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S30: Spoilers


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 I'm just hoping that what we've seen so far sets up an underdog final 4: Jenn's been targeted twice and escaped, yet is really the only good mastermind out there right now; Joe is a huge challenge threat with a big target and might be the 'should have gotten rid of him when we could and broken the bromance up later' character (I'm glad that he survived the vote, but strategically keeping Joaquin would have been a lot smarter); Shirin was the outcast who didn't realize she was the outcast, then lost her only ally, but then found friends again; and then there's Hali, whose just the quiet unassuming right hand girl to Jenn that does a lot of talking and bargaining with potential alliance mates.  And they are outnumbered, but overcome the odds in the end and get the whole emotional 'we stuck together' montage at the reunion.  I feel like we are due for a predictable boot, but on the other hand, would Probst call it a 'best episode' if someone predictable and popular went home?  He loves blindsides as much as we do.  I don't know that he'd hype an episode based strictly on the idol hunt.  I'm thinking it could be obvious, but maybe not-Rodney might get foiled because of what happened with Will (we know how Will is when he can't trust you), or Tyler/Carolyn wind up getting blindsided because of the idol play or strategy for being flip flopping or undecided swing votes.


I'm trying to figure out what Probst means by 'one of the best idol hides and finds in history.' I guess maybe they actually hid the HII in a legitimately hard-to-find place for once.



Considering the blues didn't think there was one because they couldn't find it, its either that or they really are just stupid for not finding it.  Carolyn and Jenn didn't seem to have any difficulty in finding theirs.  Seeing how paranoid and frantic Mike appears in the promos, it might all boil down to that one moment.  We know how much Probst hypes the smallest details.  This was a description of the episode:


"Keep It Real" – Castaways walk a fine line and struggle to stay balanced at a reward challenge. Also, one castaway goes on a crazy man hunt to prevent another castaway from finding the idol, on SURVIVOR, Wednesday, April 8 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network.



So it essentially sounds like its a Mike vs Joe for the idol that we saw in the preview.  The 'best find' part, maybe two castaways find it at once, one gets it, and the other uses the knowledge against them?  So maybe forming some weird power duo?  Or, what I'm hoping, is that Joe has some clue to its whereabouts, he goes to look, knows people are following him, so he goes on a wild goose chase and sends someone in his alliance to the actual location, because no one would be watching them.  Yeah, it probably won't be that good, but I can dream.  Or maybe its in one of the trees we see Mike jumping from, but he doesn't notice it, and while he's foaming at the mouth looking for Joe, someone sneaks in and takes it.

Edited by LadyChatts
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Back at the start of the season, Jeff said, "Around the middle of the season, someone will flip this game on its head. It'll be incredible."


We're around the middle of the season. My guess is he wasn't talking about Jenn's idol play last episode.  Maybe the big idol hunt/find next episode?  Much later and we're pretty well past the middle of the season. 

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I'm surprised we haven't heard anything about the twist, even though the merge just happened.  But I haven't even seen it mentioned by Probst since before the start of the season.  I'm wondering if it really would be the black vote this late in the season.  The finale is May 20th, so we have 7 weeks (including this one).  Since Probst would probably mention something like that in one of his teases, I'm guessing that neither happens this week.


I had forgotten about that quote.  I could see a bunch of different scenarios as to how that might play out, but it sounds like someone does flip to the underdogs (Sierra, Rodney, Tyler, maybe even Mike extends an olive branch?)  I wonder if one of the NC3 gets voted off this week, and that makes someone flip for next week.  Calling possible winner from whoever that 'someone' is.


ETA: I posted these in the speculation thread, but I'll post them here.  Some of the promo pics for this week, that mainly seem to focus on the idol hunt and nothing else.  Hopefully it's a better episode than just watching a bunch of castaways hopping from the trees and bushes looking for an idol that makes their head swell with power when they find it.





Edited by LadyChatts



Here's a clip/screenshots of the IC.  Looks like that balance beam is the RC (I wonder if there's a clue to the idol as part of that and that's where idol fever comes from?)  This IC is strictly puzzle.  My favorite line from: Probst: "in dead last, it is Rodney"; Rodney: "damn"


Joe appears to have a very slight lead, but I have a feeling it will be extremely close.  I'm wondering if Rodney stays far behind, because I don't hear Probst mention his name again during the challenge in this clip.


