy about lizards, but luckily have learned to deal with them if necessary (throw a plastic cup or microwave cover on top, use a paper plate to slide under cup/cover and relocate little beast to the outdoors.  Wash cup/cover maniacally for lizard cooties).


I'm guilty of using acronym for any abbreviation made up of the initial letters, rather than using it only to refer to those that get pronounced as words.  I know the distinction between acronyms and initialisms, I just don't follow it.  I don't know why.

Because you're a rebel damn it!


Heading out to do some errands today brought to mind 2 peeves. 


#1:  At CVS now whenever they give you a bag, it comes preloaded with some flyer or another - maybe for DirectTV.  If you get 2 bags, you get 2 flyers, 3 bags, 3 flyers...I don't want any of the flyers and repeatedly having to deal with it when I get home makes me swear to never get DirectTV and swear at CVS.  You get punished if you don't bring your own bags.


#2: While out I got a call originating from an area code I have friends in.  I automatically hit redial when I got parked thinking it was my friend who I was expecting to hear from.  I get a message that the number is no longer in service or has been changed.  How did this happen 5 minutes after it called me?  Then I checked my phone log and saw it was annoying telemarketer who had called from that same number before (and no, I do not want to replace all or some of the windows in my house at a very attractive rate and with financing options).  Bastards.

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I hate this expression, or the short form "anal". 

It's crass, and I usually have no problem with crass, but this is just tasteless.

Being particular, or attentive to detail, has nothing to do with one's ass. They are admirable qualities.

Freud might disagree.


I hate when people use actual medical or psychological conditions to describe a minor annoying behavior they may have. You're not totally OCD, you hang up your clothes and wash your dishes. Stop patting yourself on the back.


Speaking of acronyms, are we so lazy that we can't even manage to write Happy Birthday anymore? I'm not sure "HB," or "HBD" on Facebook is worse. Why bother?

Edited by JinNashville
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Speaking of acronyms, are we so lazy that we can't even manage to write Happy Birthday anymore? I'm not sure "HB," or "HBD" on Facebook is worse. Why bother?




About, "tbh", "Ikr",  or using "lol" as punctuation?


There is someone who ends every single sentence with lol, as if it's an acceptable substitute for a period.


It took me forever to figure out that 'tbh' is To be honest, and 'ikr' is I know, right?


I swear, sometimes I think I need a cheat sheet when I'm reading work emails. WORK!  As well as comments on message boards.  And one of the reasons I SO miss TWoP.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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I hate when people use actual medical or psychological conditions to describe a minor annoying behavior they may have. You're not totally OCD, you hang up your clothes and wash your dishes. Stop patting yourself on the back.


You mean the way every poorly behaved child "must be autistic" and every adult who is a little odd "must have Aspergers"? 

Sometimes kids are just brats and it's not a medical condition.  Sometimes adults are just weird, and it's not a medical condition.

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Another pet peeve is people who don't use periods. I refuse to read anything typed by someone who is too lazy to use a period. Not using capital letters at the beginning of a sentence annoys me, but I can at least make sense of it all. I get all twitchy and homicidal when no periods are used though.

Edited by bubbls
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When I was little, I wanted to be Harriet the Spy. I liked the book, but I was in love with Michelle Tratchenberg's character's style and the way she spoke. [As I've grown up, I'm very much like Harriet (but sadly not as adorable). I mean it more as what happens to her, her personality, and her relationships].

Anyway, she makes really big fat periods in her notebook. I admired it. If I hold pencils or crayons, they generally snap in two unless I'm very gentle. And...then no one can see my periods.

And, right now I'm watching it again on Netflix.

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When I was little, I wanted to be Harriet the Spy. I liked the book, but I was in love with Michelle Tratchenberg's character's style and the way she spoke.


I loved that book so much as a child that I refused to see the movie when it came out; not just because I was far too old for it by then, but because I knew it would never, ever live up to my vision of a book I'd read over and over for so many years.  A friend and I would "play" Harriet the Spy, snooping on observing neighbors and writing down what we saw.  I'd be so pissed if I found some kid doing the same to me, but we didn't think of these things then.  And I wanted a dumbwaiter so bad.

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Oh I didn't mean to correct you! That wasn't what I meant. Just for me, I think all news channels don't report straight news anymore. I understand that Fox News stands out like that for a lot of people. But I don't watch Fox for news. Well I do when national news breaks. But I don't stay tuned to the tv all day for news from them. I love The Five, occasionally watch Megan. If I were a career girl, I would be Megan. I am going to watch Greg Gutfeld's new show airing this month. But I watch them for debates about politics, not so much news.

