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Memorable Products: As Seen on Shark Tank

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I didn't realize there was a competitor for the Squatty Potty.  I haven't seen that particular segment so what made the Shark(s) decide to invest?   What did the Squatty Potty have that EasyGoPro, et al. didn't? 


I find that most of the products on Shark Tank have competitors out there that rarely get mentioned.  Remember the kit to teach your cat to use the toilet?  My sister had that product in the 80s!  That's one of my gripes with the format.  Stuff that is a reboot or copy of existing products often gets a reception like it's some creative new invention.  I guess it makes the show seem more innovative and the products more desirable.  


I can't speak for the stools but it's also possible that competitors sprang up after the show.  If I had a stool factory, you can bet I'd start cranking out some toilet-hugging ones.  They sell for a nice price premium over any other plastic stool.  

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That's one of my gripes with the format.  Stuff that is a reboot or copy of existing products often gets a reception like it's some creative new invention.  I guess it makes the show seem more innovative and the products more desirable.

I think part of it is that sometimes they do show the sharks asking if they have competitors. So at least in those cases, theoretically, we can assume the people pitching answer honestly. But even if they are honest, it's possible they're crappy enough business-people to not realize they have competition. So they could say they're the only ones, and if the sharks have also never heard of it before, they won't find out until due diligence that all the oohing and aahing over how innovative the thing was, was bullshit. I don't fault the sharks for being impressed if they actually never heard of such a thing. When it gets really interesting is when the sharks have heard of such a thing and smack down the person pitching who insists they have a new and innovative product and they're just wrong. Mind you, sometimes I'm astonished at how common something might be and the sharks act like they're never heard of it before. When they're impressed in those situations my reaction is usually something along the lines of "rich people".

What I guess I mean is, I don't think the sharks are pretending to think products are innovative when they're not, just to make more of the stuff that appears on the show look better. For the amount of time they spend criticizing people for not doing their homework on their own market, I can't imagine they'd want to purposefully look that stupid.

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I think the show does a lot of research on products before putting them on, and is fully aware of competitors and the Sharks are briefed on that and all other relevant aspects.  And the competitors are often either not mentioned or get a brief, "Yes, we have competitors but our's is unique in that..."  Because that benefits the show.  A show about knock-offs and reboots isn't as appealing as one about genuinely new ideas.  Just my opinion.  

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I can't even believe I'm considering the Squatty Potty for my husband... not to get all TMI but he sometimes desperately needs help in this area. Fiber Gummies (not a Shark Tank product as far as I know, yet anyway) have helped but it's not always enough.


I just recently got into this show so I've been trying to watch old episodes and see what happened with the different products. Just for fun thought I'd share some comments on some of the older ones:


- Nubrella - the wearable umbrella - I loved the idea, but seems it didn't really do too well, and based on reviews maybe also didn't work too well. I hate umbrellas enough that I'll usually either just get soaked or wear a raincoat instead, so I had high hopes for this one. As a funny aside, on Amazon this also led me to a pet umbrella that hooks to the leash and looks suspiciously like the dreaded doggie "cone of shame."


- Rapid Ramen Cooker - I saw this on the clearance shelf at the grocery store for $.99 the other day and considered it for about 30 seconds. They also had a slightly different product that fit those Cup-O-Noodle things too for the same clearance price, and looked like maybe a second product from the same inventor. I thought it was a good idea. If anyone bothers to read the instructions those noodle cups aren't technically supposed to go in the microwave, even though people do it all the time, so they could go after the safety aspect.


- Rent A Goat - not a new concept, at all. My Aunt tried it around 30 years ago, but then switched to either owning or renting geese instead - she said they 'mowed' more evenly. It didn't get funded, but was still fun to read about.


- Plate Topper seems like a good idea. I might try that, especially if it's stackable. Stacking stuff wrapped in plastic or foil usually doesn't work out too well.


- PostureNOW - seriously?  If I wanted to use tie down straps to fix my posture and pin my arms to my sides, I'd have done it by now. Surprised they even funded this one.


- Earth Log - didn't even know til now this was a Shark Tank item. I tried one exactly once. I had to throw so much newspaper in there to get the thing to even light, it pretty much defeated the purpose.