In another promo featuring the idol hunt, there's a clip of Rodney mentioning that they are running things, so the idol isn't a huge deal.  I wonder if we'll be seeing a Rodney blindside this week.  And unless the idol hunt pertains to some clue won at the RC for a special idol, I'm guessing the former Esecmeca lets it slip that they didn't even know there were idols and didn't ever find theirs.

Edited by LadyChatts

Prediction from Survivor Fever this week is that Joe is both the R/IC winner, and that Jenn is the boot.  I am hoping they are wrong, of course, but they've been pretty accurate this season thus far.  Only boot they missed outright was Max, and they were off by a week with both Joaquin and Kelly.  If Jenn goes, so does my interest, which shoots down to about 40%.  It won't be surprising if that happens.  They are outnumbered, she's the next biggest threat in that group next to Joe, and nothing in the promos indicated anything exciting happening other than the idol hunt.  Either this season ends badly that Jeff has talked himself into how great it was, or we have much different definitons of 'great' and 'best' than I thought.  Since there is still the twist to come, and that quote about someone turning the game on its head (I'm guessing Tyler), I'm assuming that's what he refers to when he believes it's the best season ever.  It'll probably be a week or two before any big moves get made.


Jenn's boot is no shock, and Joe, if he loses next week, will likely join her.  Shirin or Hali if not Joe.  Frankly I hope Tyler/Carolyn/Will all get shafted by the blues, but I'm betting their game plan is stick with them for now, then turn on them when the NC alliance is almost gone.  I would love it if whoever remains with the NC votes along the blue lines instead.  I can be bitter just watching this show, which is yet another of my 1,000 reasons I could never do it.


Hali is rumored to be one of the final 3, and I'm thinking how she might get there is having her alliance picked off and then sliding under the radar.  It's the cards they are dealt, but I really think this theme, and how the swap worked out, really screwed Jenn's game.


Next week's episode is titled "Livin' on the Edge".  Maybe that's when the big, game changing move Probst talked about happens?

Edited by LadyChatts
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So when exactly is this twist and "power move" happening?  Maybe its not Tyler, maybe its Shirin?  Or Mike, since he mentioned being the next to go.  Which I'm not sure where that came from.  If it wasn't for Jeff mentioning the twist after the season filmed, I would almost think I mis-read his original quote.  So I'm wondering if the remaining NC alliance gets dwindled down to one, and they throw the twist in there to prevent an actual Pagonging.  


But I would think something like that would be mentioned in the promos, and it looked like another boring ep.  Jenn probably won't quit (I love you Jenn, but I hate quitters-so even though I believe it's a red herring, please don't).  Joe loses immunity, he gets voted off.  Joe wins immunity, Jenn or Shirin gets voted off.

Maybe whoever thought Hali was in F3 mixed her up with Joe because of the hair. LOL.


Lol I don't know how Joe's hair still looks that good.  I will say that both this week and last week, when they returned from tribal and he had his buff around his head with his hair sticking out, it reminded me of a Halloween wig I once had as a kid.  But I go one day in the rain and my hair grows because of the frizz.  He's out surviving on an island in all the elements, and his hair still looks like it could be in a shampoo commercial.


I don't know how concrete the Hali spoiler was, but it was starting to look like a possibility.  I am hoping that maybe there's still a chance a NC makes it to the final 3, but my guess is it'll probably be the NC by default, Shirin.  I have a sad feeling SF was also off this week with their boot, and that Jenn is likely the next to go.  This season seems to be really scarce on spoilers.  IIRC, last season at least the final 6 was spoiled.  Unless it was a guess, but I remember cringing at the thought of Misty and Jon still being there.  I don't mind spoilers; it makes the week easy when I know what's going to happen.

You know the current contestants suck eggs when your post made me nostalgic for a self-important blowhard like Jon.


