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S05.E05: Star Sighting

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I like a lot less interpersonal ugliness, too. If they're building up to a bit of drama, fine, but last season kind of sucked with all the try hard hatefulness.

If Max's lady love really is one of the mactors Lisa hired for SUR, then Lisa might have very good reasons indeed for being concerned about the relationship that go beyond her homely worry about not getting to be a Meemaw someday. And I might have to cut her some slack on any hypocrisy just because, while my littles are too young for big trouble, I in no way want them getting up to the shenanigans that I did, and I'm not sure how deftly I'll handle things when the time comes. I hope I'll have good boundaries and be self aware but, eh, living up to my parenting ideals so far has been a mixed success.

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Kyle's store is in Beverly Hills which is not anywhere near Boystown or West Hollywood it is around the corner from Villa Blanca.  The neighborhoods are vastly different. The difference between a restaurant/bar and a boutique is Kyle can have her events after 6 pm and no shoppers are affected. For SUR or PUMP to have the proper atmosphere for filming they rely heavily on the restaurants being full of eager patrons. I think the article had more to do with the neighborhood not being impressed with Ken and Lisa trying to replicate their success in London with ownership in several establishments close together.  I am not certain why they would film Lisa grocery shopping but apparently the WeHo patrons of Pavillions were not pleased.


In every city, in California, whenever there is an application to sell alcohol on the premises they ABC sends letters to neighbors both commercial and residential and asks for input.  Many a premise permit has been turned down because of neighbors not wanting the associated ruckus that comes with a nightclub.  Lisa and Ken put a boatload of money into PUMP and only time will tell if the neighborhood warms up to her establishment or it was even a wise investment.  What I take exception with on the Lisa front is the weird weddings with her and Giggy at PUMP.  Be it a gay or straight wedding it just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. It seems so gimmicky.  Granted there have been few takers but it just seems tawdry.


What I got from the article is perhaps the Vanderpump magic hasn't settled over WeHo yet.  Perhaps that it why her fan base sought to have her memorialized somewhere else like Palm Springs. 

What I got was that they, the local residents, resent Bravo filming there more than anything else. Maybe they do not want to appear on camera or appear on camera doing something they do not want others (parents/family, bosses) seeing them do! LOL


Absolutely.  If Lisa wants to turn her bar into a strip club she can.  It is something a real person on a reality show is putting out there all the while exuding class and keeping her nose held high in the air.  I just find "Meet Giggy" nights and campy weddings rather bourghetto.  I find having a dog in a restaurant a total violation of health code unless of course it is a service animal.  Giggy is not a service animal.

I am not sure if you have traveled to Europe but seeing dogs inside restaurants is a common sight and not just small lap dogs but ones of every size. I would be more concerned if the kitchen personnel did not wear hair nets/hats because people shed just as often as dogs do. LOL

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What I got was that they, the local residents, resent Bravo filming there more than anything else. Maybe they do not want to appear on camera or appear on camera doing something they do not want others (parents/family, bosses) seeing them do! LOL


I am not sure if you have traveled to Europe but seeing dogs inside restaurants is a common sight and not just small lap dogs but ones of every size. I would be more concerned if the kitchen personnel did not wear hair nets/hats because people shed just as often as dogs do. LOL

Forget the hair-RHOBH showed Giggy urinating on one of Lisa's tables.  Yuck!!!  I love my companion animals but I don't put them on the table tops or the kitchen counters.

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Excuse me? I live alone and I assure you I am perfectly happy. I have a job and friends and I love doing whatever I want, going wherever I want, and spending whatever I please. I've been married (3 times) and I'll take ALONE any day. 

I live alone (love it) and have never been married, but when I hear ALL my married friends wistfully say when I leave a function or a gathering that I'm so lucky to go home and be by myself, I tend to believe them! :)

  • Love 6

Bleck - Lisa Rinna is beginning to grate with her endless cheerful ass-kissing.  The loveliest between her and Lisa Vanderpump is enough already.  I am watching the marathon while I wrap presents, so seeing their talking heads/interactions show after show reinforces how subservient Lisa Rinna acts around the other HWs.


While I do appreciate Lisa R's unwillingness to trash the other wives, I am beginning to grow weary of her rah-rah nature.  I wonder what finally gets her to snap.