It makes me sad & frustrated that my local news stations bend with the wind & don't just report, but at least our local news is generally lightweight because of where I live. It is sort of silly to hear stories about cows being on the highway, but I think it's a lesser pet peeve of mine than non-stop coverage of the possibility of snow in winter. I love the idea you mentioned, that if you wanted to be a career women you would be Megan. In theory I would echo the statement, but in reality I'm just not driven in that same way. I used to watch The Five all the time but it's hard to find the time right now. I enjoyed the good-natured back & forth & coveted Kimberly's shoes. Edited by ramble
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I meant to respond to this earlier when I discovered this thread, because These two are HUGE peeves of mine. Especially the first. What gets me about people who post to boards and yes, even in emails at work, is that they think it's perfectly acceptable to type as if they're texting, or to use Twitter handles. It drives me nuts. Or when they know they've been misspelling a word, but don't care, and admit they don't care, and continue to misspell; be it a name of someone, or the "your" when it should be "you're."

Here are a few that drive me to pull my hair: "Could of" when clearly it's "Could have."

"Should of" (please see above).

"I hope Her and (character) will be happy." Argh. Remove "and" along with the character's name, and the sentence is wrong. I mean, does anyone say "I hope her will be happy with the decision she's made..."? Or even Him? It should be She or He. Unless the rules of grammar have changed. I see this SO much.

Or not spelling out words; like "legit' when one means legitimately. "spec", "probs", etc. Just smacks of laziness to me as does the naming of two people into one word; I believe it's referred to as portmanteau? Whatever. It's lazy, and I spend more time trying to figure who the hell is being discussed since different people have different portmanteaus for couples. Or hiding behind characters. Using $&*% when you mean "shit" or "fuck." Just own it and spell out the words or use golly, gee and darned, if cussing makes you uncomfortable.

And then there's the whole using ACRONYMS instead of words--MOB (Mother of the Bride); FOB (Father of the Bride), MOH (Maid or Matron of Honor), in books. Drives me batty.

Now granted, I make up spelling of certain words because I'm super excited or enraged, or pretend to "talk" with an "accent" but that's not the same thing. I try to make sure I spell correctly and when I type, that it's gramatically correct. Okay, is grammatically a real word? I'm getting the red squiggle that tells me it's wrong. And when I'm corrected, I go and fix it.

Yes, I'm anal retentive. To the point where when I'm reading, if the author changes eye or hair color of a character in a series, or hell, even in the same damn book, it annoys me, and makes me wonder if the copy editor actually read the book or just skimmed.

I agree with every word you wrote.

Could OF bugs the hell out of me. The acronyms/abbreviations are insane. I hate the DH for DS crap. Just type husband or son.

Another thing I hate is what I call "apostrophe abuse". People who think that any word that ends with an S needs an apostrophe. "I dropped my kids off at their friend's house" is correct. "I took my kid's to the park" is incorrect.

I learned all of this, along with the proper usage of your and you're in third grade.

People who think lose is spelled loose are annoying as well.

And I'm sure as I bitched about other grammar mistakes I made many of my own. I hate when that happens!

We live on a few acres in the hills and always have bugs, lizards and snakes. Those don't bother me much. I was a tom boy with 2 brothers so reptiles and bugs are ok.

It's the spiders. Holy shit the spiders up here are the size of my hand. I keep cans of spider spray all over the house. Any other insect gets put outside but spiders must die.

Potato bugs are bad too. I was emptying the laundry hamper once and felt something hard in my husbands shirt pocket. I reached in and pulled it out, it was a potato bug. I screamed and threw it across the room. Then I had to go hunting for it to put it outside.

Edited by Maharincess
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Another thing I hate is what I call "apostrophe abuse". People who think that any word that ends with an S needs an apostrophe. "I dropped my kids off at their friend's house" is correct. "I took my kid's to the park" is incorrect.

I learned all of this, along with the proper usage of your and you're in third grade.

People who think lose is spelled loose are annoying as well.

And I'm sure as I bitched about other grammar mistakes I made many of my own. I hate when that happens!

YES! The misuse of apostrophes drive me crazy as well. I want to yell through my computer--Get thee to a book store and buy Eats, Shoots, Leaves please!


And not capitalizing drives me nuts. I can't be bothered with those that don't bother to use their shift key.  Or the run on long sentences, with NO punctuation.  It makes it so difficult sometimes to understand what I'm reading.


Okay, I'll shut up now.