Heh, i started off this season saying how it was so much better than SJDS, and even at it's worst it was still better than last seasons group.  Well, the start of this season seems so long ago, as promising as it was.  Much like them thinking it was a good idea to duplicate the BvsW format because it worked so well the first time, I guess they were looking for more magic in duplicating Cagayan (except instead of B/B/B they just substituted in collars).  How about a normal season again, 3 tribes, all new castaways, but no themes.  That in itself would be a refreshing start.


Next week's episode description:


"Livin' On The Edge" – One castaway breaks out their arts and crafts skills to create a fake idol and makes a plan to prevent being eliminated.


I am fairly sure it'll be Joe who creates a fake HII, but at the same time I'm surprised he'd be that aggressive with his gameplay. He's been so passive up to now.


If it is Joe, I'm sure it fails, because Mike has the real HII, and Joe will get booted. Boring and predictable and it means I'm down to 2, maybe 3, people I wouldn't hate to see win. Whatta great season!

Edited by peachmangosteen

I have to think that the big move/twist would be revealed in advance by Jeff in on of his teasers/promos.  Given his own tease this week about this week, it just sounds like scrambling.  He mentions desperate times calling for desperate measures to save yourself, so that falls in line with the press release by the network.  I can't believe they'd be so obvious, if it is in fact Joe that's in trouble.  But maybe they are trying to soften the blow a little for people like me.  Frankly as soon as Joe loses immunity, I'll probably flip to what's left of AI.  I would be absolutely stunned to see him survive the vote.  I have a feeling the idol won't factor into this episode.  Someone from another alliance may find it, if it is in fact planted by him.  I'm guessing he creates a fake one to call everyone's bluff.


I would love a Jason and Eliza 2.0 where Rodney finds it, believes it's an idol, and attempts to save someone in his alliance with it.  Especially if he sets them up to get voted off, since he figures they'd be safe.



New promo for this week's episode.  Challenge footage and Jenn talking about quitting and giving them a reason to vote her off.  Calling BS that she won't go through with it.  Still think Joe loses immunity and the whole fake idol plot is an effort to keep himself in the game, but no one buys it or he's outed.  I think there'd be more in the previews and teases if something exciting was going to happen.  I almost wondered if maybe Jenn was bluffing as a way to make Joe feel at ease at the IC so he'd lose.  He'd figure she'd quit so what did it matter if he lost the challenge or not.  But looking at this, I don't believe that's the case.



Here's a sneak peek at this week's IC.  For everyone talking about missing endurance challenges, we got another one this season.  Joe seems to be struggling early on.  Honestly, if he's going to get dethroned from his challenge-run (and ultimately booted, because they are making that obvious enough) I hope someone decent dethrones him.  I cringed at the thought of Dan winning the IC last week, and being the one to brag about beating Joe.


And Jeff appears to give away who wins the RC.  He says Joe is 3 for 3 in the individual challenges.  The RC this week looks to be teams, so I'm assuming Joe and his crew don't win it.

Edited by LadyChatts

So tomorrow is this big game changing move that turns the game on its head, according to the pre-season hype with Probst?  That's the first time I've heard that mentioned all week.  I figured it was just a boring predictable episode with a bunch of red herrings thrown in, making it seem like something was going to happen.


I figure Joe's profession was what they were talking about in regards to crafting a fake idol.  Could that actually work?  Since I'm all about Team Joe/Jenn/Shirin, I would love nothing more than for something to get pulled over on the BC/WC alliances this week.  I'll believe it when I see it.  Since the tribe swap happened, this season has been on the downhill for me.  A lot of hype and nothing to back it up.  Since Mike has an idol, he may call Joe's bluff and ruin the plan.  Of course Rodney doesn't trust Mike (I think, with this season it's hard to know what is going on) so maybe he believes Joe has an idol, maybe all the alliances vote different ways, and someone gets caught in the cross hairs.


They seem to be making it obvious Joe loses immunity.  I guess they need to grasp at straws and make it seem like an exciting episode if that does happen.  I'm thinking Joe loses immunity, crafts a fake idol, no one buys it and he gets booted, and that will be the game changer. 


