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Could you update it with a trans man or woman, I wonder? Like, the landlord would accept a straight man living with two women but not a trans woman, so she passes as a man to keep living there? (If that is offensive, please be frank and tell me; I'm trying to learn more but I'm by no means enlightened as yet.)

Of course they'd never consider casting a trans woman for the part, so it's just as well its not a likely storyline.

Three's Company is going to be rebooted as a movie.  Are we supposed to believe that a straight guy has to pretend to be gay in order to be able to rent a room?



When I first saw this headline, I thought.  Oh cool they are going to do a serious adaptation of the behind the scenes of Three's Company.  The making of, Suzanne Somers leaving, being replaced, etc.  I thought that could be interesting and a great way to show the power dynamics of women in the industry back in the late 70's early 80's. 


Then I realized that no it is just a reboot of the actual storyline of Three's Company, which updated will be what?  A friendship comedy between two women and a man?  Why bother calling it Three's Company?  


Attention writers, if the premise of said original show is not applicable in today's society (man pretending to be gay to live with two women) then please stop trying to cash in on the name when the new movie will bear no resemblance to the plot of the original show.

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The movie will take place in the 70's, so I guess the pretending to be gay concept might make some sense. However, the people watching the film will be seeing it through a 2016 prism and it's hard to imagine the casual homophobic jokes that were a staple of that show landing with anything but a thud. Oh and let's face it, what made that show work when it did was John Ritter, and sadly, he's not walking through the door anytime soon.


Regarding The Girl on the Train, as someone who just finished the novel I gotta say that I'm disappointed they switched the locale from London to New York.The setting was probably my favorite part of the book.

  • Love 2

The movie will take place in the 70's, so I guess the pretending to be gay concept might make some sense. However, the people watching the film will be seeing it through a 2016 prism and it's hard to imagine the casual homophobic jokes that were a staple of that show landing with anything but a thud. Oh and let's face it, what made that show work when it did was John Ritter, and sadly, he's not walking through the door anytime soon.


Yeah, I'm calling it now, this is gonna go over like a fart in an elevator. The premise was fairly dated even back in the seventies, but modern sensibilities won't know how to react except to hate it.

  • Love 3

Yeah, I'm calling it now, this is gonna go over like a fart in an elevator. The premise was fairly dated even back in the seventies, but modern sensibilities won't know how to react except to hate it.

Read: The "All is All" joke that would have worked when Zoolander came out in 2001, but was soundly rejected by 2016 audiences in the sequel.


The premise only really works for people who grew up in a time when co-habituating was considered a bad thing. Nowadays, more people are choosing to have actual families without marrying their spouses.


Of course they'd never consider casting a trans woman for the part, so it's just as well its not a likely storyline.


Knowing Hollywood, they'd cast Jennifer Lawrence or Emma Stone to play the transwoman who dresses up like a man because they have deep voices and then call it a day.

Edited by methodwriter85

In completely inexplicable news, there is a writer for a Borderlands movie, based on the Gearbox game. I've played all three games, many hours, but not for the plots. It's all about shooting things and getting better guns so you can shoot more things and get better guns. Though sometimes you kill them with grenades, punching, or some crazy power. And the writer is Aaron Berg. He's written GI Joe 3 and Section 6. Neither have been produced yet.


So an unproven writer, a source material with minimal plot. A strange move.


The movie will take place in the 70's, so I guess the pretending to be gay concept might make some sense. However, the people watching the film will be seeing it through a 2016 prism and it's hard to imagine the casual homophobic jokes that were a staple of that show landing with anything but a thud. Oh and let's face it, what made that show work when it did was John Ritter, and sadly, he's not walking through the door anytime soon.

What made John Ritter perfect as Jack Tripper was he could act as "randy" to use the British slang as any straight guy could be living with two attractive women but you knew he wouldn't really do anything inappropriate.


Park Chan-wook's The Handmaiden (based on Sarah Waters' Fingersmith):

ETA: Someone mentioned that they edited out the f/f kissing for the South Korean trailer. LOL, I can imagine people going to see the movie because ~~Park Chan-wook~~ and then being taken aback by all the gay. Like when people went to see Carol for Cate Blanchett and had no idea that the movie was about lesbians. 

Edited by galax-arena
19 minutes ago, dusang said:

Is it just me or does the new forum always not show the video title on the embedded video anymore?

It does not, but even the past, it is better to write the title or a description of the video because it can found through search later.

On the up side, the video script is not actually loaded until a user clicks on it; this new format actually helps with loading thread pages faster with lots of video.

  • Love 3

The push for Beauty and the Beast is going to be entirely, "hey millennials, remember this movie? Of course you do! It was only one of the greatest animated films ever made! Remember how incredible the score and the songs were? Now see it all in love action and every inch of it will make you recall how great the cartoon was!"

And everyone will fall for it, because of COURSE we love the cartoon. I think if they're going to do this, they should just do a different version of the fairytale itself, like they pretty much did with Cinderella. There's no way this movie lives up to the original (which as you can see, I'm very protective of), and I hate the idea of a movie existing purely for reasons of milking someone's nostalgia for something that's beloved, and that they can go home and watch instead of a pale imitation of it.

The same thing will happen when do an all CG version of The Lion King, and when they finally figure out how to do The Little Mermaid.

Edited by ruby24

As soon as the Prologue music started playing, I think I peed a little.

The castle certainly looks gorgeous and I can already tell I'm gonna love Ewan McGregor and Ian McKellan as Lumiere and Cogsworth. My only gripe is that it was too short. Also was hoping we'd get a peek of Emma in the gold dress.

3 hours ago, Jazzy24 said:

Tale as old as time :-) I'm beyond excited for this one. I loved their Cinderella remake and I love Emma Watson as a actress so I'm patiently waiting for this. Now they need to do an Aladdin one. 

I love Aladdin, but I don't want a live action one without a Robin Williams.

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