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Harsh dressing room lighting. Do my legs look that horrendous? Oh well :)

Agree and I actually think it is bad for business.  Also, some make you look heavier.  You really have to try on the clothes because it seems many sizes are not true to form.  I can't be going to the store to return things and I do have a couple of things in my closet that I hope will fit someday.

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But I agree, I don't understand people who do not use periods. What are they trying to accomplish?



They are hoping to accomplish being the absolute laziest person on the face of the earth. Seriously, no idea, don't get it at all. I don't think I'm the only one though as I've noticed on forums those period-nonusers rarely get responded to. I assume everyone else doesn't bother trying to decipher either.

Edited by bubbls
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Another thing I hate is what I call "apostrophe abuse". People who think that any word that ends with an S needs an apostrophe. "I dropped my kids off at their friend's house" is correct. "I took my kid's to the park" is incorrect.

Or as my husband says, "An apostrophe does not mean here comes an S."

Terry Pratchett had two characters who were greengrocers who spoke with extra apostrophes before and after S's (that looks wrong no matter what I do, but I think it is right) -- even in the middle of words. In looking it up, I discovered that the apostophe used incorrectly in plurals is called the greengrocer's apostrophe.

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They are hoping to accomplish being the absolute laziest person on the face of the earth. Seriously, no idea, don't get it at all. I don't think I'm the only one though as I've noticed on forums those period-nonusers rarely get responded to. I assume everyone else doesn't bother trying to decipher either.

Maybe to appear too cool for school?

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Is it from twitter or where ever that you have a character limit?  In days of yore, texting was limited to 160 (?) characters so you had to get creative.


As much as the lack of punctuation bugs (the punctuhaters*), I also hate the over punctuator - sentences that end in multiple ! or ?.


*With apologizes to those who hate combined words (I know there is a term but I refuse to learn it).


Back in the early 80s, my friend started calling an annoying girl* who we were in a club with PITA for pain in the ass.  We thought we were so so cool.  And when it became internet slang I was annoyed it had been co-opted. 


* By virtue of asking a thousand questions about whatever had just been explained and for having a warddrobe that was 90% purple.  We were in high school, and while not generally snotty and bitchy, we had our moments.

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My pet peeve is loud chewing. People who chew ice in particular but any loud chewing makes me cringe. It can be in person or even just on TV bit I can't stand to listen to it.

Chewing while talking on the phone. Aaargh. My mother-in-law does this all the time. As if she doesn't drive me bonkers already. :)

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Is it from twitter or where ever that you have a character limit?  In days of yore, texting was limited to 160 (?) characters so you had to get creative.


As much as the lack of punctuation bugs (the punctuhaters*), I also hate the over punctuator - sentences that end in multiple ! or ?.

Yes, Twitter has I think 140 character limit; I can't remember about texts, but I never have gotten creative--always spell out everything. This is because I always got the unlimited data for a flat fee, so I wasn't charged for going over x number of characters or texts.


I'm guilty of the second part. BUT, in my defense, I only do it when I'm happy about something that happened in a show, or angry. I don't use multiple punctuation marks for every single sentence I type.


Example: Hey There, DeLurker!!!!!!! So nice to see you here!!!!


Now that I've said my hellos and demonstrated my excitement to see a fellow poster I "know" from other shows/threads, I won't accentuate future posts with multiple exclamation points.



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Chewing while talking on the phone. Aaargh. My mother-in-law does this all the time. As if she doesn't drive me bonkers already. :)

Going into a public washroom and overhearing someone having a chit chat in the stall squicks me out.  Who the hell are you talking to that you can't call back?  What do they think when they hear a flush?  I love imaging they are one some all important conference call and on a speaker phone.


I'd probably find myself offending my own over punctuating peeve if I perused my various postings...dang!


Count me in as a Harriet the Spy fan.  I couldn't see the movie because I was afraid it wouldn't live up to a beloved book.

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I still have the copy of Harriet of the Spy I read when I was 8.   It was a long time ago, long before the movie.  Even if I were in the right age group to see the movie, I wouldn't.

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 Just own it and spell out the words or use golly, gee and darned, if cussing makes you  uncomfortable.                       

I use the word "smoke" myself! I think that's a very useful euphemism.

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My tenth grade English teacher broke me from not dotting i's. She took off half a point for every i that was not dotted. Which was all of them. I failed that grading period just because of that paper. This was back when you had to write long hand with a pen. Back in the early 80's. But I agree, I don't understand people who do not use periods. What are they trying to accomplish? 


I had an English teacher who took off points if we pronounced the "t" in the word "often." I was so paranoid about it back then that now it irks me to hear it pronounced. It may be acceptable to pronounce the "t", I don't know, but she has scarred me for life.