ETA: for the RC, it looks like the teams are divided up as Will/Jenn/Joe/Carolyn/Rodney and Mike/Dan/Tyler/Sierra/Shirin.  Poor Shirin, being stuck on a team with Dan.  Looking at the slideshow for this week, I wonder what gives Hali this look:



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Honestly, that's what I'm believing.  They haven't even shown the fake idol or hyped it in promos other than these written teases online.  Joe is such an obvious boot if he loses immunity, and while I absolutely hate the thought of losing him and his lovely locks, they are idiots to keep him around.  So they have to try and hype this episode up.  It's already an unlikable group dominating, so losing Joe isn't going to make them more likable.  It'll stay the same for me, except one less person to root for.  I hope it can allow Jenn and Shirin to stick around for awhile.  I really want to see Dan go sooner rather than later, but I have a feeling once Joe leaves, Mike will take control of the game.  Given what Hali said about bonding with him and forming a potential alliance, I can see Jenn/Shirin joining his side over Rodney's.  I wonder if Mike will have to make Dan apologize to Shirin like he did Sierra to make sure she's on their side.

Edited by LadyChatts

Episode 10 is titled "Bring the Popcorn".  So if tomorrow night is the game changer that Jeff mentioned, and it is just Joe getting booted, I will be disappointed for numerous reasons.  Partly because I'll be left with a feeling of 'that's it?'.  But I don't know why I was expecting something more than a huge threat being voted out shaking things up.  


I'm thinking the quote could be Rodney, and maybe he intends to blindside Mike so he says that before TC.  There could be fall out from Joe's boot, with Jenn and Shirin now being comfortable swing votes or someone making a move while those two are still in the game.  I'd like to think it's some turning point where the girls remaining secretly band together and start voting out the guys, but I know that isn't the reality this season, at least with Sierra and Carolyn. 

Edited by LadyChatts

I would like to think it is a BC blindside, but Hali almost looks sad in that photo.  So it could be Joe's plan works for him, but costs Jenn.  However, I'm thinking Dan is more ego crazed than ever and goes off at TC on Shirin.  Jeff hinted we haven't heard the last of his big mouth.  Either that, or since Shirin is on Dan's team for the RC, he makes it miserable for her and she recounts what he did.  Hali didn't like Dan out there and admitted she was protective of Shirin because of what he said.


I'm hoping I'm wrong and it is a BC blindside though.  However, I don't believe I will be that lucky.  

Edited by LadyChatts
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I have to admit I went from thinking Joe was gone to getting my hopes up. Probst and Max, who described himself at hating Probst's favorite seasons Caramoan and RI, have hyped this season to such a degree, I want to start seeing it kick into gear finally. Right now it looks like an easy road to a Mike or Rodney victory and I ain't down for that. So here's hoping that Joe can pull a Bob, build a better fake HI than the real one, and cause some chaos.  

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FWIW, Survivor Fever has predicted that Jenn is voted off this week.  Joe wins immunity, and the team of Dan/Mike/Tyler/Shirin/Sierra win reward.  Poor Shirin.  And poor Jenn.  Maybe there's truth in the promos to her actually quitting, but asks to get voted off so she's not be first casuality of the Na'onka and Purple Kelly jury rule.  Either way, boring episode if that happens.  I don't see what is a game changer about this, unless Joe or Shirin flips.  Maybe everyone will realize that they need to focus less on what Joe is doing and pay attention to the goings on around them.  Keep on winning Joe, assuming Jenn gets booted tonight, you and Shirin are all I have left. 


Jenn getting booted would explain Hali's reaction in that photo. 

Edited by LadyChatts

Think that was LAST week's prediction. They were wrong and still haven't posted for this week.


I had to refresh it for this week's prediction to come up.  Either way, they were wrong again.  I have a feeling Jenn's boot is probably on the horizon, however.  Since they were off a week with Joaquin and Kelly's boots, I thought maybe they would be with Jenn's since she was predicted to go last week.


Judging from the preview next week: I don't know what prompted the conversation of Rodney flipping on Mike, unless it was made known to him that Rodney had a final 4 set up with Will/Tyler/Carolyn.  So given Jeff's voice over about Mike blowing up the game, Rodney going off on Mike, and Mike's stupid smirk on his face with his lap dog Dan at his side, I'm guessing it could be that Rodney may attempt to blindside Mike but is the one getting blindsided.  


Are Carolyn and Sierra really doing nothing behind the scenes or is it just the love affair with the men this season that keeps them off screen?


