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S07.E01: Zoey Makes 4

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I do not worship anyone.

I do greatly admire people who ignore naysayers and live full lives despite physical limitations. I know of one deaf Dr. in Houston (there was a show on her) and no one says "well how does she hear this or that..."

I get you do not like them and that is fine but never under-estimate disabled people and their ability to kick ass.

edited to fix tenses

Edited by Jellybeans
  • Love 6


Does worshipping her make you all feel invincible?  I know; silly me!  Expecting reality from reality TV.  But I do feel they were genuinely human at one time and, therefore, genuinely interesting.  Now it's like "super little hero" hour.  Yawn!

I wouldn't say "worship," its more like "respect."  And no, I don't think we feel "invincible" but I do feel better about myself than I would if I was just trying too hard to be a "mean girl." But you go ahead, apparently every board needs one or two. 

  • Love 4

Okay, folks. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Let's keep in mind The Social Contract, and move on.

I do have a question about this. Can you clarify what you mean by pretending you're at a party? As an advocate for those with disabilities and grief issues I do speak up...at parties or in general conversation if someone says something inappropriate.

Thank you.

  • Love 3

We are trying to keep this place friendly and cordial with lively discussion (i.e., "party"), and I'm not seeing it here in this thread.

There's no need to come to a consensus, but some of the disagreements here have taken on an air of disdain if not hostility. If you have a strongly held opinion, state it as coming from you, not as directed at someone else who disagrees with you. In other words, "I think/feel/etc." without the implied "and you're wrong/foolish/etc." that's in this thread.


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If you google "adoptees food obsession" you will find hundreds of accounts from new parents dealing with their adopted children's eating issues. It's a common problem tied to food insecurity at an early age. Bill and Jen didn't cause this and, from what I can gather, food restriction isn't advised. This is a problem that takes years to overcome (and at least one parent that I've read related that their child still has food issues into adulthood). New Day seems like a wonderful orphanage, but Will was brought to them starving so the trauma occurred prior to them. I don't know Zoe's background but seeing as her orphanage was run by volunteers and she's missing teeth, I would guess that all her nutritional needs were not met.

Two of our children, two daughters, were adopted from a large foster family. They also had eating issues though some were related to manner of eating. One was 19 months when she came, and she had clearly never been allowed to feed herself. It took a while for her to get into the habit of picking up even finger food and bringing it to her mouth. Both are quite healthy young professional women now. Neither has had problems with any sort of eating disorder as teens or adults. Granted, we probably got lucky on some of this.

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New Day seems like a wonderful orphanage, but Will was brought to them starving so the trauma occurred prior to them.  


Will was 3.5 months old when he arrived at New Day and weighed 6.4lbs as per:  http://www.newdaycreations.com/foster/children/josiah10.htm


It is hard to believe his eating issues would have happened so early in his life as he never looked thin throughout the almost 3 years he was with New Day in the photos.  I think Will just happens to be a kid who LOVES food and is becoming addicted to the North American style of eating.  They will have to be very careful with not only what he eats but how much to help him with his weight and more importantly his apnea.  He had his adenoids and tonsils removed but he still sleeps with a CPAP as we see them packing it for trips so it has not helped him enough to be taken off the machine.  So the next thing is his weight.  I sure hope they can figure out how to satisfy him without just giving him what he wants.  They are paying the piper now for rewarding him with certain types of food.  Would Will have really known the difference between an egg and toast versus a huge hamburger or sliders and fries/onion rings with ketchup?  Bill and Jen could eat better too and be role models for the kids and I am sure the extra weight Bill is carrying is not helping his back.     

If Will was hoarding or hiding food for later then I would buy he was deprived of food at some point but he is not.  He also seems to eat until he is full which is good.  At least that time at the dinner table when he was feeding the dogs he seemed like he was full because now he wanted to play and act up with Jen and her scolding face while he acted out with dropping chicken for the dogs.  That meal he had eaten some chicken and broccoli and of course all of his rice (as expected, that is a diet staple in China)  Jen kept asking him if he was done too and he wasn't asking for cake or dessert after that meal so I guess they started cake later as according to Jen Will was used to getting cake after a meal.  