- Swim Zip - I bet they have an untapped market they don't even know about, people with sun sensitivity related diseases (i.e. Dermatomyositis). It's a relatively small but probably lucrative market, and seems like a good product.


- Q-Flex looks great but almost identical to the TheraCane (non-ST product), and the TheraCane also seems like it's more versatile.


I'll leave it there for now... fun sharing here and seeing ideas about what's been made, thought of, tried, etc.

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Earth Log - didn't even know til now this was a Shark Tank item. I tried one exactly once. I had to throw so much newspaper in there to get the thing to even light, it pretty much defeated the purpose

I am so glad to know this, as I was interested in getting some of these for my fire pit. I use the Duraflame log, cut in half, to get my fire started, adding wood to the top of it once it gets going.

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I am so glad to know this, as I was interested in getting some of these for my fire pit. I use the Duraflame log, cut in half, to get my fire started, adding wood to the top of it once it gets going.


Yeah... I wouldn't bother. I honestly have as much luck with paper by itself. Granted I've only tried the Earth Log once, because if I'm going to burn money I want it to actually function, so it's possible I got a bad one. They were on half price sale though, so I think they weren't selling too well.


Honestly the best firestarters I've ever used are homemade, a trick I first learned in Brownies/Girl Scouts. 1. Save up dryer lint and paper egg cartons (or paper towel rolls, or toilet paper rolls). 2. Melt some wax in a coffee can.  I generally use the leftovers from mostly used up candles (for jar candles I just set them in hot water first to soften, then dump all the wax in a disposable can set inside of another pan on the stovetop to melt the rest of the way).  You can also buy just straight wax. 3. Pack the lint in the egg carton/cardboard rolls. 4. Pour wax over, and let cool.  Voila - firestarters. They may not be quite as environmentally friendly as the Earth Log, but I figure at least they're using up stuff that was just going to be trashed or recycled anyway.

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The Squatty potty and similar products have been around for years... but there have been a lot of products or service idead that seem so "new and innovative" that have been around for quite awhile...


Like the fake cake thing... bakeries have been doing that for decades, even if they aren't shipping the same fake cakes around... And while Bantam bagels are different in that they are gourmet flavors, there have been stuffed bagel products for a long time (bagelfuls anyone? Which also require the oven and are bite size) So it is always interesting when the sharks have no idea that stuff like that already exists/ happens.


Some of the products I can see- that they've been in business for awhile and are looking for a boost and some help to reach even more people... but some of the ideas are just plain strange.

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I have to say, I am glad I watched the Squatty Potty segment - I didn't even know there were such products, or that they actually make anatomical sense.  Now, I just can't decide between the Sqatty Potty and the EasyGoPro.


I totally loved the Lumio and was going to buy one, until I realized that there is really very little I could use it for.  I still might get one, just to sit and open it repeatedly, to put myself in a good mood.

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Ha.. while researching the Squatty Potty I saw there's yet another similar product, the "Step & Go."   Saw a couple of others too, although the EasyGo and Step & Go seemed the most similar. Who knew there was such demand for this product?  (and yet, it's one of the few I've seen on here that I'm considering buying)

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I get a daily workout email that's target towards people who don't have a lot of free time.  Sometimes they include advertising.  This morning's had an ad for a cricket-based protein bar that's not Chapul, the one that was pitched and received a deal (from Daymond?) a season or two ago.  I didn't think there would be a lot of players in that space, but shows you what I know.


Which lead me to Amazon to order some Chapul.  I remember being curious about them when they were featured, They're freaking expensive, so they damned well be better than the Special K protein bars I usually buy.

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Which lead me to Amazon to order some Chapul.  I remember being curious about them when they were featured, They're freaking expensive, so they damned well be better than the Special K protein bars I usually buy.


Yikes, Starri! I'm totally phobic about bugs and could never. Let us know, even though it will give me shivers just reading about it.

Edited by lordonia
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We received our Bottle Breachers last week.  Very nice!  My husband really likes them.  They work well - the design is great and comfortably and easily opens the bottle.  The engraving looks sharp.  We had hoped to glue a magnet to it to store it on the fridge, but it is quite heavy and being cylindrical it has proven to be difficult to get a strong enough magnet that you can secure on there.  So in the drawer it goes for now.  Still, very nice!