ETA: When is this twist happening?  I would think something like that would be used in the promos, but nothing next week.  

Edited by LadyChatts

When is this twist happening?  I would think something like that would be used in the promos, but nothing next week.  


I'm really starting to think the twist was just the 'honest or deceive' thing from the premiere. I mean, I don't really see how that's a new twist, but there's only 5 eps left. And it's pretty obvious the twist won't be in next week's ep because they would put that in the promo. There's really not any time left for them to introduce a twist.

Edited by peachmangosteen

Jeff's teaser for next week:




Okay, time to tease us up for next week’s episode.
One of the biggest things to ever happen at an auction. One of the biggest arguments to ever happen at camp. Together, the two events set up one of the biggest finishes to any season. It’s definitely a “don’t miss” episode.



So we've had him say it's "the best episode of the season" twice, it's "a wonderful episode" once, and now a "don't miss" episode.  I wonder if Jeff is actually down on this season and all this hoopla is his way of just mocking it even more.


We know the big blow up is Mike and Rodney.  I have a feeling Rodney tries to blindside Mike, and either Mike plays his idol, or someone in Rodney's alliance flips.  Of course there's still Shirin and Jenn as factors.  Rodney may not have factored them in.  I'm guessing either Rodney or Carolyn gets blindsided.  I guess we are possibly in for a Pagonging season with a final 3 of Sierra/Dan/Mike.  Depressing.


Don't know what this big thing is that happens at an auction, unless people are buying deals with each other.  Could this finally be the twist we were promised?


I'm really starting to think the twist was just the 'honest or deceive' thing from the premiere. I mean, I don't really see how that's a new twist, but there's only 5 eps left. And it's pretty obvious the twist won't be in next week's ep because they would put that in the promo. There's really not any time left for them to introduce a twist.



Yeah, I'm starting to wonder.  Though I don't see how that fits "jumping the shark" or being "Shakespearean" but I don't know if Jeff really understands what that would mean anyway at this point.  If Jeff is hot for Mike and this twist saves him, maybe that's why they waited so long.  They did say it is something they've never done before, but at this point, I'd rather not hear about any twists in advance anymore and just be surprised.  Sometimes the less said the better Probst.

Edited by LadyChatts
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One of the biggest things to ever happen at an auction. One of the biggest arguments to ever happen at camp. Together, the two events set up one of the biggest finishes to any season. It’s definitely a “don’t miss” episode.



Okay, this better be good, Jeff.  Biggest thing at the auction could be everyone passing up the food and saving their money for the game advantage. Biggest argument?  Well, I am going to venture a guess that Rodney and Jenn are likely suspects.  Or Mike and Rodney?  


Episode description:

"Bring The Popcorn" – A key advantage gives one castaway a game-changing opportunity, and another castaway lashes out when their integrity is questioned.

I wonder if this advantage is the new twist? I hope so because something needs to shake this game up. Mike will probably just get it though so meh.


I assume the person lashing out over their integrity being questioned is Mike or Rodney.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I'm thinking Will might be the one whose integrity is questioned, and Shirin the person questioning it. 


Good point. That sounds boring to me and like it would ultimately not change anything so meh. I hope it's Mike vs. Rodney because that might actually shake up the game.


The advantage definitely comes from the auction, I just hope it's more than the usual 'advantage at the IC' and that it's the twist Probst was hyping.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Here's a new promo.  Survivor auction, letters from home, Dan says nobody dictates his future, Will accuses Shirin of questioning his character, Rodney and Mike blow up.  It sounds like Mike may attempt to make a move; he talks about blowing something up, so maybe he's just late getting a dig in from that TC when they talked about ice picks and chainsaws.


Will gets the 'bring your popcorn' quote and says it will be the best tribal ever.  He says this to Jeff in front of the group.  He obviously feels safe about his chances.  I'm calling a Rodney, Tyler, or Carolyn blindside.  The only way it would be the best tribal ever was for Dan to finally get sent packing, but somehow I don't see that happening.  Per Jeff's twitter, he still says this is a great season  with a lot of exciting drama and stuff to come.  Since it appears fans and recappers alike aren't feeling that way, I'll be curious what his feelings are when it is all said and done.  Certainly not the best season ever, and not even close to the best cast.