Also, I realize that my new pet peeve is starlets who pose on the red carpet and stand there with their legs crossed. It looks like they need to pee and are doing their best to hold it in until they can make to the loo. At least that's what I do when I need to pee. Why do they do that?

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What were the teacher's thoughts about pronouncing Wednesday?

My knees would look fat if I posed like that. I have small joints so fatty bits around my knees and elbows. :0

Or February!

Regarding the crossed leg pose, I did this in front of my full length mirror. I am only 5'2" but it looked like I was trying to keep my bladder in place.

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(Apologies to the person who is offended by words in lieu of emoticons.)

This made me LOL. Okay, to be honest I grinned & sort of huffed. We all have our oddities & pet peeves so I'm sure I'm bugging some one on some level most of the time. I tend to overuse exclamation points & commas in casual communication. I know I do. I tried to stop for a short time & realized I didn't enjoy the communication as much so I decided frell that & went back to my wicked ways.

Frell. Yes I do that annoying thing of substituting false curse words. I got in the habit when my kids were young & I was having to break the habit of true cursing. Now I need to break the alternative usage because they're old enough to know exactly what I mean. I never heard my mom use a curse word until I was in my 40s. My kids heard me before they turned 10. Sigh. I disappoint myself sometimes.

Speaking of tattoos, I got my first one after 40. I had wanted it since I was 17. My parents were (& are still) appalled. My second one appalled them even more for a short time because you can see it easily. They've adjusted in their own way, but still are not thrilled with my choice.

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I am exact opposite when it comes to grammar.  Maybe because I have a learning disability or because I first posted with people who English was not their first language.  My biggest pet peeve with the grammar police is when someone makes a really interesting post and all they get out of it is they used the wrong your/you're .  That honestly drives me crazy.

   My grandmother who passed away last year at 90 years old called people PIA's as long as I can remember.    Honestly I thought she made that up LOL

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I think Eats, Shoots & Leaves is fabulous, as is the "blog" of "unnecessary" quotation marks.


Oh my goodness. When I first saw this, I thought it said you thought Eats, Shoots & Leaves was a blog of unnecessary punctuation marks! Had to read it twice.


Speaking of piercings, I remember years ago, being looked at in horror and revulsion when my classmates saw that I had gotten my nose pierced. I was in elementary school. For me (I'm East Indian), it was and is a cultural thing. Nothing to do with rebelling or trying to be different. But now? How kewl! And the more body piercings, the better, which, no. Just no. It pains me when I see someone with their lip or tongue pierced.

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I'll classify this as a peeve unless someone tells me I don't know of which I write...lately when I have been watching morning news programs that have a section on entertainment, they will be discussing a tv program that just aired - maybe the night before or over the prior day or two.  They will say "No spoilers" or give a "spoiler" warning so you don't have to here hear if you have not yet seen the program.


I thought if the program had already aired at the regular time, plot points were no longer considered spoilers. 


Am I misunderstanding what this term means or the allowed grace period people have for watching and still being in the spoiler etiquette zone?

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I don't know what the grace period is. I watch the majority of my content online, so it might take me a week to catch up with the latest episodes. Most aren't even online until 24 hours after they've aired on television, so I think that two days at least should be a given, but I'm no authority figure. I generally don't follow entertainment "news", and I don't really "do" social media, but I've been spoiled on this site reading about something totally different from the show I watch. I feel like I'm walking on land mines all the time because I hate being spoiled!

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I'll classify this as a peeve unless someone tells me I don't know of which I write...lately when I have been watching morning news programs that have a section on entertainment, they will be discussing a tv program that just aired - maybe the night before or over the prior day or two.  They will say "No spoilers" or give a "spoiler" warning so you don't have to here hear if you have not yet seen the program.


I thought if the program had already aired at the regular time, plot points were no longer considered spoilers. 


Am I misunderstanding what this term means or the allowed grace period people have for watching and still being in the spoiler etiquette zone?

Now, with as many channels and other media outlets, and people cutting the cord, I'd give it a couple days before I would stop giving a spoiler warning.


That being said, I'm overly generous with spoiler etiquette. If you say you haven't seen something from 20 years ago, I won't spoil it. Perhaps you weren't born. Maybe you were busy earning a degree. I see no need to be a dick just because. I have friends who live post about shows on social media. I do it too, but I'm always vague with what I say. At least be considerate of timezone issues! That's why I appreciate being able to discuss here if I can't discuss a show with someone in person.

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