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I am watching the episode now with the Fun Cakes (rented fake cakes) and I'm surprised that only Barbara saw the potential in this for brides on a budget.  Maybe I see it differently because the cakes, to me, aren't where I would want to spend so much money.  And was Lori really surprised to hear that three tier cakes can be $1200?  I do agree with the Sharks that the entrepreneurs need help running their business - - with an appearance on a morning show, they should be doing more business.

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Anything related to a wedding is expensive. They know that brides will choose things with emotion, not a clear head toward sticking to a budget. I do private catering now and then, and anytime it was involving a wedding/engagement, they all said "Just give me this, this, this and this, I don't care what it costs!" And they tip generously, too. I also used to do wedding cakes, and it really didn't matter what I charged, they'd pay it.

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I get a daily workout email that's target towards people who don't have a lot of free time.  Sometimes they include advertising.  This morning's had an ad for a cricket-based protein bar that's not Chapul, the one that was pitched and received a deal (from Daymond?) a season or two ago.  I didn't think there would be a lot of players in that space, but shows you what I know.


Which lead me to Amazon to order some Chapul.  I remember being curious about them when they were featured, They're freaking expensive, so they damned well be better than the Special K protein bars I usually buy.


I'm a big Food Network watcher and have noticed that crickets seem to be the new"in" thing - cricket candy, snacks, ground up into flour, etc. The last fair I went to even had a food truck selling chocolate covered crickets. I actually considered trying it in flour form, until I found out that people who are allergic to shrimp (like I am) are generally highly allergic to crickets as well. Hopefully there's some kind of warning on the packaging.

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I am watching the episode now with the Fun Cakes (rented fake cakes) and I'm surprised that only Barbara saw the potential in this for brides on a budget.  Maybe I see it differently because the cakes, to me, aren't where I would want to spend so much money.  And was Lori really surprised to hear that three tier cakes can be $1200?  I do agree with the Sharks that the entrepreneurs need help running their business - - with an appearance on a morning show, they should be doing more business.



The thing with the cakes is that most bakers will do the fake cake or foam layers to get a bigger cake already... so having to send away for it and it come in the mail with twinkies jammed in a section of it is just extra work and hassle.


Just about any bakery that does wedding cakes likely already does this for their display cakes and I'm sure would have no problem creating a nice looking cake while still serving sheet cakes from the kitchen to save money. This has been happening for a long time already... so that's what makes it such a bad idea as a business.

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Yes, we bought a squatty potty, partly as a fun family joke. And we have had mixed, er, success. It isn't comfortable to have my knees up that high. Not sure I can "go" there (rimshot).

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Here's my question -- if the 35 degree angle is what's so important according to the Squatty people, why can't one simply leave one's feet on the floor and bend one's torso forward to achieve that same angle?


I tend towards the "can't stop" type of alimentary tract rather than "can't go", so am ill suited to testing the theory myself.

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It's a different angle.  Sit straight and lift your knees up.  Versus feet flat on the floor and leaning forward.   Difficulty going isn't an issue I have but I do wonder if the stools would work for everyone of every height.

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Here's my question -- if the 35 degree angle is what's so important according to the Squatty people, why can't one simply leave one's feet on the floor and bend one's torso forward to achieve that same angle?


Since I am the one who cleans the toilets in the house, I can say I'd way rather have someone on the Squatty than have them try the lean forward approach. I'm also short and doubt I could even use the thing though. Still think my husband might like it. but I can't decide if he'd like it or be irritated I wasted the $$.

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So, Chapul is not terrible.  It's slightly better tasting than a Power Bar, although I got very nervous before I took the first bite.  The ones that I ordered had a slightly gritty texture, which I know is more likely to be from the peanuts and the flax seed, but I could stop my mind from going to the crickets as being the reason, and I just felt like I was crunching on spindly little cricket legs.  I think I could get over the ick factor fairly quickly, and the flavor isn't bad.  They have three different flavors: Aztec (dark chocolate, coffee, and cayenne), Chaco (peanut butter and chocolate), and Thai (Coconut, Ginger, and Lime).  There were only really choices when I bought them of a three-bar sampler pack or a three-pack of Chaco, so I opted for the latter because I can't stand coconut, even if I think the Aztec flavor is more my speed.