I am sure Kim says something about Harry.  That Kim, she really comes out with some humdingers.

The Giggy schtick is wearing thin.  Also the "Can I have sex with him" stuff with Wacha when she was on WWHL.  Lisa does love animals, and I do love her pack of dogs.  But keep them out of the restaurant.  I agree on that account.  It's enough that she has that vermin ridden waitstaff.

IMO, just mine, I would prefer to see her dogs in the restaurant than her staff at SUR/VR! I think her dogs are cleaner, better trained and less diseased!  LOL

Edited by WireWrap
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Bleck - Lisa Rinna is beginning to grate with her endless cheerful ass-kissing.  The loveliest between her and Lisa Vanderpump is enough already.  I am watching the marathon while I wrap presents, so seeing their talking heads/interactions show after show reinforces how subservient Lisa Rinna acts around the other HWs.


While I do appreciate Lisa R's unwillingness to trash the other wives, I am beginning to grow weary of her rah-rah nature.  I wonder what finally gets her to snap.


I am sure Kim says something about Harry.  That Kim, she really comes out with some humdingers.

Lisa R. is coming off as a bit of a suck up.  I am beginning to wonder if Lisa R. knew how much Lisa V. was using her as a pawn against the other women- extolling her virtues as such a carefree friend.  It wasn't too terribly long ago that Lisa was sitting on WWHL saying she would take down the RHOBH.  What a difference a couple of seasons makes.


Mostly I see Lisa R. as the "hustler".  She seems to be all about the money and the opportunities.  I guess she gets an honesty badge for that one.  I am predicting her big fall out is with Eileen.

Lisa R. is coming off as a bit of a suck up.  I am beginning to wonder if Lisa R. knew how much Lisa V. was using her as a pawn against the other women- extolling her virtues as such a carefree friend.  It wasn't too terribly long ago that Lisa was sitting on WWHL saying she would take down the RHOBH.  What a difference a couple of seasons makes.


Mostly I see Lisa R. as the "hustler".  She seems to be all about the money and the opportunities.  I guess she gets an honesty badge for that one.  [snip]


I think this illustrates a point I was making a while back perfectly. That what you DON'T show is just as important/detrimental as what you DO show on reality TV.  I think Lisa Rinna is that upbeat "You are awesome! Tell me more about you!"  person. I think that she probably came on the show determined to do nothing but be everyone's favorite cheering squad and therefore everyone's friend. And, she probably thought that as long as she gave only positive stuff while filming, she would never get caught in that "They can't show anything that you don't give them" trap. 


I would be willing to bet that she filmed hours upon hours of footage of her being upbeat and positive about all of her interactions with the housewives, all the while thinking no one would be able to accuse her of not being true to herself or of sinking to the level of Reality Television. I think production saw this and managed to turn it around on her. I can almost see them twirling their invisible evil mustaches and deciding the best way to get the worst out of her was to edit her as suck up. What the hell else could they do with that much positive footage on a Real Housewives show?


Plus, when she really does finally sink to the level of your average housewife, whether for the sake of her spot or just because she couldn't take it anymore, they have that awesome positive footage to contrast it with. Before you know it, she will be involved in Twitter wars about her parenting and being a hypocrite and how maybe Harry is actually cheating on her.


It speaks to the evil brilliance of production teams for Reality TV shows that even a veteran of Reality TV can't outsmart production. Because come what may, Lisa Rinna is going to regret her decision to do this show, but her payday and the surge in relevance she is going to get from this appearance is going to make her really consider coming back again and again. I can see Andy promising her better edits and more money just to come back one more season.

Edited by MatildaMoody
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Guess I'm confused why Lisa seems to have pushed so hard on the notion of PUMP being a gay bar/restaurant -- at least she has on the show & in local gay pubs, but it hasn't turned out to be popular with a gay crowd. I say this only cuz I've heard the crowd is mixed gay/straight, with customers mostly being straight. Maybe it doesn't matter in the end cuz business is business -- from whoever.

It makes me wonder why it seems to have failed to catch on with the gay community, when it's located right smack dab in the hugely er, "gay-centric" area of West Hollywood. From what we've seen on cam, PUMP looks really nice. Why aren't gays goin' there? Sounds like Lisa is doin' all the right stuff promote to the gay community by hooking up with Frontiers & remaining a presence in Gay Pride. I don't get it.