Edited by LadyChatts
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And the big twist is...a second vote at TC, which is bought at the food auction.




“We have a new twist this season which is an extra vote,” Probst tells EW. “Somebody will be given a second vote at Tribal Council and literally will be allowed to vote two times at one Tribal Council—which as you know from watching the game, sometimes one more vote is all it takes to flip the entire game. And because nobody knows it’s coming, they don’t really even know what they’re playing for. And then the question becomes for the person who gets it: What do I do with it? How do I make sure this works to my advantage? When is the perfect time to play it?”


Can the person that has it split their vote and throw votes at two different people, or does their vote just count twice?

You could do what you just suggested, yes. It is literally a second vote. So imagine that you get to go up and vote once, and then you get to go up and vote again. So if you want to split your vote and do two different people, you can. If you want to bag on somebody and vote twice for the same person, you can. If you want to throw away both of your votes and just get rid of it, you can.



I don't know if this is getting used in this weeks episode, but if so, I feel like Probst hyped more insignificant episodes than he did for this week.  Extra vote makes me feel we have officially arrived in Big Brother territory.  Since Mike was calm during Rodney's outburst in the promos, I wonder if he's the one who buys it.  There was an interview somewhere that I'd have to go find, but Jeff had mentioned Shirin and her changing the course of the game, so maybe it is her.  Since they've been sitting on this twist for awhile, was a boring Pagonging inevitable and they needed to shake it up, or was one of the producer pets on the verge of getting voted off so this is their hail mary?  Jeff mentioned this twist turning out great.  I have a feeling this will prove to be the end for Rodney's alliance.  If Shirin gets it and sticks with Mike, she may use it to oust Carolyn.  Jenn gets it, it's hard to say, she might go after Will for flipping.  Mike or Dan would likely target anyone but a blue collar.


Maybe my big issue with twists anymore is that it almost prevents the castaways from playing.  They just cross their fingers and hope something falls into their lap.  I don't mind the idols, but extra votes?  I guess I'll see how it plays out.  I hope it some big blindside where someone turns on their own alliance, and not just a predictable and a vindictive vote.

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I'm guessing Shirin gets it.  She uses it to blindside Carolyn, and takes Rodney's alliance down to 3.  Shirin can be seen as the perfect goat, as no one likes her that much, and if she helps to overthrow Rodney's group, they'll have less reason to like her.  Tyler and Rodney will flock over to Mike's group, Jenn and Will are the next two to go as the last remaining NC.  Tyler could go on an immunity run, sparing him and costing Rodney.  Sierra gets booted for being too likable.  Tyler could win the last immunity at the final 4, and Dan gets booted, leaving a final 3 of Mike, Shirin, and Dan.  It's possible Mike wins that last immunity, and could take the ultimate goat in Dan to the final 3 getting rid of Shirin.  But that's my speculation on how it plays out.


Personally, I would love to see Jenn get it because she would be less likely to do it to help anyone out but herself.  I see Shirin going to Mike and following his orders on it.

Personally, I would love to see Jenn get it because she would be less likely to do it to help anyone out but herself.  I see Shirin going to Mike and following his orders on it.


This. I just know Shirin is going to get it and then just do something that will ultimately help Mike's boring run to the win. Dammit, Shirin! At least it would be unpredictable and interesting to see what Jenn would do with it.


The BTS of the IC is up here.

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This. I just know Shirin is going to get it and then just do something that will ultimately help Mike's boring run to the win. Dammit, Shirin! At least it would be unpredictable and interesting to see what Jenn would do with it.


The BTS of the IC is up here.



What a fabulous job for one who has no commitments.  I bet many solid friendships are made and it looks good on a resume.  


"Bring on the popcorn" must hold a clue for us as far as Will is concerned.  Seems a beguine sound bite to use if it is not significant in some way.  


Why are some of you saying you think Carolyn will be the target?  She is nobody and not likely to win; she is more of a goat.  AND she can probably be urged to flip (again).  Mike and Rodney are the ones to target. 

Edited by wings707

What a fabulous job for one who has no commitments.  I bet many solid friendships are made and it looks good on a resume.  


