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Small Talk: Can I Steal You For a Minute?

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Edited by Lisin
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Oh dear God, why did I not know that fellow Newf Daniel is writing Bachelor recaps here? I thoroughly missed him this season on TWoP.  That tiny but significant hole in my heart has been filled! 

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I'm Tiiu and my favourite Bachelor was Bob. I also really liked Jake until he chose to propose to the hosebeast. Tenley Molzahn is also my fav female contestant ever. Obviously, I have no taste or shame when it comes to this show.

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Attention! Attention! I just heard about this show premiering tonight at 10:00 ET on We, Ex Isle. It sounds similar to Temptation Island, yet anyone who ever watched Temptation Island knows that's likely not possible. In addition to bringing in singles to date the exes, there's a couples therapist, so that alone will ensure it's not as good as Temptation Island. Yet, I'm going to give Ex Isle a chance. I figured my fellow Wrong Reasons Bachelor fans might be interested, too.

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Sorry JenE4, I gave it approx. 24 minutes, but then had to tap out.   The bimbos and meatheads just came off as such caricatures and manufactured characters, playing for the camera.  


But thanks for the suggestion, I'll always give these things a try! 

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Attention! Attention! I just heard about this show premiering tonight at 10:00 ET on We, Ex Isle. It sounds similar to Temptation Island, yet anyone who ever watched Temptation Island knows that's likely not possible. In addition to bringing in singles to date the exes, there's a couples therapist, so that alone will ensure it's not as good as Temptation Island. Yet, I'm going to give Ex Isle a chance. I figured my fellow Wrong Reasons Bachelor fans might be interested, too.

Oh I'm all in. I love this kind of terrible TV.

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BUMPING this because I was enjoying the convo about which Bs and B'ettes we thought were hot but totally understand why OnceSane asked us to get back on topic. 


So, since this is the place for OFF-topic convos ... was anyone in this thread around on TWOP during the general group TODD crush? (And the very bizarre fallout?) 

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BUMPING this because I was enjoying the convo about which Bs and B'ettes we thought were hot but totally understand why OnceSane asked us to get back on topic.

So, since this is the place for OFF-topic convos ... was anyone in this thread around on TWOP during the general group TODD crush? (And the very bizarre fallout?)

Who was Todd? Or is that an acronym rather than caps for emphasis, lol? I missed the middle seasons when the far superior VH-1 "of love" shows were on, so maybe he was in there.

Well, as was already covered, Arie was the "sex panther" choice who could maul me any time. Marquel was another favorite of mine; he was physically hot and his personality was adorable. Ames sort of looked like a fetus; however, his intellect and expansive vocabulary totally won me over. Then I tend to also like the semi-nerdy guys like Jason Mesnick, Frank on Ali's season, and...why am I forgetting his name...some other guy with glasses who everyone thought was cute... Grant, maybe? If he didn't have glasses, then that's not who I mean. My husband has glasses, so I guess that's my type.

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Who was Todd? Or is that an acronym rather than caps for emphasis, lol? I missed the middle seasons when the far superior VH-1 "of love" shows were on, so maybe he was in there.

Well, as was already covered, Arie was the "sex panther" choice who could maul me any time. Marquel was another favorite of mine; he was physically hot and his personality was adorable. Ames sort of looked like a fetus; however, his intellect and expansive vocabulary totally won me over. Then I tend to also like the semi-nerdy guys like Jason Mesnick, Frank on Ali's season, and...why am I forgetting his name...some other guy with glasses who everyone thought was cute... Grant, maybe? If he didn't have glasses, then that's not who I mean. My husband has glasses, so I guess that's my type.

I don't remember a Todd either. The "other cute guy with glasses" is Reid Rosenthal from Jillian's season. The all-time hottest guy IMO is Mickey from Ashley's season - the tall Irish chef with dark hair and blue eyes, who also occasionally wore glasses. He didn't have much screen time, so my crush on him is purely superficial.