West Hollywood has changed a lot over the years. A lot. It really no longer is much of a "gay mecca." It's very mixed. The aforementioned Abbey, so famous for being the most popular gay bar, really doesn't seem all that gay when you go there. It's a lot of women and hetero couples. I don't know where the gays are going these days (WeHo has never been my scene), but it's local common knowledge that the straights have definitely invaded WeHo and there is no going back to the old days.

Really? I'm guessing he was at least nominated for Yolanda to say this, right?


Did Yolanda say that in this epi? I must have missed it. But yes, David Foster has been nominated three times for an Oscar. He has won 16 Grammys (with 47 nominations) and a Golden Globe. Maybe she confused the Oscar with one of his many Grammy wins. Given that so many terrible songs have won Oscars, while I guess it would be a nice feather in his cap I would imagine Grammys are more gratifying than an award would be from primarily an acting genre.


I have to say that while it seems to be an unpopular opinion, I actually like Yolanda and David. The rest of the cast either bores me, I find annoying, or haven't seen enough of (Eileen Davidson) to like. I don't like her as Ashley on Y&R so am interested to see what she is like IRL. So far Ashley and Eileen are one and the same to me.

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It speaks to the evil brilliance of production teams for Reality TV shows that even a veteran of Reality TV can't outsmart production. Because come what may, Lisa Rinna is going to regret her decision to do this show, but her payday and the surge in relevance she is going to get from this appearance is going to make her really consider coming back again and again. I can see Andy promising her better edits and more money just to come back one more season.


I've grown to dislike the following reply to posts but I can't help myself...



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He has won 16 Grammys (with 47 nominations) and a Golden Globe. Maybe she confused the Oscar with one of his many Grammy wins.



More likely she confused the Golden Globe with an Oscar. I can see that happening because although I keep up with the film world, lately I've had to remind myself that it's the Golden Globe noms that have been announced already, but not the Oscars.

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More likely she confused the Golden Globe with an Oscar. I can see that happening because although I keep up with the film world, lately I've had to remind myself that it's the Golden Globe noms that have been announced already, but not the Oscars.

It is a mistake one does not make in the business of claiming to have WON an Oscar.  There is a reason Oscar winner is an elite  title and Yolanda stepped in when she said that. 

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At this point my personal feeling is that a Golden Globe and an Oscar are about the same thing, so I really can't blame Yo. He has won a Globe and he has been nominated for three Oscars.


This would kill Yolanda: I never can remember her husband's name. After a few minutes I get "David" but then can't ever recall Foster and have to look it up. Don't have the same trouble with Ken, Mauricio, or even Eddie! That's how much of a non-entity her "king" is to me.

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At this point my personal feeling is that a Golden Globe and an Oscar are about the same thing, so I really can't blame Yo. He has won a Globe and he has been nominated for three Oscars.


This would kill Yolanda: I never can remember her husband's name. After a few minutes I get "David" but then can't ever recall Foster and have to look it up. Don't have the same trouble with Ken, Mauricio, or even Eddie! That's how much of a non-entity her "king" is to me.


While the general public may see the Golden Globes as being close to an Oscar in terms of prestige, there is no one in the industry (or affiliated with the industry) who thinks they are anywhere near the same level.  Insiders know that the Golden Globes are a complete farce.  While politics play are large role in decide the winners and nominations of both, it plays a far bigger role in the Golden Globes.  Money also plays a much bigger role in the Golden Globes as well.  The Hollywood Foreign Press Association is extremely corrupt and therefore the Golden Globes means little except for the publicity they bring (and that buzz can sometimes up the chances of an Oscar win).  There is no way Yolanda could confuse the two.  

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My impression is different. Although Yo is married to David Foster, she didn't grow up here and she's not in the acting world (other than being on this show). I don't see her as even "affiliated" with the industry. She didn't grow up in Hollywood or even in the U.S. so I can see how she'd think they were basically the same level of award, or just honestly confuse them. While she may have made sure to learn that he won 16 Grammys, won a Golden Globe, and was nominated for 3 Oscars, it doesn't bug me if she honestly confused one win with another, since she's simply not that bright or educated a person. And I certainly don't see David telling her, "Oh, this Golden Globe I won is a farce. It's not like I won an Oscar."

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