"Bring on the popcorn" must hold a clue for us as far as Will is concerned.  Seems a beguine sound bite to use if it is not significant in some way.  


Why are some of you saying you think Carolyn will be the target?  She is nobody and not likely to win; she is more of a goat.  AND she can probably be urged to flip (again).  Mike and Rodney are the ones to target. 


I'm thinking Carolyn for several reasons: she's in a two-person alliance with Tyler, final 4 deal with Rodney, hasn't really ruffled any feathers that could cost her a lot of votes in the jury, she's not too bad in the challenges and could probably prove a convincing argument in the final 3.  Plus, she has flip flopped, so if she feels the heat coming, she might try and find greener pastures.  Shirin was targeting her to Mike last week.  She and Shirin don't get along, and she could see this as an opportunity to get rid of a perceived power player and someone that was gunning for her.  I don't see a BC going home.  I believe Mike will want to keep his blues around for numbers since Rodney is the only one with a brain in the game to flip.  But if Rodney has no other option than to go back to Mike, he's got another number and someone that has ruffled feathers.  Will doesn't do much, isn't a threat in any way other than being a flip flopper.  But he's stayed loyal to Mike for now and Mike may not want to ruin that if Carolyn goes and he wants Will on his side.  It's possible they could do a split vote, in case someone has the idol, between Carolyn, Will, or Jenn.  However, since the former NC alliance was in the stages of being picked off, Mike and the gang may want to give Jenn a break and maybe try and get some good favor with her by going after someone else.


However, I'm hoping I'm wrong and that Mike or Dan (at this point I dislike both of them equally so I don't care who) is the one who gets sent packing.  It would be in Shirin's best interest to can Mike.  

Edited by LadyChatts

I am not sure.  Mike was vocal about changing things.  He sees that Rodney has a side alliance and the head of the snake in that one is Rodney.  I think Mike will want to target him, knowing then Will, Tyler and Carolyn are only 3 strong and can be eliminated.  He is pretty confident that he has Sierra and Sirin.  I am not but it is about his perception.  

I think it is possible that the twist clue, at the auction, may come in the food or stuck to bottom of plate, perhaps.  That eliminates them saving their money for when it comes up.  Jeff will announce that.  Many may bid for popcorn because one could be buried easily, for instance.  They just have to trust fate.  Now that, I would love!  


Though I don't remember Jeff's exact words he said the best food auction ever (something to that effect).   


If I am right I am going to gloat, just warning you.  

Edited by wings707
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There's one reason that I believe Rodney might not make it to the final 3, and that you could be right about this week.  It was this quote from one of Joe's interviews:




Holmes: How about at the finale we have you and Rodney doing dueling Mikes?
Anglim: Oh yeah. It’s happening. (Laughs) Don’t tell Mike, but he’s probably going to get some voice action from the back rows.



It might not mean anything, but 'back rows' could mean sitting behind him during the finale, which is where the early jury boots usually are.  I'm still skeptical that Mike will get rid of Rodney at this point.  Although he may figure that if it is down to Will, Carolyn, and Tyler, Jenn and Shirin won't flip to them.  I could actually see those 3 attempting to wiggle into Mike's alliance.  I'd be more than happy if you are right though wings707!  And of course my theory would have to be right that Shirin wins the special vote doubler.  Maybe that whole conversation with Dan and him saying she doesn't understand basic math was foreshadowing to this vote.  Rodney is one of the few people left I'm rooting for, so I will be very disappointed if he gets voted off.


Mike could be the one that ends up with the extra vote, and could use it for leverage against Rodney or to get someone in his alliance to flip.


Jeff did say something about this being the best or most memorable food auction.  Will's comment about 'bring the popcorn' surprised me, just because of where it looked like it was said.  In a group, before/after a challenge, and he mentions TC.  So I'm guessing the blow up with Rodney and Mike already happened, and that Will went off on Shirin at the point.  Maybe everyone becomes aware of the extra vote and attempts to sway Shirin, or whoever, on their side.  Could be that Will anticipates Mike being blindsided, but either he gets sent packing or it is someone in his foursome.

Edited by LadyChatts
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