The one thing, aside from the price, that would keep me from giving them repeat business, is that there's an awful lot of sugar in each bar and not a great amount of protein, which I remembered too late was the reason why I held off on trying them in the first place.

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I've had my Squatty Potty for two weeks and love it. It's everything they promised. It's helped me with regularity and the experience is "easier". I'm 5'1" and it isn't awkward or uncomfortable. Mr Angeltoes, who is 6' and regular as the sunrise, didn't notice any difference. And may I say, the honeymoon is over when a couple discusses the pros and cons of a potty tool.

Edited by Angeltoes
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Since I am the one who cleans the toilets in the house, I can say I'd way rather have someone on the Squatty than have them try the lean forward approach. I'm also short and doubt I could even use the thing though. Still think my husband might like it. but I can't decide if he'd like it or be irritated I wasted the $$.

EasyGoPro says is has a money back guarantee.  I'm 5'4" and still like it.  I find my heels shoot up there for all toilet tasks now.  It just feels like everything is faster and more right. 


I remember reading books about giving birth and those naturalists talk about how we were made to birth squatting.  Also, yoga books talk about how we are more evolved to squat than to sit, just overall.  Sitting in a typical chair is an unnatural position, not great for our backs or hips.  I sit all day but I guess I'm predisposed to believing what they say about squatting positions generally being more natural.  Look at how toddlers sit, or people in India.  

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Has anyone tried the Define bottle?  I watched that segment this morning and I loved the 15 year old inventor - - Carter? 


I wouldn't mind using the bottle - - I get tired of plain water and I'm not a huge fruit eater although I do like the flavor of certain fruits.  I did see where some Amazon customers mentioned having a problem with leaking, maybe where the seals are? 

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EasyGoPro says is has a money back guarantee.  I'm 5'4" and still like it.  I find my heels shoot up there for all toilet tasks now.  It just feels like everything is faster and more right. 


I remember reading books about giving birth and those naturalists talk about how we were made to birth squatting.  Also, yoga books talk about how we are more evolved to squat than to sit, just overall.  Sitting in a typical chair is an unnatural position, not great for our backs or hips.  I sit all day but I guess I'm predisposed to believing what they say about squatting positions generally being more natural.  Look at how toddlers sit, or people in India.  

I wonder if it would be good for an office chair.  I'm tall and usually have to get up and walk after a while because it's uncomfortable.

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Face Blok - the non hospital grade mask with designs  I love it when Daymond wears his as a bonnet.  The 'inventor' reminded me of Nadia Comaneci a bit.  She was so sweaty.  I actually thought it was a cute novelty idea that would find a niche market if she got it up to grade.

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I just watched a very old episode with a couple of immigrant brothers with a daily journal therapy website that they think Aetna wanted in on. So with that in mind, Robert and Kevin took them on a 51% deal. I cannot remember the name of the thing but wondered how it panned out and if they were successful or not.

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- Rapid Ramen Cooker - I saw this on the clearance shelf at the grocery store for $.99 the other day and considered it for about 30 seconds. 

I have one of these courtesy of a store that had a $5 off coupon, and charged $5 for it.  "Free" is cheaper than 99 cents, I guess.  It actually DOES work.  The downside is if you intend on making the ramen as a soup rather than just wanting the noodles.  When you boil ramen, the hot water you boil it in becomes the soup base.  When you use the rapid cooker, you use only a small bit of water, and even half of that evaporates during the process.  So you are left with perfectly cooked ramen noodles... and a bit of cloudy water you wouldn't want to consume anyway (because there's less water, the gluten that comes off the noodles when you cook them is much thicker, so you have to pour even that little bit of water out).

Edited by Kromm
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That's good to know, Kromm, because I had debated about buying one. But I like mine soupy, especially on cold winter days like we have now. I add my own stuff to it, of course, and if there's no juice it wouldn't taste as good.

In theory you could use other water, as long as you heat it.  But that kind of defeats the purpose of using the quick cooker, since the time to boil water is the main thing that makes the traditional method slower.  It's rapid, because the container is shaped and sized exactly the same as the standard ramen brick, so there's very little water, thus it boils in the microwave in about 90 seconds (then the following 2 1/2 minutes or so is the actual cooking time of the noodles).