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I started watching TB back when it started.  I was a lot younger then, and I think I was one of those "right reasons" viewers, which made me find the show gross and frustrating. So I quit for a long time, and only recently started watching it again.  Chris Soules's season.  (I know.)  I found myself just randomly watching the first episode, and it was hilarious.  So I kept watching, and discovered that I had become a wrong reasons viewer, and now the show was awesome and hysterical. 


That being said, I have never found anyone on this show attractive, but it sounds like I missed the ones who were, during my long Bachelor-verse hiatus. The massive stupidity that becomes apparent the moment they open their mouths kills it for me every time.

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NOTE!!! I have edited this because a few memory fixes came back to me ... as I mention below, I have some memory issues and am not as 110% reliant on it as I used to be, but sometimes going down other rabbit holes in my brain can fix errant ones and I was able to do that this morning when discussing something on a comment further down and clarified a few memories for me ... and so ...


Todd was not an acronym ... he was one of the bachelors on the Meredith-Ian (aka Meredian) season (I think S2 of the B'ette, back in 2004). And he was a cutie. 


Our B/B'ette board was quite active and we all got to know each other quite well (in fact, I believe a marriage which has lasted to this day evolved out of a friendship struck up in that thread between two members!!!) ...


One of the regulars ... well, the way I remember it and the way I interpreted it (and remember, it's been 12 years! And since then I've had a silent stroke and episodes of Transient Global Amnesia so I no longer completely trust my memory like I used to!!!) ... she felt bad for broken-hearted (CUTE) (SINGLE) Todd ... we knew basically where he lived or the general vicinity ... and I think she found a way to get in touch with him via e-mail maybe? Anyway, they started corresponding ... again, this is 12 years later, so I may not be remembering it right but if there are TWOPpers who were part of that clique they may remember better than I do ... and then actually in real life got together (I don't know details). At least, this is how I remember it ... I believe there was some traveling involved (her to wherever he was) ... reading what I am going to link here, it's possible that he is very much soft-pedaling what happened, and it's also possible that she exaggerated it. I have no idea. I believe it ended badly and quickly. 


So, scroll down to the question about internet and message boards ...




Is it really possible I am the only remaining existing member of that crew? It was a wonderful group. When I took my daughter up to Toronto to celebrate her 14th birthday, I even got together with the Canadian contingent and we all went shopping at Lush together!!!

Edited by PamelaMaeSnap
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That's amazing, Pamela. I was on TWOP back then, but was never active on The Bachelor board. None of my regular hangs were ever that cozy, although Elise Sewell used to post in the ANTM board, which was pretty great.

My user name is the same from my TWOP days. I was all about Idol, SYTYCD, and ANTM back then (ANTM mostly because I loved Potes's recaps).

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I loved Brad 1.0. He was hot, and I LOVED that he did not choose either finalist. However, he did directly contribute to inflicting Deanna on us. Worst bachelorette ever...breaks my heart.

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Wow, Pamela! That's some juicy stuff! I guess that was when both reality TV and social media were pretty new. (Well, maybe RTV was around a while but SM was newish.) So I guess the "stars" weren't SM savvy enough to know how to interact with the "fans." Could you imagine someone today doing that? They'd be arrested for stalking.

I didn't watch that season, but people still talk about Meredith to this day, so I feel like I missed out. I think I joined TWOP during Ashley's season, but I did see many seasons between the two. I didn't see: Ian, Meredith, Byron, Jesse, Brad 1.0...and I guess anyone else in and around that era. I think before that the show was very Right Reasons so I bailed for the Wrong Reasons VH-1 "of love" shows. But then one contestant has to go pull a murder-suicide (after going on the lam), and it ruined a television era! (I would pay money to see the rest of that season of Megan Wants a Millionaire. I bet that guy won.) But then I heard Bachelor/ette went Wrong Reasons to compete with VH-1, so I was back. Hmm. Maybe I came back for Charlie O'Connell's season, which was so Wrong Reasons it was skeevy. And I haven't used the word "skeevy" since 1991, but no other word could describe my reactions to the body shots during group dates. And that's when I knew the Bachelor/ette had become the new VH-1, and I never looked back!