Edited by jodo

The average 3 month old weighs between 10-17 pounds so 6.4 pounds is very small.  However, we don't know if he was full term or a preemie, how much he weighed at birth or the kind of care he had prior to arriving at the foster care home.  It does seem that, at 6.4 pounds, he had failure to thrive as a very young infant.   I don't think the CDC growth charts used by pediatricians take into account a "little person,"  so its difficult to ascertain what Will "should" weigh.  Whether Will may or may not have had food trauma/issues prior to being adopted will surface as time goes by but I'm sure his pediatrician will keep the Kleins in the loop about how much Will should weigh for his height and body type.  

  • Love 1

Well, Will IS a dwarf, so I would expect him to be much smaller than an average-sized child of three months...  He never looked thin, malnourished, or deprived in any of his old photos or videos...  He always appeared very happy, healthy, and well cared for in China...  However, I doubt if he's "morbidly obese" even now, despite all of Niah-niah's cookies and chocolates.  Wonder why he needs the C-pap?

Edited by all4mom

Again, I wouldn't be surprised to learn that it's another form of dwarfism in Zoey's case; not primordial (because they have distinct facial features as well as, I think, some intellectual impairment, which Zoey clear does not), but perhaps the type that afflicted Tom Thumb and his wife...  They were simply miniature -- albeit normally formed and developed -- people.

Edited by all4mom

Oh why is the UK so far behind!!  Season 6 airs for the first time here this coming Monday so am looking forward to seeing for myself what you all have been talking about on this thread.


It's "Downtown Abbey" in reverse - LOL!  I know American women who virtually foam at the mouth each year waiting for DA to start - and knowing folks in the UK have already seen it.  The country where the program originates is always ahead of the game, even if just a little... :>)

  • Love 2

It's "Downtown Abbey" in reverse - LOL!  I know American women who virtually foam at the mouth each year waiting for DA to start - and knowing folks in the UK have already seen it.  The country where the program originates is always ahead of the game, even if just a little... :>)


And yet Downton is so childishly easy to gain access to!


<looks shifty>


I miss Matthew :(


Welfleet, come to the Downton area! Carson is serving white wine! :)

  • Love 2

Call the Midwife, etc.  Thoroughly enjoying our current season of Downton Abbey.  :)


Zoey was precious with her cries, but still being so cute when being taken from orphanage.  She has changed so much since getting to Texas.  She was like a forlorn infant and now she's a confident pre-schooler. 

Edited by Absolom
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Felt really sorry for Zoey, poor little kid, can you imagine being taken away from the only 'home' and people you know and driven off by strangers, we know she will have a wonderful life with Bill and Jen but she doesn't know that yet.


I thought Will was really good meeting Zoey for the first time, he is a happy little chap.


Got to admit I've never seen Downton Abbey not my thing at all, but love Call the Midwife.

Edited by KateUK
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 discussions naturally encompass topics not limited to just one episode, 

I have found a common thread through all of the episodes... it is food. How much, what quality etc. is analyzed by us because we see the potential for the kids becoming overweight. The solution is for Jen and Bill to model healthy eating and smaller proportions. As soon as the whole family cuts out dessert, sugary snacks, etc. in favour of fruits, vegetables, rice and chicken, the kids and parents will lose weight and become very active. Will will stop demanding items that just don't exist in the Klein household.

  • Love 2

Keep in mind the camera adds weight, so it's hard for us to judge. If you have ever seen a TV or movie star is person they are always smaller than you thought. I remember going to an Oprah show and being amazed how much smaller she was in person than on TV.


I have been watching old episodes from 2009-2010 on another network.  Jen was heavier and even sported a pot belly but she has been tiny for a long time long before the cancer.  Bill was lighter then but is now paunchy or as some men call it "chest slide!"   I noticed Bill and Jen were both eating fries with their take out recently but the kids were shown with something else and that is a good thing for the kids.  Bill will have to be more careful with his food choices as his exercise has been severely compromised.  

  • Love 1

Bill is much heavier than even two years ago when he was trying to be a gym rat. He himself has mentioned his weight being a bad thing. Hopefully with his back being better with surgery, he can get back on track and lose some of it.

It was exercise (while lifting a weight) that caused the back problem. I'm not sure how much exercise he is getting, since his recovery has been very painful. If he's able to tolerate physical therapy now, that should help his recovery. But he - like many of us - will have to watch his diet while he's in this painful condition. 


I try to eat healthily in my everyday life, but splurge on special occasions. Since we mostly see the family during special occasions, that could be the reason why we see them splurging! 

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