But yeah, using the ramen for soup, and cooking it all together, you add all kinds of actual vegetables, in that pot I imagine, and instead of the dopey powder (or maybe using only a tiny bit of it) I bet fresher spices, hoisin, chili sauce, maybe an egg, etc.

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I have one of these courtesy of a store that had a $5 off coupon, and charged $5 for it.  "Free" is cheaper than 99 cents, I guess.  It actually DOES work.  The downside is if you intend on making the ramen as a soup rather than just wanting the noodles.  When you boil ramen, the hot water you boil it in becomes the soup base.  When you use the rapid cooker, you use only a small bit of water, and even half of that evaporates during the process.  So you are left with perfectly cooked ramen noodles... and a bit of cloudy water you wouldn't want to consume anyway (because there's less water, the gluten that comes off the noodles when you cook them is much thicker, so you have to pour even that little bit of water out).


Nice, free's good if you're going to try one of these out!  Thanks for the review. I usually end up draining off most of the water anyway, but only after I've put whatever else I'm going to put in it (veggies, egg, etc.) and then I add seasoning back in after draining, so sounds like this wouldn't save much time or effort - although it'd generate one more dish to wash. Glad I didn't waste my hard earned $.99 lol.

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I just watched the epi with Billy Blanks, Jr. on it and damn if I didn't get teary.  Anyhow . . . I bought a few of his exercise DVDs on Amazon.


Has anyone tried them?  I need to tone up and while I'm not much for basic exercise, the dancing looked fun and I loved his personality.

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I bought the Spatty. I use them too! They are handy and solve a problem. 


My most memorable Shark Tank item was the guy trying to sell this weather machine that he'd build in the ocean. It was so far out there I barely grasped the concept. Still think about it though. 

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 My most memorable Shark Tank item was the guy trying to sell this weather machine that he'd build in the ocean. It was so far out there I barely grasped the concept. Still think about it though. 

It converted ocean water into gold!  It looked like a Monty Python invention.

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My dad bought me a pair of Happy Feet (big slippers, I think they had shark ones they were walking around in on the show). I thought they were a shockingly dumb gift until I put them on. I'm on my fourth pair now and that's because I wear them all winter until I wear through the one inch foam (it takes hundreds of hours to wear through them, they are well made). They look stupid but they make your feet super hot and feel like clouds. I get them on Amazon, logoed for my favorite sports teams in the shape of giant sneakers.


Edited by AndreaK1041
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Instead of buying chocolate from the grocery store for valentine's day for my teenaged kids I ordered Chocomize. I was able to customize the type of chocolate and the add-ins plus name them each. They seemed to really like them and shipping was fast. Didn't even have a chance to try them. I think I paid $6-8 a piece.

Just an aside-does anyone know if shark tank on ABC and shark tank of CNBC film at the same time? I'm confused about the schedule. It seems like on PTV it is the ABC show that is being discussed. Thanks!!

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The Shark Tank on CNBC are reruns of the earlier seasons of Shark Tank, so not new episodes.  I actually love watching the episodes on CNBC as I have forgotten so many of the products that I like seeing them again.  Those episodes also make me wish there were updates on all of the investments that the Sharks have made.  I would really like to know what has made money and what has failed.

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Thanks, cooksdelight.


Interesting that 4 of the top 8 products are Lori's. She doesn't get under my skin the way she does some others, but you have to admit she has an eye for crap that will sell to the masses. Really, she has 4 of the top 7 deals since one of the top sellers -- Bouqs-- left without an offer.) None of Kevin's deals are in the upper echelon, heh.

Edited by lordonia
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The only one on that list that I own Mission Belt.  Which is great, so no complaints.


I wonder how they're calculating the winners and losers.  Because with the rate Tom + Chee seems to be expanding, it surprises me that it's not up there.

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"Mark (the presenter, not Cuban), how long are you visiting Earth?"

The gold dude is on! Sucking the ocean water into a vortex and out pops gold bars! LMAO!!!

"I don't know what the hell you're talking about or what that is, I'm out." -- Damon, who's about to lose it and laugh out loud.

He also invented the artifical heart, writes music, designs clothing, sews leather and ladies skirts, and handbags. I am peeing my pants and rolling on the floor!!

"There's literally a fine line between being an inventor and being crazy. Are you crazy?" -- Damon

"Do you drink? Maybe you should." -- Kevin

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