Edited by JenE4
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I posted under another name in the TWOP days but it's not really a secret, I just felt it was time to change things up ... I was Jazzie Cazzie and I don't think I was ever banned or even put in a timeout (okay, some of us on the Showbiz Moms and Dads thread may have gotten a timeout).  Now, the SBMD thread was the best ... thread ... ever (though Glark might disagree). 


But the B/B'ette, we had our own hot tub which was fun. And I think we crossed over to dip our toes on another similar show ... OMG MEMORY FLASH ... the flowers that were sent weren't to Todd (though there was communication and traveling and at least one date) ... the flowers were sent to one of the female broken-hearted cast members on ... Paradise something ... Paradise Hotel? It wasn't Temptation Island ... but the shows may have been around the same time ... it was sort of a precursor to Bachelor in Paradise ... anyone? Bueller? The same group of posters obsessively followed both shows (I'll go edit the thing about Todd and flowers now that I am remember this.)

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I think we may have snarked unfairly on "chicken enthusiast" Tiara. I just watched the first DWTS episode of the new season, in which Von Miller - football player with the Denver Broncos - said he had a degree in poultry science and loves chickens. I didn't even known there was such a degree! Maybe Tiara has one too, and TPTB decided to turn it into "chicken enthusiast".

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Attention Wrong Reasons Watchers: 

VH-1 has a "Rock of Love" marathon on right now! I can't watch it now because my 8-year-old is here, but I'm recording it and can't wait to relive old times.

Edited to add:

Then on Thurs-Fri "Flavor of Love" and on Sat-Sun "I Love New York"!! Whoo-hoo! If you missed these classics back in the day, I highly recommend DVRing. There are a few years that I missed Bachelor/ette because these VH-1 shows were just SO much better for a Wrong Reasons watcher that I didn't even bother with Bachelor/ette. And I only came back when that genre was killed on VH-1. (And I mean the shows were figuratively killed when a contestant literally killed someone and himself after filming and while the show was airing!!! I still think Megan picked that "millionaire"!) I think that might be why Bachelor/ette turned Wrong Reasons to compete with those shows, and I also think "Bachelor Pad" (precursor to "Bachelor in Paradise") was created as a rip off to "I Love Money." Granted, I think Trista was the first spin-off, but VH-1 really knew how to take the most interesting character and make them a star in spin-offs that just got better and better. I would watch ALL of those VH-1 shows again. 

Edited by JenE4
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On 2/7/2017 at 2:17 PM, chocolatine said:

Watching the White House press conference right now, and Sean Spicer is referring to people coming to America "for the right reasons". He must be a closet Bachelor watcher.

America is the perfect place to fall in love...

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On 3/18/2016 at 11:32 PM, TVGlow said:

I loved Brad 1.0. He was hot, and I LOVED that he did not choose either finalist. However, he did directly contribute to inflicting Deanna on us. Worst bachelorette ever...breaks my heart.

OMG Deanna was brutal......I remember she was calling the ducks "bad brad" lol.

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I don't know about all of you, but I am going to be going through some serious Bachelor withdrawal over the next few months!

Good news is that my friend just gave me a Bachelor Coloring Book she created for Etsy. It is hilarious and is sure to fill the time while we have to wait for Ari to grace us with his presence in Jan.

If you want a good laugh, you can get it here:

https://www.etsy.com/listing/543633906/the-bachelor-bachelorette-tv-show?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=bachelor coloring book&ref=sr_gallery_7

Fingers crossed Ari's season is more interesting than Rachel's!



Edited by Sptembergurl
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On 9/15/2017 at 6:58 PM, nlkm9 said:

OMG that coloring book is hilarious!!!

Thanks for the compliment! My friend says she is getting really positive feedback on it. People think it's a real hoot. A great Xmas pressie for bachelor fans perhaps?

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Although it seems like they only write/talk about old shows looooong off the air now? Home page leads off with “Little House on the Prairie” followed by a long chain of 90210s. WTH? Did they let the writing staff go? I really loved Jeff Drake’s Bachelor franchise recaps. I was hoping he’d be back on assignment this season.

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They seem to be obsessed with 90210 and Veronica Mars. I don't get it. I miss the recaps of shows currently on the air. I loved the snark. It was a great way to pass my lunch break at work. I even read the ones for shows I had just watched, just to catch the recappers witty take on the ep. I have zero interest in watching podcasts. Maybe I'm just old now, but I liked reading. 

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Attention Wrong Reasons Viewers:

Have I got a show for you!  Ex on the Beach…the US version.  MTV UK has a version currently airing its eighth season, but now we get our own!  I've already requested a forum so I hope to see y'all over there once it's created.


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I’m in! This is just like “Ex Isle” where Whabooom got his start. I think I was one of 3 people to watch that show, lol.

Edited by JenE4
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6 hours ago, JenE4 said:

I’m in! This is just like “Ex Isle” where Whabooom got his start. I think I was one of 3 people to watch that show, lol.

I was one of them too.  The UK version is trashtastic, so I'm hoping for the best/worst!

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I’m not sure where to discuss this because it’s about Colton but not related to an episode, Bachelor media, or a spoiler. Since it’s somewhat off topic, I think this is the right place. I want to retract my earlier statements that Colton is likely gay since “football” was his reason for being a virgin. By “football” it seems that he meant toxic masculinity  being the pressure of him thinking he needed to act a certain way. And mea culpa that by assuming that I was adding onto the toxic masculinity culture. If someone could just help him articulate a bit better, he could really raise a platform on that dysfunctional pressure boys feel. I think i’ve come full circle on Colton. Usually I go into a show liking the lead and then end up disliking them, but so far it’s the opposite for Colton. 

Edited by JenE4
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I think Colton is a good guy, he's just really, really dim. Toxic masculinity/expectation of acting like a testosterone driven slut are good reasons to abstain. Honestly, "I just don't want to" should have been enough reason for him to not have sex. But we do have an expectation, and yeah, a lot of us (including me) feel into  the expectation that since he's a 20-something, good looking, athletic guy he should want to be having sex with women and if he's not there must be some secret reason behind it other than, he actually wants to wait for someone special not because he's afraid God will spite him but simply because he actually wants to wait for the right person. 

He's not my type at all but he does seem like a decent guy. I am worried that this franchise is going to eat him up and spit him out though. He doesn't quite come off as savvy enough to navigate the vultures who will want to destroy anything good about him for their own gain. 

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He does make a good bachelor and does seem to have more self awareness than bachelors before him. I don't see him lasting with the person he ends up with at this end of this, but it is nice to see him stay classy throughout the experience. I still think something about him is too good to be true, but that's just my pessimistic side coming out lol.

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On 2/11/2019 at 4:13 PM, JenE4 said:

Attention Wrong Reasons watchers: If you’re not aware, Temptation Island is back! Yes, that Temptation Island. It’s apparently been on for a month, but I just caught up—USA network, Tuesday nights. The previously.tv forum is under “other  competitive reality shows.”

BTW Tomorrow morning on Bravo they are running all the previous episodes... I'm just confused why they are labeling this Season One?

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3 hours ago, Wandering Snark said:

BTW Tomorrow morning on Bravo they are running all the previous episodes... I'm just confused why they are labeling this Season One?

Because it's a reboot.  The show is called Temptation Island (2019) and its show thread is here.

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7 minutes ago, JenE4 said:

Where are we chatting about Bachelor: Listen to Your Heart? I don’t think it’s really “big enough” of a show to request a forum. Topic here?

I've been looking for it for the last few days with no luck. If BIP can have it's own forum, this can too, right? But I'm not bold enough to start one.

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5 minutes ago, Angeleyes said:

I just found out that a girl named Ruby Jane who is originally from my hometown in MS will be on the Listen to Your Heart show. She’s been a musician since she was a kid. 

I'm watching now. The first few people were introduced but those who came in later, we might see their name or hear their name. As always, this show highlights some and not others. But good news for Ruby Jane, all the women stay but four men go home. Surprisingly, Sheridan with the beard, hat and long hair, is quite good looking once I get past all the ... stuff on his face. I'm already not liking the "handsome" guy who is macking on Julia. Ugh.

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